I marinated the ENTIRE lobby to vote her off with 9300 IQ...

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okay this is my lg oh my god i feel like a gamer oh lg gamer you aren't really walking by myself all alone i'm all by myself oh don't do it don't do it i won't snitch oh yeah corpse is a hundred percent clearer wait bro this ain't looking so good for you it's not looking good for me at all but it's okay because there was someone to your right do you know who it is if you don't say whatever you if you don't remember i'm gonna assume you're the second possibility and you're no someone fess up whoever i actually don't remember i can help brooke it wasn't corpse cool brook you shoulda killed me wait no no please don't please don't i literally said who is the person on your right i don't remember someone say a name bro just choose someone you say i don't remember is so scary when you figure this out when you figure this out did you have it too second second listen did you have did you have medbay too oh yeah i'm i'm probably clear too yeah we're having a private conversation psychologically here's the here's the weird thing it's just a weird thing right so you jump up janet right hey hey i need to talk to you come here come here where are we going the two imposters could have jumped on her and god did i kill where are we going where are we going where are we going let's go see what you're saying here oh over here well that makes so i think i picked it up ghost i picked it up we're good you're good yeah yeah i picked it up i'm gonna do it next round no it might be pokey and brooke and janet i did hear the name pokey a few times last week yeah pokey here yeah pokey and janet you think it's pokey and brook oh oh hey hey it's not you oh oh thank god she was eyeing me man she was licking her lips staring at my chops talking [ __ ] about me and janet it's so rude and i'm running around look here's my bet it's two out of three of janet pokey and brooke two out of three yep there you are sexist what is not i'm going for pokemon okay look i'm not disputing the sexist part okay but it's definitely two out of three listen i think we should all skip and go our separate ways oh just needed to kill toast or to come with me and kill them together i said it i said listen i need to talk to you come on just go again please kill me this guy's toast let's just open it this is what happened to the conversation that you and toast had yeah what happened brooke you guys were not so it wasn't that it wasn't yeah it wasn't connor like 100 it wasn't either of us oh i wouldn't vouch for brooke unless i really knew true i think why it's literally saikudo [Music] because he said kind of corpse 100 scans that kuno did not corpse was the one that got cleared oh my god i don't know he cleared me too i don't know how this got switched back this [ __ ] listen for one sec okay me and connor were on the balcony we know that it wasn't conor because there weren't too loud 75 of this game what no no that's not what happened i'm telling you what didn't wait wait so the first one was actually confused voting for brooke but listen janet you know what janet oh my god where is the dead body it's like where's the dead body brook under it's like in the middle of the hallway-ish going up how do you know when you're not the one that called the thing wait i thought [Music] finally all right guys let's have a fun game right now he'd say finally because he wasn't foster alaska i was an imposter twice [Music] yo yo yo did you get your order uh yeah i got my order and it comes at like six o'clock nice tweezers anyone else have clears uh i don't think it was broke i don't think it was toast yeah toaster were talking the whole time it's corpse connor and janet i just passed ludwig wait i just heard toast though yeah no toast and brook cleared each other yeah that's true dan where is the body uh it's like in the hallway on the way to light i don't know what it is it's in the top of the hallway top top of the hallway toast i just heard you talking there yeah me and brooke were talking looking toast and we heard you too yeah we could hear you but we don't know if you think i'm sus we should think you're suss too but i don't think we would make noises the body is like technically between me and corbs me corpse and toast and brook right yeah well i know it's first you're not corpse because i think he was behind me and then i reported it i couldn't have that only leaves i'm more inclined to think it was well like brick and toast did you guys have eyes on each other the whole time yeah yeah yep yeah well who do you think it is janet well no that's what i was thinking that like maybe either toaster brook like went to kill and then maybe try to get each other to the back the echo was [ __ ] with me i know press it her imposter duo i don't know yeah it wasn't me it's not good argument connor it's it's between connor right i can vouch that you were near the body are you guys still echoing