make impostors CONFESS with this GENIUS 7200 IQ bait... #ad

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today's video was sponsored by audible whenever i want to feel smarter i listen to an audio book from audible one of my favorites is how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie they showed me amazing ways to gain people's trust so that i can stab them in the back later in my among us games and now is the best time to try the new audible plus servers because they are having their holiday offer for only 4.95 a month for your first six months you get access to thousands and thousands of select titles from their plus catalog so visit slash disguise toast or text disguise toast to 500 500 start learning how to win friends and betray them in a video game all right let's get to rumble gonna go straight for task straight for task straight for task well the last time i went straight fantastic died first right why is he heading straight to the cameras ah second was following me to protect me he's a good lad someone just vented did we protect them um this one was killed on camera he was killed on top of me wait wait wait wait me and him were stacked together on cam because i think we both got killed first last round and we had an agreement to keep each other alive okay who's who's on the left can you confess did we protect him i think we protected him guys at least we protected him right this guy's toast wait you didn't catch him kill him no i was on camera i didn't think someone would be so right oh uh me and ludwig i i think rodriguez is probably clear i i haven't actually wait tina is on the right side as well i think she walked down wait where's five do you know where the other body is then um no so corpse plushie and i we're on the right side corpse and i go to lights plushies stayed on the right i didn't see tina there well yeah where's blood well you guys aren't you guys aren't on lights no we're not on lights yeah that was good why is talking i think you've been muted by the way did someone see him in ot i saw him then where's ray um i am in cafeteria well i was on the light panel there's one light left this has got to be ray right no how could i possibly kill i would never do that you would never kill no no no no like right on top of you when you're stacked oh actually i have done that before i got caught i did do that before actually never mind but no i'm not i'm not even close over there five of your lights yeah and you said there's one light panel left yes can't you vent them uh technically i wanna know who the one of you who did it i want to know that's such a bold kill get off my ship what oh i was muted huh the last panel was available who would be so bold so ver it's one of rey and five up a hundred percent huh that's one of rey and five of tina tina [Music] i don't think it's half full right these are very good door closers okay okay well i know that looks bad it's toast uh but okay i know the door looking at you both you ran away there's actually a body in storage i'm i left tina in admin tina no more than 10 seconds ago you mean ash ashley yes do you know who you left her with i left her with no one solo dolo and then i passed hafu and toast they couldn't have gotten there no i mean no hafu and toast couldn't have done this uh the body is like borderline like on the door shut between the electrical hallway thing and storage so who's on the other side that you're trying to qualm their concerns of uh half a win toast because i ran down with toast and then the door closed as soon as we got to that i think you're hard cleared from my perspective i think i appreciate that i've also scanned uh did anyone see ray this round yes oh yeah i saw i saw ray and elec and then ray and then i was and then plushies went north and i went to continue my gas and wait corpse you said you saw me yes i just passed you on the way down to wait i thought you shut the bodies in it's like it's at the it's on the door of electrical and um not it's like where storage and electrical starts hear me did ray have a chance no no okay no okay well i left ray at the at the filling thing in storage and i went north so yes she did she could have killed that so she could have when i went when i went to go do my other gas there was no body there when i ran from storage to the left there was no body so this has to be more recent and nobody should have this body this body is within 10 seconds because the door is closed i mean 10 seconds is a long time right it's one of ray and five of a hundred percent i agree with that if not both of them uh okay so i think there's a pair right there what me and toast yeah you guys are pairing hard i don't like it this guy is a really good door closer it's a very good door closed i think jimmy's clear oh that was scary these door closes are crisp this is a train killer someone also went for a very five-head kill wouldn't you say toast wait wait why are they crisp if no one died i gotta say cafeteria because the traffic door closed on uh storage right as we were about to discover the body and no other door was closed but no one does no body kit listen i'm talking about last round oh okay okay okay got it got it the door closed as we were going to storage and no other doors are closed usually uh normal imposters they just spam doors like everywhere to buy time but this was a specific door closed so you're important how do you know the other doors aren't closed because i walked i not available i also think he left it unflicked possibly for an alibi as he vented to coms to kill psychonauts to the camera to kill second i just caught to the license to get another yeah i just got the lights as they were off and i tried to flick them and their body was cold no matter how impressive that is i don't think i've ever thought of doing that play until just now because i'm gonna steal it that is a pretty impressive play like i don't think that's enough that's like something you're capable of pretty often personally but i don't know capable i guess i i think you're you can have your susses but they might be wrong i shop for what it's worth okay that's good to know half of a super crew i don't know ray is kind of turning on five up a little bit i think ray should for sure be one of them i think rey is for sure one of them okay right you can't do that right you can't you can't do that how on earth did you see me you can't do that you are not even in my vision so you're admitting to it i'm not admitting it to it but i think i'm being framed actually okay he caught me listen he was not in my vision oh yeah i actually didn't see it oh my god there's so many strategies are going to steal now you're a genius holy my heart is racing from that oh i can't believe that