The One Who Is Awake Brings Heaven to Earth

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang this morning here in beautiful Rishikesh windy beautiful fresh morning and for all those who are joining us by a broadcasting one heartful welcome to you today yesterday if I could just begin like this just checking first if you can hear me okay at the back I began yesterday by just asking that for those who are perhaps new to satsang who may have just dropped in or so I would just encourage you you're very very welcome please sit be comfortable but I would appreciate if you don't just raise questions immediately I'd like to leave this space more open for those who have been following and the pointings over some time and who have come to with an attitude of finalizing any doubts to remove any doubts or to come more with clearer understanding today and we will love to continue in this vein and those who have come and you may feel that you want to put a question and I would just ask you it's fine because mmm that which brought you here is gonna take care of you it does not have to take the form of a question and answers if you are just so new and you may hear things that may not be easily digestible at first but I'll ask you just to trust that trust me just trust being here for those who feel that they have more more more specific questions and you're invited to put your hand up so thank you namaste Mooji good morning namaste Germany I want to ask you about Papaji I was watching your video about Papaji and he said free is the one who is free from desire and he said that we come here we experience life again and again because we still have a human desires and he said if you want to be free of desires you have to attend the satsang and I come today to ask this question how to become free from desire ok ok I'm gonna go on the short excerpt that you have presented of Papaji something property I said and so let's begin like this and no one can be can exist without no desire at all life itself is desire but what the master is pointing to is attachment to desires deep emotional psychological identified you know attachment to desire desire for food the desire for exercise desire to be in the company of friends and to enjoy these don't leave any bad smell in the consciousness but desires which lead to craving desires which are about you know neediness the sense that one cannot exist happily without getting the things that one projects such desires they are not in support of your freedom this is what he means but natural desires a natural desire desire to take rest when you're tired the desire to go walking spontaneous there's a feeling arise in you the desire to exercise the desire to to be in the company or particularly of righteous people these desires they don't harm you and they are also called desires so it is good to differentiate or to discern what the master speak if he just speaks said desires period is not good then it means that the human intellect and the natural reciprocal play with life is completion is not good because desire is also there or so desire for a particular kind of food can be called a desire but it doesn't if it doesn't lead to attachment to neediness to greed and then then it is not harmful so again what masters meaning is that the desires which we are constantly thinking about because we can have a desire whereby you know there's no space for other things to float through your space because constantly you're looking for a way of fulfilling your desires and he's pointing to say that such desires are only temporarily satisfied they just rise up again and you just keep on keeping keep on in this need and it's very difficult to to get to break the spell of them now you start by saying now you want to be free of our desires having heard me say which ones are natural they don't leave any footprints in the consciousness you understand that okay it frees you up to not be or would end it but the ones that we can identify as the thing that preoccupy your attention often and you're easily distracted when these when these these forces come then we can look at them you ask how to do it how to be free of them how to be free of them if you are a devotional being you may present that in prayer to the supreme self to the Lord of universe you may say I am I am NOT good I am not able to control my projections I'm just so weak I don't have any power of determination all these things they're too much for me please help me to transcend them then power comes power comes chewier your humility and openness and honesty the power will come to help you there if you are more able to reflect on the kind of advice that I give it will begin like this that the desires come can they exist can a desire exist without the desire they go together you cannot see a desire floating around by itself looking for somebody it is a relationship no so when the desire comes find the one for whom it come the one who suffers it and for this you just have to be quiet and you feel the desire don't immediately try to get rid of the desire because you don't get rid of it actually you only can pick up a something to distract you from it temporarily but when it's time for you to really look and to apply the kind of advice that you may hear in satsang it would be to first of all use the desire to identify the one who is desiring now if you're not used to this it might feel what is he talking about this mean this is okay then just catch hold off and identify the particular aspect of the meanness that is having the strong relationship with this desire you don't have to create this please just follow it the desire comes feel the presence of the desire and you feel yes what does the desire or once what does it want what is it one from this desire and slow down look at that and you may find that it feels that by satisfying this desire is gonna be happy you may not think I'm gonna be happy forever they say I'm gonna be happy now okay and we are quite happy to say go along with it to feed this desire and what happens is when these desires which are to be overcome because the more you are desiring design become attached to desire you don't realize it when you're becoming weak in your system you see and gradually some desires they may seem you may tell yourself but they're harmless it's not you know it's not any big deal but subtly they are feeding into developing a certain kind of habit and tendency and occupying a good amount of space inside yourself so the master is only planting will be watchful of this it is possible to come out of any desire and every desire in the way that I'm speaking first of all just look if you can start in a very simple way you can say okay what is the desire or the attachment for and you identify you can even write it down because when you begin to target a particular kind of phenomenon and you're really getting somewhere you will experience a kind of blurring of your focus it is as though something doesn't want to be discovered and everybody feels that so it's good you write down okay so what what is this desire and its fulfillment promising is promising that happiness and like this not so you can write it down and and the one who is looking forward to this can we see if we can identify it energetically can you see this one and just by turning the attention like that the force of the desire or any other attachment or projection begins to just to break up it begins to open up if we don't do this it continues to feed and can become so powerful a force that you have a sense that you have no resistance against this desire you see so the Masters only pointing you can follow like that this way of looking we call inquiring self inquiring is to identify the particular aspect of self that has created a relationship with that particular phenomenon and as you do you stay with it because sometimes the mind will present you another thing to look at it is that you're coming too close what about this they say no stay with this one stay with it and you may find that you keep losing focus losing focus you see but just bring it back when you can and just keep looking and gradually if you keep your attention on this and you are determined to not run away from the facing of this you may find at some point this happens and so the energetic presence of that desire begins to come out like that keep your attention on it you feel a sense of relief don't start to celebrate yet go back again and keep looking and gradually these energies begin to leave you it will come again but each time it loses power because of the intensity of your focus it will keep breaking up once you experience the possibility of successfully transcending those energies when they come you will grow in confidence to take on anything because you can meet any desire any attachment any force in the same way like this so that is the power of something by self inquiry works in this way that as you keep applying it you keep maturing in it and it is as though a force inside begins to teach itself out to inquire the more you stay with it the more these forces begin to lose their virility or the power of influence over you okay over you I can begin a deeper inquiry as to who this you is also but I won't go into that right now start one thing at a time like this what everything is coming up and you want to take a look just take a look if you don't feel the man is going to say you didn't succeed okay so you have to be very very very subtle about it don't be working for yawning okay the just the important thing is just to keep looking to see can this be what I am you see the one who is attached can this be Who I am because why would this question come and be effective because you are perceiving it and if you are perceiving it it must be an object of perception it cannot be the one who is perceiving and gradually you come into it like that some people they don't feel the they have the level of concentration to follow the inquiry well actually don't despair don't give up you may also if you feel to pray ask God please teach me this inquiry let me see but don't close the door and say no it's not for me because we're doing this with all kinds of things and we limit your range of power so just stay open and you'll find your way but there must be an earnestness within you to say I feel I can feel the light in this I want to follow this thing rather than just going cold turkey and then wait until the whole thing blows over by itself which is also happening that has to happen but like I say you cannot win a fight when it's finished so while it's happening you will bring your inquiring in not in some horrid excited way but just quietly start from a place of love always feel that you're starting from a place if you see the agitation and you're seeing the agitation acknowledge that you're starting from a place of stillness to look ok when I start to look from that place the i am-ness they need become less the need of desire it become less but still have desire and like there's no conditions anymore like you can also look at this statement who is it that have desire slow down we just slow down your questions frame by frame