Part 18. Potters House. kitchen completion and movin’ outside!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity morning so welcome to episode what is this episode 14 now I remember back when I first started I thought there'd only been four episodes of me doing this and now look around 14 but we are nearing the end and things are looking up headed off this morning you know what's a foggy day outside to meet Josh and Dakota at the house and we are going to get to work on finishing the inside and then starting on the outside of the house and I'm hoping that in the next month or so here I'll be able to actually have the property finished and listed for sale this will be a big step in the right direction so follow along on this episode as we make some real progress on the inside of the house start getting it wrapped up and move out to the outside so follow along and let's get to the house well I've arrived and I can see already that the guys are hard at work I've hired some local fellows to work on cleaning up the front yard all right well the big thing I notice is that the deck that was here is now gone oh look there was a window there yeah there was one point basically tore the whole old deck off it was a mess under there probably six inches of old everything and I couldn't find a shovel the other day because they were all buried underneath there yeah we found a few I think we got two more on the other side which I'm too so there's about eight of them all together is this some kind of water line or something that's running together yeah I'm almost sure well actually there was a cistern in the basement of the house that's what I'm wondering then either either a sheared waterline with an old house or it comes off a little well or something like that it doesn't do anything now no when we come when we took the deck off it was totally open so and I see you've already got a pile of garbage bags I mean that the front yard is already looking way better yeah we yeah 39 contractor great for span yesterday 39 bags of garbage already just from raking it's coming Wow and I hear you guys are pretty much the best in town when it comes to doing yard work and cleanup you know we show up and do the work so yeah well you're fast and you couldn't have done this at a better time because Josh and Dakota are gonna be here soon and they're gonna start building me a new deck oh and they're gonna fix my front steps so that's the plan this weekend and I've got tiling and stuff to do inside but it's looking good out here already it is such a difference on this property now that it's turning into spring and things are gonna start greening up here pretty soon this was 15 years 15 years was the last time this place had been raked by Mary son-in-law dawn and he said basically there's been over 30 contractor bags full of trash looking forward to when Dakota shows up and Josh so they can start working on these steps because this is what we have to do right now it looks like they're kind of walking on that these steps have completely rotted look at this just you know from use and from us using it that's completely rotted now and the guys did find something cool in the yard when they're digging up they found a sword it's kind of like a makeshift fencing sword that I don't know maybe this is what people wouldn't you know marry maybe use this to scare people off the property or something probably I think she used to make props for school plays and stuff so I'm sure it had a reason I want a 1-point but it's pretty neat thing to find I have to say it's getting to be downright cozy in this house I'm really really liking it and the more work we do the better it gets but I'm going to check and see how the upstairs washrooms coming along see what the guys did tub is in place and have to clean it and wash it the walls have started to get a quart of paint these are the kind of like the shower head that we know and I'm just waiting for a curtain coming that hangs from the ceiling goes down but this table is definitely going to need some cleaning just like the one downstairs to all probability LR or cleaner in the bottom let it soak Europe the day something anybody want to use that the way it is it looks like I have another another working toilet so the washroom is definitely coming along one problem I'm having is that the sandpaper is getting clogged up because there's still some of this glue on the floor remnants from when they had linoleum blew down so I am taking to scraping it off and trying to get it back so at least I could get down to the feet and then stand over top so I had this little patch left to do here now if you look at the sander back up look who's here guys the plat brothers the Platte River flat and khaki and backwards hats that's what you can tell me do you get dressed independently cute according to this house Oh see look so you got ready before he actually did he actually got there no way you saw pull up and you're like that looks like a great outfit I'm gonna mix it up blue so what do you guys think if I leave the floor with a little bit of let's say patina you know me better like aged that is yeah loaded with character when you see something that's like you know super brand new that's nice did you