Releasing The Spirit of Prayer | Guest Speaker - Corey Russell

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thank you we receive you we're looking forward to a deposit ladies and gentlemen Cory Russell my goodness yeah I love that chapter it was 2002 and I was in a season of getting marked with the Book of Jeremiah and and I was always I'd studied revival history and you hear these intercessors who stayed up all night just groaning an intercession and revival to break out and I'm like God I want to be one of those intercessors that stay up with you all night there was only one problem I slept like a rock I would sleep like a rock and it didn't matter I was the kind of guy somebody could break into the house steal everything and my wives just shaking me the old what about Bob just shaking you finally and and I remember the Holy Spirit the Lord waking me up one night you know I've only had a few days but I woke up and I'm sitting on my side of the bed and the Lord just looks at me and he says get up I want you to be with me and and I'm sitting there I know it's the Lord who just I want to hear how you are in your encounter I wake up and I'm just literally knowing it's the Lord looking at me saying get up and be with me but I look at him and say I don't want to god I'm tired so I go back to sleep I go back to sleep Rob about ten minutes later he wakes me back up he says Corey get up and be with me and I said Lord I want to but I'm so tired boom back out again third time now when the Lord wakes you up a third time he pulls out the big verse and he says this can you not tarry with me one hour he pulled the verse out on me what he told the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane and he said that when I said all right Lord you pulled that one out I'm up I'm up and I remember we were waiting on my second daughter I have three daughters and we you know I was just marked with the Book of Jeremiah we already had a room ready I thought it was a boy cuz I got marked with the Book of Jeremiah two ultrasounds couldn't tell what he or she was but I was bold as out and then March 4 2003 comes and out comes a girl and so what we did is we knocked off JIRA named her Maya that's her name I adjust Asst I said that spirits on that kid and it is she's 15 an anointed prophetic worship leader it's beautiful anyway so I get up and and I remember I go into her room she's just about to be born and I'm sitting there with my notepad I said alright Lord you wait this intercessor up there must be some big stuff going on in the nations there must be some big stuff going in the nation tell me Lord what's going on and I just start falling asleep again I start falling asleep and the next thing I know I went back to my bed fell asleep welcome the next morning so angry at myself you had your big chance to be with him and you're sleeping you're such a bum you're such a complacent one why can't you be with him and I'm in the prayer room and I'm just angry I feel ashamed of myself and I go up to a friend of mine I said please help me understand what just happened I said the Lord did did all this to me I said what was he doing I never got anything I was looking for information and she looked at me and smile and she goes he wasn't wanting to do anything with you he just wanted you to be up with him he calls you a friend Corey he sees you as a friend and the Bible says that a friend loves at all times and that in the same way in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus wanted those disciples to be up with him and they didn't add anything to the equation think about that Peter James and John they're over there fighting over who's the greatest they're about to deny him forsake him leave him Jesus knowing all their issues says I still want you to be up with you there's something about you being up in this hour that brings comfort to my heart and for the first time my ideas of intercession shifted from me what I'm going to do for him into oh my goodness he calls me a friend and he just wants me to be up with him that revolutionized my prayer life so I just gave you one chapter for free right there that's that one no God that's what God's been doing with me ie me and my family you can my hero still a little bit of an accident we moved from Arkansas I got radically saved 1997 and we moved to Kansas City Missouri to become part of the International House of Prayer where a man come on 19 years of day and night prayer has gone up in South Kansas City we like to say demons get no rest and day and night worship and prayer goes and we believe that God's gonna fill the whole earth with day and night prayer and I believe that he loves this city so much he's doing it he loves this city so much I feel his heart for it and I I just feel like this is one of those strategic places that are going to just you know what you guys are doing is so precious to the Lord and so I'm such an honor to be with you guys and over the last 17 years I'm like god I want to give myself to prayer he taught me for many years I spent time in John 17 what's called the high priestly prayer and a verse my life you ever had like one verse change your life to two yeses okay I had pretty much three words that changed my life it was John 17 24 and I remember spending about the first two years as the Lord says I want to deliver you from just duty just discipline and just diligence I want you to touch my desire a lot of us think about our desire for God but do you know that there has been a desire in the heart of God from before Genesis 1 there's been something burning in the heart of the Trinity before there was ever anything created and anything to do there was God and there was a holy desire burning in his heart and in John 17 24 right before it meaning a few verses later Judas will walk into the garden and kiss him and that night will begin but right before Judas comes and kisses him Jesus prays this prayer for us and he