the PERFECT 10,700 IQ impostor hiding spot to snag the win...

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this one yeah after this one happens okay okay okay i think toast is impossible because oh yeah yeah we already loaded it i'm getting stuff for everything man i don't know i don't i don't know how to play this game [Music] because why do you want the impossible to have a chance why do you want to help me honestly with my um with my tactics i've already determined both imposters and i happen to like both of them because they're both nice people so i want to give them a chance because um they're both oh dang it tina you figured out my secret i like everyone in the lobby i'm leaving now i'm leaving you know you know what oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god kill me wait guys we cleared like a ton of people because ray died pretty soon so um yvonne broden tina toast are all clear kill i just realized rey is dead and who would want to kill rey guys i just checked vitals ray was probably dead during the meeting which means i don't know who killed pokey but i think as far as clear people it's yvonne i figured it out what is it doctor watson cyclone said that he doesn't think anybody he likes everybody so none of them could be the imposter that means it's gotta be him right oh yeah correct the case doctor watson get cracked it once again what tina you might be honest look i support women and men so i'm gonna vote i'm gonna vote myself just because um if you're the imposter then i'm helping you and if you're not then you're going to feel real awkward after this oh [Music] but look i haven't died first like all day so you know oh it's okay you know i really didn't think people would dump on that all i see is my crotch and me too all nothing else is toast cindy did you kill rey as revenge um honestly no but i wish i had that's what i said when i killed five up to oh all right yvonne you've been big braining who's the next imposter yeah oh no i am hot i don't have anything oh you've gone back to being dumb huh what's interesting over here over here tina oh oh you're all the way oh man how did you hear me from all the way over there i have impossible hearing yeah you didn't know that pasta had vision and hearing did you hearing buff it just goes with the circle yeah i can hear everyone i see that's a funny joke post that's a good one not imposter though i i know it one of them is definitely secure um like that okay you did it four times and there's four items so i know you're telling this yeah yeah thank you you think anyone will be dead on the vitals only one way to find out dude i was born this big you just have an event no what the oh sorry i just i checked that man all right let's go dr watson okay okay oh all right i don't have the hat on it's okay all right oh my god yeah oh wait what's this task here that i had ninja stop doing that boo boo boo that's an upload task it doesn't make that sound yeah this one is really quiet so i can't make any sounds look at how cute our colors are it's orange yellow green purple i'm wearing green blue this is cyan gotta give leslie those special glasses for christmas wait what do you mean they're right it's right orange yellow green purple purple here perfect [Music] are you [Music] say i've got one task open the door let's see okay okay okay okay no one allowed in cams no one allowed no one allowed no one absolutely no what you see on there uh nothing let's go what's your last task oh it's asteroids all right um yes you do your tasks uh i still i need to flick on the node oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god are we gonna should we go fix these or what no no no no we'll let someone else okay oh guard the door double shot what do you mean double shot you're freaking me out why do you say things that are so suspicious well i got two asteroids and one click this is pew are you done already there's a yeah it's a double collateral i got two of them actually where are you guys i'm scared myself i don't know where this is no i was on titles i saved the game great work dr watson holy moly all right who's the killer it ain't me i was on finals that entire time yvonne just died and before that was broden like 10 seconds ago all right guys i know how i could clear myself 100 go ahead round one there were two kills probably a double kill right do you guys remember seeing me at all the entire round no no i didn't no wait no you didn't there's no way peter do you know why you didn't see me the entire round because i was busy sleeping pokemon cards like a nerd in dropship are you medaing peter so it couldn't have been no it's not meddling it's just i'm just saying that i'm a nerd so it couldn't have been me well it's up to you whether you believe my story or not but it wasn't me i am 100 crew what a liar [Laughter] oh [Music] is he a nerd though okay but that entire round i was in dropship and this entire round i was on vitals until i went over to fix the lights and then yvonne's body got called by tina guys i don't think it was saikuno it's not he's dead who is it dr watson i believe you dr watson goodbye to your victory everyone goodbye lovely i couldn't say anything because i could talk to the dead i heard the who it was oh no oh sid [Music] oh my god and the trauma continues voice voice activity all right i'm on voice activity oh everybody do your keys come on d uh the number is negative 39. the number is negative 39. wow corpse you did the maze and then you came to flick on the node that means you're innocent yeah that's what i did corpse is innocent i have found the planet that is fractured yeah i agree [Music] don't try and follow me i'm a lone wolf oh he didn't follow me maybe because i said not to follow me could be it hey b hey toast do you have a little uh scanneroo okay yeah no no you but you go ahead though you go ahead no i shouldn't right now no go go no no no just show me you have it okay and then i'll exit yeah oh you know that looks pretty legit i exited hey you're gonna walk around thanking subs now it's really weird wait ray any scanners wait sakuno's thanking subs that means he can read chat sakura's like yourselves pink and uh oh cooper's cheating again again that is a lot of gifts up saikuno that's a suspicious amount of gifts up hey rainbow are you scanning that sounds like an imposter amount of gifts yeah i'm just speedrunning my tasks i'll follow you guys no i have a scan i just want to wait until somebody else does oh i see not wait oh no i should have told you is anybody done you have a fan no one's dead joyous joyous bae who would die anyway it's christmas eve do it kill me kill me hafu you gonna do it ryan if i died taffy would have killed me i can't i wish i could ah okay well it's not full yeah you beat that you'd be the first on my list thanks half oh that's a big compliment right go kill her oh wow you can tell by the sound yeah oh so i guess no one is dying today girl it's not me toast yo what's up that's okay i've been trying you know what i'll just tell people we scanned each other okay i just don't know [Music] wait we'll just vent there it'll be quicker okay i'll meet you there oh hmm one person in electrical the person in electrical fixed it though i'll be honest ever since this open mic thing happened all i've done is thank people i think it's making people want to donate more because it's just awkward now um where is haku's body it is a lot of decontamination what are you talking about you we said we were going to scan i'm standing on the stand and you never show up okay i didn't scan because somebody's open who's that does anyone even hear that yeah i'm sorry yeah are you reading chad i'm reading subs i don't i don't use i don't know oh right that's true you use the youtube yeah are you an imposter no no of course not all i've been doing is standing here um no okay wait wait wait wait wait i was with seikuna when he was oh yeah me and abe were together and specimens where did ryan and hafu were together where did where did you guys go when the lights went out yeah i wake up oh this is my first time playing with ryan and you murdered hawful all right that's messed up dude what what am i doing oh you're good i've just i've just been i've just been thinking you know is this what you normally do in among us games i cannot just thank subs oh my god you son of a you son of a oh my god this is how you normally play with your mic what you wanted this is what you want to know what i don't want you to do this in a regular among this game thanks for the 50 gift subs fox i'll be able to keep missing stuff because you are psychic well look look of course i missed stuff but i mean this is what you wanted i'm just saying i want you to pay attention to the game i'm scanning with you oh no you're not scanning you're not wait i said i was on the scanner okay do not report no toast said no trolling right we had to report it yeah but i was going to do lights first i was going to oh that's true that would have been smarter all right no trolling who did it oh i don't know but i did just i feel um look can i just mute for like two seconds it's carl isn't it yeah no it's not carl no no that's not what i want i've tried where is this subs oh no no oh no can i just a few minutes just a couple seconds just um it's like when you call this meeting you better i did the information oh right me and carl walked up on the dead body yeah okay okay yeah it definitely wasn't me uh it could have been carl but i feel like it could have technically been me but you probably no you probably would have seen the body fall over oh that's possibly i came a little bit late so but it probably wasn't him that would have been a ridiculous kill on my health wait where was that i'll be honest i don't have any information oh is that uh what i think abe did you really i'll thank him i just hit skip i don't have much information so uh no oh my god look guys i'm gonna have to run off into a corner after this round i'm i'm really sorry i just uh i'll come out you gotta make sure no no you don't have to it's okay i'm just gonna be doing this and i'll follow to make sure you guys honestly if you're the imposter you can just kill me because i'll be busy wait a second no this is far cycle isn't it i gotta okay this is part of it um hi carl who's here oh me toast crazy that carl hasn't done his scan yet toast right hmm no he's scared he looks like he's scared i didn't finish it but interesting he looks like this way this way ryan carl brooke who is this it's toast