The Perfect Feminist Boyfriend~

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dave37 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

whos the guy in the thumbnail? looks so fucking familiar and its bugging me that i cant remember.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mookydooky 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys I'm in Canada and while I was barefoot wearing nothing but an apron in the kitchen baking a pie I was thinking you know what my boyfriend's not a very good feminist Ally so we're gonna read a bunch of articles on the internet com of how to be so we got our poutine and we are ready to go you met 12 sneaky ways to tell if he's a feminist oh I already hate it how woke is your baby Lisa are letting us know what their audience is right this guy he looks like he cares about what you have to say doesn't it yeah it's like he really cares respects unless you're trying to date a Matt McGorry type and by Matt McGorry type I literally mean a man who has intersectional feminist in his Twitter bio and will forever be known as Locust Bay of 2015 does he actually hold that tight wait what's BuzzFeed can we talk about how woke oh my god this is on his own Instagram are you [ __ ] kidding me he posted this on his own this isn't this isn't somebody trying to make him look bad boy menace is a mean menace doesn't mean meninist isn't a real thing it can be hard to tell where that hottie you've been crushing on is the male feminist Ally spectrum is this a thing if he doesn't need these super subtle things he's definitely a feminist when you say the word tampon or period he doesn't recoil or projectile vomit yeah cuz I'm not six see this is the thing with the whole period shaming thing I'm pretty sure like no grown men actually like no this is this is a narrative this isn't a thing that actually happened I don't I've never heard a man ever shame a woman for having a period man is so close to his female best friend that he gets cramps when she's on her period and even has to take sick days oh my god the perfectly the perfect male feminist would pretend to be a woman and take a sick day because he's a little belly hurtle one not every three times say yes how you're doing he follows up with but how are you really it's almost like Oh Pathak yeah what if I followed up every single question with asking the same question again but with the word really at the end like like I never trust a single thing you tell me a real man is never trust a real male feminist knows that women are lying [ __ ] he looks your female friends in the eye when they're speaking like even the ones with big tits he respects women and doesn't even have a little sister anyway I do have a little sister actually and I think that probably she has a lot to do with the reason why I don't respect there's more Matt McGorry oh yeah he's like a guru when a woman asks if I'm a feminist and I say yes and she gets really excited I get bummed because it's a reminder of how low the bar is he's like the ultimate mega cook like I don't like to use the word [ __ ] to describe people but like if ever there was a mega cook yeah an Elfa like the alright decision of he's the leader of the cup he's only honked your boobs like once and you're pretty sure it was an accident so who cares um yeah word to the wise if if you're dating a man and he doesn't honk your boobs chances are he's not sexually attracted to you last time you sighed and said men are the worst he patted you on the shoulder and said I know we really are the worst thing about this the worst thing about this is that this article is openly and encouraging that you reward men who hate themselves and that you only date men who did not choose to be born as a male it's something you can't control not hate yourself for it he always has a variety of condoms available for you to choose from what's the kana oh my god more Matt McGorry it's a man I've never heard of him he's like mr. poopy buckle over here he just popped up and he's like feminist god I would love to explore this person and like make a whole video just showing everybody the man the myth the legend that is yes it's it's funny so okay so one thing I've noticed it's very popular in feminist culture is not just this attitude of not needing other people but it's almost like this hostile like unflattering the point I'm making here is that he seems to have adopted this same attitude and he he him almost sees himself as a female feminist like embracing the whole being sassy thing and like that the reason I find this in particular so strange is because the one thing with feminism is that it's all about trying to create empathy for women and other minorities and groups and stuff but they try to do this by you know being the least lovable people possible and being the least and like the least empathetic people and like it's hard to feel empathy for a class of women when their representatives are like hostile and unlovable people he has at least one blue tonic female friend who he has not slept with tons of tons of women that won't sleep with me I was actually did a lot water so so BAE your pretty-pretty whoa eight signs your boyfriend is a feminist also congrats on that finding a feminist partner is pretty easy if you date women but what if you prefer your X chromosome with a little Y oh oh so it's really easy to date feminists if you're a lesbian but what if that rare chance that you're actually into men yeah what if you're a feminist who likes men oh he notices if a movie passed the Bechdel test Bechdel not the good ones no all the bad ones he would consider taking male birth control as long as it didn't like make me shoot blanks or anything then just like yeah air gun no then I wouldn't do it other if it was if it didn't change the experience at all then you have to at the very least he's not a men's rights activist oh yeah I think dodged that bullet Comfort number five he watches porn that isn't degrading pretty sure I exclusively watch degrading for I don't think he knows what not doing how are you supposed to get off if somebody isn't being degree oh my god he thinks your career is as important as his we have the same career yeah okay so at very least our careers are equal you've like a way bigger reach arguably the stuff you did like a higher production value but arguably the stuff videos my videos just make everybody yell at each other he knows how much harder women have to work