says father I desire and that word desire took ahold of my life and I'm like oh my goodness God isn't just some indifferent stoic self-sufficient God at a distance but he's the God who burns with desire and he's not just after something he's after someone and he's not just after someone he's after me and he wants us to be with him where he is and he wants to number to us to behold his glory you know how I like to restate that verse he's saying father I want a people that are with me where I am join to my heart my mind my will and my purpose and number two I want to be their number one source of entertainment I want to be their number one source of entertainment I want them to behold my glory and over the last 17 years I we moved to Kansas City I never thought about ever preaching it was prayer was never a stepping stone into doing something prayer was the doing something I moved to Kansas City I said God I'll be sufficient just to sit on road to cry over Bible verses and ask you to send a Great Awakening to this nation and I'll be happy just to get old I remember I've got my best friend here the Associate Director the House of Prayer Alan hood with me in 2003 amen 2003 we went out and we played together and we said God make us like a Simeon in the house of God first time I came here you were preaching on Anna and Simeon you had no idea that's one of my life callings because most of us think of old Anna and old Simeon but Anna and Simeon made choices in their 20 year old years in their early years that carried through for decades and we were in our 20s ain't God we say until we see you until we see you there are you come here we say God we will be found in the place of prayer we will be found waiting contending and asking you to come and we looked at each other saying if I see you get off of it I'll call you out if you see me get off of it you call me out we're gonna get old in the place of prayer we'll bring our little rocker I'm serious with this was our vision I'm you know hopefully you know hopefully I'm just doing this at ninety but that's just not the way it works times but I said got it whatever I got to do if I gotta get my little Walker in there I'm gonna sit in a chair and this is what I want I want to be 90 and still crying I want to be 90 and still crying when I read passages about Jesus when I say your name and I whisper and I ask you to to move go to God I want to see the power of prayer and what happens through decades that's what we signed up for I remember getting marked in 2002 a friend came up to me and he says the Lord's gonna mark you as a Jeremiah it's gonna mark you as a Jeremiah and I never read the only verse we really know of Jeremiah is what you know the plans I have for you it's the graduation card verse I've been speaking it on my daughter's he's about to graduate high school we don't get a lot of time to say that verse right after 70 years of Babylonian captivity but you know we'll put that in there he's got good plans for you that's the only person I knew I'll be honest and so I'm like I'm gonna check that book out and so I wake up the next morning and I open up the Book of Jeremiah and I don't know what happened I've only had one of these moments ever happened but for the next three days I kept reading the book over and over again and it's like the water just opened up in my eyes as I begin to feel God's heart and how Jeremiah's day is very similar to the days that we live in so where there are a bunch of people who talk about the Bible or around the Bible they teach the Bible preach the Bible but they're not intimate with God nor are they discerning the hour that they're living in and I and I and I felt the indifference of the people and I felt the burning heart of God and I wept for three days and I continued to weep and it was in that season where God began to connect to me st. Corey Jeremiah just isn't the weeping prophet he's the man that got caught up in the heart of the weeping God and for the first time I began to see that God weeps God feels God longs and he caught up a man into his heart that these prophets were just mail me sharing information they were caught up in the whirlwind of the divine emotions of God they were caught up in God's holy emotions of justice and mercy what happens in an hour where God will be homeless in the earth as he's taking the dearly beloved of his soul Jerusalem and he's handing her over into the hands of her enemies and God's in you see the the tensions in God as he's bringing a man into the tensions it wrecked my life I wept for forever that's what gave birth to our daughter Maya and she's got that honor I remember spending years just wrecked John 17 and then Jeremiah me and Alan for years were preaching the book of Joel and it interesting that when Peter came out of that Upper Room the first prophet he quotes is the book of Joel he could have chosen many outpouring of the Holy Spirit passages from the Old Testament Isaiah gives us Jeremiah talks about the New Covenant Ezekiel talks about the new spirit and yet he pulls from the book of Joel in that interesting it's a three chapter little book but yet it's so profound because in Chapter 1 Joel is standing in the wake of a locust plague a locust plague that has just destroyed the economy destroyed the systems and joel is standing up in an hour where there has come economic shaking and he's calling the nation saying guys there are clear signs among us that we're out of step with God out of alignment with God let's get back to prayer let's get back to Night Watch let's get back to day watch and let the priest lead the way in Joel chapter 2 we see two trumpets he says if you don't hear the locust there's something more intense coming and in Joel 2 he says blow the trumpet sound an alarm and we believe that God is blowing trumpets in the earth right now nobody likes their alarm clock do you it's getting quiet in here does anybody like your alarm clock in the