Part 3. The Potters House we find a secret room... and the floor!

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc well hi everyone and welcome to round three of the old house and this week's adventure we are geared up I've got a couple of helpers coming up to give me hand this time my mother-in-law is coming out I don't think you've ever seen her on video before but she's a trouper she's come to lend a hand cleaning up the house and we are gonna try and clear out some of the main floor rooms completely also remove some of the carpeting and generally just trying to clean this place up a bit so I have some places to process some of the items from upstairs so last week we did find a pretty good treasure found some really cool things a lot of pottery I don't know if I'm gonna find much more bad I really looked for that last time and I don't think there's much left in there big bonus was my father-in-law I find in a big wad of cash those bills were about 15 20 years old but in pristine condition that said they are really that collectible samanid after spending it on our hotel and paying the guys it definitely was a great time so I'm still recovering I'm a little bit stuffed up from last week but I'm not coughing it my body's just about recovered for the last adventure just to throw myself back in and we have had horrible weather on the way out here I said we you know taking you guys on the journey with me there's nobody else in my car with me but that freezing rain snow rain storm it's hovering around freezing so these road conditions will turn treacherous any minute so I'm hoping I'll get there in the next 30 minutes and I won't have to worry about driving for a couple but we're going to take it easy I'm not gonna run out of gas you guys give me a lot of time with that but I'm not too proud to admit when I make a mistake we've all had issues in our lives or mistakes we've made and you know hey thanks again for tuning in guys so stay tuned watch as we go through the house and start some renovation on Episode three and I do have to be careful on the roads today because we have a winter rainstorm which means it's gonna be turning into ice very quickly as the temperature drops back down to minus 30 in the next couple days so hopefully I'll get there in one piece and savings now I know the city if a person's having a hard time the white family does but a Dear John letter wonder for the country they believe that a john deere letter is kind of the same thing but really we're just both there just go pulling into town and I know in the last video I kind of joked that my wife had killed me for buying this house the truth is that she's okay with this venture she's very supportive of the business overall I think it's just hard having anyway this is a three hour trip from our town and I've missed the last couple weekends with the kids so you know she just wants to be home so I understand it recognize that but no my wife is very supportive with this whole adventure so Melissa if you're watching I love you thank you for letting me come out this way and for letting me her mother-in-law here family and friends to come help me out here too so with the walk it will be clean enough that she can come out here soon and the kids can too so that's the mission [Music] okay I'll get myself geared up got the GoPro on I got the gloves gonna put my mask on once I get inside so let's go and set out what the situation is gonna be today it's hard to believe that just one week ago today this house was packed to the ceiling so much so that you couldn't even walk not a single path we've made some really great progress over the last week and within just a few days we were able to see the floor so let's check in and see how it looks today but if I actually have to use a rake inside here just to clean the carpet off so we're gonna start by raking some of the mess here so these are actually original drawings that she did so I'm just trying to save those kind of interesting as we go through the goal today is to try and get this room completely cleared out so we can get the carpet moved once the carpet is out we're gonna have less allergens that less dust matters which means it's good news for me so I've got to rake up some of the trash get some of the bigger things moved out and then we'll have room to work so that's what the plan is and that's what I'm gonna keep doing i curious know if this radio actually works it's [Music] tension toward see if I can find out where this thing's plugged in it's an old stereo cabinet and then some a decent condition actually see if it works can actually see the floor in this room now - I'm just emptying off these shelves well on the bookshelf yes 77 these look like records yeah there are 78 that while Gene Autry Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer I'll keep these aside to get what you're after no I didn't yet [Music] try get this bookcase out of here it's a lot of National Geographic oh oh we can donate them but that means yeah those ones there can all go the bookcase can go to a donation I think it's usable just like really old wrapping paper yeah good internal what I'll do maybe I'll pile them on the chair so you guys don't have to bend over so much yeah well I found something wrapped up I think I might sound