The Path of Joy // Dr. Dharius Daniels

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well listen I want you to join me in your Bibles at the book of Matthew chapter number 25 Matthew chapter number 25 I teach in series it means I take one subject and I spend weeks explaining and expounding what the Bible has to say about it we're in a series in this Advent season on joy it's called you can't have my joy we're encouraging you to be assertive and intentional about experiencing God's best emotionally and so this series is intended to help us do that and so Matthew 25 19 says after a long time the Lord of those servants came and settled accounts with him so he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents saying Lord you delivered to me five talents look I have gained five more talents besides them and his Lord said to him well done good and faithful servant you were faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things enter into the joy of your Lord I want to talk a little bit this is part 2 of the series last week we talked about the power of joy this week I want to talk to you about the path to joy and we're believing God's gonna meet us in an unusual way family I like to be give this in begin this introduction with an interrogative I want to know is there anybody watching or resting in this room that is aware of the fact that your God is a promise keeper I'm gonna repeat it because I believe there are more than 24 people who believe that I said I want to know is there anybody here that is aware of the reality that our God is a promise keeper he's not just the God that articulates promises he's a God that executes and implements those promises he says what he means and he means what he says he is committed not just to verbal proclamations but to visible demonstrations he's not just one that talks about it he's one that's ready to be about it yeah the Bible puts it this way in the Book of Jeremiah it says God watches over his word to perform it meaning that when he speaks something he watches what he speaks and whenever circumstances and situations in life threatened the fulfillment of the word he spoke he will intervene into the affairs of human histories and break natural rules and natural laws and make Jericho walls fall with a shout make read sees part make water come out of a rock make manna fall from heaven make dead people come back to life because God is committed to keeping his promises he's a promise keeper and I believe that revelation should cause a revolution and I think and we should rest easy sleep better praise more passionately because we are convinced and convicted that the God we serve is a Promise Keeper yeah but but but there's something significant that we need to articulate in addition to the fact that God is a Promise Keeper are you ready and that's this family are you sure you're ready and that's this although God is a promise keeper some of his promises have provisions conditions prerequisites meaning he is committed to do his part but sometimes his doing his part is predicated on us doing ours I got one Amen there the Bible refers to these as if-then promises if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal the land in other words God is saying I am committed to do my part sitting on the edge of my seat ready to do my part if we're tag-teaming if we're in a tag-team wrestling match I'm outside the ring ready for you to tag me in I wish I had at least seven wrestling fans his hands are over the rope saying please tag me in please tag me in ready to be tagged in saying if you'll just tag me though I'm ready to do my part I just want you to meet the provision and I want you to catch this God's provisions are God's paths to his promises meaning when we when we follow the conditions when we follow his instructions his instructions are actually directions to what he promised and all we have to do is follow the instruction the direction the path and then there are some lessons we bump into on a road called obedience is there anybody here honest enough to assess your life is say there are some things that I walked into that we're not a part of a strategic planning session they were not on my vision board when people observe my activity and asked how did you end up there how did you end up doing that how did you get that sometimes I got to say I don't even know some lessons I just bumped into this is why when I come to change Church I get a little enthusiastic every now and then because you don't know like I know what I bumped into this week it's his provision is his path to blessing and that's understanding the path is so important Andy Stanley wrote about this he Andy Stanley calls it the principle of the path and this is what he said paths are so important he says Direction not intention determines destination I got to catch this direction not intention determines destination it means I can have good intentions but if I got bad directions I'm gonna end up at the wrong destination does that make sense right you've seen that in people's life and whenever you hear someone responding to someone in a way and they say bless their heart bless they pull no heart that means that person has good intentions but they probably got bad direction and they ended up at the wrong destination am I making sense you see if I say I intend on going to Philly but I get in the car and I go north on Route one it doesn't matter how hard my alright my heart is watch this are y'all ready for this it doesn't matter how far it my prayers are I can pray in tongues of men and angels I can say EDD ie my name is Eddie I can say Kawasaki Mitsubishi I'm coming in the Honda I can pray in glossolalia all the way up group one North but I should not be surprised if I end up in New York why I had good intentions but bad directions and sometimes people end up angry at God and God was like I told you 95 south am I making sense I said am i making sense yes and I