you're using words and we're accepting them quickly who is it that half the desire don't take it for granted because much of what you think you learn is just you have it just take a look who is it that have the desire what it means you have the desire who has the desire you see don't just assume language prove it who have the desire for whom does it come and initially there may be some resistance arising from the mind to kind of say don't that's not for you that's not good don't go with this resistance stay with it and gradually that pocket of resistance will just kind of open up and you'll feel the space whereby you know the looking becomes easier ok but just to assume yeah you know I still don't get rid of desire I have the desire still there this I feeling the reason why it's still persisting but because it doesn't get questioned you assume that this I is the fact of who you are but this I also you can begin to inquire into its nature because it is also phenomenal and it is also a function of consciousness it is not the source or sentient consciousness it is an adopted identity but no one question this nobody question it we all assume that but this is me I want this thing I want to get rid of this mind I want to stop but the very one who wants to get rid of the mind want to stop nobody question is this one sincere is it true because he says yesterday and tomorrow is saying maybe is not consistent and the fact that as soon as it is recognized that this identity which feels so intimate seems so true is also observable a greater space opens up and you find you're in this greater space and not-so-hot about feelings there's more detachment more space this is the fruit of your inquiry is as you said that a man a man is for God and a woman is for God we are not for each other it depends on the level of our identity because if the level of identities that you are strictly identify with manhood and womanhood if you have strong identity as a woman as a mother as a father as a man on these things then it's definitely gonna feel that man is made for a woman and woman is made for man okay it's only as you evolve beyond the bodily identification it's not so strong a hold on you because that's a severe limitation on the expression of consciousness as you begin to discover this you see the grip of this man consciousness woman consciousness begins to loosen some people are attached very strongly to that and they don't want they are afraid I don't lose my manhood I don't want to lose my my motherhood we have all kind of different kinds of ego you know so there is a mother there's mother ego there's grandmother he go well great-grandmother he go there's great-grandfather ego there's special child ego there is a priest ego there's enlightenment ego there's all kind of ego expressions but as you begin to look into them they begin to break up because they are illusory in nature meaning that they only exist in your mind you see so it is worth looking at that you say you met you something I've said and you're quoting when I said you know largely human beings feel man is made for a woman woman is made for man I said okay but man is made for God and woman is made for God if you understand that you see you're out of this trap because actually as you are waking up and transcending these different orientations and roles you're coming into a much broader field of just as you're slipping into formlessness do not be afraid because every form is a limitation of some sort okay we don't have to be running away from that because as you wake up to the truth of who you are you will see the forms are not in the way of anything it's only when we are touched it feels like the form is in the way as you wake up you realize nothing is in the way there's nothing is in the way there is no way actually but though we may say this to actually be in the experience of this is another thing we may feel we understand that but it is a kind of intellectual understanding so it's not bearing fruit yet the fruit of this is a knowing that is irrefutable but it's not a knowing in duality if you understand we are coming to that as much as the capacity shows itself then that level of deep experience or comprehension will happen in you and it has to because all journeys are ending in your heart out of 10 it is not in Glasgow or some way is all of them ends and resolve themselves in you the journey is maybe from here to here as a way of speaking I have I have something that happens with me I was in a long relationship till nine years and when I start to experience me i am-ness I start to see the attachment of the mind the like you are for me I am for you and then I start to realize that we are all have desire and we have to be free and I let go of conditioning and that was not good with my partner she said how you can go with another woman and like you are for me I am for you why you want to go out with I told you let go of conditioning but you went with another woman I don't think that is really representing my pointing okay I felt like I still want to go with experience also a relationship with other women okay but we just don't need to clarify okay that is right that is not the upliftment of consciousness necessary just checking so you have to stay with one one no no no no don't shut me in there kind of thing you need to look at that they see sometimes if people are misinterpreting your teaching and pointing I say that's why it's important to keep it simple and direct because otherwise it becomes food for the mind and mind start to develop all kind of philosophies around a simple pointing I am simply pointing to that which alone is not depending on anything it doesn't have a craving from men women or breakfast or whatever it is just perfectly in itself so it's good to have a good relationship with one partner and share the journey with him are you asking me to prescribe I want to know well you know you must look also although at a certain layer level even for one who has awakened may still on the surface of relationship of course and it could be even beautiful you've seen in many of the the expressions of like Lord Krishna association with Radha with Shiva Parvati it's pointing to that there is a sort of harmony a kind of balance but it's not necessarily an attachment you see in that way it's not a craving in in that way but it's tremendous beauty in it of tremendous aliveness tremendous love tremendously wisdom can pour when the balance is right when you are not in need of the other because if you're in need of the other you intensify the play of duality now people may ask but how is it possible to have a relationship in non duality well I'm gonna tell you forget about duality and non-duality because your mind is gonna use that and go home but how can you have relationship in non-duality and she was gonna laugh at you and just keep quiet you see like that you cannot know until that experience is birthed in you you see everything is fine when you wake up you're not gonna see your mother as mother anymore is he if you have a dog you know there's not doggy solution and it's gonna because the mine is funny like this I remember one time in satsang it happened like that that woman was also looking and like this and she says you know Swamiji I I have a problem I said what is the problem she said hmm I am coming to see that I am NOT real but it's very difficult for me to believe my husband is not real so these are the kind of strange noises that come up when we have not completed our inquiry is it it all of this kind of you know so just stay with it it cleans itself you simply stay with it and keep watching you see all these things are modifications of the mind they are playing out and if you get pulled into them they start to appear to be real they seem to be intimate and profound and necessary to be engaged with but that is only possible when you are pulled into the shape of a person because that's when these forces of duality are activated and most active as you begin to reflect and see that behind the facade of personhood and duality there is a seeing which is none personal and you are there you are not in a suffering state you are in the most beautiful state you're not saying okay from now I am NOT married from now know nothing of this it is far beyond that you're far beyond this but it's not that you don't care anymore and you're throwing away the world it's not like that first you clean yourself of all delusions like that and as in that clean understanding you see everything is seen in the right context you know not necessary a fixed context some nice flow this it's difficult to teach this I can only show you how to come to this and then this takes over by itself it is play it is a place very spontaneous you cannot write a page of it because next time it can also be different and yet always the same so I don't want to go too far into that it is enough if you feel within yourself I feel this and yeah yes I want to stay with this stay with that single point rather than picking up four or five different points stay with that sink inside it and it will reveal its its mystery its beauty in you thank you very much man she loved you very much thank you for the wings okay wings as well now okay namaste Mooji never said thank you so much oh I'm really happy I'm really blessed to be here although you have I've never directly asked you a question till now it's my second video but I feel that you inadvertently answer all my questions I do not have a very I do not have a question really what all you just said it was an answer to me you've said something about being afraid I have been deep into self inquiry but I usually find myself stuck in that vortex and it tires me I am afraid to take that leap so I'm I'm just here talking to you okay and I start right there you say you are afraid to take that leap what leaf is that sorry to go beyond the forms that and that conditioning so I feel like this ping-pong ball who do first of all you are in essence already beyond those forms but your mind is not agreeing and nor accepting the culture that you have formed and there's not easily it feels I don't know about that so you know what my reality is is that I'm afraid because I feel that I'm being asked to make a sacrifice of things that of how I feel I am to go maybe in this be honest in a space that I don't know what is there so fear and fear comes maybe I want to hear something from you that stays with me and pierces through because if I say something I hope it doesn't stay with you but you use it to go beyond the fear yeah it is first of all important to identify the fear and its content what is the message in the fear and you say the fear is to go beyond the life you think you know into this state of be honest why would you want to go there if there's not something a subtle pull or intuition to say you can come perhaps earlier you may have already been in a state that you would have been afraid to be in the state you are now in a sense and maybe at an earlier point you may also have been afraid to come to where you are now so you evolved into that state and now you're comfortable but now to go out again