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[Music] yet that pretentious for the destruction of others so I really would want to talk to us ladies let me start with you there are certain things sisters I love you and I'm speaking to you from the depth of my heart if you listen to me you'll be saved if you are stubborn and you don't listen I guarantee you you would have defined a path that would lead to tears I will together now say Amen sisters yet doesn't mean people who may be ladies who are not yet married just anybody really there are certain things a lady must find in a man otherwise don't marry him write it down I've upgraded my curriculum on this you will you will be interested to hear the things I'm going to tell you now Torah upgrade just four things I've summarized every cry of every sister to four things whether you know it or not just believe me any product that does not come along these lines is dangerous since that's what it is shout it I didn't say he's bad I said he's dangerous I don't care whether the brothers Joshua Selma I don't care whether the Prada has a Bible on top of his head if these four things are not in place your home will be a disaster and your children will be disaster ready number one you have no business talking about relationship of marriage with any man who is not god-fearing don't be too fast allow me to properly define what I mean by God hearing net notice I didn't say born again because that thing has been abused in the 21st century a born-again brother is not one who came out for altar call and you witnessed him raising his hand that's not Monica God fearing the primary reason why society is in Rick Adams listen to me is because the men are not god-fearing the fear of the Lord is not believing in God there are two different things faith in God and the fear of God are two different things I can have faith in God and not fear God are we together now yeah there are many faith filled Christians who are not god-fearing and listen look at this I am a Christian I am a child of God my life is governed by a reference listen the Bible is my reference are we together now my decisions are made with respect to this reference so when you tell me you are a husband what reference are you leading your life and your family so many people come to church but there is no reference upon which their lives their ideologies and their decisions come from so they just hilarious we come up with concepts and ideas about parenting and they have destroyed the lives of innocent women there are many women in the last two weeks the number of married women have had to counsel and the pain that the average married woman woman goes through in their home is unbearable they laugh in the open or they are dying in the secret and the sad thing is that most of the man upon Akane some are even bishops priests sincere people deacons what does it mean to be god-fearing to be god-fearing number one means to have reference respect for God not just to believe in God but to have reverence for God less Oreo number two to be god-fearing means to submit to the ways of God submit to the Word of God as the final authority in all matters write this one down to submit to the Word of God as the final authority in matters not so matters you solve you don't mix the Word of God and culture in our place this is how we do it no in our village this is how it is done this this diversity of concepts has largely destroyed many good men turn them into beasts and animals because there is no centralized shore-based reference upon which their activities are carried out listen let me tell you something there is no man that is bad when they tell you a man is bad when a woman looks at a husband when a young lady looks at someone she's in a relationship with an says you are bad there is the concept of bad does not exist there is no man who is bad every man is like a video playing out his mindset it is the thinking the ideology of a man that expresses him as bad that is why an improper can carry the same body and in two years the armed robber has become a pastor the body did not change something changed the same hand that once held a god I was rooted over people now holds a Bible and saving sinners there is nothing called a bad man I've interacted with some people who are supposedly bad some of them old enough to be my parents and I've discovered that intrinsically every man is good their approach was wrong and so their life became a street playing out some of you are looking at me now brothers as sincere as you are you are about to replay the same script if you don't change you will be shocked to see how you will find out that what you desire let me tell you there is no bad man who married his wife to destroy her you hear me nobody I am a man up in a man all my life I'm not just being a man now so you have to listen to me I know exactly men are not bad people but there are concepts that have taught men into beasts are we together the god-fearing person the Word of God I always give this analogy when I'm counseling people listen if wife if watch this this is my wife and I want the television to be here everybody look up this in television now I want the TV to be here and my wife says my husband this TV has to be there there is a conflict of ideas now to be god-fearing means both of us must have the inertia madness or at least I to say what does the word of God say about TV is the Word of God says there should be no TV what happens to my will I've sold my will to let the will of God prevail there is no family that will suffer