The Pain of a Woman - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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me to save a wretch like me I heard about his brownie of his precious butter turning then I repented of my sins and won the victory oh me too Jesus my Savior forever he sought me and bought me is redeeming blood he loved me and I knew his and on the love is to him he punched me to make to me the cleansing blood of his cleansing power evil a to walk again and cause the blind to see and then I cried you Jesus call me of a broken spirit and somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory Oh victory Jesus my Savior forever he stopped me and bought me with his reading [Music] and all the love these two he punched me too big to me we made the cleansing flood I heard about a mansion he's built for me and and I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea about the angel singing and the own attention story and some sweet day all sings out there the song of victory holding to me Jesus my Savior forever you saw me and bought me these redeeming blood he loved me I knew and all the lovey to him he punched me to make to me me me the cleansing blood Oh Jesus my Savior for whether he saw me and mommy we these redeeming love he loved me and on the love is due he punched me too big to me we need the cleansing flour Wow Wow let's appreciate them good evening was that beautiful are you glad you're here you know if someone lives in the dark for so long light hearts if you go to a dark room every suddenly switch on the lights your eyes will heart no popular beliefs public opinions meets and fables have been passed on from one generation to the next as gospel true jesus said my sheep know my voice what was Jesus say I have no illusion not everyone belongs to my ship world not everyone can hear my voice not everyone can accept my word not everyone can process the truth not everyone is open to insights Corrections directions guidance and mentorship if they attacked Jesus anyone who speaks the truth is subject to be attacked every revolutionary is admired and attacked in equal measure why because truth hurts but only the truth can set free that you do not know the truth doesn't mean that through this new you could have perhaps loved darkness or lived in darkness ignorant tree all unconscious free truth is not new truth actually has no beginning of days all end of time those who couldn't handle the truth crucified the truth but the grave could not hold captive the truth through this alive Jesus is the truth tonight my heart is moved by the things that move the heart of God and what moves the heart of God are people who are marginalized in the society that aliens the foreigners the orphans the widows and throughout the ages we may have been marginalized more than they know Adobe showing you tonight and perhaps your victim and an unconscious victim I received hundreds of emails from all over the world from hearten women women who've been abused by a man who walks out of joint responsibility to heart yet another woman and every single woman was lived on this planet go through some unique pains that are downplayed by the society women go through pains of protecting their virginity as a man I can tell you we were never taught to say no we were never taught how to handle an aggressive woman but every girl was taught by the mother the grandmother the aunts how to say no you go through some unique pains pains of protecting your virginity pains of breaking virginity pains of childbearing pains of menstrual cycles half of your lives sleepless nights nuts in newborns sacrificing for a husband and children and some of you fed in for the family single-handedly there many pains but tonight I decided to calafate these things into three categories and irrespective of your social status your social standing education level irrespective of your background every single woman go through these three major pains and for ease of remembering my mess eh tonight each of the pain starts with the letter s so the first s I'm going to call them I used to read me societal pains are just discovery pains societal pains and I want to draw your attention to the unsung hero in the story of Abraham the unsung hero in the story of the father of faith is actually Hagar today our delve deeply into scriptures I won't hope you have your Bibles if you didn't carry will allow you to use the electronic Bibles we were dug deep into Scripture and I want us to start with Genesis chapter 16 they try to take you through how the society had abused women over the years our pick verse 1 through verse 4 verse 1 through verse 4 Genesis chapter 16 now suraíh Abraham's wife had borne him not children but she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar so she said to Abram the Lord has kept me from having children go sleep with my maidservant perhaps I can build a family through her Abram agreed to hoarser I say so after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and give her to the hospital while he slept with Hagar and she conceived now left he kept up the story to Genesis 21 of course she conceived gave birth to a boy by the name Ishmael an in verse number nine Genesis 21 verse nine Basara saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Ibrahim was and she say to Abraham get rid of that slip woman in her son for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac let's read verse 14 Genesis 21 was 14 early the next morning Abraham took some food and as king of water now Kingdom says a loaf of bread and a bottle of water verse 14 once more all late the next morning Abraham took some food and a skein of water and give him to Hagar he set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with a boy she went on how we had murdered in the desert of Bathsheba the context God appears to Abraham when he is 75 and promises Abraham I will make you a father of many nations now time passes in fact between the promise and the boy Isaac is 25 years in between these 25 years Abraham and the wife in the middle of this period they become impatient so 12 and a half years after the promise Sarai whom now because Sarah approaches the husband and says can you pick Hagar my girl my servant girl so that she can give us children so that we can get children in his family so they decided to come up with a plan to help God and Abraham agreed but then later on when