Strategies For Stress

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[Music] second Kings chapter number four verse five is where we'll begin the reading of God's Word second Kings chapter four verse number five says this she left him and shut the door behind her and her sons they brought the Josh to her and she kept pouring when all the jars were full she said to her son bring me another one but he replied there is not a jar left then the oil stopped flowing she went to the man of God and told him what happened and he said go and sell the oil and pay your debts and you and your sons can live on what's left I want to tag a title to this text i'ma see if this section will talk back to me when I give you my subject I want to talk from this subject in our time together strategies for stress strategies for stress as we sermonic lee swim in the pool of this passage this morning I want to announce to those who are seated in this space watching us online that there is an emotional epidemic that is impacting people not only who are occupying space in our country but it's also impacting people that are occupying space in our churches it is an emotional epidemic that is so disruptive and destructive that an article in The Wall Street Journal suggested it is responsible for taking more lives then smoking drinking and not exercising combined it is such a weapon of mass destruction that the University of London said if emotional epidemic is not properly managed it was six times more predictive of cancer and heart disease than cigarette smoking high cholesterol levels and elevated blood pressure I am referring to and invisible you can't see it intangible you can't touch it emotional epidemic called stress stress is indiscriminate it does not discriminate it'll knock on your door if you old and it will come in your room if you're young here it will find you if you're rich it will find you if you're poor everyone no matter what season or state of life they are in is vulnerable to the reality of stress and the 1130 is not talking back to me somebody say stress everyone is vulnerable to stress this the student is stressing about taking the test the teacher is stressing about grading the test somebody is stressing because they don't like their job somebody is stressing because they can't find one somebody stressing over the wedding somebody else is stressing over the divorce someone is stressing because they can't find the house they want somebody else is stressing because they can't sell the house they have somebody stressing because they can't stop losing weight somebody else is stressing because they can't stop gaining it somebody is stressing because they want children and can't have them and somebody is stressing cuz they don't know if they want the children they have I'm playing that's a joke [Applause] but that's a joke there are no parents in here that I've ever heard a teenager say I don't like you you've never heard a teenager say that and there are no parents in here that have ever said in the secret part of that so I don't really like you that much either that's I'm just not here not in this church somebody say stress however I've got some good news I feel this side over here okay I'm here I come I hear you I said somebody say stress yeah I got some good news here's the good news God wants to arrest your stress this is the quiet section today I'm coming alive and you up I said God wants to arrest your stress he does here it is here it is someone may say well pastor Daris how can you say that I've studied Scripture I don't need to see the word stress in Scripture so how does my spirituality relate to my stress if the word stress is not in Scripture and you're right the word itself stress is not in Scripture but there are words used in Scripture that describe a stressful state one of them is found in the book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 where the writer says do not be anxious about anything anxious overwhelmed tense stress he says about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition I love this with Thanksgiving that's where it didn't say respond with Thanksgiving after the prayer but it says offer Thanksgiving with the prayer that when you send up a prayer for him to do it send up a praise because he's already done it did you hear me that praise becomes the articulation of your expectation that while you are talking to God about the problem he's already working on the answer I want to see who grew up in old-school Church here while you are trying to figure it out God has already worked it out and I'm not going to wait until the battle is over I'm a shout right now in every situation my prepetition present your requests to God and the peace of God it did not say in peace but he says and the peace of God distinguishing or communicating that there is distinction between peace all peace hidden the same Jesus even said this when he said my peace I leave with you not peace that the world gives he says there is a type of peace that people of people who are not people of faith have he says but that kind of peace is inferior peace because it's temporary peace it's a piece that doesn't have any weight on it it's a piece that's fragile if you bump into it it falls apart if the wind blows it blows out of your life but Jesus says I want to give you a different kind of peace I'm gonna give you some peace that's got some weight on it I'm gonna give you some peace that's got some roots so that when the winds blow you'll be