TBN Praise the Lord October 2, 1997

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[Music] and around the world it's time to raise the Lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from the heart of Europe [Music] [Applause] the gift of Africa [Applause] [Music] from [Music] [Applause] [Music] Central and South America [Music] [Applause] you're a part to the world's largest prayer and praise gathering 20s from Trinity City was a church auditorium in Hendersonville Tennessee our founder and senior pastor of The Potter's Houston Dallas Texas Bishop tdj Grammy award-winning born-again recording artist MT hammer finishing music anointed musical evangelist and recording artist bill Renee Morris and the 50 Music City Mass Choir pretty to take your calls prayer partners around America [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] coffee buddy from a money long way I want to before you sit down I want you to just turn to somebody and shake hands with them and top two or three things that God has done for you recently he's healed your breast job they the way that have no testimony [Music] watch my television neatness [Music] think about how God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice place [Applause] somebody's been playing in here somebody's been expecting in here somebody came here to receive something from dr. night the devil is terrified cuz your faith in loosen up [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you just turned on your television said this is not a football game we're not crazy but our team did this go ahead touchdown we're in it and we're excited about it 2,000 years ago we for the touchdown and let's feel celebrating in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we better be quiet without mascara [Music] they got nervous I'm excited [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this revival is shaking up the devil's territory a man people are being healed and blessed and delivered and set free and it always happens whenever the body of Christ gets together God have a smorgasbord of ministry and you can't stay in one little corner and just eat one little thing you got to learn how to be blessed - a lot of different ministries and gifts and talents I I want everything God asks for me everything everything laid over demons I want everything he has for me and I don't want anything that the devil's got planned for me not none of it either I don't receive it I just want the blessing of the Lord in my life I made up in my mind only one of the friends God sends me only want the help God sends me all they want the money God sends I don't even want anything that the devil sends me at all cuz God knows what you need and he knows when you need it and he knows how to send it oh can I get a witness in here hallelujah clap your hands and thank the Lord would you let's beg God for TV Internet wonderful hallelujah [Music] I said thank God for TBN I didn't say Cinemax I didn't say is Bo I said thank God for TV n thank God for PBS I didn't say the Playboy channel I said thank God for TV [Applause] [Music] this is how we spell relief j esus hey man don't knock it till you tried it you you might be watching on television and say those people are crazy and jumping up and they're shouting and then they just seem so uncouth and they're not dignified and they're not conservative but we're not suicidal even we're not depressed and we're not on crack cocaine and we're not losing our mind we're not having a nervous breakdown but God [Music] [Applause] is working for me is working it's working it's working is work I'm sleep don't wait milk I love it are you happy tonight certainly honor God tonight I believe that revival is sweeping this country God is using the Airways right up where the enemy thought he had Dominion God is going up into the high places and tearing Satan's Kingdom down it's wonderful to be alive right now and to see what God is doing in the body of Christ people are getting saved that you never thought would get seen amen coming into the light and the knowledge of Jesus Christ and I thank God that God is merciful enough to give you a chance to get in together because some of you been in church all of your lives but many of you there were the time that you wouldn't have been caught dead in a place like this on a night like this but it'd be nice if God was merciful and gave you a chance to get yourself together [Music] I could thank him for 20,000 years just for being patient I can thank him for his mercy I could thank him for being nice to me you know what I'm saying I could thank him for not giving up on man what why you go ahead and thinking for your car and thinking for your house and thinking for your shoes I could thank him for talking to me in the middle of the night being my best friend and being my counselor and jacking me up sometime and straightening me out it gets yourself together I'm glad I'm glad pastor I'm glad about it I'm excited tonight about Jesus and all of the many many blessings I bring you greetings from Dallas Texas amen the Potter's House in particular where God is moving and touching and blessing by his Spirit and we worked our way over here we were ministering at home and doing some business at home and then jumped on a plane and ran over here and I know how to take the party from house to house and see people in the world think they know how to party but they don't know how to part we get higher than you doing I hit doesn't hurt in the morning amen the Lord is day I hear you I got the right crew tonight the Lord hand-picked my crowd that night I got the right folks in the other night somebody's got the Holy Ghost I can preach the dead folks but I don't like to my head hurt to be around I'm allergic to dead people they bother making hinders my spirit I don't even want to be around dead people when I die around some I got some life in them a man I'm excited about God's goodness it's mercy great want you to be praying our church is getting ready to do something that I think is very significant we're getting ready to have a pastors conference and I think it's significant because so many times those of us who minister were go across the country labor and labor in our churches teach give pour out so many times don't have any place to come and be strengthened and be built back up and it's dangerous for you to be a pastor or be an evangelist be a teacher and always giving never receiving always encouraging never being encouraged always praying for people never being prayed for after while you're just living out an image and trying to live up to what people expect everybody gets tired sometimes and so I was looking at the scripture physician healed myself and my wife and I began to pray about just calling together pastors and ministers from around the country so that we could just shut in with God and we just want to see God do some healing yes he's sending revival at the end of the revival we need direction we need direction where are we going to go from here but if what if the next move how are we going to maneuver our congregations from this level to that level how are we going to impact our class or our church or when we go on the field and minister how are we going to do that and not die ourselves while we're doing it the Bible they take heed unto thyself and to the flock of God of which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers and sometimes ministers are so bent on taking care of what God gave them to do that they forget to take care of who God gave it to do it through amen and so we want to do that I want you to be praying about them if you're a pastor or you're a minister you're in full-time ministry and you feel like you're at the end of your rope at about the faint and collapsing but just tired or you're married just going through a crisis your mind is going through a crisis or you're having to preach everybody else's message because God hasn't spoke to you for about six months all of them have a half week but if you head off six months think maybe in the middle of a building fun project and everything is going crazy and you're discouraged and you just need to be encouraged I want to invite you October 22nd through the 25th to come to the potter's house somebody's Church on us in their pastor to the parish house bring your wife amen you have them not your secretary come on down [Applause] hallelujah hey come on down and being that meeting you two really bless you we've had a tremendous year at the potter's house this year I've learned a lot of pestered on a lot of different levels I know what it is to be the choir director and the president of the board and head of the chicken prime committee and and I know what it is to go to bed praying for thousands and thousands and thousands of your members and asking God to get his arms around them because you can't get your arms around them I know but it is to have the stress on your family and on your children of always being available to other people and my wife and I just want to pour into you before life just takes the best out of you and I want those of you say well I'm not a pastor I'm not in full-time ministry so what are you telling me about I'm telling you so you can pray I'm telling you so that you can believe God with me because I'm asking God to call pastors to walk in the door and be slain in the spirit I'm asking God to do that I'm asking God to heal and deliver and set free pastors and teachers and evangelists and those who are just had their wit's in I'm asking God to stir up the gifts and you will feel the impact of it when they come back to your church you won't know your pastor won't know him well knowing I want you to be praying for that and I want all the women in the house to shout hallelujah if you're a woman and you know your woman shall howl ooh if you're not sure ask somebody say yeah hey man I want the women to meet me in Tampa Florida I'm doing woman Thou Art Loosed down there in Florida amen come the October 30th through November the first about the time it's starting to get cold up here and go to Florida you can't go on me you got to pay your own way but you go with me amen and meet me there for a woman's hour and loosen just have a good time in the Lord is for women guys so don't be coming in there and no skirt little ugly me sticking out from I discourage hey man I'm glad I'm a man I'm glad I'm a man I got glitter when I found my wife having babies I got I will plug rented I'd rather work and take care of him than have him we had five I thought we done good I thought that's real good and we we were talking the other day cuz our