worked like i thought they left together but i couldn't see it like i was pretty sure but i needed a hundred percent clearance i think i was still gonna vote her anyway but having her like admit made my life so much easier i'm in pain i'm surprised he went for that kill though just coming out just fill me up what happened i can't believe you saw or you didn't see me like i did see you guys leave together but you reported the body like almost instantly after i killed so like i just yeah could you not see me on cameras by the way no i didn't actually okay what it was such a bold kill dude this lobby is impossible i almost thought you were the imposter after after i died right next to you these games are hard for fosters oh no tafu i'm saying ono because i want to like okay that's good because um i don't have to kill her first uh who would i kill first should i kill cycuno first and then say oh no because i know first [Music] okay there's getting to be a little too much people here tina and cycuno [Music] wait wait wait um there were a bunch of us on the right side it was me corpse ludwig ash and me and ludwig i fixed them and then corpse didn't come yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on ray's doing that thing where she gets me killed first i came from weapons okay yeah i know you can't you saw me come from the bottom yes you didn't catch me in the lie i came from the bottom side of cafeteria because lights weren't getting fixed i wanted to live so i was gonna take the long way around i understand why you're sussing me because you reported body right as you passed me i'm like when you report a body i'm like she's gonna assess me for this i wanna ask an address didn't come to light because i saw ash and toast behind it i was wondering like why they weren't coming so i stood in the hallway where i would only be able to see them and then you would let ran by which really confused me but i can vouch for toast story that he was in weapons and rent down though so how wait the body's an admin yes so good i feel conflicted here no she's telling the truth she's 100 crew from the way she's talking true i'm trying to explain why it's like it looks like i came from there so you didn't go into adventure i didn't i went on the bonsai cafeteria okay toast might be interesting is it deep enough you might have seen that tina we're both clear right tina toast why would you not check admin i didn't want to die first i was going to fix the lights and i decided against it by taking the long way yeah oh my gosh oh my lord tina's tina's clear right tina we can clear each other that's true what what do you know what what do you mean i i oh that was close uh that was close one two three right now one attempt to attempt three attempts [Music] okay just i just passed her oh what like where's an admin about six seconds ago okay well i just uh i was the left side i was with plushies in med bay and sakura was there i did reactor one through ten i got to electric and lights are off okay tina where were you before you came down the fastest fingers i've ever seen that was the fastest i've ever seen life panels like because i had the thing open that was insane in like one second from the top i came from navi and you said you just saw ash but but you were on um shields six seconds ago tina apologies my bad sorry sorry yep okay so if it's like i didn't pass valkyray hafu and corpse in the lights yes i agree with that plushies where did they go after uh um so i stayed with me there because yeah so i didn't have that base scan to but he did do it and then i waited around so i don't want to kill him and then we both get together okay yeah yeah it's clear yeah yes oh she's looking i was just in navigation doing my um boop a little spaceship and then the little thing where you just clicked the center and then i saw toast that shields and then i thought he was gonna kill me because he was sussed very heavily the previous round so i ran away right off the task there so i'm gonna go back well there's a vent enough that's what i'm worried about i'm calling it like we're all in tab wait it's like how was that your take away obviously there's still oh two of us i'm vlogging oh yeah but i was oh my god oh my god three voted for toast and now three voters you're discord lagging corpses yeah that's good we can change the area right i'm gonna call a quick meeting quick meeting quick meeting all right uh very quick very quick uh three people voted for me can i just get those names me okay second oh i also voted for you okay okay who voted for tina three people i did motive for tina first i would like it to be known who's the third one on tina oh you're very proud of that i'm not proud in a way but i want it to be known who's the third person who voted for tina i was gonna say maybe that toast and tina are both maybe clear because if no one admits to voting for tina i'm inclined to clear her because that means the imposter is lying and boston would only lie when it goes against what they want so i would actually clear tina off that why wouldn't of course both the imposters voted for her right yeah like why would they confess that so like this is for clearing yeah like i can't get the imposter but i can clear tina because of it i thought that makes the votes i feel from the votes toast and tina are probably clear yeah okay i knew tina was clear like two rounds ago right right well i don't know each other because me and ray both voted on wait actually wait but couldn't that go both ways like crewmates are voting for who we think the imposter right yes but like who would tell the truth that logically i would always want the vote because it's anonymous okay so no because the lights were off that's my biggest concern that you were like we were together most of the time tina right you saw me right true but but the lights went off and i lost you there oh i because the two imposters would want a voter you know it's not me because otherwise he would probably die the problem with that logic off is that it makes me seem like an imposter yeah and that makes me an imposter even though i was pretty sure he came no no no no i think the votes are fine this is to clear tina like i'm not taking away any other info but that's tina cleared [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hmm okay i i found ludwig's body right above uh right above the communications thing because he actually pushed the button right when i found him okay oh wow okay yeah um i feel like that's like because why would he why would he say that if he killed yeah yeah why would i say that okay i'm clearly right all right i pushed this because i was in electrical with tina tina left i think based off the voting thing last round or whatever um that makes