God Is the 'You' You Don't Know Yet

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh namaste welcome if we went to satsang this morning yeah Mandy sahaja thank you thank you thank you very much be welcome thank you everybody from Lisbon made it back quite smoothly firstly I would like to really thank you - your grace and all your sahaja team and they just welcomed us as if we are part of the team and it was really amazing so I would like to this way to thank everyone thank you and I forgot what I wanted to say well I'm here very shortly and I would like to just finish it now because I feel the sense of no time and so if you could look with me because I've been looking inside and turning the ice around and and when you say I want to finish it I want to finish it I need to hear clearly what you what you mean because it's a very common statement people make you know I'm really here to finish all this they say like that they say yes you know it's got to end today oh you know yeah I would like to be established in my heart and fully dissolve into nothingness yeah just be for you yeah so what I will take it will take some time to be established in the heart but it may the recognition of your true place could happen in an instant the recognition beyond a mental conviction or intellectual conviction the recognition of your true place because that is fundamental to what we call awakening means to reach the doubtless place the thought free place that can take an instant hmm to recognize but to stabilize in this why should that take time is because the momentum of all our past habits the reflex to to be caught by the mind the mind seduction you see you will keep fighting or again I'm back in the shape of the person no I failed us no no that will happen for a while when I gave the example of the fund is spinning and if you turn it off the blades will still keep spinning but the power is cut yeah young son so the but what is the blade spinning means for a while it was to feel like there is a this wide keep coming inside but gradually you keep remembering and you're remembering where you are what your true place is and being who you are in your true place they are when they become increasingly one and this is the slowing down of the fun then eventually it stopped now yeah I'm finding that your words and when I'm not present in satsang that they like a Zen stick but at the same time sometimes it can be in a way that they give me shortcut in in terms of you know this is only observed and and sort of I don't go into that the whole experience whole feeling and it just cuts through but not in a good way so I would like to not in a good way you know I mean almost like I want to lose that knowledge of knowing that it is all observed I just wanna witness that I would just want to know that experience that so again that's why I took time to explain again how it is so everyone can understand because there is a misconception that you know bring your finished and in some case it can happen that it's so striking that the mind never recovers the ego-mind you get such a Wow you know he never makes it back actually he died right there and then but it is rare because the tendency is that it will come up again a little bit and then what happens what happens is that when it returns so to speak we find that without even effort something gets pulled back into the shape of the whole person but it doesn't mean it's a failure this is what I want to tell you it will happen for a little bit but you will catch it more quickly and each time you catch that because now you have the power of your seeing each time you recover and remember bow but I'm not this it's like you have been hypnotized you're under spell for a little bit and suddenly is that whoa what's that I'm not that and you'll keep on catching him and that the duration of your destructiveness will be lesser and lesser as you as your attention gets more accustomed to being in the heart in your own right place so this is what I say will take time when I say it takes it takes time to really discover the timeless you see this is what I mean if you don't have that recognition and understanding what may happen is you keep thinking I'm never gonna get this because something lapses back into like a reflex you find yourself again negotiating with the mind and bathing like a person and they step in and it's understandable for me but gradually it's pointed out something helps you you can call it grace you can call it the grace of your earnestness keeps kind of whoa okay you know you can dismount you find yourself galloping on the horse and you can just dismount you cut it and there's a joy in cutting it and being aware but no that's cut and not pride joy relief recognition ah you see and you thank that you say thank you that's that this grace is so is alive and operating because he was carrying me off again into the bush and I caught in him you know I'm not a forest dweller stay into the open terrain of your seeing so it is worth to say it because if you don't understand this then the mind itself may come to say AHA and it will it will enter through the one you take yourself to be fighting the mind the man will come in there also and it'll go it's not working is it we have to get cured what is the cure is he of listening and being deceived by our own mind projections I see you wake up to it suppose you've been living with a what they call where they call this the one who can't help lying suppose you have a friend can't help lying what they call it pathologic pathological liar pathological liar does it exist yeah I tell you we are all pathological liars until we wake up you know it's just some are really good at it and some but most things I am NOT it there in deeper trouble actually when you wake up you see at some point you see why Liars not that you intend but by the very nature that we identify as evil as the person the person you were in the wrong position so what we speak is not quite correct when you're in the right place you probably speak not less and what you say has a power not a power to deceive because you may say that a good person's words they uplift and encourage a bad person meaning someone who's very deluded their words depress you and make you feel heavy and and just just very sad and liberated person's words they liberate you that's why Jesus says bye dear good Sri doesn't bring bad fruits nor can a battery make good fruits and by their fruits you will know them you see when somebody speak to you sometimes in this world you think you take it like it is true but you forget that they're only showing you what is in their mind and that is what in life we will show you our subjective opinions about things they're actually showing you where they're at if they're spend their time criticizing criticizing they're not speaking the truth they're speaking what's in their mind the one who is in truth will not do that when they speak you feel uplifted you feel oh I want to be better the one who is wise and free when they speak they take your ego away these positions exist in us potentially sometimes we are hanging around one state for quite a long time it's not your ultimate state but when you are set free by understanding you reach your ultimate state you become you again in the twist way so you ask now today I want to be established in my in myself I hear this introduced and then then today I felt again say what it means what what you what you what you mean by those words I want to be you know established in my in myself but there's a feeling it has to be now right it's finished you see well that depends upon the strength of your of your realization if it's seen with so such dazzling clarity such sparkling clarity that there is no way that the mind can recover the psychological mind the ego mind cannot recover after such a tremendous insight or that is partial recover you know the mind is in hospital for a week or two [Music] and then resurfaces at your door one day hello oh no you again yes I think I actually wanted to really utilize the time here that was my point to notice to fall completely into the heart you don't think when I'm speaking now you're gonna utilize what I'm saying yes okay I have no wasted words about this hmm even if I tell a joke is not only wasted well okay at your speed let's go okay well if I turn the ice around and look inside I usually see seen nothing but at the same time it's distracted by thoughts and and then judgment what do you intend to see when you turn your eyes from going outwardly towards the world you turn it around turn inwardly what you expect to see you want to do today I tell you the answer today can you grasp it now I'll tell you now and see if you can grasp it now you see you are saying I look inside and searching inside I will tell you the true place is that you're very searching inside is watched you're very searching inside looking for something is watched from the very something you are if you here tonight but few beings in this world will hear this why because you're so convinced of who you are as the seeker you you are insisting on finding but I am already here I'm already the one you are who even am aware of this one who is searching so what are you looking to find what will you see you say nothing but there's nothing you will not be satisfied with because you keep the virility of your conviction as a seeker and I will not give up until I find but I will see you what do I have to give up so how do I give up the seeker find what the seeker is searching for that's a little bit slower than where I am you see even the voice that is saying but how do I find how do I give up the seeker you say how do i what did you say what just oh yes yes even the one who will do it must itself be given up you want direct I am mister direct at the moment you said I you don't have any time than this what I will tell you can you hold me you see now even saying this if you see ah because some people have when I say this over in different parts of the world I say if I manage to say it because I cannot say this I cannot just today I'm gonna tell them this I can't and never I'm like this today I will speak what God want to tell you that I don't know until I sit down and you speak something or blue and I pray for that you see but will you hear it yes if it is spoken it means someone here must hear it otherwise it's wasted words maybe not somebody