Without Personal Identity, Can Mind Cause Trouble?

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[Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang here today very good actually the initial intention was just to get to have a meeting with the Sangha who reside here Monty Sasha and people who have been living in the area and are strongly connected to my decision but it just felt in the last two hours or so so no but they are quite a few I've been looking around and seeing that they're quite a few people who I've been here since the the end of their last retreat and I I felt a strong feeling also to see who was here I'm sure with the with the announcements going on so late for that that last-minute change some people probably would not have made it to come this morning so I have put off the meeting for the Sangha that's very also very important for me for maybe another few days so I can have a chance to see as many people who are here today know and who is leaving soon tight tomorrow today so it's so it's it's keep your eye on the form it is all I can say okay so good whew okay good good good what are we gonna talk about today not okay [Music] can I start with you shut down as you like as you like I can come on so the retreats have been like super powerful for me and like in the first retreat I had just at the mind just vanished like there was no room for it at all and in the second retreat when I was sitting at Sur it came up with so much resistance and it was got to like this much were like a lot of transcendence happened also with it and since like since the end of the retreat like a days there was so much joy and so much peace and like a clarity I never experienced before in my life like about everything and I could see like that - trying everything - really - so get me out of this and I used as much time and like so much vigilance - to not fall for this and it's like which kind of how how is mine so strong let's open question for everybody because everyone say you have been here for some time also you your report now he said the retreats were very strong for you the first one was powerful the second one mine came I'm gonna bring you all into this when was the mind come and it's coming in his most savage attacks okay so I want to see how savage the attacks from the mine can be you know because your time here has been to discover that which is beyond the mine mine meaning our also personal identity is very very much caught in mine without personal identity could mine cause trouble so take a moment take a moment take a moment because everybody suffers from mind to take a moment to answer this question then without personal identity you know and so with our personal identity can mine because trouble just a little from him it's a good question or not yeah if you are not personal meaning if you're not thinking of yourself as your personal identity ego identity and so on can the mine trip you up and beat you up and send you to hospital and all this type of stuff could it do it no and you know what I'm speaking about is not mind in its broadest expression because we all use mind all this world we experience also through the mind a conditioning the sense of good and bad and right and wrong and beautiful and ugly and you know tall and short and tasty and awful and all of these things this interrelated play of opposites is all mine it's it's okay mmm so the first question I wanted to ask again that's an everybody question is that can mine be an efficient or effective enemy or mischief-maker without you being personal that was the first thing is it a second question then output is it possible to have a life impersonal the two question one is is it possible that mind can mind attack you know people everybody's over mine coming with all these horrible things and it was you know you just want to meet God you want to meet God and the mind or the devil mind whatever he said mmm you're not going there it does to play as the play No and so basically he has the power yeah I see the power to say you're not gonna make it not while I'm around you know go make it and is that it call off the search look you know we're not going anywhere because mine says mmm-hmm which ever direction you turn I'm gonna be in your way you have to get past me I'm here to block you from heaven to block you from finding you your goal okay first thing can mind block is actually question three three points now does mind have that power by itself irrespective of you doesn't matter who you are does it have the power by itself to say any human being I have the authority I have been given the power to block you first question answer it doesn't have this power second question you can turn the mind the psychological part of the mind which you may call you know the devious mind the dark mind hmm the devil mind can it can it function and be effective against you if you were not personal is everybody on this question yeah I think is good because the rest of sacs are gonna be dealing with this again okay so a second point and what's the third point is it possible to have a life which is above the range of the psychological mind is it possible to have a life that is truly free doesn't mean mind will not try but it's a bit like a dog barking at the flying bird and then you is out of range this is possible is it possible for you okay back to you you have a good retreat you say yeah powerful Ruchi there's no mind they couldn't they couldn't touch you why he couldn't touch you because and I see it very clearly like the mind needs somebody that it can speak to yeah and so there is like also like with this vigilance it's the question like who's the mind speaking to and also like after this retreat every time it came like almost every time it came like I could sit and I inquire like who is it speaking to and then there's like this joy coming again that it cannot speak to anybody it's like you cannot be turned away you mean that there's nobody there yes it's just like and then the emptiness is there and it speaks inside and there is like there's no entity listening to it somehow it's just like a voice that is perceived and but there is like one misunderstanding it creates somebody who listens to it and this is like what is like at the moment very strong and it exposes this again because I had this like already like maybe I don't know for how long and it's like when there is like this recognition of emptiness and that like everything is just perceived and thoughts are perceived as thought then there is this immense joy and peace and space inside like this feeling when you're in your impersonal yes and then when this feeling of identity comes it's like a such a like unacceptable feeling somehow like it's like such a heavy state and such like contraction inside like joy for everybody as if like an elephant sits on my chest or something it's like I cannot breathe almost and this feeling is what the mind is using like to show like now you're somebody and you're not the emptiness because if you are the emptiness this would not be there elephant will not the dead yes and this causes like somebody who is like listening to it but how do you elephant get there the domain put it there is it just by the way of life that the elephant ends up on the chest or was it first that something triggered the memory of yourself personally and then with some issues or something for it to get to hook into and then it started to build this elephant feeling it's the feeling of an identity that creates