"Now is not the time to be numb!" | Corey Russell

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[Music] I do okay yeah I don't know what you go ahead and grab a seat I I never know what to do I need always something in my hand I don't even know if it even if it's not recording using the microphone I'm Elise to hold a microphone so yes but I don't know what to do with two free hands so here we are I just I'm just old school that way all right it's good to be with you guys I was noticing sister Linda that you got that same shirt on right there it's going tonight I'll tell you that anyway that's the deeper visions I was getting during worship run over here know that worship was absolutely amazing my goodness give him another hand that was beautiful I love the worship here and that was just stunning and I thank you I love you you were awesome anyway just your heart the way you worship him it's beautiful and it moves them and it moves the room and we get caught into your place with God it's beautiful anyway awesome Lord we just love you and I tell you that was a sweet moment that kind of came in there at the end of worship wasn't it I don't want to take it for granted ever I want to and I don't want to move on and just you know whatever I just want to look at him can we just look at him a little bit longer and just pray because there's a great spirit of Prayer here there's just a great spirit of prayer father and I'm just thinking about John 16:33 Jesus says in the world you'll have tribulation but be of good cheer I've overcome the world then it says in John 17 1 he lifted his eyes to heaven can we lift our eyes to heaven right now Jesus locked in on the throne room of God and he put his eyes on his father and he goes father the hour has come glorify your son that he may also glorify you as you've given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to as many as you've given him and this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent father I pray right now that you would just fill this room fill the airwaves with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your son I pray for our eyes to be opened I pray for our ears to be open we just welcome you God we we don't take it for granted we just say God it's so good to be together and it's so good to be with you flood into this room with your glory flood into this room with your presence mighty God Oh father we pray that you would have your way here in the state of Maine all over New England and that you would invade this region with your glory father I pray that you would awaken your church but you would awaken your church in this region God in New England God I pray that you would awaken your church God that you would awaken the leaders that you would deliver us and break off the spirit of fear and that you would arise God that you would awaken your people in this our Father we pray that you would visit New England and visit the state of Maine with your glory oh we love you Holy Spirit Jesus prayed in John 17 father glorify me with the glory which I had with you before the world was glorify me with the glory which I had with you before the world was he says in John 17 24 for I desire that those whom you've given me that they would be with me where I am and that they would behold my glory I pray father open up our eyes to behold the glory of your son I asked you to release the spirit of Revelation upon us open our eyes I pray God release that divine eye south from heaven yellow increase your presence holy spirit you are beautiful my god you are beautiful Jesus as the world becomes more harsh I pray that you see I think that's the key right there is he says in the world you'll have tribulation be of good cheer I've overcome the world and it says he lifted his eyes and I believe that God wants to teach us on how to ascend on how to ascend above the storms above the circumstances above the swirl and to fix our eyes on the unshakable throne of ABBA on the unshakable City on the unshakable throne of ABBA revelation for I saw a door standing open in heaven and a hurt and he says and I heard a voice like a trumpet saying come up here immediately I was in the spirit behold a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne he who said there was like Jasper and sardine stone in appearance an emerald rainbow surrounding him round the throne were twenty-four Thrones and on them said elders and they were robed and thrown and crowned and from the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices sea of glass before the throne seven lamps of fire burning which are the seven spirits of God and around the throne and in the midst of the throne of four living creatures full of eyes around and within one like a lion and eagle and ox and what has the face of a man and it says they do not rest day or night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty to him who was and is and is to come and whenever they give glory and honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne the twenty-four elders they fall down they cast their crowns they say you alone are worthy for you've created all things and by your will they exist and we're created teach us how to ascend in this hour God teach us how to ascend I pray Abba teach us how to enter into that place Jesus Jesus you knew how to ascend you said in John 16 all of you will leave me because of this night but I want you to know I'm not alone the father's with me come on I want you to begin to engage your spirit don't just feel it begin to engage your spirit I just want to take some time here on the