The Possible Quiz

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can a match box it all started with a simple question not the question i just asked although we'll get back to that soon no the question was have you played the impossible quiz before i have i have yeah question one how many holes in a polo the last time i played the impossible quiz i was really young i'm talking probably eight or nine years old and so almost 15 years later i wanted to see how much of it i could still remember apparently not much now you might be thinking come on dude a polo shirt has one two three four holes if you don't include however many holes there are for the buttons so the answer's four obviously and you'd actually be right but not for the reason you think you see with the impossible quiz things are never as they seem if the answer to a question appears obvious it's probably not the right answer the phrase apollo has four holes in the letters that make it up hence the answer is four i having a vague memory of the nature of the quiz knew the answer would have some kind of stupid reasoning like this so i chose two referring to the big round holes in the two o's but it turns out all holes are accepted here question two can a match box if you knew the answer from the jump then you're probably familiar with this quiz and totally aware of the complete mental anguish torment and heartbreak i was setting myself up for if you didn't know then buckle up you're in for a ride the answer is no but a tin can question 3 or should i say task three because as we'll come to see not all the questions in this quiz are actual questions some just require you to carry out specific actions like this one straw's cab neutsuk seat russna or answer this question backwards okay task four i'm told to click the answer but all the options are out of order so what do i do well luckily i remembered this one you must literally click the answer and if you thought that was sneaky brace yourself the real bs hasn't even begun task 5 get your cursor from here to here without touching the blue very simple but let's just say it requires some outside of the box thinking question six square root of onion now i must admit i wasn't entirely sure what shallots were when i poorly proclaimed the root of an onion is uh shallots but it got the job done turns out shallots are in fact not the roots of onions but they come from the same family and if that's good enough for the quiz it's good enough for me question 7 the answer is really big and i'm presented with four honestly quite feasible options the word answer written so big it exceeds the confines of its box the words really big the infinity symbol which could also double as the mask of a caped crusader or an elephant i hear those are pretty big with only two lives left four possible answers and no recollection of the correct answer from my childhood it was gonna have to be a game of chance really big i can't remember what this one was flipping hell game over number one you see the tricky thing about this game isn't finding the right answer it's a multiple choice quiz for the most part so you'll find the answer eventually no what makes this game so tricky is that with each game over you must start from the very beginning question one no matter how far in you get and little did i know this was gonna take a real toll on me as i got further into the quiz on my way back to question seven i ended up losing one of my freshly replenished three lives on the cursor task by accident no biggie mistakes happen but with only 2 lives left the margin for error had shrunk the answer to question 7 was an elephant which is really big but now i had an even bigger problem task 8 search for what i didn't know i found a big red button so i figured that must be it i figured wrong i kept searching and discovered different markings on the blank space including a green tick there we go question nine what was the answer to question two do you know do you even remember what question two was i'll give you a clue it was the very first thing i asked in this video wait wait it was nobody tin can ah what game over number two but wait a minute the answer was no but a tin can which was in the bottom left corner unless turns out i was so focused on remembering the question i didn't even pay attention to the answers the correct answer was in the bottom left but what's pointing to it the top right number 10 choose food well none of these looked like food to me i could imagine someone eating an eyeball it wouldn't be a pleasant imagination but i could imagine it choose food choose food oh okay okay like chewing teeth they chew food question 11 what follows december 2nd now at this point it's worth noting i wasn't looking to my stream chat for the answers i wanted to put my own brain to the test but i did nonetheless get an assist from the viewers a few times over the course of the quiz so whenever that happens i'll be sure to let you know december 3rd was too obvious and answered to be correct so i went with the more unlikely answer a question mark referring to the question mark directly following december 2nd in the question oh maybe december 3rd wasn't too obvious with one life left i went 50 50 and chose n why is the answer n it would be a while before i would understand question 11 but i don't want you to have to wait like i did so i'll just explain it right now put simply n is the second character to follow the word december in the question it follows december 2nd clever right except it's complete bullcrap because according to the american standard code for information interchange space also counts as a character and so technically two follows december 2nd but whatever i'd made it and i wasn't gonna dwell on it question 11 isn't even scraping the tip of the iceberg believe me task 12 click the smallest i actually remember this one what an out of place lower case letter amongst the all caps typography question 13 what sound does a bell make well let's just give another listen to the bell that rings upon getting a correct answer in this quiz sounds like a fatang to me question 14 what can you put in a bucket to make it lighter well the opposite of lighter could be heavier but it could also be darker let's eliminate that dark with a torch task 15 nay winnie i wasn't sure what it wanted from me so let's hear my process to see what i was thinking so like a horse naying and then we have every letter of the alphabet what the flip oh i just checked the freaking i checked the chat i shouldn't have done that okay horse fine as i mentioned before this was one of the very few occasions where i was given the answer by the chat i generally try to avoid it because well it's cheating isn't it but soon enough even cheating wouldn't do much to help me question 16 what is the seventh letter of the alphabet and if you're counting on your fingers right now don't bother the answer is not g we should be learning by now if the answer seems obvious it's the wrong answer i suspected the game was trying to pull a fast one on me and so i opted to take a different approach a b c d e f g but i feel like they're gonna do something stupid like one two three four five six seven i knew it i knew it i shouldn't celebrate too much though because as this next question was about to show i was yet to be entirely privy to the impossible quizzes schemes 24-7 is 17 of course it is but none of the answers match that the impossible quiz is quite possibly the only thing that could make me answer a simple subtraction question like this walrus and just like that i had my third game over but did you notice what i should have done i wouldn't blame you if you didn't clearly neither did i 16.931 if you round it to the nearest whole number okay fine flipping hell flipping hell that's a good one actually that's a good one that was a good one that's right it was the question number and now is a good point for me to let you know nothing is off limits in this quiz and i mean nothing remember that is going to come back later task 18 stop you mean stop playing gladly i still intended to play horizon zero dawn on stream after this but decided i would beat the quiz first before switching over also i thought banana three o'clock oh wait house six hammer nine stop hammer time let's go task 19 color in the correct order surely they mean the colors of the rainbow right oh is this just voy g biv red red orange yellow green blue oh it's already it's already in the colors of the rainbow so what else could they mean by correct order let's see what i was thinking alphabetical so blue oh orange green green yellow okay fine fine what the hell i was actually doing like alphabetical order of the color names