see something that's crappy then you're like but when you see something like this I'm like yo character this is awesome would you say it's quote-unquote dope there you go see I knew YouTube I think no I liked at some point somebody replaced one board but when you put the clear on it's gonna blend it out or you get a little dark enough so I'm gonna take this back just a little bit more but I'm hoping this will be either a Josh or Dakota room tonight cleaned up ready to go that's what I'm doing this one first I didn't do the rap I don't know yeah if you're in a wheelchair a unicycle one wheel yeah it's when when circus people get disabled they have a unicycle wheelchair and yeah that is their ramp but no I don't know somebody put that there wasn't me I'm guessing probably one of the contractors oh yeah I know the guys found out in the yard somebody built a sword like a skewer hit on people's plate yeah I guess you could fence and then like turn your fencing into a skewer I feel like haha good game and then they does barbecue after that deck is busted I don't think about doing something bigger with that okay like a little wider so you have yeah because right now if people are coming out of the door there's nowhere for them to stand maybe even a little bit bigger let's see yeah it's a it's a minor death trap and those bottom steps which have turned back into soil yeah so that's that's kind of the priority I would say the first thing would be building front steps because right now we have no good access to the house okay you just go through the yeah see that's the problem that's the issue this is okay that's this is a easy build yeah so I don't know if you want to get Checotah to start dismantling while you do a UFA run to go pick up would ya is that work did you bring any sledgehammers or sawzalls or anything okay think of it what's that other one broken uh well it's broke is just a head of a sledgehammer ya know I saw you trying to take carpet off the stairs all right and then the deck on this side yeah well this was all rotted this area right here was pretty rough before ya the nail is not bad it's not rotted I thought run at all dude it's not big enough for today's code well we could pull it and put a different on yeah but you know it's gone so there's you know I remember when I tried when earlier and we just yeah I wasn't working so good Oh all right thanks you guys up for this this weekend doing the outside stuff yeah and you can you see over here okay well those are garbage bags but Carmen's started to bring the scaffolding he's gonna start repairing some of the cracks on the outside I don't fish give me this this week some point he's gonna do it oh you said there was tons though if there's times we can do to buy time I can Dakota has been busy ripping off that front step and it looks like the rainwater hitting that deck for years has caused some rock we're gonna have to do some repairs in here and there's a little crawlspace in here which I've never been in to see what's going on in there I don't see any much of anything under there thankfully I'm surprised that this held for as long as it did the condition that it's in yeah it's pretty rough like I didn't even need to use my sawzall at all they pulled her everything I that whole top deck part that you yeah dude I just lifted that up and it came in real came right off like this is just oh man okay well I'll have to see we can do to fix this up while the guys are downstairs working on the front porch I have been working on the upstairs bedroom now I have decided to leave some of the original patina aka I didn't sand it down all the way because I like the look of a little bit of the old paint it shows that the house was original and went through a few owners and if you go to stores like Restoration Hardware or other ones people pay a lot of money to get that sort of look and I have it for free so I'm going to take advantage of it and if the next person doesn't like that they could easily take it back down but I'm leaving it because I think it looks cool and I also just realized that I was supposed to go pick up a couple couches from a lady in town if I'm really late so I have to get going and go pick those up [Music] once you guys get it up here I'll grab it I am tiny bit lightheaded after working with the Vera teen upstairs for a while something to step outside get some fresh air see how the guys are doing on the deck how's he going guys josh is busy he looks like a foreman we got the phone yeah did the spacing up get ready to put the getting ready for the deck to go in any surprises so far or was it all right I can hear the knockin and there I had to step outside I'm get a little woozy from all the fumes right the front gate now the snows gone I can kind of see it looks like I might have a stone walkway and me fall this you know I get the broom and see if I can't see where that leads feel like this should be a BBC documentary and as you can see the Romans left their mark by paving a path of solid stone in this case it's my sidewalk I don't know how far this is gonna go I mean presumably you think just go all the way to the door I've already got about three feet so far trying to figure out where exactly this goes you think it