Every Mythical Inaccuracy in Disney's Hercules (300,000 subscriber special)

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before we begin let me preface this by saying this is actually my favorite disney movie of all time one of my favorite movies period but i'm also a huge fan of the 12 laborers of heracles myth and i thought it would just be fun to point out how different these two stories are for anyone who wanted to know let's get started long ago in the far away land of ancient greece there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary heroes and the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was the mighty hercules i think you mean heracles considering hercules is actually the roman version of his name and this is clearly the greek version of his story with everyone else having the greek versions of their names so yeah you want heracles not hercules why does nobody get that right we are the muses goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes the muses do in fact sing the legends of heroes so it's really cool that they have that here but why are there only five of them they're supposed to be nine muses [Music] zeus did not single-handedly defeat the titans he recruited the cyclopses in the heck of tonkaris by freeing them from tartarus then he recruited his five siblings by tricking chronos into puking them up and he even recruited some of the actual titans themselves to his side heck he wouldn't even have thunder if it weren't for the cyclopses tartarus does not have a gate made out of lightning bolts the entrance was guarded by kampa during the reign of the titans and then was guarded by the hekatonkarys after zeus took over zeus could never stop chaos in its tracks chaos is the oldest and most powerful primordial in all of greek mythology zeus is no match for it oh is that not what you were talking about it most certainly is not as i have just demonstrated yeah once again the name is heracles heracles hera is not the mother of heracles heracles actual mother is alcamini and he is the product of one of zeus's many many many many many affairs hera hates heracles because of this and does absolutely everything she can to try to kill him fabulous party you know i haven't seen this much love in a room since narcissus discovered himself narcissus is not a god and if he's discovered himself then he should be a flower right now well let's see here we'll take hmm yes a little cirrus and um a touch of nimble stratus and a dash of cumulus [Music] his name is pegasus that is not how pegasus was born pegasus sprung from the severed neck of medusa after perseus chopped her head off hades does not have fire for hair as much as i like it it's still inaccurate you know i haven't been this choked up since i got a hunk of musa caught in my throat huh musaka was not created in greece until the year 1920 a.d so not sure how haiti's got that caught in his throat back in the bc era he ran the underworld [Music] hades is neither mean nor ruthless he's actually a pretty neutral god the closest things he's ever done to evil are kidnap persephone and cheat on her with minty and even those are only certain versions of certain stories he's never really been the straight-up villain of any actual greek myth in fact he's usually pretty helpful and even downright charitable at times pain oh and panic these two are not actual characters in greek mythology unless of course they're supposed to be deimos and phobos the gods of terror and panic but those two are children of aries and always accompany aries on the battlefield so why would they be serving hades in the underworld fine fine fine just let me know the instant the fates arrive oh they're here the fates are here and you didn't tell me hades does not have firepowers nor is he the god of fire that would be hephaestus ladies i am so sorry that i'm mate we knew you would be we know everything past present and future the fates do not actually share one eye that is actually a different trio of old women known as the gray sisters people often confuse the two fun fact the grey sisters also share one tooth so let me just ask is this kid gonna mess up my hostile takeover bit or what what do you think hades has never plotted a hostile takeover of olympus hera has though with the help of apollo athena and poseidon but hades was not a part of that also hera is the actual villain of the heracles story it's actually kind of weird how many hera attributes they seem to have given hades in this story [Music] ladies please my fate is in your lovely hands if we're merging the fates with the gray sisters here then it obviously would have made a lot more sense for hades to just take their eye away and refuse to give it back until they told him what he wanted to know especially considering that's exactly what perseus did in his story in the 18 years precisely the planets will align this planet's aligning thing is not in the myth the gates to tartarus are always there they're just guarded by the hecatonches as i mentioned earlier aye verse the time to act will be at hand unleash the titans you monstrous band hades would never want