believe I believe it's important for us to wrap our heads around this because God has promised his believers an upgraded quality of emotional life for those that live life his way God has has promised his believers that they can live life with an emotional condition called joy that we don't have to live being subject to the fickle feelings of happiness right because happiness is connected to happenings and too much stuff has to happen right and has to stay right for me to stay happy but God wants to move us past and emotional existence that simply deals with feelings he wants to move me into an emotional condition called joy and which means that I don't eradicate my feelings but joy exists simultaneously with my feelings so that even when I have bad feelings because I have joy the bad feelings don't have me is there anybody honest enough to say with everything I've been going through I should be it's off in my mind that I am right now but even though I'm scared another part of me says it's gonna be alright even though I'm a little angry on one side my joy says it's gonna be all good even though I don't know what's gonna happen in the future and I got a little anxiety in my feelings my joy is saying the steps of a good man or woman are ordered by the Lord his he wants to have joy that's just promise but if I'm going to arrive at the promise I've got to follow the path and Matthew chapter 25 reveals to us the path the part of Matthew 25 we read was Jesus talking to his disciples he's teaching them and he's telling them what's called a parable a parable is a fictitious story intended to teach a religious principle is when Jesus says you know what I'm gonna take something you can understand and then I'm explaining something you couldn't understand is him saying I'm gonna take like a natural thing and I'm gonna use this natural thing to explain a spiritual thing cuz Jesus is like I am NOT trying to impress you I'm trying to impact you he's like yeah I'm not I'm not trying to be deep deep people drown [Music] I'm not trying to be deep cuz I'm not trying to pressure I'm trying to develop you right he said you cannot implement what you don't understand and some people confuse spiritual knowledge with spiritual growth that's why they can close scriptures they never use all right so so so he says he tells them this story he says he says there's a man a man of means and this man has many talents talents was a type of currency during that day he said so the man took five of his talents and he went to one guy and he said hey hold this till I come back then he took two talents he went to another person and he said okay I want you to hold this till I get back then he took one talent and then he went to the other person and he said I want you to hold this until I get back now this is what's interesting about the story he tells them he's coming back but he doesn't tell him when he says I'm coming back but I'm gonna see what my Bible readers are but no one knows the day of the hour he's he says all you need to know is I'm gonna return one day and when I return one day I'm gonna need you to give an account of what I gave you I want to know how you used what I gave you he says now I've been gone a long time but just because I've been gone a long time I don't want you to be confused about who has the right of ownership it's still mine and and I could have given it to anybody but I gave it to you and I want to know what you've done with the talent that I gave you are you following me here he says yeah I want to know what you've done with it with the teller I gave you so he comes back and he goes to the one that he gave fire to he says all right I gave you five what'd you do with what I gave you the one if I looked at him and said I'm a hustler baby you could know what I want he said you gave me five he said but you can't put something in my hands cuz I got the anointed of addition yeah I automatically add value you can't put something in my hands and expect for it to stay the same if you're wanting it to stay the same you should have gave it to somebody else I'm not a mediocre kinda do you put it in my hands I got to multiply he said you gave me five I'm giving you the fire you gave me and I gave you five more is there anybody here that says if you wanted to stay the same don't call me if you want an average don't bother me because I've got the anointing of addition he goes to the one that he gave to two he said hey I gave you two what you do with that he said listen you gave me two I'm giving it back and I'm giving you two more did he went to the one who gate who he gave one two and he said uh I gave you one what'd you do with the one I gave you he say found listen man listen this will happen listen bro I don't play with people money man I don't play so I took what you gave me and I put it in the ground don't miss it I took what you gave me and I put it in dirt all that creativity you gave me I didn't do good with it I just put it in dirt that man you gave me I didn't do good with it I just put it in dirt that engine or you gave me I didn't do good with I just put it in dirt this was crazy he said he put it in the ground meaning he buried it in other words you know I just buried what you gave me because I saw you gave the other guy fire and you gave me one so I didn't think what I had matter that much because it looked like you gave them mourning you gave me so I just made the mistake of comparing what you gave me to what you gave others and I felt insignificant because I can't do what you gave them so I'm ashamed to say I was ashamed I'm ashamed to say I was ashamed cuz I couldn't I can't do it the way they do it so I just hid it or or I knew what you gave me but my circle is a circle filled with good people but people who need to grow emotionally and so the only way they can feel big is if I play small so even though I know more is in me I hide the more about me cuz I don't want them to feel