how I became KING of polus using my 9950 IQ charisma...

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what do you think has the biggest ass in our friend group are you talking about inches or the most popping yo booty kind of popping it is kind of popping so how do you how do you measure booty is it just around the ass yeah yeah that's why i was saying like do you mean that kind of measurement yeah yeah yeah oh have you ever measured your booty no not the booty who do you think ass is bigger mine are yours before going by like just inches circumference around that spot i think mine really you think you got a bigger ass than me girl you tripping hey nobody got a bigger ass than me yeah we could fight about it i also have like the male skeletal structure oh i thought i would have the advantage in that case because women tend to have wider hips but like i have bones you know i have bones do you think women don't have bones that's absolutely brian what do you have to say all right that's right unless i voted for him why because oh wait he said why say less say less [Laughter] i can't believe you actually oh there's a [ __ ] yeah toast commute can you work out and add like mass to your ass is that how it works that's the whole point yeah that's why you measure you can you can add mass to ass oh yeah you can add a lot of ass to us i know you probably don't know because you're just born with it but not everybody's you know maybelline born with it learning a lot who do you think's lost in foster by the way all right well it's wendy what okay i just opened what master ass let's go this guy's toast [Music] what do you mean by rough games you've been dying you know you know that the dork trick oh i use it on rey and then what happened to tell him what happened and then she just killed me well don't worry me and tina got you covered oh just me maybe no no no i got you and honestly if you killed me here i wouldn't mind oh that goes for me too right yeah toast you want to do it or well what tina you won't snitch on us right i won't snitch on whoever look look tina people love when me and toast win as imposter you don't want to ruin our video right this is true i i don't mind being a sacrificial lamb oh we're not gonna kill you you're gonna have to help us oh oh okay yeah yeah you're gonna help us tina come on we're gonna be a roaming pack of will [Music] [Music] i promise you promise i promise you you promised if you promised all right let's go boys i promise oh my god you got you have my you have my sword all right let's go oh yeah it's it's a throwback to yours girls and boys all right all right i'm the only uh all right this is what we're gonna do this is what we're gonna do okay okay where are we going all right each of you spread out find me a victim and lure them to the spawn i was looking for someone oh maybe up here yeah oh hey lud oh jesus jesus ray come here where are we going what's happening why'd you come up here i i don't know they said hey come up your help and then they led me to you i guess i don't you think tykuno will lead you to a trap knowing where are you oh oh my god is so scuffed what's up you know oh no jack and i'm thanking us too oh no who who are you guys voting for looks like it's another skip arena i did see her just run out of the camera room where the body was nice [Music] time to go do my task again charlie charlie it's beginning to feel a lot like christmas [Music] come on come on leave him here come on i'm hungry for blood for me to lure people over oh hey lud you came back again well yeah how is ludwig alive i thought you were going to finish him off or something know that tychuno betrayed you as your last thought [Music] if you're still here who's the other one bring just bring anyone okay i'm thirsty for blood oh wait raise the other imposter is she i have taken over polish as you should king and i'll prove that it's not me either wow what if what a tragedy brook what an absolute tragedy wait how did you do this how did you do this toast charisma wow you don't know where the bodies are oh god what happened oh my god charlie charlie let me hit you with some solid evidence on why you shouldn't vote for me this round okay all right how many people are on the left side of the screen it's four people right four and then on the right side there's three the four plus three is seven right how we what do we do on seven we wait charlie go ahead so corpse and i we both skipped okay i know no one else saw it but we can clear each other we ran left and we saw brook and cycuno and seikuna said brook come up to the ship and i'll show you that i'm innocent wow you would do something like that wait wait charlie let me explain look look charlie um i don't have enough time to explain this meeting could we meet up at the ship and now alex no [Applause] charlie if i kill you at the ship everybody will know it's me let's just go to the ship and i'll show you why i'm innocent look charlie if i if i if i kill you at the ship everyone will know it's me your services are no longer needed i guess we got one boys all right can we can we go to drop ship together please i'll protect you what's that drop ship oh it's just just uh my my last task i think i have the last task are you gonna be sweaty hey guys oh oh you were trying to hit the button you're trying to hit the button don't worry hafu you'll live a long happy life as for you corpse [Music] somebody helps you need a call ray ray ray down to the left halfwish it was one of us now no one's going to join our organization no guys what's taking so long here jesus christ i'm taking so him that's long grease just oh don't worry about that hey corpse remember that time you chased me around i don't want to hear anything wow grace i i was i was told i was told not to report the body grease who told you who gave the order tina i believe okay here's what happened okay no it's tina and rey but she said hey don't do this it's a good youtube video [Laughter] i voted tina first oh god tina first and then me all right cycuno you died for tina's youtube video you're a good guy cycuno you're a good guy you're always a husband oh praise be ray praise thank you please no praise praise be our lord [Applause] right when i went up there and i was i was shocked i'm shocked i tell you what happened i've disappointed you oh don't worry i'll protect you guys my my mouth actually hurts from laughing my cheeks hurt i think everyone should control r oh yeah oh yeah i can't hear your sexual arthritis are you there i don't want to