to free the titans from tartarus he helped put them there in the first place because they were just as much his enemies as zeus's actually maybe even more so considering kronos swallowed him as a baby a word of caution to this tale excuse me should hercules fight you will fail the fates actually did predict that heracles would help save olympus from an invasion but it wasn't by hades and the titans it was by gaia's giants who are not in this film [Music] i know this is going to shock people but there were actually no elevators in greek mythology how do you kill a god heracles was not born a god he was born a mortal demigod he eventually became a god but that was way later bingo they're immortal so first you gotta turn the little sunspot mortal what is that and where did it come from because it is not in greek mythology perhaps they've answered our prayers perhaps i have huh you leave heracles the two snakes that tried to kill heracles as a baby were not shape-shifted minions of hades they were regular snakes sent by hera and heracles didn't just toss them away he straight up snapped both of their necks hades is gonna kill us when he finds out what happened you mean if he finds out of course he's gonna if if is good hades knows every soul that enters the underworld there is no way he would not know somebody didn't die zeus led all the gods on a frantic search the chariot of aries is not pulled by a couple of dogs it is pulled by four golden fire-breathing horses and the chariot of athena is also pulled by horses [Music] it's true that heracles had trouble controlling his strength when he was younger but he never destroyed a town or anything though he did accidentally kill his music teacher once i'm warning you you keep that that freaked away from him heracles was not hated by his community he lived on the outer part of his town and he used his strength to kill predators who were a threat to the townspeople as a result of that they praised him and called him a hero pop you're the greatest parents anyone could have but it is cool that we have amphitrion and alcamini here as his adoptive parents considering they did raise heracles in the myth but where the heck is his half brother ithacallies you didn't know about if eclease did you this was around your neck when we found you it's the symbol of the gods no that is one of the symbols of zeus there is no one symbol for all of the greek gods every individual god has their own set of symbols after all these years is this the kind of hello you give your father for father didn't know you had a famous father did you yes he did actually heracles always knew who his father was i i don't understand if you're my father that would make me a god a god well not necessarily i mean zeus is also the father of perseus helen minocitus yarba ciacion colloxus latinus mains megarus myrmidon polyducus zethus tantalus sarpadon polaskus herophile arcus amphion anomathion and demion epaphis and several others none of them were gods your mother and i loved you with all our hearts someone stole you from us and and only gods can live on mount olympus and you can't do a thing i can't hurt to leave but you can uh yes you can zeus greek gods do have the power to turn humans into gods if they want to they've done it for ariadne esclepius psyche helen and get this heracles really what i'll do anything hercules if you can prove yourself a true hero on earth your godhood will be restored there is no greek story where a character becomes a true hero and thus automatically becomes a god also becoming a god was not the reason heracles went out and did all the things that gained him the glory he did he did them because he had to as recompense for accidentally killing his family after hera drove him insane exactly how do you become a true hero first you must seek out philip titties the trainer of heroes philip tds is not the trainer of heroes chiron is philoctetes was a friend of heracles but he was not his trainer [Music] you probably don't remember pegasus but you two go way back son heracles never rode or even encountered pegasus that was bellerophon what's the matter little guy you stuck whoa hey what up buddy philip tds was not a seder and neither was chiron chiron was a centaur girl stop stop come back come back whoa whoa oh wait wait whoa whoa whoa oh nymphs they can't keep their hands off me this is actually a pretty spot-on representation of how nymphs and seders are in greek mythology but the thing is phil is clearly supposed to be a stand-in for chiron and yet this is not at all how chiron would behave honestly this is a lot more like pan so we've basically got a guy who looks and acts like pan but with chiron's role and philoctities name what a weird hodgepodge watch it that was part of the master the argo the argo what do you mean the argo the argo isn't even a thing yet and when it is a thing you will be one of the first people on it who do you think taught jason how to sail cleopatra well i should think not considering she hasn't even been born yet i trained all those would-be heroes odysseus theseus a lot of uses for anyone wondering chiron did in fact