morning I know a couple of you do talk to me about the nature of alarms they're rude they don't care how good your sleep is they don't care how nice the Posturepedic bed is or how nice the downy comforter is or how little sleep you've got in this season or how cold it is outside the alarm has one agenda and that's to get you out of bed into the purpose of God and God has alarms in history God has alarms for the church that's primary objective isn't to keeping you sleeping is it to keeping you feeling comfortable but is called to run countercultural to where you're currently at to jar you from your sleep so that you would discern the hour that you're living in and that you could step in to the purpose of God in your generation and joel blows two trumpets and joel - the first one is there's an intense army coming forth and in the second trumpet the people are saying well what do we do he says you need to shut down business as usual come off your individual islands of Prayer and begin to gather for corporate prayer and fasting he says this is what you need to cry out have mercy God have mercy and the Bible says in Joel 2:28 and afterward the Lord says I will pour out my spirit on all flesh and I'm gonna take your sons and your daughters and they will prophesy your young men will see visions old man dream dreams men women young old and everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved for years me and Alan went preached Joel's two trumpets calling the body of Christ calling the body of Christ - Awakening and I feel like he's calling us off our individual islands I love my personal devotional life I love going into my room and shutting the door and locking eyes with my father in the secret place but there's something that happens when you come off your individual islands and because we begin to see ceilings lifts when we do it together there is a fullness dimension that happens when we do it together it's why Ephesians three that you would know the wit the length the depth the height to know the love of Christ that we would be filled with the fullness of God in the community spent years preaching Joel just getting rekt over that and praying the Bible I spent anyway I'm just I guess I'm ended up telling you my testimony of prayer we spent years in 2008 him where I was getting wrecked with John the Baptist and how God called this messenger to the wilderness who would read the Bible do it with fasting and then God raised him up one short step ahead of the coming of the Lord and he proclaimed prepare the way of the Lord make straight a highway for our God and I'm like God I want to be a full runner in this generation I want to tell people about you and get the earth ready for your coming two thousand nine and ten I began to get a revelation that someone is living in here it was probably all those years but it really began to get clear to me and oh 9 and 10 and 11 and I want you to know that if you give in your life to Jesus Christ you are the temple of the Holy Spirit do you know that everybody say he's in there you're not alone in that amazing how much does God love you did he sanctify you cleanse you and then infuse his presence on the inside of you and has taken up residence in your spirit and you didn't explode last night in your sleep I mean think about that that's God's dilemma he's God but yet God deeply loves humanity and wants to be close to us and we see Moses's dilemma he goes you're gonna have to release a lot of sacrifices there gonna be a lot of blood daily blood yearly blood lots of blood lots of incense lots of systems just so I can get close to you without killing everybody and just to keep me close to you I want you to put the priest in nearest proximity to the tabernacle in case I break out so intense and yet the perfect Lamb of God Jesus born into the world he created and then he climbed up on that cross and the punishment for our sins was laid upon him and he became that Passover lamb that Passover sent offering for our sins and he has now cleansed our human bodies with his blood for those who believe in him he cleanses us but he doesn't stop there that's Shekinah glory that glory that dwelt in Moses his tabernacle that if the high priest did one wrong thing he would get smoke that glory is now dwelling on the inside of our spirits this is what Paul says in Colossians 1:27 this is the mystery which we preach among the Gentiles what is it Paul Christ in you the hope of glory I got two amens on that that's like somebody start dancing Paul says I can't even get my head around it the prophet saw it the prophets thought they saw it but I am here to tell you it is true Christ in you the hope of glory you have now the foretaste and the powers of the age to come dwelling in your spirit and the Father begin to say Corrie you don't know how to pray as you are but the spirit you were made for heaven you were made for eternity and there's a groan deep within you do you know about the Romans that groan do you know God has placed eternity within you and the Spirit cries out within you Abba Abba come finish what you started we've received the spirit of adoption I belong to you so come finish it already and we're caught in between two worlds we're caught in between two worlds he's got this groan in us this crying us this reaching us and yet we're walking in this life and he's called us into this life of doing things and the whole while saying my home isn't here I'm groaning for the adoption which is the resurrection of my body and the holy spell or began to say Corre you don't know how to pray as you ought but the Spirit Himself he groans within you he helps you in your weaknesses and he prays through you I want you to know that you need the Holy Spirit the place of Prayer I got undone by the love of God do you know what's gonna settle people you know it says in Isaiah 62 do you know what's going to set of people and I could just talk for days about this this is my