yeah what's up what the [ __ ] oh my god oh god chris when you're trying to type something out and then you accidentally hit one what's something that starts with okay i honestly i'll take the vote here that was so five head everyone control r i look to my monitor to the left i control r i come back as a body i'm like no you unless i miss saw it but i'm pretty sure i saw him do it because i i literally was looking at my other monitor so i have no idea wait who said to press ctrl r rated oh well there goes that here right here that's unfortunate all right i'm sorry ray i wish i saw i'm gonna skip i i wish i knew you guys you could i think i right on him there's no way it wasn't him right i thought it was yours there was like barely anyone nearby no i was on it too guys it could have been me getting a free kill i can't believe you all just believed me on that oh my gosh ray we can hang out now it's okay oh my god not you chris i don't think he was crazy i killed him because of what you said look the body was right on him like it had to be him right did you get an innocent man's blood on my hand uh i have been known to miss things but it really looked like him i thought what have you done i could have sworn i saw him do it the body was right on him but wait a second ash said she saw you do it oh every one of you and well i didn't want to believe it yeah it wasn't me it wasn't me ash hey are you sure you did this well i'm not sure [Music] look see she doesn't know what she saw i think it was chris i saw the body right on him ghost do i need to control r no i'm just you know what tycoono i already killed one innocent man uh-huh there's no going back for me who do you want to kill next i don't have anyone else in mind i thought i saw chris doing i can't go back to a normal life anymore oh no abe's dead guys well now i don't want to well no i want you to because i ain't seen nothing so i didn't see nothing stop out of here let's go into the drop ship you can kill me that and then no one will find the buddy what kind of strange i don't want to do it anymore i don't want to do it anymore there's a dead body here oh my gosh oh my god we have to vote oh there's a number of points oh my god we're gonna lose we're gonna hold on i can clear toast and ask for this yeah and i can clear myself um okay the only person killed clear me no i can't i can because i and i can prove it because i was thinking a sub and his name was yano that guy so you guys can ask yano yano subscribed and i couldn't have killed because i was so distracted oh so you're reading no i wasn't reading chat either i was just reading the subscriptions i don't read chat because wait where do you have your subs on a different monitor these stream elements oh that's true that's right actually i know the stream elements ui also combined the notification with chat yeah yeah well if they have like a message but i yenno only told me one of the imposters not both so it's not that big of a deal oh oh my god that ludwig's innocent ludwig who is weak uh well according to this message it is um wait before we say anything are you waiting clear i was with cyclone the whole time i was with abe and he was going to clear me and then i left because i had to go back that's calf man is this some kind of big brain yes i was with you and i was with ash arya left with abe i'm pretty sure did you come back and kill him brooke no that's messed up oh no i was with ash ash can vouch for me a hundred percent kill her i snuck up on her and let it go no psycho you guys would turn on me like that guys no i trust you brooke okay well then just toast you would turn on me i'm beginning to have some kind of realization the man i've been protecting see those people lurking around us right now i can see two people with very imposter like movement right now man i've been protecting this whole time why shouldn't we press the button or something nice oh should we just vote someone yeah yeah guys i ludwig since you hit the button i'll say the other one first brook double took abe for sure because i left him early and went to specimen everybody he died earlier remember psycho and toast wait cyclone toast i said abe just died on vitals do you remember that yeah yeah yeah i remember oh that's not true no you already knew he died that's why you opened it i knew it was a laugh it broke please get her out it's actually broke no no no she knew he was dead that's why she ran to vitals a good pick but i picked arya because i don't know why wait ludwig is that what jano told you he said azaria oh yeah yeah oh yeah jenna said brooke is toast if arya kills her i took so long to get there i can't be honest i thought it was arya and ludwig but um wait sakura i thought you said christopher you saw christopher kill yeah that's what i thought but oh my god i saw some very impostor-like movies i killed it into some man because of you that's a good point i started getting that vibe he did that innocent sounding voted for brooke but look i'll go for arya first since ludwig hit the button oh i was gonna say ah should be ready kevin i'm sorry i'm sorry no it's okay it's okay um who voted wait who voted for brooke because i voted for arya ivan arya i'll be honest i thought it was ludwig and arya they were kind of lurking in the past like they were trying to get a double to win there who did you vote for specifically oh i voted ferrari because okay someone's lying who would you would say why didn't the game end um well i i'll be honest i think i think it might not have been chris somehow oh my god i really thought i saw him but but when he died so usually chris like doesn't do that thing where he pretends he's still innocent when he dies so then i started thinking he might be innocent it's like no it's not you is it oh you think i just got random innocent people killed because i'm the imposter have you read the sticker on my head remember what happened at the beginning oh god remember what happened someone lied about voting ash don't let him marinate you he's crying i've been defending you this whole time what did you see correctly no no ash says she thought she saw me no maybe it was no i don't wait wait wait ask there's two greens it could be ludwig oh no it's ludwig yeah i i think honestly i think it might be but chris is dead and arya's dead so which one's wrong it's got to be i'd be more likely to think chris was wrong actually because i was with i was not i was with you inside then i was with ash and then and then the group i think chris has to be right right because