The Bargain Hunt

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hey guys tamago here so around may of last year i decided that i wanted to upgrade my entire setup that means a new microphone a new mic stand a new pop filter this basically as well as that i got a second monitor an audio mixer lights like i got everything that i could get to upgrade my equipment but there was one piece that i definitely wanted to get to and that was a new video camera previously if i wanted to record something i would use my mom's point-and-shoot camera or a phone or something like that but i wanted better quality videos so i wanted to invest in a proper dslr camera so i did my research and i eventually settled on the canon 750d this is a camera that's listed as being over 600 pounds on the official canon website but i thought i'd be able to get it somewhere else because that was a little bit out of my budget so i thought if i could get it somewhere for cheaper that'd be great basically i was on a bargain hunt now where do you go if you want to find products at the best price delivered straight to your house amazon of course this video isn't sponsored by the way but amazon jeff jeff jeff if you want to do a deal my emails are open hit me up please the camera's on there listed as 580 pounds 570 550 already cheaper than on the canon website as i expected but there was one listing at the top which was selling the camera for 494 pounds and 99 pence or just under 500 if you include postage and packaging 100 pounds cheaper than the official canon website and undercutting the second cheapest listing on amazon by over 50 pounds it almost seemed too good to be true so i wanted to do some research in the company selling it the name was more online and i put it into google and nothing came up just no results about the store whatsoever already a huge red flag but you gotta remember i was on a bargain hunt so i looked at their store ratings on amazon and they had a hundred percent positive reviews page off the page of five star ratings from happy customers i was like yep i'm about to get a great deal now there was a voice in the back of my head that was like oh you getting scammed well i was willing to stifle that voice for the sake of the bargain hunt plus i was thinking hey if they don't deliver it i can just say to amazon they didn't deliver it i get my refund no problem but i was really hoping it was legit i placed the order and over the next few days things start coming in the second monitor the mic stand the audio mixer still no sign of the camera so i checked my email it said it had been dispatched on the 21st but wouldn't arrive until about a week and a half later on the 30th the email also had the courier service that was being used and the tracking number so i could track the package but when i put the tracking number into their website it would give me an error which was a red flag but i was willing to let it slide the 30th rolls around and i get an email from mmo online the people who i bought the camera from on amazon dear customer unfortunately your camera was damaged in transit by the courier and the package will be returned to our offices tomorrow morning the camera is currently out of stock and we do not receive new stock until friday and then it gave me two options for what i could do option one is that they send out a replacement camera once they get the new stock and to compensate for the delay they will give me 150 pounds in amazon vouchers that's 50 pounds immediately 50 pounds with the delivery and then an extra 50 pounds if i leave a positive review on amazon the second option is that they give me a full refund and a 50 pound voucher for the inconvenience please accept our sincere apologies for this situation angelina i went for option one because i still wanted the camera plus they're giving me 150 pounds in amazon gift card so that just offers the most value need i remind you i was on a bargain hunt hello thank you for your message i would like to go with option one please how would i go about receiving the fifty pounds after leaving the feedback angelina responded thank you for your email we will go ahead with option one sincere apologies once again so she she didn't answer my question but the 31st of may goes past with no correspondence whatsoever so i was like man i am being bamboozled so i send a follow-up email on the 1st of june hello as part of option 1 i was informed i'd receive a 50 pounds amazon voucher immediately but i have yet to receive it i was wondering what was going on with this regards cine because you got to keep it professional you know angelina responds sorry we will email you a code by tomorrow morning it's an odd interpretation of the word immediately now at this point i figured i ordered this camera coming up to two weeks ago and it's still not here if i don't receive this gift card by tomorrow i'm just going to cancel the order and get my money back the next day rolls around and i wake up to an email from emmaule online please find below two 25 pound gift card codes and i was shocked i didn't actually think they would do it like of course i was hoping they'll do it because i'm on a bargain hunt but i didn't actually think they would send me the gift cards like i had my finger hovering over the cancel button on that order the whole time i enter the codes they go through clean transaction i now have 50 pounds in amazon credit wow these guys are actually the real deal thanks angelina later that same day she sends me another email saying that my