the TRUE 11,100 IQ play was letting her dig her own grave...

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okay who kills off the rip to the right no one right you wouldn't kill that it's so risky pass by kimmy right in front of me didn't i kill me i think the whole game we were locked in there for that matter it is not either of us you can sustain us as a pear but it ain't us right so kimmy toast me tina between us right two of you are bad not those it's not toast cause toast came out from the specimen so he wouldn't have time to have all these kills right so wolf about me why don't tina dog where's this body all you know spicy blood where is this what if it's no kimmy and toast though they're vouching for each other it could be both of them wait when did i vouch for kimmy though i don't want to vote wolf because it's too meta i want to find the other killer i appreciate it's not about that's not about meta i'm listening to what happened i don't think you're a killer apollo and then there's a dinner between toast and plushies right now yeah oh yeah okay i think wolf is more suspicious wait where is everyone wait where's this body from where is it okay no i want to vote tina can we vote now no let's kill both of them let's go first oh no no no no no no no no no no i voted kind of meta but like well wait me yep that's not my style you know me bill come on you know me yeah maybe it's probably just kidney and toast well good luck genies guys that's the game of our lives this guy's toast is what really yes kimmy get me he just killed in front of me it's toasted so it's toasted so so anyways doesn't sound like she's lying right so tina you're saying i vented topped out kill reported didn't say anything i'm saying you no oh yeah how did he vent and report no he just he did a donkey dunk he did a dunk tina which men are you talking about the one up us above us the one by the lab thingy oh so i so did that did i do the donkey dunk before the kill or after the kill what's the donkey dunk jump in jump out oh i can't wait i'm out so here's the thing that vent is only connected to the left vent okay and so you're saying i went to the left hand left vent jumped off no i'm saying i'm saying you jumped in it and then when you saw someone come you killed them in the van i'm saying he was hot this is preposterous okay i didn't even have to say anything you just kept digging [Applause] nice job ryan i'm innocent you can tell all your friends four one six seven one check all right six four five zero four baby it's cold outside oh jesus where'd he go wait a second haha you clicked multiple times for the trash shoot task toast that's not a clicking task did i yeah you were like ryan oh no she's she's sasaya she's suss i'm crew i wish i was imposter although actually i wish i was crew in this game i don't know how to play in this lobby oh well here's what you do i'm gonna be on logs and i'll tell you all i think it'd be more fun if you were imposter are you just staring at us all right no one is crossing the sensors no one is across sabotage cubs wait a hot wait a second person that sabotages comes i know who it is only half of would know that i'm watching logs why do you think it's me while you were clicking and who the heck sabotage comes when i'm right on it well corpse should get the other one am i doing both of these i did both i did both have gone yes oh no i'm talking about corpses i'm talking about corpse oh all right cars past southwest ryan and cycuno are very close by all right a second oh very conspired ryan ryan left north without tykuno don't worry saikudo i'll find your body ryan you better hope i don't find his body you better hope son say kudo oh wait he's alive oh hey toasty somehow i feel like you have plot armor so uh the impossible wouldn't kill me round one because that'd be a dick thing to do really yeah so if i killed you you would be a dick hafu broke past it's like cuban okay brooks in the southeast and she's the only one there she's the only one there in the south east i hear it rain storage broke you think i'm stupid you think i'm stupid oh wait no she's there oh no sorry i guess oh yeah it's not like there's a reactor melting down you know it wouldn't be the first time it's fine you are just not going huh i'm just staying with you that's 15 seconds i can't i can't get there in time anyway well vented into reactor that was like his last step you misheard that actually corp said abe i'm going to kill you here and now i'm going to eventually verbatim no girl i was fixing the wi-fi okay wait so i was standing on top of the vent with everybody everybody left to us i assumed do a reactor and so it's only me and abe in there and i say abe if you vent into reactor i won't say anything like if if i run down go to decontamination i remember this i was listening and then i left and then right when i left i guess he he died and now i'm getting blamed for it which makes me think no no corpse as a pear pearson no it's definitely not it's definitely not gross no definitely not it was just all right so it's a broke cycle corpse or breadband who cares so i have never been this sure oh my god three [Music] you think