The Person You Should Not Marry | mildred kingsley Okonkwo

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you just lift your hands to heaven let's just thank the lord for this evening for such a strong presence of god in this room father we thank you just go ahead and speak in tongues tonight let your heart be ready to receive god's word [Music] catosa father we thank you thank you for honoring us with your presence tonight we ask oh god that you will answer questions that you will give direction that you will heal homes heal hearts and above all that your will will be done in this place tonight in jesus mighty name before you sit down please help me give or not to whom honor is due i want you to help me celebrate your amazing pastors the angels over your life is this how you celebrate your pastors full life is this how you celebrate your pastors [Music] let me tell you how you know how much god loves you is the shepherd he puts over your soul if god gives you reverend here then you know that god loves you so when i say celebrate your pastors celebrate papa mama for me tonight celebrate like you know they are praying for you that they never over your souls [Music] hallelujah then please let me just crave your indulgence to help me celebrate the love of my life my king my friend my brother my pastor the man that carries me everywhere please help me celebrate pastor okay thank you then please help me celebrate yourselves and be seated in god's wonderful presence i'll leave you here i on i don't know how much time i have okay i see the timer now okay minister your praise you know i love you god bless you i celebrate you the shout you left in dcc many years ago is still there praise god and it's still bringing results amen okay so of course i don't have so much time i'm just going to go straight to it i'll shoot it sharp sharp sharp sharp then i'll come down i'll let pastor keep minister tonight praise god how many single people do we have in the house this evening [Music] praise god single people listen to me you still have a chance to get it right what did i say i believe that it is from here that you decide how your marriage will be you are the one who determines the outcome of your marriage so you still have a chance to do it right because the truth is that when people get married most times the only thing we can tell them when they bring marriage problem is prayer we'll say be praying but now you can still decide the outcome of your marriage so yesterday passed okay took time to explain to you the things that you should do and the things that you should know so i'm just going to add my voice because it's important the foundation of everything is important the bible says if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do if you're building material the very foundation of anything is bad then anything you put on it is a waste of time so as a single person you are the one that determines how your marriage will go so from now that you are single you can't choose right and let me tell you if you do anything make sure you never make this one mistake never marry an unbeliever if you're a believer i'm not even going to play games with you it is not optional i hear a lot of young girls and ladies i'm here for you tonight because i believe that you are the one that decides and determines the outcome of most marriages because you are the one who chooses nobody marries at gunpoint nobody forces you to marry but half the time young girls are picking for the wrong reasons somebody is a non-believer and you as a christian go and join yourself yesterday first okay read the scripture what concord does light have with darkness this thing does not become real to you until you encounter some terrible situations let me tell you i know that a lot of people say that you say which is not marrying believer but christian studio let me tell you there's a difference between having an evil nature and doing evil one is behavior the other one is nature nature cannot be changed until christ enters a person yesterday now when we go back to the hotel i was telling my husband i said you should thank the holy spirit was saying something about are you amazing i said let me tell you is your holy spirit you are married to because if it is not the holy spirit my behavior yourself no good so i'm telling you there's a difference between someone who has christ and someone who does not have christ when christ enters a man something changes it means the person holding his remote is god bible says that the heart of the king is in god's hand which god if the man is an unbeliever who is holding his remote so i see young girls open their eyes and go to cemetery and pick their body if you will not marry a dead body in real life why are you doing it spiritually someone who is not born again is spiritually dead so you are joining yourself to dead body i don't care how rich he is dead body now dead body so he can have money there are many people in the cemetery today that have money why don't you go there and marry them he's a dead body you can't be alive and join yourself to a corpse i see a lot of people and then you want him to change and one of my daughters came to me recently just be mine for two months and i've been sharing the story everywhere i go because when they are telling people they will say person we don't understand i love him anytime he talks i can't breathe it's not love it's asthma so you better know the difference but some you don't understand i feel butterflies in my tummy butterflies lifespan is two weeks it means it will fade so you cannot make decisions based on that no matter how amazing he is or person you don't understand he's a nice person nice is not a fruit of the spirit so when you enter into marriage those things will not count it is only someone who has the nature of god that can do marriage god's way so i see a lot of young girls you're telling me person these girls who are telling her married to marry a christian do the right thing she was saying you don't understand i love him i'm sent to him you are saying to him evangelist are you no go you know see missionary field we are laughing but i'm serious this is how girls put themselves in trouble this girl married an unbeliever and came to my house two months that she's done i said you are done food will never enter fire they don't how are you doing two months she said ah that guy is mean he likes to keep malice he's very selfish he only thinks of himself if he's not his way i said is he born again she said no i said so how do you expect an unbeliever to behave like a