Disguised Toast's 10,000 IQ Among Us special...

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Toast's among us videos introduced me to Lily and Michael then to OTV and friends. Really glad to have found a wholesome grp of friends who can game together without being toxic to others

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Pigjedi 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

He's impressively gotten 230k+ more subs on YT after only shortly reaching his 3m milestone! This man aint hitting the brakes.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Arcaedien 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

i'm lowkey sad that he didn't include the clip where he vented in front of peter and got away with it, but, tbf, if we included every bigbrain clip, this video would have been hours long.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/iluvaudio 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well who knows what happens this year... Can't wait to see

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Kiriyo-_- 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] mr beast was behind me so i don't think it's him disguise toast is to among us what mike tyson was to boxing trust me i'm the key master kill ray ray hates people who piss what did you know ninjas [Music] [Applause] 10 000 iq that's that's my iq thank you all so much for uh helping me reach this milestone i thought it'd be cool for our 10 000 iq episode for us to look back and highlight some of the best coolest humongous moments uh we had in 2020 and uh obviously we will definitely have that greatest imposter game in the world as well as all the other cool things that happened in among us this year and uh yeah thank you all so so much and let's hope 2021 bring us more big brain iq deductions enjoy today's video this guy's toast i'm alive [Music] all right okay um i'm pretty sure i saw someone fake dragon what's up what are we voting to kick people off for i just want to say technically no one's committed any crimes that's not going to stop us edison i think that'll stop us from punishing people we should punish edison let's get out of his head he questioned us i need you to do one kill wow oh wow now leslie um it's also definitely not me so leslie i don't think it could have been any of these guys is there anyone who can hard vouch besides me and leslie nope i am pretty sure this is abe leslie do you want to kill abe i'll believe you if you want no it's okay i'm just gonna follow leslie and hope she doesn't wise up to it abe just got vent killed i didn't see who it was though you saw the vent open it's not leslie well i didn't see the vent open but he just popped into the vent wait there's two imposters left right yeah well that's what's happening i'm voting for peter i'm pretty sure there's a self report by cycuno wait really yeah all right edison wendy you guys got anything um all i i just saw edison going to specially and then we ran into each other and that's it i came from la or from med bay and i went straight down peter was the only one in there i'm leaning towards peter hey before i get randomly sells leslie can you can you tell them it's not me too it's not toast i've been trying to lose him the whole round where's the body it's in med bay leslie who do you want to kill oh god all right leslie who do you want to kill can i do i heard peter seriously oh you guys actually went for me thank you oh leslie such delicious marination oh no peter don't do it peter don't do it i'm on i'm on vitals the whole time he's not a bottle though because i just found the body and weapons i literally just finished my mask that i wanted to do in specimen but i was [ __ ] scared that you know was gonna slice me up when you were alone okay hang on ninja why do you think it's me ninja what do you think it's me why do i look at you because i literally saw you go from the left to the right away from weapons and i was also in admin and i saw there was someone a weapon so i'm like you know what there's only one person in weapons there were four people in oxygen who was in o2 so the person with the bodies and weapons right ninja weapons because you killed them and then ran away the person you see on your admin is the dead body if i was there you would see two people no no no no i never entered asteroids i am willing to bet my left nut i'm also willing to it's my favorite nut as well i'm also going to um i should have bought it toast okay no no you shouldn't have okay seen standing over the body he was the only one in the top right people on the bottom left could not have made that kill there are two killers left watch by those there are two killers left what is happening oh no no no no no oh my god what did you know ninja you didn't know [ __ ] you don't know [ __ ] you didn't know anything where's your left nut send it over to me go to fedex chop it up send it over to me i'm gonna i went to communications as the lights are off so i'm confused how brook can see me from storage with the lights off oh that's three brook that's three good no no i was in communications doing my downloading i was walking out i saw playing ray was just standing on the door [Applause] [Applause] i think he came out of a van stop following me you three monkeys i don't wanna die early again so i decided to follow toast no brodin