so i just got lucky there it seems flawed thinking led me to the correct answer in the end thanks boggy anyone ever tell you you look like a less distinguished oswald question 20 deal or no deal well i'm in it to win it so deal surely deal oh okay fine let's try this again all i could think of while reading this question was null admins sorry to my viewers from across the pond harry mandel just wasn't our cup of tea over here what what seal i chose seal as a complete guess and it turns out it's because of the phrase seal the deal pretty rubbish reasoning if you ask me and i wasn't happy with the answer at the time either seal seal why was the answer seal why why was the answer seal did you catch that i was so caught up in complaining about seal no not that one that i completely missed the hint for the answer to question 21. i was having a great run at this wasn't i it's probably a good point to mention that at this time i had no idea how many questions were actually in the quiz which is why this chat message was so concerning no one tell them how many questions there are what how many questions are there i thought it was like 25 or 30. well i was in for a world of hurt and i didn't even know it while reading the chat i glimpsed that the correct answer to question 21 was top left i wish it wasn't spoiled but considering i had no idea that there was a hint i'd even missed it was probably for the best question 22 the choice is yours plus one life minus one life escape or plus one skip i thought it was so generous of the game to let me choose yes i was that naive you absolute [ __ ] this game was not my friend and it was about time i understood that okay okay you absolutely yeah escape wasn't right either this quiz wasn't gonna let me go anytime soon the answer was plus one skip as in skipping to the next question i was not amused question 23 save changes to untitled my initial instinct was to go with yes but look how far my instincts had gotten me so far no i'm gonna try one more time and then i'm uh and then we're getting into horizon zero dawn all right whatever you say chief i tried clicking cancel but as with cancelling many things it didn't work cancel so i chose bran thinking of bran flakes and it was correct apparently the idea is that you need to give a name to your file before you save changes and so bran was the name given to it instead of bran flakes i should have been thinking of bran stock little game of thrones reference for those who are still traumatized by that ending task 24 hovering my mouse over the colored bars revealed parts of a full sentence it took me a while to figure it out myself but with the magic of editing i can at least make it easier for you click the but i don't this is just v v in lives [Music] at least i got it eventually question 25 how do you kill a werewolf sill it bang bang and the dirt is gone as a complete guess i chose shoe polish and luckily for me it was right but why was it right well according to the impossible quiz wiki shoe polish contains silver nitrate and werewolves are weak against silver hence the silver bullet however i did some googling of my own to verify this and wasn't able to find a single shoe polish ingredients list that had any mention of silver barry scott may have been more effective against werewolves after all remember me barry scott question 26 which of these place names doesn't exist german's weak [ __ ] ass facey blubber houses brown willy buds titson or [ __ ] there was only one i genuinely couldn't imagine being the name of a real place ah spacey it just seemed too on the nose or on the arse i guess question number huh i hope you've been paying attention to the question numbers i had to click which question was supposed to be next luckily my chat came through with an assist but not in the way you might think 28 28 do you know why i know because we got to 25 which some of you were saying was the last question and it wasn't and then i answered 26 so this is question 27. so that is actually because you guys lied to me that i know the answer to this question honesty may be the best policy but deception has its perks too question 28 what is this well depending on where you're from you might just call a cupcake a bun it's a bun dance question 29 what flavor is cardboard personally i've never tried it have you what flavor is cardboard cardboard yes cardboard made get on with it i have no idea what the answer to this question could be i'm trying to think logically that was my mistake 29 questions into this quiz and i still believed logic had anything to do with it ah i'm going to say pork scratchings honey game over number six i said this would be my last go but my chat was having none of it and encouraged me to keep trying my boy rhys also came through with a pep talk simi you know the answers deep down just go with instinct don't overthink it all right cool well sorry eloy i'm gonna have to give you a rain check by this point in the quiz i was way past relying on my memory of the questions i was sure i'd never gotten this far as a kid and so all my subsequent answers would have to be figured out here and now okay here we are i'm gonna go with talc the only answer remaining was egg mayonnaise which could mean one of two things either the creator of this quiz really hates mayonnaise or they eat cardboard eggman is why was the answer eggman is task 30 get the cursor to the end without touching the green simple right ah it's gonna do something messed up isn't it i swear it's gonna do something messed up it's not gonna be that simple it's not going to be that simple the the words next question are in green as well the button is green i i felt like if i pressed the button i was gonna lose a lot i was entirely incorrect the task was literally as simple as not touching the edges of the tunnel and clicking to the next question but i was paranoid by this point and couldn't be too careful task 31 woof woof woof woof woof woof or woof unfortunately for me in my celebration of completing the last task i missed a crucial clue did you catch it the dog barked three times and i had no idea which leads to another important lesson from the impossible quiz always be ready with no clue what it wanted from me i channeled reese's advice deep down i know the answer [Music] woof well so much for that by random i clicked on the answer with three woofs lucky choice question 32 what are the main ingredients of shampoo this is one of the few that does make sense what are the main ingredients of shampoo baby cham and human feces shampoo it appears our quiz creator here has a penchant for crude humor stay tuned there's more on that later question 33 how many letters in his hand well let's count them one two three four five six seven eight nine but as usual the answer is never what it seems how do we know that hand even belongs to a he how many letters are in the phrase his hand this quiz is gonna base it on the text it's seven task 34 elephants don't like mice three elephants and then a mouse hole elephants don't like mice well clearly i was struggling do you know what i need to do hint this is another one of those uh think outside the box questions once i had scoured every inch of the screen to find something clickable and turned up nothing i was stumped oh you have to move the mouse away from the screen this quiz was really taking the piss luckily i found it so amusing i ended up passing task 35 which required you to wait out the button of doom by accident and got my third skip in the process it's probably about time i let you in on those actually the arrows are skip buttons which would allow you to skip certain questions and complete the quiz faster or would they question 36 what do you call a wingless fly sounds like the setup to a classic joke with a walk being the punchline but i figured the quiz might have been trying to pull another untitled document on me and so i chose to call the fly jason instead jason jason jason unfortunately for me that trick wasn't being pulled twice flipping hell man next time around i delivered the punch line and progressed to question 37. can you get this question wrong it turns out you actually can't all the answers will allow you to progress but i chose of course not and for all subsequent runs never chose anything else power of habit i guess question 38 mary rose sat on a pin what happened next well mary rhodes thank you thank you i'll be here all night i'll be here all night ladies and gentlemen number 39 we have this toilet roll looking thing and four answers i had no clue about but because the role of toilet paper is a cylinder i decided to go with cylindrical adventures good guess but my reasoning wasn't quite correct more on