Mary BEFORE Martha - Sitting before Serving | Corey Russell

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I believe with all my heart that God is  in the business right now of raising up   praying churches across the earth let me  tell you what I told the first service   the days of sunday-only christianity  are over that's going to be disruptive do you know Jesus began his  ministry and he ended his ministry   by cleansing the temple in Jerusalem He began  it in John 2 and the disciples said my goodness   Jesus looks like His grandfather David  zeal for your house has eaten me up   and then in Matthew 21 at the end of His  ministry when they're waving the palm branches   and they go Hosanna to the Son of David he comes  in as the Son of David, He cleanses the temple   and it says the blind and the lame came to  Him in the temple and He healed them there   see I believe that the zeal of Jesus  is being restored again in His people   and this is going to be very disruptive because  it's going to remove all of the stuff that has   stood in the way between God and intimacy with  His people it's going to be disruptive because   it's going to expose leaders that have stood in  the way way too long and built things around them   that have built it around their personality  that have built it around their gifting   God's raising up friends of the Bridegroom in  this hour who are going to introduce the Bride to   the Bridegroom and learn how to get out of the way  who are going to connect a generation to their God   that's the kind of leadership that God  is raising up. I want you to turn to Luke   11. And I want you guys to pull on this  you can turn that back, let's go again all right good, good we are in the middle of  a great shift in the earth,, the earth is in   transition 2020 was the great statement i want  to say this to you we're never going back to   life as we knew it before we've you know I want  to get rid of the mask and I want a lot of things   to go back to normal but there are  certain things that I believe that   will never go back because we're entering  into a new season and hear me Jesus called   this in Matthew 24 how many mamas in here  had babies come on I've set by four births   and when you try to we've sent by four births I  have three beautiful daughters i have a son who's   in heaven and and we and I sit by four births  and we sit there and those contraction seasons   when those contractions begin to set in  they're wide at first but they're quicker   and quicker and quicker leading to the  full birth, and Jesus likens the end times   to the to the contractions and the birth pains  that come upon women in giving birth to children   and He says birth pangs are going to come  upon the whole earth and it's going to   culminate with the great birth which is the  return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ   it's going to birth in a New Age it's going to  birth in a the kingdom of god in the earth the   earth is being prepared right now and the  Church is entering into a wine skin shift   we are in the midst of a wine skin shift and  what it's going to prepare for is the greatest   outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the earth  has ever seen we are going to see Acts chapter 2   Holy Spirit poured out on all flesh sons and  daughters prophesy young and old men and women   blood, fire, vapor of smoke sun in the darkness  moon in the blood before the coming of the   great and awesome day of the lord god's going  to release a great outpouring before His coming   but you need to understand I want to tell you  a billion soul harvest a billion soul harvest   hundreds of millions of new converts flowing  into the Kingdom the Power of God hitting   whole regions as whole regions come underneath the  manifest presence of God the Spirit of conviction   rests on a whole city to where there cannot be  one human trafficking ring not one pedophilia   ring not one human truck, not one prostitution  ring, no drug trafficking through this region   because of the manifest Spirit of Conviction  that's what's in my heart i'm not talking   about good services I'm talking about regional  and national takeovers of the Spirit of God but you must understand that when revival  really comes it's going to disrupt everything   a lot of it says we get revival  church won't be as boring   you got to understand that when real revival  breaks in it disrupts all the systems Ephesus wanted to kill Paul what revival does  is it removes the gray areas in the heart of man   and it becomes extreme love for  God and extreme hatred for God and there's a mystery called the  mystery of iniquity where men   love darkness in the face of blinding light and we are going to see great  rage of Satan the sin of man   the judgments of God as God prepares the earth  to bring forth the Bride that will come forth   out of this in full partnership with Jesus and  we will see the breaking in of the Kingdom of God and what is God doing right now i'm  letting you know where we're going it's   important that you understand where this is going  are you with me this morning, well then talk to me okay you can talk to me right now we're in the  middle of a shift where god's bringing us back   to Apostolic foundations He's bringing  us back to Apostolic foundations   Apostolic foundations of God's  the first one that we minister to   God's God's we minister to God before the poor we  