here maybe someone on the other side of that lense recording this talk will hear it maybe someone there in the same way you know in the time of Jesus you know in the 12 disciples and all these people you know who was his greatest disciple we don't know maybe his greatest disciple is yet to be born I don't know maybe there's no way of knowing that the one who when he says you must drink my blood and eat my flesh he's not saying you must be cannibal what do you mean you must consume everything I am here with you you must you must become that in yourself we are one we are the same but you must not throw out what I'm speaking you must use it and and you'll be more than satisfied you'll be free free is more than satisfied you see and so when I say like this you you you say you want ultimate thing as or has picked you from you know from this place then you even ask from a not ultimate place you say how can I give this up it's still very good because at some stage all these place we speak from our stages within the evolution of consciousness and the evolution is going we're back to the source which is what it's empty of even what it has evolved beyond every step you take every step you take to reach this room when you reach the room the steps are not in it they were just there to help you to wake up you're drowning in the ocean and suddenly a wave comes lifts you up and give all the way to the shore and leaves you on the shore and you recover you turn around to thank the wave which one are you which way in the ocean is that the ocean did it not just a wave the grace of God did it so when you say how can i how can I go beyond the seeker you see actually truly you are beyond the seeker but I may tell you these words too early for some people because your mind might be very clever and just imagine haha he told me I'm beyond and this is why this dynamic existence is here to test your claim to test if what you believe in your mind if it is true mmm the cake looks nice on paper let's see how it is in the mouth that is what this life is for what you say you understand the life we'll put it to the test and if you have really grasped it you see it will be there with you but if you have not really grasped it if it's only in the mind then when the time of pressure comes for you it will collapse it will not be there with you you'll be like the friend who's saying I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you all the time and when you get into a fight it takes off and leave you there if your understanding is not with you as one it will depart in the time of tests how do I proceed beyond the seeker you see what I said to you now I'll explain to make it perhaps a bit easier then you must find out wait a second the seeker and what the seeker is seeking are they both perceivable this is my question don't don't just speak reaction only the speaker the one who the seeker the one who is seeking you are aware of its isn't it yes the seeker it is a feeling you have right now may be very strong yes maybe in a few hours the seeker feeling is not strong at all maybe the secret is sitting on a tree having an ice-cream not seeking right now so that seeker if it's a feeling or an intention it is not consistent it may have you know I'm seeking but it's not the right time but the self is always the right one so the seeker cannot be an ultimate reality it is a stage and it is thought based so when you're feeling you come to satsang and you're your seeker energy it's pumped up oh yes but maybe in another environment another kind of energy comes up and the seeker energy is not there Todd sometimes the seeker energy turns out to be the escaping energy no I want to get away from this place well I'm gonna get away from this place is it consistent and the seeker also if you're really ours if you really are a seeker then at any stage you are going to be a seeker you're ready to go to bed you know and someone say you know have you reached it self no no okay you know you ready no yeah of course I am you're at the altar do you take this man to be your lawful son no and the Lord was a player you ready so that is not consistent the seeker itself although amongst other concepts it is one of very high concept if you are searching for truth you understand yes so don't think I'm pushing these things down said no no I'm just pointing them out why am i pointing them out because there's a reality in you which is beyond the seeker and it's beyond the finder also it just is when it is found you feel nothing else just is everything else is a tourist everything is passing through but when you have the strong conviction of being a person you think you have things which you can keep everything that you perceive or know you through you know through the mind or the senses and they're all clouds passing some slower than others that's the nature of things we should not be hurt about this because you've lived with this all your life and it's not bad at one point you're going to be so happy that things pass it's only we feel unhappy for the things that we are attached to the things we're addicted to sometimes that they should not past the past everything's passing it's the health of the dynamic life that things come and go the fact that they come and go is indicating something else of that which does not come and go therefore it is able to witness all things coming and going what is that that doesn't come and go and who will know it it knows itself so if you want to say I say to you now that I'm not sending you on another stage in the journey and in another stage you go there when you get the ask somebody else how to go to the other place then you go to this place then you get the ass how to reach to this place so what to tell you this no I'm gonna speak to you from this place itself the place you say you're trying to reach how amazing is the mind the place you are trying to reach why because you naturally feel you're separated from and you who are separate from it actually why you separate from it because of the impurities in the mind because of believing them and taking yourself to be that when you believe you are that you become that experientially my words too complicated no all I'm asking you you follow if you follow you can make use you can see you see what are these eyes for to see things other than the eyes well it is eyes for to see things other than the eyes what is the power of perception for to press to see things and to perceive things which are other than the perceiver can the perceiver perceive itself dualistic aliy phenomenally can you recognize yourself as other if you imagine that some Divine Being appears in your room my love yes I am among the highest beings in the universe from the heavenly realm and I see that you are searching to find yourself and I have heard your prayer I've come to reveal yourself supposing this being said are you ready yes and yourself appeared of course in form the most luminous being with sort of like glowing winged wings of shimmering light the most beautiful hovering above the earth blessing you and you say oh my god I'm so beautiful wonderful would it not be at some point you say but but it can't be me no because I'm the one looking at it no we did not am I gone too far to say that it may be same but it's so wonderful I mean it's a beautiful I mean like it's a very flattering self-portrait you know very flattering portrait but it can't be me because I am here just to see it how how it can be me I mean I do you mean me in the future I mean I in the future this is me when I get to heaven I just want to know what my right now is it different from the one who will go to heaven on so it cannot be a form you're the yourself is not a beautiful form if it is who is going to recognize it your mum maybe yeah we are cousin but not you not in this relationship of I am looking at it and saying this is me so what you're searching for cannot be the form you think you are if it is not a farm how will you recognize it there is not a farm does it have any features like if I see you and I see you I know this is you you have distinguishing features does yourself of distinguishing features like you just a million times more beautiful no computers nothing no dandruff everything can you be happy so obviously it cannot be a farm it is not a farm if it is a farm who is going to appreciate the farm so what is it that we are searching for again didn't you find that as you listened and I say if you're searching for yourself with your mind you will not find it your man will introduce lots of different things which you're gonna have to one by one say no it's not that it's not that the ancient Rishi's of olden times know there in India one of the ways that they were practicing in their in their introspections is you may have heard the term neti neti and not this it's not this it's not this they could always say what they are not they could not show what they are it's not that suddenly beautifully and yeah and not that whatever I can see whatever I can perceive I cannot be that then the question came can that which is perceiving be perceived can that which is seeing everything else can this be seen and by who you see about this time sometimes you start to feel a bit depressed there like who I'm never going to find it but you know who is having this depression we're suggesting this your mind because it's been trying to sell you a self-image for a very long time you're not the image you may be functioning inside the image but you are not an image all the movements are happening the movements are happening but the none moving in is in the heart of it everything is changing but the unchanging is in the heart of it how can this unchanging be recognized well the question wouldn't even arise when the discovery is made which I assume is what you are here to find and if I find myself what happens to eye definer of myself do I become the keeper of myself then all these questions all these quests they dissolve no longer needed what remain that which is timelessly throughout all the histories of our species this one has remained untouched now why is it that insisting and pushing always to that discovery some people said what if I go there's nothing to do if I there's nothing to do who wants to go to place nothing to do well you won't be as somebody there having nothing to do and even without the somebody not being there with nothing to do