me feel like tina's innocent and so i was sticking with her tina left and i was doing my task and then plushies were there toast was in there did a task left and then comes back with hofu before the lights were off entirely and so i'm running away okay someone fixed lights uh plushies did you fix lights yeah with plushies yeah okay and that's when i ran to go push the button because why is toast going in there twice before the lights are up and with hofu whose other person that cleared him oh right there's a dead body dick by the person who's raped as a dead body we should try and find out advice for that one yeah right right i push this button yeah always fix lights for us and done it very very quickly and i have continued to do that i'm done with the test i just don't know why we'll go back in there twice why i don't know why toast is going back then there but i went in to fix lights you went in and you did your tasks toast that is correct why did you go back in before the lights were out um checking for bodies fixing lights wait how'd you see me go in before the lights were out when i entered the lights were off no they weren't they were off kimmy kimmy you were there right kimmy you saw post come in before lights were out right um whoa kimmy either rey's imposter or she's trying to use you against me you gotta get it together oh god oh man ray is going so hard on me [Music] i don't know what to do here really scared okay i just wanted to say that toast was there before the lights were out yeah nope i saw you yes but are you sure you didn't see me when the lights came back off no i'm gonna okay i don't even know why this mat matters but like uh i was there right before the lights turned off i was kind of lucky that it turned off we got to turn them on right away the lights were off for like three seconds max right yeah but why does that matter yeah ludwig is dead okay yeah i don't understand why can we get alive for that tofu okay the thing is i don't think you're defending toast so hard he came in previously to coming in with you he did his task and left and then came back in for no reason before the lights were out that is such an impostor thing to do and the fact that you're hard defending him like this i'm pretty sure hafu and toast are the imposters oh well to be fair all he did was walk around there's a dead body i mean all he did was walk like you might you might be right but technically all he did was walk around jimmy is literally saying the exact same thing yeah i mean i mean i don't think rachel's lying but i also don't know if toast is the pasta right now but also i did fix whites i fixed all of them so hafu didn't get any of them so yeah so i did get i did get every single um but she might have had an opener i'm losing my money i don't understand why any of this stuff matters whatever yeah i mean i'm just getting information we need we need it for our love to accept cool well hold on guys hold on toast walked around funny and hafu didn't do the lights that's awesome oh my god okay well we did not vote here i i would yo i have been done a test for two rounds oh wait so guys what about ludwig's body um so ludwig was in front of communications he said oh yeah yeah yeah but but guys what did you do before electrical where'd you go i went from admin i saw three people in lights so i went there to check her body then i fixed what i was there to fix lights okay when you we need to do a kill speed run here [Music] i'm gonna do a kill speed run oh god i'm wearing my own kill cooldown right now okay i'm going for it [Music] i saw her pop up to admin oh wait are you talking about that one round what are you talking about no no justin was killed just now yeah just now it was with us rachel yeah it was the person that died where is the body at the bottom it's right between electrical and storage i ran corpse you were with me an admin right i ran down and i caught toast killing and then i reported it so i don't eat i don't see kimmy oh well i i where are you i was literally on top of toast as well okay i think it's a failed double kill with toast and kimmy actually yeah yeah yeah you're in there too right i've fixed lights for us i've been on camera i i fixed i fixed the no this time oh no not this time yeah this round i haven't literally done nothing but listen guys gimme hofu i only saw toast kill i didn't see either of you so i don't really understand where you guys are no they were there ray both of them yeah they were both of them this is close to the story i actually thought i reported it but because i didn't want to get done yeah yeah no i'm the bad guy i'm definitely died it was just a miscommunication it was me and jimmy right the four of us were together yeah it could it could be kimmy yeah it was a failed double kill i is mine damn i wonder if i double down on the field double kill okay it's it's it's skimming this is what i've been trying to tell you ah wait where's the body i'm lagging great yeah okay the body is at lights okay so rey fixed life i should probably put it yourself dude it's just kidding sorry i meant to i was said i saw hofu snap her neck in cold blooded murder it was terrifying to say the least that's a lot of words exactly like do i have to convince you oh you know what to do i i've been i've been okay who has been who's been the one who's been sussed this entire time both of you to me to be honest i was with you uh on the last round i i was on cams you were kind of standing there between reactor right and then i got off i fixed lights i saw half of a second ago at a cafeteria lights took a long time to get fixed makes me think that ray went to go fix them and then she killed there and then you found it you know me ray and hafu were all just about to go to lights and hafu killed her right in front of me i don't know what else to say i saw her kill her right in front of me and i mean that's that's yes yes i'm going to vote here but if i leave no curse cross cross court listen listen listen okay corpse are you listening it's i don't know what to say i didn't say who i was voting for by the way i said i was gonna vote here i said if i lose because no one let me get information because everyone was yelling at each other about lights this entire game okay uh well if there's any other questions i mean i don't want it really to lose oh good job i will remember started i think it was cycuno because you're also defending them all you did was say toast walked into it yeah you saved me two rounds you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,090,987
Rating: 4.9634047 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay
Id: RhMHPdM7kdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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