Isaac was born 13 years later sir Isis or other server see the two boys playing together and in her view the older boy Ishmael is smoking the younger one Isaac she sees competition and she cannot allow it and tells the husband said away the slave woman in Genesis chapter 16 the hero to get them kids in Genesis 21 she's asleep woman to be sent away mock you Hagar had not sinned she was not a husband stealer she was not a gold digger and we never speak about her we only talk about the man of God the man of faith Abraham we never discussed the story of Hagar Hagar didn't come from a poor family she was a gift to Abraham from Pharaoh shows in the palace and now she's been sent away by a future Richmond with just a bottle of water and a loaf of bread if you don't know how rich Abraham was just check Genesis 19 just check Genesis 13 and then compare with what this girl goes away with understood to look at this story Kim Lee the Bible says in Genesis that in verse 2 and Abram was very rich very rich in cattle in silver and in gold so what does she go with go back to Genesis 21 let's go back there verse number 14 and Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and sent her away our future Richmond have been in that desert modern ones and we say the issues of food and water I don't know how many can survive one day in the summer in that Sahara Desert just one day she's sent away she is in a conflict because he's physically abandoned emotionally abandoned spiritually Abaddonn she's left all by herself she's physically abandoned deserted in the desert she's emotionally Abbadon there is no one in the desert to console her all of us are like a Latina see we were meant for connections connections give life meaning connections is what make us human beings we were wired for relationships she's emotionally abandoned and then she spiritually abandoned remember this is an Egyptian girl they had many gods in Egypt one day we worried mercy I tried to count the goddesses in Egypt I think I lost count in more than 300 the only thing she knew about the true God was from Abraham the only knowledge she had about the Living God was from her master and her mistress she's pure Ettore a bad dog more than that she's in a spiritual conflict she doesn't know whether to trust a Living God or ha Egyptian gods she never had to pray because she was another spiritual cover of Abraham she had seen the master and the mistress worship the Living God the same pasta who introduced her to church sleeps in her and to protect his marriage to protect his career to protect his ministry he sets her away with a skein of water and a loaf of bread she is physically abused she's emotionally abused she is spiritually abused and it is true to date so many women have been abused by men of God abused by their CEOs by their bosses various supervisors the same man who recruited in a place of work this such you when your mortgage is very painful we've gone through these abuses but what is even more sad is that all the plane hugger is going through is inflicted by another woman the genesis of this problem is not Abraham it is Sarah most pains women go through our cost by other women especially that other woman and I want to challenge you tonight never be that other woman because life is an echo whatever you give in this life will boomerang back to you life has a setting bug the same vibe to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over because the Bible says whatever amongst those that shall he reap so you saw a seed you reap a harvest that means when you move out with another person's husband you don't reap the same nation it accounts back to you a harvest not in seed form most of the paints women go through their root cause was another woman you can find a women in a conference like this one listening to a man and the simulated cannot attend a woman's meeting I've seen that several where women had it trust other women but here's the good news this girl never knew how to pray she is now in a situation she has to learn to read it with God herself personally and that happens to many of you listening to me here up to this moment you've been kept by your mother's prayers but a time will come when you have to learn the loop of God yourself personally but it's interesting how God behaves because even though she did not know the Living God except through Abraham God hears the cry of a child God doesn't answer the prayer of Hagar God answers the prayer of the boy Ishmael we are going to read in a moment but let me tell you this there are blessings you have simply because you did not abort that child one mistake women make is in the course of pursuing your career you leave children behind to make ends meet let me show you there are some favors you get because of telling that child no matter the struggle now let's go back to Genesis 21 let's open your Bibles if you came I said tonight's message is not for everyone it is possible this whole meeting and all the people who are here tonight who are just as caught in you two streams of living waters though I just come in here for you alone truth huts and this is the truth that set us free now go back to Genesis 21 and let's look closely at verse 17 to 20 verse 17 to 20 are you with me because Hagar was pro-life and the reason I'm saying this is because I need you to know there is no child who is illegitimate this was something introduced by monarchs because they didn't want some children to inherit the throne there is no parent who is illegitimate even if your teenage parents for the record the mother of the Messiah gave birth when she was 16 as a teenager no child comes here by the will of a father or a mother every child born here every conceived child is by divine appointment now let's look at verse number 17 God heard the boy crime and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her what is the matter Hagar do not be afraid God has heard the boy cried not the mother the boy as he lies there lived the boy up and take him by the hand for I'll make him into a great nation verse 19 then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water so she went and filled the skin with water and give the boy a drink now vast twenty shows us they never died they lived they were able to fight through the desert look at verse 20 God was with a boy as he grew up he lived in the desert and became an archer he was hunting for the mother antelopes