when the man can accept the will of God the problem is usually the we love the man and I look at as a word part of your dowry TTIP you talk to me out slap you forget that I'm a man of God I'm a man is just a term of God you talk to me I love you are we together and you know men were very arrogant people we can be Anthony Hellfire and claim that is easy where and rad people in trouble until we get in gear and now say well I had it not exactly understand [Music] the configuration of a man is such that we have a lot to protect that's why submission to the ways of God is very that's why in most Crusades women are more the men don't come they were Lada was from the television and mill dama receive the same miracle but to come and be healed they feel is an insult I am indirect of the ambience but tonight I pray that God will raise men who can submit I love the Sun the worship team sank look there is nothing as excellent as a man especially a young man who has submitted to the will of God in every matter it doesn't matter how it stings my ego once the Word of God contradicts my concept I penned I don't look for an explanation Nosa it is being god-fearing that will make you never to cut your hand impeach your wife you are angry bore what did the Bible say about wives is that treat them as onto weaker vessels so when you slap your wife and you are boiling you are not just a stupid man you are not submitting to the ways of God when you love your wife just because she made a nice head and now you are talking like what kind of number one that is not even true love because the Bible says husband's love their wives as Christ loved the church so the thing is to study how Christ loved the church I said while we were yet sinners undeserving unqualified inclusive in Christ loved us so when a man has to punish his wife to end his love by dressing well I'm not against good dressing I'm not against looking well I'm not against all of these things but if you first saw your wife to have to succumb to those things that this she sees and not a woman who has those things much more than her she becomes insecure because she knows are unpredictable your love is the fear of the Lord thank you many men do not share good principles of parenting do you know that there are families and there are cultures for instance that teach that a man can beat his wife at least once or twice so that when he Pizza she would know that this is not a stupid is not a si si I mean it is a show of masculinity I see no you in age in strength in water right is in salary and you joke with me a bit you ones and I ask you for forgiveness and forgiving you you are forgiving me but the memory of what happened will keep you in place that has worked through a lot of people but I hate it not I don't care when I works or not it's not consistent with the Word of God the Word of God is not about what works or not is about what God says if I apply the Word of God and it does not work I will still remain here not because of the result it produces what because that's what came out of the mouth of God that's what it means to me and then it's follow of the world sisters are you listening unfortunately now we win live in a generation where and please don't don't find this insulting many of our sisters some of you are here looking at me now you are so called upon just anybody just comes wherever he has small money small whatever you are present in tongues yet you are not allowed what you are praying to you soul the decisions I am shocked when some ladies bring some brothers to me and say I like him I wonder where did you keep your brain I taught you so many things look at the kind of person you are dragging completely Antichrist in his approach why do you love him he loves me you see a Christian I hate you say nice it comes around listen let me tell you something another wife I will does for this example you are not permitted to marry another one listen watch this everyone do you know the only thing you cannot change in your life is God and your wife and children you are supposed to change your clothes after some time you are permitted as lovely as these clothes and where it is after a few months you to fit and how true it well so another one so it's amazing how you can love something now and hate it but the Bible says you are staying with that woman so there's no you can't change her like a clothes meaning you must find out from God watching most Putin you wanna to make her remain fresh if you change clothes change phone change God and yes the Bible says you cannot change your wife you must find out Lord and the woman is growing old so it means you must do something to me that is beyond the physical to keep me faithful I told you tonight my hottest is in 1980 but we're just warming the plane we must reach that audited this night in the name of Jesus Christ god-fearing sisters I want you to burn this revelation the first thing to look at in a man is not the car he brought hello say hi hello because some of you if we don't press you like this you know I've discovered in church that many people don't listen as you are talking like this they're looking at you they are even writing but your hands are already made up no sir I am saving you trouble you would thank me for it not everything that glitters is gold and don't let anyone treasure you whether parents or friends and say after all what is there he can take care of us what is your idea of care by you things I will together a god-fearing man a man he doesn't have to be a pastor god-fearing has nothing to do it a pastor