Power of Positive Attitude: Dr. Kinyanjui Nganga

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and today I want to share with you some truths and I'm going to packet them in three laws and the first one I'm going to share with you I'm going to call it the law of creation the second law are called the law of echo and at that law I'll call it the law of faith the first law the law of creation I'll define the law of chrétien simply as this everything that existed was created by God Scripture teaches only a fool who says in his heart there is no God some 14 verse 1 and some 53 verse 1 God created everything through the spoken word and God said let there be light and there was light and God said and God said then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth and then he breathed into his nostrils and man became a living soul the original Hebrew translation for those words living soul is speaking spirit and man became a speaking spirit now we are created in the image of God and this has different interpretations meanings and ramifications but Authority means is this that we just like our Creator create through our words our critter spoke the natural world into existence we use words to create our social world we use what to name fellow human beings we name our own children we need more businesses we need more surroundings we name places and times using words through our words we create a social order by which we live there's a program you follow here in presbytery you use what to communicate it today we made our children to recall their posters Creed for them to understand the afraid we have to profess it because without confessing your faith is not complete so the Bible says Romans 10 verse 9 and 10 to use what to create our circumstances and here's the deal the two privileged gifts of immortality bestowed upon us is made and speech for life is the union of made and speech your world is your word your word is your bout you live in the house you create through your words what our never innocent every time you speak you create a circumstances by which you live what are the creative force behind everything that exists with what we describe our past we define our present and predict our future you know we had tons in its own access and a new dune is born into our hemisphere the land and the sea stretch eagerly waiting for the warm rays of the Sun the sun rays are universal in radiance they beam out in all directions flood in every particle along their path and lighten entire outdoors so it is with the light bulbs every time you put on the light bulb it lights up the entire room in discriminatory even a tiny matchstick struck in the duct we will say this free current race in all directions so it is within a conventional lines light from a conventional source will travel in all directions unless focused by mirrors and shades and prisms even the most focused spotlight will still light up the areas nearby and the father the light is from the source the wider the spread not so with laser light laser light is coherent light like particles from a laser source travel in phase with each other all of them travel in the same direction laser light is so focused that it can melt steel and as the reason it is extensively used in industries but this is the irony laser light can be so tamed to be used in delicate surgeries like reattaching the retina of a human eye it is powerful in its effect now I want to suggest these brothers and sisters your words are the leaders of your thoughts when your thoughts are expressed as was there in face with each other with an incredible power to build or destroy when you speak what you impress them on yourself when you speak what you commit yourself to action generally this year I posted an article on my social media platform that I'm going to climb out Kenya and I said it in public in our public forums where we normally meet a client hours just by the mayor confession that committed me to action and we did it together in memory last week every time you speak you commit yourself to action because a shared commitment is a strong commitment when you get one or two agree people to share what you want to achieve in a 20-18 your goals becomes solid when you keep it to yourself so that you can separate us after you're through with beauty that house or do those postgraduate studies you are likely to take much longer than when you confess it with your mouth with our words we bless or cuss our situations our neighborhoods our children and sometimes we are ignorant even of them is decreasing I want to do your attention to a song Burroughs son in the heat of World War two very Villa NOC which is a Gurion translated for the world is ending and the lyrics of that song was describing a man who committed suicide to reunite with his dead lover a hundred people immediately committed suicide six months after the release of that song I add you be careful with the lyrics of the music you listen every third vibration from the radio or from the TV is not innocent don't allow everything to sink in your system filter words whether they are from the radio from the TV before you allow before you process them in your system not every piece of media was written for your consumption one of the strangest thing I've had with Kenyans are in the morning people read the newspapers and some people listening to me hear the first place you go in the newspapers is obituaries and you wonder why your day is so dead you begin studying the dead otherwise and examine the dead believe me if anyone close to you is that you will know you don't need a daily nation or the standard or they start to remind you you points on your day when you