would come in the gate and go straight to the door but no it looks like it veers off to the side and maybe it winds up to the door I don't really know I need a little bit better tool than what I have but you know it is kind of cool he's finding stuff under the ground that you didn't know it was there I'm kind of just using this right great now see if I can find out where the stones are you feel like it's hard and that's why right there take it away now that the floor upstairs is more or less drying I'm gonna start work back in the kitchen now last week you guys were giving me a hard time because I pulled these octagons where are they that's what they look like to me but I didn't count the sides but I will prove to you that this is in fact eight sided one two three four five six and then you go seven eight if you count front and back so it's maybe not technically an octagon but yes these hexagon tiles are still horrible and I really don't like managing with dealing with them so I'm gonna move on for now to the square tiles you might say oh that's weird you guys are mixing up the tiles well it's okay I'm considering that an accent piece and then over by the stove we'll be square tile and it's white and I think it'll still be okay it's gonna have to be okay because that's what I'm doing whether anybody out there likes it or not because it's just horrible I hate these hexagon shape tiles even if they're octagon that'd be two more sides of pain that I don't want to deal with so I'm gonna finish this off later on today but for now I'm gonna move on to the square tiles thing well I got the first spot behind where the stove is gonna go pretty well roughed in have to do the rest up here after I tear into that next what the white tile looks good always looks better once you get the grout into I feel like English is probably a really difficult language to learn if you're from somewhere else well obviously you'd be from another country if you didn't know English unless you're from England or I guess we're from the other country we're from Canada or America we're the other country that knows English but if you're coming over and especially if you're a guy who does tile work and your friend invites you to the pool and he thinks he told you to bring your but instead you bring your trowel I thought you just said to bring my flower I thought this was a tile job if you like no we're just hanging out you'd be really confusing I guess but for me I'm getting the last little bit of tile well not the last little bit I don't know why I say that I've still got a lot to do but I'm doing the last area behind the stove and then I'll be able to start getting the tile in place back here and then I'll do around above the countertop the Josh put in for me so a little bit more to go before I can start putting the tile on it was fast really what I'm talking off-camera what did I go it gets a lot easier once this is on the wall and you get it all kind of smooth in and you have to use the groovy side the groovy side man because that gives you a little bit of room for you to squish the tile on it'll go quick after this so let's get this done and then I'll go check on the guys outside and see how they deal with the deck the guys have called me you come outside and have a look at what they have done I think they've got a deck going oh yeah they kind of see I'm gonna go with the patio door oh it's looking pretty Deki out here I guess we stuff one more board to put in but looks good this is actually not a bad size I mean we have a big deck on the other side so just for a little place to put a couple lawn chairs and relax on this side of the house yeah thanks we're gonna do a railing system it's always a good idea so yeah it's gonna look more obviously more finished once we do that it looks really sturdy good dude okay yep it's sturdy I was able to get the backsplash tile in and really I don't mind the square pattern I think it looks pretty good it's gonna look nice and clean once we get the stove back in there we're gonna go grab supper come back and work on that a little bit more and then I have to do the dumb bum bumbum dreaded hexagon not octagon tiles I have to finish that up after dinner so if I go to grant up some food and we continue on later tonight next morning guys are out grabbing some lumber from the lumberyard I'm gonna start upstairs here on the floor and the landing and see if I can't get a little bit better finish on it this one shouldn't take too long because it's basically never been painted I think we'll turn out pretty good I was just about to start sanding the floor getting that ready and I had a knock on the door the folks from the museum are here I have to get them some things they're going to do an exhibit for meri which is fantastic and I want to make sure that we get them some pottery her potter's wheel and a few other things so we are just here he's gonna meet me out front I'm gonna offload my car and I'm looking forward to actually seeing what kind of display they do hopefully it's nice you're pretty excited to see it aside from her pottery I'm also gonna give them water's wheel which still seems to be in somewhat mobile condition and there's a whole bunch of glazes in this room too but I'd like