the activities of life continual but a mystery and this shows that the activity the natural activity of the universe is not the product of the ego-mind and it's not waiting for the evil mind to stop to start saying okay the egos of the stage now listen to God Plato no it's here all the time actually when you wake up you realize that outwardly things don't really change in a kind of way and yet they're all transformed inside me in the way that I see because I used to see them with judgment I used to see them with all kind of measurements and now I see them in my oneness but a tree stew looks like a tree a yucca and an orange tree above trees but they still have their distinguishing features that doesn't need to go that has not been an offense that doesn't mean that all the self is not one because orange tree looks different from you country and know the oneness is not the oneness necessarily in shape but the oneness in being you see it is just like that it's not a oneness in shape we all can continue being varied and different in expression but we are one in essence this is what you are discovering and essence can still we're a unique farm suppose you like pasta but not rice and you wake up you think you're gonna suddenly like write rice because you're the one no you may in your dynamic portrait it's still like what you like yeah and somebody goes how about you're not universal because you like things and you have choice you see this is foolishness you see you can still have your unique you will still recognize your family in your dynamic world and you still have relationship actually a much improved relationship always from your side sometimes not always from their side initially but as they come to see actually beyond projection and misconceptions to see you as you have become and what you've discovered they will begin to recognize the beauty you are if they can recognize the beauty you are is because they are recognizing the beauty they are automatically it happen like that it's not about becoming a clan it's not about becoming a particular religious you know we all behave like the same that's not what sameness mean and it's not even have to be sameness its oneness and it can it allows the oneness allows that every every petal on this flower is unique when you don't understand that you're trying to make the machine everything is the same this is not understanding so great is the Lord of the universe it can make billions of these like this we are thinking with mine how human mind is so clumsy especially when it is restricted by egoic identity so I'm sharing with you like this you know because it's inside what you ask is good that we open it up see what what what things is good to know so that when you when you come to to the recognition it is not that you are in some tight place it's it's it's immeasurable place how to stabilize here how to stabilize here first you must recognize here when you recognize here then you may stabilize here you must first recognize what it mean then you can stabilize you cannot stabilize in something you don't know once you recognize then you say huh even though I know now it's it's like I know but somehow there still I'm still surviving as the one who knows this is very subtle but stay with me I know but I'm still holding onto the one who knows so I'm not yet that which I know I am just the noir of that it's subtle or not you see and then because I'm still the noir I could become the nun or again if the mind comes again I find myself in the person then I find myself in the position like of trying to get back to where I was I'm trying to get back to the infinite can you help me then exactly where are you outside of the infinite I'll send you some GPS to tell you how to get back to the infinite or you get back to the infinite what happens is that you went back into the dream of the finite which exists inside the infinite is it too complex what I'm speaking with you because we just have to become a little bit more subtle to to find the blind spots which keep creating a sense that you are separate and to expose them burning Satan's nests so when you see or when I see the knower or the seeker in that time you cannot see the nor you can see the seeker if the real nor is the ultimate even if you want to say is even the ultimate call that no and nor even please listen because we are in a in a higher place to listen it can even the ultimate nor because if it's a Noah then is something other than itself to no higher than knowing is being what is being we can say that being is your untaught sway your intuitive knowing that you exist you don't need someone to tell you you exist you just know you didn't go to the I exist fool you automatically know you exist but as what do you exist this Noah just intuitively knows but it doesn't have to know something you mean the minute you start to know something in a way then it's like it's different from you you are the knower of it you're not it it's not just words it's it's the secret that is not a secret unto itself it's a secret in the mind of the one who wants to know but for that which is it has no secret it has nothing to expose and nothing to become no it cannot be grasped the mind can try it can imagine but the fact is that even the mind trying is perceived in it maybe you you see you've always you've always been the self you don't realize you have always been the self even when you think you're a person the greatest part of your experience is the self and what is that what what is it is is that is the vastness in you that exists without knowing it just is it's what give you the sense of existence the rest is just what you learnt and then you believed and you've developed relationship somehow because in order to be in this manifest no it's like the absolute which is not somewhere else somehow creates the sense of a conscious presence that really came as a witness to the world they enjoy our size there but then quickly it identified with the instrument which needs to taste experiencing and say I I am this body and then whatever conditioning this body environmentally was exposed to becomes the construct of your own idea of yourself and that became strongly believed in and is this painful for you to hear okay so and so it's that instrument but even though his delusions and illusions came into it but the greatest well in fact with still 100% the self a funny thing to tell you is 100% the self is there but with a dream that makes it believe it's a person and it will keep on dreaming but the dream cannot exist you without the reality the reality is behind it your intuitive sense of yourself if this is why when I asked you in the invitation to leave all the things that you normally associate with the function of a person leave the the thoughts and your identity and your projections about the future and your your wants and your attachments leave them from just for a little bit and you could and you can and you did when you did all of these things what remain you cannot speak about it did it come from somewhere no it was always there it is there behind the person oh it is there now I ask you to leave the personal things just that aside for a minute the old person think what was here what is here you're even more you without the story without the desire without the attachment without the need you are totally present did it come from somewhere no it did not come from somewhere it's just so we we wipe the dust off the mirror that's all the mere suppose the mirror were was a sentient mirror and it could experience you know it knows it's a mirror and I said listen I need to put some vinegar and some paper to wipe you god no no no no no no you lose I wouldn't lose something and I said but it's only dust would I be without my best I feel great the person is an exaggeration largely overrated you imagine all you know but when I do have a person my individuality and so yes when that's all wipe your individuality is still there your powers of discernment is still there because consciousness put them there but now they don't have a bad landlord anything less would mean that God is limited now you begin to see from the true a place within yourself your senses are still present your mind and ability the intelligence is still there the people you know you were still recognized but free from your own contamination it is as simple as this but mine creates taboos around freedom their brainwashing you yes we're washing out your brain and putting it back in okay how it feels now [Music] wander all brain back no which is all brain a pile of misconceptions actually if you shake out all day on true beliefs it's empty I'm not trying to put back new beliefs spiritual beliefs we are not detoxing and then re toxin what needs to be done and easy even the such you know I'm searching to find it's in the what I call the theater of God which is life life of individuality of perceived individuality of me and you and you are you and this and high and low and God and demons and heaven and hell and life and death and friend and foe and you know all of these things is there in the dance of existence now it is experience much lighter before when you have a stubborn mind may be selfish identity you want to keep it now something becomes more relaxed not vulnerable just relaxed more wise Mooji I feel that at the same time I feel the natural resistance as well hmm I think you talk about it but it's just normal not sure yeah for the moment we say the resistance is natural the resistance is normal for this thing of course because something you have believed you were for so long there's a sense that it's on the way slipping away you know and you feel unsure because even if you're in a terrible relationship when it breaks up you still feel grief isn't it you have never had one okay sorry I'm talking about even if you are in the poorest married the worst thing of abuse and and when they leave still your health we still grieve so even if somehow it feels but here is different because it feels as though you know you might be losing some good things with the but the bad thing don't throw out the baby with the bathwater they say it's just something mine hoes on her ass making are just making jar mm-hmm first for me I got don't know what I'm resisting its I want to go all the way through but this you don't know what you're resisting because actually it could be that there's there's