will be my bodyguard not you albert hey protect the kappa regime broden broden why aren't you flicking on the weather note something is incredibly wrong excellent job kappa broden so let me tell you guys a tale of my family 30 years ago my parents they come to canada as immigrants and we work real hard every day making an honest living one day we come across the street urchin malnourished on the streets having eaten for days scrounging for scraps of food so we took him in we fed him we raised him we gave him jobs and one day we saw it fit to make him a made member of our family and gave him the most important job protecting the dawn but that wasn't enough it wasn't enough he wanted more so he took a hit to kill the very man he swore to protect why'd you do it coppo broden i've been at your side the whole time we saw the payment from the tatillaga family you're undertake from them don i'm good for you you know i'm good for you you're breaking my heart bro you're breaking my heart here don i'll take a bullet for you any day [Music] get him out of here i can't i think rey's for sure one of them okay right you can't do that [Music] right what you can't you can't do that how on earth did you see me you can't do that no you are not even in my vision so you're admitting to it i'm not admitting it to it but i think i'm being framed actually okay he caught me listen he was i'm being framed holy [ __ ] my heart is racing from that oh i can't believe that worked i'm in pain it's either jacker hitch then between the two of me yeah and then yeah i agree the the second imposter is 100 lupo that's what i'm thinking too i'd much rather vote lupo honestly yeah he brings up a good point but we should kill him i don't believe that for half a second but you all believe toast because he's supposed to be i do i am lupo jack and maybe even a bit oh [ __ ] i bet a toast ripped a fart y'all had been down whoa okay that was a quick one but i briefly saw kapu's name hover over the dead flesh meat under my face i would like to say that i am on camps you can't say that we have three witnesses what the [ __ ] i'm on camera what kind of alibis get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that looks like we got ourselves a mystery wait that was good guys we got two bodies here and i got two shushbacks you could come if you want to wait were you guys talking to me i know i i get it huh yeah yeah hey hey brooke hi are you talking to yourself back there or what was going on wait [ __ ] okay okay this is gonna sound weird but i can hear everything carbs are saying right now okay okay okay because i could not hear anything and you were talking charlie i can hear him he said he's like he's giggling let's go this way he said let's go this way yeah yeah we did it hey guys tonight bro come here bro come here charlie sorry charlie i'm i have tapped into corpse inner psyche i can hear everything he's saying oh relay the info what's he saying all right what are you guys thinking all right what do you guys think about bingus he said pink he's killing someone he's killing someone somebody's stopping he's giggling [Music] i don't know man he said good luck tina hit the button hit the button oh [ __ ] go fix it go fix it why did i have this power if i can't use it okay i saw sana kuno no no i saw raven what oh whoa i'm gonna go take a piss you guys let me know who we're killing by the time i get back it'd be kind of funny to vote yeah i was lying i was holding my piss wait for the first time this must be right she wanted her she wanted to kill a man pissing who kills the pissing man kill rape ray hates people who piss there you go your piss hater your best hater green left office where is the body avocado chicken nugget oh wow lily threw sauce on ray i don't think she would do it and sell something that leaves john kinda oh wait how's this little meat leave me i just remember you've been clean i speed on my task i know that looks suss but i've just been on camera like half of the game all right i'm gonna psychoanalyze john here all right all right i've been analyzing him for the past week when he's imposter and he gets accused he will start the sentence with two words why or how and you just said how you know what for toast youtube video i'm voting drive you know guys i psycho analyze them props [Applause] literally just saw wendy snap yeah is he was running around aimlessly hunting for a kill he was like a [ __ ] foreign the biggest thing about peter he was being nice to cycuno and he never does that peter usually yells at me exactly gotta be peter he always kills me first all right well good luck guys good die peter go to work toast die for yourself i'm still sausage okay who do i know personally that i don't mind killing instantly okay lily where are you all ready lily it's toast only supposed to do that only totally different let's see where's the body it's like bottom right bottom right in that room who went to the bottom right at the beginning come on the only person i saw run bottom was jay bottom right doing leak lower though i didn't go bottom right i went from the kitchen towards the bottom right underneath did anyone see you where is the kitchen wait what kitchen you said shields okay but anyone would kill lily first round i feel like it'd be jay i can't i won't kill lily because i live with her toast wouldn't do it i