to give the museum if they can dig them out of here all these little containers of glazes would make a nice display Wells able to load up a truck full of stuff or donation so some tongs for pulling the pottery out of the fire pit some clays some jars of glazes all sorts of neat stuff and in return yeah if you happen to have a dryer kicking around you wasn't using so there's a dryer I just need a washer over there now and my laundry rooms gonna be almost complete though now that that's done I'm gonna go back up to the house and see if I can get the floor done the other thing that he said was that they're doing sort of a fancy dinner tonight that they wanted to invite us to we're all wearing kind of like our grubby work clothes we might have to go shopping somewhere in town and find somewhat fancier clothes if this is kind of a black-tie event let's see how much we can clean up by the end of today but off to do the floor and then I guess we have a fancy dinner to go to tonight the goal here is to sand it get rid of all this kind of splashed paint and overspray get right down to the wood and clear it are you now that I've swept and vacuumed we're gonna put a little fresh coat of sunshine on these old floors and try and bring some of that original color back up you can see how the the color really just comes back to life with the fresh coat of clear so I'm gonna get this on there you kind of go against the grain a little to fill in the cracks and work our way across the floor there now just to let that dry and set up then I can come up and start working on the trim around the doors later on today for now I'm gonna go back and work on the kitchen for a bit I realize that left the lid for the clear coat one of the rooms where they can't access now which is almost as bad as painting yourself in the corner but define another lid down here somewhere cap this thing off we don't have the dump trailer today so we've decided to take some of the scrap wood and burn it we've got a little fire going in the fire pit get rid of some of this crap hood but we can reuse what we use but all the rotted stuff we can burn off and I have to run to the next town to go and return the faucet that they sold me last week I bought the demo model but they didn't give me any of the links or attachments to make this thing work so I feel return it plumbers edits no good hopefully I'll get some money back and pick up some supplies along there and my aunt should be here pretty soon it's just after lunchtime she's still not here I heard that she went a little too far and when I say to the next province over which like our next date so she went just a little too far so I'll give her a call let her know when she gets here but I won't be here but today [Music] I made my pitstop got my supplies the wind did not do nice things my hair look at this mess of a moth that I've got so I'm gonna see if I can maybe pick up a hat or something cuz this is getting ridiculous is getting all up in my face so I'm gonna pop in grab some toothpaste and hopefully a hat and get over to the house get back to work I was like my options are camouflage or Batman I'll see maybe there's an in-between somewhere here's what's kind of vintage and it Scandinavian it's pretty cool well a rare occasion I hardly ever wear hats anymore but this one will do the trick for today keep the Sun out of my eyes and keep my hair out of my face and I picked up some protein bars and food and stuff for Josh and Dakota so I'm gonna feed those boys and keep them working and check and see how the deck is coming along I see it's my aunt working on some hedges this is this might be a little overwhelming there's a lot of trimming to be done she's come all the way from Edmonton which is three hours from here more or less just to help me with trimming the hedges now that's a good ant for you yeah they didn't have wooden stringers I had to get metal ones he's a bit of a bummer but I do I took a minute to uncover the old sidewalk which is actually pretty large it goes about three-four stones across and you get near the door a lot of seeds are all not seeds a lot of needles from the old pine trees to pick up but a fellow is gonna come by later on and pressure wash these and we'll have a chance to see exactly what the sidewalk looks like when it's cleaned up kind of excited to see oh there she goes see we can uncover our mystery sideline [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as they've been blowing with the leaf blower discovered this in a brick pathway running along the side of the house we're gonna see if we can uncover that when I say we I mean he's gonna see if he can do it I was joking last night that every time we come out somebody bring his cookies and guess what showed up today more cookies this is the best town ever now I'm gonna move over from sidewalk duty the fellows who come back for the pressure washer and start doing some trimming on the hedges up front there's probably other things I should be doing right now inside the house but I'm really enjoying being outdoors my aunt just left went back into the city and I'm still out here basically taking care of hedging the front while hedging trimming the hedges on the front and burning off some of the