train all of these heroes however the iliad and the odyssey both take place after the 12 labors of heracles so odysseus would not yet be a household name this spinning disc depicts the minotaur taking down theseus which is not at all what happened theseus strangled the minotaur to death from behind easily sure theseus doesn't have a happy ending but the reason for that is not the minotaur he took that thing down every single one of those bums let me down flatter than a discus also how the heck did perseus let you down he defeated medusa defeated cetus defeated multiple tyrants saved his mother got the girl and had a happy ending what part of that is not good enough for you phil and then there was achilles as i said a minute ago the iliad and therefore the trojan war has not happened yet but that first look at the heel is he barely gets nicked there once and come boom he's history barely gets nicked paris shot an arrow right through it what is your definition of nick i dreamed i was gonna train the greatest hero there ever was so great the gods would hang a picture of him in the stars i guess nobody told him there actually is a constellation for perseus somebody should really tell him hold it zeus is your father right zeus the big guy he's your daddy mr lightning bolts read me a book with your dad once upon a time it's the truth police why do you find this so hard to believe you just said you trained perseus and he's also a son of zeus i know this is gonna shock people but there were actually no karate kid references in greek mythology heracles never really used a sword his weapons of choice were his club his bow and arrows and his bare hands not so fast heracles did not encounter nessus this early in his story nessus was actually the last monster heracles ever slew and in fact nessus actually caused the death of heracles by tricking his wife daenerys at the time not megura also nessus is not that big this is not how heracles defeated nessus he actually just shot him with a poison arrow are you alright miss megura my friends call me meg at least they would if i had any friends meguro was heracles first wife but she was not the love interest throughout his entire story she actually tragically died very early on when hera drove heracles insane and tricked him into killing his whole family including megura so uh how how'd you get mixed up with the pinhead with hooves well you know how men are i think no means yes and get lost means take me i'm yours that's actually very greek mythically accurate all right then yeah i mean hercules is very popular nowadays remember like a few years ago every other boy was named jason and the girls were only britney actually nobody was ever named brittany until the year 1966. and who are you [Music] i'm hercules heracles [Applause] [Music] funny joke but those are roman numerals and this is not rome in fact rome doesn't even exist yet [Music] phil what do you call that thing the words heracles did not face the hydra in a gorge in thebes he faced it in the swamps of lernia also the hydra is not that big [Applause] [Music] fun fact the hydra's breath is toxic enough to cause instant death to anybody if heracles got swallowed by that thing he would not survive [Music] the hydra does not start with one head and then grow more after being decapitated the hydra has nine heads and it simply regrows whatever heads are chopped off this is not how heracles defeated the hydro what he did was he chopped off its heads and burnt the stumps so new heads couldn't grow then he ripped off the final immortal head and buried it under a rock which i'm only just now realizing is probably being referenced by the hydra being buried under all these rocks huh heracles did not kill the arimanthian boar he was tasked with capturing it alive heracles was not paid for his labors he actually tried to get paid for cleaning the aegean stables but not only did that not end up happening but the fact that even tried to make that happen resulted in that labor being disqualified from his other labors why would you say amen in ancient greece the lion was actually the first monster heracles faced not the fourth i know this is gonna shock people but there were actually no action figures with inflatable pectoral muscles in greek mythology is that supposed to be a stemphalian bird cause if so why is it so big and why isn't it made of metal or maybe it's supposed to be the prometheus vulture but if that's so then where the heck is prometheus is that supposed to be cilla heracles did not fight cilla [Music] heracles heracles did not fight the minotaur that was theseus he also did not fight any gorgons or griffins heracles did not plug any volcanoes thanks for showcasing some of the laborers in that montage though we are technically still missing the cretan bull the dough of artemis the aegean stables the mayors of diomedes the girdle of hippolyta the red cows of gurion and the apples of the hesperidis tree for what pandora it was the box thing for the trojans hey they bet on the wrong horse okay the trojan war has not happened yet hey look he's finally wearing the namian lion skin for like 10 