like a tree your peace will bend but it won't break good God Almighty this peace that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away this peace he says transcends your understanding it's illogical it don't even make sense when people actually why you so calm you don't even have an answer because it surpasses your understanding you just know somehow someway beyond the realm of the five senses you got a sixth sense that's telling you everything it's gonna be alright I don't know how but he's working it out I don't know when but he's working it out I don't know where but he's working it out I got something on the inside my sixth sense that's telling me be ages for nothing why pester Daris let me give you three reasons number one be anxious for nothing because your savior has sympathy what what does that mean that's cute you rhyme and past I told you I should have been a rapper but here it is what does that mean it means that God is not some eternal unengaged emotionless being he feels he has sympathy his heart breaks when our heart breaks and his sympathy and his empathy produces intervention you can only see your child cry so long the Bible says of Jesus we do not have a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling about infirmity when you stress he feels it and I'm reminded of a story in the book of Acts chapter 7 where this man named Stephen was being unjustly stoned and the Bible says as he's being stoned he has this vision of Jesus standing on the right hand of the Father now that standing is significant because every other reference about Jesus next to the Father has Jesus seated but the Bible says when Stephen gets stoned Jesus goes from sitting to standing in other words don't you make me come down there and when stones start coming at you and me in life Jesus stands up off the throne and the father's got to hold him back because he's getting ready to come and jump in the fiery furnace like he did with the Hebrew boys get in the lion's den like he did with Daniel because your savior has sympathy he's only gonna allow me to suffer for so long so be anxious for nothing because my savior has sympathy number two be anxious for nothing because my Savior is sovereign pastor that's cute - oh no what none of that mean what does that mean sovereign sabra means ultimate power supreme power it means that all others who have power have power alone they have a say but he's got the final say they have a word but he got the last word they can make a decision he can overrule and override it I don't know who this is for that's listening to me but the answer is not know until God I said no I don't care who else said knows the answer is not know until God says know the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he can turn it whatsoever way he chooses he's sovereign an example of his sovereignty is is seen in the book of johna where this gentleman named Jonah is swallowed up by a whale and he's sitting in the belly of the whale and while he's in the whale Jonah begins to talk to God the Bible says when Jonah talks to God God talks to the whale gentleman talked to God God talk to the whale the whale spit Jonah out Jonah talked to God God talked to the whale and the whale spit Jonah out it did say Jonah talked to God and then God talk to Jonah Jonah talked to God then God talked to the whale cuz just cuz God not talking to you about the problem doesn't mean he's not working on the answer sometimes he's not talking to you cuz he's talking to the well cuz God speaks whale he speaks the language of whatever's holding you hostage everything he created has ears and knows how to get through to it water has ears and when God speak to it the Red Sea's got the part Jericho walls have ears and when God speaks to it the walls have to fall whatever has you has ears and God will speak to it and it's got to spit you out I'm getting ready to prophesy to somebody in here today it's getting ready to spit you out you've been y'all didn't receive it you've been sitting in the way long if not it's time for God to spit you out okay and number three number three your savior has sympathy your Savior sovereign number three your savior is a strategist God doesn't just make good promises he makes good on his promises he's a God of ingenuity he'll he'll find a way y'all better come get me today I promise you but he want to get you in a room he'll find a way they'll close every door he'll put a hole in the roof and slide you down through the roof you'll end up in rooms and people will ask how you got in there and you'll be wondering I don't know how I got in here either but I know God is a strategist and there is an incredible example of God being a strategist in our foundational text in 2nd Kings chapter 4 you want to talk about a case study on stress 2nd Kings chapter 4 is a powerful picture of what I'm attempting to proclaim I mean this woman is dealing with compound stress listen to this first of all number one her husband dies so she's grieving the loss of her husband number two her husband was the breadwinner so now she has to figure out how she's going to care for herself and her two children in a cultural context that did not let women work number three they had some financial debt so creditors in those days were coming to take her two sons and pulled them into indentured servitude where they would have to work a certain number of years for free to work the debt off all that is happening at the same time she is dealing with what I call a domino dilemma