or what yes at least what the heck what's it oh okay what about now sounds better that sounds better now test test test i'm gonna fix all lights first no i fixed i got it here for i got hit wait stop why are you flicking it off why are you freaking out what are you doing why are you flicking why you probably died because of you you broke broke broke i'm pretty sure what you got you gotta think it's janitor sticking [Music] [Music] yeah we do it without saying yeah anything yeah we don't say anything yeah we'll just oh hey i'm going to be in this room you eavesdrop from the downstairs room okay you got it checking on the logs oh so much so much information from these logs uh all these information second are you still there so i can hear you oh my god i can hear you yeah okay okay so you know brooke are you in the closet i'm in the closet excuse me connor oh looking ass what happened you were just discussing with rey i was i was running around rick rolling and i come back down and she's dead literally mid conversation i walked away from ray as bretman and you walked up we finished our conversation wait uh guys i failed i felt the thing we're gonna do i did the other one oh okay okay yeah which one am i doing oh i'm doing the one corpse did yeah yeah stick it with the uh yeah yeah yeah wait one thing i'm glad we're on our thing well i chose the other one yeah conor did the thing i'm not in on what's going on so i'm sorry no yeah we got it but pokey i would trust i would trust your job yeah trust your judgment i trust you i think you got it pokey i think you got it yeah thanks brett oh his mic's not working we're all on the same page don't trust pokemon wait wait pokey you skipped yeah i was confused do you think we you think we got that one wait i think we might have gone through everybody here's the weird thing so we know jenna voted with us but she wasn't in on the plan oh yeah oh she probably she probably tried to look innocent right is that what you're saying yeah yeah yeah she would only know to vulcan for look innocent if she was the other impossible she knew yeah yeah let's get it let's get it pokey voted right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll get her next round we'll get him oh [ __ ] okay oh jesus yeah okay let's go get it go go go i'm going i'm going i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm walking now i'm stopped we're running don't worry guys hey bradman oh is your mic not working i think your mic might not be working oh get out of here oh jesus saved brook you saved don't worry guys so you know what we gotta do right we're all on the same page right oh yeah guys i think it might be corpse oh okay yeah that would be really funny that would be really yeah that would be hilarious that would be so funny if toads like puppeted that whole thing and then wouldn't that be funny wait because we're at six now hilarious well okay if you're going down i might as well say this i was venting around and i heard these shit's behind me oh my god we didn't actually yeah we're all gonna vote oh my god how'd you guys know it was janet yeah everyone got the first kill [Music] oh i love being a race car hey i'm eating breakfast if one of you want to kill me please go ahead bro i won't say the things i couldn't do it what time is it it's i know i'm a dj 4 30. you get breakfast yet either what are you having for breakfast um some toast [Laughter] got them toast you didn't laugh oh your mouth is full your mouth is full that's why fries and rice oh fries and rice nice oh you mean fried rice or no no fries and rice um okay like you got some sauce like uh nope oh like oh just plain white rice and fries with no all right can you go around telling people i'm eating at spawns and get them pasta to kill me about it thanks okay yep he's right here he's eating fries and rice kill him fries fries and rice killa made weird combination i won't say anything i won't say anything toast come on up here hey um hey toast nobody everyone seems to think you're gonna kill them yeah is that that's true yeah that's fair it might say well i'll go look for someone wait let me explain something i saw wendy and tina at lights wendy and tina went down together and they were talking a lot so it seemed like they were sticking together yeah what happened why is she dead you told us yeah tina tell us i'm just as shocked as you are well you left her tina cause you're an admin alone oh i wait well that's where imposters go to find targets weapons and that's pretty close to admin now wait is she the door perhaps well it was dark oh yeah i was just opening doors for my leash you know opening them all up for her making sure she could go to her task safe and sound and then i just went to go do my tasks in the office room i didn't know she would die in there so you were doing everything opening every door for her but you didn't stay with her well i even told her you know like interesting story i love you i'd kill for you but but i would never