this later 10 questions later to be exact task 40 click the next question button without touching the pink and in an act of uncharacteristic generosity the quiz actually gave me a clue if only you had a bridge ah let's go let's freaking go now before you go thinking i'm a genius task 41 was gonna prove to be my toughest challenge yet [Music] so clearly it's a duck and each of its parts were outlined and clickable but what did it want me to do mallard's ass i was just thinking because it was kind of hidden i didn't see that one so i thought maybe that'd be it sound logic but again logic has nothing to do with it i received a clue from chat which one shouldn't be there now i don't know about you but i don't see many ducks with afros and i also don't see many afros that look like that oh the afro question 42 what is the answer to life the universe and everything i immediately recognized this as a reference to hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and was presented with 50 clickable 42s this would also be the third question to disable the skip buttons no worries i didn't need them anyway because what could the answer be other than the 42nd 42 question 43 complete the sentence bridget makes everyone gay straight bi or tom cruise i immediately ask the most important question who's bridget talk about bridgette jones that's right it is bridget jones of the film bridget jones's diary and then i had a brainwave oh the actress in that film married tom cruise okay okay yeah yeah correct answer totally incorrect reasoning renee zellweger and tom cruise were never married at least not really i got renee zellweger confused with nicole kidman who was married to tom cruise but renee zellweger's character was married to tom cruise's character in jerry maguire get it even if you don't what does it matter i got the answer right and was on to task 44 which uh well i think my reaction says it all really what is this this it turned out was a puzzle to be assembled and assemble it i did problem solved question 45 or at least i think it's a question it's all in wingdings strap in this is the most involved task in the entire quiz i opened up a word document typed out the entire alphabet in both a regular font and wingdings and got to code cracking first symbol the flag so a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o i went on to decipher more letters and somehow during that process the initial letter o i started with had morphed into the letter n which resulted in well i'll just show you n o t a t o what the hell does that mean don't ask me mate you wrote it it turns out i'd made a fatal error i hadn't realized that there were two different flags a squared one for capital o and a pointed one for capital p it's potato oh my god i didn't know there were two different flag types after a second silly incident where i mistook a lowercase l for a capital i because who needs seraphs right i eventually deciphered the phrase potatoes fly potatoes fly okay okay okay okay potatoes fly i still don't know how to flip that means for deciphering the answers i had an even better approach i would paste the exact sequence of characters into word and then simply change the font this was peak strategy the potential answers were indeed wrong why not and rolling on the floor laughing and here was my phd level reasoning for which one was correct so funnily enough these do not help potatoes do not fly though so i'm tempted to say wrong [Music] that was the longest answer to the question i think we did it that question alone had taken over 10 minutes to complete but i was through to question 46 which nothing could have prepared me for uh any four more questions yeah sure whatever what is this what is this well it appears to be two eyes looking at an illustration of a deceased sonic the hedgehog's nose being snipped off with a pair of scissors eventually i chose the answer which i felt best encapsulates the emotions of the image omgf you kill soniku you bested that question also has an interesting origin but much like the answer to question 39 we'll get to it in due time 3 questions time to be exact task 47 the screen filled up with a cursor vanishing liquid and i had to click the red button considering the cursor is still visible outside the bounds of the game though this one was fairly straightforward question 48 snake snake snake it's from mel get solid i understood that reference it smell gear solid question 49 which is the correct spelling slap me do slap me do spap me do splap me do i don't know what you're talking about what are you talking about right now [Music] what are you what are you talking about slap me do fantastic question mate allow me to introduce you to a peculiar fellow called glenn rhodes this is the question i was telling you about by the way don't worry this whole thing is about to make a lot more sense glenn rhodes is a special kind of guy in the summer of 2004 just a month away from his 18th birthday he created an account on an emerging digital art website called he had also previously been an active member of the team 17 forums and if the name team 17 rings a bell for you maybe that's because they're the creators of the escapists overcooked worms and more glenn was a particularly avid fan of worms and would frequently post artwork inspired by the games it seems he had an attraction towards the violent and gory which is perhaps why the worms franchise appealed to him so much in the first place later in the year glenn would get his hands on macromedia flash and started experimenting by making short animated movies not just content with making animations though glenn also wanted to try out the software's scripting abilities the feature of flash which led to the creation of so many beloved browser games and in december of 2004 he published his first ever interactive flash called the impossible quiz [Music] demo it featured 30 questions many of which we see in the final version of the quiz and many of which we don't with a promise at the end that there would be more to come but more to come there wasn't or at least for a while anyway the version of the impossible quiz we see today wasn't published until february of 2007 so what happened during the over two year period in between well the demo while being well liked by most who tried it didn't prove to be particularly popular only gathering around two and a half thousand plays by march of 2005 and averaging about five plays per day on top of that glenn had originally created the quiz for a new website his school friends were working on but the site never ended up getting completed and with it the quiz went into limbo but don't think that means glenn slowed down if anything he started ramping things up more illustrations more animations more interactive flashes including a create your own worm character customizer and a tutorial on how to properly draw worms as requested by users of the team 17 forums glenn would also frequently post on his deviantart journal which he used to update his followers on his personal life and creative endeavors as 2005 continued glenn began posting more non-worms related artwork and even started working on his own original characters spider monkey the poo slinging hero anyone other original creations of his included the phlovomites and spatulons dennis the square tomato cylindrical adventures and badly drawn dog with his signature catchphrase during this time glenn also continued making art dedicated to his favorite franchises including the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy katamari and sonic the hedgehog by the way his sonic animation ruffled the feathers of quite a few hardcore fans of the hedgehog on newgrounds but then in january of 2007 something happened glenn had noticed that the demo for his abandoned quiz game had actually gotten quite popular despite the lackluster initial launch two years later the game had racked up a decent number of total plays and he was getting a lot of requests to finish it but glenn wanted to do more than just finish it with over 2 years of additional experience under his belt he figured he could completely recreate the quiz to be much better than the demo he planned to include lives and power ups in this version as well as adding way more questions to pull this off he sought out the help of the deviantart community asking his followers in a journal post to send him ideas for questions and a month later on the 20th of february 2007 he posted the completed version of the impossible quiz this version of the game dubbed the impossible quiz deluxe featured the life system the skip buttons and an overall more polished design most impressively to me though it was now filled with