it and what do you do when that happens let's say that you're not in time the mind is too quick but time you realize it the elephant is already grown big chop in cellular your system now what can you do you say that when you are impersonal this feeling the mind all this kind of personal you know you're no good enough you're never gonna make it why would God choose you there must be a time when those that voice is very very very virile you know it catches you know it catches you and you're very very much entangled with self-image so you know that when you become personal then this voice becomes strong now suppose it happens so quick you were a bit off guard and suddenly you're in you're in the turmoil of personal personal noise is coming and it's you know listen okay now it's too late it's already in what you can do about it somebody say what mmm-hmm stop to fight is another one he's smiling I think he tried that they still got decent what you can do effectively hmm so now what what let's analyze together what has happened when already you're caught up in the noise the inner noise of feelings and emotions and you know the kind of psychological noise the mind it likes evidence yeah you see that this one time remember what happened yesterday when you go in there and you get pulled into that and saw the soup thickens getting even more dense is it too late so what we want to hear what you do about it usually that's the time when I like to inquire it comes with who is it speaking to and usually works yeah but okay so let's take history so now so it has to be something personal first of all we have evaluated that the mind has no power in this play except if it gets you to become a person again you agree or not you must have an experience enough times to be able to even answer without thinking about it it's only when you become personal so its attacks are always personal in fact you've heard me say also there's all problems are personal based it doesn't have to be even so personal you can be your your bank account or something but but somehow you take it personally like oh my god no my life is over oh my god and then mine starts to give you a whole range of different kinds of suffering that's it it's gonna rain upon you or something and you fall for that going to more deeper suffering it's - but once it has happened like in this case and we see that we are not able to fend it off from not happening until you are sufficiently mature enough that it's like the mind of the income anymore do you know that that can happen that it's just no contest and he is gonna waste this time to get a beating so you will find someone there's always somebody around is good and ready for a nice little mugging from the mind so you will go to you how is it then in your worst moment when your mind has come and it's just raining down sulfur from the skies on you and you say you go to your inquiry you find out you know - - so who who is really suffering this but are you yourself strong enough to stand in that question are you going you know like you know I mean who who who is suffering this or are you like who is what what is your position is it and do you go straight to question or do you not check in first never we were talking before that you know it's good just to keep checking in before you go to the reflex of just getting involved and stuck into that before you're getting into any sort of fight with them I just check in what what really is here really because you know the noise that is created through the mind and all the suffering and identity it began before it began where are you and when it began did anything happen to the real place of yourself I think there is this this misunderstanding about like this feeling because when I when there is just like emptiness they must maybe I'm not so clear about this there's this confusion it must be maybe somebody who is enjoying it he was not clearly seen who turns then out into like from the enjoyer to the sufferer if the feeling goes and another can we take a look that in in maybe in the case where we say this emptiness it feels quite impersonal right so you are not the emptiness emptiness is some enjoyment for you is the great peace is an enjoying energies not that I am the peace you're having a piece of peace you are not the peace yet but somehow you're able to to be in the experience you say well thank you thank you well you're on your own yeah perfect peace perfect contentment joy it's all here you didn't produce it you didn't do any technique for it you have just discovered that that is here okay you didn't make it you discovered the China now you're saying also that maybe previously you thought that you had come home and you are the emptiness they feel I emptiness and myself it's one is the same thing we used to my my way of my reference used to be my person then the reference became a consciousness or the self or you may say like this now or they i am-ness or something that has changed it becomes a higher reference no there is even beyond this also so what happened when your reference for yourself was just your person the one with a history you know your family your linear to all these things that was the way that you check in that's really your autobiography come from the memory of yourself and the identity your conditioning so informed your resume or something now but something expanded into a deeper consciousness where you don't just take the shots were firing at you and take them like just personally and just say that this is what I am you're able to observe from a bit more of a distance isn't it and with that distance it things became less personal and with the discovering of a less personal place to be the life became much more beautiful much lighter much more open less less fearful isn't it can I assume that most people have come to that level at least midweek you know can I I'm not gonna repeat anyway you know I'll take your answers that you put them some people have come to a certain place where they're not just functioning at the level of ego there's more distance in this more space they are aware that they are more than their body and mind play you're one of dominant yeah yeah you're more than just your body-mind play your human history is not your sole reference for what you are something much more pure and light something less solid life you're not just a body and there's something you're more like the spirit inside the body isn't it you're able to observe things but you still haven't left the region where the mind the psychological mind can still get you you're with me or not yeah so even though you've risen beyond the the easy-grip of person personhood mind still sometimes less but when it catches you it's the catches and it catches you with the same old trick personally and that you know you did something wrong and you missed your chance and basically you know I mean what's the point you might as well leave and it brings actually the mind psychological mind can go from this big to this big in seconds it's faster than the Ferrari I tell you on this one it can start from just being a little depressed to be in suicidal in in less than a minute have anybody experience oh that's a stronger okay so you see how easy is is not afraid to suggest something to you which in your right mind you would just not have accepted but in the moment when you are weak or you're distracted from the truth of yourself you can just throw enough spanner in the works of just saying you know it's pointless you know