beyond this one so to speak no fears like again it's diary not me what is tiring is the fear not the transcendence easy because something is inviting you to come and something is afraid to go try and identify what exactly is afraid to go you must have an intuition that you're going more deeply into grace do you have that feeling or do you think you're going more towards the butcher's I have I know but it just feels that it feels like a baggage that I know it hurts but I'm not able to put it down and I'm fighting and the baggage the the sense of the important is to put it down and the fear they are all things that you are experiencing and seeing is it not true that's true that's just we can start there just keep looking at that this sense that I have to put my fear down my baggage of the past down and you know then go into this space of the unknown hmm these are images in your mind isn't it and and and so there's a fear that what do you fear will happen then let's just slowly look at it what do you fear will happen the bag is put down okay the luggage is put down and something that's kind of an intuitive sense that just let go of that for now so you can receive or or go more deeply into something that you you have been asking for that's something gonna come push you push you now you asked I want to go beyond this is it and then the answers come the invitation has come and you're saying some things that not so fast so that resistance that is being perceived don't identify with it it's the sense of the person in you because you're seeing they cannot be fear without personhood so the fear is an indication that your person which is more of a psychological construct you understand what I'm saying I do is experiencing or playing at experiencing of fear to be dissolved that thing which is producing the fear that actually does not exist I don't know how these words are going to land inside your heart because when the fear comes it feels like it very much exists you see so how to go beyond this point how to go beyond this point well let's not turn it into a journey because the man says ok you're here now you feel safe your next step is war ok so we're not gonna make a journey how about you just stay right where you are and don't hold on to anything at all try with me are you able to or I'll be wasting my time to try it with you suppose right here right now I'm not asking you to put your foot one step ahead right as you are yeah hmm just don't identify with anything any desire or any any pressure to move into something because the mind is the mind somehow is using it and creating some ugly pictures around that so let go of that picture also let go of taking one step don't make any step but don't hold on to any of these thoughts as though they are truths just be empty of them can you do this just don't hold on to any shape not even the shape of being a person is it possible anyone can join in on this don't hold on to anything at all don't hold on to any promise about the future don't even hold on to the idea of enlightenment don't hold on to anything at all I just want to meet you here for a minute be empty empty empty of any intention or any concept association okay it doesn't need to take long also so you're not holding on to any support when you're not associating with anything at all past present or future or any desire or any fear holding on to nothing just be aware of what remain here what is it that is here speak from experience now tell us something about what is here when you're not holding on to any association with any thought form an in memory any must do any to-do lists nothing at all it's empty empty empty empty okay beyond the answer of empty there's this empty emptiness okay normally mind will come to want to say something about this emptiness it's as though there's a force within you that does not want you to recognize that emptiness it's constantly putting things in you in your mouth so you're always doing something so just be with this emptiness do you have any history here it's Theresa in the background where you came from who is your family and all this is there any of that here in this emptiness no nothing nobody nothing is here is there anything to be afraid of here no is there anything missing from your life of value yeah No are you in a state of success or failure here you know are you creating this space can it go away how are you here by by force by my concentration or are you just here just you I've always been you is there anything to be afraid of no why not there's no way to go from you is that a disappointing discovery no how can you how long can you stay here are you staying here or are you here I am here something soon is gonna have the feeling like I lost it what would that be buttoned which is where right now where is the mind right now invite the mind to say something to throw its biggest punch now say the most horrible thing you're imagining all of this mine will say it is not going to last long the mind is saying this is not gonna last long it says that when you go back home and be gone and if speaking to who I'm just yourself to speak yeah not you you saying no you know how you wait until you go back home yeah and I'm afraid to go back home if this is how easy a world is created yeah you are here as here itself I ask you is there any fear yeah you say no then the snake comes you call the mind so mine spoke mine spoke and who was intimidated by mine speaking itself can't be intimidated it's I think it's the mind it's it feels like a psychological vortex all it needs to happen you know because mine see if simply come he's not threatened he says I got a few tricks up my sleeve how about wait till you get home and immediately what happened is just this message and something goes back into the shape of the fearful one is the fearful one anything other than a thought believed in just slow down with it because I'm not testing you just on your verbal answers I want to see if you are speaking from your experience no you see this this is actually seeing but it's not enough a little one of exercise for some people who have been searching for this kind of clarity this clarity can be so powerful that the mind has very little chance to come in with the kind of influence it formerly had but there's a tendency a kind of reflex inside our system that tends to when the mind knocks top top top yes hello your ex can I come in for a cup of tea and you say well it's a little late you don't say no and it goes yeah I was just passing by the area and I could smell the coffee I remember the good times we used to have what you say and then you say what okay just a quickie okay I'm gonna get it you have to learn to listen to this voice that's coming up because it's fishing auditioning for you're trying to get your attention and but if you stay which I'm asking you when I say stay because it's gonna feel like you need to make a positive stance to say I need to stay here if I say but you're just here you're not staying you may not feel strong enough to accept that statement so I may invite you you need to stay with this so then when everybody's having lunch you go sit someplace and remain here and watch the play but don't move from here the mine has to come you don't go to find him he's to come come you know yes you're feeling great now but when you go home this is your friend this is your friend is with you all the time this is your closest relationship this is the voice that speaks to you you wait until you go home is your finest moment a moment of freedom of real seeing and what does this voice your most treasured vice tell you you wait until you go home it's not gonna last and you've been listening to this voice all your life now you are asked to sit there and look and see is it anything other than a voice that is used to getting more attention from you and to that extent you have developed an own grown relationship with this kind of thought system and don't be in despair if you stay with it if you feel the oxygen of real liberation inside your system you choose you know I need to keep looking here because when I'm here I was speaking not only from here but as here a voice came and and something seems to have gone something seemed to have gone but because you are so associated with that one it feels you have left or even worse still the most beautiful thing in you have gone so let's go back to this place again of just a place of business just listening is it trying to be itself no in any direction you look can you come to the edge to the end of it is there a place where it's not that it can go to like this you must reflect and stay with it because even if you spend five minutes here is giving you back your life and it's time you know because you are suffering your thoughts that's a kind of auspiciousness actually you are suffering your thoughts you're becoming more tired they're draining you isn't it or draining your your dynamic presence because what of the strength of identity that believes that is strengthened through the fear if you go in this way you're going to lose everything and there is a belief in you of one who is going to lose everything so I invited you to voluntary lose everything okay let everything go for a moment you can get it back again but I want you to experience how it is when you are not associated with anything at all and are you willing to try well yes so I said not take one step forward or one backward just as you are don't hold on or associate with anything just for this short time I'm speaking with you and how quickly you came to this place in yourself that you are feeling there's no fear here maybe I prefer to hear your words again what can you say of here that which is just here did it arrive you no you did not how strong is your mind right now when you are aware of your own awareness place how strong is the influence from your mind how strong is the voice of your mind of what it has to say to you just comparatively less but often it feels like I'm ripping about the ocean of thoughts and the water just gushes in that active response you see what's happening you've gone back into shape you had to go into shape to speak those words would it have hurt if you stay shapeless are you less you so this you must watch this is your sadhana adjust to to sit and keep looking because very quickly something spurt wants to say something yes but when I go out so who who who is speaking who is saying this right yes not just mind by itself but the idea you have of who you are it's just a kind of a psychic impression of your own self and your state something speaking but I've just pointed you again to a deeper awareness within yourself that you are not conscious of when I asked you are you looking at these things and you admit well from here and they are not there irrelevant they don't have a voice they don't have any power and then quickly so therefore the mind as you your mind is is providing the cards that the mind is going to use for your identity because that is your thing if you are not watching when something is put into identity so I am going to say something to all of you now about that because it's a good