kids are all ages and stages but the baby stage is over and we've started getting nostalgic and I said you know it feels funny not having a little bitty baby in half my wife had not to me she said he said the next baby come in this house you gonna have I said well that's be in the left man that sound like it might hurt are you happy in the Lord let's pray then everybody [Music] [Applause] more prepare me to be a sanctuary [Music] I [Music] I'll say Godfrey if your voices see it one more time preparing know to be effectuated [Music] - yeah all face alone with Thanksgiving [Music] Oh shirts well [Music] try [Music] Oh I can do it [Music] I can make it you [Music] the past I know I can make it [Music] I can stay mr. hammer tell him I wanna live [Music] I wanna spend I know I can make the Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the presence of the Lord Oh [Music] Harlan get your Bibles were going to the Word of God the flower fades the grass and wither but the word of the Lord shall stand forever it's word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path with jobs and I esteemed it more than my necessary food John says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not now there was a man who was sent from God he was not that light but he was said to bear witness of that light saying there's one who's coming after me who's mightier than I whose shoes I'm not worried at Atlanta I have indeed baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with any question those answers and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us we've been held the wonder of his glue the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth it's learned it's a word it's a word your healing is in the word your deliverance is in the word the answer to your marital problems is in the Word of God the answer to that problem with your child is in the word for everything everything everything is in the word go to the Gospel of st. Luke chapter 7 but I just feel good it's anywhere somebody asked me they said bishop you look like you lost a little weight I said I lost 100 pounds I said I said how did you do it I said it's in the word and it's in the way it's in the way they were started fighting my health and I started fighting back breaking generational curses I said you're not gonna take me out this easy hey man hey man you had to fight back my father died when he was 48 he had kidney disease and his blood pressure went up so high his card his kidneys his kidneys completely failed he died in 48 he started getting sick at for it in about 40 my blood pressure shot up so high and the devil said he said the same devil they've come to get your daddy he's coming back to get you I jumped on the treadmill and got my Bible out with my other hand changed my whole diet and all my practice I said devil it ain't gonna be easy you got to take the word and bring different person every bondage and if it's brother and I'm a living witnesses you got to get a breakthrough you get a breakthrough I don't care what it is I don't think just cuz your mama died of cancer doesn't mean you have to die attention don't let the devil in you if God said live no devil in hell we'll be talking about I just wanted to know I think you might get me but it won't be easy I always would fight you know a man you got to fight back man you got to fight back hey man you got to fight back not founder it's not just your diet and your exercise it's building yourself up in the Word of God for whatever it is you have to fight whatever it is coming against you or coming against your family of coming against God's promises in your life the answer is in the Word of God you believe that it's in the Word of God it's in the Word of God man you can't read the scriptures and eat fried chicken now I'm a cheesecake in the scripture alamode hey back that won't work that won't work go to the Gospel of st. Luke chapter 7 amen those of you that struggling with weight we got a book called lay aside the weight it'll be out in two weeks if you won the rebuke fat anybody ever had to rebuke fat I tried to pray the calories out that don't work give me some apple pie and ice cream and I say father I rebuke these calories they rebuked me right back but there is some things you can do get your Bible go to the top of him Luke chapter 7 Amy are you happy tonight amen thank you Jesus amen stand to your feet gonna begin reading at verse 1 and down to verse 10 I sense in my spirit that there's some things that God wants to do in this place tonight amen I want you to read with me out the Word of God I may drop out but you continue you ready now when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people he entered into Capernaum and a certain Centurion servant who was dear unto him was sick and ready to die and when he heard of Jesus he sent unto him the elders of the Jews beseeching him that he would come and heal his sermon and when they came to Jesus they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this for he loveth our nation and he had built up a fin agog continue [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] turning to the house found the Thurmond hole that had been sick can you say Amen now remain standing for just a minute look at this sixth verse then Jesus went with him and when he was now not far from the house the Centurion sent friends to him saying unto Him Lord trouble not thyself why I'm not worthy that thou should has enter under my roof then Jesus went with him and when he was not far from the house the Centurion said friends to him saying you don't even have to come I'm going to preach tonight a miracle in the middle of the room amen look at your neighbor say neighbor there's a miracle in the middle of the road spirit of the Living God send your anointing through this place tonight let your power come in a flood and in a tidal wave then a definite healing send a definite deliverance send a definite word of direction I thank you for your mighty power and your sovereign reach your God all by yourself you didn't ask nobody to let you be God and nobody voted you in is God you were God before there was aware or will we trust you right now to speak to the needs of your people we believe you to do it in Jesus name somebody shout a man and then you may be seated a miracle in the middle of the road somewhere between here and there miracle in the middle of the road it's very interesting text we are considering it is one of the most awesome miracles in the Gospels and it occurs not in the lives of the religious or the spiritual but it occurred in the life in the life of someone who was basically a very secular Gentile person and yet God blessed him anyway he did not have the benefit of covenant as the Israelites had he was separated from the Commonwealth of Israel and yet God blessed him anyway according to the New Testament healing was the children's bread but he was not in the family but God blessed him anyway always pay particular attention when God blesses you anyway when he goes against the rules to bless you it's one thing to get it when it's within your rights but it's another thing when you know you have no right and yet God blesses you anyway when is your right to get it you feel like well I had it coming but when you know that there is no legal right for you to get it that they're there there is no scriptural basis for you to get it that you cannot claim your deliverance because you've been so faithful or so perfect or so holy and yet God blesses you anyway I'm attracted to things like that because it lets me know that God loves his people more than rules it lets me know that the law is weak through the flesh and that sometimes God will bless you in spite of I believe that there's a special praise that comes in the heart of people who have been blessed against the grain who had no right to expect to be blessed and yet God blessed them anyway it just in Korean it's not that the people who have been taught to worship and been taught to breathe and you say now we're going to Shabak and oh no it's time to allow and now we're going to healing we have a little ceremony lower it this is a different thing all because this is born spontaneously out of a grateful heart who knows that had God dealt with you justly you would have never gotten it but he saw something that made him step across the room and touch you anyway just nobody has to teach you to worship you don't know whether you should barking or to healing or halau you don't even know anything you don't even care you don't even care you don't even care you know you don't know you're gonna cry you just start crying you don't know you're gonna raise your hand you just raise them up you don't know that you're going to go into worship but when you reflect over it and think back on it and remember from whence you come celebration this breaks out in your spirit Jesus implies when teaching the disciples that when you've been forgive much you praised with the greater intensity and and I understand that you need to understand that all people don't worship on the same level they don't praise on the same level then there's a certain level of worship and praise it only rubs in your heart when you recognize that had God just stuck to the books you wouldn't be here but and if God blessed with him anyway you're dealing with a Centurion here that that that really needed a touch from God that he really needed to be blessed it's interesting because if you read it in the Gulf of a st. Matthew it reads a little differently than it does in the Gospel of st. Luke because when you read it in Matthew it almost sounds as if the Centurion has come to Jesus himself and says to Jesus said here he has a servant who is ill and that he needs deliverance and that he tells Jesus you need not come to my house but Speak the word only and I may be healed Matthew was a tax collector and he's a bottom line writer he just comes to the very essential issues if you really want to get detailed you had to read Luke because look at the physician and he Labor's over my new details he he knows the little things are significant and so he writes with a greater indebtedness so that we can get the totality of the whole analysis and thereby be able to understand the magnitude of amiracle and so when you read it in the Gospel of Luke you get a better picture of exactly what happened you're dealing with an extremely wealthy affluent influential powerful man who had the problem and it interesting to know that being powerful does not exempt you from problems didn't matter how successful or how wealthy or how accomplished or how beautiful you are you