The Club Penguin Story

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hey guys time ago here so as a lot of you might know the popular kids website Club Penguin and also they'll be shutting down on the 29th of March this year it seems they're doing this in order to make room for their new mobile game Club Penguin Island and from the trailer it looks like it's going to be a huge upgrade I mean nothing says quality game like not actual gameplay now I was actually planning on making a video where I messed about in Club Penguin later on this year but seeing as they've now given me a deadline I guess I better get on with it all right I tried logging into my original account so I could revisit the past and reminisce about old times didn't work I know I did not forget before at the end of my username that's a story for another day I clicked on the forgot your concert thing entered my parents email address because I was a responsible child and guess what it says invalid penguin name or email address what this is just Neopets all over again so I'm just gonna go ahead and create a new account in green color yellows name well I'll just call this one I'll go 24/7 for password oh oh come on Club Penguin you trying to expose me get my new Club Penguin account hack two already oh right parents email hmm pick the pizza what captures a few ASSA teachin I don't blame them and here we go create your penguin so how did I get into Club Penguin well one evening when I was about 7 or 8 years old I was at my cousin's house and she showed me a game she was playing on the computer it looked like a lot of fun so I asked what it was and she said Club Penguin and then I said you mean penguin Club and then she said no it's called Club Penguin and then I said no the adjective has to come before the noun trust me I'm a year older than you it's definitely penguin Club and then she said but it's called Club Penguin and I said you stupid anyway the day after I loaded up Club Penguin on the laptop created an account and the next three years of my life gone one of the first things I remember doing in Club Penguin was flowing snowballs I don't know why but it was something oddly satisfying about it I would pick someone out and Swiss Nobles like them until they started throwing snowballs back but I wouldn't stop there nah I keep throwing snowballs at them and so there should go bored and went somewhere else and then I'd find a new place therein and cymbals at them until they left a map and went to their igloo and then I go to their igloo and throw more snowballs at them until they left the server and joined another one and then I find the new server they're in and so even more snowballs at them until they logged off the game completely and then I Google Maps their home adrenaline can also have a lot of great places to explore there was the lighthouse the hockey rink the pizza parlor but my favorite place was definitely the coffee lounge because that's where the library was and used to have this book series called paint by letters and I know he's thinking you logged onto an online game to read and the answer is yes the Club Penguin Times was the only newspaper I read between the years of 2007 and 2011 came by letters wasn't just about reading though it was a mini game where you would type the letters on screen in order to reveal the rest of the story and depending on what you typed you could even change small details in the story such as whether the container was as big as a tree all this biggest to see I think this is a bit bigger than that mate I'm guessing it was a way to get kids to improve their typing skills and it definitely worked in my case because my typing speed is not as an astounding 79 words per minute I mean I'm no easy typing at 216 words per minute but you know easy crazy let's face it though nobody joins Club Penguin to read books it's all about the games and you can tell the people of where Club Penguin works is very hard to make sure that they came up with as many penguin themed games as possible I can almost imagine the boardroom meeting where they came up with these ideas they had penguin surfing Penguin fishing penguin wakeboarding penguin toboggan and then one person was just like hey how about penguin jetpack after each game you would be rewarded with a certain amount of coins depending on how well you did some games give you barely anything like hot supper even if you complete that game without failing one you still only get like eight points you think of mine would be a bit more profitable the best games in Club Penguin though was definitely the multiplayer ones like cod Jitsu essentially a more advanced version of rock-paper-scissors where water beats fire fire beats snows and snow beats water and if you kept at it you can even climb up the ranks and get a wearable black belt I'd love to show you mine but uh you know one thing I did not like however was a glitch that would occur 4 out of 5 times when you try to leave the dojo the game would just freeze up and you'd have to completely refresh the page in your web browser and log in again if you wanted to keep playing 60 is on and this is still a problem come on Club Penguin how have you not fixed this here I always appreciated the details in the game that makeup and green feel more like a real Society for example everyone had these