front end I feel some things from the Lord but I feel like it's necessary that we oh god I just pray that you would catch us up into your holy heart I feel like I've been in a seven-year seminary of learning how to come out of the swirl and learn how to ascend I've been in a seven-year seminary many of you have been in a seminary on how long will you respond to waves and winds the Lord wants to bring us into a divine rest the son of God into that divine identity of those who have been raised and seated together with Christ in heavenly places Jesus Matthew 8 Jesus only had authority to rebuke you gee you only have authority in a storm over a storm to your degree to be able to sleep in the midst of it God we ask you to release your power you know I'm gonna ask you to stand I just want to stay with this you guys are I feel like there's something corporate for us that's bigger than me just lift your hands I thank you for the blood of Jesus because it's a Hebrews 10:19 we enter in by the new and living way by the blood of Jesus we enter in by the blood of Jesus into the holiest of all come on lift your voice all over the room hallelujah let's say go up through that open door yes you are hallelujah come on come on 30 more seconds lift your voice elbows shot oh you're rubbish utter your Abba sotto your ribbon so to you Roboto Roboto your Robo go to you LM o to you let's all stay at the same level come on lift your voice open up prison doors in the name of Jesus open up prison doors in the name of Jesus the groaning of the prisoner the appointed time has come the set time of the Lord Oh open up prison doors in the name of Jesus the groaning of the prisoner I'm hearing Psalm 102 l able to your Rama ka l able to your rebel abode o your Abba Calle Ella below your Amana that the set time come on 30 more seconds to stay with it elbow to your risotto your rabisu elbow to your ribbit a lobato your Abba Satta your ramen ala boat oh you're available to you elbow to your Robicheau to your Robichaux - this will be written for the generation to come that a people yet to be created may praise of the Lord he looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven the Lord viewed the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoner to release those appointed to death to declare the name of the Lord in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem we thank you lord better proclaiming a word for the last seven years it's the word inheritance Lord told me years ago Cory your greatest places of warfare will become your greatest places of inheritance in Psalm 2 Jesus's inheritance from the father it's the City of Jerusalem it's where the devil has released his greatest assault but what you see in Psalm 2 that when nations are raging Jesus is praying when nations are raging Jesus is praying and I feel like the Lord's been telling me over the last seven years Cory don't respond to the chaos confusion and craziness make eye contact with me and declare back to me what I declare over you your act of warfare is to declare back to the Father what the father speaks over you Jesus says I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me you are my son and I declare that over every one of you right now the revelation or the father's identity over you as beloved sons and daughters break off that illegitimate heart and spirit break off that orphan mentality that isolation and rejection I break off that isolation of feeling like you're an island how the father says you're in the house cuz it's in the house is where you receive inheritance the Lord is delivering us from front yard warfare Alleluia he says ask of me now give nations as your inheritance the very nations that were raging against Jesus's inheritance the father said son ask me for them and I'll make them your inheritance glory Lord we love you and we thank you we bless you we honor you we love you God you're absolutely beautiful God you're absolutely beautiful chief among ten thousand Jesus you're fairer than the sons of men grace is poured upon your lips your head is like the finest gold your head and hair is white like wool your eyes are like fire your feet are like burnished bronze your voice is like the sound of many waters your hands your eyes your mouth your feet your garments we're in love we're in love father take us on a guided discovery of your beautiful son father reveal the glory of the darling of heaven you said the church that's rooted in ground in the revelation of him the gates of Hell will not prevail against you said the church that's rooted in the revelation of Jesus Heaven would say amen to their prayers mother below of the spirit of blindness off of Main and off of New England release the spirit of wisdom and revelation release the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your son elbow shot oh you're rubbish Otto your abogado your rib Adela boto yo el about Oh your Reba Zotoh your rebel abode o Yuri ellaby short oh you're a bear show to you we're not in a hurry I'm gonna enjoy this it's been a while since I've been able to meet with people we're gonna fellowship I'm just gonna enjoy this release your fire lord release your presence we love your presence Scott don't wait for a hand lay hold of the hand that's already on the inside of you we love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus God we love you tonight we just bless you this is good I'm gonna I have a word I feel like I'll I'll preach some stuff here a little bit but I just want to be in this just for a little bit longer is that okay all right so I want to invite just