place that we have reached that I can talk to you about this you are at the periphery of your own liberation and what is happening now is that somehow it was important for me to ask you just let go of your shapes because we have been holding onto shapes not because of love but because of fear the seed is in the mind that saying that you need to protect yourself you need to control you cannot go into the emptiness because you don't know you're going to be lost there and all these kind of thoughts you you are experiencing them like a kind of threat like something is gonna go wrong a voice is calling you and an intuitive response from you is to go there but the fear says wait a minute you know cuz I might lose everything so look at the thing that you have that you are afraid to lose what is it what is your treasure show me your treasure that you think you're going to lose all the psychology that I've buildable all my life that I believe that I was yes which is your this is your treasure you're sharing now this is yeah all the information all the relationships all all the sense of the idea of who I am who I was it kind of goes but not really goes away that goes for a while come backs it come and go come and go yeah but it's coming and going this is also observed isn't it this is crucial for me that I keep pointing you yes we have been watching the movie of our own projection the movie of personhood you're telling the story of the movie of your person but I'm gonna ask you to do something is to watch the one ooh who believed this is my movie when you feel yeah this so what I want I want this this and stop him right there when you say I say which eye is this because this I presently is representing what you are what I want from my life stop stop who is I check it is it is this voice the voice of this pure place saying what I went from my life or is it just a body saying what I want from my life or is it the mind so to speak they're saying what I want from my mind or from my life or is it a cocktail of the mind and self belief that is saying what I want from my life is this and identify what is speaking and each time you recognize but again it is again my self image speaking and in that instant it is recognized but that is observable it is already observable now before there was no inclination to really look at that with distance I was looking from that thinking this is what I am this is the one who will receive grace will receive success will receive fear so now you can see that even this one also is what a construct can I speak like that are we on the same page with this this is the important seeing that must take place in you just this if you're doing this by itself everything is going to untangle all these confusion states you're gonna be naturally aware that you are the awareness itself and you have not traveled anywhere you are just looking but looking from a different position than when you were speaking before from the place of fear so if I ask you that this is an exercise that I would encourage you to sit with this over and over again I'd like to have some feedback from you in a few days yeah would you take this on I'll do that okay thank you so much I like to thank thank you so much thank you thank you I've been waiting for so long to ask this question it's very important to me okay for quite a while I've been walking on earth feeling almost fearless I feel like I can manifestation and just living with my passions in life and just walking around I feel light and what I'm I find the most difficult for me right now is I came to the realization that I used to think that time is the most important thing in life time your day I used to I used to believe the time is the most important thing in life but when I came to realize that time is just a human invention and actually what is the most important thing in the most precious currency that I have is awareness the way what I'm putting effort into putting attention on so my question is what is worth my attention what is worth my perception and in that sense in every decision-making Junction that I have what should actually be my compass is just like I feel a lot of enjoyment in everything that I do in life and I just feel like I'm gradually more and more synced in to the synchronization that I feel just everything it happens writing this in in the right time and the more and more I go in life I feel like I live I'll let me intuition just my energy my frequency to lead me on this path so I would really love to hear what is what is your what do you think about what is worth our attention okay thank you it is very important to be very clear as to what you mean when you refer to yourself in the form I you know what your speaking is throughout my life you know in my life is you know just feel like it's a play of synchronicity and in this and you know everything is like a balance of energy and I'm you know it's just really enjoying and I used to think that time was the most important thing but actually I'm finding that the more important thing is the use of my but it uses what awareness awareness attention you see is there a difference between awareness and yourself when you say the is my awareness is awareness something that is possessed by you I'm just I have to come this way for a bit and it will become more clear in a second because how it feels is that there's a fairly firm strong sense of identity an identity that is graced in a sense of synchronicity it's moving it's enjoying its existence and so on but it it it is feeling that it needs something more and it seemed as though you're saying that I really need to be more grounded in something so could you speak a little bit again for me yes I think I can understand what you're saying and I I was actually thinking that this would would be a proper response because mmm the eye that is speaking about the awareness mmm I feel like it can be detached from any emotion on or like any our usefulness as that or you think speaking about that as you're speaking as that okay but there's an awareness that you're speaking as that I feel like it's from its from the it's from so awareness itself is speaking yes is awareness by itself concerned about synchronicity and time and hmm thank you I feel like the awareness itself has no feeling it doesn't want anything but I feel like there's something inside of me that is mmm there's like their awareness and then there's something some filter that says like alright but know what like where do you want this awareness to be a headed and I feel like it's there's a kind of thank you for that there's like kind of a distance between them their awareness that just enjoying everything but there's something that wants it to be directed into some point some something so I don't know how we're less than becomes a kind of commodity or a medium I'm just slowly looking you know because I understand how that can be felt like that but then we are speaking of awareness like as a kind of commodity or a medium that needs to be directed somewhere but can we isolate and say the awareness is is it limited in any way at all I mean in terms of its volume does it is it is it short in any way no yeah because you see we can have a concept about awareness we can have a thought about awareness so effectively we turn awareness into a thing that we can go to and look and make use of but you who are would be speaking about awareness are you beyond awareness or are you probably an image formed in the awareness as all images would would be ideal a need to get somewhere with this it's amazing I've been waiting for a long time for these so thank you um I feel like like I said before I feel like there's the awareness which is boundless which is not experiencing fear yeah is it speaking about itself right now no okay it's that's what I wanted to say that there's there awareness and there's like some kind of a filter that refers back to the awareness okay it's like a lawyer that yeah so so we can become in a sense can we say that from the awareness itself that manifests as a kind of a kind of conscious presence mmm this I think if we can go a little bit like this from the pure awareness which is beyond need and an intention or so on but it's not dead something feels that awareness is dead it doesn't want anything it's not passionate you know it's a nice place really but it doesn't have passion it doesn't have desire it doesn't want to motivate and move in life so something does something appears like that and I would say it is this this this seed of i am-ness that the sense in which we know that we exist the feeling of existence in the body and that seems to have a play of autonomy and that has the it has intelligence and the ability to reflect and discern and so on so it's it is at the very bridge between the unmanifest pure awareness and the beginning of life in the world and and the dynamic expression of living and accomplishing and doing and tasting all the diversity from all the seeds of life so that aspect we know because we are experiencing that now we come here I'm in Rishikesh we are doing this and free really good I'd like to be by the Ganga so all that kind of all that that experiencing capacity the diversity within it I sometimes for my own sake I prefer to call that that's the experience inside the theatre of consciousness sometimes you may call it the gods Leila or something the play of God in which we have the sense of individuality there's myself and others there's some things I don't know and some things I wish to know and all of this all of this can come there but that is not something that the pure awareness of itself needs or once okay so we feels that we are to a spected we are aware of this pure awareness field but we are more attracted do we now meaning the our conscious self in expression eyes existence we are attracted to the that feeling of existence and where that existence wants to direct its attention and the desires that has come so I feel it so much so I feel like it's funny I feel like there's like if I like to observe the two entities their awareness and and the lawyer from where would you be standing to observe both from an identity / from my identity yes just for the purpose of yes some is identity are reliable enough tool to engage the reality of either it's changing all the time yes and it's changefulness is observed by what by them by their awareness a pure one yes yes but still we are still referring to awareness as though it's a segmented somewhere else and there's my light there's me and then there's all of this potential to blossom and you know you know Alice is fine because that experience feels authentic for nearly everyone I am aware that I would alive and I'm practicing spirituality I'm developing a certain intuitive mass or powers and I'm you know I'm making my way to God you know not too fast but you know just whatever it is I'm enjoying my existence I'm loving the play of transcendence is just wonderful I love all the spirituality and so on and then there is behind me somehow there's this big awareness but I know that I'm not ready to just be that yeah I have a lot of things to do people to see places