kill her you would you would kill you would kill for her i would kill for her kill for her kill her kill her i heard kill her i'm skipping i'm skipping she's skipping because she doesn't want to die as a posture of course she would i'm scared likely story tina even i skipped oh jesus jesus you guys oh stop yo um i can't talk to you for a second it's really important okay so as i understand you've gotten crewmate like 20 games in a row right uh-huh and you know that's kind of rough that's kind of rough and i'm creamy again are you yeah i'm crewmate i'm creamy af crewmate af huh uh my everything is white okay i have three fixed wirings uh outside record record temperature o2 monitor tree all right you passed the test let's go what hey what do you guys do the whole time you may have forget everything get out here we're having a conversation here private conversation oh it's not that weird after all please carry on okay okay let's let's find a more private place to talk all right let's fix the lights let's pick twice why you know what it was everyone said to eavesdrop it's not the imposter eve drop earl's here saws earlier already they got tina they got tina already okay so like no she she she was my partner they got they got it early so i'll make you a deal okay okay i'll let you place play imposter you say your name and i go kill them [Music] why would i i don't really like this deal oh cause being imposters went out i knew it honestly wait what i think that kind of ruins our bargaining chips a bit here that kind of ruins yes oh man that's gonna look bad for me then huh wait why because i just well um jack and ludwig were spying on them and i walked up from o2 spying on who oh uh janet and toast which means all four of them are probably clear so it was just the whole time janet it's okay i'm pretty sure janet's innocent i think jack is innocent wait so if that's the case it has to be either me sakuno or rey yeah that's what it sounds like janet and jack know i'm innocent i think i'm pretty sure lord's innocent as well well i'm willing to vote for abe if it's between us it's not me it's oh my god let's do let's do psyche let's if we're gonna do something yeah let's do let's do one of them oh i skipped on accident i forgot the lights are off wait let's do it why won't i race when you can feel someone for free oh i didn't oh my god who wrote me i didn't realize the legs wait this is bad no we don't get a free shot yeah we don't get a free shot all right life goes on it's like you know what you think it's me abe who's got the fastest legs he's the fastest you were so close you were so oh crap i hit a snowman open the door i'm gone i open the door the last time go go go ryan was with you and you guys were spying on me okay true true and then when we left we might think it was you saw us going separately did i i'm pretty sure it's abe here ryan went down this way and i went to the right this way it's probably whoever's not in this group right now oh it's right there yeah oh you guys want to do that thing where we pretend to accuse each other and vote right oh yeah wait wait what if it's not rey i feel like it's not rey though i'm pretty sure tina is for sure one of them it's been a long time with one kill oh you're sure right i'm pretty sure has anyone seen ray that entire round i'll have i saw oh wait did i see her i'll have a play fight with jack and then you guys will pick to vote between us yeah yeah okay yes yeah yeah go go go go i'll join [Music] okay so so we do the lights right we do the lights i'm walking down to office okay and and i am the fastest person in this lobby bar none you say in bolt esque some would say i would uh and then i see jack already in the office weird oh my god okay he's [ __ ] he's doing the thing where he just talks a lot when he's imposter and he uses big words trying to confuse everybody yes olivia this is an example of bloviation is that oh uh pure bolivian get out of here a moment of your time if you would permit it because i think this is preposterous you're just salty because you lost your bagel and you keep losing rounds oh you went for the bagel you went for the bagel jack bagel that's fair bageling which one do you think it is so i'm accusing the guy i don't know when he was in office because i've been on admin and no one was in any building and no one's died so i'm confused i don't think it's ray guys i don't think and we end the game wait hold on let's do the same thing again let's do the same thing again it's actually not me yeah but we got to do the same thing oh yeah let's go fix it sure it's not you aim sure i'll go left now a kill saikuno i won't say anything okay but everyone else will know that you killed me well well i am so uncomfortable right now you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,900,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay
Id: e42K7lH0ij0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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