continue to pray in the spirit okay I don't want to be spectators I want to be engaged just that communion with the Holy Spirit we just create an environment for him to elbow show to your rubbish Otto your rubbish rhetoric thank you Jesus Oh [Music] thank you God father we just thank you for your presence tonight we just so good to be here with you amen gonna be seated um do my best to kind of just walk I don't want you to leave that place to stay lightly praying in the spirit communing with him that's what I want more than anything cuz I feel like at the end of the day that's the word of the Lord cultivate this place and let this become a an impartation to throw logs on your personal fire as well as the corporate fire that you guys are building here at shop singing House of Prayer we are living in unprecedented days I'm thinking of like the book of Joel Joel 1 says has anything like this happened in your days that's literally the phrase out of Joel 1 look around you has this ever happened has this ever happened in your lifetime and what we're seeing in 2020 is unprecedented events unprecedented days and it's not my main message tonight but the book of Joel the first words out of his out of his mouth is the word here H EA are here not fix not come up with a strategy or plan but come up with an opinion but actually stop and discern the day you're living in and I really believe that God is trying to awaken his people and he is shutting down business as usual and he's and he's getting us and he's trying to get us into a posture of hearing I'm nervous that we're not getting the news I'm nervous that we're not getting it and so how many more what must more had come to get us into a posture of really hearing and giving up our next strategy Joel shows up in Joel one right on the tail end of a four wave locust plague a locust plague that's done complete damage I mean it's to an agricultural community it's the Wall Street collapsing to an agricultural nation it's the economy collapsing and Joel stands up on the tail end of that in between two crises and he says hear this you elders and all you inhabitants of the land he says tell your children about it and let their children tell their children and the point is don't get into fixing or coming up with opinions and all that stuff actually discern the day that you're living in because if you don't get this right chapter two is coming in Chapter two is a lot more intense than chapter one and chapter two is the Babylonian army that will come in and absolutely destroy the nation but the main point is there's a reprieve to actually discern and tell your kids about it so that they can enter into the right posture and avert coming calamity but my main posture in all that is my main desire is the word here I've been just asking the Lord God what have you been doing in 2020 what have you been doing I mean I think that's what he's been doing to all of us and if there's one word that's kind of percolating and it's really becoming really clear to me tonight in worship it's a word that I've and saying but it's a word that's really starting to come to the top and it's the word tenderness tenderness I believe at the end of the day God is wanting to release a fresh wave of tenderness to his people so that we can feel again here again see again perceive again and discern again that he wants to deliver us from the harshness of the world around us and the harshness of the news cycles the harshness of the Twitter debates to the Facebook debates and of the Instagram and the the constant bombarding of our attention and God wants to deliver us from harshness and bring us into tenderness tenderness with God I feel like the first you know March April May was about God doing going to your room and shut your door he was saying go into your room and shut your door and pray to your father who is in the secret place he was literally doing a global going to your room and shut the door and reconnect with ABBA reconnect with ABBA make eye contact with him you've been saying God if I had enough time I would seek you the Lord saying bang done done oh your excuses for why you can't seek me is gone and now it's me and you and you also are discovering that the excuses you thought you got to come up with new excuses because that's actually I want you to go on the painful awkward journey of being with me it's awkward it's weird it's foreign and the Lord says I want to get you tender with me again he goes pray to your father who is in the secret place and he who sees in secret will reward you openly in Matthew 6 I feel like March April and May was reconnecting us and a new tenderness with God and what we're seeing take place is it's it's its first and second commandment its tenderness with God and tenderness with our fellow brother and sister and I feel like June has been the cry of our black brothers and sisters and the cry of a people and I believe that God is wanting to first before we get into whatever other modes of justifications and of opinions and statistics and this and that the Lord says I want to reconnect you with the tenderness and a compassion for your brother and your sister it's a new tenderness it's a new compassion that he's wanting to well up within us and he's wanting to actually expose how addicted we are to our news cycles than we are to the heart of God that may not be a famous message but I'm here to tell you I don't I want to get what God's saying and I want to feel I want to feel I want to feel well we've just feel helpless well I don't know how to fix it the Lord says I don't want you to fix it I