pets in the game called puffles that could follow you around town and you don't have to take care of them by giving them food they were way better than those pets you can get them bin weevils over this syntax those are the ugliest things I've ever seen in my life one thing that always got me was right if you didn't look off your papĂ  properly and it died of starvation or something you get a postcard saying that your papa has returned to the wild c'mon Club Penguin's returned to the wild I didn't beat that thing for over five months we both know it's dead Club Penguin also had its own urban legend it was worth scolded if enough people went to the iceberg and started drilling into the ice the iceberg would completely slip over and you get a special prize from Antarctic wait I finally get it now aunt Arctic Antarctic car I remember putting hours into trying to tip this iceberg day-in day-out and it never worked and you know why it never worked because it was a myth who even came up with the idea in the first place have you seen an iceberg what you think the things he's going to do a 180 so after many years of trying I'd eventually given up hope and the idea of tipping that iceberg but I gotta admit when I was at school a couple of weeks ago and I saw this image of the iceberg finally being tipped after all these years I jumped out of my feet now whether I'd agree that the iceberg flipping over wants this type of reaction is a question for another day but to this lady I just like to say stop it get some help once the iceberg skips over you actually do get applies from Antarctic it's this blue hard hat and I think it's pretty cool that a club penguin team made the effort to deliver on the laws that the community had built up over the years one final thing that make up language were like more than just the game was that it even had its own celebrities arguably the most notable one being what copper the pilot what copper was a non-player character who'd come to Club Penguin about two times a year and go to a random server out of the over 150 servers available one of the reasons why what copper was such a big deal was because if you managed to meet him in game you get free exclusive items and so whenever he joined the server full it got to the point where some people developed a what copper tracker just to help players find him when he came online but even if you were lucky enough to get on the same server as him then get in the same room before he got full it would still look like this I mean can you even what is that I only ever managed to meet him once but when I did I got a special background and a shoulder power I'd love to show you but er you know now one thing I never expected during my time cane Club Penguin was that it would teach me life lessons and there were three lessons in particular that I will never forget the first being life is not fair in Club Penguin there were two types of penguins you had those who paid memberships you had the peasant if you are paid a member on Club Penguin you got to buy exclusive clove exclusive a group exclusive puffle whenever there were special events such as st. Patrick's Day or Christmas the members got to go to exclusive rooms where they could get even more exclusive items what sort of segregation I mean do you know what Club Penguin bid on Halloween if you are a paid member you got to dress up as a zombie a fairly a vampire guess what you got to dress up as if you were only a three-member a ghost that's why they made you wear a virtual napkin you want my shoes membership you want a cool surfboard membership you want to yellow puffle membership the blue and red puffles are the only ones you can get without a membership they couldn't even give you all three primary colors so naturally ten-year-old me Korsak avoids wearing the worst quotes going to the worst rooms in the party and having the worst igloo so what did I do okay but wait wait wait wait wait so yeah I go to 12-month Club Penguin membership allowing me to buy every item I wanted in the game the thing I hadn't considered beforehand though was that I would still have to get coins in order to pay for the items and some things could be pretty expensive you want an igloo shape like a pirate ship go play 500 games the cost so far and then come back to us when you got the money wait a minute you can keep tricks in this game oh so that's how you get coin I knew that if I didn't get enough coins to afford all the items I wanted my membership would have been a waste and so Club Penguin taught me yet another life lesson if you want something you've got to work for it now there were other ways of making money in the game you can get a job as a tour guide it show newcomers around and earn a paycheck of 250 coins a month you can also become a secret agent complete missions and a paycheck of 250 coins and if you did both jobs at the same time by the end of the month you'd have enough money to afford one whole jacket one I usually just ended up playing pizza 20,000 because it was a quick and easy game that you get a good amount of coins in however I gradually came to realize that I wouldn't be able to get enough coins to buy all the items I wanted this way I needed another strategy then one day when I'm sitting at home watching TV I see an advert for Club Penguin new Nintendo DS game and