sticks I'm really enjoying the outdoor time right now I'll plenty of time to work on the floors tonight but I really do have to get that floor coated and done for tomorrow so we can move the butcher block table and that was one of the big things I really had to do this weekend and as for the stone sidewalk well our good friend Tim came back oddly his name is Tim Cook and does not run Apple as far as I know unless Tim Cook has got a completely different hobby now yeah it's a stone sidewalk Eco is all I have to wear the front is gonna be stuff to do some repairs by the steps there goes around the corner that way goes around the corner this way if I follow it we're gonna just follow this little path here I'm gonna have to trim the street back of it it starts turning into brick so there's some decorative brick trim and then as we if we keep walking here it turns into a full little brick sidewalk and who knew that this was buried underneath all that mud so I have a fully paved little sidewalk down the side of the house now [Music] I feel like there's been a wall between us lately oh you you've used up all your laps yeah [Music] hey Dakota domo arigato mr. Roboto you know why cuz this yards full of sticks wah wah wah it is probably somewhere around eight o'clock right now we've been going since I've been going since 7:00 this morning and I can tell you I'm definitely starting to feel tired what's not helping matters is that I have a cold right now so I'm not feeling super hot so I think we're gonna have to call it a night pretty soon the guys have been working non-stop pretty much all day as well working on building the decks which I'm really thankful for because they pretty much got both of the the front steps and the deck off the side of the house completed today the challenge is that we're probably getting more nose you know that's a long day they started probably around 8 a.m. not long after I did and you just don't really work the same way that you should work when you start getting tired you start you know you work slower you don't think straight and we haven't had supper yet and I don't actually know we haven't stopped for lunch that makes me feel like a really bad employer here I should have been a better friend to be honest and made sure that these guys stop to have something to eat we'll make it up to them though I'll take them out for supper tonight tomorrow I have to go around the house first thing in the morning and start finding things for the yard sale that I'm doing so I won't even be working on stuff on the house so I'm gonna be working on trying to sell things and hopefully pay for some of the expenses from this weekend I will wander around probably tonight try and find some stuff to sell and then pull it downstairs still gonna be a long day and I think I'll probably work until close to midnight tonight and then back up at 6:00 in the morning tomorrow but I think for tonight we're gonna call it a night and go get something to eat morning it's Sunday everybody got a good rest the guys gentle kind of upstairs sleeping a little bit I have had to start going around the house today and finding a bunch of little knickknacks and treasures to bring out for the Arts Dale so alter of this adventure I've been keeping some things that well too good just to give away or throw out but not so good that I haven't really found room in the store for them I have all kinds of stuff still lying around and I thought today I do yard sale and see if I couldn't get rid of some of these things and maybe pay for this week's adventure so let's walk around the house see if we can find some things and sound pretty yard sale as I'm digging around looking for things I can put out the yard salad I realize I haven't really been through this other bedroom upstairs and I'm finding some really neat things like this 1950s or even late 40s magnet Ector but you put on top of an object and project it large so you could view it kind of like a slide or even to assist artists with drawing that's a pretty neat thing and there's all sorts of stuff still in this room I have not gone through though I might find a few treasures for myself as well as some for the sale I'm kind of having fun been emptying a few things from up in the attic I think it's time that bicycle finally sees the daylight again [Music] there's the chain sees you have to wheel that chain up and those tires are flat actually they're not flat which is weird they're out of air but they're petrified and the round ting I guess you gonna be late for school again the school is actually right at the end of this sidewalk should I be pretty poor excuse [Music] let's some tables set up I have to start bringing everything out and then stage it so the people can start buying things I'm gonna start putting things out for sale hope we get a turnout today advertise it locally I don't know how many people are actually going to show up but hopefully a few some of these things I forgot I even had buyers and I'm still finding a few surprises for myself like this massive serving dish made by Mary signed by her in 1969 in a nice black glaze few little hairline cracks but overall really decent shape nice find the yard sale is in full swing we have a few people that are