still not exempt it from problems occasionally something happened in your life he can't handle just about the van I don't care if you're the king of the Emperor I don't care if you clap your hands and everybody runs in a hole for fear and still there are some things that happen you can't handle you can be so wealthy that you you don't even have to write a check you just asked for they give it to you on your face on your name just here you wanted him just give it to you because people give you more when you got something they they do they do they their loan your money when you don't need it that's the rule you need to leave you you're going to Bank say I need it you can't get it going inside don't need it they'll give it to you you know you can you can be so wealthy that folk just give you money because they know you good for it but there still some things that come in life that you just absolutely cannot handle and it's through the things that we cannot handle that we come to perceive God we come to perceive him we begin to recognize that there are some things beyond our grasp and when we understand that there's some things that are beyond our grasp we begin to look for answers outside of ourselves as long as life only handles you things that you can handle your worship your own ability to deal with it you'll brag about how strong you are and how accomplished you are and how resourceful you are and how affluent and intellectually are but every now and then life throws you a curve and something happens in your life that is beyond your control and suddenly you begin to need somebody bigger than you to deal with things that you can't even handle it's interesting because this man at the moment of his crisis the Bible says in the gospel of Saint Luke that he spoke to the elders he spoke to the Israelite elders he said I want you to go and get this man Jesus and tell him to come to my house and it's no conflict that Matthew says that this man came in self it's just understanding that this man was in such authority that whenever a great man sends a servant the servant does not come in his own name he comes in the name of the one that sent him just just keep that for probably we'll get back to that a little bit later and here he comes he says I want you to go and bring the master to the house that there might be deliverance and so they go and they say to Jesus they say to him there's a Centurion that wants you to come to it if you have to understand Jesus was a busy man he's a busy man baby people don't have time to just come by your house you do all that before you get busy and you get real busy or even have time to look at nobody's house he got tens whatever Jesus came into the situation it was for ministry it wasn't for visitation and whenever he came the house he turned the house upside down I mean it he just would radically affect the house and it said this man wants you to come by father well Jesus was focused on ministering to the children to the covenant people maybe this kind of interior him but but they said he built us a church that's something he's not even one of us but he has so much respect that he built us in fact it's in verse right he loved with our nation and he had built us a synagogue didn't worship in it but he built it for he respects you to the point that even though he's wealthy and separated from the Covenant he's already started giving to the kings sometimes you can be on the outside of the kingdom and suddenly begin to recognize that something's missing out of your life and you're right of check you just you just start giving you start giving God things haven't come to the point of giving yourself yet but you became you begin to become cognizant of the fact that the only reason you got it bless this you are if somebody helped you and though everybody's impressed with you and they think that you are so intelligent and so resourceful pretty soon you become intelligent enough to recognize your own ignorance and you say somebody helped me to get here somebody somebody help me I didn't win the Miss America war because I was absolutely the most beautiful woman that that really wasn't it cuz I saw somebody who was bagging groceries at the grocery store who was prettier than me I didn't get the recording contract because I was the best thing here because somebody was frying chicken in the back of church said could I'll sing me I didn't I didn't I didn't become a best-selling author because I write the best book there's somebody writing better books in prison can't get anybody to read the book and suddenly you begin to recognize that God helped you and I believe that that was the catalyst from which this man suddenly became so cognizant that his wealth and his power and influence had only come from God that he began the soul into a kingdom that he was not submitted to you have to understand that God leads you into truth if it's not all at once truth is not just a destination it's not just a destination it's a process and he leads us along in fact the Bible says he takes us from faith to faith and from glory to glory he takes us through stages of regeneration got to understand that this is not a church man now this is not a Sunday School boy this is not somebody who raised up with a lot of scriptures and all this is a man who separated from the Covenant and yet he has some thought of our in a respect for God so I'm sort of sensitivity for God see let me tell you something even if you never read your Bible gotta be something innately in you that recognizes that there is a go without a scripture without a preacher without understanding a worship server you don't know when to stand up and when to sit down and you know you don't know him from a text but but but down in the depth of your spear there's something in you that lets you know that you couldn't have gotten where you got by yourself it can in fact in fact the scriptures say that the heavens are telling the glory of God that you you ought to be able to look at nature and and Nate you are - preach - you got to be able to stand out on the beach and and listen at the waves crashing up against the rocks and know that this kind of stuff could not have happened on its own got to walk out on the back porch at night and look up into the heavenlies and see the twinkling stars dancing up in the atmosphere and recognize that this is not some catastrophic event some some accident some freak of nature you ought to be able to wake up in the morning and hear birds singing in the treetops and recognize that the birds are harmonizing and the crickets are in harmony and contract together and you have to know that there's got to be a master conductor somewhere The Hunchback of faith I'm not talking about explaining God I'm not talking about putting God in a computer and punching into I'm not talking about putting him up under microscope and proving him to your intellect I'm talking about an innate ability to sense God's able to sense him you might not be a Christian but when you walk into an anointed atmosphere you can sense oh yeah yes if you can sense him and you don't know how to articulate it you don't know what to call it in it you have four funny in there I'm funny sometimes you say I felt uncomfortable in there or or just I got goose people who I got children I don't know my mother just it's just something and then all of a sudden you come in and awareness and then they there is something beyond me somebody's in this room other than me I'm up I'm up in in the room and discover there I'm not in here by my foot you can't see anybody but you know that you know that there's somebody I'm not driving down this interstate by myself I just feel like somebody been to par with me the heavens are telling haha the heavens kushai the heavens are telling the glory of God the elements the nature the minerals all the soil the crashing of waves the moving of water the falling of leaves the stream falling across rocks the brooks gurgling are telling the glory of God the deer running through the forest is declaring the glory of God the spreading wings of an eagle the cry of a Hulk in the middle of the noonday Sun is telling us the Gloria I mean even if you're not go shopping how can you not believe that there is a he wasn't ready to commit everything to him but he had to acknowledge God and see that's where the trouble shot because whenever you acknowledge God the Bible said acknowledge him in all that ways and he's for Patrick that had any mother he loved him completely matured but he had already begin to acknowledge God in the first chapter Romans the Scriptures tell us that God judges the heathen because they fail to perceive him through nature and that instead of worshipping the invisible God they great they cut out graven image and worship the creature more than the Creator and God began to judge them because even without a Bible you ought to be able to sense God to be not anyone since you look at some ser Davos in scope if citizen even even though you're starting to get scripture down you get teaching you never get beyond being able to sense God because some things you can sense that you can't even explain you just sense you just sense it all of a sudden you have a feeling everything's going to be alright - you can't even explain how it's going to be honest though folks used to call it praying through they say there are they pray that they fill out and pray through NACHA everything gonna be alright and it was the check still hadn't come in the mail but while they were praying they just sit yeah they just tense go tell somebody say he's in here I can't seem but he's in here you can't perceive him through your senses but but he's in here anyway and I I can do some some innate ability can sense the presence of Ghana it has to be in everybody if God's going to judge the heathen for not sensing that it has to be something that every human being ought to be able to do and then I know it because one thumbs 150 declares let everything that have breath brings you the law so that means that if you are not dead if you still breathing you ought to be able to sense God enough to praise him everything that happened wrap up to praise if it did just say safe before it said everything breathing ought to break up even if you're a drunk and a liar and a cheat you still I gotta praising that God didn't kill you for all that praises that's a warship warship is this for any let group everybody can't watch them but everybody can praise God I want you to look at this go to the 17th chapter of the book of Acts woman just just turn to the fella teacher yes no Laura to God I sense the presence of God