insecure about themselves so I got I got a play small and so so because I don't want other people to think that I think more highly of myself then I ought to I'm an act like I don't have answers that I have I'm a hiding but the Holy Spirit will find you in your hiding kidding was hiding threshing wheat in the winepress and God found him where he was and said don't you have what I gave you don't you downplay what I gave you don't you minimize what I gave you recognize the value of what I put in you and use what I gave you am i making sense in here this is interesting though because I want you to see I want you to see what happens I want you to see how the owner responds to those men he says okay to the wonder had five he said all right check this out since you were faithful over a few things I'm gonna make you ruler over many then he goes to the one or two and he says since you were faithful over a few things I'm gonna make you ruler over many and that's often where we typically stop reading this text but that's not where the text stops cuz that's not the only thing they get the Bible says after he tells both of them you've been faithful over a few things I'm gonna make you ruler over many you know what he tells them enter into the joy of the Lord you got it okay you got he says enter into the joy of the Lord so the the blessing that they got wasn't just an economic one it was an emotional one he says as a result of the way you steward it what I gave you your stewardship of what I gave you is going to lead you into a place called joy are y'all catching this the path to joy is a street called stewardship the only way we arrive at a destination called joy is by taking a street called stewardship I've never seen anyone have good joy who's a bad steward stewardship what's that management biblically what's that word Dominion in Genesis 1:26 when God made the human species he created the human species with Dominion the ability to have control over and over yourself the first person we are to manage and the most important person we are to manage is ourselves the most important war we will win is not the war against the enemy that's been won on the cross car at Calvary the most important war we will win is a war called world war me are you hearing what I'm saying yeah and getting this theology right not Dominion theology but a theology of Dominion getting this theology right is really important because people who don't have this revelation live life as a believer with a victim mentality as opposed to a Victoire mentality what's a victim mentality it's learned helplessness it's helplessness this that's learn it's people who feel like that they are at the mercy of their own passions and desires and weaknesses and impulses not realizing that God empowers you to subdue you and to manage you and to tell you what you is getting ready to do so I may say well pastor you know I can't pick that up well if your child was stuck under it would you pick it up you didn't hear what I just said because see sometimes it takes crisis to expose capacity that you possess that you didn't know you had it's some stuff you didn't know you could carry until you had to carry it and gods like that's been in you all alone but it just took a crisis for you to see the capability that you possess that you didn't even know you had there's more in you than you know I said there's more in you than you know I said there's more in you than you know I said there's more in you than you know management stewardship management stewardship it is possible to have good morals that makes you a good person good management gives you a good life bless your heart good person y'all weren't talking to me at the 11:30 today bless you good person management dominion stewardship management dominion stewardship and when it comes to this area of Management and Dominion and stewardship pastor what does it mean Stewart my life well so that I end up at a place called joy well first and foremost and primarily not exclusively but primarily it means managing the things stored in the thing that encompasses your life and that's your time time is the currency you must be willing to exchange for desired result time is the seed that you must sow for a harvest that you want to read time is an irreplaceable asset you can lose money and get that back you cannot get time back this is how you this is why we must be careful how we spend it it's called paying attention because when we're paying attention to something we are spending time and some of us need to realize this is the reason Jesus tells us to be very conscious and careful about what we pay attention to because sometimes you can be paying attention to something and spending your time on something that's making you miserable do you know that you got some people on your payroll and they job is to make you miserable and you are not paying them with money you paying them with did you hear what I just said time all right I just I told the last service at West Hampton it seemed like what we're gonna have to do right at the entrance to the auditorium we're gonna have to put a sign up that says no cap zone right there so that when you walk through these doors you know you getting straight truth like this is no this is no mary had a little lamb' Merton nursery rhyme Church Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Cal so don't play with my feelings tell me the truth so I can get free and here's the truth the truth is they're people you love who will use your time to accomplish their priorities not yours no calzone did you it doesn't mean they bad people and it doesn't mean they don't genuinely love you but it means that when people are making demands on your time they're making demands on your time according to their priorities not yours and you only have so much of it and so if you're spending all of your time on someone else's priorities when do you have what do you have left to spend on your