seconds did you know in the myth he wears it for almost the entire story listen to me she's a dream come true not exactly more beautiful than aphrodite whoa hey you can't go saying stuff like that in greek mythology that's how you get people killed or worse usually worse jeez louise what got his goat huh is this a good time to point out that hades doesn't seem to have his bident or his helmet of invisibility in this movie you've gotta swear she'll be safe from any harm fine okay i'll give you that one make us safe otherwise you get your strength right back yeah he had a fine print boilerplate okay what do you say we're shaking it all right yes we're there heracles never lost or gave up his strength in the myth and now that i set you free what is the first thing you are going to do i guess hades has the power to absorb zeus's thunderbolts now destroy him why are there only five titans there's 12 major titans and several minor titans and i know they all didn't get thrown in tartarus but more than five of them did where the heck is kronos look these titans are awesome but these are not the titans none of their appearances or powers actually match the titans from greek mythology like okay maybe if you want to reach you could claim that the ice titan is supposed to be koius the titan of the north and maybe the lava titan is supposed to be persis the titan of destruction that's the best i can come up with but then that theory completely falls apart when you take one look at the disney villainous board game and you find out that these titans are named hydros piros lethos stratos and argus none of those names apply to any of the actual titans hold it right eye this seems to be an elder cyclops which is not a titan and would not be with the titans because the elder cyclops fought against the titans in the war and now they work with zeus considering the titans lost a war with the gods back when there were only six gods it's kind of weird that they're winning so much when there are way more of them nowadays also where the heck are the hecatoncheires i think they'd be a heck of a lot of help right now heck [Laughter] you know heracles is a lot more than just his strength he's very smart clever and tactical he slew the hydra and teus and gurion by figuring out what their weaknesses were when it wasn't obvious at all he even managed to outwit atlas at one point [Music] heracles never fought the titans he was however instrumental in fighting off the giants as i said before which i'm really thinking is what inspired this [Music] here it seems like all three fates are only interested in cutting the threads of life whereas in the myth one of them is supposed to be spinning it while another one measures it and the third one cuts it oh sorry kid some things just can't change yes i can heracles did actually go to the underworld to request that hades restore the soul of a dead woman however it was not his woman the woman was queen alchestis the wife of heracles good friend king admetis and he was successful oh hey a nod to the delivery of cerberus except in the myth he did it because it was one of his labors and he didn't tame cerberus until he got permission from hades you like making deals take me and meg's place when heracles went to the underworld to retrieve the soul of alcastus hades didn't give heracles some sort of price he was so moved by the love story heracles told hades about el castus and her husband that he just gave her to him oh you know what slit my mind you'll be dead before you can get to her that's not a problem is it plunging into the river sticks doesn't drain the life from your body it actually makes your skin completely impenetrable ever heard of achilles so what happened to the fates knowing everything past present and future [Music] this is this is impossible you you can't be alive you'd have to be a god this is not how heracles became a god the god simply granted him godhood after his death [Music] hera please this is the moment i've always dreamed of but a life without meg even an immortal life would be empty i [Music] i wish to stay on earth with her i finally know where i belong sorry megara but heracles did not reject godhood he in fact accepted it and lived as a god forevermore he also did not end up with you he ended up with he be the goddess of eternal youth hey hope you enjoyed that video just want to give a shout out to my awesome patreon supporters simon wolfer just tonight robert ray gilda ramos and sage lg you guys are the lifeblood of this channel if you want to help support this channel and make more long videos like this possible please consider supporting the link is in the description below also if you're interested i am working on a mythology based card game if you're into mythology i think you're going to be into this game so the link for the games website and instagram are also both in the description of this video please check it out bye bye now
Channel: The Mythology Guy
Views: 8,054,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZvjeXN_BWkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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