nothing actually in there for you to resist them in the mind is there is like a reflex a resistance like something you know and that's enough you didn't what do you find out what is it that's I'm resisting or what is it that is being resisted here and you slow down with that because at this stage they're not so many questions left in you so take time find out what is it that is being resisted we have a little time what is it this being resisted enough for you to present it now but there is the resistance is it just a feeling of resistance is enough to put you off to say well war won't go we what tell you is this thing is he some people of Arc's you know can you take me with you but could we just not too quickly just slowly just in case we run into trouble and I can escape or something I know what it is so sure I mean I'm fine I'm not taking you anywhere I think it's the resistance to unknown today unknown yeah I got some news for you you are the unknown even if your twin who you lived every moment with one day say yeah you know her you can't tell me anything about know everything about her you still feel no you don't know one can come to the end of you you are just attached to the apparent known yes something familiar yes it's because you are unknowable while you can enjoy the sense of knowing if you if you could know everything possible in the world it still cannot capture you that's just in your dynamic aspect because it's only in the dynamic there's something to learn to know you can keep going on Hugh I just miss potential you can just keep on finding and we can just keep changing rooms and going up and down and so on all of that you can keep doing in the vastness of your stillness look how many people you have been already just in this one life how many personalities how many things you've tried how many styles you've done and they all go we are still here what is the continuity everything has changed you know all these things is with these fashions of God what has been continuous consciousness this this I am kind of vibration it's always underlying all your experiences however varied they are you the consciousness has been underneath all of them and they've gone you have never been done because when they if you were them when they went you would also be gone you are here to witness or yes you know I heard this was back in the sixties you don't want to see this one sorry let's go for that sure is 1978 now that I like that period but it had to go let's go to the 80s to the 90s all of them come and go and the ones who are to come also come and go what is it that doesn't come and go I am NOT inventing I'm just pointing out it's like you know what you cannot know does it feel - mystical what I'm speaking about yes I'm in good company then so filer words some question say something really I could see when you were talking just then that everything is passing and yeah as you mentioned that nothing is really stable yes but I wanted to ask how to remain in just only your speaking or your speaking now about your attention not you okay you're trying to in some way train your attention to stay in your heart that's all we are for a long time miss label our attention to be what we are but your attention is a function in what you are and that's why your attention even something even is aware of your attention it can know when your attention is not stable not steady when it's Restless something watches restlessness of attention the intellect of the consciousness the beingness the intelligence of being watches that you know the attention is fluctuating in gnosis you don't rely on him right now he's fluctuating the intelligence of the being the intelligence of the being is also a function but is a much more subtle function than your attention he can watch attention also when you know that you are not your attention and that your attention is even witnessing in you what do you find is he there is a silence beyond the concept of silence I still ness beyond even the concept of stillness you are here the unmoving one but you're not stuck no one can define it I don't think any of the great masters could describe it and there was no need to Buddha could not speak about it all the the great beings the Krishna's and the Rama said they could not put it into words they could hint at it because in what direction could you point where is yourself in what direction to the north or east maybe we're sure it's in the east but not in the west in what direction would you find out in where is he where is the unlimited I am using the word unlimited maybe you don't feel you can use a word unlimited just yet Thank You argent okay come where Ghent we're dealing emergent emergency I woke up this morning with the edge of speaking with you and thank you thank you for that it brought I saw the arrogance in in invent some somehow I saw her dancing in not and I need to put myself in front of you you find arrogance is coming from the expression from the mind and the sense of person yeah yes one part of the address is like gorgeous is giving all the guidance and I can sort it out myself or something like that like oh I can sort it out yourself so when you say now which is giving all the guidance but I can sort up myself the one you're referring to as yourself is is what slow slow down and listen now because when I speak I feel I'm speaking to everybody you're holding the microphone but I'm speaking to everybody with this type of understanding why because it's not personal okay well how much personal maybe a psychotherapist can help you or something that's not a put-down but if you are looking for what you say you're looking which is to discover the truth of who you are hmm that's a universal knowing yes the you know is universal living inside the local this is the local the sense of the person where you grew up you're from Lithuania you're from France or this is your local the localized consciousness but we are here to discover your universal consciousness okay so when you say yes I am you know you are exposing thankfully you're saying actually there's an arrogance in me you even already catch them and arrogance here in my damp dynamic being is saying yes Mooji Mooji sharing these things you can work this out by yourself is it is it necessary and and and arrogance why would you call it an arrogance I mean it could be but baby it's not no no I'm not so because what it exposes also is like it is the sense of someone here working it out with us himself I can sense of a person with independence that can do anything by itself has it done it yeah and can I do it have you ever been able to do everything by yourself without this world and without its people were you ever able to do anything by yourself starting from baby were you ever able to do everything by yourself it seems to be a belief because like I I know I'm not able to do anything by myself but it's house happy in the in sometimes we move a little bit and we are certainly have to change rooms for a little bit when I say that because in a way I can speak about doing something by yourself and and when it's appropriate but in the context of what you're saying you know this voice that says yeah you know I mean I mean he's saying something but you can do this by yourself and you detected that as there's some arrogance playing here and I say it could well be let's take a look you know and you then you say well maybe it's not because I can make use of this and I can see that it's exposing something so what actually he was bringing me to to put myself in front of you is to this habit of the mind of pinwheel in the in the last question you have been talking about that like the habit of the mind of been as I seen there's some interest that this assessing constantly inside of how is the process very very heavy because you know also that so as I said none of this would have been possible if the power wasn't if the power was not given to the mind to imitate the self and and to given to the pure self to pretend to be a person when these two things are in place let the show begin you you follow what I'm speaking you had to somehow take up the mask of personhood to have particular me experiences and so I like that and somehow with with that and the mind is there now imitating that you know yes to then say look you know we can do like this we can do it Daniel yeah I can do it my way and it is to try that out and to see how far we can get it's like it's always in search of something you were mentioning before it's like already in in in the position of having a problem which I cannot I don't know what was the problem but it just takes me in the position of there is something to sort out and then it has to use all there are you say to us are you saying also that there are times when the mind will will will cooperate with the idea like we are trying to solve the mystery together but it's actually just postponing misdirecting distracting the truth yes sometimes is that he's really on the journey yeah we're doing this we're getting rid of so close pressure here but you're up the wrong tree it's like you know at least is talking about satsang or like about the process or how you add you to win and how like assess and evaluating and the progression all the time keeping keeping the attention there and it makes me everything very heavy so easy really trying to put across what my paintings are because sometimes I hear feedback from people I thought what you know I just send you down to the kitchen what are you doing in Mexico oh but a mind says he would turn left here go down you know there's really really good oranges in Mexico and you take this Mother's River and I just went along with it when I'm living in London also hmm sometimes people would write and they say they want to come and visit me at my apartment like this and it's very easy and I actually write it down for them because I write it down for them and they send it to email CH and send it to them then one and a half hours later they're calling me I said where are you oh I'm in West Norwood where's no wood idea to restore it well I came to Brixton as you say I got off of the station I went to the book by the bus stop and a man who said to what what are you looking for where you're going I say I'm going to touch you up top to upper Tulsa he said but you this is the wrong bus stop you need to go to this bus stop take the number two bus and then you