to go things to her yeah so we you know this is silly and and and and you know it's not a trick you know it is that too but what I would want to say is that none of this is possible without the awareness itself you cannot have all of that without awareness you may be unaware of your awareness but you cannot have you cannot be nor have any of this without awareness you see it's like you can exist without all this mind stuff but this mind stuff cannot exist without you okay you must judge which is the greater which is the most stable so while this virility is inside the consciousness to proliferate to grow to capture to experience to evolve and all this dance then it is not so appealing to be guiding you back to the awareness self unless all of this play this excitement is dance this this power of life which is an expression of life also that there is within that a little button that I can touch and you realize but it's true and I am really just here and this dance of manifestation and so on it's fine but it's not fine when I the pure consciousness I'm experiencing a state of hypnosis where I believe I am mostly this is he but I don't know how we're gonna come to that because often it's when the beings the manifestation of consciousness begin to suffer the manifestation in a way they are struggling that the projections don't work the things not working you know this is kind of like fertile soil for trans change and transitioning into higher states of consciousness because something wants to just enjoy it wants to enjoy - the senses want to enjoy - the mind it wants to adventure it wants to create it wants to go until at some point in the manifest realm it begins to lose its power - to proliferate in that way and it's brought back to its knees and it begins to look again in a new way so I don't want to interfere with that if someone say but I'm happy I don't know I'm not ready to be in the stillness of consciousness I'll say I may say listen your take on pure awareness is illusory because the the invigorated being is going now but the awareness is fantastic it's absolutely I'm not ready because that's just being still that is not an assessment of awareness I feel like mmm yeah for sure I've been suffering for a long time and just recently I've been acknowledging that and acting upon it traveling the world and quitting the job and a lot of things but still I eyes I just yesterday I just walked back home from Rome to LA and I felt really like the manifestation is is not something happy or something exciting it's just me walking all the way you know without a rickshaw without anything and I felt like something very pure just walking not expecting anything just like when I sit in meditation or just the sense of waiting but nothing is expected to be happening so I'm just like just like there that's fine that's fine as yet one has not not established in the awareness you know hmm that's not I'm just saying that that that that may happen because in that natural state it's not against activity not against activity it's almost you go back and you're stripped of all your dreams in some way you've come so pure pure and then you go back into the field and very different your reference to self as an individual account feels very weak hmm because when experiencing from a space of totality Ness and I know but I cannot convey this with a mind one does not find fault with the world particularly it understands that it is the mechanism of consciousness in its dancers karma and the unfolding drama of the universe right in the same earth we're all experiencing it differently but the one who is awake has brought to heaven to earth in a way and still is not even attached to that and then I'm not presenting it all wow yeah I want some of that no I'm just saying that gradually if something is coming into if you are seeing that is not based on the experiences of personhood everything is being experienced somehow but nothing sticks in fact nothing sticks now yesterday wherever you might have been you may have met people you look in their eyes just like we're looking at each other right now you may have had a feeling it may feel well and I'm so happy to meet you but I was yesterday and today it's not like this it's a fresh you can't turn back and pick up something from yesterday and show a sample of it today everything is like a cloud passing everything is I think not passing some plus very quickly some very slowly but awareness is like the sky unchanging is awareness against clouds not at all can clouds hide the awareness from what from awareness from some other point is it a patek to the clouds is it a Pathak to the cloud that kid doesn't really care about the clouds actually it's a good point it's not it doesn't care passionately it cares in its natural harmony it's like Papaji one say if the hand puts food in the mouth should the mouth say thank you to the hand hmm they are one they are one so you come to see when I say life takes care of life it's not passionately it's just like this cares and it's not so it's not dry you know it is full of completeness in every way so it's not that it doesn't care I'm happy that you say that because it's a very popular statement say awareness doesn't care whether you live or dying it's not really true it's not the wait it's not that is it we are speaking a very different way awareness is what we are awareness doesn't call it self-awareness the word awareness is is we use this term from consciousness to speak like on behalf of the absolute the absolute is not something like this but something like this might momentarily appear in the absolute spaciousness but it cannot be defined by any shape or size or activity it is our natural state it's a natural state but while we have the of life the life force and the power to imagine and to project we the consciousness in our temporary aspect as personhood are deeply fascinated by our sense gratification sense objects senses the ability to imagine to dream to experience to interpret to design all these forces are playing and we are very attracted to the dynamic expression of consciousness and there's nothing wrong with us nothing at all it is consciousness operating causing the soul system to function like that and everything in its right moment the place you are speaking from maybe someone is it would be aspiring to reach to that place but the one who truly sees is not aspiring for anything like the Sun is not aspiring for anything it's not even shining and yet because it is all life comes into play yourself is like this but it's very difficult to appreciate this from the place of the under mental understanding this is why it is good that we are slowly slowly deconstructing of our delusion thoughts and coming into like a Polaroid coming into the clarity of your true self maybe we cannot take it full blast all at once unless those who can take it happen like that we are gradually re acquiring the taste for what you are you see they're coming a bit out of this display of diversity orientation nothing is wrong with diversity but when the one who we take ourselves to be is attached to so many things and so on then we are not experiencing the fullness of who we are so it's just like that each one at this present stage of looking it's okay up to a point when people come and they say I am of stuck with this and I want to go beyond this then I may feel that there's a richness of conversation that could really empty out into ultimate seeing and why not because we take because of the use of the mind we take what we think and what we value to the mind as being almost you know it's it's it's necessary it's needful it's so important it's essential that when you wake up to the truth of yourself the the pleasures of the mind is a very small thing the spotting yet it doesn't curse this small pleasure it puts it there so I can't speak effectively about it all I can say if there is within you the urge to discover grace has put it there and grace will act through whatever it is to bring you more deeply into the the core of your own being consciously you know I feel like the sky and the clouds are in harmony just naturally the clouds are the clouds and and the sky has just in harmony just naturally flowing so yes yeah it's it thank you so much I really appreciate it yes if the clouds and the sky are a-one and flowing in a natural harmony and it is perceived like that then the place of perceiving is more pure thank you so much thank you so much thank you Wow the time has moved so slowly what time is it four times in origami 1130 1141 momento again dear Mooji as a mother your teachings of just let go and do not attach yourself to others conflict in my head three years ago I left my partner after years of abuse to me and my child we now endure abuse by the legal system though I find peace by not participating in court this decision would risk my child's life forcing her back to the abusive home what is a mother to do is it even possible to find peace and protect my child seeking peace and from the United States it's one letter now so again as a mother you're teaching just let go and do not attach yourself to others conflict in my mind you have put here a text but and I may well have said these things but you have not put the context in which I would have said such a thing so it would not be fair for me to just pick up on this because I would not just go to somebody say just let go and don't attach yourself to others I must be already in a trusted relationship of conversing with you to reach that place to say that whereby you're in a good place to hear it in the correct way you understand I don't throw giveaway statements to people because in each one the words must act to their maximum importance you see so it's not a throwaway ago two people say just let go it won't stand but if I'm speaking with you at a certain point I can say how about you don't hold on to that for a moment and see what it feels like and you may say Oh to let go a lot of fear is coming in and says yes yes the fear is coming you want to stop you can stop but I'm with you you can go and I just wanted to watch then you may say that was the context in which I said that but just to say your teachings of just let go and do not attach yourself to others conflict in my hand then you leave me having to kind of work out what you were where we're coming from here three years ago you say I left my partner after years of abuse to me and my child we now endure we must imply me and my daughter a child we now endure abuse by the legal system whatever that may be though I find peace by not underlined not by not participating in court so by avoiding going into court I find some peace if I was going to be pulled into court already I'm going to be very disturbed perhaps you don't want to have this kind of confrontation with your husband in front of the whole world or whatever so you think if I can avoid that I won't okay maybe this decision would risk my child's life whatever that may mean it may mean that if I go to court my husband my ex-husband would be so angry he's so revengeful or vengeful that maybe he will do something bad to us is this type