Part 9. 4 Tons of vintage clothing has to go! The BIG clothing clear out! Musicians house. HD 1080p

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was nine years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity home honey [Music] well welcome back everyone it's uh gonna be another busy day here at the house um mark is on his way with the truck and they're gonna try and get the last of the clothes moved out of the house which will be a big sigh of relief for both uh me and for the house i'm sure as it's been uh saddled down with all those clothes for a really long time uh after the clothes are out then uh we're gonna get some the rest of the garbage outside or the majority of the rest of the garbage and then um whatever's left inside the house can go to charity or to auction and that'll be the big turning point when the house is at a point where we can start moving things out in quantity uh so i'll have to rent a moving truck just like mark did pretty soon to get all the furniture and things like this over to the auction house uh and then the house will be uh back to the owners in hopefully much better shape than when it started so uh any minute now mark should be showing up and i'll get the rest of that basement cleared out and speaking of things the basement has a little bit more room to work with i think mark's gonna grab that rolling rack that was there and i started being able to access some of these other boxes that were on this side now this goes back i want to say uh 15 feet by about 10 feet about 150 square feet of stuff packed up to the roof uh and what's in the boxes well this is all vintage sewing machine accessories button holders sergers uh all kinds of fun stuff pedals accessories okay well there's all sorts of things in here so these boxes aren't necessarily clothing which is good because um i'm hoping that there's gonna be a few collectibles that we can have to sell at our shop um whatever is clothing though is going off to mark and we have to start separating this stuff out um boy yeah it's it's almost like you don't know where to start but you got to start by moving one box out of the way slowly burrowing my way back to these racks i think these have been back here a lot longer judging by these boxes look like they're fresh out of the 70s and inside all sorts of alligator snakeskin purses wallets i wonder if they're all purses or if there's clothing too i'll have to find out okay i've made some progress back here getting down to some actual household sorts of things which is nice for a change still tons of clothes every kind of outerwear you can imagine wool jackets we're gonna have a look inside this trunk with this little hat finest canadian velour fancy little hat in the trunk it's more clothes grab some more of these for them floral pastel yellow gold all clothing that's the process the boxes come up from the basement they get put on the step and then david comes along picks up the boxes taking the living room where we've got kind of a big pile going right now they are stacking up all over here and then from here they go out to the truck the last thing they'll put on would be the bagged up clothing and then off it will go the guys are bringing up some of their clothes we're gonna work our way downstairs and get rid of some of the wardrobe that's hanging from the ceiling oh i'm gonna get out of your way it's like a freight train up and down the staircase which is part of the reason why i wanted to clear the kitchen out so that we could do this kind of work coming up from the basement get that out of the way and the goal i'm gonna sit past you sorry mark okay uh i have to empty out those closets that stuff isn't really in the way right now there's still this entire room which is primarily clothing um but they are offering to move their resources over and get rid of these few garment bags that are here so i can see what's back in this corner because that's not clothing beyond there so i get to do a little treasure hunting in the basement but i have to be careful because my allergies are acting up like crazy and i don't want to overdo it look at the world's biggest hershey's bar like an eight pound hershey chocolate bar i don't think it's in there anymore i imagine it would be a lot heavier that was one heck of a big chocolate bar one time i might have to grab some garbage bags as i go just to fill up some trash too all right so you want to hold it and i'll hold it [Music] are those bags from the 70s you think mark i figure they've got that look yeah they match the uh boxes from upstairs they do you must have bought them all together yeah probably was your total closet solution kit from 1971 or something well hopefully there's some good older stuff in there i don't know what you're going to do with all these chains now i don't think that's gonna be much of a problem the chains are the least of my worries clothes are out of the way and i can access this back corner now that's a good sign that we're getting warm everything's more or less uh empty it seems though empty boxes empty boxes but boxes are still good and somebody said even though people buy the tiffany bags and boxes we'll keep all that aside maybe find the jewelry at some point down here that goes with it all finally after hours of digging i find some things that are more up my my alley vintage dinky toys corgi toys matchbox bags and bags and bags of them [Music] those are good sellers at my shop so at least i have a few fun little things in there valencia stratos an old what looks like a maybe a hubley tractor so some toys back here um i'm trying to be a little bit mindful of how long i spend in the basement because my uh the dust is getting to me a little bit the guys are loading up the vehicle with all their stuff and i just poke around doing a little digging vintage christmas ornaments by the box full use the old glass ones i'll be able to sell those always people who like old christmas ornaments looks like a fisher price sesame street toy 1976. put that into the other toys i haven't seen one of these in a while prize in every box well that's probably the prizes little plastic kazoos or something that's inside there delicious popcorn confection [Music] a few little