you ever had one of those well one thing happened and that one thing miss up a whole lot of other things so she's trying to grieve the loss of her husband figure out how she's gonna feed her family and protect her children at the same time don't just read the story I want you to enter her stress I want you to put yourself in her shoes you just buried your spouse you have no way of providing for your children and now someone is coming that's threatening to take your children away from you all at the same time she's dealing with some stress are you hearing me so the Bible says I love what she does she doesn't allow her position to cause her to ignore her condition because her husband was a part of this group called the school of the prophets and so he was being mentored by this prophet named Elijah so her husband would be the equivalent of a preacher so she didn't allow her position to cause her to get confused about her condition because she could have said well you know I'm the preacher's wife so I've got to have all my stuff together and I've got to act like everything is okay with me when it actually isn't she she made a decision that she would be honest about her condition regardless of her position and which she went to Elijah and say listen man I need some help I know I'm saved but I'm stressed I'm trying to find a real section in here because it is possible to be saved love Jesus no scripture pray have a devotional life and something hits your life that stress you out and I wish Christians will stop fronting about not having an issue and be honest so that God will deal with the issue sometimes we stress I know I have a position but this is my condition I'm stressed she goes to Elijah she tells Elijah what's going on and he asked her a question whew that's a profound question it's a it's a powerful question it's a transformative question what's the question pastor Darius he asked her what do you have in your house she probably like listen man I told you the creditors are coming to take my child I'm coming to you cuz I need some money you talking about what's in my house whoa what a powerful statement in other words is it is as if Elijah say could you be overlooking something that's an asset y'all missed it he said could it be you in your house every day walking past something and you don't even know what you got could it be that her house literally can be a metaphor for our house so what was in her house for her is a metaphor for what's in us could it be you don't even know what's in you could it be God's about to show you how to use something that's been present all alone it's been overlooked and it's been underused because God does not have to give you something new to do something different that did you hear what I just said that you don't have to have a different partner to have a new marriage that you don't have to have a different mind to have a new mind come on somebody that you don't have to have you don't have to have something new in order for God to do something different oh if I had time I take you to Moses and I will show you when Moses got in dilemmas he acts God what should he do and God would ask him what's in your hand imma show you that little rock that looks that little ride that little stick that you think can only prop you up if you use that stick right it'll part read sees that that little stick you only use it to walk with is a stick that if you throw it down right it'll turn into a snake and swallow up Pharaoh's State I must show you how to use which I will see your house listen to what she said she said I'll have anything listen to this I have nothing there at all except a small jar of olive oil now I know I got at least three Pentecostals in this service and when I said that you should have quickened or something right there cuz if anybody knows the power of the audience you know the power of the arm Elijah's like what you mean all you have is a lure what you mean that's all you got if you got oil that's how you need he says i'ma show you how to work yo all y'all and when you work your oil your oils gonna be the answer to your issue the oil for those of us who may be trying to catch the metaphor is a metaphor for the anointing what is that that is the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that is when God puts is super on your natural it is when God accentuated your ability it is when God empowers you to do things that are beyond your learning your training and your exposure it is when God gives you an anointed intuition that you can't teach or explain it's just when you get in your oil you just know how to do it did you hear what I just said hallelujah and if you can find your oil nobody can beat you when you in your aura no no don't pursue her oil don't pursue his oil you pursue your oil because when you get oily the devil can't get a grip on you you slip out of his crib somebody better come get me some people are wondering how you survived some of the things you survived they don't know that when the devil put his hand on you he could not hold you because the oil was on your life and you slipped out of his grip how did you get out I slipped out I [Applause] slipped out cuz I'm only look at somebody say you shinin now I want you to say this not arrogantly but confidently say I know I know I don't deserve it but it's on me I don't know why he gave it to me but he did he should have took it away but he didn't and if it's on me i'ma use it if it's on me I'm gonna walk in it [Applause] I just got