you're on a bridge jump and some people have you know that don't you in front of chains in front of things and in just that moment of complete you know maybe a sense of deep you know in a disturbance or depression or frustration or something it just feels like this is even easier to do just finish it you know you make so many other people's lives easier and they reach out to you like that and maybe in that moment your thinking will not be strong enough to just step away from that so we see that these things can happen but when you are in your natural state meaning that you're standing in your gods trends in place of consciousness in your formlessness that voice becomes very weak for you and so to that extent your life is a lot more open much more joyful your interactions with people are at a higher level of consciousness you don't get zapped so easily even to the point where some people if they're in a low state of mind or consciousness your presence can elevate that that situation isn't it and you have experienced it also so what are we talking about today hmm you say someone who's experienced a retreat very beautiful almost invincible don't believe you are but you know you're in a place where you feel totally you know untouchable by the lower play of them psychological mind the devious mind second retreat he came strong that's good and as I said before please avoid making premature conclusions about anything you experience don't go to super confidence or depression just stay neutral and observe from a neutral place the second retreat you start to come and of course it came in a personal way isn't it and you were surprised that you got caught I kind of knew that right something has to come like after the first retreat okay and it was I I really like it was good it was very good that it came also and a lot of things catch on in this right there was so it was good because you overcame them temptation is a temptation it's not a good nor bad until actually you lose or you chance and it isn't it so you transcend it must be to say that it was good ok and now when you beat the mind if you have you beaten em forever it doesn't seem like it catches me with this point where that I said and yeah what is the point it's also like when you make this example directed like this swinging from like impersonal to personal and yeah it's going on but it hasn't been catched that of course it is seen in a way but like there is this misunderstanding that when it is seen that it's like just something perceivable then there is like this this joy and and open space and everything so it is kind of like the left side of the of this pendulum which it doesn't seem like I'm like when it swings let me ask another question then is it possible having come to a place a very secure stable place of seeing if I can put like that if anyone can take ownership of that a stable place of seeing where even if mine came in strong with some things it does not shake you in your understanding that you are self even if something momentarily are you distracted yeah like this no does that mean you've failed as the self or you are not quite the self think about it for a moment you're at your you're at your the height of your understanding mmm you feel very much in in holy presence like that it still mine comes like that and your attention is is caught and you end up moving in a way that you know you would put in a bed in another moment you you would probably not have made this choice or not been pulled into the dark do you suffer totally or no I've lost herself or something or can you can you just see from that well yeah and that needed to be seen are you not yet the self because of this this thing happened the very important point you see because even one who has transcended you are going to make mistakes for a while the important thing the important thing is not to dismiss the the seeming mistakes now use them as I say the wise person builds a house with the stones that his enemies throw at him and lives happily in this house meaning we need trouble to grow it is as though consciousness creates the sense of a problem in order to have the experience of transcending it we could call life a game of transcending meaning overcoming and what are you overcoming personhood can I put it in terms at that because that's that's what being is the sense of a trouble or a problem is based upon who you take yourself to be you're a particular person that feels very very strong and conditioning inside you have no option you're never not a person almost all your life you've been only person so how can you ever be impersonal maybe some people have never even heard that there's an option or there's a space for impersonal living don't know your person and if there is a moment of impersonal life you experience it personally this your limitation can be functioning like that but you came to a certain point where you're able to observe more both the personal and the impersonal is to Anand if you are able to observe both the personal and the impersonal where were you who are looking and what is your position where are you looking from is it theoretical what I'm speaking now you have the capacity to see that something is very personal and you also have the capacity to sense when something is impersonal who are you the witness of both you don't have to speak it out for other people this is just for you here you are alone you must make this transcendence alone you want to share with us here because we're here called by the same voice then you can speak it out so others can say Angeles and I feel I haven't reached that stage yet I'm still being sucked into the drama of my own life is your life outside of you or is your life inside of you because sometimes you can see people whose environment their life environment seemed very pleasant and yet they are suffering terribly we're inside themselves inside their head that thing even if you were a palace was built for you with all the servants everything you want doesn't stop you from suffering you must get out of your head and the best way to start also is beginning to observe what I mean by head head is all your projections all your ideas conditioning you know all that that gives you the impression that you have a history and this happened and this is what is happening every day and actually our take on life is very unique and very personal I said before it's like if you go to bed to sleep in your with your husband or your wife or your friend you're sleeping next to each other and you have a dream and it's a very very powerful dream you cannot get the person next to you to plug in and to experience a yard dream because even if they could plug in and perceive your dream in terms of the image of it but they're interpreting Tao will experience it differently we didn't pitch or not so if I'm saying here even your dream is a unique experience I'm going to go one step further and say your life daily life is also a unique experience happening sideyou you may be able to correspond with someone about it in some but they can never experience it the way you are experiencing it's fair enough or not so what it means when I say that there's one earth but there are billions of worlds what I mean by a world is your own version of the world due to conditioning education belief identity and other factors which are untraceable constitute your perception of the world and every moment it can be different depending upon your mood and so many things are contributing to the way in which