want you to feel it because whatever you try to fix without feeling it will only birth flesh anyway and I feel like God is putting it on I don't care all the extremes I don't care all the injustice I don't care all the other things I'm trying to discern and to remove all the peripheral so I can hear the voice of God in the middle of a nation and say God cannot connect with you and can I feel again he gave us the story of the you know in Luke 10 he the lawyer asked what's the great commandment he said to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself well the guy was feeling cocky and he goes well who's my neighbor and he gave us the parable of the Good Samaritan and the Good Samaritan is the Levite and the priest passed by the man but a bitter enemy of the Jewish man ended up taking him and and paying all of his bills and getting him healed which means this loving your neighbor means loving the one that doesn't look like you act like you does a complete differently he goes that's what I'm talking about your neighbor so I'm just this isn't my main message but I'm just kind of tracking with you the the flow of God during worship I believe he wants to get his tender again when's the last time you cried I'm not talking about depression cry I'm not talking about life so hard cry I'm talking about the wave of God's love filling you and you just weeping under that waterfall of his affections and you getting tender in the love of God I believe that our greatest weapon in this hour is tender hearts rooted in intimacy with God tender hearts rooted in intimacy with God this type the name of this conference is first love we're gonna probably get to Revelation to some time and look at Ephesus and verse love but I'm loving first John 4:19 tonight it says in this is love not that we first loved him but he first loved us I think we need a rediscovery of the God who chased us down and that when we had nothing to give and when we were his bitter enemies he came and he took on our flesh he took on our form and the life we could not live he lived and then he calmed up on that cross and the punishment that was do all of us was poured out on him and he bore the wrath of God for our sins the God who loved us when we had nothing appealing nothing to give and you never graduate from that revelation you never graduate from it that was the phrase that was sticking me I don't think I've ever seen it so may I I've seen it but I was seen it tonight first John 4:19 he first loved us loving God isn't just a work of your will I'm gonna love God I'm gonna do it I'm gonna grit my teeth and show God by loving him that be as well as you saying jump to the moon we are by nature recipients what we received from God is what we give to God and you can only love God to the degree that you receive his love for you you can only love God to the degree that you receive his love for you I believe he wants to get us tender he wants to I think he wants to change the tone by which we hear him talking my greatest fear is that all the craziness of 20/20 has gotten in our souls and our interior life looks like our news cycles that's what I'm afraid of the thoughts the emotions the anger the frustration the anxiety the fear all of that stuff has seeped in and it's now taking up traffic on the inside and we haven't been quiet in a long time we have it felt in a long time and we haven't made eye contact with ABBA in a long time and it's not okay this is not an hour for the church to be caught up into the spirit of this age this is an hour for the church to get quiet on the inside so that out of the place of a quiet confidence in God we can speak to the winds and the waves we can actually be an agent of change in the midst of a jacked-up world that's looking for answers that we can manifest the nature of Christ manifest the love of Christ manifest the power of Christ because we're delivered from it I want to say what I said during the thing Matthew 8 jesus said the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head they get into the boat immediately their storm breaks out in the boat it says but Jesus was asleep Jesus can sleep in the midst of a capsizing boat and the disciples come to him and they go Jesus we're perishing and then out of the place of rest he arose and he rebuked the winds and the waves in the power to rebuke winds and waves comes out of the place of rest it comes out of deliverance from it so you have authority over it y'all put verses up here you know I'm gonna give you the verse then it's Luke 10:38 can you put that up there in New King James we're bringing any of that NIV I said New King James alright good I know I threw a curveball on you there I'll just say it to you and it'll come up behind me in a second there it happened as they win he entered a certain village and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house verse 39 this is called a bold girl verse 39 verse 39 she had a sister called Mary I gotta get authority over this storm I'll just tell it to you and it says she had a sister called Mary who set at his feet I want you to see it but whatever you were there or there it is she had a sister called Mary who also said it Jesus's feet and heard his word now to the example we've heard this verse our whole life Mary made a radical choice to break through the expectation of others to break through the social protocols to break through the cultural norms and she says I refuse to miss the glory of the moment I refused to miss the glory of the moment of the Son of God in my house and I'm not gonna swirl around him I'm actually gonna