oh it's broken the broken laws ask you that not look yet we'll hang on let's see no it's a leisure lady original yeah well it's been Jews for sure hey well I finally have a path into this room I'm going through right now in figuring out what can go to charity what I'm gonna keep finally have some room to sort so I got to start sorting all this into garbage and into good stuff okay hand-woven carpet yeah yeah I'll keep that I'll take it to the sock it looks like more pottery and inside a milk container be a little bit more here too I found some more pottery we're getting down to some old clothing and fabrics here that's the doughnut yeah look at piano not even one chocolate it's like a old-school puma jacket found a log on the floor it's actually kind of cute carving of a couple beavers eating away at it there it's kind of nice Oh put that in the keep pile well as the day goes on I have to put some effort into the front room and really get the boxes cleared out of the way so we can start to think about removing the flooring if I'm going to do that I have to go through every single box in every newspaper to make sure I'm not missing hit cache or gems because we've found a few and you don't want to throw out a bag of money because that would really stink so taking my time and going through these boxes and so far haven't turned up any gold but we are finding more of a floor and that is a rare commodity in itself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I have never seen so many newspapers in my entire life and I would never want to wish this upon anyone so far we had thrown out about five tons of garbage out of this house it's been five giant trailers and the dump has given me the bill and yes five tons of trash out of this I was mostly in newspaper and magazine so have I ever wanted social media to take over for a newspaper print yes I think I do if you're in the newspaper business I'm sorry but this is crazy so my truck here pretty good graphics 71 what is this maybe one of her kids did that I don't think this is hers probably student work i only reach the piano it works those can get tiny bit farther than that that's all garbage there yeah yeah the guy comes with the first oh wait yeah I could be fast I saw it down there that wait one right kind of neat looks like there's a matching pair I saw a book from her going to an exhibit in Africa so perhaps he's came back from their progress report have uncovered the piano which you can kind of see there this room is basically down to stuff that might be reusable or resolvable a lot of vintage clothing a lot of things that I could probably reuse and a bunch more for pottery so I can't really do too much more in here until we get the other room cleaned out and we can start sorting so we're gonna move on to get some garbage out from the other spaces get the trailer hopefully picked up so we can do another load of trash for tomorrow so good progress lots to go still though but I can see parts of the floor and did find some other cool stuff so we're gonna keep plugging away those some good progress got the front porch cleared out of most of the garbage that was in here turn around to show the other side very slowly and yeah we've got floor for some reason there's also heater vents in here so they must have had this heated at one time maybe it was a little studio there is some pottery some artwork in here so we're gonna save these and go through them later on and the living room is looking pretty good there's the old stereo we tried it didn't work just static so tomorrow this carpets gonna come up we'll see what's underneath this is our stuff that we figure we can give to give to charity another pretty good pile so far that's just after basically half a day and the dump what they do is they separate a lot of the metals and and recyclables when they get it there so for those of you wondering at home they do separate this stuff when we get it there that's how some of our dumps work here so the metal will go in one pile and papers and stuff in another but this is going tomorrow another full load it's just about time to call it a night [Music] hey see if it's inside and it is we've got a Crossman air pistol all the air should that's a good sport well good morning it is the second day of the second trip out here and we got a fair bit done I went back last night got some more bags thrown out I'm taking my good old allergy man is medicine here in advance before I go out because I'm expecting they're gonna act up as we start to kick up more dust removing the carpets and that is the goal this morning Hans aka tree guy who is a Scandinavian is gonna be taking out the carpets and the downstairs and we're gonna work through the main floor so lots going on today filled up an entire dumpster last night and filled up another truck full of garbage and yeah it's just going well going really well so I'm gonna head off to the restaurant meet up with my mother-in-law we're gonna head back to the house and get cracking so my wife's mom Marlene has come up to help me today Thank You Marlene and you helped us out yesterday a lot too so you think we're gonna find any treasure today okay I'm up for that all right let's hit the road okay so we're clearing a bunch of the clutter out yesterday from down to the