believer you are the one that has the problem not him because he was on his own judge as a non-believer you did not leave him for somebody that can keep malice like him you do not live in for somebody that is selfish like him you do not keep somebody else evil like him you went to meet him and now you want him to become a believer i say no it doesn't work that way you can't marry a dog and expect him to roll like a lion it doesn't work that way i see as you have entered this marriage now shelby you were sent to him now you are sent to him now your ministry of intercession begins because when you marry you either marry a prayer point or a prayer partner so once you have married him now he has become your prayer point you will pray first of all that he will come to the knowledge of christ and be saved not that he will love you he will come to the knowledge of christ and be saved are you not even selfish you are a christian are you on your way to heaven you married somebody who's not on his way to everybody you're saying let him love me is that the issue somebody's going to hell you're saying let him love you so you have now entered into a ministry of lifetime of intercession all of us are called to ministry of intersectional especially married women are married men once you are married you are called to pray for the other person but there is a difference between prayer of thanksgiving that you wake up every morning and say father i thank you for the gifts that you have given me this man will be great things will happen now like there is a difference between that and prayer of warfare that you are worrying for his soul that's the difference so you as a single person you have a chance to choose right one of the things god told me when i was getting married that changed my life look he must have encounters with god i know people say that there is a way he must be compatible you must be and all those things are good in themselves but you as a believer you must understand that you are first a spirit man so god has a way that he talks to us we are not on believers we are children of god he said my sheep hear my voice so his voice should be loud to you you should not make any plans without god so you can't say you want to marry because you love somebody does god want you to marry this person that's what it means for him to be your lord it means that whatever he says is what you do is the final authority in your life so i see a lot of people he's tall he's dark he's handsome he's from my place my parents love him we are compatible he's in a department in church but he's good but is it good for you is he the one god said you should marry so a lot of people enter into that trap you marry i don't even know what marriage is about it's destiny love is the smallest factor in marriage destiny you constantly ask yourself is this the person i want to go the journey of life with do i want to reproduce after this kind there are some people that we should not reproduce their kind though these are questions sincere questions you must ask yourself as a single person so when i was getting married i had many encounters with god i knew that that's when i knew that marriage is not this i love you i love you that they do inside female it's much deeper than that you are entrusting your life with somebody you are joining with someone you are saying i'm becoming you we are one you are my head this is my head i'm just his body we are one everything we have is now one because we're in confidence and the only thing that can separate us is death we are now one body how do you separate a body if you cut head from but this is not death it's death so when i was getting my god said to me he said do you know that when you get married you're my families i say yes sir it's exactly and i'm not just talking about natural families it's a spiritual family as well he says your mind a believer his father is i'm his father what if you marry an unbeliever his father is satan and your father-in-law is allowed to come to your house say so satan cannot come and you say you are binding him he's your father-in-law he has the right to be in your house and when he's coming listen i know my father-in-law used to be a chris when he's coming like this you receive goats you will see stock fish you receive dry fish you will see chicken you will see you see all kinds of things your father-in-law will not comment if he's a good father-in-law satan can come empty he will bring sickness and he will come with his entourage his demons must come listen there's a there's a supernatural world you must never play with that i'm saying that we're laughing what is the truth and let me tell you two unbelievers may be doing okay but you cannot enter say that you will you are not for capital you entered by yourself you say satan is your enemy and you enter this family by yourself i need you to understand these things because if you understand it you will not play with your destiny by joining yourself to an unbeliever i don't care how handsome he is who is his father i don't care how rich he is who is his father money is nothing we have a god who make it rich and adds no sorrow so who is his father these are the decisions you must make before you get married if you marry a believer you have set the foundation god can walk with it if he's misbehaving god can compress him and say no don't do like this this is my daughter don't do that if she's misbehaving god can correct that your mouth is too sharp when i said my husband says do you respect your mighty because me my mouth can be sharp have you not heard me if it was not the lord who was on my side so even when i want to misbehave then if you say misbehave how who do you want to misbehave to my friend one sit down go and apologize to him go and tell even i said but i'm right he said it doesn't matter i said so who do you want to please i said okay holy spirit now you if not be you that's the difference so as a single person do not marry an unbeliever what did i say ah you are not sounding like you're convinced i said do not marry and unbeliever what did i say you're not saying it loud though now when you are crying your voice will be loud you would not want to come up with a stop be rev what these shouts were shouting now but when you are now married because i want
Channel: mildred kingsley-okonkwo
Views: 196,580
Rating: 4.9280424 out of 5
Keywords: mildred kingsley-okonkwo, pastor mildred kingsley-okonkwo, pastor m, pastor mildred
Id: 6VFa7homPWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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