and other things but verse 21 is a good ending while he was living in the desert of Iran his mother got a wife for him from Egypt so he ended up getting married they never died caste is the man who trusts upon another man Jeremiah 17:5 caste is a woman who looks for a sponsor caste is a person who looks for another person for sustenance but blessed is the man whose trust is the Lord whose hope is in God Jeremiah 1710 God never intended anyone to be a mediator between you and him not a man not opposed not a sponsor God knows your address you see when we go through pain like Hagar Hagar was justified in asking a question where did I go wrong why me Oh Lord why am I going through this he didn't lure Abraham to the bed he didn't seduce this man of God he was given as a gift by Sarah and the culture then allowed them to do so this was not God's original idea please understand God's original idea was one man one wife but Katja began to allow this it's always a delicate balance to have two eggs in one home dolorous think the kids are competing over their father's estate and the truth of the matter is vega did not say i can imagine her asking god where did I go wrong why did you bring me from the palace in Egypt to die in the wilderness and maybe as you listen to me tonight the moments you feel like asking why me or Lord what do you think should have gone through it on your behalf which letter do you think should have been abandoned do you know her address so the truth of the matter is there many people go through these pins the right question is not to ask why me Oh Lord the right question is to pray for God for the next door to be open for the next chapter to be opened because God will always open the next chapter let me just tell you this eventually what Abraham did is the problem you are seeing today in the Middle East Ishmael left that home knowing he has gone to die if you understand what a desert means there was no hope for him to leave he left there knowing he has gone to die so he resolved to fight his brother Isaac and to date until the Prince of Peace comes back there will never be peace in the Middle East because of his art Ishmael is always looking for Isaac Arabs and Jews are always at war every time a man gets a child out of wedlock he declares war for generations to come the second thing that women go through I used to read me what of the first one society pains number two security pains security pains now every woman has an lead in herself for security emotional security physical security financial security spiritual security now emotional security is a need that is very deep in women there is need to be loved need to be treasured physical security to be protected financial security to be provided for and spiritual security to have a priest in that home when security needs are not met pain and abuse is inevitable now emotional security just to give an example because so many women have gone through all types of abuse let me just describe the problem briefly emotional insecurity or emotional pains emotional abuse is when somebody deliberately tears you piss me off sometimes through verbal abuse they make you feel useless they speak words to demean you to make you feel unworthy of yourself or even just sleeping around okay there is not careful sleeping around but there people who are carries they are trying to show you clear what they are doing they don't care about your feelings but sometimes it's not that extreme it is simply because somebody does not even want to make a phone call or to fight about your day but they expect you to fix dinner they expect you to sleep with them there is still emotional abuse and then we have physical abuse and physical abuse in some families is extreme we are talking of physical insult domestic violence but for some places some men see women as sex objects for the experiments they don't care about your pleasure it's all about you they don't care about how you've been living the whole day it's all about you they don't see you as a human being it's all about his own pleasure he sees you as a body to use those physical use and then there is financial abuse where your money purity or control financially somebody can tell you whatever they want because they pay the mortgage because they bought you the car because they provide and some people go extreme and they let you know you cannot even pursue that master's degree you cannot even continue in college you can't go to work you can't make the decision to meet other ladies on your own and buy them coffee because you don't even have money in their pocket you're financially manipulated or controlled and finally we have spiritual abuse and this is the worst now when you live in the u.s. where we are still right now majority of people do not even know they are oblivious of what goes on the rest of the world but I want you to know most women on this planet cannot make faith decisions somebody decides their values their believes what faith they have to follow somebody decides they are spiritual matter including risking their eternal destiny while you people don't go through that it is also true amongst you there people cannot choose which charge to go there people who are not with us tonight because a man decides you can go for she date at night is that a fact the still spiritual abuse somebody decides your set of beliefs and your faith and how you should pray and who you should pray to and who should pass to you and a lot of women may not know that this is obvious because we have accepted it you have been so abused and when a husband says you can't go to this church you can stand up to that question so we have lived a life of accepting our status quo as women somebody has made you believe over the years you are a second citizen a weaker vessel an inferior gender and because the obvious has been done for so many years you have reached an acceptance level it's your new normal you don't even know and realize you've been abused you think you're doing it to safeguard your marriage or your career or your family or your reputation without realizing you have been abused I didn't come here to light up fire against men I told you this message is not meant for everyone when we come here for empowerment we come here to be set free by the Word of God and let me say this I think I need to tell you where did this abuse originate the one we experienced from the society in