and here look at it we're going to the 17th chapter in the book of Acts verse 22 and we're finding Paul ministering on Mars he'll to a people who were superstitious or ever were religious but they did not have a relationship with God they were struggling trying to find God because down on the inside of them throughout all ages every culture every species on earth has always found something to worship even if it wasn't the right thing they worship something because innately they sense that there's got to be something outside of me that's greater than me and when Paul stumbles up on them on Mars here he begins to kind of straighten them out listen to this verse 22 then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said Ye men of Athens I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious for and I passed by and behold your devotions I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God in that something better write in a letter to the unknown God I don't even know you but I perceive you I don't understand you but I sense that there's something either I don't even know how to address you I don't know whether the thing your highness or your honor I don't I don't know what to do with you but I know that there there's got to be something out there no Bible but I know there's some to the unknown God whom therefore ye ignorantly worship just worshipping in ignorance they haven't even come into full revelation him declare I unto you he said I'm gonna straighten you out about him God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth don't live in no temple made with hands you can't make god no house you can't hold God down into no conscience you can't lock him up in your denomination you can't say your churches the only church that has back you came luck God up in your house and put a security system on them until you tell everybody can't nobody be saved unless you come this way the devil is a lie God don't live in the house stretch them and say God don't live in know how you you can't just say what God is here and not there you can't lock me out of God even if you don't like me you can't lock me out of innocent that's good in this good is good he said you're worshipping but you're ignorant that's true a lot of people he said you're doing y'all know what you're doing Ethan and then what Jesus told the Samaritan woman he said your people don't know what they worship that's what he fed the gospel thing down chapter 4 he said your people worship on the mountain they know not what you can be doing some and not know what you don't but Jesus Jesus begin to minister to her he said I'm gonna straighten you out so you can move into another realm somebody tonight is getting ready to go to another level you're getting ready to go to another you've been stumbling at worshipping stumbling at praising stumbling that sure you've been doing a little bit but God is getting ready to take you to another level and and he's gonna use some of the problems in your house and in your life to force you out of hiding and make you reprioritize your life then you gonna start seeking you never stop ain't got the right trouble to make you seek God I know you said you weren't going to nobody's Church but if you get in enough trouble baby you'll give ya God will have his way the card that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth dwelleth non intervals made with hand neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything and that's how I love that right there is that neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything God doesn't need anything to be go if you never serve it if you never give to ministry if you never saw a sea if you never clap your hands and never worship if you curse every time you drive by the church don't think that you're robbing God of anything God doesn't need any things you got the big car he was drunk when you got here he'll be puffed with your gun God if God all by himself and he sits on the shuttle of here [Applause] he's God [Applause] one hour later you believe something you can control neither God beyond your human abilities in reasoning the Bible says he doesn't need anything seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things faith whatever you got God gave it to you and see this this old man this Centurion have begin to perceive that in all of his power whatever he had God had given it to you some people don't know that they think that whatever they got they got it through their own shrewdness but the Bible says the fear or the reference of the Lord the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom so that means faith 101 is when you begin to reverence go and recognize that God doesn't need anything and whatever you have God He gave it to you and whenever you give him something you are only given back to him what he has already given I feel like having a praiseth on or something tonight I don't know what it is but somebody got wants to challenge you there so I see your two blaster these sitting up on all of that you need to start worshipping God with your substance because you're getting ready to go through something that money ain't gonna get you out of here what I'm saying you know here there are some things that you can write a check and work out but this [Applause] my God my God my God he's not washing with men's hands i'ma read again though he needed anything saying he give it to all life and breath and all things and have made it one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and have determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation that they should shake the Lord man this is it that they should see and don't even know him but knowing him in the process that they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him this feeling just groping don't don't even know how to worship you but I'm feeling it don't know how to please you but I'm feeling at it I'm trying to group it I'm trying to touch it like a bee like a blind man stumbling through an unfamiliar room you see you see first thing they do the first thing blind people do when they get in a room it's familiarize themselves with the room feeling after things and I know where the parameters are they're feeling out the things because they cannot see and Paul I said God cannot be seen but you can feel I sought the Lord the Bible says seek the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he's there you have to see yo the Bible said knocked in the door shall be opened seek and you shall find ask and it shall be given even if you have no scripture the bottle says still you ought to seek out to him you're to feel after you gotta start groping out there not to just start walking around how say Lord I love you I just I love you I face I think I draw the front where I lift you up I give your brains huh I know I'm in trouble but I could get brave I've not been snorting coke but I give your brain that I need you I need I don't know how to pray I don't know how to talk to you but lord I need you in my life at the end of my rope I'm about to have a nervous breakdown it I don't even know how to talk to you I haven't even thought about you since I was a little boy it says I'm with a little girl but Lord I'm feeling after you I'm probing happy I need to in the morning I need your need I need you when the Sun Goes Down I don't know I can't see you but I'm gonna feel for you David said when thou sittest seeking my praise my heart set on disease our faith Lord will I seek to sleep even tell him feel after him he'll acting quit playing hard to get and feel up to him quit waiting on God to come to your house and feel after him prick sit back in your comfort zone and that's what the Centurion was going he was bailing up the gun he hit up on a little something but the Israelites rusted but the Jews of synagogue he touched on a little something didn't have full revelation but he come into an awareness I didn't bless myself I didn't get him his power by myself the powers that be are ordained of God I couldn't have got up if God had not helped how do you hear what I'm saying and he said I see when you start understanding that he is the source from which your blessing comes from it makes you want to bless him you don't have the full revelation but you just want to bless him back you just you want to find a way to give something back to a god who's given so much for you and you aren't even thinking about him but he still blessed you anyway in effect you want to do something it make you want to say hallelujah it'll make you want to help somebody across the street it'll make you want to help administrator bet you on a saucy blessed s you are can spend all of that on drugs and liquor and alcohol that ain't working [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what to him this meant when he wrote I need thee every hour I need Thee Oh I need thee o bless me now my Savior I come I don't even know how to do it but I come I don't even know how to praise you but how come I don't even know how to serve you but I come i midi are you hearing what I'm saying Paul said if haply you might find him he says you'll stumble upon him just what have you ever stumbled up on a blessing did you stumbled on just happily you just you didn't happen into you just happen to be at the right place at the right time and you just stumbled up but how can you not be believing God with everything you got you just stumbled upon it you you didn't even know who you were talking to it the water found that didn't understand the bear was just talking to the president of the company God just let you be in the right place at the right time oh that's why I gotta pray blah blah Pass me the riches this blast me the law my god my god feel so many here tonight I feel something in here tonight I feel something in here tonight somebody give him some brain look at this he said if I play they might feel after him and he said if you start groping and feeling after him he said you'll find him look at that mess with him he said you'll find him though he'd be not far from every one of us for in him we live and move and have our being he says you're closer to it than you think you you can't judge a distance he said but he's he's not far from any of us I know you did some terrible things in your life but he's not far from any of us I know you did some things you don't even want anybody know you did and you think that you're so far from God that he doesn't love you but the devil is a liar he's not fought on any of us listen Tyrion was saying terms of he said I know I know I'm not a good old church boy I know I didn't come from a good old