of person I don't know this letter does not say that okay so again I back up a little bit we now endure abuse by the legal system though I find peace by not participating in court this decision would risk my child's life forcing her back to the abusive home Mooji what is a mother to do is it even possible to find peace and protect my child seeking peace rather than give you advice as though I'm giving an advice to a person I prefer not to give to the feisty person I'd want to help you to come to a place more deep inside yourself where my advice will be a really big fruit but I don't trust to speak to a person to the person mentality who to say dualism because you can't you are in a very weak state of mind at the moment because very much you're suffering mostly personhood I don't know if you can see this it's mostly in a state what can I do what can a mother do I do this abuse before so you're functioning just on the top of your head you have not somehow been able to go down to here yet from here you'll find that you are naturally conversant with a much deeper an auspicious life here no panic emergency risk trouble fear desperateness if we are functioning from the top of our head so my advice would be to please go and listen a few times to the invitation the invitation will just drop the energy slowly from here bring it down bring it down bring it down into the place where you naturally can be receptive to hire counseling and guidance if I were to say well you know you know send him at this thing send him at no no I am NOT going to do that I know better than that I'll say please listen to the invitation a few times okay can you trust my advice listen listen and get back to feeling yourself again not your panicked mind not the mother situation first spend a little time get back into your heart again when you're in your heart again you will see that life is not against you life is not against you if you are functioning from your person you are likely to make wrong choices you're coming from a fearful place so Sally and rather you listen to the invitation they'll be guided by it to re-experience your true place when you're in your true place it might spontaneously come true urges energetically or just to a thought or just by seeming coincidence you meet someone who can take you to the next high place trust it trust it don't be fighting with you know trying to fight you know a rhinoceros with your long fingernails he's not going to work you simply get back to your strength your piece because you say seeking peace and then the invitation if you listen maybe first time used to find your mind is still in some kind of tsunami there's some kind of turbulence and so on but keep listening and gradually it will bring your energetically bring the attention back inside the heart when you are here you are restored you are restored the more you listen to this then you're not only restored you are cured from this hastiness this out of alignment with your own natural power and when you're sitting inside the heart of yourself you find that life comes in and begins to open up possibilities that presently are there but you may not even see them because you are in a confused state frustrated state your feeling that I'm not sitting in grace please help me so Mooji what is a mother to do I am sending you please listen to the invitation it's only twenty five minutes it's listen listen again listen again keep listening and relax a little bit take a little time for yourself don't take time for your problems take a little time for yourself come back again naturally it brings your mind back into alignment with your heart and things are going to work very differently all of life work like this you cannot go at life hammering at life and it's going to produce good fruit you must come into life as life itself you come back into life alive you come back and these guidances being in satsang because the more you operate from the mind up here the mind doesn't want to come to son you won't want to come to satsang he wants a quick fix but it's not a real fix you are rediscovering yourself in a more auspicious a gentle potent powerful way the more you discover yourself as you are the less you'll feel that you need you come back to your natural grounding and the natural support of everything in the universe because you are available to yourself again so final question is it even possible to find peace and to protect you my child more than that yes you'll find peace and contentment maybe even forgiveness also and you'll find that your being happy is the greatest security you can give to your child you being happy you being at peace with yourself is more than you can imagine as a gift to your children they don't need an extra car they don't need a redecorated bedroom they don't need a you know a new iPhone they don't need that to see your apparent at peace with themselves Griff's great security to the child's mind a happy parent is worth much more than all the riches in the world Mooji I accept you as a true master sent to me by grace I watched the satsanghis do the online retreats but since you introduced the invitation I have struggled with it I can answer the questions from my heart but the room of being that I enter is such a bleak and uninviting space the room of being the room of being what the room of being hmm that I enter is such a bleak and uninviting place it is like a cheap flat with the previous tenant didn't clean when they moved out the floorboards are bare and dusty there is rubbish in the corners can this be my emptiness I love your teachings and a benefited so much from following your paintings what am I doing wrong where is my illness Maira from Australia and I have pictures of Myra where is the isness this is a new one for me I've not really I'm gonna put everything down for a minute for this honestly Mooji I accept you as a true master sent to me by grace I watched the satsanghs do the online retreats but since you introduced the invitation I have struggled with it I never heard that before okay I can with stars I can answer the questions from my heart but the room of being the room of being that I enter is such a bleak and uninviting place it is like a cheap flat that the previous tenant didn't clean when they moved out you know this type of place okay the floorboards are bare and dusty there is rubbish in the corners can this be my emptiness no it cannot be your emptiness this is the room of being not the room of becoming not my friend's room not University room students Rome okay in this something is happening when she puts in quote or so but the room of being why should the room of being be so dirty it must be the room of the mind how can the room of being room of being is empty beyond even the concept of empty nothing there there are no dirty floorboards there there were no previous tenants also so Myra I have to come and check it out with you what is this and there's rubbish in the corners it has no corners so I don't know this is a particular kind of mind projection why the room of being has anybody got invitation book I have two yes can I see this quickly I want to see if I have to rewrite the book or something about that missing something thank you job let's go to the role of being find this dirty page [Music] [Music] okay so okay I'm gonna read a little bit okay he says today we are here to discover our true self our very own being that which is real and in accordance with the insights and direct experience of all the greatest sages and seers of all time through the grace of the invitation we too will directly experience that the oneself alone exists and that we are one with it if you are longing for self-discovery and the urge to be free is alive and compelling this invitation is for you grace has put this yearning inside your heart and so it is possible to come to this direct recognition without delay it works it works it works yesterday today tomorrow and always let's begin okay you say as an example general example I want to discover the truth as it really is please help me I want to know and be who or what I truly am not my ego and conditioning I don't want to waste any more time I wish to be finished with what is false my life lived in the identity of a person feels very restricted and shallow it is not really working I want to know and be in harmony with God who is truth I wish to wake up today to the unchanging perfection that you point to and that I witness in you I want to be in that state permanently can you help me okay now from the room of being I invite you come in but before you enter please leave your shoes outside as is customary we do that here in satsang please leave your shoes outside one more thing also leave your mind outside because it will only get in the way of what you truly wish to find then you say but how to leave my mind outside that's the big thing leaving the mind outside simply means leaving all your ideas aside just for the moment leave aside all that you believe you are and all that you think you know about yourself and about life just for the moment leave it I ask you to do this just for the short duration of this guidance that's all just leave aside all thoughts about past and any memories which will tie the mind to the past can we do it or not sorry don't touch any concern about the future for no one has ever experienced the future that they imagined also leave aside any interpretation about this present moment this is limitation I can read on or I can back up a little bit to the pages number three from the room of being I invite you it means I am already speaking from the room of being I invite you come in but before you come and leave your shoes outside right meaning leave anything that may be like any thought and in judgment or data shows leave outside okay one more thing leave your mind outside now more I saying I can answer the questions from my heart but the room of being that I enter is such a bleak and uninviting place so you were there by yourself for we are sitting in the room of being because I didn't have any dirty roof floorboards and rubbish in the corner of the room of being but the room of being that I enter is such a bleak and uninviting place it is like a cheap flat that the previous tenant didn't clean when they moved out where did I come from from your mind man is saying what room of being abandoned is dirty stinking flat and you think you're gonna come out all nice and clean from coming into a dirty place at this so I wonder how far you went into this invitation if the room of being was already dirty so mine was on the attack already it's pushed quickly inserted before you put your foot in my god the room of being is a dirty place how can I come out clean boom you finish it's almost no point to read further because something is registered if the room of being is dirty how can I find something lame so our minds already sneaky trying to find a place and this is why I said before leave these things aside leaving the minor side meaning don't old on to any thought construct any kind of belief system and a self-evaluation just leave all of them right just be empty just like when you go