here shopping I've sold a couple things already and overall I'm hoping I won't have a whole lot to bring back in the house when we're done so the prices will get better at the end of the day folks but let's see how much more we can sell and try and empty this load out yard sale update chair is gone the trunk is gone there's a bunch of stuff that's gone and that means less things that I have to move either back inside or back to the city I'm giving this old 1920s Ivy stand to Dakota because he does kind of dark kind of gruesome photography anyway he's gonna use it for something and yeah I'm hoping by the end of the day that most of this stuff will go so hopefully I can convince some of these folks that they need some of the stuff in their house more than I need to add mind so this is the little house across the street for mine which is slated for demolition they've invited me in to go in there drop Garrity is this where I wake up in a bathtub with my kidneys missing in a bathtub boys whatever happened outlets we never saw him again after he went into the basement oh hang on I've gotta turn my flashlight on well there is stuff down here [Music] spiderwebs let's see you've not been down here there are speakers as part of an old stereo system your hot water tank I don't see much for like architectural salvage type stuff it seems like whatever was really vintage in the house they probably got rid of old furnace it's always funny they get this far with the furnace and they're like now we're not taking it up okay well that was less than spectacular but it's cool to go into little hatches in the floor well that's it the yard sale is over I think it was a pretty good success is very little left and what is left I'll probably donate either to the museum or donate to the local charity so feeling pretty good that I got rid of a bunch of stuff and end up making some money so I can help pay for the guys to help me out this weekend now I have to go back inside however and get cracking because we are only here for one more night tonight and I have a lot of work still to do so I'm gonna check on the guys see how they're doing and then I'm gonna find a job for me after what's been probably an hour and a half of cleaning I've got the majority of the front porch cleared vacuumed and swept and surprisingly even after all the things I've taken out of this house I was able to generate another pile of garbage just from this one little room it never surprises me how much stuff has remained to come out of this house and I still haven't finished the attic and some the other spaces so it's just gonna be Oh things are falling behind me uh yeah well that wasn't creepy at all but I have more work to do in the upstairs bedroom I'll probably it to that okay how's it going in here guys I realize be a company coming over at 7 o'clock so I gotta get busy cleaning and organizing and stuff I gave Dakota the job of working on the hexagon slash octagon tiles oh yeah you getting in there and the people in the town are continuing to wow us it's just amazing we got some some food brought to us today with some fresh homemade whipping cream so we're gonna take another break here you know who remember Rita Rita yeah yeah she brought some for us yeah again again Oh Rita is awesome yes again Rita thank you to Rita and the mystery wonderful lady who brought the other food by which we don't know what it is but it's kinda like cinnamon cake it's really really good good yeah it's really good so thank you very much for taking a much-needed break after I was complaining yesterday about not eating these guys it took the town of Provos to feed them for me outside and I found another box and what's interesting about this box is it there appears to be poetry in it which is great but there's also this labeled Montreal I think this is her entire package but when she was selected to represent Canada at the Montreal Olympics the things you find in places that you least expect every time I come up here never ceases to amaze me that there's more and more cool little treasures to be found a quick update on what's been happening around here the upstairs washroom is getting a skim coat just kind of clear over we have the new vanity in place and the top is just a little bit dirty you have to clean that but we did get some baseboard trim on which is right down there so you can see we went with the original style wood on the baseboard once that's painted this room's gonna look really nice now Josh and Dakota have been busy working away as to buy Dakota this room is really echo a now echo they were painting off the white trim that's behind me that done Dakota's going to start on a second coat of the once is called this is a grave its called fossil grade by Benjamin Moore that's what colored list is behind me so there's a few spots after you roll it on the first time you can kind of see there's a few little spaces that the roller didn't quite hit that needs to be completed and I'm going to go back and work on the front porch and then I have to kind of clean the whole house because somebody brought us a bunch of cookies and water and all kind of stuff the other day and I probably some that I give them a tour at seven o'clock which means I have a lot