replacement order had been dispatched it was being delivered by the same courier as before and was expected to arrive by monday although she said there was a small chance we could arrive on the tuesday she also said she'd track the package at each stage and keep me updated adding we have enclosed 50 pounds of gift cards in the package if you are happy with your products and leave us neutral or positive feedback we will also send you an additional 50 pound card apologies once again and i sincerely hope that you will consider shopping with us again so i didn't even have to leave a positive review to get the final 50. i could leave a neutral three-star review and they'd still send me the gift code but come on this customer service has been exceptional of course i'm gonna give them five stars so at this point i was really happy but of course i gotta keep it professional hello thank you for the update i look forward to receiving the package regards simi a few days pass monday rolls around still no package angelina did say there was a chance it could come tuesday but i was starting to get that feeling in the back of my head that saying this might not be so legit but then i remembered that they did send me the 50 pound amazon gift code so i dismissed it alright next day tuesday i get home and i ask my mom hey did i receive a package today and she says no now i'm getting a bit annoyed i get an email later that evening from emmaule online dear customer azure parcel is our number one priority i've been tracking it closely earlier this afternoon according to the tracking the courier reported that he tried to deliver the parcel he said there was no one in the tracking also shows that he parked his van in okay so they include a road that's quite close to my house and they also say that the package was delivered to the nearest apc depot whatever that is i will call the depot and rearrange delivery sincere apologies once again i've never known an order of so many problems and mishaps angelina my mom was home all day and she said she definitely didn't miss a delivery and when i looked around to see if i could find any missed delivery slip i couldn't find any so i figured that the person delivering the package must have gone to the wrong house which isn't actually that uncommon where i live because the way our dresses are in are kind of weird and so when we're ordering food to get delivered it often goes to the wrong address and we have to redirect them so while this was really annoying i understood that it wasn't emerald's fault i responded letting angelina know about the address situation as well as instructions so that the driver can find our actual address and i said thank you for the update hopefully third time's a charm gotta keep it jovial in these emails why she then says she'll rearrange the delivery for the next day and make sure she passes the information i provided onto the courier okay great surely this time i will finally be able to get my hands on that canon 750d camera and an extra 100 pounds of amazon gift cards but who's keeping track next day comes around now this email came in at midday i think i was in school when i read this dear customer i was not able to speak to the depot yesterday evening as they were closed i understand that this is wholly unacceptable and turning into a complete fiasco yeah you got that right which although the fault of the couriers reflects very badly on us we propose to do the following we will ensure that your camera is delivered and we will refund your money as well this is something that we have never done before but we have also never had a delivery like this before our aim is to ensure that by friday evening you have your goods and your refund also there is 100 pounds of gift cards in the package they upped it from 50 in the package to 100 in the package if this does not happen please feel free to leave the worst possible feedback for a company on amazon i sincerely hope that this is something acceptable to you and i am looking forward to exchanging happy emails with you on friday evening these guys were so remorseful at how bad this delivery went they were willing to give me a full refund on amazon and still deliver the camera and give me a hundred pounds in gift cards this is the bargain of a lifetime but of course i couldn't come off too excited i had to keep it cool professional more dear angelina it is unfortunate that the delivery has turned out the way it has but i very much appreciate the measures you have taken to amend the situation and i accept a proposal regards simi my bargain hunt had just turned up gold this could not have turned out better or so i thought because a few days later i woke up to an email from the ceo of email online holy crap dear customer i thought i would personally write to you to apologize for the unprecedented situation with your order our head of sales angelina has kept me up to date with the progress or lack of it with your order and then he gives me some details about the company he says it's a small company based in london he gave me some stats on how they've had zero percent on order defect rates negative feedback claims chargeback claims so yeah like they've been doing pretty well and he gave me screenshots to prove this as well keeping our 100 positive customer feedback is essential to our business model in attracting customers it is something we are proud of and we are very keen to keep it that way yeah i can see that as a result of your order we have learnt a very harsh lesson it seems the courier