start with the negative news and many people listen to negative news before they sleep and some women listening to me wada quite the dream beer has but cutting their draw at night but it's because they something your listen is similar before you slept one of the things we chose in our house is to switch off the TV Monday through Friday our kids never watch TV and we don't already we give them an option we brought everything to their disposal they have phones they have laptops and people ask me in parental meetings I've spoken to parents and many many times and perhaps some of you have had me different places why do we do that it's because even if I race on Wi-Fi in my house are not do that in the entire neighborhood I'd rather teach them how to use it minifee like I do because that's my home library and on Saturday we allow them to go out there and play with the other kids because the kids on the TV have no real issues but they keep in the compote have real issues so that they can enhance their social cognitive skills their development skills the Bible teaches you are ensnared by your words God by the words that you speak different fashions can take different twists proverbs 6 verse 2 so I want to suggest today rather than saying I am broke if you employed trained your tongue to see we expect in a race where I am working if in business rather than saying your broken wings are weak at the beginning of the year xx tongue to say we expecting customers to begin to flow in our business God cannot lie and if God cannot lie and he can dance in joy 3:10 let the weak say I am strong and it doesn't lie why wouldn't you speak from God's perspective so let me try to see whether we can speak God's language today let the weak say I am strong let the poor say I am rich let the sick say I'm ho that's the language of God I even encourage the women in our midst don't be seen your treaty near here oh no that's a dangerous crowd is it nobody sick I'm just taking order you're listening oh you're listening can you go to learn about to the law of echo the law of econ if you surrounded by mountains and you scream the words I love you you're likely to hear your own words I love you love you you you you is that so the ad is a large cosmos that bounces off every word spoken back to the sender goodish press down shaken together and running over where ever you speak comes back to you multiplied when you release negative vibrations the boomerang back to you for instance if you say I wish he could tip off and fall you might become the victim of the same things you stated let me refresh your memory Haman was hanged in the same gallows he had prepared for Mordecai the same guys who drew Shadrach Meshach and Abednego to the fire were consumed by the same fire the snails and the traps you set up for others might become your own snare you see Mother Teresa said heíd words can be simple and easy to speak by their echoes are endless in a seminar and kite words will have the same impact on the person who speaks so raise your consciousness not the voice of your words remember it is rain that grows flowers not dundas authorities raided gurus flowers what come in our hearts well that means then when what come in our heart they produce a harvest so the question I wanna ask you what kind of a habit do you want because everyone you plant in another person it will definitely give a harvest let's visit outside the church you're going to meet people who don't speak the church language in your businesses in your place of work sometimes even at home as a Christian what do you do when people speak and caters to you what do you do when people post venom on your social media platform the best way to heal a wooded part of your subconscious and to register that and to live by a higher ideal is to behave and speak in a diametrically different manner so if someone is unkind to you BK to someone else if you are never to BK to that person BK to someone else if someone criticized you go and encourage another person if someone discouraged you go encourage another person if you feel in a certain situation go and assure another person Jesus taught love your enemies do good today that taught you it sticks a small person to pull you down if someone is trying to bring you down they already below you you've got to be on a lower platform to bring some dumb someone down it'll take someone on a higher growth to lift others up outer it is the spoken word is not a new concept what I'm teaching you today is over four thousand years old the power of words have its root deep into preliterate history world changes understood and harnessed the power of words was transformed Society they read the human costs are then Lister's to common sense of purpose mission and humanity what can have colossal impact and lasting memory on the person receiving those words was there are sometimes don't mean much to you may leave a lasting memory good or bad to the of those words there is an Arabian proverb that says four things never come back they sped arrow the spent life the neglected opportunity and the spoken word colors fade away temples crumble empires fall but words never fade away words and jewelry stop is a deaf and dumb girl when she finally learned how to speak Helen Keller eloquently said it this way sticks and stones may break my bones but what will break my heart yes the human tongue has no bones but has the capacity to break the human heart the human tongue is a beast that few master areas relentless energy stubborn persistence to get out of its cage unless well-trained untipped it will cost you Harvick and irrecoverable damage your tongue is your life's remote control it can make or destroy your career