god-fearing has nothing to do with pray eight hours a man can't pray eight hours are not be god-fearing I told you there is a difference between believe in God and have any reverence for God I hear what I'm saying now the fear of God just submitting to the authority of the world submitting to the authority of the world so you may be able you may be Hausa you may be Yoruba you may be Kaduna State whatever not Ana you may be from another nation of the world it does not matter the issue of this is how we do it in our place this is how it is in our place our fathers used to our dishes to happen no no no people do those kinds of nonsense things do you know how this refusal to conform to the Word of God has brought trouble between people the reason why many marriages are not working parenting so the man has his idea on how to raise children he got it from his friends he got it from bad people I will together now do you know the average young child was not really trained by his parents he just lived with them it's one thing to live with me but is another thing to be mentored and trained by me that you are going around in my house does not mean I'm training you the Bible said train up a child they say live with him many people are living with their children but they are not training their children so their children get the training from their friends bad books bad magazines rubbish ships nonsense photos and pictures and by the time that child is 10 or 11 years somebody else is training him how does the Train move they are connected the train will not move a games where the head of the train is moving so train a child means set the pace don't tell them to do it leave them in doing it you don't ask a child to buy you cigarette and then as it drops you say if I catch you with cigarette I will kill you by myself I've told you smoking is very bad forget that I'm doing it you are not training the child it's God speaking to us what I'm saying is a very seriously god-fearing number two ladies the second thing that you must in this order in this order it has to be in this order the second thing is that that man must submit to an earthly Authority I'm giving you redefine 21st century world compliant he must be able to submit to an earthly Authority for mentorship for building for correction there are many families in trouble today because there is no authority figure over the life of the husband there's no man that can call him and say no no what you are doing is wrong become the wife and almost kill her he's the god of himself never marry a man who does not have this pastor a mentor a spiritual authority an elderly person there must be a personality that he has covenanted to listen to the person say Amen very powerful revelation I give you there are many ladies you say are you any relation city I think you should suppose there was here for so for what what what should I see info that's how after he slaps you on sale as well suppose we say for what listen no matter how long a man and a woman is if there is someone for them to listen you are still safe you are still safe I've had the privilege of talking with a lot of couples I remember one couple the 14 Kaduna it was a brutal fight police had to come police for husband and wife and to Antalya Christians the woman just took she could not take it that then she decided that look I would try my best whatever would I have two attempts this man today true story and two of them after the dust settled the police who told them look you America who don't make a fool out of yourself go on and you can you know know how to fix things Oh two of them agree that they were going to report themselves to me so they reported themselves and then they came for counseling do you know at the end of that counseling simply because they were people who understood submission at the end of it the man was hugging his wife as if he never slapped a nice people and as far as I know things are working it was a very minor issue and all of that sisters please him in the name of Jesus the 21st century has changed things some of us this is the dilemma that our fathers came in they had been beaten our models for many years there are some of us if there was an authority figure the divorce would not have happened there was no one the man decides is the god of the family the day he decides to descend upon the family with rod everybody's in trouble sistahs the man must be able to show you plainly what authority figures in his life do you know why let me tell you this American sitcom assuming Sagna assuming this lady and Mecca comes to us this lady out and says he wants to marry her do you know if she tells him and says okay whatever it is this is an authority figure in my life and I would like you to see him do you know why the man will run away because he doesn't plan to be faithful and it doesn't want anything that would tie him to much he wants an opportunity to sit with reruns at the side hello I were together so he's hoping that by alienating himself there are many brothers who claim to love you before they come and drop you for Koinonia and go away and after the grace they now come and pick you that's dangerous now meet old Ruth is said Ruth tornami he says my God will be your God your people will be my people I will together because if I know this guy with this lady tomorrow if I see are smiling at somebody I have the right to ask a question answer I hope that guy's your brother that smile is too generous for just an ordinary the scene so what is the issue and if there is an issue I will at least try to