company has financial problems and is poorly manned and is on its last legs as of today based on your order and some other problem orders this week we have ended our contract with them he then tells me that they've refunded my money in full and that i should see that in my account by monday and that the courier service that he had just quit the contract with still has a final chance to deliver my goods on friday no chance but it's still possible that they could do it in the event your goods do not arrive by friday i propose that on monday you tell us what courier you would like us to use and we send you goods for a tuesday delivery it is of course possible that the courier surprises us all on friday and i very much hope this is the case kind regards david evans ceo m mall online so it seems the courier service really messed this up for them i kind of felt bad for the guy i checked out his screenshots again and i noticed that he said ifran waheed in the corner ifran waheed david evans ifran waheed david some there's a discrepancy here i was getting that creeping feeling that maybe this isn't so legit but then i remember that they did send me the gift card so i figured okay it's probably one of the employees that emerald online that took the screenshot for him so i let it slide again dear mr evans thank you for the efforts you and your team have put in to make up for this situation i understand that the fault lies with the courier service and not your company and would like to add that i have been very impressed with the customer service i've received during correspondence with angelina before i throw in a shout out for her get a raisin out of me i will await the package today however if it does not arrive i will be happy to suggest another courier for the re-delivery regards simi that morning i went to school walked into my form like sat down at the table turned to my friends and i was like have i got a story for you my friends were telling me that i was the one scamming them they got me feeling like i'm on the cost of hustle quite a few of them were skeptical that it was a scam but i told them hey they already gave me 50 pounds in amazon gift cards so a couple of days go passed and the package still has not arrived these couriers are garbage i emailed angelina to let her know and suggest that he use royal mail for the redelivery a postal service in the uk if you don't know she responds your replacement order will be dispatched today i will update you with the tracking details shortly later that evening and get another email dear customer we are delighted to inform you that your placement order has been dispatched we received a delivery of stock late in the day so we were not able to use the preferred courier however we have sent your goods via parcel force your package can be tracked on the parcel force website and then they give me the website link and a tracking number she also added that there are now 150 pounds of amazon gift cards in the package increased once again the package is scheduled to be delivered at 9pm tomorrow at the latest sincere apologies for all the problems encountered with this order and thank you for your patience we are almost there anjali now that i finally had a working tracking number i'd be able to make sure that my package was actually being delivered plus it was a different courier service one that i've received packages from before so i was sure they'd get it right a couple of days later i'm in school and i'm checking the tracking on my phone constantly i have it as a tab permanently open because i do not want this delivery to go wrong about midday i refresh the page and it says delivery unsuccessful what now what could have possibly gone wrong i was so annoyed how many times can a delivery fail like this i asked my mom she said there was no delivery no miss delivery slip nothing i was not having it anymore i called up the couriers directly and asked them what happened they said that the recipient refused to accept the package what i'm the recipient remember what i told you before about how delivery people sometimes go to the wrong address but i think that's what happened here and the person whose address they went to refused to accept the package which lucky me right so i told them the exact address as well as details so they could make sure they come to the right house when they get here they told me they'd reschedule the delivery for tomorrow thank you click this was it after three weeks of trying to get this camera i would finally be receiving it as well as 150 pounds of amazon gift cards my mom was going to stay home while i was at school to make sure that the package does not get missed i told her that i'm waiting for a camera and that it was a very important delivery now i'm checking the tracking all day at school my phone is glued to my hand i refresh it at around 1pm and it says parcel delivered i'm in class telling my friends payday yeah but make sure you give me one of them gift cards though and i'm like yeah i got you don't worry about it i get home and i ask my mom hey the package arrived right and she says yeah it arrived what's wrong um it's over there just look i turned to my right and do you wanna know what i see this is the package for my canon 750d dslr camera it's a bit thin at this point i'm annoyed and worried annoyed because this is clearly not the camera that i've been fighting for for the past three weeks and worried because if it's not my camera what is it i was so worried about what could be inside that i