the world is experienced it's a very unique and psychological experience also now it may sound that wow that's oh my god if you multiply that by seven and a half billion versions of a world I mean it's a very rare cluster phobic place well not cluster for being in the sense that you got your own unique thing of it where can there be harmony with people it is not going to be a harmony of minds because mind also we also protect our projections good or bad personal or impersonal but most likely personal you are not your person your person is a construct that we keep on changing shape it's a shapeshifter we grow we've had many different versions of ourselves that we you know are shaped by fashion by by so many different things but there's still a sense of a continuity there that continuity is the basic and fundamental consciousness the vibration in you the sense I exist because every living being of this I exist feeling in them they know that they exist what they are that exists they're not clear about what you are that exists you are becoming more clear about and to that extent we are experiencing more of a unified field of understanding also not just what you're told you are but what you are discovering you are and without the support of imagination or visualization a sober discovering and there's no need to try and replicate and be like someone else it's not necessary you may be inspired by someone's life but as you deepen in your own discovery your life is also a very unique expression of God and yet through that universality of true discovery freed from the rigidity of personal identity that's the only way that you can come into that Universal field of love enjoy because these are actually impersonal love is impersonal do you know that it can have a personal flavor but love in order to be universal it has to be impersonal now can universal love have the same kind of joy as personal love or more I'm asking the question much much more I say this because sometimes we feel that personal love you know is what love is you know it has to be practice or we've known it's personal love but universal love you know the capacity is in you and is much more adaptable to universal love than only to personal love the universal love can have a flavor of personal love but it's not limited by impressed enough and this is what also you are experiencing being in sahaja also we're not going around to your love love-love-love no no until you discover discover the truth of yourself and love becomes your perfume peace becomes yeah joy becomes your perfume you go and find the quintessence of what you are and that discovery blesses every other aspect of your expression automatically and you have to be the proof of that because we're not here in I'm not University class we do see the beings amongst us because we live together those who are popping open you know who to go to talk to if I am NOT here you know yeah I'm gonna talk to this one I'm gonna talk to that one because in their presence you feel that they exude the quality of understanding and impartiality and depth and love and all of you have it everybody have it but sometimes if we are still embracing personal hood too much when it's time to can open your arms and release yourself from person a little bit more knowing that you are not losing anything fundamentally true in that but just expanding and really opening up the wings of your own spirit to feel the magnificence and the magnitude of the love and the Spirit of God with and I wonder how how seriously you take it easy because what can slow you down and what can advance your journey do you have you you must come too you must know that what really can be in your way they can the psychological mind can the devious the negative energies of the world with you wanna call demons or whatever can they by themselves and of their own power stop you from becoming yourself you know how great a discovery that is you can never become possessed by any kind of spirit unless you're a personal because your person although it is also shaped out of consciousness it is the weakest link of consciousness is that we are living in our weakest capacity when you're taking life too personally who is hearing me on this one yes thank you and you know it chewy experience too isn't it that when we when you give attention to petty things you know you know in a way we are encouraging a fragmentation of your energy and that power is is there inside for everybody and be careful that you don't sample the purity of consciousness and just be left with this feeling yes I know I can go there when I like because of many have fallen short actually because of that because you still have some aspirations for the world the carnal mind is still very much alive in us but it's taking the back seat but he's still in the car ok now you think yeah yeah I got it together okay but the carnal identity is to passenger in car having a very nice ride so these things they have to be pointed out because when we are supporting personhood something protects is like we protect the offense and not perceiving it like you know like we pardon it like in a place that's so big at the unites all right you know just just once more something that and I am NOT slapping anyone's hand about that you we are old enough and I feel wise enough are so but the play of destructiveness never leaves you completely we need actually some trouble you need it in order to develop the kind of muscles for transcendence you you do need it and it will come but don't be complacent about it there must be someone with a pioneering spirit who says you know I'm gonna find you use this body to find how far I can go in my search for truth in my search for God there must be somebody because many people just kind of you know yeah you know like I'm there I'm in I mean in what I mean there must be amongst us those who just feel like you know I felt the word in my heart and I know it to be true and I just need to really baptize my mind fully inside my heart because that's what I say that you must become the proof that God exists for all of us also each one by your life by your present not just by your mouth because many people can speak but even if you were a mute you would find that there people who'd want to be with you because the presence of God is so powerful with you and it's not a part-time thing and it's not even a full-time thing it is not a thing that you are doing is that you know sometimes you may have heard me say you are simply becoming yourself it sounds crazy there's many of you thing but I have myself but only as they begin to look more deeply and to experience the proof of their true existence we begin to wonder well you know like I have just been holding on to so many things which are not true or they say that which falls short of the glory of God a voice is inside us that wants you to to stay in our carnal identity and it seems to be successful because we are creatures of habit and even bad habits we have some kind of I would say affection for like you have an affection for the infection but it feels like at least it's your infection you know we are like this you don't have to take ownership for anything at all like that it is just the play of the manifest world you should not tolerate your own our own wrongdoings but because you call it your own you have affection for it you touch your own poo but you won't touch anybody else's book visit I'm sorry I'm not an elegant example but it's clear enough don't be too lenient with