becoming the 16,100 IQ JESTER KING... (custom mod)

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oh no oh lord just a roll well first thing i gotta do is run away from the imposters to keep them from killing me i'm gonna scare them with my big brain i'm gonna make the threat that i'm still alive on five against everybody and jaden are not lights is this that life also tina it's literally on the panel somebody turned into spadisy and then killed right in front of me oh so do you guys see anyone that we can clear no i'm joking yeah cause you all just i'm joking i'm joking corpses that's pretty quick well i was there i was awesome this is actually this clear shack then right oh yeah yeah if he's faking it i want to give him the game you would have to wait that would be like 500. does that mean you want admin first gesture no no no like out of it like it's just done and i'm going down to specimen oh okay oh i said oh i did not see you in lobs but okay uh well you would see the top d content going off i'm at temp so i don't think i can okay um which one of you [ __ ] turn into me tell them the best jacksepticeye impression after this round oh i'm flattered though thank you [Applause] this guy's toast [Music] [Music] says him and then kills him the [ __ ] i mean it makes sense because it also clears yeah it cleared him they have to kill him where was his body no i'm so confused right now it's it's top right corpse well you know it's not me right brooke yeah we're the only two people i see up here i walked out of you for a second i walked back dead bodies [Music] i don't know because you're kind of moving a little bit right that's fair behind you yeah that would be crazy if i did that and then you didn't see it if you're trying to make me look dumb i thought is he like just it's just very obviously not me that did it that's why i hope you eat a mango broth that's really rude tina to laugh at that tina's strawberry brook uh tina i believe that brooke has never had fruit before he actually saw me eat my first strawberry she doesn't like her she could she's never had a pineapple or a banana isn't that i've never had a mango no no strawberries no no i tried a strawberry in front of pokey yeah it was really cute tina can you follow me for this one round please oh my gosh it's important oh my god i would love nothing more oh thanks tina it's so ugly [Music] oh man running running running running running i'm surprised that pastors haven't found me and killed me yet okay how high iq can i do this it yes i'm sheriff that's why i wanted tina to follow me so he couldn't kill me and i could kill him okay i saw the corpse skip over the common task and then after brooke says him i was like i gotta go for it you have because i didn't want you to think i'm forcing you to shrimp you know tina do you remember last game when pokey manipulated you and drinking mango juice is there a world where she's the imposter and just let you watch her kill someone and instead of sussing her you're gonna defend her oh my god that's too big what the [ __ ] i can't do that i'm the perfect spotter for the job too guys guys here's the thing the safe vote would be to vote pokey i wasn't gonna say anything but since tosa's big brain yeah i'm cherish actually oh there wait brenda just kill her you're so spicy you're so bread all you have to do is kill it no no this is fine we can skip and just let brett kill pokey or poke kill bread because in my life so ready oh god all right that was revving the pokey where did it go where did they go where are they huh where'd your brother go batman you're supposed to fight oh god batman by claiming he's sheriff he throws a wrench in my plan because i wanted to be as the other imposter but because he just straight up told a lie like i said what this is so confusing wait lily where was the body it was in the meeting room area i just saw it i thought across the table and kill someone what you saw cheating i saw toast it could have been a morph because brett was there toast was there okay so brett and toast are at the top of the table with me pokey was at the bottom i see like the vision's pretty low so i just saw a toast teleport across the table so it could have been where are you guys working together to make us think it was pokey when it's you two no wait no we're poking it with corpse oh yeah okay you guys listen listen listen so i wasn't actually so i'm so sorry pokey i still love you me and pokey linked up at the top and then jayden and toast was there and i seen toast kill pokey what oh we both post here i'm telling y'all right now guys guys does that make sense no it doesn't work but here's the thing here's the thing two people saw one of pokey and corpse is correct right and it's corpse that's correct and corpse and then you're in there i was just trolling because i felt like being such a leo and i wasn't actually gentlemen yeah i kind of believe brett on that one yeah i i like when he claimed that he didn't do it in a confident manner so i think i think we voted lily here i think we've all gone here i think i think it's slowly here though wait is he oh my god no i think it's lily though if you're just your uncle you're a joke no i think it's really there's no way i sign the king how [Music] [Music] okay i'm jester jester means i should play color combs right but if i go to coms that's such a high risk of me being just straight up killed spadacey where are you going jack oh you're gone hold up oh oh dear god right where is it carl where'd you come from where'd you go i know where you are wait so where where is it what happened it's in med bay um i don't think it's it's not spicy guys i don't think anyways hit us with a second okay so i ran to the camera room and i was watching it for a long time and nobody came out of the med bay so they must have vented out somewhere i think oh that's right i guess toast where did you come from actually you know where i come from where did i go where did you go from i went to uh storage and then i went to admin and saw jack and you leaving i see okay where did you come from oh yeah brook ab where did you come from i've just been chilling adam and all right i did my cards no way brook would kill rey and self-reported no we have matching mikas i wouldn't actually it would almost make sense though because i didn't see anyone leave the med base so the killer could have still been in there oh that's that's bad for you brooke that's bad for you wait no an event the killer just walked in and i think it's tina what oh yeah i feel like i think you're wrong or something i'm just going to keep it a buck guys i wait is carl faking asteroids no wait stop some stuff i walked through asteroids what do you mean for no reason bro you captain walk straight down freaking carl they voted for each other that's just going down wendy's doing wires which i can respect