the longest 11,300 IQ among us long con ever...?

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[Music] [Music] i get scared i saw broden's butt oh well i didn't see the body i just saw the report button and i scratched a little bit you know because i i actually have no clue who it could be me neither tina you know sydney and pokey how did you know there were that many of us there sydney because i'm running up and down over everybody's bodies you have good eyes sydney good eyes i i well no i don't actually actually wear contacts and glasses and stuff it's really oh no that's not what i meant that's not what i meant i meant like you could see us no no like you have good eyes too i just meant i meant in this context i meant in the game sydney on her eyes not her eyesight oh psychonauts [Music] this guy's toast i don't think wait no it's really not me you guys didn't did you guys you guys are skipping right i have no information you guys know what to do i guess i guess i should ask where's the body i was in the cafeteria by the button oh wow peter wait something's wrong ray should have voted for me there ray should have voted for character character there's a new ballarat character yeah can you link it how did you see me bajillion percent cycuno imposter vision because he said okay right before the lights were on there's no way he could have seen me i was standing right right on you i didn't see you at all probably yeah wait ray what did you see i was dark it was before the lights were on i was running to lights and the second goes yeah right and i said imposter vision listen you guys can skip here but i'm telling you i think rey is one of the killers now i think ray's one of the killers now i mean that sounds just right unless you both you weirdo okay i'm willing to hit skip but i'm just saying i don't 75 give me my brain cell all right i'm keeping the brain cell i'm taking custody no i'm taking custody what i like both of you it's my brain i don't believe in skipping oh oh oh my god all right more people wait you didn't even vote you didn't even you why would i vote for you i don't think it's true it was a cat well it's cap anyway sydney let's go wait wait we'll we'll go have a chat we'll have a chat we'll have a chat same place same time all right all right listen listen listen so you right you were like well doesn't matter your crew mate or your imposter and i'm gonna vote you and so that i was like haha i shall create the plan to get toast because i wasn't i was not imposter but i was like i'm gonna get toast as a crewmate killed right but then it didn't work because there was too many factors and too many people who knew things and i just went on a limb and i just like you just can't beat toasty ten thousand iq and i give up i give up i just can't beat him we were on the same team there's no beating each other well yeah no but then it was it was an ego battle you know you were like well listen you know i'm gonna vote you no matter what and then i was like well i can't have that wait wait hang on you thought you could beat this guy's toes in an ego battle i've learned that i cannot kind of an eagle battle i've learned my lesson oh great ego i have learned the end yes because yo what the heck it's psycho and i saw someone else slicing on no no i'm on calves no one's like yes who was it leslie who was it leslie does anyone support leslie claim any part of it okay i left yvonne and leslie on the left side so she could have stayed on cams but i don't believe it but i'm not sure oh wait that's pep because i'm eating chicken again shut up vote for leslie are you membing or no no no no no i'm not memeing not at all remember pokey we were there and i was like hey i'm gonna go on cams and you guys all left and i said i'm on cams i don't know she did her cackle i don't know what leslie is crying [Music] i don't know i mean i have zero steps on leslie but she's just imposter now for me well wait wait why would leslie randomly accuse toast then if she because she got caught because she didn't open with it right away if she saw me kill she would say it right away she gave that story once pokey sucks her out no i didn't i was waiting for people do you vote for her i don't know i'll skip i'm gonna skip ray you want me to kill my partner there's no way i'm turning on my partner right i skipped yeah i don't know that's true the golem laughs so don't kill me kill rey only raise suss of you know [Music] because you lose your only claim what do you mean you know why why do you know that i can't kill you because i'm not imposter like you okay you slice devon and i can't believe it no one believes that tina do not stay here do not stay here because she's gonna kill you and make it a 50 50. leslie come with me come with me leslie what happened everybody [Music] i just wanted to see if anybody died i also want to throw it out there that i find ray's behavior a bit suspicious what did i do i agree wait a little bit closer that's weird i haven't seen you at all this round yeah yeah yeah what did i do words when you said sakuno who are we voting for i felt like you were looking for permission to eat someone out among them i'm still very suspect so that's like it makes me feel like it's him and uh leslie um and also toast thought it was ray that one round instead of someone else okay true i'm pretty sure it's ray and leslie that and what you said okay well now we have [Music] i don't even know you guys were voting here if you want to do it again you're setting me up you