How To Know If He or She Really Loves You.

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how are you doing we're gonna be speaking about how to know if he or she really loves you people ask me that all the time I know this guy loves me people think about it all the time this guy dies hanging around me or this lady that that that I'm talking to how do I know she loves me I'm gonna be breaking it down in this seminar how to know if he or she really loves you if a guy really likes you one of the things you'll notice is that he's very proud of you very proud of introducing you to the people that matter I understand he might not post your picture every way the world I understand it might not make public announcement on total Ambridge or be bored I understand that some people confirm that they are private however you can be so private that nobody in this world knows that one is kammo my sister that one is what got some guests they see they see scope some guy that's completed a lie CMS you know have hit us you know you know you know a big hit we have public people we can show us ever I got my brother marriage is not a private affair both of you come marry on that yeah I guess what I'm saying don't let anybody deceive your mother is a very public issue all of us BuzzFeed no last last would you have children that marriage will you hide everything - a public issue so yes he might not make a public nishapur announcement however the important people in his life most a listener if he has it as Alice's parents are not visit us his pastor is not part of the hittas his mentor's or boston office not him important people at least must know if he's hiding you from every party you are not the only one that's why I can't show you anywhere and in this twenty something years I've been doing this job I keep teaching girls this thing and so honestly don't get it so Asma Castle pastor there's this guy is this a Liberty he's a publicity he say all these many things he can't tell anybody I said nobody I don't know say nobody he said was not anybody I say he's coming then two weeks after three or one month after she would come back I see he has broken of glass he of course Brooklyn you ready we're getting yourself he was never dead to you if the guy is hiding you from the important people his parents has passed us his boss mentos important people in his life need to at least know you importance people of integrity or not he is drunk at friends oh but those are my part of these camp they will go your wife you what they're gonna send you around pepper soup today jollof rice tomorrow they all know that you are not the one don't mind us by so that's why that not safe do then I look at success it is food run a food you can allow that's not what I could give all this weekend you two very fun busy this weekend where it is their fried rice shame those boys out weekend you could have found busy this that fried rice stream different you didn't cook for your mind don't see us one so I'm talking about people of integrity and respect in his life not his friends Oh friends can be part of this camo most nights friends knows the other girls and they are all trying to decide they always have meeting and conference to choose who are huge coin points they are all chosen so the buoy through your stir fried rice if you if you see what they talk about you for the electron said I won't think because she's cooking for us she think because she's cooking for us vota dome area lowly food shabby another region food if he's hiding you he's coming you if he's hiding you he is what it's coming you so if he loves you he'll be glad to two really important people in his life when I first met my wife I was their relationship the first thing I did was I took her to my mentors every summer Damian Victor I mean family and I introduced her to them and I said I'm told she's even free to report me if I miss me about any time if a woman loves you one of the things you know used to know is that she'll be committed to you she'll be totally committed to you you can tell that she's totally dedicated to you she'll be glad to post your picture she'll be glad to you know talk about you she'll be hundred you can they will be no sense of distance there will be no sense of half commitments you will see hundred percent commitment what am I saying this because usually we men have the capacity to run more than one train at the same time most guys don't know guys let me tell you humans dilemma what happens to women is this women have no choice but to wait on the men approach them Bob on the men's side is different men are the one that choose who they want to approach so this will happen most men go for women that they like women have to wait for any man that comes so sometimes a man that they don't minority really like will come and they'll say well there's not a person here now and this the person that has come let me first hold this one fess why we are see hope in men I'm giving you coding now let me hold this one first while we are waiting for desert Washington to come so they are running this program but they are see entertaining other chats from some other prospective guys a most time see Muslims that a woman cheats or double dates is largely because they are not satisfied with who they are with men for a different reason a man can be with a woman he loves very much and still be tempted to cheat women are not like that if you man is really in love she has no time from that person if she's really in love she doesn't give another person attention naughty/nice horrible toasts the human dies in love you are wasting your energy what's your name is a have a boyfriend what's your phone number I have a boyfriend where do you live a happy boy don't disturb me she will give you anything but if you didn't want I claims to be an alien Japan is entertaining you she's not happy with the person she's with I thought she doesn't think the presents have best option or she used to love the person but the person is messing up big time and she's getting tired of that person so most times a woman cheating clap thank you so most times if you say oh man she's initially because they are not satisfied but man can be very satisfied with who he has married but he's roaming spirits he's teaming his eyes to be going up on now somebody guess what I'm saying I love the men that she they have great women at home oh great wives that can cook dice find I can't do everything but the eyes the outside woman is not like that when you say woman sitting inside the house one is neglecting her husband is a big you know messing up big-time or she married below her level because time was going through was desperate just marry somebody and she has not found out that why did I even marry this person so she's running and women have the capacity to run many programs make and not if a man is running more than one program you we know because all his attention is one side the moment he removes it from his wife to on that person everybody we know he has neglect cause he's always focusing here men are like that because women operate the attention is usually one-sided so that's why if you manage to see never do you know if once again before you put this on here grandpa he's possible it has password everybody would know is teasing if your man is here nice looking at fine guys ever denote the girl he's looking at he's copied you look at her I ever do know she's gonna get if a woman is here and she's copying a man you can't know [Applause] the man is here now here sugar look what she does coke the man who - mother are you many men think that one that was the human in less human that was that them now she choose you not be you choose on see that this fine girl I just met I trusted man she tossed you now if I see you because I know my intentions can the romance in all the eligible people she has not the one that have a chance and the one that never have a chance so if you that you are last copy one girl she has already seen us copy huh you don't keep your answer they wait for you for pocket say the day you dare come and sell rubbish your nail there with you because you are seen way I look at that she don't keep her nail there with you your answer is waiting for you so don't go there then the people she wants the people she wants she assume when they sit so no matter what she's doing she go finally pass there oh I forgot my shoes should I show you market since not you playing Odyssey [Applause] that why she's near you joke when I reach five seconds laughs you go laughing for five minutes he's not enough time to show you that she can laugh that you stopped beating for no disease beat you she showing you how Marcus yeah so she's one that shows you you're not gonna lose huh so we may not slick like that because they have the capacity of ramadhan want at the same time that's why we see them when a good a normal good married woman she's raising her children working take your husband doing her job cooking she's running many things whoo men actually multitask men are not like that man like that boo and I'm credible remote if a woman is if a Christian woman is Steven cheating her relationship with God is to be going fine she's lovely everybody's loved the I don't know my way you know they affect them then what love got the same way OCP diligence in our church work she could love a husband where love our children where love boyfriend one with love boyfriend true way everybody we're taking a nobody to complain if a man is sitting here everybody will complain except the person sitting with you see me no longer become the church rebel alley you see him you know it was slacking at work you see his wife all the time saying you are neglecting me don't come home the only person away enjoying the best in sitting with so many men can do man I once in well at same time women everybody is where she was still love her Lord where she seen didn't worship happily Jesus is not missing us you see here laughter service should we go on set or a people who make our own things so if she loves you if she loves you she will close all other of us and focus on you and you we know it because you'll give you a hundred percent education are you here somebody [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kingsley Okonkwo
Views: 861,599
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Keywords: David’s Christian centre, Pastor kingsley Okonkwo, Looking for Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo Message, pastor kingsley okonkwo mp3 messages, pastor mildred okonkwo, pastor kingsley okonkwo youtube, pastor kingsley Okonkwo Spiritual growth Message, pastor kingsley Okonkwo video message, Pastor k, DCC Pastor, Davids Christian Centre, How To Know If He or She Really Loves You., How to know If He Really Loves you, How to know if she really loves you
Id: gzroVMwquvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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