basement and with all the stuff gone we found out there's a kind of a secret hole in the wall down here that we didn't see before there's a there's an old bicycle it's like a chopper bike those are actually kind of cool it's got the long there's all kinds of stuff in here I don't have any idea how they got in there other than this tiny hole but it's completely full it looks like old pedal cars I think there's a pedal car over there in the corner there's a bunch of uh it looks like those are laps they used to hold a gas station I think those are lights off the gas station back there chimney stacks the old screen door off the house yeah there's all kinds of cool stuff in here that's when I'm feeling braver later I'll come back in here and pull some of the stuff out surprises around every corner well there's even a light bulb it actually hang on there's rafters up there and there's stuff in the rafters too uh doesn't really have a ceiling as as opposed to just some rafters but yeah there's the roof cuz the floor from upstairs there's all kind of stuff in there so there's another secret little hatch here [Music] Crocs lots of stuff search that another time well the laundry room is just about empty oh it's full of laundry gross 1960's laundry is my reward for today you know bottle of brandy like I said every every day you seem to get another little reward for keep on going yeah I was just I just took the mattress off I just took the mattress off there's an envelope there but I can't would you mind opening it just don't show the other side's it's got a name on it that they always say to check under the mattress check just check oh I was hoping it was a lot of cash okay did find a box of jewelry under there though and I don't think it's all costume because some of it is some of the jewelry in here is from Burke's and Burke's is a pretty high-end manufacturer of jewelry so who knows maybe there's some other stuff hid in there we'll set that aside to look through later and uh trouble pens sometimes pens can be collectible so bonobos like a really old picture of a hot rod the 40s or 50s that is cool they're on the second day of our adventure this weekend and as you can see behind me lots of progress we're getting some stuff hauled out of the basement we're getting things cleaned up but the main floor here is getting to a point where I can start processing and staging and going through some of the items that we found it might feel a bit better so we're going to continue to fill the dumpster up and then next time I come back we'll be mainly to look for treasure get more stuff donated to charity and then you can really start thinking about trying to get this place in peace and start getting it all put back together so looking good so far I'm gonna mask back up as I'm going back in a dusty area the house but you can see it's not looking too bad so let's continue upstairs and keep working away just kind of getting down to close up here little NW smoke I actually have somebody go buy that off he needs to be cleaned but it's a good thing sort of stretch pants Paris star are you just imagine the salesman why yes all the young ladies in Paris are wearing Paris star pants if she bought them somehow I don't think these are the least bit Parisian same they're so dirty you know I don't know if I can donate these even though they're new they're pretty dusty alright so you know how you guys always hear me say that I'm looking for oil cans or oil and gas-related stuff because it sells really well well I was going through this box and I thought it was a dish at first but it's actually an advertising clock it is porcelain made like a plate but it's CC Snowden which is slipped Tiffany oil this would date - probably the 1920s or 30s this clock to the right collector might be worth upward from 700 to $1,000 so that is a fantastic fine for someone who collects advertising or oil and gas memorabilia it's a very early and rare piece so that made going through this one room worth it just right there and I've been working on sweeping this room out you can really start to get a sense of the age of the house from this particular room none of the trim has been painted it's older wallpaper you can see the old door they kind of mess we painted around it it's kind of a shame it'd be nice to get that back to the original finish the woods really nice Yule grass door handles so this room is pretty well intact and I'm cleaning it out so that I can get the clothes from the other room in here we can rip the old floor out of there and get it back to this nice hardwood again so just a little bit more tidying to do and I can start transferring stuff over into the space so this bedroom is becoming kind of a storage while I clear out the room behind me which is right there so I'm working on cleaning this remote completely we're gonna try and get this old line about so we can get it back down to the hardwood my mother-in-law Marlene has tunneled a little way there and we've discovered that this fellow has not only free time but a complete can of yellowy orange construction paint to use because they seem to paint everything including the furniture and the same color paint and don't they say certain colors are calming and not I'm pretty sure this is one that would make you feel a little