wouldn't do it she would come into my room and slap me [Music] is quite the mystery goes to weapons i'm just saying got it got it is it corpse it might be corpse uh corpse you doing that card swipe off yes i failed it 15 times so far what about that no no no no no no no no because i'm pretty sure i'm nervous all right i've failed it fifteen times i failed it five all right well let's look we can all just check corps through the card swipe right if you're gonna do a card swipe in front of everyone so it is cork i feel i feel card swipe still i i still haven't done monkey wait it's over here oh my god oh my god oh i swear i swear i swear wait i swear wait when do you take a look take a look what do you gotta think why don't you [Music] sniffed out some bodies he was doing a scooby-doo role-play was screaming about these bodies and he wanted me to go up to take a look at them and i found two oh man that's crazy interesting i'm a good boy i'm a good boy everyone you know who else was in the area i just walked by i'm a good boy give me my scooby snack god damn it i was kind of lagging behind you guys and then it went dark um i was at the spawn because i was pouring a cup of water i'll be back she sounds suspicious i'll back up what you always wait guys guys guys i was i was at the spawn because i was pouring a cup of water i i think i did see lily uh near as one of the almost last people i'm at i was first to the light somewhere wait wait sakura you were at spawn yeah i was born you fool pokey was the last person to leave spawn that means the kill happened behind me that means the only possibility is you you just gave yourself up what i didn't kill her guys i don't think he would say i really didn't if he was the killer i was just pouring his cupcakes [Music] i'll start things off on this guy's toast i play a lot of among us what is that nice nice hi i'm i'm little nazak's biggest fan and i'm playing among us today all right [Applause] hi guys i'm pokey usually i go by pokemane but because it's almost christmas i'm funky i have a cute dog named spencer oh spencer hi spencer spencer i'm ray i also have a dog named mika two dogs okay hell yeah hi guys i'm bretman you can call me b if you're nasty i have a dog and four cats and i was invited by corpse thank you so much um i'm carl the body is an electrical it was orange's body uh and toast why did you guys go away from o2 when o2 was called why'd you go oh because i just found a body walking away from o2 so you know in your face i was on vinyls when the lights went off ava's body's dead i go looking for it and then i'm like i probably can't find it so i go back to vitals and now i see edison's dead so i go back i go down to admin table and boom abe's body is there um in like five seconds this is the dead yes all right 15 second discussion time let's go dead [Music] that's why she's turning on me right now that's why she's turning on me right now i walked in on tina when he all right remember okay [Music] [Music] god damn you guys remember the key right yeah i'm gonna solve this at the same time right what's up what was your key position it was uh the top left okay first key how about you greek um i was uh i was doing keys yeah which which wait what which keyhole did you put the key in i can't i cannot remember that like a green one i think it was loki okay all right all right i think it was loki ray ray for no reason the second key hole on the bottom right oh all right all right i don't know i was the fourth key okay on the left uh yeah okay okay okay cool cool cool wow skip skip skip the top right it was already we should just hide my phone off anybody that doesn't remember the key way pokey which one was yours i think bottom left sucking up very importantly it's ran pokey ray was trying to kill me real was trying to kill me i want to hear everyone's keys oh oh okay am i stupid for not understanding can i just say i can't remember my my keys so like i i think it was really awesome because nobody can have the same key is that a thing yeah everyone has their own keys i'm taking all the key position and calculating an algorithm in my brain and it's spitting out okay let me open it up there's two names on here rey and pokey is it true did i get it why what why then though that's kind of like weird their key position they told me does not add up in my algorithm wait you guys gave me the wrong keys my keys on the bottom left trust me i'm the key master i couldn't meet it because i want to go taste his prediction yep kill me off oh we're trolling so hard we're trolling this is the biggest crew play or the biggest imposter playback i don't know oh people say the same key one of them's guaranteed bro no one said the same key but absolutely is there an actual algorithm for this actually maybe i'll marinate aoc i'm gonna gain her trust don't worry i bring you protection okay toast is following me everywhere don't you have things to do i can completely clear aoc off all kills toast was with me the whole time but am i being marinated i don't think that would i going to kill me that is the question he has every opportunity to i don't trust this situation you should get him out i swear it's like it's like a rachel ray like [Applause] oh right toast right i think it's xqc yeah it's hard too don't do that again don't do that again heavy and say oh that's it and that's an x