creating the impostor DREAM scenario with 13,800 IQ...

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It sounds like Mario Kart. I'm thinking Circuit Theme, Mario Kart Double Dash, but idk

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AVerySnaileySnail 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] well if you're both imposters you guys would have killed me by now why are you standing up here by yourself you're waiting for two imposters to have a secret meeting up here so you can eavesdrop on them well i'm gonna go snitch stop me oh [ __ ] edison you gotta kill him no you kill him you kill him why are you guys here wait what do you mean wait why are you here why don't turn this around on us yeah why are you here i'm admiring the view look it's a beautiful view this is nice oh god i noticed you're still here though how do you yeah listen leslie and i were just trying to get some alone time and you happen to be here does this sauce tell us exactly chicken sauce toasted sauce don't worry i got it don't worry hey guys i think leslie jumped in there that's a lie lizzie i don't think it's you but if it wasn't you would you tell me uh yes what were you doing up there uh i was just having a secret meeting with my fiance to tell him how much i love him yeah where is edison wait a minute he's the imposter that would be a real shame right now oh wait hey someone just died for right i think oh wait how do you know that ray i saw blood oh oh [ __ ] what what what ray rapport wait for where where are you the dresser oh god this guy's toast oh my god there was no people there was a body there we were just with them okay so ray said he saw blood split so i went out to check and that's uh hannah's body there that that's all i got my fiancee i ran up to everybody except for toast and i think abe asking them to kill me none of them killed me because they're all innocent which means probably toast and abe alright a second let's go come to the corner and ask me that question oh wait it's like you know you didn't even ask me the question i didn't see you i couldn't see you with the lights off so then how so how does that how does that make me suck right we should vote for me and i've seen rey and leslie for the majority of the game who's having a snack no the other way around i thought i saw leslie ray came from a suspicious location under life that's right the lights were at the start of the round what are you doing i don't want to expose him expose him no no no let's not expose me yet guys he doesn't he doesn't get to oh eating a [ __ ] wait sorry i'm kidding yes skip let's okay skip everybody i can't hear janet right now oh oh no hello hello hello hello a lot quieter than everybody else's oh hello got really quiet for me i hear toast oh there you go wait sakura why are you voting for yourself [Music] uh death valley oh finger [Music] say less [Laughter] [Music] ray are you sure oh you can't kill me anymore i think [Music] [Music] i'm at the button right now what happened oh wait why didn't you call the button i was about to call it the door was closed so it took me some time okay i just got to say i'm pretty sure janet screamed she came in she started messing with the lights went out and there's a dead yeah was someone messing with the light because it felt like it was janet yeah uh no sir all right listen i have okay look listen i checked admin and i see three electrical and one admin obviously me i'm admin i check the vitals wendy and someone else is dead and i'm like and then i open the office so i don't know what you mean you see me in electrical because i ain't there oh wait wait wait wait wait wait i have information hit it so i'm not gonna lie i was standing on top of seikun's dead body why and well i was grieving for him and i was just talking about how you know i was so sad that sakura said you know because he was probably standing above his body like dead as a ghost so let me explain what happened earlier in the round i saw that seikuna and rey went off to the side somewhere together and uh later on i found like who was their body all right you know okay you guys want me to solve this mystery yes no no no no no no no no no i think rey and janet are both innocent i think it's eve what i'm voting babe wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay actually regret dennis white who is doing is [Music] yeah it [Music] is it leslie let me get my youtube it's abe and this other person please okay girl oh you guys don't know uh no ray no it's what happens sorry it's janet it's even janet it's not jamming oh okay no it's not janet i was with her no no no leslie i need to i need to think about this because i'm worried toast is jester so let me really dive in no rain hold on you guys weren't kids running around like chickens without their heads it's obvious i was with her no leslie leslie listen did you check vitals that round uh no i didn't that's because there was one person dead and then 20 seconds later there was enough time for justice leslie don't listen i'm not cruel who do you think it is that was weird my button automatically went to janet i think it is i i think it's real i'm leaning towards ray as well yeah i think you guys should vote me i think it's cause it's not why would i push out abe like that when you guys had no idea no but that's his playlist like he wants to get the imposter out he could be you guys had no clue you know you guys have twisted her down right here i voted right it's not great it's not wrong okay one of them one of them is jester one of them is imposter wait someone's gonna lose it's not i don't know i buttoned it by the way so be careful oh just because you button doesn't mean that you're sick just because you got about because you mean that you're not questioning you know what i say don't worry janet yeah be honest with me are you the killer here's the question is someone the jester or we are dead maybe we don't know if they're dead or not i mean okay so the thing is is i know toast is good enough to know i'm true so that's why i'm like are you imposter or are you jester you're definitely not crew wait tell me do you think it's either leslie or janet it's janet why do you know it's janet post because it can't be rey and leslie from round one i'm not going off anything from the last round it was