find out is alright if the issues are irreconcilable but at least that there is some level there is this time the body of Christ because everybody is doing anything that's why you can find one brother with twenty girlfriends scattered all around and they never know themselves yet the product can be leading washing yet the brother can be a pastor in charge of ambience see you tell this one our martyrs be waiting you dose let me just put things in place while is doing that is already printed BAM traditional wedding card how many ladies have been heartbroken a brother that has told them he a civil media parents while they are happy the next in a Josie a wedding card this is to notify you that the family of EMB is Marian see indeed in in different places very callous and we make the choice look stupid let me tell it as ordering the body of Christ many people hear what I'm saying and think no dis orderliness will always empower Satan this orderliness of any sort will always empower Satan the Bible says let all things be done decently and in order bless you lesson number three very quickly are you getting blessed so since that's the first thing you should look at in a man and if you are married and your husband doesn't have this begin to labor in the place of Prayer live both generously in the place of pray a lot on the heart of this man he must be caught fearing I've married the jitters be done but Lord you can still step II got a call of the second chance I will never allow my daughter to marry anybody that is not gone fearing bring the Jeep bring a plane carry hamper for me on that one is your cup of tea if you are not god-fearing the first question I ask you is not what you studied or where you have a job are you right with God and you know that you not just tell me yes I said that's all right let's go to the next person who stay there I'm pressing right with god is what you don't don't say I'm right with God I remember what I remember of living feed okay that's all right no no I can't in five minutes through your words I can no you're just a churchgoer you don't share God let's restore the fear of God so that our children will be raised you send children to school you are finished training your children in the fear of God then no one meet a very disciplined child who came from a family that does not fear God and start making your child who fears God feel like an inferior person is I know what happened to some of us grew in you let good Christian families that they they were talking about pornographic movies you've never known anything like that and say I don't know anything they say I will choke him you are 14 years you've never watched this and they make you feel guilty for loving God and it's that deal that drives you say no I have to educate my mind and look at what has happened to your life now you are God alone from before time began you are you are you been determined to correct the mistakes of your parents with your life you have been salted your father your means so that your mother is now your chance oh of course I want to marry this year congratulations for you listen carefully you know some people if not for this teaching you are about to make a blunder this Valentine because they always come around distant wolf in sheep's clothing the stroller and the common look for good shots ladies well cultured Christian girls who they can play with your mind because of the innocence of the world there are many ladies it is not a church gala is opened when the guy does nonsense Hugh Jackman say would I am NOT a stupid passage I will show you the other amenities but a nice well cultured church girl has been trained to respect men has been trained to behave well many bad boys like short girls because they avoid trouble they they the pastor has turned a walk so I can easily manipulate them into nonsense and the guy who uses the trans I don't shout at me remember what apostle says is true apostle say we should be nice they always look for this period son come and destroy the life of babies it pains me when I see very nice ladies and the entire life has been crushed and crumbled by very bad boys because they are sincere they are innocent you know why we pastors don't teach it because we think is not necessary so we allow people to make all your mistakes and destroy their lives and destinies I bet text messages literally every day one trouble after another in a family please ladies listen to me very carefully god-fearing so listen to an ethnic authority I have seen how beautiful many rooms have become not necessarily because the men are so godly but the power of submission the Lord has revealed things to me about certain families and I've called the hospitals to say husband would you want to adjust a rplc I think you are doing this to your wife I think you are doing this to your children or pursue I didn't know it was this way all right direction number three sister you are praying or considering a man to marry or you are married that man must have passion for you not love passion passion is an objective that qualifies the extent of love [Music] I love you it's not a language that is useful again in this generation because it has been abused I mean now you get what I'm saying one tout can be somewhere hold it is another palaces is that I love you so people don't even know what I love you means again I love you means something panel and fleshly fashion please look at me let me tell you any man who does not have passion for you will be unfaithful write it down write it down and put my name on there don't don't