covenant environment he said but I'm feeling after him that's why I built him a synagogue he was feeling after it's not that you could buy your way into the kingdom but he was just trying to trying to do something to feel have you ever just just made some little attempt somebody else would have said it with nothing but you knew that in your heart you were trying to see after him and because he was willing to feel after God not that he didn't even have a problem man there was no problem he was just he just built him the son of God because he had the power he had the ability he said I'm going to do it now that they think he was gonna need them you be careful how life turns around sometimes people you never expected to me may be the very one that God uses to bless you tic-tac he so to see he sort of say they didn't need anything that he thought he had everything he did so to see him for blessed said I'll just show it I'm able to do it I'll do it I mean it servant whom he loved got sick and God let something come into his house then he wasn't able to do cuz God said if you're gonna seek me let me put myself in your way [Applause] [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey Ben if you don't act like you want to find me let me put you in a situation so that I can show up see God shows up in trouble if you want to find God look in the fiery furnace look in the instead look in the valley of the dry [Applause] and he's got it ticking God got to let me help you out sitting and you shall find him knocking the door shall be opened unto you ah and it shall be given unto you don't get God started because if you act like you want to find him he'll put himself in your way he'll show didn't Moses say to God he said a lot I want to see you got to get in the cleft of the rock and I'll cross my goodness to pass over you my never had God show himself in the middle of your trouble in your trial and your crisis and all hell was pregnant all your enemies that you would never get out of it can't we be repelled appease any here [Applause] yes ma'am yeah yes yes yes in the middle of your trouble in the middle of your storm in that apartment you're in right now he's there right there right there laughs to bless you back to heal you to deliver you he bring you out oh I'm raving for putting himself in my way making himself available my verse at that all of a sudden the man had a problem a problem trouble in that one day they said that the Lord is a present help in trouble yeah that's when he shows himself it when you can't seem away [Applause] in the midst of your trouble we samurai D jehova shamma right here [Applause] your mother left you but I haven't left you your husband left you but I haven't left you your boss fired you but I haven't tried it he said I'm there in the middle of your truck I don't know who I'm preaching to tonight that's about time he's here I can feel him I can't prove him but I can feel I can't see him but I can sense him I I know he's there I'm not even troubled by myself I'm not going through this storm by myself I'm not dealing with this sickness by myself I'm not raising this child by myself I'm not facing this crisis by myself and so when he got it when he got in trouble he said the elders of the synagogue he sent something that Jesus was connected to he said if I can't touch him I'll touch something he's touching if I can't connect with him I'll connect with something that he's connected to and if I was bad that he said the elders to go to Jesus and they went to Jesus's head got down the road there he's not really in there and doesn't have a covenant but he loves us and he built us a synagogue he don't worship in it but he built it for us he doesn't know but he was sowing seeds into a miracle he hadn't even got yet he's paying down on a blessing didn't even know that he needed to pay down on it but he he had built up a memorial and he needs a blessing now on the basis of what he did then that's why you need something in the storehouse and let me show you that go back go back find your Bible you didn't do it up under the seat get it out uh-huh yeah yeah in Luke 7 look at that look at that right there Luke 7 and 5 you still got it Oh y'all didn't threw it away Luke 7 and 5 I want you to get this in your sphere because this is incredible verse 3 in fact when he heard of Jesus he sent unto him the elders of the Jews beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant and when they when they came to Jesus they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this for he loveth our nation and he had built us this one man had built a synagogue there wasn't no $10 said he loves our nation and here built us a synagogue then Jesus went with them could God Amercia you see what I'm saying he wasn't moving but when they said he's already paid down on the blessing somebody shout then you don't understand sowing and reaping then Jesus went with them he said all right I'm going with you but he's already been seeking you God he didn't wait till he within trouble to start seeking you he was seeking you in the good times he didn't have it all together but he had already started the process the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom it it's not the end of wisdom but he is getting spotted on some list [Applause] [Music] some of you God has put in your heart to do things and help people and so in the ministry you don't even know what God is saying to you how awesome it is he's getting ready to set you on a fast track to the greatest miracle you have ever had in your life you better obey Him if you obey Him in the time of trouble your meal bearer will never run out if you obey Him he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you want to have room enough to receive if you give it what you do have gotta give you what you don't have I know this is not a good revival message but it's just what the Lord Damon I don't know why the Lord gave it I don't know who he's talking to I don't know I don't understand what this is about but I feel God saying that he sends somebody up for a miracle he's he's setting you up right now it's a setup it's about shut up that's why you got the handle it right it's the shut up look at somebody and tell him it's just up he guess he had trouble in his house but it was a setup yes he had a problem he couldn't but it was a snap yes he was at the end of his rope but it was a snap yes they had a problem he could drop it it was a setup for God for sure [Applause] my god I feel his glory coming in this wow I feel his glory coming in listen.i feel his glory coming in this house I don't know who God is speaking to that the glory of the Lord is coming in this house you may be watching by television I may be preaching for you tonight but the glory of the Lord is coming right into your situation you need to understand that if you obey what God is saying to you God's going to release glory in your life and don't be afraid what you all say God don't be worried about what trouble and devil sends in your house greater is He that is in Absalom and don't be given because you think God needs anything the books and you don't need anything while later tell us not to receive offerings out of necessity don't act like God is broke God is not in trouble you're in trouble you don't give because God's in trouble you give because you're in trouble and you give what God has given you so that God can give you the thing that you can't get the outside I'm stuck on it LaRocco take it out of it I'm stuck in it hmm [Music] and then can you imagine the devil st. now look at you you just built them folks at church and now you got this trouble in your house won't he touch you come on say I thought she was trying to be such a goody two-shoes what did you get out of being good now you got trouble in your some of you're trying to do the right thing and the more you try to do right the more the devil comes against you and he says that ain't no good and goin right he tryin to make you think that living holy doesn't work he's trying to make you think that sowing seeds doesn't work but that devil is a liar it's God he's gonna use the proper reflection came back you tonight all things work together for the good of it Oh haha touch somebody tell them get ready get ready get ready [Applause] [Music] you're the Holy Ghost fit back to hit this house I feel a blessing about the break loose in this house I feel the door about the moon in this house you got to learn how to draw by God in the middle of the trouble you can't wait for your dad to break up right in the middle you got the megavision don't his lady [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me steel god he's still wrong [Applause] but he's still got papa fiction in your back but it's still God [Music] your breasts button still [Applause] bankruptcy buddy still got [Applause] [Music] right on [Music] toss it out I don't know why y'all keep jumping up [Music] what [Applause] your seat belts tonight I feel the Holy Ghost car wreck mouthing at this place tonight the anointing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] famous and he says [Applause] Wow listen to businesses please sit up to the yoke keep jumping up y'all act like you got the whole ecosystem work and a fireman look at this here he says since I can well it's not that I can't and I don't feel worthy to touch him directly I'm going to touch that that touches him in that what the woman with the issue of blood did she said if I if I don't touch him that's all right I'll just touch the thing that's touching him he's got so much power that if I don't touch him I can just touch whatever is touching him and then enough dealings in the hem of his garment [Music] sighs Tessa I don't I don't need to go if I can just get you to go I don't have to touch him if you touch him go to him and tell him that I need him to come to my house they went to Jesus they said I got on the road is going through something he's got a little memorial built up he he didn't wait till it got in trouble he's already starting to coming to the light he built a synagogue already son he's groping out to you he hadn't quite hit it he's groping I've got a little trouble and now trouble is going to bring him into a closer relationship with you that's where it always happens trouble brings you closer relationships there's and he needs you to go to his house he's built us a synagogue Ben Jesus said Ben Jesus said when he heard when he heard he's obeyed that first command Ben Jesus says he sometimes God would tell you to do something see if you obey that cuz if you be faithful over a few things he'll make you rule over