security pains where did they originate they originated by you've been convinced he was you acquitted later let me show you something you see we need to deal with the lies man and woman were created the same time the same day if you and I know what you have believed for many years so let me take you slowly and then I'll tell you why I am saying that tonight because I pray that your eyes get opened please open the Bible today open the Bible let's go to Genesis 5 verse 1 and to Genesis 5 verse 1 and 2 I'm reading from King James Version are you still with me if you're happy Eddie no say Amen Genesis 5 verse 1 and 2 I'm reading from the New King James this is the book of the generations of Adam in the din not the what day in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he them notice male and female created he them and blessed them them them not him blessed them and called their name Adam that day when they were created which day were they created on the sixth day on the seventh day God rested let me show you two things go to Genesis to verse 1 and 2 go to Genesis 2 verse 1 and 2 that the heavens and the Adam of finished adore the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made God rested from all his work are you saying the woman was not yet critical God rested from all his work God rested on the seventh day unless you're telling me God started another story after the seventh day so let me tell you where the confusion is go to Genesis 1:26 to 28 Genesis 1 I'll be showing you something God created man Genesis 2 God formed man listen listen before we go to the Bible listen listen listen then we check the Bible together look at me look at me look at me because you need to follow this you are spirit you live in a body follow this closely so Genesis 1 I'm going to show you the creation story Genesis 2 the Bible uses two words some of your versions use the word mick and some of your versions use the word phone but not creation the word creation is used in Genesis 1 because creation is from nothing making is from something so the creation story God creates you out of nothing the making of the male body comes in Genesis 2 and the male body is made first and then the female body made some versions say formed made or formed not created why you are spirit your salvation was designed before the world was made you existed before the world was made because you are the life of God that's hard to buy but let's go to Genesis 1:26 let's see who was created in Genesis 1 look at verse 26 and God say let Kosmic man in our image after our likeness and let them them can you notice that the plurality not him but them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth vast 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female male and female he created them them them was 28 and God blessed them them and God said be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the yard so let's go to Genesis 2:7 Genesis 2:7 the story of the mailman and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul so King James is formed let me see what a navy says Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the cloud formed are you with me from the dust now and that is why when you die you go to God your body goes to the dust because everything returns where it came from let me see that one more time when you die you go back to God because you came from God you're the brother of God but your body was formed from the dust it goes back to dust remember the name God gave man miron female is Adam the name Eve was mentioned after the fall in Genesis 3:24 the first time check it out read with me Genesis 3 verse number 20 this is not a name from God this is a name from Adam after the cast after the fall Adam named his wife Eve because should become the mother of all the living that's Genesis 3:20 when God created them he gave him the name Adam are you with me Genesis 5 verse number 2 let me read for you again Genesis 5 verse number 2 male and female created he them notice plural not singular created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day which they was not the sixth day in the day when God created them now let me remind you something and then I tell you I tell you what I wanted to that you need to know look at verse 26 again and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion was the message here when God spoke them a date - man this man DTOs - man woman and man man male and female the mud it was not to the mill the mud it was to the male and female and that's why a little on it is his be fruitful multiply the milk cannot multiply alone this mod eight or to the male and the female host a message when a man refuses to fulfill his god-given my debt the woman continues because she too heard the refrain from God she too received them a date when a man becomes hopeless refuses to move on with his career to take of the children naturally speaking the woman continues the man complains not realizing this maderos not given to the mill it was given to the male and female when you don't realize this truth you continue living believing you are second citizen the truth will set you free and for the singles in our Mideast I want to tell you this because there has been another life I have had a lot of pastors introducing their better half that's another life there's nothing like a better half where did the concept come from show me the Bible what is God has no such months nobody can make you complete you are a hundred percent complete someone else may complement your life but they don't complete you open your Bibles Romans 8:17 let's let's read the Word of God are you happy you came or we thank God my interest is verse 17 but allow me to start verse 14 because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God for you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear but you received the spirit of sonship and by him we cry Abba Father the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children now if we are children then we are heirs alias of God and co-heirs with Christ Kingdom says joint heirs with Christ now look at me every one of you give me your eyes let me start with a couple and then come to the singles in God's nuts we don't have eco ears that is the mathematics of the US government and many other governments that's why when a Kapo divorce when they divorce they invite their property 5050 that's what echo ears mean everything