cameos and references to glenn's previous work his interests and various musings he's posted to the internet over the years this was more than just a game designed to frustrate and annoy random players this quiz was the culmination of glenn's years of creating stuff and putting it out there for the world to see this was one for the fans and no one was a bigger fan than glenn himself he wore his influences and inspirations on his sleeve and proudly displayed them online for years this quiz would be no different and 15 years later this quiz was kicking my ass now unless you happen to have your eyes closed for that entire sequence you should now know that the answer is splatmydo glenn's online username or just splap for short according to an answer guide splapp himself provided a week after publishing the quiz this question was created in response to people who would frequently mistake his username for slap medu and i'll tell you right now if he has a problem with that he's really gonna hate what i call him later task 50 gave me a series of colors to remember as well as a sequence of numbers adding up to 108 i didn't write them down and neither should you try and see if you can remember but why why do i need to remember this don't ask questions just do it okay number 51 fight it took me a moment but all i had to do was click the screen to make the spatula and then phlovomite fight the spatula on wins by the way splat always liked them better number 52 carrot i assumed i had to pick the leaves belonging to the carrot and i was right but would i be right in my selection okay the carrot uh this is the carrot ah fu which one do you think it is if you chose this you'd be incorrect it's actually this one don't worry i'll show you what the second one was later 53 a jar of marmite you know what they say you either love it or you hate it a phrase you might be less familiar with though is mom might but paul might not i love that that's funny question 54 shanghai well while shanghai is indeed the most popular city in china i don't think that knowledge is going to be much help here never been why is there a question mark no about 20 centimeters off the ground [Music] oh what is in the digestive system it seems i've always decided to break down excuse my panic it's just that this would be the first question to introduce a timer and what i didn't know then was that if it reaches zero it doesn't matter how many lives you have left it's game over not that it made much of a difference to me i had one life left anyway the freaking timer pressured me and it was that pressure which led me to make a fatal mistake i went with the obvious answer and as we know if the answer seems obvious it's the wrong answer at this point i was beginning to question my ability am i actually even gonna beat this quiz i don't think i'm gonna do it to be honest i'll try my best hey that's all any of us can do man back to 55 the answer is a games console for whole meal biscuits in reference to the popular british biscuit digestives for anyone who's not familiar believe me they're much tastier than the name suggests task 56 the curse of vanishing liquid once again filled up the screen but it seems the formula wasn't quite as potent this time around lucky me there's an important question to ask though did you remember i was wondering when the colors from task 50 were gonna show up again frankly i was surprised to see them so soon task 57 look count dracula count him say no more boss one question 58 on the subject of dracula oh getting fancy linking questions together now i see what is his favorite food blood urine chicken chow mein or shepherd's pie frankly i think i did an excellent job with the reasoning on this one blood is a drink not food same for urine chicken chow mein is pretty good the person who made this is british so i guess they're gonna go with shepherd's pie charge up your laser ah do it hurry up hurry up no no no no no no no no flipping hell always be ready task 59 required me to rapidly click the mouse to charge the laser i realized this far too late those bombs just being an instant game over is evil like legit evil agreed but what are you gonna do get on with it back to 59 and this time around i was tapping left click like my life depended on it come on come on come on let's go question 60. be honest did you manage to do the last question on your first go no need to ask me to be honest i'll tell you the truth no you liar i'm sorry but there's no place for lies in this quiz yo who made this game man he made this game i need to talk to him i need to talk to him real quick no no no on some violent stuff just i just need to talk to him real quick you know what i mean like who made this game like what do you want from me what do you want from me well according to splap the game wanted the truth the correct answer actually depends on if you passed task 59 on your first try but even more than that according to the guide if you fail the shoot the work question at any time this thing's called a ship to what by the way the answer will be no i failed the first time and i selected no and i still got a game over once i reached question 60 again i lied and selected yes and progressed so i guess honesty isn't the best policy after all question 61 just showed the letter y between brackets now this might not mean much to most but if you were a user of msn messenger back in the day you know exactly what the answer is if you tried brackets and then why into msn it would give you a thumbs up [Music] damn that's a throwback holy crap toph52 it's simple click the moth well if you've got a bit of a lisp you might be trying to say something else the moss not the moth the moss because it's mike tyson speaking sorry mike i didn't mean anything by it i swear like please uh please don't beat me up question 63 what are chicken mcnuggets made of i went for 100 chicken taking a more ironic angle but it seems splat has a more personal vendetta against the fast food franchise tasteless white filth question 64 which is true the psp is greater than the ds the ds is greater than the psp the psp and ds are equal or egg is greater than 28 now if you ask me while the psp was a fantastic device nothing beats the memories i have of playing on my nintendo ds back in the day but this quiz wasn't about me and only one answer seemed to follow true impossible quiz form egg is greater than 28. that's freaking go as for the reason why egg is greater than 28 there isn't one splaff just says fanboyism equals no good task 65 a companion to task 12 which asked me to click the smallest now i was being asked to click the largest but unlike last time where i had to click the dotted i this time i just had to click the word largest hurry up at the end of the world what the flip man what it seems the time pressure had gone to me once again do you have any idea what the answer is because i sure as hell didn't even after clicking the two remaining answers and still getting a game over i feel like i clicked on every answer oh my god this game is gonna give me a heart attack man like no need to be dramatic perhaps the third time will be the charm oh my god [Music] i pressed every answer already ew what the flip is this we'll get back to this in a second did you catch what happened on that last question because i didn't at the time it turns out at the end of the world was an exclamation point which i ended up clicking by accident glenn you sneaky bugger question 67 and we're presented with this site for sore eyes i wish i could say this was the worst thing we'd be seeing in this quiz but that's just not true what i can say is it's like a big hairy ass on ist what it's a cat mate oh i have to pet the cat oh my god [Music] question 69 are you enjoying the quiz at first i decided to answer honestly not really then dishonestly then really dishonestly the answer was obviously lol 69 because this quiz was made by a teenager he was 20 when he made this my dog has got no nose how does it smell like piss [Music] game over number 19. uh here we go again listen wait we're in here now we've got it we've got to get to the end we've gotta get to the end i had been fully entrapped by the sunk cost fallacy and as you'll see i wasn't gonna be free anytime soon having to restart the quiz from scratch every time was beginning to take his toll on me i wish that was just an easy way to get to like the last question you got incorrectly this is like torture having to do all of it over again in the very least redoing the quiz so many times allowed me to understand questions i'd previously just gotten lucky on oh the exclamation at the end of the world is the exclamation point i just freaking got that as a bull crap