bit more stressed out so yeah I don't know not my choice it's looking good in here though this is that's garbage this is for charity let's have a look-see well seventies or eighties there men's in the bedroom hard-shell keys 1970s for sure the years of polyester oh well I found some money I found a bunch of loonies maybe a hundred bucks worth trailers back and empty charity piles getting pretty big let's see what's going on [Applause] that the film for eight film you can crawl in here okay that looks like a little film cool never get some junk over here there's a roof rack could use this upstairs taking that bet apart to equalize it this whole editions probably gonna have to come down it's not doing any good here that'll be another adventure another day already I can start to envision the work that has to be done to start converting this house back into a home with the clutter gone the carpets out you can really start to feel what you have to do to convert it and do the renovations so we'll start thinking about that in a future video in terms of how we're going to redo the main floor and do the flooring but for now it's still all about emptying and doing a little bit of repair so we are going to move over and transition into getting some of these other rooms cleared out and moved over and getting the flooring taken off and maybe even start doing a little bit of renovation work so we're gonna work on it and hopefully make some progress before the end of the weekend we've only got a half day and left before we have to head home so the first room just about cleared out bones is gonna start peeling the floor off let's see what's underneath see how she looks no no that's a record holder let's see here the ones that flipped yes you want me to go through the bulky stuff any way we can if it's going to Celia's room yeah people like the ones like this people like kind of flipped down in the house yeah okay I'll go through this stuff and I have to hand it to Marlene she worked in this room non-stop for an entire day until the clutters started to just magically disappear and eventually we were left with a nice empty room to work in and the floors weren't that bad back at the hotel feeling a little bit tired and worn out after a hard day at work I'm gonna let my face settle down I've got a red bump up my nose for the mask but I did find 104 dollars in Canadian currency and one dollar coin and I'm gonna go see if I can apply that towards my hotel room they were looking me like I'm crazy but when you own a business everybody likes having change right I hope so if you guys are watching from the motel later on I'm sorry but this is going to come in here hotel room today we decided the easiest thing to do with this room that was tied off here since we've been open all the way was just get squeezed inside and pop the door off so that's what we did then I can actually start working in clearance over this remote into the next that's just what you want to see box of clouds done looks like the clouds have left the building we'll say these patterns looks like slow going in here hey well good thing we got a bearded Danish man in here working out of it looking good though brand new : lantern in the box that's a keeper like the Coleman if somebody else got this far this one's empty [Music] found this [Music] old one dollar bill 1954 looks like a little bit of silver silver half dollars [Music] silver coins over dollies bring that downstairs [Music] Oh nice little toy truck Gama we're working shifter and steering it's missing part of it but that's a pretty elaborate piece maybe I'll find the rest of it one of the other boxes that's all garbage I got a nice little Coleman lantern here too that's garbage there you find it a few treasures [Music] [Music] alright I am back at the shop and we have some unpacking to do I've brought back a few things this trip really the the mission this last weekend was to try and get as much of the house emptied as possible but it's tough not bringing some of the stuff back I'm gonna make a bigger venture out there and with a bigger truck I have to bring back all the old vintage clothes still don't know what I'm gonna do with all that but we did have a few surprises in the house and did find some cool things so let me show you some of the items which we've brought back on this go-around and when I can I'll give you kind of a rough idea about what we've discovered in terms of value so let's have a look so some items are just gonna be good sellers for the shop this is it an antique shaving stand that's where you put your brush and your cup so you could lather it up and there's your mirror shaven it is a silvered mirror so a little bit on the older side and probably nickel plated it will clean up it's just really dusty right now but shaving stuff is hot people do buy it and are shaving with vintage and antique razors all the time so that will be an item that will be fairly easy to sell probably somewhere around a hundred dollars so you know it's a hundred dollars that was sitting there that we brought back so good piece did also find you know no surprise some more pottery that was in the house this is still yet to be determined what the true value is but there was a couple of the nice pieces that we were able to draw out of the