opened it with my arms sticking out of the door so that you know if it like exploded or something i could quickly throw it away although i probably wouldn't be able to do that in time so i open it like this [Music] what is this it's a makeup box i ordered a canon camera worth 600 pounds and they sent me a one pound makeup box i still to this day have never taken this out of his packaging you know what let me do that right now it's like arts and crafts what the hell oh my god 500 pounds i looked at the parcel to make sure that they did deliver my package like this was for me right i look at the address yep all clear but then i noticed wait a minute they spelt my name incorrectly and then i see that there's actually a second label behind this one and when you show it this is actually the original label that the package was shipped with and the weird thing was that everything was incorrect but only by a little bit my first name was wrong but only by a little bit my second name but only by a little bit the address but only by a little bit and it got me thinking huh so it's either email online is just completely incompetent at copying an address from the amazon website and pasting it on a label or they intentionally messed up the details so that the delivery would fail multiple times i marched right upstairs to my room sat down in this chair and began to write a very professional and formal but stern email hello i have now received the package however was extremely disappointed to find that what i received was not a canon eos 750d digital slr camera but a foldable cosmetic makeup box i am unsure if this is a practical joke on behalf of your company or a genuine mistake at this point i have also not received the gift cards you spoke about or the refund to my bank account how will this be resolved simmy an hour and a half later dear customer that is extremely strange i will urgently contact the company that dispatches our goods and see what happened angelina yeah i'm sure you definitely exist angelina or should i say what was his name again two hours later i emailed again have there been any updates no response the next day am i going to get an update on this situation still no refund received either will likely file a claim on amazon no response i had to go to school that day and i had all my friends i was bragging to about getting the bargain of a lifetime come up to me and ask hey man how's the camera and i had to be like well you see in life things don't always turn out the way you expected some of my friends were like ha i told you so i was like shut the get home still no response from em all online so i'm like you know what that's enough i'm going to leave the worst review on amazon and file a claim to get my money back i go to their marketplace page on the website and remember how their reviews were a hundred percent positive and it was just five stars up to five stars up to five stars well i common it now they've gone down to 35 positive reviews and they just had pages of the pages of one star reviews from customers and the worst part is i read these new reviews and they had the exact same story courier service damaged package amazon gift cards offered item is out of stock full refund given and then after two and a half weeks you receive a makeup box this was a planned operation being run to scam hundreds maybe thousands of people he loaded up his page with positive reviews to entice customers like me apparently he sold 50 000 pounds worth according to the email and then tried to delay the delivery for long enough for one month to pass so that he could withdraw the money i wasn't even angry anymore after seeing all of this i was just fed up and a little bit disappointed like how can i allow myself to be bamboozled like this i left a one star review filed the claim on amazon and a few days later received a full refund these guys never had any intention of actually delivering the camera but they still made me pay for postage and packaging as you can tell i eventually did get the camera not from amazon i got it from a different website i was actually able to get it for an even better deal than mmo what can i say i was on a bargain hunt don't worry i made sure to check all over the internet for reviews on the website it was all good in the end everything turned out okay i got the camera amazon refunded me and i was actually 50 pounds richer because of the gift cards that mo did send me so thanks angelina but as it is i fell for a textbook scamming technique make the target feel like they have the upper hand and are in fact the one scamming you and giving me the 50 pounds gift card was a part of that what's 50 pounds if you stand to gain 500 pounds from someone listen at the end of this story there's really only one more that fits actually one more and one general consumer tip i'll give you the tip first if you're trying to buy something from a retailer online make sure you check all over the internet first for any reviews and if you can't find any reviews like me and emma that's probably a bad sign and the moral of the story is if it seems too good to be true it probably is [Music]
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 1,847,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, funny, comedy, gameshow, game, show, The Bargain Hunt, Bargain, Bargain of a lifetime, camera, canon, 750d, m mallonline, amazon, story, Simi, Adeshina, Simi Adeshina
Id: 0soFAEP6wIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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