a little Oh y'all sit down here so he says all right he says the way i'ma deal with your stress as I'm gonna teach you how to strategically use your oil cuz it's possible come here Karris Mattox it's possible to be oily and not strategic it's okay you got oil but in this season you need strategy you are all a but you have to become strategic because there is no anointing for discipline there is no discipline prayer discipline is a decision at some point you got to get tired of letting your oil spoil say I'm too anointed to be in this situation I got too much in me too much experience too many gifts too many talents for me to just be here God wants to add strategy to my oil so that I can deliver my oil effectively in a way that it helps others and benefits me he says I know you only but if I may use you you gotta be all it and reliable he said you got oil but you owe me deadlines oh the air just let me say it again you got oh I can bake a cake yeah but the party is Saturday at 3:00 so I need it by Saturday at 3:00 you got the oil but you got to deliver it strategically see I lost all the emails right there because it's like we just want God just because I'm only just to put me in rooms but I need to be trustworthy enough to deliver the oil strategically let me wrap this up cuz the derrick it was going good till right there I just we just need to get ready for fire night it's going good till right there let me preach to somebody on online if you're online I just want you to type you preaching cuz they not helping me preaching here just type you purchase am I telling the truth like oh my gosh she can do some hair but I can't stay there all day [Applause] oh my god he can cut hair but man he cut he cut one part then he talked for five minutes Oh Lord they're about to be going off on me I scared of y'all I'm telling the truth this be structure and strategy let's wrap up here cuz I want you to see something I think this takes a sailor to teach us not all stress but some stress has to be addressed through stewardship look this this this is a stewardship series stewarding time talent and treasure cuz how I managed those three areas can help reduce some stress in my life let me let me give you three strategies I see in the text and we'll go home number one I see this I see she submitted excuse me she sought the Savior for sanity that's no more seek the Savior for sanity here it is before God can fix it I need God to settle me cuz stress is an intoxicating emotion in it stress is stress its intoxicated stress is truth juice stress will make you say things that you wouldn't say when you're not stress right and and when we're stressed many of us are so action oriented it's like I gotta fix this come on Jesus let me get through this let's figure this out and we can begin to act impulsively like Abraham and we don't wait on God to give us a strategy when we sober so we emotional and it's like let me fix this here let me fix this now and when I move impulsively like Abraham I meet Hagar and create Ishmael gods like you trying to fix the problem the wrong way but because you're trying to fix it the wrong way you created a problem trying to fix one so now you got to deal with two problems because you want honest enough to say you know what I'm not in a place right now to make a decision Jesus bring me down cuz I'm on Team right now I wish I had a honest Church Lord I'm on ten right now bring me down please okay number two number two submit to the sayings of Scripture here's the Old Testament prophet he was a mediator it's the equivalent of us going to Jesus this woman obeying what he said it's equivalent us obeying what Jesus said and it means we got to submit to the sayings of Scripture with our time talent treasure here it is I'm about to say something now I X the nine o'clock was they ready news like yes and then I said it and they weren't ready then I just asked the 10:15 I was like y'all sure y'all ready cuz an Iowan ready like yes we ready pastor and then they weren't ready either so here it is 11:30 are you ready okay here it is here it is this what the Bible says in the book of Galatians I'm gonna give you an example it says bear one another's burdens , but let each one bear his own load now most people hear that but they don't submit to it and when you don't submit to that you create unnecessary stress so here it is when it has bear one another's burdens that we're burdens means like Boulder or a big rock something that people can't move on their own but but what it says but let each one carries on load that where load means backpack so a boulder a big rock is something they can't move by themselves they can't carry a nap pad a knapsack or a backpack is something they can't carry but they won't it's the equivalent of saying this God calls me to help you with what you cannot do he does not call me to be responsible for what you will not do you treating a backpack like a boulder and here many of us are we are stressed out because you're trying to carry your rocks and carry somebody else backpack and here you are you're responsible and you miserable they irresponsible they chill it like oh I'm lit oh look at this way y'all are talking to me you looking at them oh snapchat they happy you stress because we're being responsible for somebody else's irresponsibility my gosh are you hearing me you got submit to the same description without time without talent what I treasure what does the scripture say about my treasure how can I met all everything God says is