into deep sleep there are no thoughts can you do that consciously yeah you can even if thoughts are buzzing around don't engage with them that's it suppose we are listening we go to a concert and orchestra and a big bang assault many different sounds and magnificent sound and I said you know my cousin is playing the is playing the flute can you hear and you have to single out the flute and listen can you do it or not of course you can do suppose you you met someone you have not seen since your childhood days that cool and 30 years later you bump into them they're just about to board a bus but they got ten minutes and you say can we have a cup of tea together you go into a cafe and it's full of people talking can you have an intimate conversation or not of course you can because your intention is that I just want to speak with you I don't want to be listening to other people I'm speaking with you you coming into the room of being for what business to be inside your heart where's that he roamed suppose the room was dirty doesn't matter even if it was dirty they called rubbish in the corner I didn't ask you to come clean up a room as they come inside the room of being and something comes and creates this thought and something stopped and says now trouble from the very beginning I'm on to page three so go back again Maura and listen this time watch the mind trying to do that this is not a room with walls and window and carpet and pictures on the wall this room is a formless room it's a room of presence and listen again you see so what I mean is that we don't need to refer to any of these things now they are not important for finding freedom and mostly they just get in the way all the things you usually have for now just leave all these things aside be entirely empty and free a simple thing and I ask you can you accept this - despite I really recommend that we listen to the invitation because it did not come from the mind it came from grace it came for you as a friend listen follow it's just revealing it's like looking in a mirror and finding a perfect reflection of your face the mirror is not giving you opinions it's not saying you look great today it's never too busy you never tell you listen I'm a bit busy reflecting some insects at the moment can you come back in 15 minutes no it's fresh every time your being is like that okay I have a space for one more letter or one more person what I should have let it come from person too you know to someone here someone is here so okay come and see you then I'm wishing hi and for me is very clear in the the first board that you say and also the the second board but in this day I'm trying to to catch also the third board that you speak about I didn't speak about any third Berg okay so just to refresh for those who may be hearing for the first time I give an example a few days ago it may have been from the first week and I would just is short enough so I just put you back in the picture I said that there's a there's a if you imagine a there's a picture now here there's a tree by the edge of the ocean our forest and on a branch sits a bird that is building a nest and babies and getting food and so on so this bird represents our life in the world you know our culture of you know having a life making a family you know having a job you know doing the best you can to create or fulfill our our image of what we think is on a successful life what you have that's the first bird I feel that most people can relate to this image that we are in our life you're studying you're at college you're just getting married whatever it is you're in the life flow then I point to another bird who is sitting on a branch just above that first part I say I just call it second bird you know this bird is sitting looks identical in form to the first bird but this bird is not building anything it has no nest is not doing anything it just sits and it quietly looks as though it's observing and the first bird but also it is panoramic in it seeing it's aware of the wind and the sky or the trees birds blasting every it just quietly looks this bad it relates to an ability within the first bird actually but our ability within ourself to just observe but without getting involved to observe with detachment can we relate to these two images for a minute no so you say that I am aware of the first bird what it represents having a life going to university studying whatever having a first job your first partner relationship will be family traveling life you say I can relate to the second bird which is the place within myself where I am quietly observing quietly just observing but this place of quietly observing is not projecting anything like I want to do this in the future and so on it's just quietly looking can you relate to this place within yourself I go if you want I need to have some check-in from you or like this you can relate to the first bird situation the second bird which is that place within ourselves where we have learnt to just observe and you see that in observing from the place of observing it is quite a quiet place it's not busy it's not planning future it just is and it's simply observe no ask you if we can be relating to this you say yes I can see this then he say but I am having trouble at the third bird I said meaning what is there not a place where even the one who is observing first bird life situation that the observer of this is this one also observable this was my question is it also observable and he invented a third bird I didn't use third bird but I'm only asking is this also observable by saying this I'm really pushing the boat out and I'm pushing the button here because most people are living life at first bright position you understand we are just engaged with how we can make ends meet and pay the bills and can we have a holiday this year and very rubbery bla bla second bad position is often what we say we are deepening in our awareness in life we're becoming more wise we're becoming more quiet learning to observe life than to just merely just be in the reflex the actions reactions and interactions are also observed and in that place where they are observed with detachment there's a sense of peace and expansiveness we don't get excited too easily about things we have noticed that things come and go and that we don't have to panic and try to interfere with unfolding play of life so much and the more we observe with this detachment we are coming to see that wait a minute life is not opposed to life it kind of takes care of life if I didn't observe I might find that I'm interfering with things prematurely I'm moving in haste and to that extent I am NOT able to perceive life as being peaceful and taking care of life so from the first bright position if I stay only there it can feel like I have reasons to be afraid because life is very unpredictable and things go wrong and life is always at the verge of becoming chaotic and I must control and but the second bird being recognized that position we see that no no no slow down not so fast the first bird mind is going to I don't have time to sit around looking I got things to do places to go people to meet second bird is just quietly notices even that and feels a level of contentment and peace first bird is very much in the mode of personhood second bird is functioning from the place of presence you understand this thing from the place of conscious presence it is not perceiving itself so much in the drama and karma of life it is more a quiet observer looking okay is the life of the second bird credible you understand is the life of the second bird is it of any real value does anybody want no displays is it can be can it be seen as really now my life is much better or is it that the second bird position the first bird parents or friends start to say you become so lazy look at you get alive and the second bird gets oh my god you know it does it happen like that it could maybe the second bird finds itself in panic back in first position and not liking it and then and second birth position okay and now this second birth position we say is a little bit like the movement from person to presence I put it that the state of presence is a much more calm much wider life much more space for openness for compassion for understanding perhaps even more love is flowing there okay and largely most spiritual disciplines and practice is to try and trance from first bird person into second bird presence states then I say keep staying with this because there for a while they may seem like on oscillation from presence to person presence the person then gradually something stabilizes more in presence okay now you're saying but and I'm also saying I was saying can the second bird position which is already good peaceful intuitive mmm calm happy then this second bird position be also observed from a deeper place how many yeses I can get it's pretty good so from so then what is it like at this other place this deeper place I'm not gonna call it the third bird but if you want to call it turbot okay we're out of the bird thing now so something is here whereby the functioning of life the dance of the manifest life now and the one who is perceiving it calmly and enjoyably that also is seen in the place where the second bird and the first bird are both seen in this place what is happening there is that a credible place as anybody does anybody know this place or is it that we know this place plus within our own being the first bird and the second bird is still very active and this third bird or no bird position is not stable yet so we can look like that and it is a helpful example and met Fona of how to locate your true position so now you say carry on from there and you because it's not clear for me and [Music] perceiving the perceiver like yes one thing that happens is sometimes with the mind because we speak of first bird and then second bird if it was finished there probably you do really well but the mine heard is a third bird and it wants to be champion I want to go third word but it has not yet mature enough to be in third bad position okay so then starting I'm having trouble with you know disturb represent I salute all about third bird you are second better what I've used abuse stabilize in that place where you are able to perceive the life moving even as it moves in this body actions reactions interactions are happening but there's a stability here in the seeing if we come to that place and be careful that the mind does go yeah but there's another place and it's better than this place let's go there and find that it's still your mind struggling to say I'm having trouble with this thing about the perceiver and the perceiving I'm not in a hurry to push people over the edge only when you are ready according to your capacity so the one who has moved from identification with the activities of life that rarely has any time for self-reflection that there's two men you know time is money I can't spend time you know you eat your lunch standing up and all this type of stuff because you know in that life which is experienced for a while you're going to burn out somehow when you burn out maybe you might