our own tendencies which are not in service to the truth like that I want to just say something before you go back to your seat and that is like when you are from moment to moment when you check in a very unusual thing for most people because we take our lives so much for granted then we don't even question our identity at all but you have discovered something you have discovered that peace loves to be with you love loves to be with you when joy loves to be with you wisdom want to be with you grace wants to be with you when when are you attractive to these these what you may call virtuous divine virtuous when you become attractive to them when you make truth when you make God your first choice and when you make God your second choice and that choice because we cannot do that just by our own strength as a human being conditioned in the world as much as we have and people have got good qualities they got also we qualities it really is not just about that on me but how much there is in you an aspiration to go beyond them and that you now you I feel everyone I have said to you on so many occasions that all of you have the power in you to bring a chaotic state of mind back to peace it's true or not yes and I just want to say like God is my only choice yes has become super clear in this retreat so it's over like there's no tolerance for anything else at the moment and whatever needs to happen inside that everything is completely seen always just I I just pray for it also when but dogs also write that elephant has left at the moment so yeah it's just sorry nice it's good when your elephant has gone we feel will relief now but I want you that you feel release relief is momentary you will go and sometimes even without knowing you have not applied any remedy he goes because of the law of life is that things come and they go but what is important here is that when you check in and remember who you are you don't have to wait for it to go the ego has got to dislike being with you the son he has to dislike being with you not love being with you because you're moving more deeply inside your real nature like that and is these things are we merely feeling them as ideas or are they a deeper in you because if you only have things as ideas in the time of stress they will collapse if you feel yeah I really believe this man and I really know this you know yeah yeah I am listener but when you are tested really strongly you may find that your so-called knowledge will not stay with you even your so-called faith may not stay with you unless it really is blossoming inside your heart because we are good at saying things especially about ourselves each one sometime is good at comparing the worst in others with the best in ourselves and feel the I am I'm cool but when the time of testing you know you must also see that yes it it is true what I've understood it's experiential it's not just theoretical you see so not just temporary relief because the world this the world of names and form is a very temporary platform it is always changing everything is changing there's nothing here that you can rely upon and say do you know anything by the way do we know anything that we have experienced or seen or that has been unchanging absolutely unchanging start with yourself also because if you say everything I see is unchanging then you yourself must be unchanging enough to be able to verify that other things are unchanging only that's where you're reached inside that place that I've spoken about and you have come to see also and that is the unchanging from where all changefulness is observed and perceived and we it's not only about determination you can say you know every time the mind shows up I'm gonna give them a beating and you won't you won't you don't it's not required of you to boast about such things just continue confirming the true place that you are that's all don't go to try and beat the mind no no no just keep remembering looking confirming your true place you see that is the most powerful because that is always with you and that place is constant everything else is variable and like this because you cannot fight the mind and win not you cannot get into a street fight with your mind and win it must be that you confirm your truth don't waste time trying to only prove the untruth or to disprove the untruth also prove the truth thank you thank you thank you thank you some time have to broaden your question a little bit so that as many we can relate from a universal perspective rather than always staying in a presto place this is what is good about satsang that I'm not so interested in solving personal little personal problems and everybody is dealing with her probably working on the waite know everything we share is from the impersonal consciousness and then everybody can relate to that why can't we relate industry the same result from personal because you go to so many twists and turns and little different to keep something personal inside and every time you talk about it is different anyway so it is not reliable thank you thank you well I can't stop you I just feel each to come and I don't maybe the cost I'm doing the thing you're leaving today yes I just use this fire inside and please make it more because I wanted to put myself in this fire and let master remain what you mattress I feel that it's my ego firing in this fire going in this fire and I really am untouched I'm say like these emotions those feelings now is just happening it's happening inside that's what I am untouched and maybe from from outside it can seems like so many emotions inside but I really feel calm you have made a highest statement you made hiya statement because you say that yes because you know we said also step inside the fire of self-discovery and this fire will not burn you it will burn only what you are not and here you say yes I can see so many things abandoning and the crackling and and unexpectedly he's saying could you turn up the fire many people are saying give me some water no we turn on the fire but at the same time and this is what is so great what you're saying also I see that what I am is not being burnt it's not touching me and I actually want to hear from you if you have come to this fire hmm and you can say for yourself this that I am is not bad you see only what I'm not all my stuff all my troubles all my feelings the judgments and so on that is burning okay then I want to say something else about this actually because amongst all human beings if not all sentient beings what troubles us most is our feelings feelings is such the antenna of human beings always how I feel and all nights I feel feeling and the mind comes in with certain interpretations to to turn up the fire on that even more and it's about feelings and so on but you must have come to some place where you have come and you can see yes yes all these things I can feel the fire but where I'm looking from is a very cool place who can speak like that that I can feel this burning and sometimes emotions of burning sometimes my my present you know environment you know what work or family or whatever they're on fire right now but still I am not planning and if you found that if you are found that you are finding your eternity because everything else is bearable everything else is vulnerable everything that you perceive everything that you see or taste through the senses or the mind all this world of names and the farms when they will be gone while your body is warm find that which is imperishable in you find