literally said you recessive city because she's voted every round hold on there's too many people could you um aha oh you were eavesdropping on me often oh you struck precisely yeah yeah i got some really vital information i'm gonna go share with the group now when you laugh wait you heard everything i heard everything oh then i can't let you live okay let me just fill up gas right quick i'll do i can't believe you used my own jesus well it's not a trick it's a test and it kills him and no one believes poor and literally i will push for this until he's out i love me i'm not look i okay listen listen i feel like leslie is doing what she tried to do last round which is the hard push on something that didn't happen okay but sid wasn't even imposter that's the thing i think leslie's doing that but that's impostor i can be a counter for that entire round when were you on camps because i didn't we saikuna and i were standing on our camps and they weren't on they were on though were they on second the whole time i didn't see this once the emergency went off we weren't looking anymore but i don't remember here's the thing it was when the emergency went off i have to defend myself wasn't there then i'm gonna skip i think it's still ray and leslie i think sid and pokey just likes to vote me out i actually don't think it's great i don't think it's poking nothing happened to the three rounds since you skipped ray actually i don't lost she's imposter unless like she's like big braining please gift skip oh [Music] i'm just believing in letters like she's already thank you but you kind of ruined it leslie will throw out the fact that she saw me on campus instantly she did it as a defense we get them both i'm dead i wait tina voted for leslie it is leslie but we can't vote leslie because it is maybe just a little bit peter you're the only one i trust now let me just finish my tasks [Music] i think there's a killer between toast and leslie for sure of course big peepee big pinky promised me yeah big big peepee no small peepee big pinky pumice i'm not gonna cook even if i was imposter oh wait no oh okay oh okay uh saikuno is dead in uh med bay oh i uh i went to go look for him and it was dark and then his body was dead on the vent right wait listen i uh i'm very disappointed because i told peter and pokey i was gonna trick him into exposing his imposter vision and i was following trying to find cycuno and i just found his dead body in that bay area okay is she being troll or sarcastic or genuine i really didn't think he was right because like she actually lost vision weapons and then she also announced that she was going to go follow psycho in front of me i literally said i was going in there and why would i report it i don't know or she's five head and she's like i'm gonna go in there with psychonauts she kills and be like oh it couldn't be me obviously that's too obvious i have trust issues okay i just know i just know for certain this is not pokey also he was gone for a while like we left peter and pokey a long time ago and i was having a rough time finding him and then it was dark and then i reported his body i don't know so rey announced i'm going with saiku no too toast i it's not me i wouldn't kill him i'm pretty i i still think it's rey and leslie but i'm more sure on leslie but i'm also down to just eat rey no i i i think it's leslie toast yeah right leslie is a common denominator i think it's toast and rain they're both half-assed throwing each other under the bus i didn't round one i didn't round one okay if i when race when ray gets a review to be the imposter i'm getting credit for so ridiculous i'm getting credit for you guys [Music] uh i didn't expect her to report that okay so was that a fakie you guys think what do you mean because there's two imposters that go for the win but i think toast was probably i think i would leave toast too it was impostor we got one i think we wrote someone here would it be safest to vote leslie but if sydney's confident i don't know wait where where was toast that round is it possible that toast did the vent kill or something in med bay it is possible so what i was thinking is like it is possible sid and leslie were vouching for each other me and pee pee stood on each other once i literally left pee-pee and pokey together tina told me to go fight it's like and also tina tina did not vote with the rest of crew so i think it might actually be tina that's just not correct also i called the button here wouldn't it make more sense to was toast's heart accusing leslie yes or no for lying if we did leslie we would for sure get one imposter i trust leslie but i think the smart thing to do here is just to kill leslie i think it is also the smartest that i want to vote off tina that's fair because tina voted against the group it is okay yeah she just didn't know it i think tina is it too quiet okay that's fine i've just been getting roasted all day today okay all right you guys leslie this is for chris you want leslie i don't think you're imposter so i'm skipping i knew you're gonna i knew you're gonna die anyway so it didn't really mean anything thanks this isn't this chicken situation right there's no way it's a chicken situation right a boiled chicken chicken where leslie's innocent and toast is innocent mmm chicken i saw your death and i revenged you yeah it took a long time yeah no one believed me i almost got voted out first you you were resilient i was resilient guys peter vented what wait what wait really wait what do you mean no no