set at his feet and let him do the talking Mary doesn't say a word in this whole story all she does is prioritize hearing and then she lets Jesus fight her battles for her I want you to understand that if you take this but there is nothing I'm telling you you want to be we talk about warfare you want to be you want to be a warrior declare war on the kingdom of darkness do that shut down come out push it away and do that and let him do the talking with the Bible open let him talk to you let him wash you let him define you let him speak tenderly to you sing over you wash you in his love and you set there long enough till you get delivered and as God will fight your battles and shut down all the other voices around you that says you need to get off your lazy behind and do something she sat at his feet she heard his word next verse it says this but Martha hears the phrase was distracted much serving she approached Jesus and she said Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to serve alone she's questioning Jesus's empathy and fairness you know what happens if you don't make cuz this is the issue it's not about Mary versus Martha it's about Mary before Martha and it's about where do you get your reward not are you hearing me we good where do you get your reward if you get your reward in what you do for Jesus you'll always feel like you're getting the short end of the stick if you find your primary reward in what you do for God you'll always feel like more people other people get more stuff than you because you're working harder than his fairness and his compensation no I've seen it for 25 years I don't care if you see it right now it's in you because the heart that makes him your reward is unaware of everything else because she had his reward don't you care that my sister has left me to serve alone tell her to get up and help me next verse Jesus said Martha Martha you are worried and troubled about many things one thing is needed mary has chosen the good part and it won't be taken away from her next verse one thing is needed and Mary's chosen the good part and it won't be taken away from her there it is what am I saying I cannot overemphasize it let me just break it down to you find a time find a place prioritize intimacy with God above everything else and don't let any amount of opportunity and don't let any amount of betrayal and mistreatment talk you out of that appointment with God find a time and a place for me it's at 6 a.m. because I find that my minds my brains half is quiet and if I'm not connecting with them then I'll begin to get defined by all the other voices it's a matter of life and death in this hour that we prioritize intimacy and sitting at his feet letting his words wash us and define us you can't get that by my hand laid on you I can't give that to you all I can do is knock a funk off you for you to go get it you got about a three-day window I'm serious you got about a three-day window to go do it and if you don't it'll be memories of I can't wait for the next conference and then you'll be paying attention to the newsletter when's their next conference so I can get that hand laid on me so I can have the funk knocked off me for three more days the Lord saying this is a matter of life and death whose opinion whose words are going to define you whose words are going to direct your course whose words are going to give you your definition of success and greatness and identity because if you don't get it from God you're gonna get it somewhere words are gonna define you words are gonna shape you words are gonna form you whose words are we gonna listen to in this hour it's a matter of life and death that we come out of the swirl and that we begin to sit at his feet and let him wash us in his affections in his love quieting the storm on the inside of us quieting the storm on the inside of us breaking the power of the lies off of us first love first love we're defining this first love it comes out of Revelation - mighty emphasis the revival center of the early church 25,000 new converts come to the kingdom in Ephesus Jesus shows up with a pop quiz can you put Revelation 2 up here and just move with me I always say next verse and just move with me I know we're already hitting our capacity are we ok good good good I want to get tender revelation 2 and I'm gonna run quick so just move with me go to the next verse I know your works your labor your patience you cannot bear those who are evil you have tested those who say there are apostles it or not and you found them liars that's amazing six things Jesus says you're awesome on 10 areas you persevered you have patience you've labored for my name's sake and you've not become weary those first three verses are like my goodness you're in the Hall of Fame of churches you are the stuff they're doing is amazing all of that stuff is massive but then Jesus drops the greatest rebuke that he can give you're not in love with me anymore you're not in love with me anymore you're not tender anymore and before and now because of the blessing you've become busy managing all the blessing and all the bigness and the size of your heart has gotten small he says nevertheless I have this now go back nevertheless I have this against you you've left your first love you're not in love more all right Jesus will we treat this is kind of like okay yeah I need to get back on fire do you understand one of the signs that Jesus said about the last days it says that the hearts of many will grow cold that this issue is not a little thing I believe that the first wall of defense that brings