we have we have to divide by two now joint heirs means everything you have four exam in massive everything I have is masses everything she has is mine we are not echo ears we are joint heirs we own everything jointly that means there is nothing like her car and my car her bank account and my bank account her mother and my mother that doesn't exist in God's mouth it's our mother there's no mother-in-law it's our mother our money our cars our houses our property all jointly because in God's Mod divorce does not exist I with me now let's bring it to the spiritual angle now the Bible says if you follow the text we are sons and Paul compares this with slaves he says we are not slaves we are sons in the house of God joint heirs with Christ for that means everything Jesus has is mine everything I have belongs to Christ that is why when you get this revelation you can't hold anything from God why you understad you don't even own anything in the first place nothing belongs to you because everything you have belongs to God but everything he has belongs to me that's why as an New Testament believer you are not even guided by tight-tight is just 10% which was meant to create a discipline for the Old Testament believers for you everything you have a hundred percent belongs to God but everything Jesus has belongs to you you are joint heirs that means we only change what I have and what he has we own it jointly for the singles in our midst because I'm saying this because some single ladies some single mothers some widowed women they live expecting someone to come into their life before they buy a house before the invest in estates they are waiting for someone who has not given them an appointment in the first place and I want you to know you are more beautiful when you are pursuing your call in life and when you're ready to in God closely you look more beautiful the moment you start hunting for a husband looking for a man even when you meet a potential candidate there is tension in your blood there is tension in your body and Men can identify a woman who has tension and take advantage of your vulnerable points you are in control when you're relaxed one lady who heard me preach this long ago because our previous message to women for many years yesterday morning we were chatting shows in New York we were just chatting and she told me this must is my witness and the tech side my phone right now if you want to verify she just text me and say doc guess what last week he proposed to me she had told me about this guy who was approaching it she's a mother of three she's a mother of three last week he proposed and next month via wedding and then III asked a question tell me the secret she said no no just the same thing you keep saying I wasn't looking for anyone I was busy doing my job when the guy proposed you are relaxed you are in control of your life and you look more beautiful when you stop putting pressure on yourself you see when you begin pursuing your Colleen and you start connecting with God and you take advantage of this season in your life to connect with God you forget the clock and then you realize he makes all things beautiful in his time increases to 3:11 God is never late it is acid panic if you're here you've been waiting for a husband for too long this is the word of the Lord for you watch me look at me right now hear god's message for you he is your mo odd be still and know he is God some 46:10 be still and know his god what why am I saying this there are so many single ladies and single mothers and we dude who are wondering God what am I doing wrong are they are they ignoring me because I have children either I am too old and wrinkled is it that I am not socializing again is there that I am too busy in my workplace that I am NOT creating time for social activities let me tell you none of that none of that be still and know is God don't put a team atoms - God who knows what he has protected you from you might have pushed yourself to a depth drop their relationships God broke out of your life because it would have led you to hell God is the end from the beginning and the relationships here to discontinue for the sake of your eternity and the sake of your piece right here God takes credit for your very existence he says before you are formed in your mom's womb I knew you Jeremiah I knew you Stella I knew you Jackie I knew you Liz I called you by your name even before you were formed in your mom's room I knew all your days it is God who determines the times and the places of our habitation acts 17:26 let me see that one more time God determines the places and the times of our habitation it is God who knew where you will be at any given moment be still and know that is God are you with me don't leave with any insecurities you are a hundred percent complete no one should live with others until they learn how to get along with themselves you can't get along with others unless and until you learn how to get along with yourself first you've got to learn to love yourself you've got to learn to speak great things to yourself first if some of you spoke to your friends the way you speak to yourself you'll never have a friend again analyze the what you use on yourself every day and start speaking to that girl on the mirror you a yeah you're lovable you're the best God could ever come up with our the last of God's creation that's always made lust hallelujah the that pain and the last one sex beans sex pain you know I as I told you let me repeat all the truth I'm sharing you tonight are radical so I'm gonna through another one their first command the first commandment God gave man is sex the first commandment God gave man is sex and I want to show you from scriptures I wanna show you from scriptures because these things have mists we've missed these truths for generations and our Terry hoy now let's go to the Bible are you are you with me let's go to Genesis 1 verse 26 Genesis 1 sorry verse 28 sorry verse 28 God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth and subdue it now now listen slowly the first statement God ever ever spoke to me now verse 26 God gives the maddox to man but he doesn't speak to money let me show you he doesn't speak to man he is speaking to himself let us make man does the triune God Father Son Holy Spirit he is speaking to himself I wit me the first time ever in the scriptures for God to speak to man is verse 28 and