Bishop Noel Jones - Control Yourself

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[Music] Bishop Noel Jones presents this provocative challenging and life-changing message to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this pressure from bishop noel jones as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul go with me to the book of James and but I wanted to I mean I'm so confused I mean I want to talk about so many things I wanted to talk about tamer and AB nan Amnon and tamer in the second Sam I want to talk about that I want to talk about proverbs chapter six with the father talking to Solomon telling him about the woman that he doesn't need to have she fathers can tell you the women that you don't need to have uh-huh but mothers in Proverbs say they want it took the mother to tell Lemuel the woman he should have you see the difference you see fathers can tell you the woman you shouldn't have sons and mothers can tell daughters the man she shouldn't have but it takes father's to tell daughters the man she should have and it takes mothers to tell sons the woman he should have mm-hmm see see fathers get involved the men get involved because of Pokhara tude and many times men jump for rapping amen but women deserve spirits see a woman can look past the beauty the outside pulchritude of a woman and tell how ugly she is on the inside they men but a man is oftentimes blinded by the outward beauty and fails to explore what's on the inside see I want to talk a little about that too don't get nervous but in James the book of James general Epistle of James he says in verse 12 blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the LORD hath promised to them that love him I want you to see the key there that love him let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death do not err my beloved brethren in first John it is quite interesting that in chapter 2 and if you trace this to Genesis you will find a similar presentation in an historical form as the Lord outlines the woman's attitude towards the food it was something to be desired to make one wise good for food it was pleasant to the eyes if you look at Jesus's temptations you will see the same thing the same three elements in another historical presentation as it presents Jesus Christ being tempted of the devil in Matthew chapter 4 but John presents it more philosophically in chapter 2 of the first epistle and of course he says in verse 12 I write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake I read unto you father's because you have known him that is from the beginning I write unto you young men because you have overcome the wicked one I write unto you little children because he have known the father I have written unto you father's because you have known him that is from the beginning I have written unto you young men because you were strong and the Word of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world this is interesting he says all that is in the world not some of the things but all everything it's all-inclusive is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever touch your neighbor and say control yourself amen I am going to be in begin by talking a little bit about temptation yes and it is significant that in order to get through here and I take my time I can hope I can turn a hope on anytime in order to get through here and walk with God you have to take the relationship with God beyond the rules you got to go further than the rulebook as I grew up I was and I grew up in church the church wasn't in me but I grew up in church and it seems as if more than anything they had a set of rules to follow and there was great great great conflict because I knew I was going to hell but I couldn't follow these rules I don't know if you've ever had that vent that problem somehow I wanted to be a good guy and I wanted to do the right thing but it seems as if I didn't have the capacity to eliminate from my innermost being these drives to fulfill what was a great part of me I found that I could be really spiritually inclined right after I did something wrong I want to talk to some real people today [Applause] if you ever wanted to see me in a you know in a mode of penitence and and and with a righteous a boolean dry it always happened after I was wrong immediately after I was wrong I wanted to do right but leading up to the action that was wrong I allowed myself the indulgence I've since found that and it's another quandary it's quite a conundrum and that is that the people who are most likely to succeed our people who are extremely passionate because in order to get from point A to point B in the time in which we live and with the things that we have to overcome and go through anybody who lacked any real Drive could not make in order for you to fulfill your destiny or your purpose you have to be driven the kind of person who does not take no for an answer the kind of person who can think something through and find the way to get it the kind of person who isn't likely to back down because of opposition the kind of person who will drive you through the night and into the next day the kind of person who can keep twenty people died because they intend to get to point A no matter what comes their way they're passionate and full of drive now here's the problem it takes Drive to fulfill my destiny it takes passion to go after what it is I want to achieve and incidentally if you check the Bible out the people who did much for God were people who were driven an extremely is it a wonder that David could be running from Saul and have two women is it a wonder that before he got to Jerusalem while he was in heaven he had seven one and by time he got to Jerusalem they couldn't even count hmm he's it a wonder that Solomon in all his greatness had a thousand wives literally because a concubine was a wife she was just not on his level and if you check through from Samson and run through all the way you will find that people who succeeded for God had dry anybody who is not driven couldn't be like Paul anybody who wasn't