about ten other negatives in someone's life is this verse when you lose the tenderness when you lose the weepy spirit in the Bible the quick response of obedience the quick tenderness to ask the person to forgive you the quickness of first love stuff when that gets off of your life I believe there's 10 other dominoes that fall this is not little this is the ultimate issue that I believe is confronting the church because I believe found in that is tenderness next verse he says this he says remember therefore where you have fallen oh my gosh think about telling a megachurch with twenty five thousand members you're not as big as you used to be you're not as big as you used to be with five with 300 or 50 or they actually started with twelve you used to be a lot bigger than you are now remember therefore from where you have fallen he says repent and look at this do first works everybody say first works I want to make it very clear to you there are first works in the kingdom there are things you do before other things there are things that have priority over other things and that if you don't do first works all the other works will not be blessed and all the other works worse will be born of the flesh whatever's born of Spirit will breed the spirit whatever is born of the flesh will reap the flesh and when you give yourself to first works the work of dealing with awkwardness with an invisible God a Bible that's mostly boring to you and a dull heart and saying I'm gonna stay in this room of boringness until I get a break through the pages and I encountered the man on the other side of the pages I'll have it I'll lose it guys I'm telling you as a preacher I'm as guilty as ever cuz God will used me cuz he loves you to touch you but then I go back and he says what about you Corey not exempt I'll have it I'll lose it I'll get it again I'll lose it I'll get it again I'll believe the hype I'll get it again and I'll lose it it is a constant battle cuz the devil understands if he can get you there ten other dominoes will fall in your life that's the battle line is a tender heart in the Word of God where you're hearing and you're just with him just because not for a message not for a prophecy not for an evangelism not for anything but letting him kiss you with the words of his mouth letting him wash you and define you he goes repent do first works or else I will come to you quickly and I'm gonna remove your lampstand from your place unless you repent what Jesus is saying guys he goes if you don't take this issue serious he goes I want you to understand something that if you make me choose between who you are to me and what you do for me I will always remove your influence so I can have your heart again because I don't want to choose I want you to have it both but if you make me choose I got to remove your influence because you forgot what it was like when no one knew your name you forgot what it was like when it wasn't about ministry or anything else it was about being with me Jesus when we talk about first love I'm telling you it's swimming upstream he's gonna do it in these days I believe that God wants to awaken a people who are gonna begin to prioritize history and intimacy with God who are gonna begin to swim upstream and declare war on the god of distraction and the god of busyness and the god of anxiety and the god of fear he's gonna raise up a people he's gonna raise up a generation that's gonna get into empty rooms with an invisible God and a book they barely know and cry out saying God I got to know you and I ain't going anywhere and I'm gonna show up here every day and I'm not gonna let any amount of money or opportunity or any amount of betrayal and mistreatment talk me out of this place before you I'm not gonna let anything talk me out of this God and I'm gonna prioritize this above everything else and I don't care how big it gets I'll just downsize more to make this priority father we want this I want this total me to Matthew 25 and then then I'll pray for you guys this is really the issue of wisdom and foolishness at the end of the age we're gonna see that Matthew 24 and 25 is all one message concerning the last days and there's gonna be two types of ministries two types of believers that are going to emerge Jesus is going to define them some is wise and some is foolish just go ahead and put that up there Matthew 25 we'll look at this and then I'll pray for you is this okay kingdom of heaven shall be liken to ten virgins every believer is a virgin we've been betrothed to Jesus is what Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 11 who took their lamps lamps speak of influence every person in this room has influence and they went out to meet the bridegroom keep going five of them were wise five were foolish keep going those who were foolish they took their lamps but they took no oil with them that's what defines foolishness but the wise and just slow down just a touch took oil in their vessels with their lamps okay so the foolish ones had lamps but they had no reserves the oil that they got which is intimacy with the holy spirit was only about making their lamps shine okay but the Wise Ones not only had enough oil to keep it into their lamps but they actually got reserves they took oil in their vessels with their lamps which means they had secret histories with God that nobody knew about it wasn't about what they did for God it wasn't about their life their shining for God these people had history of oil and oil is always intimacy with Jesus keep going while the bridegroom was delayed they all slumbered and slept