Benji then if I okay your past 101 and he started going to his house he said now I'm gonna go to your house and he started moving toward the man the man had invited Jesus to come to his house now imagine a man he's over here the man is over here at the house waiting on Jesus to get to his house waiting on Jesus get to his house he has sent for Jesus and invited him to come but look at how his faith is development on the first level of faith he didn't he went even going through trouble he had built the synagogue just because he was blessed mm-hmm okay that was the first level of faith then he went in the time of trouble trouble assured him into the next level of thing at the next level of faith he started sinning for Jesus because he wanted to come to know the God that he was already reverencing and at that level of faith he sent the thing that was connected to God to bring him into close proximity and now this man is waiting on Jesus to come but before Jesus could get down the road to him his faith had released again now you got to understand this because this man found schizophrenic this man who just went through all the trouble of getting the elders to go get Jesus to come over here into his house and all of us has a wait a minute wait a minute wait wait I need my friends he got his friends as it go go quick and got Jesus before he ditched to the house and tell him he don't have to come but he had just asked Jesus to come but now he has decided hey you got to come see this man is growing right before your eyes the more faith grows the less it needs [Applause] first phase needed to give then faith needed him to come then faith the relevant said no I don't need you to come he said not this is this is what he but he said he said go and tell him first of all that I didn't come myself because I am not worthy now that's the first thing that got me because when he sent them to go I thought he sent them because he was so important you go because when you really get important you don't take care of everything yourself when you're really important when you're really I mean when you really when you're not too important you go down there and straighten out everything when you you know cuz if you don't do it it's not gonna get done but truly truly aristocratic people don't straighten you out they sent somebody to straighten you out and when he first set somebody down I thought this man thinks he's too good to go himself but he said now that I why I sent you he said I want you to go and tell him that I sent you because I am not worthy to come to you now this is a man who is Authority and in power and auspicious and yet when he encounters a God that is more awesome than him all of a sudden he begins to shrink and humble himself and says I am not even worthy to come into your presence and I had to stop you before you came into my house because I'm not good enough for you to come in my house but look at this in the process of whom discovering his own humility and how low he was he hits on a revelation without a scripture because in the process of him dealing with who he is he starts sending people to go on his behalf and whoever he sent went and as he watched them obey his word he said if I can speak and make goals under me obey my word then he don't even have to come to my house he said it I got some power and I can say that this one go that way and to that one go that way to the other one go that way and he has got all power stopping before he gets to my house and tell him that I think he's so awesome that he can stop in the middle of the road [Applause] my God my God my God my god this man says I've stumbled up on a revelation he said I stumbled up on something I recognized through my own authority the authority of God he said I have recognized with my limited power and resources that everything up under my authority obeys my way and suddenly I recognize that I don't need to trouble the master with his presence that my little problem is not big enough for him have to come to my house I want you to go and tell him that for the first time in my life I recognize who he released understand that my god is so absolutely awesome and incredible that he didn't have to strain himself to deliver this problem in my house but he can stand outside of the mess and speak to the mess and if he opens his mouth everything in my house is going to be here you don't hear what I'm saying you need to understand me what God is saying whatever it is that you're dealing with in private in your house in your situation in your circumstance God didn't go even have to strain himself to deliver you but he could stand flat-footed in the middle of the room and open his mouth and clear his throat and speak the word and it is whatever God says buddy and what he wants you to understand is that that trouble that's raging in your house is not going to have the last word [Applause] and I preached it here my word is greater than the word of your affliction my word is greater than the word of your doctor my word is greater than the word of your accountant greater than the wired of your pouch and though they said you're sick though they said you can't be here go they said you got cancer he said I'm gonna send my word against the word of your somebody say thank God [Music] [Applause] so here we see these somewhere between here and then the Bible said that in the middle of the road he stood see in the middle of the road and spoke the word and the word that he spoke here went over there and healed the problem in the house I don't know what's going on in your house but the Lord sent me the pity to speak the word he said speak the word about every condition get your house and by the time you get back home [Applause] look [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody come expect the miracle [Music] [Applause] now expect up there [Music] whoa [Applause] you're welcome situation in the crisis in the dilemma young chemotherapy in the bed of your pal except right back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who listen to this whoever this is that I'm preaching to God is saying it's not gonna take as much as you thought it was going to take to get your miracle and he sent me here to tell you the real the entire situation it's not as bad in the process [Music] [Applause] [Music] why thank you God so refuted God speak the word about it now yeah [Applause] whoever it is you've been worried and you've been upset and you'll be thinking I can't get out of this and you've been at the end of your rope and you've been worried about how you go back and you fit up under attack and you've been trying to get ready oh hell the break loose in your life but God said call it off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seven it's a setup [Music] [Applause] stop the show [Applause] [Music] give it play [Applause] [Music] my god the Lord said to change your entire expectation if you've been in debt and you sat down and figured out and you said it's gonna take four years to get out of this God said cut it in half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the Hat if they said you were gonna have to take the treatments the six box let it in half you gonna get a miracle [Applause] [Music] between here that said I'll go open up the windows of heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many people believe God in here take somebody by the hand look him right in the eye and tell them that's not gonna pick as much as you thought it was going to [Music] [Applause] it's not gonna be as hard as you thought it was going to be your Ledger's not as bad as you think in fact the Bible said Jesus was almost at the house you're closer than you think you are that's why you begin joy in your spirit rushes in your heart feeling like power [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me take a poll that they do a census is there anybody in here that's been going through trouble and in spite of your trouble you've been getting Joe [Applause] is there anybody any that's been didn't happen but you couldn't explain what you was happy about the sickness was still bad but you had a victory in your soul the problem will still back you excited shout it but you didn't know what you were shouting about about shouting back off God is gonna give you a miracle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now listen [Applause] couple minutes it's something about being on your way somewhere and you're not quite there yet but you know you're closer than you were before let me show you what I mean some of you some of you have been right on the verge of a blessing you already knew it in your spirit I'm on the verge of a breakthrough and the devil is saying give up ain't nothing gonna happen and you're right on the edge and you say to yourself I would have fainted had not I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living I almost fainted but I kept feeling like I was on the verge of something I've been teetering on the edge of somehow I'm about to step into a blessing I feel like something's about to happen I can't explain it huh I don't understand it I can't rule it but I feel like I'm right on the edge just reach over and push the neighbor what's up that's what God's gonna do he's gonna push you all the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch me brother husband it must be at the faith it must be at the mill [Applause] [Music] if the devil was smart he wouldn't never let trouble get in your house because it's the trouble that pushes you over the edge some of you have absolutely declared war on the devil in fact people don't even understand you anymore cuz they used to have you in a little box and they said that's Mary I know her she only comes to church once a week I know her that's Mary she only goes to church on Easter I know that's Fred his wife goes to church man he don't go to church but they don't know God over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] this crap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't do this is in keeping this answer by real cute and conservative don't bother but you if you sit beside somebody desperate just push three people until he's gonna push you into a miracle [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cane [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it came to him in the middle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the thing that he thought had to get all the way over there to bless it blessed it in the middle if I needed another witness I don't believe if if I if I were being caught I needed another witness I would call him up I would call him