driven couldn't be like Peter and it's God who sets the drive in you to achieve how many folks have you walked away from because it didn't have any Drive couldn't hang with you Paul said don't send this guy with me I don't need John mark with me he fell out the Barnabas over just because the guy is too soft he does not know how to get things done he will not press his way to anybody who is going to be anything for God has got to have Drive the only problem with that is Satan knows you have it and the devil doesn't want you without your Drive he just wants every now and then to focus it somewhere else I want you to make a note of this that it's it is not your failures that are going to be hard to manage it's your success that's going to be difficult to manage because when God moves you with your drives from the level where you are now to the level that he's going to take you and as you climb and it takes less power of Drive to get off the ground what are you gonna do with the rest of the passion you're driving no no when I first started at Spiro I'm gonna I'm having I'm having a good time when I first started a church in Longview Texas and I had just a few people I would lay out before God fasting and praying calling on God to build build study for five hours every day 7 to 10 hours on Saturday reaching for everything God had to give me because most of the fuel is spent in an airplane when it's coming off the ground ah but now that it has flown up to a certain height and I don't have to pray so hard to get a message and I don't have to lay before God all day Monday Tuesday and Wednesday to hear from God but then I had only one sermon now I have to choose the right one to preach now I can relax and look around and what do you do with the passion that's still there but not needed over here and so the more successful you become the more dangerous you are with passions floating around nesting on the inside of your system trying to find someplace to release itself I want to talk to you today well preach after a while I'm gonna talk now [Applause] if you're going to make it you gotta have drop but the drop on the one hand can be the greatest thing to help you to maintain or achieve your purpose but that same drive and passion and that same ingenuity an ability to gain and sagacity and wisdom to gain what it is you have always gone after if it ever redirects itself and it points to the wrong thing at the wrong time you gonna have a fight on your hands I want to talk to some real people here somebody's fighting right now I have been in fights yes when I knew what was right to do and I fought against what was wrong to do because it got in the way of my passion and my purpose and I saw and I fought and I fought with everything I have and I struggle with everything in my mind and then suddenly and let it go I have found you can allow your passion to get you into something in 15 minutes that it will take you 15 years to get out now add to this drive which is your lust because temptation is made up of two things you gotta have lust or desire and then you gotta have enticement the devil brings enticement to the table but he doesn't bring desire you bring desire to the table don't look at me like Alice in Wonderland we gonna have some conversation We Need to Talk really believe it you bring desire to the table and the desire is proper because nobody in here has a desire that is natural that is not god-given without the natural desire you would not be ambitious enough to keep struggling without the natural desire you would not have a proclivity a tendency to love the opposite sex you cannot be heterosexual unless there is a drawing there is a pulling you could not be yeah you could not be even an inordinate homosexual if there was not a pulling there is a design you bring desire to the table desire is not wrong you thought it was wrong to desire man or design woman no it's not wrong it is proper to decide the opposite sex God made it like that yes yes it is proper to look at some beautiful lady and declare she's beautiful and I'd like to get to know you it is proper to look at a man that's good looking at admit he's good-looking and if and if I were married and a good-looking man walked by cheated my wife that's a bad man right there that's a bad man she wouldn't have to tell me I tell her before it came out of her mouth that's a bad man because if a fine lady comes by Montella now that's fine right that's time come on let's go home it's the desire because it's in desire that you implement and move and draw so bringing desire to the table is not a sin to desire that's where they messed me up when I was growing up because they made me feel like something was wrong with me because I felt this way it wasn't nothing wrong with me after I got to a certain age I didn't want to be with my mama I wanted to be with some other person natural what sin is is taking a legitimate desire and using it in an illegitimate manner oh I feel God in this play that's all sinners so don't sit around condemning yourself because you feel it you know somebody used to tell me growing up in church well if you feel it you might as well do it the devil is a lie because I feel it don't mean order do it now it's time to fight [Applause] so because you already condemned because you're feeling it you release the struggle and you do it and now you have complicated your circumstance because now you're bonding where you don't need to bond see if there's going to be a climax the climax should be after you get to know the person and not before and so consequently now the lust is here and it's broad it now many times church people they testify and they'll tell you well you know I was suing so approached me and and then the Lord just brought me out yeah thank God I just I just looked at him like that you must be crazy and I just stood for the Lord and I just stood for God and and I was just not going to have that at all I was saved and sanctified most people testify about who approached them and they didn't warn them [Applause] because if I don't desire a particular