make or destroy your relationships your meaningful relationships because one spoken what can only be forgiven not forgotten that's why you must desist speaking in Inga never confuse a bad mood with bad words you'll have contrast opportunities to change a bad mood and you will never have an opportunity to change bad words you see become in this life with no preconceived notions or ideas or perspectives of views or opinions our intended parents imprint doctrine it endures with a set of perspectives and beliefs and convictions some of them even co-opt their religion into our lives and they did so in good faith no wonder for most of us we are not conscious about the words we use on a day-to-day basis our speech is often inordinate curious and meaningless because you are cautious on the vitality of this precious faculty now we need to realize after this service that in life we do not get what we want we get what we expect and that's what we want and what we expect are congruent for example I don't know whether you're like me hearing people talk about demolition arguments and attacking arguments here in each other I want the argument for many arguments are warlike even among spouses they somebody who feels you must have the last word for that argument to have a stop that's your definition of respect never dies tomato tan argument can do in your own time after this service please Google search the words argument led to murder you'll be surprised hundreds of thousands of results in 2011 an FBI report in the u.s. found out fifty four point three percent of all murder cases were committed by someone who knew the victim in all likelihood in an argument compare that with only twenty three point one percent of all felony acts like a rape and robbery and murder and burglary all of them combined were no more than twenty three point one percent the next time you find yourself are gonna be a boss agrees a sibling arguing in a church a GM arguing with your spouse begin to fight the argument not a Sonny to win and lose you'd rather lose the argument and win a soul but I some need to find common ground to refresh your memory I don't know how many of you can remember a woman here in parklands a nation woman who was murdered by a house girl simple things cost lives one of my father's dearest friends for many years was also murdered by a cowboy the guy who used to milk their cows you can add estimate that Cthulhu but you pushed him to the corner and the only choice he has now is bringing you down starts in an argument as a platform is an opportunity to fight in common crowd man who is gonna win or lose and encourage you especially for those of you listening to me at your Mary that I know most of you are trained your spouse of the language that you want them to use only mode of the language and the behavior that you want them to use if you speak in a certain manner you encourage others to speak in a certain manner if you here listening to me and your senior person in universities in the capri circles in research institutions and as to really want to understand your behavior your character I only need to study how your secretary behaves I can tell you your character and the language you use by just checking how your secretary speaks to the rest of us non can be consistent - rude and arrogant unless they both permit them to do so your secretary will always reveal your true character that you're trying to hide you know today when we were packing we came we drove very slowly because there are some pumps here that are like mountains I don't know whether you see them and I didn't expect that so he drew very sorry there was a pickup behind us and I suspected that gentleman was coming to church so my wife told me this game must be very constantly orderly so slowly and I told her no don't worry - this Sunday they won't even hoot or argue and it is true wait until tomorrow is that familiar and for sure the gentleman part just after us and I knew he seen his best behavior maybe he's a good girl through I'm not judging him I don't know him but most of us this is our son the behavior you know a woman coroner office the other day she said chose to talk to dr. Kennedy she called the lady out there esta basher screaming shouting because s was trying to explain the structures we have established so she really she could in manager so she gave the phone to our CEO her name is Daisy so they succumbed her down so what is the issue and she said I need dr. D to speak to my ten-year-old he has low self-esteem and low confidence and so this was explaining we have a junior Club for children aged between 4 and 12 and dog doesn't even speak to the kid at all that is not his line but what was interesting is that even on the phone conversation show still screaming to her son we feel that she has died organized the problem of this son properly but she has not been able to diagonalize the root cause of all the boy is suffering from if she can screaming she's making a phone call to our office how much more do you think she screams - that son what do you think that boy has gone through in the last 10 years you see most of the parenting skills we use we pick them from my appearance unless we are conscious about this psycho this echo we echo our parents lifestyles often than not unless you deliberately and consciously break from it and so right now I'm going to take a few moments and share a few thoughts about the words you use on your children hoping we are going to get a lot of you convinced we need to change the language because unless you're deliberate and conscious you like it use the same words your mom used or your father used we can tell the behavior of a child in school or