minister to God before the lost, we minister to God   before the sick everybody gets ministered  to but God God's the last one in the room   and yet that's the Apostolic foundation is first  commandment first place loving God with all of our   heart all of our soul, all of our mind, and all  of our strength and the second is the overflow   of the first and we just assume because  we're at church the first is in first place   the usually the first is about tenth place  but it's all changing, it's all changing   and what's happening God's restoring gardens at  the heart of His Church do you know the first   thing that God did after creating Adam  in the garden Adam he planted a garden   and he put Adam in the garden and  he says Adam this will be the place   that I will come meet with you, the Lord  will first build the place of encounter   and that will become the place from where man  rules in the earth, God is planting gardens back   at the heart of the Church because Jesus  did not die for 45 minutes and 20 bucks so we could live the other six days and 23 hours  of our weeks disconnected Jesus died to rend veils   He died to bring us who were afar off into deep  intimacy with Him, I quoted a verse in the first   chapter in the first service out of Isaiah 56  where God invites the sons of the foreigner   I want to tell you something about God He's  issuing an invitation for everyone to come to   Him in the place of prayer and if you're really  messed up i'm talking about really jacked up you   especially qualify if you can't believe some of  the things you did in 2020 you especially qualify   there is a royal red carpet being laid  out to all of us in this hour and the   Father saying "kids it's time to come on home " the Father's House is the House of Prayer Father is always running out He'll run out to  younger sons who have been in Vegas partying   and then He'll run out to older sons who  have been in seminary trying to be perfect and the Father's inviting all of us into the  house i can hear the Holy Spirit saying "kids   it's getting late it's time to come on in" most of  us are living in the front yard of christianity you're made to live from within the house we're in the middle of a great shift even them  I will bring to My Holy Mountain and I will make   them joyful in my House of Prayer I'm here to  tell you that joy is going to fill His House I want you to look with me in Luke 11. Let's go let's just go ahead and skip up to verse  36 of chapter 10 before we look at it   let's go ahead and stop that "Holy  Spirit we ask you to help us right now I want to connect Luke 10:36  and then we'll go into Luke 11.   the short of the story is this Jesus  comes into a town called Bethany   it's about a little bit south of Jerusalem Jesus  is going to come into Bethany and there's going   to be two sisters, one's name's Martha and the  other one's name is Mary, Jesus comes in hungry   and Martha immediately begins to prepare a meal  for Jesus and the disciples and it says this,   verse in Luke 10:39 it says but she had a sister  let's read this in Luke 10. I want you to see this   it says now it happened as they were they entered  a certain village and a certain woman named Martha   welcomed him into her house and she had a sister  called Mary here it is who she had a sister called   Mary who sat at Jesus's feet and heard His word  but Martha was distracted with much serving and she looked at Jesus and she said "Lord  don't you care that my sister has left me   to serve alone? Tell her to help me!" And Jesus  says "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled   about many things but one thing is  needed" And Mary has chosen that good part   which will not be taken away from  her here's the moral of the story learning how not to miss the window of opportunity  learning how to take advantage of the moment   the majority of believers in this hour are bound  and we worship the god of busyness the god of   distraction the god of anxiety and we are so  busy running around around the stuff around Jesus   that we now actually never sit at His feet and  encounter Him I'm talking about services like this   I'm talking about the machine of ministry busyness  in the church and we're busy and we're blessing   and we're changing the earth we're changing  Zoom we're changing Facebook and Youtube   we're changing the world yet we're so busy  around Him we're not actually looking at Him we're not actually connecting to His  heart and letting Him transform us   and Mary does the most revolutionary  thing in the world and I believe Mary   is a prophetic sign of the Church in this hour  can you come out of the swirl around Jesus   and find yourself at his feet with a bible open  your mouth closed and you hearing his words have you learned how to sit down  shut up and let Him talk first   have you learned to prioritize a time and a  place that no devil in hell can talk you out   of no amount of money or opportunity can get you  out of no amount of mistreatment or betrayal can   get you out of but that it's the holiest moment  of your day is at His feet and hearing His Word I'm here to tell you and I want to just prepare  you for this I'm going to say it to you I'm   going to say it to you I'm going to say it to me  the devil will let us get lots of big churches   the devil will let lots of big things  going on you want to put hell on notice   find yourself on your knees with a  certain time