we both voted for you only got one vote okay tosakuno which have you voted for me what what makes you think one of us oh how convenient halfway that your wires is to the left of the wires you just hit if you have balls come kill me all right brooke is in the southeast brook is in the southeast oh where's bradman huh i'm in the closet where's brentman he's up top you better hope he is i see you on logs of course escort me when you find bremen's body okay uh i don't trust you oh wait bed bret oh bretman yeah she was yelling i got it okay who did we leave in there hafu and sakuno oh he's still alive oh this is nice where did you go he's in the water are you an event no no no said you're going to logs you were never at logs ever yes i was because i can recite it bretman and brooke went up north and then brook went southeast and bremen was missing so i was going north to find the body corpse came by but i couldn't find bradman's body in the north and then i found him batman's alive yeah where's the body we're alive wait carl's dead too he reported the body but toast i know i know but this way bretman can confirm that brook split off from it went to the southeast while he stayed north right bradman yes okay and my mic wasn't working for the first time uh oh yeah i couldn't hear you where was the body i heard him but then it went out yeah same what's important is that he confirmed my story at the last second so who do we think it is red oh he's red let me refresh i saw i saw the vent move and i know it wasn't corpses like you know yep i know it was an awful leader oh then it's ryan or ray because i'm cleared by bretman and myself voting for me to activate my powers no i really didn't do that worked for a little bit it was working and then it stopped working right away well we test this right to prove it's not sakura voting for ray how about he actually votes for her and then ray votes for herself oh yeah that's a good idea no and then we all wait he logged out he accidentally closed uh crew link so i don't think he'll have voice for the rest of this game oh oh i see can't wait this might be an issue well we should speed run it all right who is it ray look great we got a speed runner for bretman and i know you've been powering up who is it ray toast yeah is your name ray is your name right yeah ray give us the name ray oh wait what look at what brenda said i only saw me and brooke and heard ryan ryan you've been trying to turn it on me this whole time i think it's ryan it could be i think it's brett and toast hey ray i've been powering you up with my votes you should know by now for the first round it only could have been corpse brook sakuno bretman and if corpse and cycuno are cleared by then i'm voting for us no ryan brett meant snitched on ryan you think he would snitch wait wait what you just said yes oh that's true like read the chat everyone read the chat cod red handed so it's ryan that's foolish okay i guess oh wait you guys are crazy ray how did you not figure it out i've been powering you up this whole game i am powered up i am figuring it out you did you didn't say a name i just went with what toast says well i mean i wasn't listening guys guys everything is fine look if we haven't lost yet maybe it's not over oh no oh jesus oh well time to fix reactor okay okay i'll fix reactor i don't think toast was wrong toast is pretty good at this game thank you oh my god i really can't stay [Music] what uh i'm gonna vote right here oh wait we didn't lose i don't have my button oh yeah right i thought you were pushing the button i didn't have my button so i left wait corpse why are you voting for ray well because she didn't press the button i don't have it no she just forgot she didn't she should have a button you didn't button this game i i did button no you didn't okay let's do the math here right they didn't i did let's do that let's do the math when did you button let's do it look we voted out ryan right and yeah redmond just died who fixed top oxygen i did corpse did all right and i fixed bottom oxygen nobody came where did breadband go i wasn't psyched you know i couldn't have killed so i think it is ray it has to be seen on the path so it's corpse or ray then right and then this is because it has to be right and if you killed bretman we would have seen him on the path i think yep so would have to be someone who wasn't on the main oxygen i'm down to do both do you guys want to do rey first i don't think it's red because she sounds very crew who can give it the old one don't think it's raining right no i don't think doesn't think it's ray i don't think it's right i play with her enough to know when she's using their uh oh my god it's rain toast yeah i think it's toast no i buttoned i don't have a butt ryan wait didn't he make the deduction that it could be her though yeah i don't know why toast and want to vote there i did want to vote i think it's corpse for the other one i'm more source of corpse than rey but you guys i know half of the ones i couldn't even killed me and i buttoned i mean huh no he couldn't kill you he killed bretman we were on oh wait he actually didn't make the deduction that it was right he he