lapis [Music] whose sabzi them and said massive honor and Jesus said go show yourself to the priest when they started walking then what Neiman heel but the book said wow they will walk in the middle of the road [Applause] if I needed a witness out there in the middle of the rope [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're taking the shower when you said oh my lord that lump is gone [Music] [Applause] what under that rash oh my lord I used to be afraid to drive at night I'm just driving then don't even know even though winning left me but in the middle so what what I would tell you to do tonight is to reassess your whole situation take the brakes off go quit thinking is gonna take all of that to fix it because if you can't believe who said you had to go to the bank to get the money [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who said you're gonna have to take all the counseling sessions to get your marriage back together god just needed to know that you would feel after him he needed to know that you would press your way he needed to know that you would stretch out and the moment you started stretching out on his way your faith is gonna start [Applause] [Music] now now let me tell you something you got to be careful whoever I'm talking to you got to be careful who you befriend because you're gonna be talking kind of schizophrenic they never understand it one moment you're gonna be saying I can't take no more I'm at the end of my room I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind and the moment they get back with the sympathy card and the flowers you know look up say what did you bring me this for I want you to know I'm alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then go simple wait wait wait one you the woman who just said you couldn't take no boy aren't you the guy who said you were getting ready to leave that woman and I come over to visit y'all y'all sittin on the couch all hooked up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just tell them in with a miracle in the middle of the rooms [Music] now there's going to be there's going to be a change I want you to get ready for this because God is going to bless unlikely people oh now hold it hold it search folks because I know you got a list of who's hot and who's not I know you already have decided who's anointed in the ministry and who isn't who's got the best choir who's the best preacher and who's the best is I know you've already got your scorecard but put it away because some of the least likely people people that you would have never thought people that had no right to be blessed but because they believe God God is gonna break some rules to blaze [Music] not now now wait a minute everybody's not gonna be glad she said some of them gonna have a Jonah sphere [Music] Jonah preached the Nineveh tolling the repent and then got mad because they did it he thought that judgment was going to destroy them but somewhere between the preaching and the judgment they repented and God blessed the one that was about to be destroyed until the one that was judging them ended up depressed over their blessing so when you decide to be blessed don't expect everybody to be glad for you [Music] [Applause] what are you saying mister I'm telling you that if you get this word in your spirit God's gonna turn the whole thing around he's gonna turn the whole circumstance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god I feel your boat do you need him to fix how many people need him to fix up the sent Aaron said I'm not so so great a Christian but I'm in trouble and I am done everything just right but this is an emergency and and I know I don't have no right to ask you to do this for me when I haven't done everything that you asked me to do for you but I throw myself on the mercy of the court and would you please fix this problem in my house somebody's got a problem in your house and you may have done some things to cause the problem you're not without blame and it seems funny for you to have got to fix it when some of it is your fault [Music] and if justice would prevail the whole thing would crumble but mercy it's gone step in and give you a miracle right in the middle of the road not now now now listen they're the reason why you're here tonight they're the reason why you turned on your television set tonight but named planning to watch just flicking through stopped on this you said you was going to move in a minute but you've been watching all this time they're the reason why you couldn't turn this message is for you and God is going to give you a miracle if you obey his word God is going to give you a miracle right in the middle of the room a preacher I know I haven't been writing I have been sir that's why you need to get right right now you need to repent right now you need to give your heart to Jesus right now ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit you need to dial that number on the screen you need to get in touch with one of our prayer warriors right now because God is getting ready to turn the entire situation around it's getting ready to turn it around you're going to turn it around he's going to turn it around but you are going to have to obey Him somebody's sitting up there right now you've got everything going for you except this you got your little kingdom bill but that problem in your life right now that kingdom can't fix it but God's kingdom can there are those of you here tonight adults watching by television gods put it within your power to be a blessing to a ministry you have the power to be a real blessing you wouldn't normally do it but tonight is your night to do it unless you do it God is going to move supernaturally super natural is not even gonna be natural it's not even gonna take as much as you think but because you're dared to believe him God's going to take you from faith to faith and from glory to glory I don't know why God said preach this but I know he said preacher I didn't know who was going to be in this room tonight but there are many people in this room the Holy Spirit drew you into this room and while I was preaching the strangest thing is when I'm preaching I don't even know what I'm preaching about myself because while I'm yet preaching it the Holy Spirit will speak things to you about your life in your situation and he'll wish for things to you and I'll be talking and I don't even know what I'm talking about and the Holy Spirit I say to you that's about that that's what I'm gonna do about this situation that's time to move on those financials that I'm talking about your daughter right now I'm talking about I'm talking about you and Jim right now I'm talking about how many of you heard the Holy Spirit underline in certain things while I was preaching [Applause] God's going to do something in your life I want you to join hands with somebody and make sure it's somebody that believes God you just just reach out just fan down I'll just hook up make connections with people who believe go yes that's right if you can't you over just stretch out stretch out and go out of your way to hook up because if you go out of your way for God he'll go out of his way for you that's what this is all about the Centurion went out of his way and God went out of his way for him I can't remember I think it's Mike perky the thing for the miracle coming down your dusty road I don't even know the words to it but I could hear it in my mind there's a miracle coming down your dusty road squeeze that hand you're holding there's a miracle coming down [Applause] your dusty room [Music] they're the miracle coming down your dusty road don't give up don't give out there's a miracle there's a miracle coming right now coming down the road caramel Addabbo shut hi there's a miracle the miracle coming my god I feel the presence of God in the miracle there's a miracle coming down coming down to you coming down to you God has not forgotten you there the miracle coming to you right now coming to your situation there's a miracle coming down that that's coming right into that house coming right into that house right now right now see the miracle coming see it see it in the spirit see it in the spirit see it see it see it see the miracle coming see the miracle see the miracle coming down the road see it see it see it for your life see it for your wife see it for your husband see it for your children see it for your business see it for that company see it for that tumor see it for that cancer the bear [Music] squeeze that hand did the miracle coming right now [Music] there's a miracle there's a miracle there then the miracle coming down coming down coming down coming down coming coming closer coming closer coming closer you feel it in your spirit you feel it in your heart you feel it on the inside your been feeling it you've been feeling it you've been sensing if you've been sensing something is about to happen something is about to happen something is about to happen something something of the my back [Music] [Applause] for the mature Rodan feel this bliss [Music] let your power move in this place let your power come right into that living room right now let it come right in that kitchen in that office in that hotel room yes right there the Holy Ghost coming now in the name of Jesus here comes your miracle that's why the devil tried to kill you cuz he knew the miracle was coming that's why I tried to get you to give up because we knew the miracle was coming a miracle in the middle of the road father let your anointing fo right now let it fall like rain I pray that people who have been worried would be released right now people who are struggling that they'd be strengthened right now people who have been dealing with personal problems that they get a release right now my god let the miracle meet them at the house yes sir thank you a complete turnaround when they go back to work let the whole thing be turned around [Applause] yes sir thank you when they go back to the doctor let the doctor be shocked at the miracle when they take the test again let the healing be manifest on the charm when they look it up on the computer then let the death be canceled [Applause] a miracle tonight a miracle a miracle of Newark Lee right now father let the anointing touch them in such a way that they'd never be the same again I believe you four testimonies to come out of this service tonight I believe you for the telephones to be jammed the mailboxes to be filled for praise reports to break out in churches this Sunday for them to come all over the city all over the nation praise reports for companies for businesses I believe you for