allotted to God every day   and nothing talks you out of it and do show  up there for the next two decades every day that's what will put hell on notice she sat at his feet and she heard his word   and this is what happens Mary made  setting at Jesus's feet her primary reward if you make what you do for Jesus your primary  reward hear this I'm about to prophesy to some   of y'all it's not about Mary versus Martha we need  both I need sandwiches somebody just made a real   nice cheesecake upstairs I loved it we just had  a bunch of Mary's sitting around praying all the   time I would not enjoyed that so thank you thank  you it's not about Mary versus Martha it's about   Mary before Martha you're not hearing me this  morning can y'all talk to me can y'all talk to me I'm not going to just endure  you for the next 30 minutes it's not about Mary versus Martha it's about Mary  before Martha that your primary your primary source   of identity is not what you do for God it's  not what you do for God it's who you are to God and if you don't settle that if you  don't settle that your primary calling Bible open, heart open, no videos on you   nobody watching and nobody caring and you fall  madly in love with Him away from the eyes of men   if you make that your primary reward and the  words that come out of His mouth you're definer God will begin to birth works out of you  that will change the world all around you but if you don't learn that spot first hear  me you'll turn into making what you do for God   your primary reward and you'll always feel  like you're getting the short end of the stick   the leader will never recognize you  like you think you need to be recognized   you'll begin to get angry saying look at  how much I've done look at how much I've   served nobody's done any of this I'm here  before everybody I'm here after everybody   see this is the thing about Martha she's aware of  Mary and she begins to question Jesus's fairness   "Jesus You're not fair, I'm working  my tail off for You don't You care?" see this is the thing about Mary  when you make Him your primary reward   you're unaware of everything else and  works flow out of you and you're not   looking for Jesus to pay you back because  He's your payment His words is your reward a Martha a true Martha that has  come through the door of Mary   can work for decades with nobody paying attention  nobody noticing and nobody patting you on the back   and you walking around with a glad spirit because  i don't get my reward from vlad noticing me   I don't get my reward from Lana noticing me or  that life group leader noticing me or for them   seeing what I've done my reward is Him and what He  says over me that's the shift and when God's words   become the loudest and become the definer of your  life you can serve for decades with a glad Spirit   and you come out of the swirl of distraction the swirl of anxiety and the swirl of busyness and the majority of the church we love meetings  we don't really know what to do with him   when it's me and him alone a bible i  barely know and a god i barely know   and I've got to go on the journey of boredom  and dealing with my boredom with God alone and we are all going on that  journey what do I do what do I say well i think it begins with you not talking i'm about to give you your first  lesson in prayer god talks first does anybody like being in here with  somebody who just talks all the time   husbands keep your hands down,  wives keep your hands down what what relationship is  there when one person owns 99   of the conversation is not monologue, it's dialogue and it begins with the words you've heard  and Mary did the most revolutionary thing   I refuse to miss this moment the Son of God  is in my house the Son of God's in my house let's fast forward I wasn't going into this I was  going to do Luke 11, get my teachers to pray book   it's it'll change your life fast forward the  next time we see Mary and Martha where was it   it was John 11. The death of their brother  Lazarus, okay this is amazing, John 11 the report   gets to Jesus Jesus loved these guys report  gets to Jesus your friend Lazarus is sick   okay and it says in John 11 that Jesus loved  them and he says this sickness is not unto   death but it's for the glory of God and it says  now Jesus loved them so He stayed where He was   two more days if you loved them Jesus why  didn't you translate to Bethany and heal him what is it about Jesus knowing that Him not  getting there in time is going to let Lazarus die so Jesus tells us what He's going to do  from the beginning but he lets the story   play out and He's going to let realities  come forth out of Mary and Martha's heart   that I believe are connected to the Luke 10 season and because Martha did not learn   to find the glory of the moment when Jesus was  in her home she lived constantly by the swirl   whatever the recent circumstance  was is where her emotions were   whatever crisis was going on in her life she just  lives from crisis to crisis to the kids to house   to money to this to that and he lived by the swirl  and when crisis hit their life and and they know   Jesus got the letter but Jesus let Him die and  now what you're going to do about that girls   that's the furnace have you ever cried out to God  for something and the thing you wanted the most   died the breakthrough you needed from God  died it didn't look like what you thought   it was gonna look like and