hey where are you going wait tell us what's up i won't tell my promise okay you won't tell what no nothing nothing you know we should do our tests together toast i've already done all my tasks oh wow me too me too me too sauce oh oh oh well thanks for all the subs who's the ass who's that thanking subs tell you something oh my god guys i changed my mind i don't think it's um oh my god oh no guys can i mute for a second i just i i'm really sorry about this i'm really sorry you know you you subscribe i'll be honest i have no valuable information um okay i don't know who it is and i'll be honest i've just been hiding in a corner uh thanking subs so um and that's really all i got for you so you don't have any valuable information like that i really don't oh oh corpse is clear and that's all i got we've been together the whole time almost the entire time yeah carl and i have been together for a long time yeah where is this ryan you you ran off i can't do it i was at the camera and then i passed toast near electrical yeah and then the lights went out and i came back you came back to lights yeah i was while i was coming back i've he was still in the venue he was about to come back okay wow wait he was in the vent what i feel like this this can only be ryan then right right yeah that's why can't it be toes it could be i mean it could but ryan is it's not course pulse if this isn't electrical it's toast is the last person i've seen by it no no no who'd you vote bremen i pressed get seven yeah i skipped on seven two and i'll be honest two fellow geniuses amongst us bremen who do you think it is between ryan oh this is awkward no jesus i don't know i don't know how does that mean we're close on tasks well i wouldn't trust carl necessarily wait why well i mean i didn't see him i thought he's scared no he he he walked on top of it i guess i think but it's ryan i think it's toast i think it's he's easy there was three votes on ryan for skip what does that tell you guys uh what do you mean oh figgy what was it on brian three to four three ryan for skip what does that mean what the what do you think that means i don't know bakery oh oh hey what's up guys um is something else what am i supposed to know just keep thanking your subs and just vote with me all right you don't have to use your brain no ryan wait we're on seven aren't we shouldn't we know second one second just for ryan right i just wanna i just wanna know who the other one was the earlier we finished the more subs you can thank well shouldn't we skip out thank you you voted for ryan right who else did i don't i don't know but bakery thank you what do you mean you don't know who'd you vote for saikuno oh i skipped i i don't know what's happening i've just been blindly thanking subs the entire time i think it's totally i i know it's not corpse it's not ryan who do you think it is gotta be ryan and cycuno because tycoon is a backstabbing monkey i'm a what a degree subs this whole time everyone can vouch for that right he's a backstabbing monkey we're just gonna what we kill ryan first and then we kill psychos oh jesus you guys are crazy why are they crazy what makes them crazy yeah it's already over yes you can oh thank you thank you i apologize for all that i was guys we're so close on tasks but we got this yeah it's i have this task right here everybody's staring here zombie protect me protect me she's going to kill me ryan's going to try clicking me ryan's going to try and push me stop him stop him body block body box oh okay oh my god okay oh that keeps scaring me okay what's happening huh why should we not vote you out right now no you can vote me out i'm just thinking south i'll vote myself out actually all right all right get him out it had to be him right if not this is brook's fault so i don't mind this yeah why did it be my fault i don't want it to be my fault well it will ex exclusively be your fault this is an opportunity to thank yourselves in hell oh my god good one toast okay um so i'm going to turn a blanket hey no actually i don't think it's ryan anymore now that i think about it i think ryan's completely innocent i can't hear someone pressing the kill by someone else who has a task trying to get me right try and get me right i'm going to see you everybody will follow brother those guys don't don't touch just go back and forth with my voice okay oh no so it wasn't carl right wait so who died well yeah no it wasn't carl toast toast dies brooks dead how is she talking to us what all right brooke is not dead uh yeah i don't mind i'm not dead oh and mine you are you're not dead wait toast isn't dead on my stream okay i'm able to vote so am i alive yeah just vote ryan i i reported toast spotty but toast just if toast can't talk and brooke can that would mean that she's alive by proximity had that he's smart smart that's good but toast just voted thanks brooke well i voted that was me [Music] i just wanted to get toast i can't believe this is i can't believe you did i did yeah you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,727,542
Rating: 4.9681573 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, proximity chat among us
Id: -rjnc0_PZco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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