life's message well first you know do you know what's gonna set a people into confidence I believe we believe that God's going to Isaiah 62 6 and 7 he's setting Watchmen on the wall who will not rest day or night until Jerusalem is a praise in the earth we believe that God is setting intercessors he's setting watchman and intercessors are gonna be in all spheres of society but they're gonna be set on the wall and you know what is the key revelation that's going to set people in prayer who will never stop until it says I'm going to give to you a new name and the new name is called hepzibah and he says I'm going to release a revelation to the body of Christ and this is the revelation the Lord delights in you the Lord delights in you he actually enjoys you he actually takes pleasure in you huh and it says as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so show your God rejoice over you in the same way you will see a newlywed husband rejoice in his newlywed wife he says that's what God's gonna do over you hallelujah do you know what happens when the revelation touches your heart he likes me he enjoys me he delights in me you know what that produces that produces setting in your heart you're like God you want me here you've sent me here and you have filled me with the knowledge of your will and I will not stop until everything that's in your heart is manifested in my day it sets you it fills you I believe most of the reasons why prayer is the most one of the most difficult things to even talk about cuz most of us does anybody in here like talking to somebody that's ugly boring and doesn't like you there's anybody in here I know there's a couple of you I'm gonna press through that wall they're ugly well first we don't say that well we can say they're boring and they don't like us do you understand that you never say this that's what most of us when we close our eyes think about God I want you to know right now those are three lies that you've got to uproot dethrone and remove from your life and get connected to the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory he is absolutely the most fascinating exhilarating beautiful person you will ever meet he is Abba the father of glory the father of lights the father of spirits there's no one like him hallelujah he is fascinating he isn't boring I like to say he's not boring you are you're the one on trial not him and here's the last lie you got to deal with he really likes you I remember me and Alan we're in Switzerland 2009 we were flying in to do a do a prayer conference and we flew in the night wake up the next morning I'm jetlag and bad of course I got to do the first session it's cuz I'm younger I don't know they just put a beating on me jet cuz when you're ten it is 10:00 in the morning there your body thinks it's 2:00 or 3:00 in the mornings I don't even know where I'm at I'm sitting there brushing my teeth looking in the mirror saying God what am I gonna talk about and I heard him talk to me from the mirror you and he said this he said it just like this and he said it all kind of with attitude he goes who do you think you're talking to who do you think you're talking to he says that's the first issue as it relates to prayer most people have so many wrong views of me and that's why they don't pray who do you think you're talking to I want you to understand that our Father and his glorious son he is the father of glory there is no one like him and it's time to lift our vision higher who do you say that I am Jesus asked we say that he is the Christ the Son of the Living God I want to encourage you in this whole seven letters to the seven churches season I spoke in the first at the 5 p.m. service on revelation 1 John turned and he saw a different Jesus than he knew 60 years earlier he was laying his head on his chest 60 years earlier he didn't lay his head on his chest in Revelation 1 he wants to strike you with all of the majesty of Jesus he wants to strike you with that holy fear and trembling of the awesomeness of his glory that he's our intercessor he is brilliant in his leadership he is zealous in his love he is he is he will step in anyway revelation 1 is awesome who do you think you're talking to let that thing wrestle on you and I promise you cuz whatever you secretly believe about God will be true of your prayer life that's how you'll pray oh the thought that comes into your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you this thing will be unearthed I'm not talking about what you fill in the blank at the quiz and you give me the popcorn answers I'm talking about what gets wrestled what happens in hours of weakness hours of lack hours of difficulty that's where your true knowledge of God comes to the surface that's what I was getting so well but you are faithful the power of the faithfulness of God and feeding on his faithfulness is what changes us and as you take the Bible and you mix it when you take truths about God and you mix it with fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit that's like nitrogen and glycerin there's an explosion of Revelation that hits your heart and the first thing revelation will do is it will upload uproot and dethrone strongholds arguments and wrong views about God so that he can erect true thoughts about God on the inside of you and this is all he asked you to do keep saying the Bible verse back to him you are gracious you are merciful you are kind you are the father that embraces me while I'm still a great way off I mean you guys are doing a series on the prodigal Church how do we encounter the prodigal father in Luke 15 I like to say the fivefold revelation of our Father in Luke 15 you know what I love about the story the son wasn't back up to the porch yet well he was still a great way off father saw him felt compassion says you take one step I'll take 99 embrace them kissed him and says oh by the way I'm going to give you a second inheritance as if you never