we're going down oh notice how carlos is still alive jesus what happened tina i threw your name out for shits and giggles because i just wanted to i wanted to like shoot bullets at your feet and watch you dance really someone explained morphling very quickly okay uh explain more flames hopefully something the imposters have yes i saw wendy go up cafeteria and broke him from the direction just saying uh i saw you because that's interesting because i just ran into ash and corpse in storage i was just gonna say you toast really interesting oh yeah toast you're flying under the radar um oh wait what happened from storage okay into the cafeteria and i'm like okay that's fine i do my wires i go up cafeteria okay coming from the same direction okay and wendy is dead wait actually guys that's really confusing that's really confusing on brooke yeah go ahead i don't know she was using my my uh my pixels my my clothes you know like my little leaf and stuff she had a bumpus hat right now she's of course stuff i'm starting i think she's going evil guys guys by the way i saw a brook dude literally saw the blood and then the body flopped over and broke right away wait wait wait wait that's more playing that's all right that's also not wait no that's not funny what because you know not possible when he was killed in store like cafeteria wait is brooke getting sussed for both it's a morphling someone's a morphing ring something's wrong here something doesn't add up [Music] um is brooke going back in here hey brookie huh didn't you do your task here already guys guys i just killed corpse i just saw me kill someone in front of me someone's running around as me guys i just i just saw brooke kill wait what i saw me kill someone uh what i'll say that it's not the actual brook yeah okay yeah 100 how do we know which one's the actual book though the one that's broke because the one that's the one that's not me yeah the one that's saying when you ask her a question only brock would know yeah go ahead ooh wait brooke so the kill just happened yeah like instantly i was trying to report it but i think carter and then brooke what's your favorite food oh my dear god wait carl okay fake brook what's your favorite food chicken car carl what would you do this time paul what did you say look looks like where where were you carl i saw you in front of them no no carl was an electrical jack was an electro broke was an electrical yeah right so it has to be ash that's why that's the cafeteria i mean i know that this doesn't help but i i met scanned earlier ray saw it but okay this doesn't help but it does that leaves cycuno then guys i reported this why would i report this no it's not it's got to be because you're fake bro right now i'm not even going to if i was fake i wouldn't report it because that would immediately give me away wouldn't it know what's your favorite food i oh i i don't know if you saw this kill happen the person reporting is right next to the body oh no i was on the right side and he could have been on the other side yeah i mean i saw carl run in front of him he's saying he got there first all right i mean you voted ash i think she's lying imposter because that would immediately reveal me right i don't know he is true probably makes a lot of sense wouldn't make much sense but you could vote for me if you want oh oh okay oh no oh psycho you silly rascals no one was even trying to vote you there wait you weren't [Music] he said conor's the other one but he's the imposter so dicey chasing me where was everybody tell me now tell me now tell me right now tell me right now where is above storage to the left of admin in the hallway where were i was doing the card swipe okay i don't know how this thingy works but i did all my tasks and i'm the snitch okay where's the where are you standing where was there i was in cams and it was it was pointing to the top right of my screen hop right you were in cams wait toast went up left from electrical all the way around so if he's lying he could well he did report it i don't think i was in admin which i will say is right by the body but wait time right top right yeah that is how far down yeah cams is too high i mean wait where was jack i'm lights electrical i mean bottom right then yeah wait toast where were you i'm reporting the body from storage but the body's outside that should also be bottom then yeah come on come on you know we should skip and let carl like really point their feet yeah find them girl yeah yeah carl yeah i'm sure i won't die let's do this no no no no we'll protect you it's not a big one what do you think's gonna happen carol i don't even know what can happen yeah just tell us after wow what an unexpected turn of events oh jesus carl is dead in stores man why didn't you this girl guys i said out loud i'm gonna get 50 50 and i'm going to make a big stinky so no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait jack-jack i'm doing the 50-50 what are you talking about you're not doing the 50-50 what because i'm the innocent one and you two are the sus one so you're not you're the innocent one wait but i'm innocent no wait but i'm innocent wait i think there's a liar among us oh jumanji jumanji we all win yeah guys i can't believe carl's dead what happened uh okay so one round i saw tosco left all the way up around he could have been top right but cyclone could have been lying but sakura wouldn't lie to me would he i don't think so i and i also placed myself right by the body why would i do that yeah that would be big stinky but like my mind's leaning towards toast but i i like toast it's good morning hold on why would toast report it here you could have just waited you're right and then jack you shouldn't know that unless jack was trying to get a youtube video because he knows it's less exciting that you're agreeing with because are you trying to get a youtube video no no no no way it's way less exciting if not just no it's like you'll go back you're right with your first instinct toast wants the best content he's not all about seeing the victory so you're saying if i vote psycho and i win then i'm a hero and if toast gets a video i'm a hero that's easy wait true who'd you vote for i thought saikuno that's a win-win for me baby i think i know who i'm voting for i either get the victory or somebody gets a video that's easy i love it i think we should skip what oh man oh jesus jesus you guys killed me wait did you skip did you skip and win [Music] i turned into you and hid under you and then and then as you you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,559,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us mods, Toast among us jester, jester among us, Toast jester, Toast Corpse Jester, modded among us, toast among us mod
Id: EApqkffExu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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