post anything and put my name or write it down for your consumption any man with no passion for his wife I give you an ironclad guarantee he will be unfaithful it's not if it's when do you know let me tell you a shocking truth do you know that over 75 to 80 percent of men even in Christian families married men within the first five years of their marriage have been unfaithful to their wives statistically confirmed I told you it's not because they are bad passion it is passion passion is more than physical stature and a word and all of these things are we together now yeah so that's why I hate arranging marriage I'm saying it again you know it I've told you and marriage that from nowhere you are just standing and you come and say yes the lady it's ok you can suggest you can recommend and people can pray but where you just add agree and the data person is occurrence the day ring is entering your heart tromo because the man is only married a wife not a friend it is a friend a stick at closer Danny Prada [Music] any marriage where there is no passion there must be on faithfulness is not here will be there must be on faithfulness a man cannot struggle in definitely contemplating his love for his wife he will find an alternative and what a generation with many alternatives his secretaries there if she's not there the other one is there if she's not around or that devil is there somewhere in the hotel it is not yet in the receptionist of another places away at every given point there is somebody waiting to destroy your husband there are subtle women there are spirits that walk in them only married men if they see a young man no matter what you have is not the opposite but once they see you you are married what a joy if you complain about your website a cannibal woman will oppress such a nice man as this that's right is touching is starting that's exactly what the man wants here I'm very serious of what I'm sharing tonight passion when two people come you know to introduce themselves they just commissioned some that they would hands as a value add our God those come down because these motions are not passion passion is not the the physical exertion you are all around the lady does not passion sometimes is just jealousy and your personality is not pleasure person is the depth of resolve is a resolve within you that who that lady you have gotten satisfaction and fulfillment no need for another the Bible puts it excellently many daughters have done well but Dow excel as them a man who cannot said that to his wife is already a dangerous man it is true I know that you may not be the most beautiful lady let's tell the truth I've seen this lady I know she's beautiful while you are my wife you occupy a place like you a known can stay may God raise men who can speak like that not that a beautiful lady passes and even the wife is now afraid because she knows who she married she just has only most Westerners and let's go inside she already known the man said oh no no I have to take fresh air what is all this vulnerability see let me tell you something let me tell you a big secret there are four sets of people if you are married you have to listen to this thing two times one if you are married a man of God we are exposed to people every day people means options and you hear what I'm saying number two a high-profile business man number three a politician you hear what I'm saying now number four a lecturer anybody in the academia if you are married to any of these four people listen with both ears and add your spirit in it because he is exposed as I'm standing here preaching there are all kinds of pretty ladies you are not seeing what I'm seeing you I wish you get up say Amen [Music] [Applause] so where you are not careful you'll be surprised that your husband has four children you never knew one day somebody does not show us as their most look for my father say what is going on here spiritual father and you say cup on copy of your child look look look don't think I'm just talking there are many children scattered around they belong to your family so that you don't know the big Jesus will come let's just leave him to be the judge amen please let me have a attention very serious issues have you not seen family some of you come from those families after 20 years one day 200 limited and honestly there are so many complications around you don't know who is your real mother you don't know who is your real father you really don't know how many you are your family you just know what they told you as you grew you keep letting more you taught yourself not discovered you attend and eventually the children say they are coming when the father noun dies that's when you know there's trouble because the family with the legitimate wife are all girls and the ones they give her to somewhere are boys the moment the father dies they now sure and say no where our Father is our Father and in our culture we mental inherit anything therefore they displace people of counsel cases like that I will together very important passion please my brother if you find out it is okay listen it is very okay to see a lady and just be fond of her the mystery of attraction is when you find a lady or a person or an object demonstrative many things you perceive to represent value to you so if beauty represents value is impossible to see a pretty girl and pretend it's not being spiritual look look very well this as you I say because I'm a Christian you are not lying so look at that is not all those factors of return you a pretty lady passes their ideas and no