fun knickknacks back in this corner i'll keep digging getting down to some little boxes here electro chemistry set you know when your kid would have all sorts of stuff they could light the house on fire in the room feel like they don't give kids electro chemistry sets too often there's also the make your own venus de milo statues it's never even been open it's still sealed in the plastic but what did you find over there paul oh there was this nice little frame from from woodward's i just think maybe i'll put that next to my front door and put a picture of just myself in it kind of pondering that'd be good you know or maybe maybe we'll do that and raffle it off yeah or you could get a bigger picture or maybe me dancing it looks like a magic mirror like a little mirror mirror on the wall maybe it's for your cat you put that in your little actually the cat bed so the cat can see himself oh that's a good idea yeah pacman if you're that in love with it you can have it paul i think i'll take it okay i'm gonna empty fan boxes garbage i can actually see the wall over here on this side there's all sorts of little ornaments all stacked up um these uh court sealer jars come in handy and actually when i have to deal with all the pennies it's kind of a fun way to sell pennies by the jar there's an old nice little red box camera that's a keeper i'll put that in my my alex to go box and lots of little knickknacks and things so the digging continues that's weird so parallax some people just collect gas station stuff you don't see wax from esso too often i could probably find a buyer for that surprisingly and we'll have to do a little unwrapping here to see what what is hiding down below some 1950s ornaments will look kind of cool electrical stuff in this bag oh look at this brand new like probably 1970s batteries never really a good idea to keep old batteries lying around never know when they could light up on you in fact you have a 9-volt with uh steel wool that could catch on fire very very this is some quickly locks and things i think uh maybe have a look in there see if there's anything good in there i'm gonna continue to dig more tools spare electrical [Music] i bits like i'm in the hardware department approaching the hardware department back here found a whole bunch of jewelry boxes which appear to be empty it's a shame but i can probably still use them if i find jewelry to go in them let's see is it going to be empty i think so yeah all right box is coming in keep all those more berks is a very high-end brand by the way tiffany ask for canada port through maybe some good stuff back here i have so far burrowed underneath the staircase and no shock it was full of clothing and still has a bunch of clothes look at some little dolls back here a whole pile of dolls all wrapped up in plastic i see that so they might have a chance of being in good condition underneath all that but where there's some toys there's oftentimes others little knickknacks books this was probably like a little sitting area at one point it looks like there is a place pink carpeting some books to read maybe like a little fort for kids to come playing we have found a few other cool things somewhere over here oh here it is this is a really cool clock this is the type of thing i like to sell at my shop it's a 1940 sessions airplane clock and see how it actually has little rubber wheels on it it's electric it looks like a little propeller and the clock is on the front that is a really funky piece from the 40s that go on your wall very collectible as well worth over 100 so that's a nice little find underneath the steps wander over and check and see this is how the bagging is going so far paul rock and roll paul is there helper dave is carrying stuff upstairs and mark is tunneling in a different direction i was tunneling under the stairs and you've been tunneling back in the what seems to be like the fur room the fur forest back here first the first can't see the first through the trees and you can almost see walls he's making good progress back and everything actually i did see the wall it is back there somewhere there's a wall back there okay so good progress is being made i mean look at all this we've been filling the dumpster up as well i'll be ready to call for it to get emptied pretty soon found this 1950s uh or 60s mirrored top coffee table back there too kind of cool sort of a darker wood darker finish but that patina that wear that it has is actually just fine the way it is somebody probably like it just as it is a couple nice steamer trunks out of the deal too all in all i'm finding a few treasures so that's all good i haven't even gone through all these little chalkware plaques yeah they're all plaques fruits people you see that that's what that is it's all chocolate well i'm gonna continue digging and see if i can uh find some more goodies back here started cleaning off the shelves back here tools a centennial license plate sellable now how long has this paint been sitting here cil it's called clairvoyant kind of a racy looking little picture i guess it's a little diamond clear coat and look at this spray resin with all these 70s looking flowers on it that one's so old it doesn't even have a barcode on it i wonder if it still works after all those years i would be very surprised does it still work that'll be dark it still works that's surprising good nozzle on that thing hey paul i found your buddy hey hold the string you got to turn around so we can see her don't be a square hey cool don't be a square what else did you say i dig that crazy beat yeah that's pretty neat yeah it is neat you got a beatnik a beatnik girl that's really new she's missing a roll of hair but hey what beatnick girl isn't i bet we could probably uh fix her up a bit like when do we eat like when do we eat and i am standing right now on i don't know what it's really hard to get around back here at the moment there's drills and saws there's a whole bunch of dolls back here actually yeah i think when we uncover this corner we'll find this is where all the dolls were kept i need to find my mama chatty kathy she had one when she was a little girl and does not have any longer if you have the uh oh yeah there's like these little furry