pulled her out of suss and put me into it with her okay no i was but and for this last round everyone else is accounted for toasted bottom oxygen corpse to the top one running together the whole time i buttons no i agree with you i think that i think that ray was one of them i think that toast oh yeah if you think me and ray are bothered then we would have just won yeah shouldn't because i didn't do oxygen and i was just running around but like but if you're saying but you're toast and you should know that only ray could have made that kill no you got saikuna youtube i'm not denying that corpse the top oxygen i'm saying he killed in between we ran up and we would have seen it but were you within the entire round who's um like if you tell me me he you he was with you the entire round then i don't know what's going on we were together most of the rounds then it's raining we'll say that was a chance i could have killed because i saw toast go to bottom oxygen and i ran back up i could have killed him right there ran into hoffman this is simple and then said that to pin ray right and then he pulls her out of suss and puts me into it with her so that you know there's because hafelen's like together the whole time yeah yeah yeah well i wouldn't button there i would just win yeah it can't be me who if hoff was a million percent sure that ray didn't actually like that ray did have a button and she didn't know if it was rape plus anybody haven't had any buttons it was rape plus any of us here we would like to impossible look guys we got to make something happen um i know the imposter is not me so i'm going to stay just kidding i don't want to do that someone else stay in the box i feel like okay but let me get my info out if it's rey plus one of us here right they would just win it probably should have been over yeah which is strange because something weird must have happened yes which leads me to believe that it's not right who do you think it is then i think it's corpse as i've said last round so you think i did oxygen alone because when i was supposed to get a double kill theoretically so i kind of who do you think it is um i'll be honest i i thought it was ryan um wait we think it's between corpse and toast right oh we do uh yeah that's what i thought too yeah because of what toast said all right shelly knee corpse and toes walking no no no no no you should stay in the butt i don't i don't want to stay at the button i want to be the dead one no i want to be the i don't want to be the devil the dead one is the easy job yes i want to be the dead one okay wait wait it's like you know it's like in toast how about we go into a corner somewhere no okay no no no no no no i'm coming so i couldn't you stay i don't want to say second i don't understand i want to hang out with you i don't even have a button remember i want to hang out with toast no if you guys are smart you can figure this out i already did it to you okay rock paper scissors there's six people waiting why don't you guys think it's me it can't be a second now no no i'm sucking i'm suck i could be the killer toast all right here's the challenge for you all right i'm going to run to the button and press it you better do something before i get there what well even if he pushes the button what's gonna okay okay half full inside you know if you if you guys work together the whole time and you're watching footage [Music] all right i would want to use this time for halfway sectional to just decide on who is going to do to 50 50. yep second it is because i'm going to skip right now right now i'm voting for health what the oh jesus jesus okay please please i ain't nobody [Music] why don't you want to do it nope you gotta make me third and post i don't know who it is no i thought it was ryan stay all right all right tell us kill me all right yeah how much further up do you want to go here let's see kill me i don't look at the flowers like the walking dead oh that's awkward oh my god jesus oh jesus what toast what i said oh jesus you did you did that that proves i'm innocent it does wait guys you got to tell me something all right i got ryan out i swear to god if i get killed for catching an imposter again let's just i got ryan i fixed bottom oxygen uh-huh you did wait but corpse fixed top oxygen you both fixed oxygen but i also caught the killer corpse corpse what do you think corpse why aren't you saying anything uh he wants you to pick with his heart what does that mean okay well i don't know how to tell you guys this but i have a secret weapon you guys thought i was standing at the button right i snuck up and i was an admin i was listening the whole time so i know exactly who it is all right because i heard everything i don't believe you oh jesus i didn't hear anything i just heard corpse laughing okay the only two lives ryan was the imposter oh god what i just clicked randomly i you did it good job you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,123,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, corpse toast, among us mod, proximity chat
Id: tBMwr08EIas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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