rather sorry the behavior of a parent by studying a child in school the language the uses could reflect the appearance language and the neighborhood in which they arrest if a mother for instance screams at a child they showed me a doll scream back or was to withdraw and be silenced for life and they begin to judge themselves harshly and the reason why my memory promotes me and they suffer loss of esteem like the boy whose mother called last month in our office and this will have far-reaching impact in their jobs in their marriages in how they relate with other people because they were taught and they were meant to no they don't measure up even an inborn can detect the words spoken to them they pick vibration signals from their father and their mother the word spoken if a family is violent even an unborn child the fetus can pick those vibrations even newborns if you look at them with rough eyes they can tell you harassing them do you agree with me they know even though they can't express themselves the newborn listening to you can tell whether there is peace in that home or not names Edwards are not innocent my mum had a brother by the name Maru translated in our mother tongue cut and true to his word this guy drunk every day finally when we buried him nobody thought it twice to do a post-mortem to investigate into the causes of his death it was so obvious what killed him a dear friend of mine by the name graves is an exporter of fresh produce she has a brother she caused kavadis a true name pronounced in a cab accent kaavo translated konichiwa the one wizard is bitten true to his name either at home or in school someone had a reason to beat him until he ran away to sell clothing a combi there is a school in a Mira County recorded Nicomedia high school a Camila is a kissing named for the tail and the school has never disappointed honestly there's not this a neighbor is good to that we call it Nia kuiba Nicole basic is named for the beef case you see 2015 for all students results were canceled cut as you're still in examinations their name tells them you've got to steal something this is cool between Kaka Megan boo gamma and their wisdom told them to call it a booking guy in some Lua dialect bushing translated the place of fools no further comments and many of you remember this has could they named Chioma High School in mocha rainy I hear three as a good they renamed it to Macarena boys I hear that right and I knew kagama when they were read literally Chioma because what I never innocent goth doesn't take names lately he caught a man by the name of Brahm meaning the barren one and he renamed him Abraham the father of Nations he caught a woman with the name Sarai e the closed tube and we named her Sarah the mother of the Blessed Nations he caught a man by the name Jacob a liar a con man and he renamed him Israel the blessed one his very name Jesus Christ sealed his a dream ministry the anointed Savior and God gave His name long before Jesus was born he was particularly the names most of you remember Isaiah 7:14 you shall call his name Immanuel meaning God with us and then you go ahead and call your shop Karuma the hotel [Music] and you still expect to flourish check the names you given your children and your businesses because names are never innocent words are never innocent last year but when I invited a woman with the name dr. Maria Keller to one of our meetings I've been fascinated by the success of that family dr. Emilio Carroll had asked me to speak to her cadidates one time and when I was in that office I was touched I decided to ask her the secret behind her family success to refresh your memory her elder brother muniya War II was the ninth vice president of the Republic of Kenya her brother Grigory was the minister of information technology Uganda Denis owari chaired a group Huntington owari j.strother group KQ for a long time professor Nelson a worry the first doctor an African sought to conduct a successful kidney transplant the facility in Upper Hill is named in his honor professor do do working GU the former cabinet secretary environment and the current ambassador France is Anna worry Jeremiah or Edith see you back with blank Anna worry dr. Mario kill herself together the late dr. Keller are the proud owners of McKinney group of screw the most successful school system in East Africa so much that she was even invited by the Harvard School of Business to God explain to the students of the world on entrepreneurship so in this particular afternoon i sat opposite dr. mediocre on us at the secret of our family success she told me dr. Kane you know what my dad was an Anglican clergyman the late Jeremiah cannon worried 11 children in at home and every single day he blessed us every single day he blessed us he understood the meaning of what he is the reason your senior family today of the kennedys in the US when I speak to prisoners they told me the same thing I'm exactly where I am as mamas idiot when I was growing up mama seed one of these days he's gonna end up in jail and Here I am as mama say did you know the largest tribe in Ghana is known as the Ashanti tribe they have a unique way of naming their children they named them after the day of the week in which the child is born the children born on Monday have a given middle name a quasi translated in the Ashanti language to mean kind generous peace-loving godly either by coincidence or otherwise over 75% of all Christian missionaries successful entrepreneurs business leaders corporate and government leaders in Ghana are the causes the children born on Wednesday have a given middle name ikkaku translated in the Ashanti language to mean mean rough arrogant terrible by