round one what happened round one leslie and ray were almost joined at the hips for like eighty percent oh it's true actually we were that's true so then what if that was abe and only one kill happened no i don't know i don't think one person can do three kills i think one person can do two kills which is what happened last round leslie leslie your reasoning it would be pretty funny if you killed toaster no i wouldn't even vote you i would vote i'd vote for him trust me if i could i would by now but i can't oh my god um well i'm just going to vote let's make a smart decision when you saw ray come from a weird area yes he went i think he vented under lights or he came from that i remember you there you were sitting on it wait are you cute you were the one sitting on it no it was he's sitting on it god damn is janet convincing me that it's leslie oh god no no no no i well i don't know well okay well she i mean i don't know who it is but i know i'm you know it's not me yeah you wouldn't try like if you were imposter you would try to push me or anyone you would have lost that's right so i have a question if if we did vote leslie right now would you vote leslie janet uh no she wouldn't okay hold on i think i know what's in toast's head he wants to ready to have his video oh why is it not janet leslie wait wait wait leslie why are you so willing to vote me and then you were voting right no i only we have no we have to vote with each other or no no you can't and i'm sure wait leslie you realize you can skip right oh [ __ ] leslie how do you listen how did you flip that hard off nothing wait toast you're not deceiving me are you no you're holding me hostage okay why leslie flipped on that a little too fast okay [Music] all right let's go do tests good luck when you talk about that okay okay so leslie was super confident it was ray and then now off nothing she was super confident with me no no i'm not super confident with you i just voted you because janet voted you and i don't want janet to get out so if i didn't vote you jenna would die and it's not janet yeah it's not janet okay okay one of you i think it's me it's captain right now i think it's me go if you're gonna vote revo rate leslie no but if i voted rey there then we would have gotten janet out and then we would have lost i would have already killed one of you if it was me i would have pressed the button ah i saw you come from a vent ray i said no i saw you yo you're not from event then why don't you think it's me all right call a button let's kill raisins kill ray you guys want to kill ray you guys want to kill rave see what happens uh call it call it who has a button there's no way we all you can i'll vote myself too wait you're voting yourself yeah absolutely let's do it wait wait don't do that wait why not well now were you actually about yourself see you guys are behaving so weird right now you're behaving weird i'm voting consistently you guys are flippity flippity so one of you is jester because we're easily swayed and that's not okay you guys want to do ray you guys think i'm doing a video for you right right right right all right fine why is it not janet lizzy at least explain to me i was with her i saw did you ever lose vision of her i mean i have but it's just that it's very unlikely cold blooded killer she murders people i know it's not janet i'm voting rey you know person who voted for ray it's janet it actually is so this one gets over it yeah let's get it over with at least i can feel good when they're wrong i know i know i know it's janet but that's funny leslie unless there's leslie that'd be really good toast if you're five hitting this problem i hope you're the yeah i hope you're the gesture your death is gonna be in vain [Music] oh look oh look it wasn't rey oh jesus it wasn't rey it's not janet no it's not me [Music] no no no oh no the reactor no no oh no yeah [Music] [Music] janet i need help fixing the left reactor janet please okay i'm holding it [Laughter] god why aren't you holding reactive it's gonna explode you better get to the butter quick oh no button maybe if everyone do their task real fast you guys could still guys wait what what happened okay laughing like this oh i have perfect vision and stuff like that and it's just like taunting me and then you buttoned it's toast lastly so let me get this straight i push out the imposter i convince you guys to not push out an innocent person and you still think it's me you still think it's me leslie you gotta fight your bias man all right fine guys i don't want to be here i don't want to be here just kill me oh janet you got saved by leslie but even then it was not enough maybe wait no actually you were right leslie you saved that was floating i thought there was no buttons left wait janet it's actually not you no leslie watch leslie watch what happens i want you to watch i want you to watch [Music] okay oh what is that oh that's the sabotage right because we said uh we are moving the sabotage to random places so that's uh i believe that's the communication sabotage then the oxygen sabotage seems to be here uh okay the comp sabotage is gone from this place wow you could just move it like that that's crazy and this one's gone too the lights are still there so what's the final com sabotage oh this oxygen sabotage is gone as well that's crazy oh but then when you figure out where they are then in case it gets caught the lights is still at the same spot maybe you can't move the lights wait that's so sad ray i was actually suspecting him because he was running over a vent and then he died oh so he probably got vent killed then no no i don't think he was near that like he was and then he walked away from the vent and i was like yo what were you doing there doing where i thought you were just looking at me he was admiring you i couldn't even see you what where yeah that's why like when i walked past and you were just standing in the middle of the hallway it looked really weird yeah i was just oh oh when the lights were off yeah i ran into the corner to hide from my life oh god he's doing it [Music] you okay wait he's doing the thing is he scared toasty was it yeah what he saw huh what he voted he voted do it do it go go go do it now do it now now now do it now do it do [Music] [Laughter] if you solve this one you're a genius