you saw you saw it's just that you have self-control are we together [Music] you must have passion many people don't have passion the lifespan of their passion is a few weeks after marriage the lifespan of the a passion is when they say I to some the last man of their passion is when she gives them three children and four children that was his goal to have children they've been pressuring you promise you are getting old no marriage marry I need three children fine that's the premise of the marriage so you married an object that produces children the more men she produces the children the goal has been achieved so there is nothing else do you know how many women brothers and sisters some of you parents some of you sadly you are the ones yourself in that kind of shoes do you know how many women move like strangers before they are husband and sometimes they almost wonder say you mean this man once asked me out he once stood in the cold waiting for me to come look at how some of our fathers treat our mothers is a mess and they have mentored us to do the same if God does not intercept believe me you will reproduce the same result many daughters have done well but now itself there is an appetite for discontentment in the body of Christ brothers let me encourage you please be careful and ancestors who have not come to brothers yet I'm talking about sisters what is a quality for brothers passion whenever you see that you are attracted to a lady is not enough reason to one exam how to dust lack of self-control are we together it is okay that I look at this leg a manometer drives okay what is self country thus they say in a multitude of many council there is seat so the moment you see a lady on she's fine there and then even if his during a prayer session in the sheet of Prayer the please can you see me after after prayer discipline Alleluia the next moment that so fast that you are even you in the Priya the American family you are not a member of the prayer department you are just arriving that day you say sister honestly where where do your parents do let me tell you what you are chosen field about yourself very very in discipline problem because you come into a place with structure and authority and you just gonna undo anything you want to do and sometimes the ladies are foolish enough to clear those TC let people come and meet or die in your life then they are forced to respect that for them I will together now Jesus is helping us some buddies so what is really getting placed from what I'm saying is very important I were together no passion if you are married here you must pray consistently brothers fathers to keep having passion for your wife not just your children because corner the days when ladies who respect a man just when is married and you can see as the IAG means married let's leave him no no you can see somebody as old as my father and see come and meet my daddy how are you not that is just means I'm available gone are the days you can see a man at my father's in cs:go girl haha my daughter how are you do you think is fatherly my daughter what is this is not funnily my daughter at all another dimension on his own so that you are married you know sometimes many men deceive themselves they just in the moment you are married it just means people live here alone just because you are married no our society it should be like that but our society has become so depraved that a ring is just a jewelry a ring is just a jewelry for entertainment idea what I'm saying now it's something that symbolized the covenant relationship is a it's entertainment so when you wear ringa said this earring as a joke is a big joke where to Thank You India love and passion love and passion and then the last key ladies I would rather be here today [Music] never marry a man who is irresponsible that's the last point there must be a demonstration of responsibility responsibility responsibility many brothers are irresponsible Christian Brothers inclusive irresponsible wrong talking Christian Brothers what does it mean to be responsible to be responsible means it means to be aware of the cost dimension of life taking cognizance of the cost dimension of life I don't mean money that anything to be done must be done by someone the Bible says every house is built by some man but God is the builder of [Music] an irresponsible presences haha they have not done it irresponsible person says can we do it are you seeing that now let me tell you something please look up there is a tragedy that has happened in Nigeria especially to Nigeria and young men please listen if you can hear what I'm saying to save you many gentlemen around the world have been victims of this and some of them seated here looking at me I want you to listen very carefully do you know many young men have been over pampered and that's why they are irresponsible today over pampering does not mean they came from a rich family a poor family can steal over pomp i'ma let me tell you how they were pampered them a young man is 18 years the morning she is washing his clothes you say is there not house help was for him because we have washing machine in our house a young man was supposed to start learning to be responsible are we together now he goes out and by 4 o'clock you are ringing his phone return home return home it looks like you are trying to be disciplinary there is an age range where he needs to be home but there is an age range where the guys submissive maybe he's in church as a choir director and you are now calling him matured boy of 19 years old is 5 o clock where are