house so to be determined on these guys but potentially very good some fossilized wood they were petrified wood I should say that's just you know it's not super expensive but it's kind of neat did find some some stone now I don't know if that is fool's gold or if that veins of actual gold either way you know we'll have to get that checked because that could be you know there's a reason why they kept it so perhaps it's real cool we'll get that checked over some old tins Christie's Zephyr cream soda it's gotta be probably turn of the century or 220 somewhere around there in the basement one of the rooms we found a World War One era Austrian flask so this might have been World War one issue it is military green but finding something from the the other side the German Austrian side kind of unusual especially here in Canada now it's not gonna hold much liquid with that big hole in it but it is an original piece and still have some value maybe 40 50 dollars to someone it would have been probably worth 150 or more if it was in really good shape but it's just a novelty piece but still better condition than what you found if you would have dug it up in a battlefield or something so it is still you know all there again more pottery a little gamma motorcycle with a tin monkey on it this is a wind-up piece have not tested see if it works yet it is missing the handlebars that was a good find and thanks to Charlie for finding that in the box that I almost gave to charity that almost went out the door so good catch there and another minik would be an English brand trying Minik or minik so nice little operating crane here with all little gears missing the hook but it would have had an operating battery so the spotlight worked on the back too so pretty neat piece when I was up in the upstairs washer and I found this which is I would say this is probably 1960s era made in England it's made by company called Lone Star and it is an all-metal it's a diecast cap gun pretty neat piece in its original packaging and I don't know if this thing's ever been out but it is nice to have it in the original box I didn't like that probably but and I'm talking Canadian fun so if you hear me talking this is in Canadian so I think at the store we'd probably get about 40 dollars out of something like that 49 Ford club coupe is complete unbuilt is two three and one early AMT kit something like this would be well over $100 there's a lot of plastic model collectors and guys love these early boxes so the item should probably go for around one and a quarter the gamma truck here is incomplete it was probably a cement mixer or dump truck at one point but it is in need of some renovation so not gonna bring a whole lot of money but I might keep it around just in case I find another one that has the missing pieces and I can build one out of two so this was kind of a surprise when I reached up and felt that that it was a pistol but this is just a co2 powered BB gun so I haven't checked to see if it's loaded or anything yet it's you know you don't have to have any kind of license don't want something like that it's just an air guns not a big deal maybe worth about $100 Canadian with the original box there were some other good finds that were down there we came across some old men's glasses that are probably worth 10 $20 each their bakelite kind of interesting more pottery of course carved glass style perfume bottle if somebody's painted at some point and put stickers on but not in the greatest shape but if that was cleaned up you know probably got a few maybe 20 bucks out of something like that curved glass usually goes to a little bit more this skull this bison skal as you can see it's kind of missing the forward part of the skull but it is not just an as found recent skull this is petrified that's fossilized I don't know how to date something like this because I don't have an analysis machine or anything like that to do it to carbon date it but the fact that is petrified tells me it's got to be pretty old it could be you know a thousand years old considering that the planes indigenous peoples were in that area for thousands of years it could be something from a hunt from a really long time ago very cool piece have to get that one probably sooner phrase properly we got a nice old pharmacy scale here this is a precise scale that it looks to be fairly complete with the weights and the drawers probably meant for mixing certain chemicals that she was using for her glazes but good condition overall maybe in this condition one hundred and fifty hundred eighty dollars there's a straight razor bakelite handle not broken you always want to make sure that the blade isn't broken this one is not broken original box as well as mold hair cutter tool if you're old enough you might remember getting a haircut with something like this and they pull more than I think they cut scary little things and will rolled rolls razor with the packaging and this is I think what they call a Gillette not a not a big boy but a Fat Boy pause no it's not a fat boy it's a big boy it's the gold-plated Gillette razor from the 30s now the platings come off a little bit and it's not in the greatest shape it'll clean up this still about $40 or so had one of these in the box and it sold for over 400 so they can bring a