Jesus shows up  in John 11 four days late what happens when   Jesus is four days late now we all know He's  not late it's perfect timing but He's late he's lights what happened in the heart it says in john  11 that martha's pacing and i just see her   pacing in the room where's he at he said he's  going to be here i know he got the letter he   should have gotten here on time but He  says this Mary was sitting in the house   Mary's setting again Martha's pacing and it  says this that as soon as Martha heard so now   Jesus has come into Bethany He's on the outside  of Bethany and it says as soon as Martha heard   that Jesus was at Bethany she banged she left she  runs to Jesus and she looks him right in the face   standing up and looking at Him "Lord if you'd  have been here my brother wouldn't have died."  now get a hold of this but I know that whatever  you ask God God will give you okay you're going   to see Martha say same phrase twice and it's the  phrase I know whenever someone tells you they know   they don't know she quickly this is the thing that  happens in the delay anybody ever been in a delay   a delay of promise a delay of the breakthrough  what do you do in the delay there's two responses   we see with Martha and Mary Martha's is you can go  into plastic buzzwords plastic phrases but you're   actually disconnecting from it in your heart  sometimes we can use lots of great confessions   but our hearts are disengaged because of  the pain of having to deal with the delay some of y'all haven't walked  with the Lord yet it's coming she says I know you can ask God  whatever He wants and He'll give it   to you I love Jesus He just stone cold  He goes your brother will rise again I know she says it again I know he'll rise  again at the resurrection at the last day   she has right theology about  the resurrection of the dead   she knows there's a future day when the dead and  christ are going to rise first she knows it jesus   stone cold just looks in the face saying  honey i am the resurrection and the life resurrection isn't just coming resurrections here   and i'm looking for you to get out of all  your little buzzwords and plastic phrases   and I'm looking for real faith that pulls  on my heart to pull me into this storyline   you want to do theologizing I'm looking for faith He says I am the Resurrection and the Life, He who  believes in Me though He die He will live, do you   believe this yes Lord I believe that You're the  Christ the Son of God okay it stops right there   Martha runs back into the city and she grabs Mary  and it says Mary was sitting in the house there's   Mary always sitting and she says the Master has  come and He's looking for you now we don't see   Jesus asking for Mary I think Martha hit a wall  saying all of my you know theologizing and all my   nice talking isn't getting us anywhere which means  this Jesus is looking in the face saying honey   you really missed Luke 10 why don't you  go back and learn how to sit before me why don't you go learn the secret Mary  learned I get a hold of this she goes and   she gets married Mary runs out to the very same  spot and says the exact same phrase as Martha   Lord but check this out check this out Mary  said it from here and she's gonna say it   with tears in her eyes and do you know you can  say the same phrase from two different places   one can be actually an accusation against God   the other one can be a statement of faith  that doesn't understand what's going on and mary refused to get  out of the tension of god i   know who you are but i don't  understand why my brother's dead it says that she fell down at his  feet she's weeping and she says lord   if you'd have been here my  brother would not have died how did jesus respond to  that he groaned in the spirit we're getting in Holy ground here when you  start pulling a groan out of God i want to   tell you something you can pull a groan out of  God you can stir up the bowels of his compassion   the bowels of his love and the bowels of his  power not by just having all the right phrases he groaned in the Spirit what did that look like   for Jesus to groan and He  goes where have you laid Him where is He at they go come and see and then we  see the longest verse in the Bible 'Jesus wept' now we laugh about it and it's called the  shortest verse of the bible but i believe   it was the holiest moment and i  believe it was closer to the 30 minutes   because with Jesus surrounded by skeptics,  critics disciples loved ones strangers   around the world everyone surrounding Him  a storm came out of the Son of God's eyes a storm of tears what does that say  about God that God weeps why didn't   Jesus just translate to the resurrection of  Lazarus why did he get down into the valley   looking for something to bring forth up into  the resurrection season jesus wept he wept with   His friends He wept He felt it wasn't just some  robotic thing to Him He was actually connected to   the storyline of His friends and to the storyline  of Mary and it cut Him it caught Him Jesus wept He is the vulnerable God He's the God who weeps  with us to feel us but the tears are going to   become the seedbed of resurrection the tears  are going to become the seedbed of resurrection Jesus wept I could talk on that I could  literally do a message on that verse and now He gets done weeping and everybody has  their commentary about what He's doing look at   how much he loved him other