to build a long-term career it was so much easier for you you like literally made 30 videos where you scream and a camera and show everybody your rabbit Moo of use in a year oh my god if he believes that gender pay gap oh let's see like how'd you not notice that because this [ __ ] is like wallpaper to me now every single feminist Oracle every feminist video they bring up the pay gap you know the race the race pay gap is way worse than the gender one and white people are being outperformed and now earned by Asians so we all need to start gathering together and and grab our pitchforks and I think all the feminists we should jump we should join forces with the feminists to outer in the Asians I was gonna say our gas them but okay so now that we know that you're not a feminist we have to know how to deal with the fact that you're not affect Oh truly yeah obviously because I'm so out of control you're gonna deal with this luckily we're here to help you make sense this situation if your boyfriend tells her laughs at sexist jokes he might not realize that he's being in a proper but the point of the joke is to be inappropriate as his girlfriend you have the power to change this college is for learning after all thirteen sneaky ways to turn your man into a feminist media portrays feminists as rabid man haters okay although we're far from hating men no witch meteors I know only the alternative media does it's the patriarchal system that dictates that women are not equal to or as good as men who dictates that the patriarchal system which a trio system Vedic - oh god the wallpapers bag is equal pay for equal work I told you it's in every other 13 have a simple discussion about feminism Pass called him out on sexist comments this is in every article showing what it is like being a woman this is what it's this is what it's like being a woman online I couldn't handle this every day women will love him for yeah this basically confirms this like thing I was saying before where they'd like they lie and they say that men will be more attractive if they become more feminine expose him to feminist organizations for men oh my god the weirdest thing about this and I know that this this is gonna get [ __ ] on but like like we all know the stereotype though that the kinds of men that proclaim to the world how they're not this person at all are usually exactly the people they say that they hate so like when a club like this [ __ ] is created you know it's going to be a hot spot for these kinds of guys I know I'm saying obviously not all the guys have you join a club like this would do that I'm just saying it's gonna be a hot spot I absolutely hate it when guys cut women's heads off right gonna create this Club recentiy cutting women's have don't be a [ __ ] let's pretend you are one religion and your boyfriend is another religion would you like it if he tried to push his religion on to you oh my god oh yeah how would you feel if he told you that his religion was the only right intrusion you would probably get angry right approach the subject of feminism the same way this is amazing the fact that the comparison works so well is proof that it's a [ __ ] religion oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] its back but actually this was back when there actually wasn't okay this is before that legislation exists look there's a [ __ ] horse-drawn carriage behind this is when equal pay actually didn't exist the 7 step guide for turning men into feminine ways everyone broach the subject gently throw a cute pet name into the question honey are you evaluate his answer carefully if he says yes good you're done you can go home now yes if he says no you have a lot of work to do and it ain't gonna be pretty you have to do the work that's the funny thing you have to do it oh my god baby I'm sorry I'm late today I met a person that wasn't a feminist [ __ ] that ate up my whole afternoon stop we've been over this support make the feminism is manly again with the feminism is manly thing tell him that in fact all the cool tough guys are doing it wrong I know that for a fact that Stone Cold Steve Austin the WWE wrestler is not a feminist and he's the coolest toughest guy and he drinks two beers at the same time he wears a leather jacket with a speedo that's testosterone do the math except five we sure doesn't hardly agree with every single radical idea really basically it's you can join the religion without Jesus tell him that if he thinks genders should have equal rights he is inherently a feminist whether he chooses to identify as such or not oh that's so cute with the shrug arms oh my god it's like water torturing him he definitely eventually admitted ie I I definitely definitely definitely browbeat him until he finally said okay I'll do it just so that I'll stop [ __ ] arguing with about him every [ __ ] day and we can finally sleep together in the same bed and say hey ball always being at his mom's house sleeping on the couch bitching those friends about me all the time now that's over and he's a feminist 9 simple things guys need to understand about feminine need to it's not about hating men right okay for some odd reason the core tenant of female equality comes across those myths and really all playing dumb they're all playing dumb number 2 not all stop talking oh my god oh there we go alright 11 simple things men can do for feminism listen oh you know what's funny about this for feminism not even for women well of course if they did things for women it wouldn't necessarily be for families see this we all know feminism isn't actually about women so feminism is about perpetuating feminism feminism is about the survival of feminism feminism is about the growth of feminism feminism is about the strength of feminism feminism is about the control feminism has on the world feminism is not about women listen listen he is so happy to not be talking I love that I no longer have an active role in my own life perfect right next to each other shut up for some reason stereotype of it that it's hating men don't undervalue women's problems we're saying that we're exaggerating let's be honest blunt dick will get you right to that oh my god oh my god oh my god well obviously we're not putting that in I'm just saying [Music]
Channel: Shoe0nHead
Views: 2,460,386
Rating: 4.9170942 out of 5
Keywords: shoe0nhead
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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