man i was finally back to question 70 and lost one more life before landing on the only answer left using its anus because of course that would make the dog smell wouldn't it task 71 was a simple test of timing and i got it first try task 72 however was a much more complicated affair i had to search for what once again i did not know i scanned every inch of the screen waiting for the point at which my cursor would turn from the arrow to the hand in actuality it happened multiple times but the area was so small i hadn't noticed and the chat had to inform me i had already gone over it at least three times you found it three times it's small on the left side after almost two minutes of searching i found it i've been watching my oh oh f you sorry little lemur you didn't deserve that i was frustrated and short on patience for some reason but i can't imagine why question 73 or should i say question mark oh i just have to find the one that's exactly the same shape as this one and it's this one my work question 74 how many questions does this quiz have well 100 of course oh the answer was no one knows that but if there were more than 100 questions i wasn't sure if i'd be able to beat this quiz i'd already been streaming for well over two hours by this point and i wasn't planning on staying live much longer task 75 be prepared i don't want to talk about it i don't want to talk about it don't worry i'll do it for you you weren't prepared remember always be ready two ways in general that game can be really hard is if it requires a lot of skill to progress or if the game is incredibly unforgiving as far as checkpoints those are two ways games can be really hard this is the latter beautiful insight man i hope that thinking helps you feel better about your failure the next time around i was ready for task 75 and moved on to 76 which comprised of the text you are my candy girl accompanied by a bag of sugar and jars of jam marmalade and honey i'm not gonna lie i was stumped and after clicking around aimlessly i lost all my lives once again i got an assist from the chat on this one the song how does what's the song you are my candy girl wait wait let me try and is that the one that goes you are my candy girl oh that's the song i had cracked it thankfully i remembered the song from an old episode of the simpsons i think it was homo having a dream about food coming to life and dancing and singing sugar honey honey for question 77 we have this bag embroidered with the letter t but what is this well i'll tell you right now it's not a tea bag are you freaking kidding me okay maybe it's not a bag at all perhaps mr t's oven glove oh god it's 10 23. oh god i need to go to bed man i'm so tired i was clearly getting disillusioned and needed a target to vent my frustration towards i can't believe this game i actually cannot believe this game what monster made this like like who are you bro like why did you do this oh shall i retell the story i returned to question 77 the answer to which was question 77 ah slap you question 78 was deja vu with the answers for 100 cylip bang and plus one life what these are like what so clearly i was a bit lost see if you can figure it out before i do was one of these a correct answer at some point because i know plus one life cylinder bang and 100 were definitely not correct answers but i don't know if four was a correct answer like what question would four have been an answer to oh my god i'm gonna lose deja vu means already seen like are you seeing again let's go good for me but it doesn't bode well for my memory considering four was the answer to the very first question in the quiz a question which i was well acquainted with by this point 79 and it's a timed one the answer is a horseshoe don't f with me man f with me it did the impossible quiz cannot be bossed around and it cannot be reasoned with i was beginning to break down and even found previously simple questions difficult where is it i'm tired man i'm freaking tired to make matters worse my viewers weren't helping much either my battery's dying and i won't finish the stream but i think i don't think you will too bruh all right happen thanks for the vote of confidence gotta love an audience that believes in you still i trudged on and found myself at question 79 once again with three lives at my disposal so i could exhaust all options not that it would mean much a horseshoe i clicked on every answer i i clicked on every answer this far in the quiz and this late at night my enthusiasm was shot i made my way through the next questions without uttering a single word and could feel my brain slowing down with each passing minute on task 51 i absentmindedly didn't stop clicking once the fight was over and ended up accidentally choosing the wrong carrot top ah well i did say i'd show you what the second one looked like here's the fourth one as well in case you wanted to see that too eventually i made my way back to question 79 but was still clueless a freaking horseshoe beyonce is a horseshoe the answer's like what she dances or she dances the whole shoot ah crap what is it i was not gonna figure this out alone especially not without bomb ticking it was time to look to the chat for help i just need more time the answer is you where is the letter u where's the letter u the answer is a horseshoe where is the letter u do i have to type u in my in my keyboard where is the letter u the letter u is in one of the answers i thought i selected every answer three minutes later i was back to question 79 accompanied by a significant lack of enthusiasm the letter u oh oh flipping hell f you man f you man i may have been saying after you but in my heart i was saying thank you thank you to my chat for the answer question 80 complete the sentence sell your liver to filthy romanians down [Music] and a racist not gonna lie satan and frank 4chan for the lols okay so we're definitely getting some edgy 4chan humor coming through here after two failed guesses and my 28 for game over i decided it was time to put a stop to things we're gonna do it one more time and then it's over we're doing it one more time the stream had reached its limit i was gonna give it one final attempt and then try again the next day back to question 80. so you live it to filthy romanians what the flip where did that come from well splapp's guide didn't provide any wisdom but according to the wiki romania was known to have the highest rate of hepatitis at the time apparently i mean surely that's no reason to call them filthy i felt filthy just clicking on it task 81 and i'm presented with a pole in a dark field what do you want from me i clicked around looking for something that could help me advance but nothing worked two minutes later i was convinced i was going crazy oh i could click on something am i imagining things or was there something i could click on here i thought i think i might be losing my mind i think i might be losing my mind i thought there was something there i could click on i might be losing it actually yeah i'm going crazy in an act of desperation i looked to the chat where i read a simple but questionable instruction jerk it oh my god i hate that you said jerk it as well i hate that i freaking hate that you said that why did you have to put it that way for task 82 i was presented with a 5 second timer and 10 toes oh my god oh just in time i guess you could say i cut it close thank you thank you i'll be here on that ladies and gentlemen i'll be here right now question 83 what does dna stand for now i knew the answer was deoxyribonucleic acid but by now i finally understood that with the impossible quiz the answer is never what it seems do not abbreviate doormat nice abacus national dyslexic association [Music] freaking knew it task 84 was more of an accuracy challenge where i'd have to avoid my cursor touching the asteroids and edges while collecting the skips and touching the shooting star i lost two lives but on my third attempt i made it through what can i say i'm a pro gamer question 85 did you enjoy the last question i hate this quiz i hate this freaking quiz now i didn't trust the quiz to honor my true thoughts on it so i chose the only answer which actually referenced the last question space is a disgrace it was now pretty late at night and time to end the stream but not before being clowned on by chat one last time never thought you were the type to type a guy to rage quit but i guess i'm wrong don't do this to me reese don't freaking do this to me i also appeared to suffer a minor mental break [Music] hmm [Laughter] [Music] anyway let me give you guys a headset [Music] [Music] you know what it's probably for the best i decided to end things there but don't you worry