own and we cannot be surprised when dreams don't come to pass dreams have a price the cost is time improvement in any area has a cost the cost of it is time if you want to improve a relationship you know what it's going to cost you time pastor oh no we was first together I mean he was calling me he was texting me was FaceTime he's falling asleep on the phone together I was like you hang up he's like you hang up I was like you think up he's like you hang up but now oh no something missing it's just it's not the same what's the difference maybe in the initial stages you both were more motivated to spend the thing that you must spend to create intimacy time improvement in any area costs and I've never seen someone have great joy who's not a good steward of their time see when people think about time management they don't think scripturally but it's all throughout scripture this is what David pray for the David who defeated Goliath this is what he pray for in Psalms Laura teach me to number my days that I might incline my heart to wisdom he says Lord I know I know my days are limited and I don't even know how many I got nobody knows how many you have and this is because you don't know how many because I don't know how many I got Lord teach me how to wisely maximize the time that you give me cuz the harvest I'm going to reap in my tomorrow will be a result of the seed of time that I so in my today is not happening for me I'm a good person but are you a good steward [Music] cuz stewardship is the path to joy somebody's got your time and you got to get it back I said somebody's got your timer you got to get it back you got 168 hours in a week God gave you a hundred sit between last Sun in this Sunday God gave you a hundred and sixty-eight hours and our prayer needs to be the prayer David teach me how to use those 168 hours because you got enough time to do everything God wants you to do now you don't have enough time to do everything everybody else wants you to do but you got to realize even people that love me are gonna spend my time according to their priorities not mine I don't hear anybody I'm telling you right now your kids love you to death but your kids are not gonna come to you say you know what mom you know what that um what's gonna be best for you this week y'all are saying anything on that side come on they're gonna say you know what tell me tell me what's best for you this week what you wanna do how can I make life easier for you you gotta take it back you know we're writing a book is gonna cost you time you know what launching that thing whatever you want to launch you know it's gonna cost you time cost your time not just doing time thinking time everything's created twice it's created once up here and then out there once up here then out there once up here then out there everything is created twice every every ministry initiative we've launched every campus we've launched it is created here first then out there you need time just to think you hear what I'm saying cuz some stuff don't turn out right cuz you you didn't build it right you didn't build it here first all you hear what I'm saying even when you look at your life you got you gotta be able to hear first like see like even me I know I love this I don't want to do this forever though pastor nope sit up see that's some of your problem you not none judgmentally clear see I'm clear and I'm not judging myself you supposed to do this no you do it for the rest of your life oh you go talk to me you talk me yeah if God send me a different direction that's different and see some of you are living your life based on the you need to be with no no you need to be with them you like them so much you be with their well okay y'all y'all talkin back to me over here now yeah since you say they so good why don't you be with them that's a good person I don't like them see you see that y'all got title cuz you're judging yourself and you're not honest about where you are emotionally somewhere early to mid 60's I'm done how about I got another maybe 20 in me then I'm gonna teach at seminary and I'm not gonna teach a fool oh you don't have me at work every day grading all them papers I'm not doing that nope yep give me a few classes I'm gonna sit on the porch on my red barn that's y'all Millennials like what's that that's my wife but what about I'm a silly Porsche my wife I don't even smoke never never never smoke never smoked a cigarette in my life but I'm gonna get me a pipe Oh [Applause] i'ma sit on my porch and I want pastors and leaders to come sit with me and I want to pour over 40 years of ministry experience into the next generation [Applause] that's what I won't do with my time see some people can't get clear cuz they're controlled by the judgments of others I'm not gonna lose any sleep about who who think what about my vision watch me go to sleep tonight watch you you got to know what God told you to do and you got to walk boldly into what he's called you to do and who he's called you to me take it back cuz I've never seen anyone who's not managing time according to their priorities live with joy they always live with frustration this week God gave us 168 hours let's say you sleep let's say you sleep eight hours a night most people don't let's say you sleep more than that let's say you sleep sixty hours a week you still got 108 hours left let's say you work 50 hours a week you still got 58 hours left let's say you with kids and errands and everything else 30 hours a week think about that and you can find our a week to dream it's in there you gotta find it and grab it cuz you won't get joy I bet you can be a good person but if you're not a good store at that time you won't walk enjoy you hear me for some of us that are younger I'm afraid this is gonna be the death of your dream I'm afraid this is gonna be the death of your dream scrolling looking at everybody else bill dares now realize a building yours costs time and this is