go off and up there it does Tulsa and I took it I went there I said but I know where I live I know where I wrote myself and tell you why did you not listen yes but I met this person with a nice person was a nice person and he told me to get oh okay you see so if you do that just with my directions to come to my house what you're gonna do in my teaching it's simple enough I don't want to give you extra work it's simple enough so I point out something it's just this if you don't watch this and so I you'll find that you already here even you didn't really travel you're just someone looking through this this this forest of concept don't eat any fruit from those trees just stay here look don't go the trees may be calling you or whatever no no just stay with your banana you'll find everything then you don't listen then you say oh but I don't know why it's so difficult and say yeah why is it so difficult Direction is simple enough why you don't do it it's all so simple it sounds so simple like when I when I hear your words its some simple in the experience in the moment it doesn't it doesn't are you calling me a liar I'm asking for your help all this is because of the deceiving mind isn't it it's as though it will not cooperate with anything that threatens its existence and yet you know what it doesn't really exist what it mean what didn't mean doesn't exist I don't mean that it doesn't appear but it's not true you know it not in that sense mind generally speaking is fine if we need the mind truth is the one who is actually it's not the eyes that see is the mind that sees through the eyes the mind is amazing it is a wonderful the when it comes to issues about your identity it's not gonna help you you have to know who you are beyond the mind then you can drive the ship of the mind quite well but if you go to the mind to ask you to ask him how Who am I and please help me to find myself then you see what happened in the world for everything else is fine you needed to for perceiving and life and interact and everything you will need we need our mind it's wonderful it's a wonderful power of the self but when it comes to you know who you are and who you take yourself to be it's not real it's not reliable everything else is fine everything is fine secondary so I say it's not real I mean whatever you your view of the world is only your view of the world it is not the truth of the world as I say there's only one earth but there are billions of worlds a world being a psychological state inside yeah shaped on your identity your belief preferences desire all these things shape the way that you perceive the world this is why if we are standing outside there's five of us standing holding hands on top of the hill each one may have a very different experience of that time the scene is still the scene but your interpretation your experience will be very unique and then we are believing that our subjective experience is a fact that's how things are no it is how you are perceiving them to be only when you are empty when you're when you've gone beyond the limitations of egoic identity when you have gone beyond that and then you can perceive the world in its true light not wanting anything from it and yet at the same time it's the nourishment for your body and mind but not depending on it for who you are when we begin to have fantasies about our lives on this planet largely it's because we are not really in touch enough with ourselves the planet is beautiful in spite of all we are doing to it it's still beautiful our minds are not beautiful when it's lived and when it's harboring only the the egoic identity then our minds are not beautiful it can become beautiful but it's not as long as we are strongly identified in ego-centered the beauty will not pour out of us and yet deeper down you are the source of all things I just want to put your your dynamic identity back into the heart of yourself just want to bring your dynamic identity your self-portrait back into the source of yourself that's why when you are discovering you're not discovering something else when you discover yourself as it is you realize that everything else is else on it this is not else only this is not other everything else is other feels like other at least for a while soon even that will become expressions of yourself you have got to come to see that all your sense of being your emotional your psychological your mental intellectual biological being our observable there's a knowing in which they exist but not knowing is beyond the limitations of your phenomenal representation is that is that a complex statement in itself meaning it is like this already but you're under the impression is not like this this is why the realization of the self is so intriguing because you're gonna see when you recognize it's totally familiar to even not even before familiar there's something even more important than familiar yourself is not familiar yourself is you it's not other when you as even as you're waking up you begin to while you where'd you get the confidence to keep going deeper and deeper in spite of the mind trying to fight and stuff what keeps making you come deeper and deeper because as you're coming deeper and deeper your joy is increasing is it a trick is it a trap your spaciousness is increasing you're more kind and more soft why people come to monte sahaja and they're they are so touched to be here it's the same trees as anywhere else around this area it's the same earth same everything why here because the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit of God dwells here why because he's happy why because the beings are there attention is turned towards him now some people may feel that you know is there a very simple way I mean can we just do something just faith and just just and feel yes we can I'm very much with you there - you can feel and and feel the power and the presence of God and be wonderfully you know be in this but what I'm sharing with you is taking you home not home as a person home beyond person what you're finding what you're experiencing again is how much complete you are without the things you imagined you need I have no fault with the world at all I love that you see me out there planting trees and stuff I love them I love the water you know we appreciate all these things I was saying before beavers how important is water as is very important it's very important that you don't waste this land teach you don't waste if you waste you've not understood you see if water was money you wouldn't waste it some people would even stop bathing okay because we value money more than water but if you had all the money in the world and no water what would that be like but if you have all the water in the world and no money you choose so we appreciate the nature we appreciate life I love to see that the beings are happy and in a true place of happiness not exaggerated speculative happiness but did happiness which is synonymous with yourself not the happiness which comes from an event just a happiness that just is and peace and that we are not just walking around trying to be peace no the peace is just there the joy is there oh we can make trouble too everybody knows how to make a little trouble and sometimes we need a little bit of trouble also because it helps you to keep striving to to keep your you know discerning powers alive otherwise you can go to sleep and alone this - a troublemaker what you were supposed to find out that's the troublemaker you were saying about being happy like I'm I find myself with my family not all the time but when I'm with and I'm not fully like enjoying them because the sense of there is something to sort out first like that and some things that's also inside it is observable but like the whole the whole instruction comes in the same bubble of it is also a bubble and then it doesn't come deeper man will support you no sorry if it means keep on enquiring keep firing and then keep it quiet you'll be late that inquired your wife is so hard what's so hard can you help me to inquire again oh I'm showing you suppose you ask me you know can you see how can I find some place to rest as I sit down here yes but you don't I mean I really want to really discover it it's not what you understood don't know yes but I want to really have the experience of discovering how to really sit and be very comfortable could you help me go gee no you're gonna sit down sometimes this is what is happening in the mind you think you don't know but I've got to do this and there's a time for everything there's a time when it's important to go much more deeply and Suckley and pursue some sort until evaporates and it's a time to just ignore it are you practicing you're ignoring not ignorance just ignoring if you're practicing you're ignoring it's nice nice the body goes how about that every single thing you must inquire into every single thing no you don't in the beginning when you're first learning inquiry to look into it then you might experience some kind of paranoid inquiry or something where everything is who is thirsty who's tired who's tired you know I did then a little bit by little bit you find out what works and I said no no you don't have to waste time with that they in the intensive you read a letter from someone and I felt very much like your answer was coming for me that they were saying like that's not the way that's too complicated I would take you for a walk and have a cup of tea yes and and I took it that's for myself like something needs to relax him in that also and now now now now can you do you have do you always have to do something to relax no now how about now let it go just let it go the man is in there holding on let it well if you could remind me in the heart whenever I'll just stop doing yeah yeah if it happens again no it's happening now again now me no no we don't go ahead you already invested in your next defeat no now every time how is it possible though that you can just it just drop something trust me when it is worth really looking into it something will help you to say yeah look into that but when you can just drop it you know like I say if I show your warm potato you say what should I do and I put some butter maybe so give it to somebody if I show you a very hot potato I don't think you'll be asked me what I should do it it you just all chopped him you can drop it if you recognize the place I'm talking