people  said why didn't he get here earlier   everybody's got commentary and then Jesus starts  He dries His tears still groaning in the Spirit   and He comes to the tomb He says roll away  the stone and then Martha get a hold of this   now we get to see faith-filled  Martha come up to the front because this is what happens in the luke 10 when  you learn how to wait everybody say learn how to   wait we live in a Mcdonald's drive-through  convenience driven generation and Mary   learned how to wait in the waiting room to get  called into the doctor's office Martha tried to   storm into the doctor's office and she  didn't have equity in the waiting room hear me He says roll away the stone Martha  goes Jesus He stinks by now I thought you had   lots of big phrases earlier honey actually I don't  believe I'm just hiding behind all my Bible verses I'm just hiding behind my bumper stickers  because I actually don't believe you He goes didn't I tell you that if you would  believe you would see the Glory of God they rolled the way to stone and He  goes Lazarus it says He goes first   He goes Father I thank You that You hear Me You  always hear Me and then He said Lazarus come forth   and a man who had been dead for  four days walks out of a tomb because jesus said lazarus come forth that was the second time you know  what it says in in john 11 i love this it says in john 11 it was talking about the lineup  lazarus martha and it says and it was that mary   who anointed Jesus with His with her fragrant  oil do you know oil gets produced in the crushing you know oil gets produced in the crushing she gains something in god right there  let's fast forward to the third time   this is why I love Mary of Bethany turn  with me to Mark 14. Are you all okay? Mark 14. We're now going to see the last time I'm  here you know why I love Mary, people ask me all   the time who's your hero in the bible outside  of jesus of course i go it's mary of bethany that little girl is my hero every time we see her Jesus is defending her we were singing earlier   this is how I fight my battles I don't know about  you but I want to get Jesus fighting my battles if you see this is the thing mary only said one  phrase in scripture lord if you'd have been here   my brother wouldn't have died in Luke 10 all  she did was look at Jesus and listen to Him   and He fought her battles and then He's going  to fight her battles in the last encounter   it's Mark 14 it's about two days before  Jesus is gonna be crucified it's passion week   and Jerusalem is hostile Jerusalem is weighing on  Jesus's soul and he goes I gotta get out of here   these jokers are making me sick He goes it's too  hectic in Jerusalem He goes to Bethany and He's   sitting at the house of Simon the leper in Mark  14. And it says that a woman came y'all with me it says that a woman came having an alabaster  flask of very costly oil of spikenard then she   came and she broke the flask and she poured  it upon his head but there were some who were   indignant among themselves we know that these were  disciples and they go why was this fragrant oil   wasted it could have been sold and given to the  poor and they began to criticize her sharply   Jesus breaks in and fights her battles it  says leave her alone why do you trouble her   she has done a good work for me he goes you  always have the poor but you don't always have me   she has come beforehand to anoint My Body for  burial assuredly I say to you wherever this   gospel is preached in the whole world what this  woman has done will be told as a memorial to her   Jesus fought her battles   most scholars believe that that costly oil  was worth around thirty thousand dollars some scholars have said this would  have been her parents inheritance to   her that would speak of her future livelihood  and care and comfort for her future this girl breaks into a room  she's breaking 10 social protocols   she breaks into the room she breaks the flask  and she begins to pour it all over Jesus's head   down His body all over His body  and she begins to lather Him   in this oil this costly oil and as soon as  she does all the disciples start manifesting all the disciples the disciples who were  jockeying over who's going to sit at His   right who's going to sit at his left who's going  to be the greatest in the kingdom who's going   to be the girl and she says I could care less  about any of that stuff the Son of God is here   and I want to love Him with  my life don't give me plastics she breaks through the noise and the chaos  around Jesus and she takes her whole future   and she breaks it over Jesus costly  sacrifice costly love costly worship ever the church religious will always  look at something and call it a waste   what a waste you know what you  could have done with that money   some of you look at your skill sets and  you want to spend more time in prayer   you know what you could do  with that gifting and skill set people look at your life like a waste you  could have done more you could have given   more you could have had more what a waste  what a waste what a waste you're going to   waste your life on something do you know  when you stand before jesus one of these   days He's going to ask you a simple  question "Where did you waste your life?" because it's going to be poured out somewhere they criticized her sharply the religious spirit will always criticize extravagant worship and love and jesus looks them in