lost the first just to stir up your religious older brother so I can run out to him - father runs out - both and I want you to know Father's is as much compassionate over religious older brother as he is as partying younger brother it is just like the father he's always running outside the house but there's a third son in the story and it's the son telling the story and he says I really want to call you to living in the house because my father's house is the house of prayer I remember spending Oh eight oh nine ten and eleven and twelve undone with the revelation of father the revelation of the Sun most of us view God like a middle-class working dad with seven billion children because middle class working dads have good hearts but limited resources he's a good-hearted guy but I'm one more mouth to feed in the bread line I'm one more cry among the billions of other needs that may be more important I want you to understand he can look at billions and look at one all at the same time and that he is not a middle-class working dad below I want you to understand he is rich and rich and resource rich in goodness rich in love how he is rich he's rich but I know a lot of rich stingy people he's not only the richest person you will ever meet guys you need to look at his resume look at Genesis 1 read the first chapter of your Bible and joke 26 says Genesis 1 is a whisper of his ways he says about the thunder of his power who can understand which means you ain't seen nothing yet you ain't seen nothing yet you don't even know about the worlds and the ages to come he is going to be blowing your mind forever you will never get used to him and just when you think you do he will blow you're not mine for another billion years who do you think you're talking to who do you think you're talking to not only is he rich he is the most generous extravagant giver you will ever meet he longs to be gracious as what Isaiah 30 says he longs to be gracious the next morning I preached on God that day I wake up the next morning I'm back brushing my teeth kind of do that in the mornings sometime in the night we'll be judging me Eddie asked me a second question from the mirror I heard and I heard it with more attitude and it's who do you think you are that was the second question who do you think you are I have found two pillars on which our prayer life rest who we secretly believe God to be and the one feeds into the other who do you secretly believe you to be I want you to know we're not illegitimate we're not orphans we're sons and daughters of the house you have royal DNA pumping through your veins your new creation hallelujah we're not widows crying at a distance where the bride of the Lamb crying in partnership he is our high priest and we are a royal priesthood who do you think you are oh that God would rearrange our thinking about God I believe he's going to release the greatest prayer movement we're seeing it explode all over the earth Malachi 1:11 says from the rising of the Sun - it's going down I love this my name my nature my heart my personality the revelation of my name will be great in the nation's and how will you know in every place incense shall be offered to my name that will be a testimony that the revelation of the nature personality and heart of the father son in the spirit is breaking out in the earth how will you know worship and prayer will ascend as an offering in those nations because when the strongholds and lies and arguments get dethroned guess what happens you want to look at him and talk to him and ask him for things hallelujah come on I'm getting talkback - I like it prayer takes you through every season the good seasons the bad seasons the hard seasons seasons of victory seasons of decline seasons of loss and seasons of gang the last four to five years have been the hardest of our lives we had a family tragedy hit our family and God began to shift my prayer life but built on all of the history of what I had been praying for for 14 years but then he began to bring me to the Psalms and he began to give the language in the Psalms of David and he began to give language to a crying clinging grieving heart in an hour where I couldn't find God and David gave me language I want to tell you what has Authority is not your latest personality or what you're going through I mean our circumstances I mean our personality our emotions I want to tell you you want to begin to pray the Bible you want to pray the Bible get used it's awkward at first but get used to taking the prayers of the Bible the Psalms of the Bible the decrees of the Bible and speaking them back to God because my emotions go up and down my feelings go up and down but the Word of God are cash cheques in heaven that God always answers and I love the Psalms of David I love what he took me through there were seasons where he he just told me memorized Psalm 91 and pray it to me every day I would walk and he says I want you to declare some 91 to me I want you to declare it against the devil I want you to declare it over your own heart and I want you to declare it to your friends that he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord that he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him I will trust surely he will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wing you shall take refuge his truth she'll be your shield in your buckler thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it won't come near you only with your eyes show you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling he will give his angels charge over you to bear you up and to keep you lest you dash your foot against the stone you shall tread upon the lion and the Cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot because he has set his love upon me the Lord says I'll do seven things for the person that sets their love on me I will deliver them I will set them on high because they've known my name they will call upon me