i was back the next day yesterday i tried playing the impossible quiz and um it turns out that quiz really do be impossible aj saying imagine you actually read it imagine you're gonna have to imagine you're just gonna have to wait because it's gonna happen bold words for someone who's two hours into what was supposed to be a 20-minute playthrough i returned to question 85 lost a life by being overly honest with my feelings and then conceded to saying i loved it trust me it was through gritted teeth question 86 i'm green and have sticky balls who am i at first i thought of a sweaty incredible hulk unfortunately that wasn't right my second guess would be correct but not for the reason i thought who is slippy toad the prince okay the prince oh is it like the frog prince no it turns out it's actually a reference to the prince from katamari a game where you roll over objects with a sticky ball that's actually much better i wouldn't want to think about the frog prince's sticky balls anyway 87. click what's missing from this question a question mark all right we go again we go again silly me i failed to notice that question 87 is in fact not a question at all click what's missing from this question nothing a point an answer all right obviously i was missing something or should i say something was missing have you seen it yet here's a clue what has every other question had so far that this one doesn't is it ah you bum what is this what [Music] what did you want me to do what did you want me to do well i was on the right track at least it just wanted me to keep clicking rapidly same as with task 59 although with a significantly more disturbing end oh come on come on come on [Music] oh what the flip that's actually the second time i've had that reaction to this quiz question 89 what magical property do dog eggs contain dog eggs trust me bro i'm thinking the same thing i had no idea what dog eggs could mean so i started playing around with the phrase to see if there was a hidden alternative meaning in there dog eggs dog eggs the gags dog eggs [Music] dog gags [Music] do dog eggs dodo gigs okay so clearly that wasn't working next i made the fatal mistake of trying to apply some kind of logic oodles sounds like poodles eternal youth because it's an egg invincibility because blindness isn't a magical property oh my god i mean you gotta at least respect the attempt so yeah the answer was blindness but before i can even get into why i have to explain what the hell dog eggs are so let's take it back to 2005. channel 4 is a show called the best and worst places to live in the uk in which it ranks hull as the number one worst now hull happens to be the hometown of our guy's splap over here and suffice to say he was not happy in fact the day after the show aired he posted a journal to his deviant art page arguing against the show and its claims about his city he especially had a problem with how the show portrayed hull visually referring to a shot they used of a pile of dog crap in the middle of a street to which splapp says you can go practically anywhere in the world and find dog eggs on the floor not just in hull dog eggs he's talking about dog poo okay great now we know what dog eggs are why do they contain the magical property of blindness well according to splaff's guide dog poo can make you go blind if you smear it in your face [Music] i really hate this quiz question 90 how many times has michael jackson had a nose job thrice twice once or nonce i was able to answer the question immediately and you know what i'll just go ahead and not explain that one question 91 dear impossible quiz player allow me to give you a bit of advice on this question the answer to this question is of course painfully simple but by the time you have used your eyes to read this lovely letter a bomb will have most likely appeared in the top right corner counting down to your doom oh well good luck best wishes splap now that's how i wish reading it would have gone in reality it went more like this dear impossible quiz player allow me to give you a bit oh the answer to this question is oh my god oh my god okay are you kidding me are you kidding me annoyingly the letter doesn't give any clues as to how to pass the task and so even when i finished reading it the second time around i still had to resort to aimless clicking which actually seems to reveal the true strategy they just want me to tap on it really yes really in fact i didn't even need to tap i just needed to move my cursor from the left side of the paper to the right [Music] task 92 descending what could that mean [Music] nine no no well at least i figured it out i had to click on all the numbers in descending order but in order to see the numbers i'd have to hover my cursor over them and all with the timer counting down also if i misclicked at any point i'd have to start over from the beginning [Music] flipping hell [Music] oh god this task turned out to be so tedious on my fourth attempt at it i did the unthinkable okay all right do it properly do it probably me do it properly [Music] let's go oh my god bro come on now come on man look here look listen you're ripping my lips [Music] hey calm down i wasn't planning on skipping my way through hardship entirely i had simply developed a new strategy having to start over from the beginning each time i got a game over was a real time sink to put it into perspective i had been streaming for an hour and a half at this point and had only made seven questions progress compared to the 73 questions during the first 90 minutes of the previous stream starting over each time was a lengthy process not only because of how long it took for me to make my way all the way back to the latest question but also because i was still prone to making mistakes along the way which would result in me having to start over even before i reached the latest question ah no i forgot i forgot skipping timed questions would at least give me the chance to see future questions and begin to familiarize myself with them and with all that said task 93 i was presented with splaps worm customizer and figured i'd have to assemble the right outfit for it before the timer ran out i had no clue where to begin though so i just skipped once again task 94 a bomb the phrase stop it and a detonate button stop it stop it stop it oh you stop it i think it's time for another skip okay skip skip task 95 another cat and how nice of the game to give me a break from all the timers [Music] well break over i guess what do you get if you put a number one into your calculator and then add a number two skip okay how many times have you had to restart none just so i could see the questions just so i could see the questions how would my new strategy fare i had seen the questions but now needed to get the cogs turning to figure out the answers i think i understood some of them i understood like some of what i needed to do there but it would definitely be some that i'm not sure on why did they all have timers though like what's what's up with that buddy i am asking myself the same thing after using skips on the previous two tasks i reached task 94 once again stop it stop it stop it well i can't imagine what else clicking detonate on a bomb was supposed to do but it was the only thing i could have clicked on so i had no idea what it wanted from me by now you might have guessed it i wouldn't until next time back to task 92 would i finally pull it off 14 9 3 2.5 1 0.4 oh finally finally who are you go away i want to see you well maybe i should have been a little nicer because that's another of splap's creations the planet mars singing a song from his favorite band the flaming lips it was probably muted on the website due to copyright reasons but no worries the bell of victory was music enough to my ears for tang ah beautiful back to task 93 and i had no idea what the correct combination could be character customization never was my strong suit i played as default shepard in mass effect what do i do what do i do what do i what what is that man i looked to my chat for guidance and it was suggested that my thinking was all wrong if you wanted to hide something on the question where did you put it all right you probably put it underneath all those clothes so yeah i probably have to move all of the clothes hmm at least i was thinking in the right direction okay okay come on come on come on come on hide something okay i know how to beat it now oh my god yes yes all right all right we know we know we know we freaking know another reminder nothing is off limits in this quiz it was just a last minute thought i was like they wouldn't and then i was like nah they would next time around i handled task 93 like light