coincidence government statistics revealed that of a 75 percent of all crime in Ghana is committed guests by who kaku's the POW in a name the Bible teaches life and death is in a power of the tongue and leave that luggage or eat the fruit the law of proverbs 18:21 with your tongue you bless your family with your tongue you cast your family with your tongue you bless your children with your tongue you cast your children you create the filter you want to see through your words the Bible teaches now shall not cause a deaf person Leviticus 19 14 why such a scripture deaf people do not even here why should we be warned against cussing them answer because of a damage those who was do all you the vessel Nvidia stored before you destroy the intended recipients spoken word fast destroy you as a courier of those words there are two John's and there were classmates one was nicknamed the good John so named because he helped the other kids with their homework while the top child in academics was a class monitor and the role model in the entire school in the South Simms class was a contrasting John nicknamed by the classmate the bar John so named because he bullied the other kids never DB's homework in time was arrogant to the teachers it was the last child in the line of academics one afternoon the mother was so caught by John went to school and the teacher due to reason very far they snore with the mother by John can come to embarrass us off in school of necessity therefore this must be the mother of the girl John in the midst of that confusion the teacher began to speak Oh John is such a delightful are to have in class the favorite of the teachers the darling of the students doing his homework in time a donut on and on this teacher spoke in glowing terms the mother come believe it she knew at best Asano's disaster but mothers are unique people they love us for who we are you know Father's love is a little bit negotiable sometimes is attached to performance so she believed the message but she censored it scaled it down to level the boy could buy and she began to speak to her son son for the very first time I'm so proud to be your mother teaches us bloke speaking how well you're doing you know only one teacher spoke but mothers say teachers we are speaking how well you're doing if you continue with this positive attitude son you're gonna achieve all your dreams in life the boy had never had any kind word before or he had had before that is a loser his arrogant history boy he doesn't perform well and he went an extra mile to prove as much you know you only need to call someone a fool for three weeks in a row and they'll prove to their fools you only need to call a child Buddhist enough for three weeks and they gonna depict Buddha characteristics John went an extra mile to show them that he was indeed a terrible boy it had got into his subconscious system and he lived it but was so moved for the first time the mother spoke I'd watch in tears the foreign day he went straight to the teacher on duty and said mr. Escalante I'm so touched about the what you spoke about me yesterday I'm so moved I'll do anything humanly possible anything within my hands to make you us and also my mom come to pass an average dissident stretch a set mic saw two intelligent ears in just a single semester added up as a see student and finally when he sat for his twelve grid exams the equivalent of a phone for here in Kenya he was not only the top child that year but the top child in the entire history of that school now this is the reason I give you the stirring this menu details although the teacher accidentally motivated him I want you to know this it was confused identity the teacher thought this is the mother of the good John and so the teacher spoke knowing this the mother of a good John please understand this is not a cooked story this is a real story and I give you the name of the exact teacher in your free time go and google the story of mr. Escalante this story was published all over the US added every single teacher go through the u.s. education system those doing education have to study the story of mr. Escalante it has been used to teach teachers on the power of positive attitude you had omit a child at seven cent Kevin secular school allow me to comment on this because I spoken to all sort of schools in the year 2015 sorry if you have some relationship listen Kevin these are just statistics the last school in the country the odd I mean after them it was in a community I remember st. Kevin is in Kabul County and I once was invited by the principal called mr. Barone and this is what I realized the child goes there knowing they are these students the teacher teaches knowing and teaching these students the parent said the child knowing they are only there to finish four years so they are primarily there to grow older and finally all the kids the top child gets a deep plane and everybody act shocked why they got a deal but we all prepared for a deal another child goes to a lion szybko I spoken through this course knowing very well I'm teaching on a boy the teacher teaches knowing she's teaching and a student and the parent knows I am selling my child to an in-school adventure with her Gates and a you know a true story Elektra was posted in a university they invest lvl and you stood we have given you a special class this particular class is for exemption Allah gifted students and we decided to give you this class we see what's gonna come out of it and he began teaching that unit knowing these are exceptionally talented and gifted children and on the very first class he was amazed by the river responding and they they were answering questions and at the end of