that which is imperishable and the guidance have come and you have looked by the grace of God you've come to see yes from the highest place you know free of definitions free of quality I find I am I find I am NOT I personally I consciousness um because without consciousness there is nothing without consciousness there is nothing everything appears and disappears in the consciousness everything appears and disappears in you the one who is able to witness it most people don't know that that is another way in which the divine expresses that you are capable of witnessing all these things even your person even in its most virile expression is still itself phenomenal meaning that something that can be wracking every taste every sound every everything that makes a blip is observed in the infinite Ness of the unchanging one now can you relate directly and experientially to what they're speaking so therefore we just have to look at what mr. mine can bring you because where else can it come from and the candor devil attack you without the mind can I ask this question I'm not asked it before can even the devil and demons can they attack you without using mind also so what is so precious about the mind in this case and about these things is it not about the person the person you take yourself to be our conditioning how you've been brought up what you've been brought up to believe you are and all these things comes under pressure from where and who is putting this pressure on you we all experience and of course we are meant to experience because I don't think there's anyone who has not experienced the fire of desire and hatred and judgment and attachments and neediness and and projections and all so each one must taste this but must also overcome it imagine if there was a world where you were to feel all these things but you could not overcome them would then be a need for hell anyway you are in the opportunity of life to transcend the ego aspect of ourselves we are not just ego it is a very lowly thing to regard a human being as merely ego this body was not made for Eagle higher than you for the presence of God or if you want to say for the functioning of consciousness it's the same because they cannot be God without consciousness what is the one thing that if you take it out nothing exists what is the one human beings should be smart enough to even ask this question what is the one thing if there was one thing if you take that one thing out nothing exists what is it say consciousness you say sight right eye [Music] earlier than I earlier than I am because I also arose it is the firstborn of all knowingness the feeling I am it is a name of God also it also appeared also in deep sleep there's no I am there is consciousness universal consciousness but it hasn't put on the uniform of I yet in fact I became kind of corrupted because it came from the pure from the purity came i am from the i am-ness come to i am the person s and when i became personal darkness came into the world there is something that is nameless it is formless also it is it that creates its different names to different people's around the world it is the same families when the nameless one gave a name to itself for different peoples around the world but it's the same one it's the same one God there has never been to gods it was only true imagination people speak these things when they want to fight against each other I have only heard when men doctor came here one time he was meant to come with his daughter and then his daughter didn't make it he came here and one time we had satsang he saw me outside and it says would you please help me and said what he said I am on fire please turn it up because it's not the pleasant feeling but you must be in a higher state of consciousness for this thing you to say yes I won't leave nothing unbanned because the only thing that cannot be burned is the only thing that exists really everything that's burnable is only momentary it's a cloud passing because it's like I'm staying side to this fire I'm not I'm inside but at the same time I'm outside yeah and by myself put roots in this fire yeah you know because I say it's just a sterile ideas in my mind just ideas it's not real which I consider default as real now I see that it's just imagination it was just imagination that is the evolution of consciousness just to come to that place to not have to lean on any concept is it possible to be alive and to be fully in life as life itself and to dance and to be without any favourite concepts really what is the comfort I time time says whatever you see whatever you have perceived from any zone of time from any realm of consciousness I devour them time say that the only thing that I cannot eat is pure consciousness from where I came then when you know this you know time is also a concept also but can you really know this can you really know this we yeah and don't just say yes because I say we I mean can you really know it yes and for everyone kind of know it but don't think they do and also that time is very subjective also time is very subjective because when you're happy time goes very quickly when you're suffering time goes very slowly and that goes even if you've got a clock and watching it it still moves slowly experientially then when you have anyway when you're happy you don't want to look at a clock anyway but I mean you know that is it's very very subjective if you feel you're waiting for punishment are you looking forward to a wonderful meeting if the time will play differently time is not what appears on a clock by the way I'd like to meet someone who is out of time I'm leaving today Emily I loved I'm leaving today I'm not happy that he's leaving you know but I'm happy that I can speak with you if I am leaving today and I know that you will only bring the things that really are significant for you and what I've heard from you is deeply deeply satisfying to me yes if there are things more to burn let them Brandel pan at a certain point it's like life arranges things for you to get burnt anyway you don't have to go looking for them just please what could have seen just walk through this with your eyes to walk with your heart to enjoy to enjoy this life is your joy and to stay through to stay in this truth yeah yes it becomes easy I am NOT here now to enjoy this life yeah not only this my joy is in knowing what I am and being with God is my joy it's not with things when I touch things my joy lights up a little bit with them but it's not in the things that the joy is but the choice in myself as it is with you the same thing no the joy is in you you are seeing it more and more that the joy is with you it arises here when it is not clear for you you will see that it comes from outside to help you to raise remember I said that in for most people in the world it's mostly our interactions is like person-to-person person to person to person to person to person to person that's our interaction okay what about if it is person to presence person to presence is a different vibration in climate person to presence presence meaning that the one who is transcending personhood experiencing more the things that we say of peace and joy and love and openness the silence you know and aspiration for higher things were higher hmm when the the person it was usually concerned about the personal life their life and and the ones that they loved only and the things that they want a name and fame and power that's the nature of the person when the person is open enough