business owners I believe it for those Lord that you bless with financial blessing that if they obey your word that supernatural things will begin to break forth and some things that you can do God that money cannot pay for I believe right now in the name of Jesus you're going to do it by your spirit we thank you we praise you we believe you and right in the middle of our test right in the middle of our struggle right in the middle of our problem we raise our hands in your presence and we worship you right in the middle of it we washing the thing ain't even over but we wash it right in the middle of it but we Washington halfway there but we praise you right now I want you to lift your hands and open your mouth and begin to let brains blood out of your mouth [Music] I hope that your mouth open your mouth [Applause] your mouth [Music] I bet you the perfect amount you're in the balcony but I [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right good [Music] I go Lord Arthur thank you Oh okay Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thank you I thank you I thank you I thank you you know what I want you to do I want you right now if you're in this room and you know in your heart you're backslidden you're not in fellowship with God as you should be you know in your heart right now that you are not a Christian or you've drifted away it doesn't matter what anybody thinks I don't want you to miss the miracle it's coming down your Road I want you to slip past all of these people and come running down to the vault and say Bishop I got to get right with God tonight I want you to come right now I want you to come right now just come you might be in the balcony it doesn't matter I want you to come right now Bishop I know I'm not right with God I'm tired of living in sin and if my miracle is coming I don't want to miss it here they come [Applause] I want you to stand right here then let her stand right there so she doesn't fall let her stand right here so you don't fall I don't want you to I want to challenge you tonight I really sense the blessing of the Lord coming it would be tragic for you to get this close to it and not get it no affair is worth it no habit is worth it that drink is not worth it that unforgiveness is not worth it I feel a backslidden preacher God wants to restore you and renew you back into your place you've been heard you've been wounded people that you were there for we're not there for you and bitterness is set up in your heart but God is going to renew your ministry you need to come you need to come you need to come to this altar tonight you need to come if you're watching my television you need to get on your knees and let God begin to restore you the presence of the Holy Spirit is coming backslider I have a warrant for your arrest I have a warrant I came to arrest you the anointing has got you surrounded come out with your hands up no need in fighting no need in wrestling if you fight this you gonna miss your miracle I want you to get in the aisle and come to the altar right now it's not too late come now come now whoever's standing beside you tell me excuse me I gotta go gotta go you gotta go I gotta go right now that's right come on I gotta go I gotta go now uh-huh tell them let me out I gotta go go go move go move move now move move move that's right that's right get in a Herot come now you got to do this right now you got to do it now you got to do it now I've got to go give the cop I feel it in my spirit I got it ow I'm the boss under the holeshot and editable I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I'm coming back to God that's all it is I'm coming all the way back to God I'm coming all the way back to God I'm go quick just fooling around and grouping I'm gonna make contact with God tonight I'm coming back I believe you for a miracle tonight I believe it for healing touch my life Oh [Music] they're learning of God has got you surrounded tonight what are they I'm tired of running Lord I want to be saved I want to be restored take me back I know you're talking to me Jesus but I know you're talking to me I'm tired of running I'm coming home all things you can get me off of these drugs now you can do it haha [Music] you can give me peace in the hole you can do ballad this affair tonight I want out I want out of it [Music] let me three trees absorb [Music] I believe [Music] I want you to dismiss your hands here that have come to give your heart to Jesus I want you to raise your hands to [Music] and in your heart I want you to see you lifted your life up to you [Music] I want you to make your life a gift to go I want you to give your life to Him and allow the blood of Jesus Christ to cover your sin your habit your weakness your struggle right where you are once you stand right here and just start repenting of every sin every struggle I'm tired of it and I want to be free your backslide I want you to just see yourself coming back home where you belong god I drifted away but I'm sorry talk to him talk to him talk to it tell it drift it away but I'm sorry I'm fell into sin but I'm sorry tell him I believe you died for my sin I believe you've given me a chance to come home and tonight Lord standing in your presence right now I present my body of sacrifice I give myself to you take over my life right now in the name of Jesus I will never be the same again the crown of adhere to the soul of history and thank you for your presence ollie [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] super Oh [Music] tonight [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] remember your deliverance Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] they hand [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the Gauls [Music] [Music] [Music] I see [Music] see [Applause] [Music] five [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] here with me Oh [Music] proud of a hat in Jesus and come on sense of God have a washable washable washable Wow [Music] sure [Music] a little Wow laughing about [Music] hallelujah Oh [Music] with the noise [Music] with the cool loosen it man [Music] right into your pocket the crown of your head to the sole of your feet [Music] receive [Music] Oh [Music] traps [Music] Oh [Music] set him free Wow never never never never never never don't even expect to be the same again don't even expect it don't even expect the meanest thing of the Holy Ghost how in the name of Jesus I thank you for Norton I thank you for your pet thank you for your room I thank you for your wrong [Music] [Music] in an emotion in an emotion Wow in the name of Jesus if broken is broken is broken every struggle every busted in the name of Jesus broken broken broken broken broken is broken right now the Holy Ghost is breaking it now he's breaking it bringing it now breaking it out breaking it now in the name shake so he's breaking it now from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet the anointing of the Holy Spirit is going [Music] the Parliament hit see that your power deliver half that your power delivered him that your power than let your power holy ghost to have power to that do that power tonight I got it you've got power [Music] in the name of Jesus from the crown of her head to the throne Murphy I thank you for your power setting her free Satan's powers broken tonight is broken neat about her wish and there was the heroes he got another world now in the name of Jesus the anointing of the Holy Ghost there there this miracle God the spirit of God the spirit of God oh my god and then anointing touch that anointing flooded to life let the anointing follow you now in the name of Jesus the man holy cow be upon the cows feel the Holy Ghost for you now are you now Oh [Music] [Music] they come under high receiver the receiver [Music] somebody break somebody pray [Music] yes Oh [Music] come on a gift god praise [Applause] [Music] good morning I'm fed the anointing is in this place I said the anointing of in this place put your hands together [Applause] [Music] I dare you to face better knowing it will follow you [Applause] yeah the very power of the Holy Ghost while in the balcony the spirit on the Lord dark beyond it now in the name of Jesus timid cry [Music] I need to borrow your hand tonight I can't reach everybody that I feel God sending a blessings good I just I feel like just diving out into the pump the anointing of the Holy Ghost is in this way healings and miracles and praise reports and testimonies are going to break out all over the city all over the nation there's a miracle coming down the road to you right now is the name of Jesus I need your hands tonight take your hand and reach over and just lay hands on somebody now in the name of Jesus let the blessing of the Lord follow me let the Spirit of God follow them pray for their healing pray for their deliverance pray for their restoration pray for their joy pray for their family pray for their ministry pray Philippi the Spirit of the Lord God [Music] my god come here brother whiners I just wanna I want to touch an agreement I know I know God's already done the work not thinking for what he's already done but I want to lay hands on you in the name of Jesus that God would stir up every gifted lies within hallelujah you need to give the devil trouble for what he tried to do how our son don't push something he knows son in the name of the crown of his head to the sole of his feet Holy Ghost [Applause] somebody plays top [Music] [Applause] I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] I don't know I don't know can you feel that a morning [Music] take 60 seconds and just leap for joy to stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know that all of you are going to be so glanced while you're still on your feet I want you to welcome here in our myth M [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise Lord praise the Lord I come here to be obedient to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I didn't come to be reclaimed because he never stopped playing me I have come to obedience amen God is not a man that he should lie NEMA is even southern man that he should repent what God has said surely not doing what God has spoken shall he not make it good God say he will
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 23,888
Rating: 4.8466897 out of 5
Keywords: TBN, iTBN, TBN 1997, Jan Crouch, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bill & Rene Morris, Trinity Music City Mass Choir
Id: NaKh-S1vP5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 28sec (9148 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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