thing or person you could give it to me and as soon as you turn your back I'd even give it away or sell it there is no real intensity of enticement when there is no strong desire the stronger the desire the easier the enticement and that's what Satan does our Satan wants to know is what level of frustration did you get up with this morning because I got a package that'll fix that frustration level if I get a chance to present it so I'm gonna talk to some real people here I'm a less than a minute I'm just gonna preach it you have to understand then that to simply tell yourself I'm not feeling this way when you are is allowing yourself to become extremely vulnerable to the devil because one of the things we do is we lie to ourselves you know you don't have the capacity to feel the way you feel right about Friday night because sometimes it just comes on without solicitation [Applause] and men and men look from a different platform than women because men are totally different creatures in terms of their reaction to passion and drive a man can be just totally without the thought as he's going his way doing his everyday business and all of a sudden you come into his scope and he goes there immediately I mean you didn't fan the flame you didn't it just got hot instantly just he just instantly and and and just went out of control on an instant he didn't plan it he didn't it's just hmm just it just spontaneously came out of his mouth without even a thought or a plan drawn away by his own peculiar idiosyncratic lusts we all don't feel the same type and we all don't feel the same intensity some folks weren't sexually inclined before they got saying Amen don't you get the bragging about how celibate you've been all these years you were celibate before you got saved that wasn't a sin that so easily beset you amen but you still lying ain't no sense of me playing with you a man's reaction is real he didn't think about if he didn't it just only just hit him BAM I got up to preach one time [Applause] open the Bible about to preach that's why I quit people walking in offerings pass the plate please don't let them pass by this book I'm trying to get my mind on the Lord it just hits you and then you think about it for three or four minutes and then it's a loser hold [Applause] it's a unique lust it's a it's it's it's idiosyncratic it belongs exclusively to you drawn away by his own a woman who has a modicum of training oppa Tipu just for training if she feels it she will mask it and if she ever gives in she would have thought about it for two or three weeks yes yes yes the next time he approached me like that you see see the devil then understands the differences and so in the man's case he can hit him with an instant fix in the woman's case he allows her to cook a little while yes yes yes yes because the devil does not waste time with bringing you who you don't want Oh [Applause] touch your neighbor say he'll bring you your time and sometimes what he does is like the fella on the train in the old days who had a big card in front of him but all different kinds of things on it and he'd walk around in the train and ask do you want coca-cola do you want candy do it and no I don't want that but he'd keep on calling stuff until he found out what you wanted oh it's easy to get up here bragging and testifying about all the folks you got through and got over and the Lord just brought you out but there's somebody you ain't saying nothing about I feel a little churchy in here [Applause] my problem has never been who wanted me my problem has always been who I wanted [Applause] and when you have been raised not to take no for it it don't take much enticement I've been sent back up on the stage this might be too frightening I want to see the white of your eyes the single most difficult thing is to take sight in an intense temptation and replace it by a relationship with God I want you to think about this now because we we're a church full of platitudes and we can say things so quickly and so easily but the real battle is to understand that when I have to switch from what I'm feeling to what I'm believing can I take it just as a friend don't make it so intense I want make it too intense the thing that makes it even harder to maintain one's chastity as a child of God and purity from the top to the bottom is availability oh my god if I had to swim through snake infested waters climb over a 20-foot total barbed wire fence walk through rats and climb over a mountain two miles to get to what I wanted I might I might go back I might somehow get so sick of what it took to get to it did I might say you know what I'm gonna give up on this going back to doing what God told me to do Lord I'm glad you made it hard for me so I can go back to do what you told me to do but what Satan does is saving says you ain't got to work that hard to get it all I want to know is what your order is and I will deliver it to your doorstep the thing that destroys most of us he is ability come on brothers come on sisters when you're trying to make it with God and you can trying to bring your drives under control and in the midst of you trying to bring your drives under control Satan's got everything you like available you could have escaped if it wasn't so available and not only available but insistent don't talk to me now talk to me and you know it's lost different from love when somebody did everything in their power to get to you and now you can't understand why they won't even call you anymore I want to talk to some real people now listen this is getting real tough in here now you can almost hear a rat licking nice in here now [Applause] somebody remind me when I close today to close on this note that God is always right he's always right because the more fairly level you become the more vulnerable you are because when you get valuable in the house of God God takes the fog out of you you ain't no thug no more used to be you could fight and fog your way out of circumstance but the thug is gone now because you're closer to the Lord and you're trying to walk in his