which means this there are seasons where you really can't tell the difference between wisdom and foolishness everybody looks the same for a season but I believe that the next verse is starting to break it upon the planet right now go ahead and go to the next verse I believe that right now this is a whisper but it's only going to get louder and louder and louder in the coming decades and as this reality gets louder the discrepancy and the difference between wisdom and foolishness is going to be openly seen for everyone to see at midnight a cry was heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him the bridegroom is coming the bridegroom is coming and I just want to say to you clearly I we're living in that generation signs are upon us jesus said pestilences would be among the signs that would accompany the generation of his coming we're in that hour of the bridegroom that's coming and I believe as this begins to emerge what we're gonna start seeing is now this go ahead go to the next verse then all those virgins arose and they trimmed their lamps everybody got ready and then a painful revelation hid the foolish ones the foolish immediately began to see that their lamps were starting to go out they didn't have enough oil to navigate that hour and so they quickly run to the wise and look at what they say and just keep this don't go back on and they and they go back and then the next verse the bridegroom's come and go out to meet him and then the next verse keep going there it is the foolish said to the wise and just keep it up here give us some of your oil our lamps are going out the firt the only thing that the foolish care about are their lamps they only care about their ministries and what they do for God and number two they think they can get your oil by you laying hands on them and just giving it to them that shows them right there that they don't understand the value of oil and what it means to get it they it shows that you can get it quickly and you can get it cheaply I want you to know I can't give you my oil I can't give you my oh I can't lay hands on you and give you 25 years of walking with the Lord I can't give that to you and you can't give me yours every one of us have to go buy for ourselves and the buying is called the investment of time of energy of setbacks of breakthroughs of good of bad of awkward of boring of dead of temptation of trial and of showing up again and again and again and in the Olive Press where the olives and the oil gets pressed in you that's where oil gets produced is in the Olive Press give us some of your oil our lamps are going out so it's a cheap way of getting it and all they care about the lamp but I'm gonna teach you a powerful word go to the next verse the wise answered saying no everybody everybody say no I'm here to tell you right now all the people around you don't need you we want to be everybody's personal Messiah you got to learn how to say no you got to learn how to run with young people all the time and they're like I need you now I need you now I go no go wrestle with God for an hour and then we'll meet go wrestle with God for an hour you don't need me you need a Bray do with him and then I'll talk to you as you're processing with him last thing I want to become is everybody's Messiah do you know how to say no do you know how to say no do you know how to say no when people need you cuz every call that you're gonna need to get will come when you're trying to be with God every person that hadn't called you in five years will need you with an emergency when you begin to prioritize intimacy with God they said no less there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came they went in the door was shut I don't believe this is about eternal damnation I believe it's about usefulness in the last days who's gonna partner with God in the last days the door was shot it's a door of opportunity and I've found in my life I'm grateful for this season it's been one of the best seasons in my life I'm grateful for it I needed it for 10 levels but what I found and I'm happy and it makes me want to go back to it that what has been privately being worked out in me that wasn't manifested because external pressures reveal inward realities pressure reveals you and I believe that God wants in the coming days as pressure mounts and the world is running filled with anxiety fear worry we're gonna see a church emerge with answers clarity Authority revelation oil and that is thriving in the grace of God actually thriving in the grace of God because they don't wait for hard days to go after God I'll probably talk about this tomorrow but Psalm 91 I believe that God's been saying in this season I want you to go from seeing me as your crisis ATM into seeing me as your perpetual dwelling-place I believe we're in a Jeremiah 12 verse 4 season if you run with the footmen and they wear you out how will it be in the floodplains of the Jordan alright good you guys okay I believe he wants to take you on a journey of tenderness I believe this is all you got to do everybody listen to me you don't have to come up with something new you take your jacked-up dull indifferent heart people like us better so just messed up and we bring our cold heart before the bonfire of his love and we just let it sit there and we keep showing up and you don't evaluate these things in days but you begin to evaluate them in months and years and you're gonna wake up in six months and you'll be in a simple little worship service and all of a sudden floodgates will will just break off of you some of you haven't felt in a