the father he says God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth let me repeat be fruitful increase in number fill the earth now I know you're likely to try to expert this text personally I have expanded this text many times and I will expand it on 21st of March when I'll be teaching about purpose and I believe this text has many ramifications intercommunicate about our potential and about our purpose etomidate and our individual assignments but the truth is the first thing God spoke here is not all those things is not about potential Papa's assignment and my did it was literally fear in the earth and I'll prove to you look at was 21 and 22 because these are the same words God used for whales and sharks and sea cow unless you tell me this confusion in the Bible he used the same words to animals is a similar to used to month look at verse 21 and 22 so God created was 21 so God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems according to their kites and every winged bird according to its kite and God saw that it was good was 22 God blessed them and said be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water indices now listen again verse 22 is like a repeat of us 28 God blessed them and say be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water this is how he spoke to the animals in the sea verse 28 this is how he spoke to man god bless them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth because the fish remain in the sea he told them fill the sea for man till they are the same some words be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth how do you feel they are the human beings through sex you are a product of sex but because we have done this precious gift into such a dirty art our ears each when we hear the word sex or sex organs because we have made it dirty quite the enemy knows how to distort which is good for example the enemy of your soul speaks singles into sex and the married out of sex he is the author of confusion so the very first thing God intended is us before we talk about our potential and purpose is to literally feel the procreate through the holy art of sex so today I'll tell you to tell someone something that you have never seen in charge before so look at the lady on the right and on the left and tell them sex is good tell them I need someone to tell Nancy make sure you tell them that yeah yeah that's true sex is good which begs the question if sex is so good why does sex heart so much nothing hurts more than sex let me tell you this 70% of all depression how to do it sex 30 percent money let me explain seventy percent of all that depression you see on this planet has to do with the relationships 30 percent had to be finances in Korea if you take care of your money at your relationships you're above board every time you mess up with the relationships and unfortunately some people mess up with relationships and money then you other white people commit suicide so for the singles in our midst if you don't want to be hurt by sex I tell you today before God purpose in your heart no sex until he marries me no matter what promise he makes and here is the reason as a man I can tell you this if a man genuinely loves you or if a man is lusting after you he will have to speak good about how you look how you are smut and how your smart looking now the end of our lives these Navy knows men know how to say they will describe your ship you are dressing at your head that's it some are genuine some are not so how do you get to know who is genuine from with not genuine this is the acid test the litmus test don't ever sleep with a man until he marries a boy every time you sleep with a man outside wedlock a couple of things happen number one if you sleep with a man so fast before you get married if you do casual sex so quickly a day or two later I reek late after meeting man tells to think you are loose wheter to attach value to that which is rare we tried to think if she slept with me that first I wonder how many men she sleeps with even if you get married to that man he is likely to think since you got involved in sex outside of a covenant you can always get involved in sex outside of our covenant let me repeat even if you get married to that man he is tempted to think since we got into sex without commitments you can easily go out without marito commitments no man should enjoy your body all the privileges of a husband without the responsibilities of a husband if he loves you I want to tell you the real test here the tests go with me to first Corinthians 13 go with me you came for she determinate I expect you to handle what we are talking tonight first Corinthians 13 let's look at verse 4 to 8 love is patient that means last is impatient last was to gratify now there are people who meet in a nightclub and before the dancing is over they have already engaged in sex even dogs take longer they wait for the mating season that's a fact animals at least wait for the mating season we reduce our cells below animals can I tell you this I don't want to be naughty but I'll tell you something dogs are animals they even know how to woo a cow even when they are making love they know where to kiss okay let's get out of there they don't just jump to satisfy their own needs okay come back to judge love is patient love is kind it does not envy that means love is interested with the success of the partner it does not post I Drive a Mercedes you know my house is seven rooms that's not what love sells you know I'm the CEO you know how many degrees I have if you find a man who is drawing such statements on your first coffee date this is not love this is someone who wants to manipulate you it is not proud it is not rude it keeps no record of wrongs love does not keep reminding you your mistakes love does not delight in evil you see she refused me can you see how she crushed in that car can you see how she can't pay the rent that's a manipulator it always protects always not sometimes I love the bus fight it's not so seeking it seeks the interest of the other puzzle now you know that and I know you know but I want you to open your eyes to verse number 11 please open your eyes policies when I was a child I talked like a child I thought like a child I reasoned like a child when I became a man I put childish ways behind me now get your eyes off the Bible look at me let's describe a child that's describe a child if