precepts used to be you were just upside somebody's head and get over it but now you feel foolish because you have allowed your desire to introduce an enticement and allow an enticement that you've given into part of the power of being single and staying chase is deciding I don't want to get into anything that won't be and if it's to be permanent can I talk to you then I need to know something other than the body so why don't we just put a hold on the body till I check out your cuz it's real funny how we do it we we we we we get angry when people ultimately don't have anything to do with us but they never did get to know us they knew our bodies first oh you know how we lead I'm coming to pick you up I'm gonna find the best car I've got in my driveway if I even have to borrow one I'm gonna put on the meanest suit to accent my physical features I'm gonna call the restaurant ahead and set it up so wonderfully call and make sure that the maitre d who's on the table who's on the door today you can't get ready in 15 minutes you need three or four hours maybe half a day you just can't get any clothes out of the closet you just might go buy a new one just for this occasion and oh do we pull up oh and you just got it accented and just everything right whatever you have to power to put on you just do it [Applause] at the end of the day you're hurt three months later because everybody wants me for my body and I'm sitting in the corner mad everybody wants me for my money but you didn't show me anything but your body and I didn't show you anything but my money but if it's going to be permanent can I take you to next level what Satan has done is he has sent us in a world that feeds lust he has sent us in a world that stimulates desire he doesn't even have to come into it anymore and bring any imp into our world he doesn't have to send demons now because he set the world up to feed and sometimes we're moving around and don't even know that we just imbibed some subliminal message that Satan has sent if you remember the repressive Victorian age we could then classify Lhasa as a little fox but there is absolutely no way to place it in that category today we've graduated from the regressive Victorian irit aniconism to what I might call today the obsessive American obscenity what we've got is new morality and we've got a new distinction today of sexuality it's moved from the most perverse and obnoxious form it's been extricated from the closet and it's now on the Billboard one writer says that maybe our predilection with sex is because of our fear of death and so we move to the creative aspect in order to get away from the aspect of dying so we use the power of creating life and we have inner woven sexuality into our society and now our society is just totally lost craved it's woven into the fabric of beauty it's woven into the fabric of youth if you talk about beauty it talks about sex if you talk about youth you talk about sex it's woven into the fabric of Health and it's woven into the fabric of wealth it's a lust and sex are so central that we wake up with it every day on the daily soaps and we lead into it on the nightly source it's now become the central theme of our industry the movie industry who wants to watch a movie if it's not hard rated and enough action so what's happening now is we're imbibing this let me just read something angry at Susan for continually drinking and lack of care for Jason Alan decides he wants custody of his son and I dear Monica abhors Heather decides to move in with Scottie but Scottie decides to move in with Susan Lila tells Edwards she knows all about his illegitimate son after going to bed with rose mark realizes he's not over the death of his wife Katie Claudia's parents are against her marrying Bryan there it is that's just the soaps you know and so Satan just subliminally feeds us the soaps and he feeds a sex in advertising what's that Luther who said busybody giving all your love to anybody it one writer came along and sung a song what does love have to do with it because it was so free love and so much sex and so much lust and everybody going after everybody that you can hardly shake somebody's hand now without them looking you up and down and and ain't nobody thinking about love they're just thinking about getting it on I feel like preaching now and and so now when you feel good about yourself and you annotate yourself to another level you've got to watch who you allow in your space you've gotta know there's more to me than just my pulchritudinous not let you up in my space if you're not intending to explore my intellect explore my sagacity and explore who I really am it ain't not about me performing it's about oh I feel it here give somebody a high five and say control yourself touch your neighbor and say you got more to offer than your body lust has many partners when you talk about lust you've got sex and clothes you got sex and money you've got sex and power you've got sex and music sex and fame wine and sick sex and cars drugs and sick sex and employment sex and friendship sex and household appliances that the thing is glorious I could say the thing is stupendous I could look at you and say it's splendiferous I can say a thing is every bit of it but if I don't say it's sexy I haven't said a thing about it sex has become the superlative extraordinaire you've got to say it's sexy you can't buy anything without it you've got to have jeans and commercials and and drink motor scooters folk washing clothes in bikinis if it's just sex and lusts and it's just woven into our existence until you don't even know why you're driving so hard to keep yourself free and spotted from the world that's because on our society every indulgence on all levels come to us you've got homosexual cruising you got heterosexuals bar hopping you got teenagers going hitting on each other at school and age is getting lesser and lesser I feel like preaching now you got pressure oh god do you have pressure enormous pressure peer pressure you lie when you don't if somebody says you start lying about how much