no no way peter no no no no no peanut i did not security yes i came from camp they walked over [Music] i think we should push a button is she dead is it want peter okay listen no no no no no i don't think it's peter it wasn't me it wasn't me i literally left peter and mom together yeah we split up at cafeteria guys listen listen listen okay oh that's actually i heard you guys in there actually yeah we split up from cafeteria i literally told her like uh i don't want to do the button check to see if someone's dead and i split up from her i go to camps reactor gets called i go in fix reactor tina says i saw a peter vent and i didn't actually see me okay all right oh god you're a liar tina no i i'm not going i have no idea who it is between the four of us you guys want to know something interesting we don't have to vote because it's four yeah we never at the very beginning of the game leslie was like tina let's go on a spy mission and i was like okay she was like pass the test are you imposter i was like no and then she was like okay you passed the test and then we walked over to spy on sid and toast and you know who we voted out that was this game yeah this game this game is long it's a long one this is a long one and yeah and so then leave oh yeah go ahead go ahead yeah it was sid and toast conspiring together this game sydney has voted for someone every single round and that's why sacuno told me he was suss of her from the beginning okay okay listen but i'm not such a sid the right same reason she shouldn't be suss of me because i was like of you oh you are suspicious i'm obsessed with you because i left with pokey and tina thinks he vented but i i'd like to defend myself oh my god oh it's not me toe said i'm eavesdropping on as on somebody i don't remember okay wait i'm skipping i started eavesdropping yeah i'm i'm can't tell if it's any of you i'm skipping i'm skipping i'm skipping okay wait you're voting peter i think it's tina i think she's lying and trying to make me look suss man oh god dude what am i supposed to do all three of you guys that i don't know if i should be doing this yeah yeah oh no wait is someone voicing it up okay we're good we're doing that it's difficult i really don't think it's tina for me it's between peter and ray okay okay good sabotaging i can't tell if she wants to do sabotage wow it's really hard i'm gonna go do my tasks now i don't have any tests i also don't have tasks to do okay i'm done with my tasks now so i'm doing my tasks too i think goats are holding tests yeah i think i think they're holding crap so what do we need to do oh god everybody pick a corner my guess is okay listen my guess is that lights are gonna get called and one of us is gonna die in the dark okay i ran a lap and wait where's said can i just say i think it's sid because she's the only one that would benefit from running it's not me we're all alive no we're all alive we're all alive [Applause] kill me i'm so sad that we're all alive still oh yeah somebody call a meeting send me up here wait there are people waiting okay who's released us who's this i'm the leaf okay boom i hate everything i hate everything okay everybody everybody all right i don't have a button i don't have a button i don't have a gun peter's leaving now oh my god let's just call a vote let's do it thank you okay all right no one wait should we say something okay yeah i think we should talk about it in my eyes tina is the most sus she calls she says she saw me venting and also i didn't see you vent i saw you come from security which made me think you vented from electrical or med that's why why would i do that when no one is dead yet wait was someone dead yeah pokey died that run oh and we all last saw you with her that's why okay but like i also last saw sid with pokey so that i mean that makes sense right well no the both of us saw you with her okay you guys think it's said just tell me okay tell me who to vote for and i'll do it okay why is it you and what's also not the fact that when cyclone died ray was like oh i'm gonna go with saikuno and then oh sakuno's died dude why would i report that body and peter and pokey knew i went with him it was so i reported it you like oh my god sydney i'm so obsessed with you now i've never heard you ray speak like this before in my life i've never heard this once from her i think wait her blood wait you think it's raining wait that's tina what do you mean right about sydney too all right i'm just gonna wing it wait wait tina why are you voting i already voted it was between sydney and ray ah your voice you guys listen we're all okay everybody suss but me i don't even know why people think i'm suspicious you only think i'm supposed to oh because i figure it out because leslie that i think you're such you were jumping on every vote this whole game as well because i believe leslie sorry for believing god oh my god oh god i can't believe it's fun oh my jesus christ oh my god oh my god very good friends good one oh this rain it's raining [Applause] oh my god [Music] that is an entire youtube video in one game with the freaking things the whole time my god that was to sell your story ray you were just a surprise i've been dead for 25 minutes [Music] [Laughter] she caught me in 4k she caught me at 4k [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,678,762
Rating: 4.965775 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, valkyrae toast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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