to meet presence then presence is a higher state of consciousness raise the person's consciousness to towards presence just to be in the company of presence meaning that the person is already experiencing even without words they're experiencing the vibration a higher vibration of consciousness so naturally something wants to go a bit higher not in every case but I will tell you in what case when life brings it together when God is behaving like your secretary and arrange all your meeting unusual thing to say but arrange is all your meeting you don't go out and think oh I like to talk with this one no you may feel that but if that happens in a very natural and spontaneous way then that could turn out to be good but you somehow just like incidentally you meet people then you find that in their presence something feels comfortable you don't know whether you're going from presence to to person or from presence to to higher presence you don't know what to do but when you meet you know something happens in that so from person to person is very common in this world from person to presence that is blessed meaning that you're meeting someone who is at a higher level of consciousness and more someone with more purity or feels closer to God in a way and so they can raise your that the inner being to a higher state then what about when consciousness is absolute and that is even more rare why is it that so many people they come to place like sahaja or tava and the earth some of them actually feel this place real why these people so happy some people are disturbed when they come is a wide if you know what is smiling like that I don't know then only after one day they say wow they're genuine there I did really happy you see but sometimes mine cannot agree he said no no why should people be so I mean we're so used to seeing people miserable that feels norm that's enough to see people who are content or peaceful or genuinely happy that is very unusual and yet we are not teaching how to be happy how to be loving yes of course we point that one should be more kind more open but the teaching itself and the discovering itself is automatically releasing those higher virtues within ourself in happens very naturally with you thank you so much and thank you for singing are you a family I don't know it shone like a pure expression of your grace yeah are you anxious I love you guys it's like I'm waiting for the right moment to meet you we'll just ready but I can also wait forever putting God on first second and third roots which fits beyond a personal decision I see that something is changing here first something is dying and something else is getting burned but this fear still happening to someone I'm here to discard that what is beyond isn't beyond time the fact that you can say that all this burning and this something something is dying at he put like that something is dying and like something is about to be born it's a very very I'm gonna use the word I'm searching for a word or two I like most right now to say it doesn't feel an entity upon regime no no no let's say it's a gracious time for now okay if something the sense of dying you know because sometimes people actually think they're physically dying and they've got a doctor and doctor send them away yeah nothing is wrong with you but they feel like they're dying because something that they've has been living in them actually like death has been living in them but not necessarily as a physical disease or disarmed aney but at an emotional psychological you know at a heart level something has been the wrong occupant is there not so because of grace this thing is drying up in you and it can feel like a death in mind but you say at the same time it's like something feels like it wants to be born and this why I say that it sounds very full of grace and I feel very good about that now you say I want to find that which is beyond then I say the fact that you are already perceiving a sense like there's a kind of dying there's a sensation that's arising in you you are perceiving a sense of dying you're also perceiving a sense of a of a rebirthing inside not that which is sensing that that which is aware of this this sense of dying and living is that itself dying or living then this is impressing the thing you know thing observe port you can observe both so if you observe see it takes a while even sometimes of people to think but to see a separation there that actually but these are sensations are rising inside and if I say how big is the inside in which they are arising say something by a feeling of something is dying or believing perishing and at the same time there is something that is seem like it wants to flower or burst open no it's all happening inside then there is another place in which both those polarities or both those sensations are seen that which sees them hmm does that have a shape be very clear about it it's not just a supposition like what you assume no no you can see can I say yeah whatever is happening here how how store it might be I can always say I can see it but it must be that this one is not fully did it touched by it from it she's not fully detached to touch from it even I can say I see it yeah so if this one now this is very good you said there is a sense of something dying there's a sense of something about take bath and there is a place from which they are being seen also right but they the one we see in them doesn't seem to be totally detached from them you follow but that is also seeing them so the witness who is seeing that the one who is dying and ones given birth and and something that's watching them is attached to them must reveal a deeper seeing where which is not at all attached to anything can you follow that one a much less personal or impersonal place where that's witnessing of all that you have said even in the the greatest subtlety of perception that that is also seen yeah but here's the thing now sometimes we feel yes I see that I can see like this no but you don't give it the quality of attention that you could it's almost become a cliche to say yes I can see I can see but you don't realize the profound 'ti of actually stopping and looking at that not looking at it for a movie sensation but looking at it to say that if they can be seen they cannot be the ultimate seer what is seeing them can that be caught up in any kind of personal scenario this is where this is where your introspections blossom into full power and many people avoid right there because almost the mind is playing his last card you know maybe there's a fear that makes us avoid this confrontation of looking that maybe it might feel that we might lose something important if we see something too clearly is it worth by saying this because sometimes we are looking thinking you know it's like you you have some investment in keeping a certain thing as it is even though that thing can be hemorrhaging attention from you it can be causing you pain but on some level within yourself you're supporting its presence in your life isn't it this is a human thing no but now I'm asking but you know from the looking place is the looking is it pure enough that it has no association at all the very place of looking is there an entity looking or is it just like these are looking out from some vastness this is a place I don't get enough feedback from you who has gone that far out into space this I want to find out who can really look who is looking here and who are you looking as not just what are you looking at but