uh things up at the top too kind of 50s ish looking oh yeah i if you if the box is handy i'm going to throw out some uh stuff that needs to go in the trash i might just hold this whole bin out of here see what's inside well here's a motorcycle tune-up manual uh looks like he's working on a honda like a cb 750 in the picture i got basic motorcycles stab collection oh it's handy that you're like in your you know if you have one of these oh probably somewhere we'll find his motorcycle jacket somewhere we might be getting warm yeah we amongst all this stuff here holy just walk this wooden box here oh what do we have some comics not terribly old 20 cent 15 cent or older unless it's the first appearance of someone or a little bit more collectible not too many of them in there tom hanks yeah sleepless in seattle 1993. it's a good movie if you haven't seen it what sleepless in seattle okay i think a lot of this stuff might end up just being oh there's another comic book going through fierce and editorial cartoons yeah i might have to just grab the garbage bag some bring this little bucket out well this box is solid cassettes all the way down to the bottom good stuff too little richard ikantina turner well that's an early cassette that is look at the container on that thing and they've kind of come back in fashion also found a whole bunch of uh vintage postcards going back a number of years are they stabbed you know they're unstamped i always prefer them if they've been used because then they tell a bit more of the story but those are definitely uh going back cannon i can officially walk down this hallway and i found mark working away and there's another rack racks upon racks upon racks of vintage fur coats just tons of them and a human head and a human well not a real human styrofoam human head pretend human look at these boots the crazy kind of like snake skin on the end yeah and if she liked one look there's the brown version right there yeah gotta have them go with all the outfits paul is helping me by hauling garbage out from that side i am kind of looking forward to going through the tool room area to see what tools are back here it's been inaccessible pretty much this whole time not the 80s band in excess but inaccessible but i'm gonna go ahead and guess that there's gonna be a lot of good usable tools down here once we can get to them but most of this all clothing [Music] here's a curious little box it says e second so elizabeth ii queen mother fur from 1950 and what's inside first so i guess we're at we're to believe that this was the queen mother's fur yeah these are stools so these are her stalls maybe so something a little bit more unique i wonder how you would prove that other than the fact that it's written on this box unless he asked her to store the furs for and they ended up in his basement i'm using some of these empty bins that are next to me yes there are empty bins in this house to put some of the brand new tools that were never used in the boxes here now none of these are super high end so far but they are brand new never used be easy to sell at auction and get a return on our money back there's also a ryobi bench grinder that is something a little bit more special um saws i mean you name it it's probably down here and probably in brand new condition so anything that's like that in great shape is off to auction and we'll hopefully get a good dollar for it checking the bags fabric looks like i think these are all coats right here i don't know we're slowly getting to this trunk if we can get the clothes off the top move the old baseball mitt out of the way uh iron out your differences [Music] just pose that looks like clothing little display stands there's meccano sits down here too micrometer's head more tools more new tools you can never go wrong with tools no better if you use them though tools well that's one bin full and i think some of the stuff yeah the saws are on top they're probably going to fall over if we go to move the coats so i'll move those out of the way for now this is pretty neat what is it it's i don't know but it's really good yeah it's really neat really neat here's a bunch of coats we could get over to mark i'm gonna put these over in his other pile we're finding a few clues this is a scope off of a rifle so far have not found any rifles or anything like that no firearms at all but there is a bow and arrow set up in the rafters and then further down there's lots of arrows in there yeah there's a pile of arrows there and then you said further down there's more yeah okay so i'm this way so these were uh sporting enthusiasts let's see what's in the trunk of paper all right looks like it's open big moment what's in the green trunk that might help close just that waft of uh musk is it closed on the bottom part too okay let me hold that get that yep yep okay i it's closed some more clothes just stacked to the top smells like where's all the good stuff mikey oh yeah hey look there's a rummy set in the neighborhood another uh don't let your mama call you a rummy there's all sorts of drafting stuff oh there's piles of drafting supplies yeah this is well once these clothes are out of this area we can start to move things over that'll be uh future project some more comics the cult files of dr specter slightly creepier than philspector ended up being it says socks on the outside of it all right i'm guessing there's gonna be socks on that thing i have a feeling there's gonna be some interesting stuff under this pile does it look like they were into uh lapidary like this is um a chunky quartz right there and there's all sorts of you know partially cut stones and fragments there could be all sorts of stone samples on that bench for all i know nothing down the side i wonder what this thing is brown's guitar factory i'm not sure what you'd use that for unless it was actually for making guitars like maybe there was interest in being a luthier at one time science fair nuts and bolts just want to look at the little wooden boxes see what's inside usually these are tools well no i don't think it's a cigar box it looks like it would hold tools yeah oh yeah it's not in it though right now though like micrometers or things like that sometimes kind of