work and was on to task 94. did you guess what was required by the way dude there's nothing here okay let me just see dud oh flipping hell i was thinking that might be it you know patience patience was the missing ingredient did i mention i hate this quiz the disappearing cat once again disappeared and i was back to question 96. frankly considering the potty humor present throughout the quiz it should have been obvious from the jump what do you do if you get number one in your calculations and put number two one in your oh right miss how many times have you had to be stopped well the truth is this was my 52nd attempt but the truth hadn't served me well so far so i lied six to nine times one to five times ten plus times so i guess honesty is sometimes the best policy there is no consistency here whatsoever question 98 can you still remember i did did you b r b why i turned it into an abbreviation to make it easier for myself task 99 next question 14 2 and a half what do i have to wait for the light to turn green maybe i have to wait for the light to turn green before i click on next question of course you do running a red light is illegal duh with the end so near i was more focused on beating this game than anything else and this left me vulnerable to tricks from my lovely chat jimmy have you seen the dev hour podcast from the apex creators the one about uh behind the scenes game stuff oh i haven't heard of that that's interesting devour these nuts did i say devour flipping hell quincy that was excellent that was excellent jokes aside i was back at task 99 and this time i knew what to do okay just wait for it to go green question 100 how many holes in two polos well i figured following the same logic as question one the answer should also be four but even 100 questions later i apparently still did not understand logic has nothing to do with the impossible quiz i'm gonna go with four don't kill me as i made my way back to question 100 many in the chat were insisting the answer was three but my friend rhys suggested otherwise his theory was that since the british polo mints had a hole in them two polos would have two holes so who to trust my twitch chat or one of my best friends of over ten years three it's not even three it's not even three i chose incorrectly when i attempted question 100 for the third time i finally got it right and it turns out reese's reasoning was actually spot on but as previously hinted this game does not end at question 100. there are 10 more challenges called the epic 10 that must be overcome first i was already over two hours into the stream at this point and looking to wrap things up soon but not before beating this damn quiz task 101 i was presented with a picture of a dog in a sombrero and a keyboard layout admittedly i might have been overthinking it qwerty what what do you want from me is there one out of place is there one out of place i think there was one that was out of place i didn't know which one it was spoiler there wasn't one out of place it was just a keyboard layout but a callback joke from the chat would get me on the right track chris saying horse oh it was a picture of a dog maybe i should type dog yeah getting warmer or maybe they want me to spell chihuahua now i think you might be onto something please just tell me that's it just tell me that's it just tell me that's it yes okay you support you are touch the dots before they disappear no okay i get another chance [Music] oh it was too that was too quick for me i was proving to not be much of a pro gamer after all but you know what they say third time's the charm [Music] yeah sorry to beat you like that but um hey wasn't it exciting when you thought i was gonna make it for a second no worries though because five minutes later i was back and passed it first time did someone say phase time ago no task 103 the vanishing liquid was back and more potent than ever because not only could i not see my cursor i couldn't even see the thing i was meant to click on huh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't do this to me what is that what is that i just have to i just have to find where it is and i don't even get my mouse this game they don't want to see you in they don't want to see you in man at the time i probably would have called that the most unfair task in the quiz but now being in the future and knowing what awaited me on task 106 it's not even close are we really gonna be in here next week doing this same game no no no we can't let that happen did you say next week well yeah this was taking place on a friday i'd already gone past my usual stream length and i don't go live on weekends so if i didn't beat this right then it'd have to wait till monday but with only eight questions left to go the thought of dedicating another stream to this game was unfathomable once again task 103 i tried right clicking so i could locate my mouse within the screen but it didn't help much without knowing what i needed to find flipping up flipping hell man oh god how where where it was insisted that the thing i was looking for was under the sea no not that one so i chose to put my faith in the chat once more under the sea under the sea right here right here [Music] come on come on come on you see it's right here flipping hell man really i had apparently been under the sea world after almost 25 minutes on task 103 alone i decided to make this my last attempt of the night i was well over my allotted stream time and could once again feel my brain fading my chat informed me that it was somewhere in the bottom right quadrant and i would have one last chance to find whatever it was i was looking for okay okay so you're saying here [Music] i had managed to pull off a clutch play at the last moment but my celebrations would have to be cut short because once again i was on the clock don't click the small happy the small yellow happy sun small yellow happy wait why had i gotten that wrong my thinking was that it wanted me to click on the object with the opposite description so don't click on small don't click on yellow don't click on happy and don't click on sun leaving the big grey unhappy moon but this had been incorrect the only thing i could think of was that yellow was the only property without a clear opposite and it's not like there was a purple moon i could click on anyway some color theory for you there so that would mean i needed to click on the big yellow unhappy moon but i wouldn't discover if my hypothesis was correct until after the weekend i can't believe that for two streams in a row i have played the impossible quiz well believe it i'll see you on monday people people here's what is the deal we will be beating the impossible quiz roger that boss do the opposite do the opposite do the opposite let's freaking go there we go my theory had proven to be correct but now i had a new problem question 105 what is this it's a bad and a knock that's what i was thinking but it wasn't any of the options so i just guessed next ween apple neither was correct obviously because it's a banana so when i returned to the question five minutes later i knew i'd have to try something else huh oh what i did that by accident the n what what it was the wrong n or something precisely you see what happened was i intended to click on gooseberry but luckily for me i accidentally stumbled upon the strategy for answering the question by clicking on the letter b specifically the trick is to spell the word banana using the letters in the answers but in true impossible quiz fashion not all letters are accepted two more failed attempts later and i finally had it down alright banana oh no banana banana come on come on all right b a n a n a and this brings us to task 106 also known as the most unfair task in the entirety of the impossible quiz the idea of the task is simple keep the cursor on the road as it moves but i was about to encounter something that would make things significantly less simple is this about to go did you catch what happened there this task would be fairly straightforward if the screen moved at a constant pace but i was experiencing screen stutters only adding to the level of difficulty i wish i could say that was the most unfair aspect of this task though because what i would later discover would render the impossible quiz literally impossible to beat over the course of two more failed attempts including one where i moved my cursor off the road immediately there's gonna be one i realized i'd have to take one of three branching paths to reach the end after a few more failed attempts partially due to screen stutter [Music] it glitched it freaking glitched and partially due to my own inaptitude [Music] what i decided to skip 