the face he's just sitting  there and they just take their shots at her   and then Jesus speaks and  He asks the core question   what is it about what she's done  that's causing you to manifest why are you troubling her what she's done is good work leave her alone and then Jesus says this none of  you guys can get it through your skulls that I'm   actually going to die because you're waiting for  a messiah that's going to kill rome and establish   Israel as chief among the nations I've been  telling you jokers for six months I'm gonna die   and none of y'all can get it through your  thick skulls she's anointed my body for burial she's prepared me for the thing that none  of y'all can understand which means this   not only was she moving in extravagant love  she was moving in revelation yeah come on she was moving in revelation of the offensive  nature of the messiah a suffering Messiah   a suffering Messiah no jew could get  their heads around that mentality   a suffering messiah messiahs don't  suffer they inflict suffering and she said not only do i love  you and i see how you're coming   i'm going to take my life and  prepare you for it and he goes what this woman has done will  be told as a memorial to her do you know what that tells me that little Acts  in this age do you know that in the book of Acts   they're going to give a lot more money than her  they're going to be a lot more gifts a lot more   money that's going to flow in but this is the  thing about mary she did it before it was popular   she saw him before everybody else did   and there's something about getting in  on a stock when it's two cents a share I don't know about you but Jesus said  this wherever this gospel is preached   you know what He's saying guys you know we'll  never hear another word about Mary Bethany   she'll never have a healing ministry an  apostolic ministry will never hear of her   doing one more thing in scripture but she  got something even greater Jesus said guys   you're going to go preach the gospel and all  the earth and when you proclaim jesus came   died resurrected is coming again  when you proclaim that people go   well what does a life look like that's  been impacted by the gospel tell this story tell this story because to a person  who has been impacted by the gospel   they give it all they waste it all it's  the wasted life at the feet of jesus this is the thing I love about Mary you may   never be known some of you might  have 10 followers on instagram you can be absolutely not known in this age  and you can get an eternal memorial in heaven   little Acts choices that you make with  your life can live forever in heaven   it's not about the man of god on the  stage or that big anointed person   but it's about sacrificial love in silence  in weakness in quiet when nobody sees it   that's the stuff that moves heaven  that's the stuff that moves heaven   He's delivering us from stages and He's  awakening the power of a sacrificial life I want to invite you all to stand right now that's what i'm going after  god i want the memorial I want a life that screams forever i didn't mean to  go into this this morning i believe the   Holy Spirit took me here I haven't preached  this message in probably six to nine months and I wasn't modestly thinking  about it until i got into this which means i believe this was for you you've got to learn how to do Luke 10 that will prepare you for hours of delay that will  produce the oil that you will pour at His feet it all begins with a little girl that  nobody knew about that moved the son of god   i've told Jesus I want to be your  Bethany i want to be your getaway Jesus   I want to be your Mary scholars say that that oil Jesus  would have still been smelling it   on His body when He was on the cross   just open up your hands I just want to pray  for the revelation of the beauty of this man whatever everybody has alabaster  flask a very costly oil you have a little flask and the lord's saying   want that i just get lost in me god i pray right  now for the revelation of the worth of jesus   for the revelation of the value of Jesus i pray  God that you would teach us how to do Luke 10.   God I'll confess that God I get so busy so  distracted so anxious i live crisis to crisis   i'm waiting for the next text or the next  email or the next post on social media   and i get distracted Jesus help me come out of  the swirl of distraction i want to hear your word   i didn't have time to go into it i'll do it next  time but in luke 11 jesus it was jesus's life of   one thing that produced the disciples to ask him  teach us to pray they were watching him do it   i want to be a man of one thing Lord told me  this if you go after one thing you get everything   but if you go after everything you get nothing
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 8,536
Rating: 4.9538107 out of 5
Keywords: pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, intimacy with holy spirit, relationship with Holy Spirit, healing miracles supernatural today, worship, crazy deliverances, upperroom, corey russell, corey russell upper room, upperroom dallas, praying, prayer, praying church, praying sermon, Jesus Christ, sermon prayer, prayer sermon, church sermon, online church, church online, Christianity, mary and martha, mary before martha, mary of bethany
Id: ajRQqz9E2Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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