no oh wait a minute but you just skipped oh yeah no i just give you there's no riddle there's nothing there's no rhythm oh god a blue and orange voted but they wouldn't vote like that right because imposters are afraid to vote out gesture ah everyone's afraid to vote on jester actually don't really want to take free votes because there's always a chance they vote out gesture and lose their game it's like you know why are you at the bottom looking suss again uh-huh uh-huh okay so now okay the com sabotage is over there huh cool cool cool ash just popped out i don't know where she loves killing me so she's probably chasing me down to gut me like the fish i am why is both rey and corpse doubling back here what what why are you both doubling back you're freaking me out oh man wait what happened at the cafeteria okay so uh okay i found otto's body at lights and i last left abe in the shields room or wherever that other like the the other side so i wait you found anna's body just now i found autos body in the lights room so yeah electric room is the lights moving i don't know i didn't check like i just walked in and then i reported i didn't okay like i wasn't up there i just i'll be honest with you when the lights turned off i hid in the top right of admin that's where you are right now where is everyone right now uh me corpse and ray are in reactor really okay then then wait somebody came out of reactor though because i was there before i ran to lights i saw the door what does that mean huh like does that mean you caught someone no i was just wondering like who came out lindsay you didn't walk out what what do you mean wait i wasn't in it you said you came from reactor we walked in all three no no no i didn't walk all the way in i just said i was at the decontam doors okay wendy where did you come and then you walked to where and then i walked to lights how did you not pass toast and i you guys were what toast did we see wendy on the way to reactor uh i don't think so i didn't even know you were next to me until i saw you in the container probably decent though so someone literally vented like right in front of me when the lights went out and then i was so sure i was about to die what was it does they just tell us i don't know the wait how do you know it's ash well everyone else has a alibi supposedly i don't think it's leslie right if she's impossible why would she vote so willy nilly [Music] the jester roll really adds like a layer of mind games that i have to solve to figure out if i oh maybe ash is a jester she's not killing as fast she know as she normally does but maybe she just hasn't had the opportunity she's definitely not normal she's not a crew member oh what guys i've been trying to do simon says for three rounds i'm so sorry but like that was so weird okay i saw toast and rey walk past me and leslie and now leslie is dead can we just catch these killers okay i saw you with toast i'm with toast what what is toasty what are you what are you saying no no i'm on i'm saying it's one of them no way they walked past it they walked past leslie and i and then leslie died that means this can't be us right because we walk yeah wait why wouldn't they kill you oh no wait hold on if they were both the impossible is my vision that bad when do you smoking weed are you here when do you catch these killers wendy who is it wendy my vision circle is so small wendy you're about to catch these fists if you don't solve it they walk together right that's what you're saying yes they walk past you you did so if they were both imposter then wouldn't one of them the other partner just kill you i guess i only saw going i passed wendy corpse and ash going right here and you guys were going in yeah i ran straight there with the finishing to keep finding these bodies that's what i'm saying wendy you gotta whoa what yeah wendy this is like the third time i go to simon says about it i mean i can't help that i find all the bodies you guys you guys want to kill ash wendy i'm getting frustrated okay okay you guys want to kill cycuno it's either sakuno or ash for me wait why wait why wait why uh because it's not i don't think it's wendy or corpse i don't know i'm i'm with corpse at the moment ah i guess we vote for ash or psycho oh wow no jesus you voted to skip out guys guys i'm with corpse right now you are yes oh huh all right i'll fix the lights i'll fix the lights and save the game i'll fix slice and save the game i'll fix the lights and save the game i'll fix the lights and save the game i'll fix the lights and save the game i need an instant replay or something of what happens simon says i'm so confused dude i'm actually legitimately no no no i am legit telling you 100 what i saw which is why i'm so confused how could you see that but corpse and ash didn't why well the corpse was on simon says i've been out yeah he was all the way up there no i was right outside decontam doors when leslie died and leslie died outside of decontam doors um there is a vent there right isn't it like to the left side you can see it open and my vision my vision circle it was like didn't cover that so i guess it was something can't you what do you think sekuno i'd um i think wendy's a jester i think wendy's jester too yeah so who do you think he's telling the truth well i'm pretty sure it's not cool um he's only been doing simon says right unless you think he's like chilling there doing some crazy vent kills every time he goes that would be pretty cool though um i don't know yeah i don't really said much who do you think it is then all right who did everyone vote last round uh the only people what do you think it is are clear then right yeah right who do you think it is all right it's it's not it's like who is it i don't wanna do this man who is it yeah that's like it could be jester you know we could give him the jig is up the drink is not perfect oh man but that was a clean kill wasn't it wendy that killed you had no idea did you that was the cleanest kill i've ever done you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,443,116
Rating: 4.9689035 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, Jester mod, Toast Jester, Among Us Jester, among us mod, Jester Role, jester
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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