106 and come back to it later by this point i had been trying to get past task 106 for almost an entire hour and based on what i would later discover it was not worth it oh my god it was not worth it okay now let's just see what question 107 how do you do how do you do what there was no timer there was no timer what what i had been absolutely bamboozled question 107 was a fake out designed to confuse and disorient the player and confused and disoriented i was what happened what happened the code is lost the code is lost system failure the code is locked i didn't i didn't know what was happening i was so that whole sequence that whole sequence ruined me yeah we saw i was still so stunned by the previous question i didn't even have time to process this one but i now had to get thinking and figure out what it wanted from me you had to speak elite interesting theory from chat there perhaps i had to type the word lost in lead speak which would translate to one zero five seven but on my way to try it out a new idea emerged obviously i don't know 100 910 are but i mean i still haven't had the question where i need to remember those numbers you know what i mean the 108 thing i still haven't had that question so like i imagine that'll be something to do with it so i'm holding out you know those numbers right there i imagined something wait that was question 108 that was question 108 wait so he wants me to do something with those numbers oh crap i know what i need to do holy crap it's nothing to do with lee speak it's nothing to do elite speak it's that question bye george i think he's got it i skipped 106 endured the fake out of 107 and was back to 108 once again it's worth noting at this point i was well past my allotted stream time but with only a couple of questions left it couldn't take too much longer right four eight oh i have to ex i have to press execute four plus a okay okay i think i just have to keep clicking that one i think that's just a keep clicking i felt i had a solid grasp on what was required for both 108 and 109 so i skipped to the final question upon which i was greeted by this message ok so this is the last question it is potentially the easiest question there is or your worst nightmare depending on how you've played the quiz use your skips okay cool that's all it is okay okay okay okay i know what to do you might be surprised by how unfazed i was by splap's final dirty trick requiring that the player have all seven skips available by the end of the game in order to beat it but i was ready if you recall from earlier my strategy was to use the skips only so i could get past timers and see future questions i had no intention of using the skips in the winning playthrough on top of that my chat insisted that i keep my skips till the end stating that i would need them and while my chat has been wrong many many times sometimes they get it right if you think this is the dirtiest trick this game could pull though you really have no idea remember task 106 how about we get back to that [Music] what what what what if you're confused so am i i had finally made it a yellow arrow appeared on screen for a fraction of a second and then i got a game over i couldn't believe it but i was determined to beat this game before 11 pm so i tried again [Music] what what what do you want and i tried again all right we're just gonna stay here i'm just gonna stay here and i tried again [Music] what does it want me to do what does it want me to do bro oh my god i've done everything at this point i've done everything at this point what does it want me to do i had to become completely disillusioned honestly forget this game man this game is evil this game really is just not good for you like this is a vice you should not play this game really it's you know whoever designed this spap the fap or whatever the hell your name is you need to seek therapy because this is not all right what you what you're doing you know what i mean it's not okay um you're deeply troubled and i don't wish for the best for you honestly frankly i don't think my salt levels have ever been higher what on earth man this game is so rigged it's unbelievable it's so big to that it's rigged why am i here at 10 past 11 p.m playing the impossible quiz bro what is this man i later came across a chat message from tom tom again suggesting that task 106 was actually glitched on the website and literally couldn't be completed which in turn would render the entire quiz unbeatable but i was so used to my chat messing with me at this point that i completely blew him off car question is glitched you literally can't beat it don't tell me shush this is the laughter of a fool i returned to task 106 and after being cheated for the umpteenth time i decided it was time for a change maybe tom tom again was on to something i left the website and loaded up the original flash file for the game three interesting differences to note about this version when compared to the html5 version one the original music used in it was back but it was so annoying i just muted it myself words really could not do justice how much i don't want to hear this game 2. the cat doesn't automatically disappear on task 95 anymore instead you must move the cursor off the screen so the cat jumps away and reveals the button am i missing something so that's what get my facebook and three this game runs way better on flash the animations were smoother the colors were more vibrant and most importantly task 106 actually freaking worked [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you huh what oh i fell for it again i fell for again let's just say tensions were high i was vulnerable okay okay uh four enter it was four it was it began with four it was four what the it was four plus eight i needed to do a space not enter yeah it turns out this was a space bar i genuinely didn't even see it as a button no worries though i had conquered task 106 and knew victory was only moments away but i also knew i owed someone an apology someone in the chat said the game was glitched and i said i said stop because i thought they were pulling my leg i apologized whoever that was you're trying to help me i couldn't see tom tommy apology not accepting it's not my problem [Music] almost 10 minutes later i was back to task 108 4 space 8 space 15 16 23 42 enter [Music] let's freaking go come on come on come on come on come on [Music] oh disgusting what what what [Music] what what did that what i did it in time what i didn't realize was that i had to click the arrow that the spider monkey pooped out so forgive me for not paying close attention to the fecal matter being excreted by this abomination there was a freaking arrow are you kidding me when will this game let me go let me go let me go please i don't want to do this anymore i don't want to do this anymore there were only 15 minutes before midnight and i had no intention of having the clock strike 12 before i was done but now i knew exactly what i needed to do for each and every question so as long as nothing went wrong the next attempt should end in victory as long as nothing went wrong [Music] what i clicked i clicked it i clicked it man i freaking clicked it yo joe thank you for the raid you've caught me at a rather stressful time in my life i was certain i had clicked on the arrow but the game had other ideas there were now just seven minutes before midnight and with a hundred and six attempts and eight hours of playtime under my belt if i wanted to beat the game that day it was literally now or never i should not still be streaming now so there are things i have to check on you know what i mean oh my god i can't believe this [Music] my sleep schedule is gonna be effed up man ah no it's not gonna be that bad i i tend to fall asleep pretty easily but like dude i still have to eat you know i eat after the stream every time and eating like super late at night is like not the move man just all the mcdonald's on stream nah dude [Music] how are we [Music] don't worry mate okay you got this chin up yeah [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come on come on get me through this let's freaking go let's freaking go [Music] i can feel my reflexes getting slower i've been awake too long come on come on mate [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] hmm [Applause] [Music] oh my god oh my god [Music] oh out [Music] the possible quiz [Music] you
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 1,407,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, team2474
Id: iRdysJMvwv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 25sec (5845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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