gonna help reduce the stress in my life so it may feel stressful on the front end but they're stressed on the front end creates less stress on the back end so what is he saying what he said we talked about putting him first through the tithe okay all right it's it's it may feel stressful in front of us a blessing Rebekah we don't do that to avoid a curse like we don't we don't do that's that's acting out of fear not out of faith we don't do it to avoid a curse we do it to receive the benefits we do it cuz God didn't even say he would curse us if we did he said you are which means that it means that that area of your life since you have chosen to keep me uninvolved it's subject to the vicissitudes of the economy you're part of so as long as everything is cool calm and copacetic you're gonna be straightened he says but if there's ever a time where you need my intervention because you decided that's an area you don't want me involved in I'm going to give you what you want and not be involved because he does not force his way into any area we don't invite him into he said I'm trying to just open the windows of heaven over you which means I'm gonna make sure you have access to every God ordained opportunity so that if it does not happen you know it's not me why cuz heaven is open for me and when heaven is open for me what's mine will be I got to submit to the same description and I'm done here's the last one right here I've got to seize and strategically spread the oil somebody say seize it uh I'm gonna tell you something are you all ready for this people will take your time if you let them right and will be upset when you don't spend it the way they think you ought to spend it I mean what was your doing you couldn't call me back somebody say strategically spread it you know many of us are stress cuz we spray it to them here's my question for those who didn't like me action-oriented you got to know yourself and I know I can be I can be an animal I should be tired of school there's two more degrees I won't hmm so here it is this is my point at some point though you got to ask yourself how much is enough not be complacent but this is what I mean what am I not willing to violate to advance that make sense and never the season in my life I'm not willing to violate this like my local churches because the local church still see this is this is what I know I know the reason people know me outside a change Church at the cuts change search I know they're people sitting in this room right now who was sitting with me you know in a building that didn't have an air conditioner on Pennington Avenue so I'm not mmm I make a sense it's like okay I will go as far as I can go without jeopardizing and neglecting this here this I'm not willing to collect my my marriage my family you understand what I'm saying I'm man if you were doing this you could be this but but no I'm I'm a young man I need me and lady d to be right see y'all this service can y'all handle that no I'm young we need to be right I need her to wake up in the morning look at me and say this is my boyfriend I'm like yes I'm your boy for him I want you to want me want me she text me today time I miss you I'm like keepo let me go to this that side I lost that whole side of the church right here this the real section right here okay keep on [Music] this is what I know I know I know Shameka Daniels and Seth and Gabriel will want me when I'm 60 I'm no change Church will want me when I'm 60 [Applause] everybody else only wants you while you HOT [Applause] where's enough enough someone go as far as I can go without losing my mind I'm as far as I can go without compromising my values well you got to do this to get into industry God's gonna get me in another way I just prophesied to somebody right there God is gonna catch you in through the back door there's another entrance there's another way you don't have to sell out I can't do it let's go spread me through spilling oil some of us even as parents man these kids will spread you there me and my wife we had it we had to have a talk early on I had to either pull out sister I say baby listen he can't he can't play baseball he can't baby its owner t he missing it it's on a tee she be honest in our house I'm not telling you how to run yours I'm talking about man his baby it's T power he strike it out this God had called him to this this three practices a week we sit at these games it's hot I'm thirsty I'm coming out here I'm watching him strike out it's like no event we're gonna do two or three things let's pick somebody pray for me right now in tongues right now pray for me so I'm not telling you not to put your kids in sports that's not my job tell you what you're doing the house in your house it's my job as a pastor my job is just to provoke you to think about what could be some areas where you were spread really thin and for some of you it's time to rein it in bring it in because you've been stressed long enough and we need to stop acting like we can't be saved and stressed but God wants to arrest that stress amen so our time is up I think we've already received in the offering for today some of you if you haven't had a chance to give we want you to give you can give online we got given boxes you can give they're online family you can give online some of you gave but you didn't obey and you you want to submit to the Sangha Scripture you gave something but you didn't obey God you didn't give the tithe and you can have an opportunity to do that I'm gonna dismiss