from yes you will know that no suggestion from your mind can top that your manager tell you how to reach where you already are and he's got a long queue of people of everything that's a song but the thing is because you imagine that where you are presently is less stuck in the mind anyway which is somehow it'll be true also experientially that is true but realistically it's not true realistically you are the self experientially imaginatively you are being the person you imagine yourself to be as you think so you become a lot of things we believe there you didn't believe them before you still existed then you believe them and you believe them so much you believe them into existence and they became your experience now you have to find some contrary thought to believe in to neutralize they're ready first or which both of them are unreal many years ago I say that you know when we came here working in the bush you know suppose you step on a thorn and it breaks off in your foot is really hurts you may take another thorn to pick the first one out and when you take out the first one you throw both of them away you are using concepts some concepts I'm giving you some concepts to get rid of other concepts when you got rid of all of them you can forget all the concepts it's nice isn't it it's possible too I want that somebody prove me to be true and then when you prove to be true and then others may start to feel well maybe he's true maybe we should take it seriously take your mind seriously and he's a big joke but he can be a horrible joke as long as you are the one that he can speak to the trouble will continue the mind will go to some people and not to others because whenever he comes to your house and it's a party another one come on your bike hit the road jack where you love to like this now now which is true how can we trust her well when the lovely crying if I may say a mention something else it has been plain and just not to dismiss it but to bring it as you feel this is like a deep sense of guilt that now and then a place and now lately it has been playing very strongly can do big guilt without identity the middle was very good and decide here I think the guilt is on the left and they're being guilt without identity these are actually my answers actually are very revealing it shows there cannot be these things with our personal identity is a personal identity inevitable meaning that you have no choice yes up to a point we don't know so you must make use of the best you can but when you begin to discover then you realize that you have options if you go with the mind and go with the eye if you don't when I say that the identity is something is also cloud passing and it changes and something witnesses the change and the one that witnessing the change is not is not the change it's not that if you really hurt that and really sat with this and really know how would this guilt live will a fire keep going if you stop putting wood on it it's just a very simple example it must be the mine feeds on your insecurities mine feeds on trouble mine feeds endowed mine feeds on identity and interest and attachment all this is fuel for this psychological aspect of the mind so without the identity personal identity you cannot you cannot have trouble things come in life and you will face them but you face them in the greater space of yourself when you are perceiving things from the greater and true place of yourself they are not a problem you just have to take care of them the minute it becomes personal then it becomes a problem you see and it can be there of course sometimes even in a wise being even a liberated being sometimes some things may come and they'll be surprised at you they feel some troubled if you some sarahfey some yeah but because you know underneath there life is not a compass for trouble then these things cannot learn that cannot grow they appear and they disappear quickly everyone as long as long as you're a living being you're going to have a little bit of both sometime little bit of trouble some damn bit of sickness comes from but sometimes sometimes but as you're established in the Sun in the self most of them you don't even notice much of the trouble we feel and the intensity of the trouble is because in some way where our attention is arrested in it you're just paying attention to that when you have found a true place of yourself attention loves to live there it is your greatest feel of experiencing everything else is much less your continuous experience is somehow as though you're cocooned in the infinite so if you're cocooned in infinite who are you is something like this I just have to keep checking whether the words are abstract for you whether it's just like we're talking mental things or they are applicable I mean that you can apply them in your seeing and they come with a result meaning that your your you are less stressed you are less easy to be afraid and you're more clear more comfortably inside your own being it has to be this otherwise for what reason you come out here in the bush they came all this way and also mind is here also you come as well you ride on the same ticket he will come with you see if he can do really well here he gets transformed somehow into higher state of consciousness also the mind itself given the proper a discipline of your own seeing he also comes with you because he can only come now if he transforms into self he's not allowed to keep doing his bad tricks anymore he joins you now become good servant maybe even friend if you need further a difference I went to give thanks to the Lord for having you in our lives for guiding us to be light into the literal nature that we wanna have and made it life being always in service for this discovery and yes we radiating reflecting this inner discovery yes thank you case you I don't mean to commit you Thank You Georgie thank you so when earlier when you were speaking about can you be perceived as other I didn't know I was gonna come up it just something inside me just I just that that's had to UM speak with you so I know I can't see myself as other but something something is I can see my existence the I am and so that so something's saying so this is other so what I am is seeing something as other still the I am as other does that make sense yes it's making sense because yeah it's almost like the the eye is disappearing but it's becoming more visible but I don't know is becoming more visible as not as a thing just it's it's becoming I want to say known but it's like in my vastness yes so therefore listen now this is very good because I say whatever you can perceive somehow it becomes phenomenal to a deeper witness a deeper seeing did it make sense to you then I said even we gave the example about the two birds in the tree remember I think everyone in here know I've heard this and the first spread represent the dynamic life of personhood then our culture traditions our family culture our our personal culture what we want to do in life as a person would want to achieve go to university have a good job of a family all these things and general thing around the world no the first bird in the tree is doing this having a family taking your family looking investing in future and all these type of things and so a nice photo album of the past whole listing and I say on a branch just above that sits another bad but this bird is not building anything it just quietly looks it's not that it's not lazy but it's just observing and in its view is the first bird and all the first bird activity but it sees the first parent and it's activity he sees his dreams also sees the wind feels terrain and fees the Sun it sees all things but it just quietly looks and this second bird represents also a power we have within ourselves to observe just quietly observing even while our actions our first bad actions are happening the observing is to just still in us can you relate to this example it's very important so we speak about our activities in life you know whatever oh I am NOT speaking again someone judging I'm just pointing out that part of our existence which is our dynamic practical living our you know sort of what you may call our ideals attaining our ideals our dreams to try to that I call the first breath building of family second bread position more more still more just observing isn't it quite looking then I say this is not trying to achieve anything he's just quietly present there so I'm saying actually this second bird is in the heart of the first bird can I say like this yeah so that's the tree Tree of Life the second bird is in the heart of the france bande is quietly there so even though first proactivity happening second bird position is just that presence inside that's just observing now first bird may not even be aware of second bird activity or second bird presence you follow what I'm saying maybe for for most of first birds life is just first bird's dream and activity doing doing doing the somehow maybe in first bird life it became aware of second bird position in himself the second bird doesn't go stop your activity now that you find first bread activities have to go on some of the activity some of the activities of first bird was just the general activity of the cosmos that is just activity of the universe was to express this but it got mixed in with first birds capacity to imagine also and to want to fulfill its own personal projections got mixed in the action also can you relate to this yes but all of this is in second Birds view first bird position may become aware that they might have heard about there's a second bird in the tree really I don't know about a second Brenda tree I alone of industry but gradually became aware that the second bird is not different from me then gradually actually a second bird it's very important then the second bird is actually more than me because all my first productivity where whatever got to show for them okay I've got the yellow Lamborghini okay fine fine but the second burner has nothing but I'm happy I'm discovering my second bird nature okay that second birds pulsation is the vibration I am he just knows I am that is the name of everybody before you was given first bird name you had I am I am is your name I am represents your being is the vibration is the voice of consciousness I consciousness am I exist okay and this second birds and also is the weakness you can say it is the godly