those little boxes i can't wait to dig around in this room actually cleared down to what was the original workbench you can see i'm still standing on three feet of stuff here but i think i found a lathe still brand new in the box and for those of you that aren't really into tools that's a handy and very cool thing to have in fact i think that's another lathe possibly over next to it brand new sets of uh uh punch blocks you know angle grinders titanium coated drill bit sets all this stuff really adds up a lot of this stuff's still in the original packaging which is great news for me i'm going to see if i can lug that lathe up out of here i better get to it sooner or later yuck yuck uh what's going on over here paul bow down i think you'd just be doing this by yourself even if it wasn't here well some people play with toy cars i used to play with my you know boots [Music] around miley we're poor we didn't have to make deal with what we had yeah but you weren't so poor your parents did i just had a rock and i had to lend it to my brother on weekends were those things snakeskin by the way check those out another platform snakeskin yeah another pair like uh 80s real wild 80s boots size six okay snake skin platform boots like if you were if you're if you were emulating the kiss look this would definitely be the direction you'd want to move in yeah there's a there's a whole variety of platform shoes down there and if you're balding you could put on one of these you know this probably a fashionable look right now with the two-tone hair here we are here we are here we go again i was uh clearing off the workbench over there behind you that's the tool room over in that direction and i found a lathe brand new in the box like a mini lathe which is a good score it's kind of sad that a person doesn't get to use these tools oh look at that hand tooled uh it's a tilled leather weekender bag now technically that wouldn't be considered a purse so no that's what ladies would take with matching shoes if you were just going away for the weekend or just you know for for the evening you would take your little day bag where you could put your makeup and sanitary items and matching shoes yeah a nice little thing skeleton lock on the front it's really slick somebody's been a while too chocolate boxes and they're they're empty well not no chocolates in them that would have been a fancy gift to get on valentine's day chocolate should be for every day not just valentine's day something kind of fun 1961 barbie case custom-made little dress her hair is not too bad but her original outfits are all still in here pretty collectible little piece of course the most collectible one is the very first barbie should be worth quite a bit of money but even early 60s barbies like this are a good find i'm happy about that the guys are back tonight loading up like the it looks like you're on the other side of prison bars visiting each other no touching and david's hauling stuff upstairs after several hours of digging i managed to tunnel my way into what would have been the laundry room oddly there's no laundry in the laundry room poor little raggedy ann looking all sad she's been lost back there don't worry we found you i think this was pretty organized at one point in time the yarn on the walls any boxes we have leather i've been trying to find a vintage motorcycle jacket for paul he's really interested in but i think that's just scraps it might have been a nice old jacket at one time all throughout there's funny little things and i'm just kind of gathering and collecting the other guys have gone to go and take a truckload of stuff and hopefully be back soon i'm supposed to be having dinner with my mom tonight and that might not happen if they don't get back here fairly soon in the meantime i'm gonna keep digging look at all these patterns all vintage patterns in here more dolls down below valley of the dolls so far that beatnik doll was probably the best one let's see this one's sitting on a chair she's been sitting on a chair for many years there's all sorts of dolls back here donald duck i'm sure this area will prove interesting once we can actually get back here properly oh look there's some kind of uh another sewing machine down there some suitcases boxes of cassettes yeah this might be a job for tomorrow it is getting close to the end of the day i've not seen a mouse yet thankfully not a live one anyway i was waiting for that moment to happen and it didn't yet well hopefully the guys will be here soon we'll call it a night and so far from my scrounging round of the basement i got a whole bunch of tools rockwell saws jigsaws bench grinders everything all brand new never used in the box some of them are brand new but out of the box installed just some stickers on them but a lot of good tools so far and that's not all the basements coming along pretty good too that's it got my treasures loaded up for the day they are working on getting that van as full as can be it's so dark out now you can't even see what's going on but it's pretty packed in there well that's it for tonight it's been a really long day but look you can actually see all around the basement now where you couldn't see that before and the little area behind me by the furnace we had to climb that's cleared out the secret room it was full of fur coats that's just about cleared out so a lot of progress made i'm ready to call it a night i'm gonna go home and see my wife and kids and have a nice dinner but for now um that's about all she wrote i'll be back again tomorrow to start loading some stuff out to the auction and really start cleaning the house out hans and zenova should be back so stay tuned for that episode there's always something funny that happens uh but thanks again for watching guys we'll see y'all soon and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 375,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hoarders, Hoarding, Buried alive, Antiques road show, Curiosity inc, Collectible, Vintage, Pawn stars, American picker, American pickers, Tlc, Discovery, Full episode, Alex archbold, History channel
Id: IsYFmHuJr8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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