you this way today though we're going old school I never want to embarrass you some things I do I never want to embarrass you so if I ever actually to do something it's because I at least feel prompted and stirred that it's going to serve you in some way so I'm afraid of benediction but I'm gonna do that while praying for people who say pasady rias God spoke to me today cuz I'm saved and I trust God but I'm like the father Jesus dealt with when he said lord I believe but help my unbelief cuz I got faith and a little bit of stress at the same time and it's so heavy and this is what I want to pray for everybody's dealing with some stress I want to pray specifically for those of you who are dealing with extreme stress meaning there are symptoms manifesting in your body chest is tight heart palpitations I'm praying God is going to touch people right now whose stress has affected your ability to have a full night's sleep God don't want us to live that way and today there's help in Zion so we're gonna pray the benediction but would you let pastor pray for you I'm not gonna lay hands on you that's for fire night but I feel somebody needs God to help them with this cuz it's time for some peace so let's go old school today if you hear you say pastor Darris you're talking to me real quick would you are if you feel comfortable would you get as close to this platform as you can it represents the altar God and I believe as you come close to the platform as a metaphor for you coming close to God I'm I'm so stressed pastor I got symptoms in my body in in Roman I got symptoms in my body in The Devil's now plenty in with my mind he's telling me stuff is wrong with me physically and I know nothing's wrong I'm just it's just too much it's too much for me pastor and I trust God but I've been carrying this too long and I need him to help me so I'm gonna pray this prayer and it's going to be the benediction at the same time I'm afraid this prayer it's gonna be the benediction at the same time some of you may be at this altar you may say pastor I want God to help me with this dress but I don't I don't know if he will because I'm stressed about stuff I got myself into I want you to know that the story of the gospel is the story of a God getting humanity out of a mess they got themselves into it's called grace and mercy it's God saying you got in it but I'm gonna get you out so father right now I pray over every person at this altar every person that had the faith to come maybe they're coming be seen as their faith and I pray for those having symptoms in their body that our expressions of stress may you cause these symptoms to cease and give us a peace that passes all understanding may the power of God touch our minds for you did not give us the spirit of fear but power love and a scent I'll pray for sound man in the name of Jesus lift the burden destroy the yoke give us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness may those who have sown in tears reap in joy for you said we bring only indoors for a night but joy comes in the morning we declare this morning time it's time for joy time for sleep I pray for people who just feel like it's too much I can't take any more from their shoulders give them strength to carry but they could not carry on their home as we cast our cares on you you care for us our burden bearer our heavy load Sheriff now may your grace and the sweet communion of your Holy Spirit rest rule and abide hence now and forevermore may you bless us keep us cause your face of favour to shine upon us be gracious to us protect us provide for us and above all else grant us peace this is my prayer in Jesus name Amen you are dismissed give your God praise as you go family well listen everybody I hope you enjoyed that message hold on one second before you click me off it I just want to say thank you thank you for finding this YouTube channel as a trusted source of spiritual nourishment for you whether it's your first time or whether you're consistent faithful follower of this channel I just want to say thank you and secondly I want to ask you to help me I want to reach as many people as possible with this life-changing message and one of the ways you can help me do that is if this message blesses you would you just share it with someone else that's it I'm asking you to share because I believe we're blessed to be a blessing thank you so much for your support thank you so much for allowing us to add value to your life if you are ever in the New Jersey Philadelphia New York area we got campuses in New Jersey I'm live there on Sunday mornings for services and if you are in or know someone in the Orlando Florida area we've got a church in Orlando it meets on Saturday evenings at 5:30 and I speak there live no video I'm in Florida on Saturday nights and I'm in New Jersey Sunday mornings and I love to meet you greet you and to say what's up to you thank you so much god bless take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 87,439
Rating: 4.9189343 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, jamal bryant, devon franklin, trent shelton, eric the hip hop preacher thomas, robert madu, mike todd, dr. matthew stevenson, carl lentz, rich wilkerson jr, chad veach, chris durso, judah smith, toure roberts, keion henderson, joel osteen, ron carpenter, john maxwell, bishop tony evans, tony gaskins, criag groeschel, pastor chris hodges
Id: 2d3W2g_7SvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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