principle inside the body this second birds activities if you want to say or he knows the activities which are universal you know meaning that it is like the God's will action and there's the my will action okay you've seen that the more you become aware of second bird your my ego will is coming more into the mind God's will and there's a lovely balance the life is very beautiful like that no is there a time and a place where even second bird is also perceived you remember first part for a long time did not know that their second bird then they began to recognize second bird is actually here also in the Tree of Life okay so somehow when it recognizes second bread position it felt much more vast also because the second bird as a vastness inside the first part bird as a vastness outside the second bird as a vastness inside and outside actually is inside incorporate the outside as well you you're following this thing then there's a certain point when we discover our second bad position we already feeling happiness we are already feeling wholesome we have a wish if we could only be fully second bad you know knowing that the first birds activity now is in service to the universe but takes clear also of the local life if he is very happy and sometimes just once this life just to continue in second bird vibration nice I have spiritual friends and family now you know somehow the universe helps me sometimes when no one is around to help me help comes from unseen unexpected quarters I find that things come the universe is indeed taking care of my life we are feeling like that and many people are content but there are some who continue to observe and find that somehow it's creeping in that even second bird is witness able also now second word is witness ever as you know as the what you may say as the the witness the vibration of existence you know is there but there is something that is beyond readable it has no quality beyond attributes even okay now does it mean that because second bird is also seen the quality of the witness I sometimes call this witnessing the child of the absolute the lens of the absolute it is not different from it's the dynamic aspect of the absoluteness it can be seen like it's other but it is one just like it's like when you were a child a baby in the womb of your mother there was some umbilical cord that connects to the mother so the food you eat come from mother in a way we even though we're adults so to speak we have an invisible umbilical cord to God but it's no distance for a while we are like the dynamic fetus but also we share the intelligence of the supreme at a certain point you come to realize this is a oneness there's a harmony there for as long as the body is there also we experience like there's a harmony but some point you may also feel like there is no other at all in the dynamic world that is perceived is not other than myself also but you cannot just solve that intellectually it gets resolved in your deeper as you sit if your meditation if your contemplation is about this is resting inside the essence these knowledge gets released in you like waves of illumination come into the dynamic mind and you come to know as long as the body is here you experience your dynamic existence when this body is not here you experience your dynamic existence in all the bodies thank you for those words it feels to say that I something I won't be waiting for this but I'll just keep being in satsang looking with you and just in the right timing this will be seen and confirmed yeah the only way it can be because like you say enough the mind can't try and work in yeah it is it is still this the self the complete is also complete now it is there but that plus some ideas we have about our self is to somehow you know just like little orbs floating around in our in our infinite Ness and there's something yes you know when I eventually come yes because God keep it that way for now you gradually gradually that also everything is slowly is merging magic magic magic magic magic the dynamic and the non dynamic but in the absolute merging and not merging don't mean nothing at all the absolute is always absolutely is there all encompassing all inclusive even says all encompassing is secondary hmm because all encompassing is like happening and it is beyond happening we perceive happening because we are with a dynamic faculty hmm but in our non dynamic there is only the one even it doesn't know doesn't have to know about one nor oneness but because we know Tunis we can't imagine what it's like to be oneness now are my words unreachable for you no you're like as I'm speaking here no inside my being I'm doing nothing at all another way of saying I'm not I'm doing nothing at all yet I'm aware of activity dynamic activity and sitting here and I can see each one of you very distinctly I can have this friend sensation and and the words are so as they are coming I only know them because of their vibration they're just coming out - from the vibration you see they're not so like i'ma say this word sometimes you know it was the right word and GLaDOS but they're coming more out of a kind of word harmony field it's happening just like you say that there's this just this sense of it's like the the doer is is being absorbed and there's this realization it's only the one doing everything yes so the individual sense of doership is merging in the universal dwell all the actions you're coming to see all the actions are actions of the oneness why because the ego feeling is subsiding in you the only subsiding is just merging in the oneness so your actions are oneness I gotta keep checking in with you though we are on the same page and yeah okay good and just thank you so much for this time so precious to be here in Monte sahaja and and I just have to also say thank you for the Lisbon retreat because I was able to go and sit with you and it's just yeah thank you thank you thank you for your room thank you thank you that you know it's amazing because in Lisbon retreat I'm told like over more than a third of the people were new new for satsang at least in the physical satsang and what is amazing for me is then that in such a mix you know that I was still able to go within four days to speak with you about the highest truth this is what something that's very beautiful hmm I didn't take you know okay you're come at University you have to spend it on three years you know studying studying and then after that you have to go for fieldwork you have to leave from here now you have to go and try for practical application no all in one I'm doing I'm not saying we have solved it but something could listen maybe not everyone maybe there's still many people who like I don't quite get it and that's fine because I want to tell you that in satsang is not just the words that are doing it it's the spirit that is doing it it is the grace that is doing it and it's entering not just to your ears but to the very pores of your being it's coming in that you just somehow just come to understand you don't know how we put tremendous attention and importance on words and mind and they are important they're one of the the main arteries of communication but just by sitting and being you know also in an agreeable state meaning that although there may be some little pockets of resistance going but something chooses to stay then in that field you're being nurtured the one who understands is absorbing for influence from yeah and not just willy-nilly any kind of stuff coming in no no this is like it's like you know a purification system where water goes in gray water goes in at the top and goes through these different layers of stone and mud and gravel and sand and comes out drinking water the same water have been purified filtrated true life and true understanding and comes out drinking water so the drinking water was in the polluted water also but the polluted water means we could not enjoy it would be poisonous toxic he goes through this filtration it comes out drinking water a little metaphor guru Joe is meant to leave today I'm going back to UK for three weeks no and I wish you luck I will full blessing for blessings for blessing for them also for blessing for them also it's true for best thing for them even if you sometimes people go from here and they feel oh I'm going back into this like it's a little bit you know to go back you know and and you maybe for the first sometimes we go 1-2 days with you or mine the right place oh my god but gradually you see how grace you know is seeping through you cannot go anywhere you have the curse you used to bless them even if you have to leave town you still lived you bless something bless them you can't help it you see hmm even if your mind can't bless them somehow your your presence is wherever you go right here a garden will grow dear UF the one has found you and it's purified mind so that the mind can shine not to kick it off because mind also come from here he had a game to play in the manifestation mine was given you have a role to play and he does it very well and you are so had a role to play to take on the mask of personhood and to see how long you could live in press the hood before you had to dive deeper and find your divine power again to wake up back to yourself so it has to have some you know you are not the best Assessor of how well you have done you see you sometime only learn that you you've moved on from something when it reads itself and you see that mat that reaction the all reaction is not there anymore sometimes you cannot know just like you don't know how much you see a child I don't see them for six months to see how much they've grown but they don't feel they're growing so others will notice and some may be attracted some maybe will not attracted like whoa the mind comes up in them and therefore it's trained don't worry if the world things just change initially can't help it you see sometimes people have come and they say to you you know they're looking at say so why you okay he says yeah yeah I've never seen anybody so still only dead people but you are definitely not dead you're some and some bees attracted you know it communicates you didn't use words they communicate and how is possible you you do meditation or something sometimes we're walking we go maybe to London we go to markets and cool of cardboard to marketplace and so often people come and they asking the different and