if chris was wrong we would have just gotten double killed that's why i thought it was before that he is right they were no no no we had a whole round of six people were tied they didn't double kill out of fear yeah fear failure oh good point okay wait is it brooke is that a good point i mean i i would be scared if i was impossible a lot of big brains in here are you specifically myself brooke no i have no reason to be scared because i am innocent i don't think oh no look i broke up for me i think it could be ludwig it could be ludwig okay so i can clear myself up okay uh-huh so okay well i i uh i went to top left reactor and i i was doing look i saw great and ludd was reading chad it's him it's gotta be him no no no no he's a chat reader i swear you guys are crazy you guys almost killed for me ass ash i should have killed you okay come over here oh my god someone had light somebody hit the lights oh my god oh my god [Music] but he sure sounded innocent at the end um [Music] don't worry fixing the lights i fixed him great job brooke good job [Music] i have to push the button a big brain yes and then oh hey hey ludwig i was sitting on vitals i know the murderer cannot be cicuno as a fact i couldn't retalk you weren't sitting on vitals where were you guys we're on finals we're on vital right now the entire time i played the icarly intro you know the one right no i'm guessing you just left right because me and ass are on vitals and yeah i so what i did is i was on vitals since light's turned off and it was the icarly intro brook was on the left side oh too i heard toast run up to lights you went lights are off oh and then i was on vitals and it went and it was icarly's intro five four three two brooks lifeline cuts out i hear cycuno to my right i run up towards lights i find brook's body right outside of lights you tell me who the imposter is wait you think it's you you think it's toast yes that's quite the elaborate story what is your story toast uh i fixed the lights and came back down to office it's definitely not ash or me so we are all an accord then look how are you playing music huh because to play music you have to open up google chrome wait who'd you vote for ash when i have a vote i said i would vote with you what did you do he skipped vote for letter skip vote oh jesus you guys are crazy all right look look ash you still got your butt nash no no ash wait at the button all right no you're gonna lose this 50 50. ludwig it's you isn't it yeah it's me it is all right kill me so i don't have to deal with accusing toast yeah sure i mean look you could do it anywhere it doesn't really matter look let me space out you can tycoon he wouldn't i mean oh right wouldn't leave toast alive in the final three no you yeah all right kill toast we'll do it we'll do it no no no no no he can't kill me what a little a little earlier what do you mean he can't kill him he can't kill me he can't kill you because you and you and together the whole time if he kills me ash would just vote against him oh oh that does make sense so you have to kill me then yes oh you're always the one being killed i thought you exposed yourself that makes sense yeah yes no no that's okay you can just keep waiting there we're just gonna go have another conversation right quick i just want you to know ash actually skip here all right by the way yeah it's not though everything's going to be fine yeah who do you want me to kill who do you want me to kill honestly you could kill either of them and i'll still vote with you oh nice okay what's your last words to ash what do you mean last words because you're definitely you're definitely dying i'll be honest you're definitely gonna die let's walk up to spawn and find out where'd ludwig go let's walk up to spawn and find out it's gonna be like five minutes ludwig is he up here wait he's not here what's he doing did he go where did he go ludwig ludwig oh god he must have killed ash he must have killed ash he must have killed oh no oh wait he's over here he's over here he's over here he's over here let's go let's go to the spawn yeah yeah let's go to the meeting meeting can i come no no you close this door close this door whoever's imposter close this door okay okay okay oh yeah oh nice all right so sad all right ludwig you have to kill me you have to kill me because otherwise ash will trust me because we were together the whole time even if i could i wouldn't do that i'll toast what go do it no you do it no you do it no you do it not not king just can't just get this over with i can't like you you wanna hear me press the q button here i'm sorry you had to find out this way it's okay like or something i was you know that's a good idea that's a good point i don't know why i pressed that button wait it wasn't you and arya you guys were lurking like you were waiting for a double and then the double didn't happen that's because we were lurking all right look you got your story ready i need like 15 more seconds to get my story ready you know i'll stand away from you so you know you know i'm not giving you okay uh okay double kill oh okay yeah i got it you can report it you are not gonna believe this the killer is disguised toast he was disguised as a killer if anything you know what i mean so toast you want to say anything here ash i know what's going through your mind right now you have two options right if you vote toast and you're wrong it's okay because you won't be in the video but if you vote toast and you're right it's cool because you got the imposter out so it's a win-win situation to always vote for me right so i'm gonna cut you a deal here if you vote for me we're gonna lose but i'm still gonna put this in a youtube video and people will say oh god that ash he she voted toast on a top three situation she sucks so if you vote lud it's always a win-win situation because you would get the imposter if you vote for me you'll lose and my youtube's not as powerful so it's not as big of a punishment but on my twitter i i i was planning on writing ash's poopoo out among us if if we lost this game so so it i would not recommend doing that because that would be embarrassing uh you lost by the way no why didn't you lay by saying it was one week then nothing because i couldn't lie [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,251,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, pokimane toast, toast animation, among us animation
Id: Pr8aOjRR-rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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