of cleaning to do and I still have this whole room that I never even got to yet so eventually at some point I'm gonna have to tackle this room but I'm not gonna worry about that just yet I'm going to hide my shame by closing the door and just saying don't go in there which is not the best approach but that's approach I've taken today any minute now I have some company coming over I had some local folks who keep bringing me cookies ask you think you come see the house and how could I say no when there's the offer of cookies at risk so I have been cleaning and getting the place ready and working on the floor and mopping and generally just trying to make it look a tiny bit better in here and I'll show you sort of how it looks right now I'll flip the camera round living room with the inexpensive couches that I found online locally here actually it's kind of nice to have a place to sit down haven't had too many places to sit and we have a dining room table but now we actually a living room after him pictures maybe in here too but we got a little living room going on if I flip around this way decided to move the piano back in the room and pretty much where I found it maybe a couple feet over from where it's at for you know 30 40 years so the piano is back in this room in the front area we've got a little sitting area here I'm gonna have to dust clearly there's dust everywhere but if you can look beyond that and now I put a little sideboard here and a table so it's starting to look a lot happier a lot more applies and up front and I think I hear Josh in Dakota hey guys I've been cleaning they take your shoes off now it's a shoes off house now yeah and it's probably time I give this piano a little bit of love too it's been neglected for far too long a little pledge again another paid unpaid ad that could have been always used pleasure in the house give that one ooh doesn't that look better now to do the whole thing and make it look sparkly brand-new fresh last morning at the house for now I'll have to come back and do some extra work on the interior we've decided a while back I had a really cool butcher's block we thought we'd put that in the kitchen as sort of an island everybody was saying well you need kind of workspace to work on well we had a plan for that all along everyone we just had you fooled and thought we didn't last night I got some varnish on the floor and it is dried now and the guys are just working on getting the table ready this thing is probably a hundred years old many cows have died on this well actually no they're probably dead already no that would have been actually even worse it's not like it's an you know people don't bring an abattoir into their kitchen like a that's an interesting architectural feature what is it owns an abattoir it's you know that's the killing floor we instead have a butcher block which you know delis butcher shops have a kind of neat thing to have in your house we're gonna see if we can get the legs on and get this thing in place ran into a little bit of an issue this morning the legs on the table are really loose and that's not going to hold the weight this table is probably about 250 pounds so the guys are off to go look for some brackets that will maybe hold the table legs a little bit more stable make the table stable and I am working on finishing the grout and I'm gonna start cleaning up the countertops and just get into kitchen more or less cleaned up and upstairs in the bedroom which I have started to sort today I found this an old Sunbeam Mixmaster let's see if it works I'd almost be more surprised if you didn't work isn't how well they used to make things see [Applause] it works really well a lot quieter than I thought it'd be and not only did I get that I got the attachment for juicing some B's me setup ready to make some bread or do some cooking in here I've decided to head back upstairs and look through the room which is kind of a mess I have to figure out what's going to charity and what's worth keeping so let's have a look and see what's in this spot hopefully some more treasures soon your sewing machine this lady's released to get dressed up for everything back then she's got her pearls on and her dress for sewing I said I saw pictures of Mary even you know she was outside in high heels and a dress doing ground fired pottery so you know there's different times I still love these old mechanics Illustrated we were staying at home built hunting car top 60 miles an hour it might go 60 miles an hour but that guy's flying out the back when you do it kind of an oddball looking thing was I used to be a Chevy crazy box appears to be nothing but old fabrics see that was like strawberry shortcake we went on this other side is kind of cool where'd it go it was like definitely 1960s been looking for this one look at that it's got like these mod posing people kind of all over it I'm sure somebody would want to do something with that that's where you gonna find fabric like this nowadays try to separate the cool stuff out let's run out oh look allis-chalmers power for growing work so what's on the other side oh nice little picture of a tractor cool little keychain let's take that with me put in the old pocket and painted to lab indigenous in