if fear was walking you know what is it with you guys well what's going on with you and sometimes they they don't say right there hiding also I said no you can tell them you know Dom and don't tell them you know your children of parabrahman don't talk like that in those boxes but you can just say that you know we are you know a spiritual community we are here and then they may give them a chance you know see but of course the people there really sense and when you say actually you know actually we are like you could say a spiritual community you can even say you know it's meditation because that's easy word easy word get away word with the meditation don't tell them we're in the self inquiry no they don't do this type of stuff you know we live into the invitation now did you say do some meditation because most people are so dead they're very are you mad at all yeah I thought so so yeah there's something different about you look oh yeah okay thank you something some vibrations picked up because there's something that's not a common feature there it's a quality of piece even though you're walking people where they're feeling the vibrations of you and sometimes the people who find it more difficult to accept it at first are the people who think they know you I say think they know you because everybody only things they know you your family think they have a right to know you okay but actually you find that somehow it's okay and you understand this you're not going to try and correct them now just be yourself and don't get into any philosophical debate with anybody let's go make cups of tea enjoy go out to the children out and do things just like anybody you probably find they're still watching you you have another opportunity there somebody's watching me trying to find out what's going on but you are just going to be just fine I'm happy when anybody is leaving because I feel that some light goes out also and so it should be we will miss you but we still love that you go and you have time with your family and leaving but not leaving you say I know that I'm not really spoken with many people but I feel it is okay with you because you know as I said yeah I'm not speaking with a person I'm conversing with presence as presence about presence is he so there's a universality about that means that someone once says this man said I may not like everybody but I am like everybody I felt it was something very broad about that when we can listen inside as consciousness then doesn't matter you know our broader we are talking this person you your being is nurtured by it you can relate from your own because we are all inside each other actually you may find that some things relate to you more because right now they are more they're very very important that that aspect is some night goes on that but we can always be learning don't choose who you should learn from then learn from everything and when I say to those at mantis Asha I say to you you know live as though you have no rights I cannot say that to publicly because there many people who owe you so take away people's rights you know this kind of mind okay those elevated beings know what I'm speaking because they know the priceless Ness of it in application they don't assume they don't you know assume things they simply saw everything that comes you have an appreciation right you are without this feeling of entitlement which sometimes come with some arrogance and ego something just quietly knows and that everything you have found yourself everything else is a bonus inside itself you see so this is what white and white so Biff why so many people from all around the world to come hmm because it's not tribalistic is not my talk is not Western it's not even Eastern yeah it's just about the self the universal one and so everyone can relate to it not everyone all at once but everyone somehow are able to listen to it you know we can leave out the spiritually charged words that people hear you can still listen to it and understand just like a mirror doesn't matter which country you buy a mirror it still only give you the same reflection you know it's not like Russian mirrors come with some vodka influence or something and China you know is you know it's the same wherever you go whatever mirror you're looking you're gonna find a perfect reflection of your face so is a universal truth wherever you go you can speak it that is the one language actually everything else you are translations of this language of consciousness and there's nothing more than just sitting right with yourself that is your wealth and that is your light also and that light goes everywhere in the world meaning wherever this body is you know a lot that light is there and you know it's in every human being this intuition is there we may try everything to try and make it to limit it to logic but we are feeling beings and we can experience because the seed of consciousness is in you so they know we know something is inside that knows this one is something something is in this one and it's like you're being response to it your mind cannot the mind may come in this thin these times and try to distract you but something is there something universal and there's something in every one of us that can respond to the universe before you are an English person or American person your Universal we had a universal that became localized but only for a time and only to dream when we are discovering this Universal love this love is for the whole world just like when the sun is shining he doesn't say oh you know I really like the Swiss I love Swiss flowers are shine more strongly here everywhere he shines everywhere he doesn't choose you shine even on poo it doesn't matter everything gets sunlight in the same way you are your being is universal that's just really generosity you see that's what comes from God it comes from God this the source and it flows to God and manifestations just take a moment just render your understanding what we truly discover what we have truly find and recognize must not remain as words or concepts within us first they must combust into spirit if you experience that you know it's very difficult to really absorb what you have heard and what you are feeling don't worry it's quite normal and natural in the initial stages that we will feel this kind of duality and some turbulence that comes from like the mind is saying I don't understand I don't understand it's okay it's okay it's okay just like a child comes into this world without understanding anything at all but with love and care understanding happiness in them you may not understand the words or what I am fighting to fully but listen to your heart is your heart happy to be here and if it is happy to be here it will it will nurture you so at the end of science you should be empty and with this emptiness you'll find that if there are things to be done they get done sometimes they get done you don't even know how but they your actions flow with more grace and so you're not strained and not tense like this and always gradually gradually everything that happened in life seems to be taking place in this immensity and they don't have to leave any trace like you know like they say the words writing on water you see you cannot read it later everything is fresh and yet it's pointing to the freshness of consciousness and this is the this is the changing over I say sometimes the transition from manual to automatic some people can apply that to this metaphor to cars from manual to automatic here means from using your mind to try and solve your life to dissolving your mind into your heart and being one with the flow of the universal consciousness and at the same time discovering your stillness that tranquility and that unchanging happiness that infinite timelessness yes it may take time somehow to stabilize in the timeless to really come to see from that place you are becoming indescribable again indefinable there will come a time when you will know profoundly that your being is imperishable just like our personalities pass away your sense of personhood will pass away your personalities the different ideas we've had pass away but you still are one day your ego identity pass away and you see that you still our body also will pass away you still are don't trust so much in mental knowledge however vast our knowledge is on this planet we are still in kindergarten in terms of the mysteries of the universe and even that is far too big a compliment but with your heart you can meet a no-cut with the mind not really we can only have concepts about but in your heart and with your heart mind you can find and discover you can again be in the very heart and the soul and the source of this universe thank you thank you okay somebody coming now and who is leaving today yeah I know who else is going today when two three four tomorrow today day after tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow and today or tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow yes has it been good to come to search or even for a day this song is in veneration of the ones have the one God and the one love that emanates from God [Music] just for [Music] my life for nothing with your dirty [Music] your father every moment of joy every moment of birth is filled with your grace [Music] how much more I everyone looks like you everything looks like you there is no such thing like I love that is mine whatever it is hi it's their heart I know it is your heart you set on fire my word and left only one shrine where I am on my knee where I rest in your bed [Music] [Music] the [Music] you that you what [Music] [Applause] [Music] they were seafood [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] while of [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is not [Music] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] merci [Music] everything [Music] [Applause] I am lost in wonder by looking at you and see how about that sir regardless of who comes to [Music] I am lasting wonder by looking at you and see how God how much he loved regardless though [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 352,253
Rating: 4.8502202 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, Sahaja
Id: hFjQBv3p7gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 51sec (8991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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