you have a six months old infant they don't care whether it's midnight they will cry when they need milk they will cry when they soil their diapers they don't care mom is waking up early in the morning they don't care you have not slept enough is that a fact it's okay to do that when you're six months old it's not okay when you're 40 years old too it's it's okay not to care but if somebody wants to be satisfied right now they don't care about your pregnancy they don't care about you contracting a disease they're not interested in going for a test they don't care about commitments tall is saying they are childish they are thinking like high school kids a true man does not think like that he puts off childish thoughts and thinks recommand before I sleep with this girl what are the consequences of my action what is our interest because love is not self-seeking and that's the line between maturity and being kiddush if you're married and you crossed that line before you got married there is still hope I know for a fact if you engage with your husband before you got married and you're listening to me you have definitely dealt with mistrust in your marriage although you may not admit tonight I know it I've been a coach for too long and if you don't believe me if you slap to that man before you committed just check your marriage closely and you're always monitoring his moves and it's always monitoring your moves it's almost absolutely not but you need to have this hard conversation where did the rains begin beating us because wishing it away throwing it under the carpet will never heal your marriage and if by any means he has moved out of wedlock don't do it to revenge you're not rebelling against him you are inserting yourself do the right thing not because of who he is but because of who you are every time you move out because your husband did it you are digging deeper into the hole you're living you can't take poison and expect someone else to die you can't do stuff because someone else did it for the sake of your dignity and sanity the marriage can break but you don't have to lose your dignity don't be loose because you have a loser's but remember scripture is speaking you are allowed to quit a relationship that has extramarital affairs you allowed by culture and by scriptures but what becomes of you if you also decide to sink that low decide in your heart I will not go down to the valley if anybody's gonna meet me they have to meet me at the mountain I will not lower my standards to communit another person's failures that's a decision you have to make now this is the battle of the genders and this plateau has existed since Genesis where did the battle start allow me to show you something go to Genesis 3 and you're gonna look at verse number 16 where the butt of the genders begun are you learning anything are you glad you came would other choose some girl bones today Genesis 3 verse 16 to the woman now this is God speaking to the woman after the fall I regret to tell you the scripture we are reading is God speaking across his poker casted a serpent to the woman and then to the man this another Cosmo came to the woman to the woman he said I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing with pain you will give birth to children your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you let me repeat that your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you your desire means what it means everything you change your name to his name you change your people to his people you live where he goes you do what he demands you to do you can't do any walk you want you can't go home when you want you can't you you want you can't very well what you want you can't go toward the way you want or your desires master line and then it is he will rule over you now I want experience something fundamental here because let's face it in the two 41-year history of the United States since independence in 1776 there has not been one woman president a lot of churches to date cannot ordain a woman to be a pasta the Catholic Church the Southern Baptist Church except its affiliates and many others now God says he shall rule over you now a lot of women have accepted this without realizing you are except in a car god never intended men to rule over you God intended men to lead and is a difference follow me closely God created the male body first before the female body white for leadership when you go fast in a place you know the place better than others for those of you who are immigrants allow me with all due respect to use that example please hopefully doesn't offend anyone if you are the first one to arrive in Georgia by default your friends your family you guide them on how to navigate through Georgia and America because you came here fast it doesn't mean you're more intelligent please you know you know there are some people there are some people who abuse others and take advantage of new arrivals it doesn't mean they are more foolish it your name means you have leadership you can show them where the molds are you can show them that why you came here fast I you it me that's what is called leadership leadership is is not telling people what to do it's showing them what to do it's coaching it's mentoring is saying hey I have gone through this truck before you don't have to do it it's the same thing between parents and kids it doesn't mean you're more intelligent than your child you are right on this planet before them some of them might be brighter than you it's just a fact but you arrived here data is a Lea so you now tell them hey girl when you talk with men I have been there before don't try this route doesn't make sense so what I'm saying is this God brought Adam DeMille first for leadership but not ruin what's the difference ruin means you have no right ruling means he gives orders and commands it's dictatorial and this was a word spoken by God after the fall it was a curse what you need to realize as a lady is that when Jesus died the curse was lifted because salvation came to your household no man should rule over you your husband should give directions and leadership cause the difference I want us to look at the scripture the difference the difference means he should only lead you as unto the Lord and I wanted to read two scriptures in Ephesians and in Colossians because all I can give you many I'll just give you two the Bible shows clearly true