long time there's been a chronic numbness on you I believe that God wants to tenderize us again in his love but that means that we don't have to get somewhere before we get before him we bring who we are before him and we go through the journey can you put hope I think we're in a Hosea 10 verse 12 this will be the last verse I've got to go tomorrow so I'm just gonna give you everything Hosea 10:12 Hosea 10:12 so for yourselves righteousness reaping mercy here it is break up your fallow ground that fallow ground is that hard ground that was useful in a previous season but it's gotten hard and and hosea is liking it to our hearts that has gotten fallow and you know what fallow ground is they can't receive the word anymore it needs to be tilled up it runs right off of it y'all know more than I do about this the water runs off of it you can't the seeds are useless it requires a breaking up and I feel like the Lord told me Cory I'm gonna release gifts to the church in this hour to help break up your ground I'm gonna release tears to tenderize I'm gonna release tongues to till it up and I'm gonna release travail to tear it up tears tongues and travail is coming to the church in this hour tears are going to tenderize us tongues are gonna till up that ground and travail is going to tear it up and I just want to ask him for the tenderizing hey man let's tan [Music] I'll try to talk on this tomorrow but I've come in and I've talked to you about the power of bringing the spirit drag the spirit breaks up that ground cholo 212 turn to be with all your heart with fasting we've been warned [Music] thank you God [Music] I believe you want to make us tender Jesus [Music] could I ask you right now that you would put your hand on our hearts some of you are coming to that state in your life saying god this is not what I thought it was gonna look like and I've withdrawn because of pay I withdrawn because of disappointment I went drawn because of compromise that's the god idea it doesn't look like what I thought it was gonna look like and I and I held my heart back from you [Music] and tonight God we just we return to our first love we returned we repent and we return to our first love god I want a flowing heart I want the spirit of Revelation to rest upon me I want that spirit of prayer to rest upon me I want the spirit of conviction to rest upon me I want to feel conviction God when you say no o some of us haven't known that in a while [Music] Holy Spirit I just pray right now wash over this room right now she would find a company here in Maine and a New England it would be tender to the Lord all we want to hear what you're saying Holy Spirit we want to see what you're doing Holy Spirit we would have discerned the day rightly but we don't want to be like Mary caught up in the god of distraction worry and anxiety [Music] Satya rebus atomic elbow shot or reversible [Music] if you'd say that's where you're at you're here the state of repentance but say God I want to come back to that I want you to lift your hand right now we all need it in one measure or another but I feel like God's putting his hand [Music] you [Music] this has been a prayer mind Jesus I want to cry again I want to cry again in the Bible I want to hear those words you're speaking to me [Music] [Music] you [Music] I'm a gardening clothes for my beloved [Music] satire we're gonna enter back into this begin to pray in the spirit now [Music] gun release the baptism of fire [Music] yeah he wants to release that baptism of fire [Music] least the baptism of fire God [Music] you [Music] Jesus make me tender [Music] Jesus make me ten or to be tender Jesus [Music] you said today of you hear my voice don't harden your hearts I don't want to be harden in the season Jesus I break up the fallow ground of my heart [Music] release fresh tears I asked for the gift of tears to flow as for the gift of tongues to flow I asked for the gift of travail to flow she would begin to reorder our interior life God [Music] that's it little louder [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may the size of my heart always be larger than the size of my influence [Music] I asked you for the baptism of the Holy Spirit fire you said that you would release fire to tenderize us there is a spirit of burning that won't tenderize you we ask you for the spirit and fire [Music] [Music] I was looking at Hosea 2 tonight where it says that he's gonna bring them to the wilderness and he's gonna speak tenderly to them it's what he's gonna do to the whole nation of Israel in the last days do you know what he does in the wilderness he kicks out all the other props and you rediscover his voice [Music] I know this might affect your might everybody wants it in a general sense but I feel like there's some in here you're saying no I've felt that numbness that indifference that stone god I need a tenderness on my heart I've let that the world around me get on the world on the inside of me and I just want to declare it tonight god I want a fresh renewing on the inside of me if that's you I want you to come up here we're gonna pray for you just come like a line across there [Music] I bless all of you we're gonna be back together in the morning but I just know the Lord wants to open up your hand here we are god Lee said Song of Solomon eight-six [Music]
Channel: Linda Eckhardt
Views: 2,243
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Id: Ydt9T52Aa2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 13sec (4633 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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