fashion anyway meet that the other thing I found I have one of the family members asking like how many things from their graph of the world war one here we go Charles Mason becoming a Warrant Officer the first world war veteran and I think that needs to go back to the family I have a bunch of pictures and other things but that would go back to the family and I know his great-great grandson was interested in anything about the war so I'll try and get it back to him uh I knelt in something sticky so gross sticks ha ha ha brass one not brass copper piece of pottery HB ec mid-century G so I was like it's ticking you got it go shoes found a bunch of the more photo albums and yearbooks I'll have another big box of stuff to go back to the family very soon searching and found this it's a silkscreen dated 1968 and the name on it is our mochi it looks like kind of a neat piece definitely from the time the nineteen sixties or seventies who knows all to research that and see if he's or she's a well-known artist I think it's time to move this old sewing machine back out into the daylight [Music] there and the best thing is it still works which is crazy but you know it really did build things break back in the old days now the previous episode somebody said that this thing was in terrible condition but I don't really think it's that bad at all I don't know what you expect something to look like after you know close to a hundred years and this one is patented 1911 is the last patent date on it so you know that's well over a hundred years old truly an antique you know once you get past the hundred year mark and the thing still works Oh better out of the upstairs room and much nice from the downstairs I've been busy doing a little bit of wiring in the house and I said goodbye ceiling fan and hello to an antique light fixture at least this one puts off a bit of light in the front and it was fairly dark up here before and it matches all the other hotel ones that I put in my house actually it's from the same Salvage hotel that the upstairs light and some the other ones I put in our from so at least is a bunch of matching light fixtures I am exhausted I've got a pack a few things out to the car the guys are coming up with stairs we're all gonna be heading out pretty soon I accomplished most of what I wanted to accomplish this weekend we got the floors done in the hallway got the floors done in the other bedroom I got most of this room cleaned out behind me but there's still a lot more to go and I think I'll save some of that for when I have more so with me you can help me sort I did stumble across a bunch more of Mary's artwork and even a few pieces of pottery so all in all I'd say it was a pretty good weekend but sadly to supply me the last weekend for Josh in Checotah butcher block table in place do with the spherical shaped lamp above it to give you a little extra light when you're working now we have this nice Center Island a good amount of walk space in between cupboards and canvas the tile and the grout is all complete and I'm really happy with the way this is coming along I will have to figure out what to do with that little gap in the stove there was a clock there at one point all in all it looks really good brand-new front steps which are looking fantastic and sturdy guys then around the corner we have our lovely new deck and honestly this place is starting to have elements of it that are way nicer than my own home I know I said that before but I'm really life in this house well the guys are setting up our good friend Carmen he's local to the town of Provost here has a contracting business he's got scaffolding ready they've started prepping the surface of the exterior of the house and getting it ready for purging they're gonna repair the cracks and the foundation on the bottom here and getting it ready for paint so pretty excited for those next steps that is it so I can't thank you guys enough for all your help it's been I mean from starting with what was just basically a kitchen project we've got front steps we've got a deck pretty much baseboard all throughout the house spent tremendous amount of work so I can't thank you guys enough yeah well you guys are amazing artists I wish you nothing but success to your YouTube channel and your Instagram no you guys need to do awesome thank ya and Dakota's future YouTube channel hopefully it works I've been thinking about some things and it sounds like all a lot of people want me to do it so I mean right I say go for it well that's great guys thanks again thank you well I'm gonna miss the guys on this project but I know I'm gonna see them again soon on future videos thanks so much for watching episode 14 stay tuned for more videos don't forget to hit that subscribe button and we'll see you all soon [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 310,901
Rating: 4.9730344 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Alex archbold, Potters house, This old house, Home renovation, Property brothers, Antiques, American pickers, Discovery channel, History channel, Curiosity inc, Full episode, Tv series, Hoarders, Hoarding
Id: sf0a_kt8K0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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