who are you the one who looks is it personal does it have a shape then own your words digest you're seeing own your words don't leave them as words the words themselves must combust into spirit and this is what I was saying that if they are not proven internally and God give you the power to do that then a situation may come that is so testing for you that what you are saying now does not hold the charge it doesn't hold the power hmm to watch any crisis come to an end it's almost as though you collapse in that that - that much significance I'm giving this thing if you say yeah I see that I'm not that and so on yeah okay can I ask you another question no answer this with all your entire being and you won't have any more questions you need to ask about it answer this fully present and see where did even the answer come even answer coming is also seen and then you have even surpassed thinking also because any thought coming is also seen any feeling any sensation is also seen and now it is here that which perceives perceiving itself is what you then perhaps you have gone beyond words now we have gone beyond discussion now is there time here no so if there's no time here hmm there's nothing that come and go here but who can verify if there's no time here then there's no there's no time space relationship here is that gone too far have we gone too far okay what do you see don't answer me just let the question come the question deserved to be asked what is here now look you see the census cannot help you here the mind also cannot help no help is needed also when you are firmly grounded in what is here I'll ask you one more question what does it does he it's not just silence pieces here are so the pieces here silence contentment a quiet choice here but if there's awareness of them also his piece doing anything his joy doing anything the silence doing anything is it a state of sleep are we sleeping this is the state beyond state and so for those of you ready I'm going to ask you one question about it and answer only what is true now what you've heard does this come and go can any experienced any experience be above this not just asking whatever you can imagine the most the most delicious food the most beautiful place the greatest company because I don't get much chance to ask this kind of question I don't feel as many places unknown in the planet where you hear this question now and beings who can respond to it what is this what is this I don't want any answer just leave my question to happen who lives here can it come and go there was a dog coming get out oh yeah can't go but they didn't have any quince tea subsided again he said no there was a doubt came such as Kenan go fair enough a doubt come can it go hmm well look at it feel it know it right now I can say it out was arising in it and just subside us again so it's also this is seen also it's the doubt they can go yeah not what the doubt is about why can't the dog the doubt stay the doubt also come and go what is it that you are perceiving is it something outside of you is it something inside of you who are you is this the person's experience the person is expressed in it personal is also experienced in it yes we are not using imagination will it be there when you're gonna have your lunch in a minute will it kind of like slip in the backseat sometimes I say it's more here than you because sometimes the idea we have of who we are that is coming and going but is this coming and going and what is this and yet we do from time to time say you know I really I really loved that scene this morning and I was really good but somehow I had to made a phone call and it's not so strong anymore is this strong or weak does it go strong or weak does it like some more and others not so much then all I can say to you then is marinate your attention in it until the sense of going there and if the experience is that you come into this place okay okay Tran come out of it which means I was in a state where it was not it is limited so go back to the place you were before now and yet it's going to feel at some find I wish I was getting back there again and this voice will be believed and yet this vise and the Speaker of it also is also appearing in this and perceived in this what's to be done what's to be done we don't have to speak more than this you know we don't have to speak - speaking more than this is not making more of this is there any experience in life as you have tasted this comparable with this and yet there's nothing you can say about is it cleared up for you I think has to say I don't even say this will come again I'll go away again it doesn't matter at the moment I'm gradually this age is this year is this the prophets the sayings the meditators whoever it is you know will come to come to the recognition of this day they simply loved to be here and to keep just being with this it is not a philosophy is it a religion particularly no it is not anything we define as belonging to one people and not to another people it is the universal consciousness it is the Supreme Being and it also permits all the diversity of expression to happen but all of these happen in time and space and they dissolve they come and go but does this come and go I don't think anybody from this side answered that one is it a trick okay washi for exchanging me with you here we are one here we are one here you have one here you are one even drop one or so is it boring is exciting what somebody's got a bit more than why not why not you can say okay all right this one is leaving two days okay to work for two months yes remaining at your feet always you just go into another part of the infinite yes okay miss parents thank you thank you thank you everybody good good good good good good um somebody play something [Music] fewer for the love you get for the [Music] [Music] food a crazy they still meet you in this life losing time chairs in clouds in the sky I say to you my lord I say thank you my lord thank you I say thank you cute [Music] life has never be so true and free before I receive you nothing [Music] only love only only know he is through only love it's through you take me by the hand and show me there's no choice reality by three you carry all my steps with love that so you set my heart rate sweet I say thank you my lord I say [Music] thank you cute [Music] life is never beat so true and free I refer you and me nothing [Music] Oh [Music] only love only love he's true she she Oh mocchi Oh [Music] see I don't know either Shiva I don't know - Shiva but all that other [Music] that's how the she yeah my [Music] um [Music] life has never been so true and 3p I rest in you nothing more or only love only love only love is true only love only love only love he's through you're leaving awesome tomorrow tomorrow and I know to Italy but we're in Switzerland Switzerland in Italy Switzerland [Music] okay - which part of system then and the Italian back that's where I grew up but now I live in the Germans where we're not far from Bern do you know rich was real rictus really powerful father cause more 30 yeah yeah I know your finger I used to go there many years ago we should go again thank you thank you for today [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 104,987
Rating: 4.8791094 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, Sahaja
Id: Kcq3umWpXK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 14sec (7094 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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