I was pretty hyped to it because the four would be cool to play Club Penguin on the go then I thought this ok wait no no no no wait so yeah I wasn't quite to be excited to get this game because it meant I could spend even more time playing Club Penguin and even more coins and an upload into my account so I could buy even more accessories it was the perfect idea or at least it would have been if it worked I could never get my Nintendo yes to connect to my internet no matter how much I tried it just never happened so that dream was shattered before it even started but one day I came across this video Club Penguin coin glitch 100% working and here's how it works you'd go to the iceberg and click on the aqua grabber game because we did a really good flavor of that you could potentially get over 2,000 points now just before the game would actually saw you have to click to go to your igloo thing is once you were in your igloo the aqua grabber game would still load up and you could play it as normal but once you have lost the game collected your 2000 coins and pressed X to leave the game would glitch out refresh the loading screen and give you another 2000 coins and then you could press the X button again to get another 2000 coins and then again to get another EVC lemkos display to music [Music] do I start there and click on that button for hours I clicked on it until I became a millionaire and then I clicks on it some more until I was more than a millionaire and outside wrapped up about 1.2 million points what did I do I walked into the store and I clicked by on everything all the boys clothes all the girls clothes what did it matter I was a millionaire I bought every single color puffle and enough food to lock them all at least 13 years but I still didn't feed them because if they returned to the wild I could afford a whole new set I bought the ship igloo decided I didn't like it and then bought a different igloo instead I bought all the furniture all the accessories and all the instruments I didn't even know what a wakeboard was but I still bought both of them eventually I managed to fall back onto a minion coin so I went to try to glitch again but it didn't work seems they had patched it up however I still had over 900,000 coins in the bank so I was good but you know what I found also a while the game got rolling I mean the minigames are so fun and all but now there was no incentive part of the experience was knowing that at the end of the game to get a coin reward which she used to buy the things he wanted but I already had every item I could possibly one and way more money than I would ever need and with that Club Penguin told me my final lesson money is not everything I had bought every single item money could buy I had an expensive igloo expensive clothes and I gone to all the members only event and after all that I was less bored and sure this was probably doing part to me getting older I had already been paying the game for quite a few years at this point but the game just didn't seem as fun as it used to be I was probably the richest penguin in any server I joined and having the least fun too so I stopped playing as much and went from logging in every day without fail to logging in maybe a few times a month my time if Club Penguin had come to an end and with that being said Thank You Club Penguin for being one of the most fun games I played during my childhood years I hope that Club Penguin Island can provide whole new generation of kids is just as much fun as I had I only ask that you not go too heavy on the microtransaction nobody likes that and to round off this video I think would only be fitting to finish with one final sled wait let's see if I've still got it okay ran out of the gate we go and really decides to take a back seat so seemingly no reason maybe you just wanted to be polite and not getting anyone's weight but you know what they say about nice guys the three of us up front continue on strong misty I salute opportunity there but oh well Oh kami gets taken out leaving just myself and Aiden in the lead until I get the ice boost and propel myself well into first position all I need to do now is not mess up and I messed up but it's alright because so did everyone else like the relief you feel when the entire class flops that test you didn't revise for now I just need to hold my composition and go over the log take the ice boost and it is done mr. B that still the King [Music] hope you enjoyed the video had to play so much Club Penguin to acordes perfect way to be spending my time right now final year exams what are those anyway if you did enjoy the video then be sure to give it a like and subscribe if you're new here also did you ever play Club Penguin what do you think about it shutting down let me know in the comment section below as always links are in the description thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 5,875,146
Rating: 4.9164858 out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, tamagags, 2474, animation, funny, cartoon, animated, simi, gameshow, game, show, club penguin, club, penguin, closing down, shutting down, closing, down, shutting, servers, gameplay, story, the club penguin story, nostalgia, nostalgic
Id: vDy5oDDBCnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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