and toe skill how is that an x skill how do i draw i was right beside it i could be wrong but it kind of looked like you were the killer but i could be wrong again no pokey i saw something say pokey i saw exactly what you saw who is that lights right now on the stack hill toast x and you know what i never opened this wait wait wait can i just ask who else wait you never opened the lights i never opened the panel ever why it was me and somebody to catch but then you shouldn't be on the staff what so it's one of you for right yeah pokey was off a little to the left i'm just concerned that it's maybe also toast i don't know okay i'm back oh my god i'm backing you up because we saw the same this was the most obvious factor like out so you don't have to question yourself i've also not okay please skip this no no it's x it's sorry for using my eyes i don't need my brain for that [ __ ] wow wow i i find it really interesting that he managed to get toast to raise his voice and fight back that's really fun i've never seen toast like that honestly i i think it is actually sad that that people think that that toast is like a five in this game seriously people should be ashamed to think that he's a smart player when i didn't even kill them i didn't kill okay um but he did to be fair uh he did see wrong the other one has to be ready right okay one question ray where were you last round last round yeah uh she sounds nervous no i literally no i legit can't remember last round but i could tell you what i was doing this round no i could i won last round because i can tell you where you were last round you were a little trickle right i don't remember actually you would remember being an electrical i actually can't the games are blending together like i legit i was just listening to you guys you would remember and looking electrical totally different atmosphere the thing is rey and x was the one on the lights if x wasn't the bad guy he would have a hundred percent sustainable as the other stack because he said he didn't have lights open so why would x protect rey oh i wasn't there then where were you last round i actually don't remember but i wasn't there greece where are you i'm on telescope right now if i end this game i welcome everyone to flame the [ __ ] out of me oh by the way you did see wrong i was the one that killed it oh my god you're so smart toast good call guys nice job toast [ __ ] huge [Music] i'm telling the truth i don't know how to like say [Applause] oh my god this is so intense this is so intense you're with city right now [Applause] [Music] i think we leave scissors alive i need him to play third imposter with me is anyone who can guarantee because i can guarantee scissors is innocent and he can guarantee yeah god i need manipulate scissors so hard where would it be scissors there was a fourth person with us besides john where were you leslie around that's a good idea toast and scissors are hard vouching for each other which makes me uncomfortable because they're the only two that have seen each other and i don't like that obviously i don't know who's on me but they haven't killed me yet it's tough it's tough um so i'm starting with scissors here because sid tried to redirecting on scissors and toast has cleared scissors yeah it's impossible to be scissors i'm pretty sure sydney and hafu it's got to be sydney i didn't expect sydney it's toast in hafu wow toast is crazy then unless toast and so there's hard gaslighted me right now i'm i'm pretty sure i need to blame a kill on city and you're blaming killing sydney it's actually toast scissors i think that you were right and it was it was haufu i'm so mind games i'm nearly positive it's still nothing but i've been close with the entire you've been together and there have been double kills oh my god okay okay no no it's fine no no it is sid oh my god leslie i've been with toast i've been with toast so many times there have been double kills oh my god dude oh god oh god oh no oh no sid or leslie one of you are the third imposter because you guys probably maybe scissors if leslie was with you on the right it cannot be her what if she got a kill and invented to me i don't actually if leslie if it was her she would have voted toast out so it's got to be sydney it is sydney it is sydney one million percent we can just [ __ ] truth i don't know how to like say it oh my god this is so intense this is so intense toast okay look at her she's sticking okay he knows he knows he can't oh my god city okay jack you're with cindy right now okay okay where's she okay okay okay oh my god oh my god oh my god they split up they split up wait what is all right all right so well played toast whatever he wins you're gonna you're gonna vote you're gonna vote me whatever he wants yes yes i am can i listen if toast went no you can't say anything i'm voting you if toast wins the biggest [Music] i'm so sorry scissors i'm so sorry [Music] no he somehow coincidentally killed at the same time separately yeah how did you ever leave me to kill anyone ever i killed him [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,775,894
Rating: 4.9780097 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us animation, among us rewind, best of among us, among us 2020
Id: EtQwJeec2Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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