you come home so the guys now 25 and he stays home he married with his wife and states from just like mommy's and obedient child nobody goes out to get food again because he has been trained come home in America from 12 years 12 years old in America you see children looking for something to do post office there there's no chair for us they always expect to be recipients not contributors it's not your fault that's why I'm helping you tonight mainly products are like that they are born again they love God but anything that discomforts them image and they don't want it is irresponsibility that produces laziness laziness get up and do something you have a meeting for five o'clock is raining heavily I say Caio quarter to five please Venga I can make it for the meeting I am tired this rain the cold is too much that's a lazy man all off it is family you see that you know feed his family because you say there's crisis in Nigeria they can't keep with the go outside and you need his family members who died the Bible say lazy man would not so because of the cold and he will also not reap I am a fanatic of responsibility responsibility you cannot be around me and not be a responsible person waiting for things to be done for you no sir you must learn to be an initiate or not just a recipient there are many men today the salary comes from their wives correct is okay if there is a situation that happened in in the course of the marriage and the woman has to be supportive you see somebody from 1996 no job is the one that works pays the children's school fees under monies and life two hands two legs he gets up in the morning sits on the veranda of the house they are playing draft together with other colleagues irresponsible men who come they form a team and they just play where's your wife you know she said no she works in yours with that I know women show coming evening the woman will return there is no food to come and the cooking and them the mystery going that family is leaning he doesn't like it but his ideology is bishop after the example he seen that too many irresponsible they rightly responsible pastors who expect members to be the one to raise money for church have you seen people like that there are irresponsible pastors who expect members to be the ones to give their money am I not your pastor buy a car for me build a house for me Mali for me that's an irresponsible man of God is a man of God what an irresponsible [Music] responsibilities so you must look at it responsibility is not having a car that's not responsibility responsibility is not having a house that's what responsibility does the indices many ladies are using and you are already getting into a big mistake responsibility is not having a car and a house please listen I can't have a car and a house by the privilege of access it doesn't mean I'm responsible so stop using a car and a house to prove that a man is responsible eventually some index that will show responsibility but responsibilities from the heart the willingness to grow to press the willingness to fulfill the cost dimension of life don't say there are two products one has a car the other one is working on his foot and so I let me just go with what I'm seeing now the moment the car spoils does the last guy you ever bang his life because he never bought the first one in first place many ladies don't know how to trust God for good products we pray in tongues what we don't know what to expect and so I'm painting a picture for you right now somebody already after Koinonia you answered the guy you see how God has given you the answer the answer is no the answer is No immediately after Koinonia you send me text sorry of delayed you would be our size no because you are not god-fearing you don't submit to any authority I you don't want to he may not know what is he willing to now that he knows I will together now yeah number three do you love me passionately no you pass what at your phone pass what at your text pass what at your laptop password that a call is coming you tosser on outside you save the name of relative John you save the name of your landlady Andrew because you turn the head of people to be stupid and why you calling me it's a coded language not serious Alleluia and finally the man is not responsible the average African family has if has a family to take care of a nuclear family fest I hope you are aware brothers are you aware they are aware now that the average African family there is every likelihood your wife is not the last one what does that mean to you you are a direct contributor you are going to contribute there are families that they get bad late praise God so one sister is ready for marriage the other one is still in primary school you are going to take care of them it is not supposed to be so birth a reality you are forgetful that's what saying I love you means that's what saying I want to marry you means she tells from the first word out of how many several you said you still know you
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, dr dk olukoya prayers, koinonia 2020, apostle joshua selman 2020, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman dealing with attacks and challenges, nimmak prayer spiritual warfare, prayer spiritual warfare, demons, prosperity, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful why you must be prayerful, marriage, relationship, 4 Things a MAN Should have before you Marry HIM-Apostle Joshua Selman
Id: dxFGh7D7S6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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