come to second bird position burn bird I don't know what you look there and you can say wow you know was good that I burnout because at least I'm able to observe that and I don't have any attraction to go back into that noise so something is crossed over from a life of chaos into a life of peace you are aware that you're not just your busy ego mind running about looking for more more more MORE but in this quiet place of observing you are aware that you're here and your life feels much much more rich content fulfilled spacious happy and we can be in this state for a very long time you may even come to a state we call sat-chit-ananda which means that you are aware that you naturally are existing and you are not existing only from your birthday maybe not to say such it'd mean that you are conscious this power to observe is an expression of consciousness I'm not actually doing anything but observing of things are happening rather than the doing doing doing mode quietly just observing that's the children that chilled when we are aware of our existence and that we are are conscious of our existence then Ananda meaning the joy of existence or the bliss of being is also present this such and under the quality you may say is the nature of the self but why did I mention about beyond this one also are we fit I say but even the second bird and I would prefer that we are least of conquered second bred position meaning that we are stable we understand that something that even that beautiful place of being which you still have I consciousness I like this yes I prefer to be like this I mean you know I hope one day to go beyond this thing where that voice is still alive and active in us that there is a space beyond this in which even this beautiful state of presence is itself observed as a functioning then you say I'm having trouble there but I am NOT insisting that you go there maybe we're not ready or maybe something is feeling yes you know is something as sufficiently stabilized in the place of conscious presence it feels like it's my natural state but there is now curiously something is keep showing that that itself is also observable but from the place where that is also observed something feels not stable here enough then I say but the sense of not being stable is also observed on it and they say oh yeah that is observable so what is observing can that which is observing all these things can that itself be observed whoa big trouble can that ability to observe the gross and the subtle forms of manifestation that which is observing all things can that itself be observed meaning if it can be observed it becomes a thing observed if it becomes a thing observed the one who observe it must be subtler than it does this imply an unending succession of observers or does it lead to a very stable seeing whereby they're not unending reflections of observers then you must apply this but don't try and jump over a second bad position to try and get to third bird or no bird position it is a natural thing if you are authentic and you are seeing you will be stabilizing enjoying also the sense of detachment feeling the relief the unburdening of the first bird posture now enjoying a sense of spaciousness intuitively feeling feeling in correspondence energetically and harmoniously with the universal consciousness you feel very happy you've naturally feel grateful to existence and so on stabilized in this but if something is itching to say but even saying stabilizing in this meaning that that is it must be itself fluctuating what would observe this then I say you better go home and sit zip yourself inside your sleeping bag and marinate into the seeing without producing pictures about what you are seeing try and see if that place of perfect seeing which is not an itemised seeing it's not an involved seeing with there is no story in him but it is impossible to refute its existence because all other existences seems temporary illusory transitory when seeing from this place and who is seeing is their eyes in this place seeing anything at all so as you begin to ponder and to reflect something is being washed out of your functioning system and one finds oneself as oneself truly is thereafter you may bring any problem from any segment of time and put it in front of this and it will not exist that is your sadhana if you are drawn to that and it's not just a mental attraction because you want to you want to be the one who get it because there are many pitfalls on the way you know I watched one program one time it was called the The Apprentice English program and a lot of people there was one business entrepreneur is called mr. Allen sugar but he's not too sweet but he's very very powerful guy beautiful I enjoy to watch him and he gets a number of people who apply to say they want to be professionals and he's top professional and he's going to choose the people and make a group of people to then see how they behave with his exercises and then out of all these people you will keep firing some firing some until he less just maybe with one or two and then from these two he's going to choose one person when he choose this one person he says you will be my apprentice thank you all the rest of you bye-bye try next time and he's chosen is apprentice and one girl came and she won she won it and then he says okay okay it's time to start on this date and she wrote and she says sorry sorry I won't take the job he says what you mean she said I was just obsessed with winning that was my attraction I wanted to win I wanted to be a winner I didn't want the job I don't want to be no apprentice I just want to beat people I'm using this example because sometimes in us we are wanting things for the wrong reason you want even one man came to satsang here he said I am been a yogi I have been always the best whatever I do I'm always the best I am always the best and so I've been top of my yogic discipline now I've discovered you I want to be the best empty person I want to be more empty than everybody I want to be the best nobody I like him actually because there other people feel like that but I won't say but he somehow say so if you are wishing to discover the truth because you want to be first to do it and we cannot be so clear because as long as there's ego in us you cannot rely upon your own judgment we cannot you may think you are so sincere but in that final turning of the lock to open something will be avoiding and at least it will be worth to see that so if you can come to the position whereby you're observing and you see whoa it's not a weekend exercise some people are yearning it is there their ambition it is their aspiration to come to a place where they can observe to the extent where life is not a trouble for them they begin to enjoy the life and themselves as life they see this at the point where you can begin to observe that even this one itself is also phenomenal or a function of consciousness then you are in the position of the unborn and the uncreated the imperishable the timeless well you will not be disturbed by fear or desire so if you feel you're having when I'm having trouble with this then I said okay yes yes yes there are some challenges on the way challenges are good because it forces you to or compels you to really apply your powers of discernment even more the inquiring power the inquiring spirit is also helping to neutralize negative tendencies of a sonic energies to bring them into peaceful functioning so that you are the only one left but you are beyond every category is that winning is not a competition discovering yourself is not a competition because if it's a competition the ego will survive isn't it to take the trophy so it cannot be won by the ego there was a story that there was a one man from a village a town and he was voted as the most humble person he is the most is a most humble person so they gave him a big medallion but two weeks later they took it back from him because they saw him wearing the medallion with open shirt in a disco they said no no no we made mistake he is not the most humble person it was appearing he was the most humble person but actually is full of pride and arrogance are we sure sometimes people say you know I'm not arrogant actually we all possess some arrogance thank you I think you've got the painters program thank you very much thank you for today everyone please reflect a little bit on what we have shared today and and how that relates within your own self just to keep looking and somehow the power within you the divine intelligence within you will begin to scan to search you out to find the seeds of identity whereby we are still living in a state of division don't be ashamed of this you are not to be proud of it also and just be grateful that at least you're experiencing the opportunities to look and to see from the truest place within yourself as you are doing that you don't have to try and make life better the life begins to just shine radiate with a new life that comes from discovering your true position so thank you Thank You those coming somebody coming today I want to say something because I noticed that sometimes when I leave the hall and going out there are many people who leave the hall early to go to the being the queue outside and many of these people they ask him blessing blessing blessing and this type of thing the greatest blessing is to understand what I'm pointing to because it will transform your life sometimes people want blessing and they will get addicted to blessing and you don't grow and then something from my own being feels like it's been sucked out but it's not being put to good use so a best blessing is to really stay here really make use of the time you should not really believe in this room before me actually but I'm not a strict person about this way I was just saying that take every job people rushing out if you have to go to the toilet is fine but if you're rushing out to stand in the queue just so that I can bless mala and all this kind of stuff I would prefer that you stay here receive the real blessing which is to understand what is being pointed to when your feet down that would be the highest blessing Wow thank you guru ji this is a prayer music a prayer inspired by one of the beautiful prayers from a love God and it's so life inside it is Oh Lord this is your dream so do what you will hide me inside you and forget what you have done thank you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 62,807
Rating: 4.8579497 out of 5
Keywords: God, awakening, Papaji, time, meditation, divine, mantra, eternal, presence, contemplation, spirit, love, reality, philosophy, self-inquiry, self, truth, being, Self-realization, Portugal, Liberation, Satsang, devotion, duality, guru, Buddha, Krishna, enlightenment, I Am, prophet, spirituality, sahaja, Jesus Christ, bliss, non-duality, peace, ego, soul, Ramana, Shiva, maya, Mooji, surrender, seeker, nirvana, Monte Sahaja, freedom, awareness, supreme, sacred, yoga, wisdom
Id: 0U7KBv9N7_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 52sec (9592 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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