this is the this is the thing up I believe God wants us to avoid cuz this is one of the most difficult emotions to overthrow it if you did your homework last week I know at least some of you probably wrote this down one of the greatest joy robbers is regret it is real difficult to live with regret regarding something you can't fix it's a joy Robert regret don't take this season in your life for granted it's the calling on our church we've got a a kingdom culture the kingdom of God is not this or that is this in that so our vision is multi-generational right interdenominational we got people from all Christian backgrounds some non-christian backgrounds all different spiritual narratives and journeys that all our conversion is one place called change right we value that diversity socioeconomically that kind of diversity is harder to manage the racial diversity the socio-economic like classes that's really difficult to manage because you got to have a word for somebody on Wall Street and off the street think about that and our children have to be in children stretch together ethnic diversity black white brown people say you have to choose Jesus didn't he said the kingdom of God is like a fisherman who threw out a net and got all kind of fish you got an old church nope you got a young church nope which one is it it divides your categories y'all missed that so this is my point I know I got a little bit this message is hitting people based on the season you're in your spiritual journey it's hitting everybody differently so this is what I want to do I just want to pray something over everybody because I know you have to contextualize this and figure out okay what does this mean for me though so past I get what you're saying I'm clear what does this mean for me in my life in this season what does that practically look like for me to be assertive about stewarding my time so this is what I want to do I want to pray that God will give you what you need to do and that's gonna be two things one you need wisdom that's a discerning heart you give knowledge from studying you get wisdom from God got me knowledge comes from studying wisdom comes from God knowledge comes from studying wisdom comes from God I'm gonna pray that God gives cuz you got some decisions to make and you need God to let you know what to do the second thing i'ma pray for and you're gonna need this and that's courage somebody say courage you need courage see cuz it's one thing to make a decision you're gonna do something to set a boundary it's another thing to hold that boundary see there's boundaries setting and then there's boundary keeping and most people set boundaries they don't keep because they don't have the courage to disappoint people see when you hold the boundary you teaching people how to love you did you hear what I just said yeah some people love you they just don't know how to love you well and you have to teach them how to love you and when you hold the boundary you're saying if you love me then you'll respect my boundaries you're teaching them how to love you amen because some of us have been an accessory to the crime of our own mistreatment we've been complicit in our own mistreatment because we've allowed others to do it but when you set a boundary you're teaching them this is what it means to love me well it means to respect when I make decisions that are best for me and that's the kind of love I want you to love me we'll cuz if you don't love me with that kind of love you're not loving me you using the wisdom and courage may be your portion so father I know your word says in 1st Kings 3 you gave this to Solomon you gave him a wise and discerning heart and in James chapter 1 you told us if we desire wisdom we can ask it from you and you give it to us liberally so I'll pray for a liberal outpouring a liberal outpouring of wisdom show us what to do we don't know show us what to do show us what this means for us and I pray for courage according to Ephesians 6 help us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I ask this and prayed this over your people in Jesus name Amen clap your hands if you were sick [Applause] what's up y'all thank you so much for watching this video this is my hope this is my prayer I hope it was simple yet significant I hope it was easy to understand yet in the back and I'm so glad I'd have the opportunity to share God's word really hopefully add value to your life as always I'm asking one thing of you and that is if this message bless you I want you to share it exit email it to somebody else because my mission is to help as many people as possible change their life so that they can help change the world that's what we're all about and we want to extend the reach and you can help us do that thank you so much for being a part of this family we consider you back and I can't wait to see see you real soon hopefully you'll do one of our locations we've got locations in New Jersey on their lives Sunday mornings or services right now and two locations there we also have a location in Orlando Florida on top of live there every Saturday at 5:30 I speak on Saturdays at 5:30 in Orlando and then Sunday mornings in New Jersey meet us at one of those campuses for our Los Angeles traditional community that we've got that meets every Sunday evening but even place I hope to see you know so take care god bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 68,997
Rating: 4.9084811 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, keion henderson, devon franklin, toure roberts, dr. Matthew stevenson, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, trent shelton, Robert madu, bishop Tony evans, Craig groeschel, pastor chris hodges, jamal bryant, carl lentz, rich Wilkerson jr, chad veach, chris durso, mike todd, pastor Samuel rodriquez, Judah smith, Joel osteen
Id: tQ0BoGQt2fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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