lot of money just this one isn't an agreement and a human eyeball well a model kit for human eye I love the packaging on that somebody might even just frame that and put it somewhere there are people who like that kind of stuff so that's maybe a twenty dollar piece we have lots of other things we haven't gone through yet these are a couple typewriters that I haven't taken out of the box this is a microscope stat from the 1950s I thought this was kind of a neat piece at some point this was used at a firemen's ball and if you were a firefighter and you want something interesting for your house an old piece like this that was probably used would be great you put a family photo or a picture right in the middle there you can hang that right up on the wall and it's gonna look fantastic and these little guys were in the outside storage now they seem to be folk art and I almost wonder if somehow they're inspired by either folklore or legend or maybe given to the artists herself because this one is baring pottery maybe that's supposed to be representation to the artist either way they're kind of cool and they are folk art and that guy's got a little bow and arrow it's pretty neat so we're gonna get those cleaned up and have them out of the shop and I still have several boxes of things to go through that I haven't even sorted yet so there's everything from really old patterns this is probably late 1800s or 1900s boxes just chock-full of things so we're gonna go through these boxes today at the shop and see what is inside and go through those I did bring back this little person I haven't brought back much of the clothing yet but I have a customer who's interested in this hand tooled leather purse and this is very much in fashion right now so brought that back brought a few little things back that I know I can sell right away probably the next trip I'm gonna bring back a whole bunch of the clothing I'm gonna have to process it clean it get it ready and then get the store ready - how is that many clothes but vintage clothing is a popular thing there are people who buy it who wear it TV production companies people who were re-enacting the 1960s 70s 80s even back to the 40's there's all kinds of reasons why person would want vintage clothing but it is still popular so I will have to bring a lot of that back and probably do like a vintage clothing shop upstairs for a while I did find some other jewelry though this box and I'll kind of zoom in there was underneath the bed and I can tell there's all sorts of different things in here I've not tested any of them out to see if they're gold or diamonds or anything I just literally brought it back so you guys are seeing it kind of for the first time as I am but I will sort through and sift through and see what I can find we found a number of boxes full of jewelry some of it has been gold some hasn't so a little bit of research to tell us what we need to know thank you so much for watching the third installment of our house adventure the next time I go out it's going to be trying to get the furnace cleaned and get it running so we can actually go to eat and the house the reason we haven't tried turning on the furnace yet is that the ducts are probably all really filthy dirty and they were blocked be uncovered them so we're gonna get them cleaned and get the ducts all cleaned out so we can get heat going and then we can actually start thinking about doing some more work in the house such as plaster repair or any things like that so yeah so stay tuned for more in terms of other bits for next week there's the secret room that I had discovered just at the end of my day have not explored that thoroughly there's two actually hidden rooms in the basement plus there's an attic we discovered that there's a hatch on the outside of the house and we have to get get to it with a ladder but who knows what's up in the Attic so lots more to discover lots more to explore so tune in for part four which should be coming I would say probably in about a week or twos time so stay tuned for that I am putting these videos out as they happen so if there's a bit of a delay it's because I'm out filming or out doing this stuff thanks so much for watching if you haven't hit the subscribe button make sure to do that you can also check us out online at curiosity Edmonton CA best way to see what items we have for sale would be on Instagram or on facebook under curiosity incorporated and you can come and visit us in person as we are a real store with all kinds of stuff all around us so come and visit us we have Edmonton Alberta Canada so thanks again guys we'll see you all soon and have a wonderful night in five four now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 1,242,459
Rating: 4.9305687 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, alex archbold, curiosity incorporated, hoarders, hoarder house, antiques, vintage, collectibles, discovery channel, history channel, television show, TV show, american pickers, pickers, full episode, entertainment, hoard, tlc, lifetime, buying houses, make money fast, home renovation, reno, diy, do it yourself, home reno, property brothers, flipping houses, home depot
Id: cJVROeljZo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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