you had and if you do you lie you just lie on either way because it's now a thing of folly if you haven't been with somebody where is all the virtuous and the virgins and the chase men and women you feel like a fool if you haven't been together you're going to another level get it together seems to deliver paychecks of pleasure yes of joy unspeakable but the problem with lust is it is a two-headed monster it needs from joy unspeakable to sorrow unimaginable how quickly does the Paycheck grand and lead to a crashing disruption of relationship I'm here to project to you that we have messed up a lot of good relationships over sex we could have been real good friends walking in the church ended up in I feel it here really cares about you every day we out here together shake somebody's hand and say I'm ready for some real I'm sick and tired of being played with God then soon the pleasure turns to numbness we call it liberation but it's not liberation because anything you can't say no to you are not liberated from I don't have to say yes I don't want to be able to look you in the face and say I don't need your car I don't need your money you ain't got enough money for my body I think somebody ought to get angry in here get angry hit somebody with a high-five and say I'm angry with myself I got to go to the next level I should have achieved a PhD and I let some my future in here give somebody a high five say it'll never happen again [Applause] and I'm going on somebody no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it says it was crazy about you don't even know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jesus made it [Applause] [Applause] yes [Applause] yeah that's that [Applause] similar but not a lot I'm closing [Applause] veerababu [Applause] God is always right I haven't been a choirboy all my life I'm barely making it now but God is always right I used to think that for God to give me a body such as he's given and then restrict me from my indulgences that one right and it's better it's better when you have narrow parameters because it makes selectivity easier and it's interesting that I think in a way personally it's a curse to have wide parameters professionally it's a blessing because if you look at great leaders great pastors you will meet them for the first time and feel like you've known them all your life because they have this ability to make everybody comfortable professionally their parameters are wide you could see them talking to a derelict on the side of the street and talking to a president the next day talking to someone who no intellect talking with someone who is stupid gifted why parameters I thought God was horrible in his declaration of one man one woman what kind of thing is that Lord but God is always right it is better to give a hundred percent of yourself to one woman then 20 percent of yourself to five but God is always right there is a debilitation psychologically that comes with being the other woman and it is not only the woman who feels this but the man she's with who has a wife he feels a - he is now torn between home and you hear on flight 5:11 going to Hawaii and he's on flight 630 in Hawaii you're having the loveliest time because nobody knows you and you're able to lean on him and hold him and go out to dinner with him and enjoy it you're having a great time but it is a sweet sour time because Wednesday is coming in Thursday and Friday and pretty soon you gotta come home flight 513 is late coming back and flight 718 his own time and both of you three of you meet in the baggage claim and he has to walk right by you [Applause] you are not the only one hurting if he has any kind of Eagle he's hurting too because he's got some dissatisfaction at home when I was divorced leaving going to California from Texas at the at the bishops funeral at the church I took over preacher said to me he is now deceased he said no churches like family and they do and I think many days that my church would be composed a little bit differently if I were married it's just a different it's different and he said to me so if you have go back and make up and bring your wife for the church like families and I know you don't feel it you don't want you maybe you sleep in different rooms whatever but just have a wonderful friend and he says and if you have a little thing on the side well that's I said to him as crazy as I am I said what happens if when I'm with my wife I feel like I'm cheating on my girlfriend cuz I'm over here with my wife who I don't want to be with and I know my girlfriend is by herself because she can't handle buddy [Applause] and he said you crazy but he left me alone because everybody can't handle God is always right many of the issues of our lives and the pains that we now have we would have never had torn and now having to go and pull yourself out of something cuz you know you got to come out and after 10 years after 15 years you don't just snap out of it I'm not silly it's gonna take everything God has to get you out of some of the things that you've gotten into and you're not coming out without me and I serve your notice tonight but the longer you stay is the the pay that you got to deal with I want you to take somebody's hand tonight and Jesus has raised the standard if you come my way woman remember Jesus stop by her first and he showed me what real love is about if you go by that woman man remember she's not what she used to be Jesus not by and restored her her value ah so what used to move you six years ago can't have a conversation with you now because Jesus oh I feel like shouting Jesus did that to you didn't he Jesus major who could raise your standard didn't Jesus gave you satisfaction and being alone until the right somebody comes because as long as I got Jesus I'm not alone [Applause]
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 304,569
Rating: 4.7891183 out of 5
Id: uar_ePWXkHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 12sec (4332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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