conditions for leadership for a man leading a woman two conditions number one you should only submit to him as unto the Lord meaning if he deviates from God's ways you have no business following him number two you should not sit down to be coerced to submit you should never be lectured to sum it you submit to what not to him no no no you submit to love you see we confuse it love precedes submission submission is a response to his love the scripture says husband's love your wives as Christ loved his wife ecclesia the church so the chat responds to the love of Christ the church responds to the love of Christ that's the submission so that submission is tied to one thing - his love his love must precede you a submission let's go to Ephesians 5 today is a day to be set free from unnecessary prodigies the curse was lifted none of the children of God should live at the amicus you agreed me Ephesians 5:2 I'm saying this because so many men and even pastors make you feel guilty for things you are not guilty about our said in this charge before we will never do a seminar on how a woman should submit I will do a seminar on how men should love and then the women we were naturally submit let's look at two scriptures Ephesians 5:22 just as the charge naturally submits to Christ Ephesians 5:22 wives submit to your husband's as to the Lord wives submit to your husband's as to the Lord look at what it says verse 25 husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her the command is for every man to give himself up for the wife it means this crisis you do not choose me but I chose you I first loved you before you loved me we did we responded to his love this is what it means the more we seemed the more he loved us to the extent we crucified Him and he continued to love us Paul says for I am persuaded I am convinced nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus Romans 8:35 to the end nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus nothing can separate us Christ does not love us with conditions he does not love us with moods he does not love us based on our performance he does not love us based on our righteousness but based on his righteousness are you with me that the love every man is commanded and when the man does that the woman submits now let's check Colossians 3 bus Colossians 3 verse 18 Allanon Commercial Driver's 18 wives submit to your husband's as is fitting in the Lord I like to know how the King James puts it why submit to your husbands as it is fit in the Lord but you know what verse 19 says husband's love your wives and be not bitter against them King James verse 19 3:19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them with that love you are able to submit I want to say this you are no less than the princes and princesses in palaces you are more vulnerable in the sight of God than the brightest star in the sky you are not a product of an assembly line you are specifically designed individually modeled by the master craftsman your God's ultimate masterpiece you are fearfully and wonderfully made and I want to pray for you if you have gone through a piece or drew these paints don't come here just to hear the word come here for your healing now give you a chance to ask me some questions but I don't want to add anything more before I pray for people gone through a please hold in marriage ad outside marriage you've gone through these abuse and the Lord is open your eyes because when Jesus arrived in the days of his flesh over and over again he went healing women physically emotionally and spiritually Jesus is not Minister night if you've gone through abuse that you've gone through these pains I'll be praying for you in just a moment Jesus lifted the cross that you may walk free and free indeed dear lord I thank you for the word I've shared tonight I bless your Holy Name O God you came that we may be free and free indeed for the scripture says whoever the son of man set free is free and free indeed and lo I thank you for the water spoken in the lights of these demons tonight quick and outward in their lives India situations as I'm praying today can I ask this if you sense you're going through pain because of abuse in the past but I request you to stand where you are I just want to say a special prayer for you you can stand where you are I'll make this prayer with you we've gone through this abuse the abuses of the scribes and you realize that the paint's are holding you back I like to pray for you and those of you watching me on social media Facebook and YouTube and you've gone through abuse I want you to trust God together with us as we make this prayer the Lord we thank you for our sister and I bless her before you I product every pain in her life nobody noby on her and she goes out of this sanctuary I decree and declare Matthew 11:28 Jesus you say come unto me ye that Labour and carry heavy burdens and I'll give you rest rest to your souls and our Father in Jesus name I speak rest upon my sister in the name of Jesus and some were unable to stand but they are struggling abuse and pain may you heal them Lord I speak healing for the emotionally gooded I speak healing for those who've been physically abused I speak healing for those who've been abused spiritually give them Oh father a new lease of life a fresh page a fresh chapter oh god I pray for healing to flow through their blood in the name of Jesus I speak your 19.8 free the break chains of darkness in the name of Jesus please to them and their families for every woman trust in you for a husband I pray in the name of Jesus name above all names the god you're going to cause a man who loves you who is hardworking and a great professional to come through their lives in the name of Jesus for those trusting you for a child I pray that he may open that whoop in Jesus name that they will NASA child of their own in Jesus name Lord I speak healing in the mark is presented here for every marriage that is wooded may you heal them oh god I pray for a new peace between them and their husbands in the name of Jesus we honor you our loving God we bless your name in Jesus name we pray amen and everybody said amen are you blessed [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 62,645
Rating: 4.8625956 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 15sec (4395 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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