and I will answer them oh I will deliver them and honor them with long life I will satisfy them and I will show them my salvation he says Corre just speak that for the next six months just keep speaking Psalm 91 to me kori and watch what I do pray the Bible beloved you have a sword today as Pergamos and the one who fights with the sword of his mouth how did Jesus fight the devil in the wilderness Paul tells us to not take up the butter knife of the Spirit this is what most of our prayer lives myself included I ain't gonna bus too hard on you cuz I'm first at the altar call most of it the devil's coming out as will I stop it don't say those things to kiss me he likes me he didn't say take up the butter knife or the Spirit I love the way Allen does the wilderness testing how did Jesus fight the devil in the wilderness if you are the son of God then prove it he says it is written it is written it's not just quoting Bible verses it's when the Bible verse comes from here it's not just this begins there but it can't end there it's gotta go sure sure where the Word of God gets on the inside of you and you declare in the name of Jesus I take authority over every lying spirit every spirit of jealousy and rejection and lie about my father father you are good you are gracious you're compassionate you are faithful you are righteous you are good and there's no one like you God that's how you fight we don't fight with our emotions we don't fight with our good days in our Bad's we fight with the Word of God Jesus if Jesus who is the word of God fights with the Word of God how much more should we come on come on Isaac worship leaders that sing the Word of God over the city we need the songs that wash the city in the nature of our Father the goodness of our father and the righteousness of our Father that he's good but he's righteous and we don't just pick our favorite parts of Jesus and only relate to that parts of Jesus that's why I like you guys are doing a thing on the controversial Jesus come on I don't want to just I mean no wife just wants to know 25% of their husband that's called false it's fake it's not real I want to wrestle over the controversy all the aspects that chaff my soul and get up into my business and confronts me and brings boundaries and borders for the heights of pleasure and joy to be experience because there's banks around the river it's called righteousness it's called definitive boundaries that he has set and I don't pick them and choose them I submit to his we want to come under the word and when you pray the word the Bible says in Matthew 16 to the church built on the revelation of Christ he says I'm gonna give you keys and that when you begin to speak on the earth heaven will back you up oh we need worship leaders to sing over the city when you walk in these streets you need to sing those songs when you got those your headphones in wash the city and the love of God sing over the city this is what one of the main purposes of why I believe God is raising up houses of prayer and praying churches we're gonna see the most traumatized generation one of the first times that we see it is with King David and how is God using his anointing and music to cure mental illness and oppressive spirits on Saul what would happen if there were rooms in the city where the mentally ill the ones who are hearing voices in their heads constantly they come into a room and all the voices leave and they begin to feel peace and the father's voice begins to break in and shatter all the other voices it says in Zephaniah that jesus is going to sing over the traumatized remnant and he's going to quiet them in his love he's going to heal a traumatized generation with songs Wow amen I prayed the Psalms it's with this inheritance book that I just released I prayed Psalm 132 Psalm 2 that's what inheritance is all about your greatest places of warfare will become your greatest places of inheritance when nations are raging seeking to steal from Jesus his inheritance where do we find Jesus we find him in the prayer room hearing from the father that he is a beloved son and then the father says you see those nations raging ask me for them and I'll make them your inheritance Psalm 91 Psalm 18 deliverance Psalm 23 he's the shepherd pray in the Bible amen all right let's tan I believe that God wants to bring you and deepen your life of prayer whatever wherever you're at in your journey of prayer it's the power of intimacy with this heart and the power of seeing him break in on your behalf he's the God who rules to intercession he rules to asking just open up your hands I'm gonna ask we want to ask Jesus to teach us to pray thank you Lord Father I thank you for every stone you've dropped in my life over the last 17 years I thank you for all of our histories in prayer some of us were four years old and we prayed things and you did things for us and Wonder filled our hearts father I pray right now that you would release the spirit of Prayer on this congregation God I ask you to mark us with the spirit of Prayer I pray for a revelation of God his father I pray for a revelation of Jesus as our bridegroom I pray for a revelation of the Holy Spirit I thank you that we don't know how to pray as we ought but the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and he releases groanings and utterances through us deeper than words I ask you to awaken that groan within us awaken that cry within us God God I ask you to take us on a journey who who do you think you're talking to dethrone uproot and remove every stronghold in argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of God released a season of deliverance God you
Channel: Church of the City New York
Views: 13,434
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: God, Christianity, Jesus, Church, COTCNYC, Church of the City New York, Jon Tyson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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