the semester only one student out of 42 of them got a B all the other students got an A so he went to the Dean of the faculty state could I please get the same same class and the deans in which class they exceptionally gifted children class and the Dean say there is no such a class in this university we just set you up all the students are normal here we just wanted you to come in the right attitude in teaching you stop thinking they exceptionally gifted and so they give you the same results you expected you see your outer reality the reflection of your inner reality there's a perfect harmonic agreement between your outer reality and your inner reality and here's my challenge for you which was do you use on your children do you call them the terrible two and divide it either to say they are having Tantrums after this service call them the terrific to change your language and begin telling them if you play baseball like that you're gonna be a major leaguer if you keep swimming like that you're gonna participate in the Olympics that's I'm inviting you just to check the what you use because what's our the power to bless and the power to cuss the power to make and the power to destroy what are never innocent what come back to you what you set your children those also still haunt you they still come back to you that's the law or aircon let me go to law number three the law of faith are you with me are you learning anything law number three the law of faith the law of faith the law of faith simply states that faith is the language of God some of you have gone to study foreign languages like Spanish and French and Chinese these days for you to speak the language of God you might need to unlearn your formal language because God caused things that are not as though they are he speaks these to existence from nothing each one of you listening to my voice today you have faith each one of you you go to a doctor who gives whom you don't know his name or honey this is your prescription that you cannot read and you go ahead and take the medicine that you do not even understand believing that it's all going to be well for you it takes faith to take the medicine you get in a plane that you don't know how it was manufactured you are flown by a pilot whom you don't know the name the color or even what he smokes and you still trust God that you are going to arrive safely some of you are second-floor others 10th floor other 16th floor in a building maybe others in KRA 28th floor without testing the structural performance of that building and you still trust yourself despite the fact that you have heard they have heated a beauty's wreck too into us a text field you get in a hotel you don't go to find out how their chef cooks you don't find out where he bought the cabbages and you still eat lunch it takes faith everyone has faith that's a fact the question is why are some of us receiving his thoughts and others are not receiving results see the Lord Jesus was walking with his disciples when he found an unproductive fig tree the passage we read early alone the foreign daily pass through the same place and Peter called the Lord Jesus too remembrance Lord the victory you cast her scenes withered away and Jesus spoke astonishing words if you have faith as small as a mustard seed in Asian Palestine the smallest seed was a mustard seed if you are such a small feed I'm not talking about big faith Jesus did not talk about Giants of faith as small as a mustard feed you shall say to this mountain and Kingdom says speak to this mountain be removed and it to be removed notice he didn't say never shared with the mountain he didn't say pray over the mountain he did say fast over the mountain he said speak to the mountain and he the chatted before us because every time you are getting to a new territory will be confronted by an familiar chance once you open a business you meet unfamiliar challenges and familiar mountains and the Lord still same to us today because he's the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews 13:8 he doesn't change he saying speak to your Mountain and I don't know the mountain that could be presented before us because I can guarantee you Jesus was not telling them to move physical mountains this knowing the early church they began uprooting the mountain of sin ie he meant exactly the same mountain that you have today when a sickness before you whether there is a child bound by drugs and alcohol abuse and imprisoned whether there is a brother or a sister who've lost it in your career life the Lord is still telling you this morning speak to your Mountain he's not having to pray over it don't never sit with it don't fuss over it speak over it why if you don't speak to that mountain that mountain will speak to you if you don't speak to the sickness the sickness who speak to you if you don't speak to the challenges in your marriage that situation will begin to speak to you so rather than saying how challenge in your marriage has been why not change your tongue and say we in a difficult situation all season and you are getting it speak to that mountain the real measure of faith is your ability to hold on your ability to hang on and I'll show you that from scriptures let me take you through a simple journey both the old and the New Testament talk with me if you can and I want to show you the God never answered any single prayer not in the Old Testament not in the New Testament for anyone who did not hold on holding on is the measure of faith holding on is the meaning of faith in Bible and that's why Jesus said when you plant a seed it has to die fast it has go through gestation period a season you can't see it and it has to take that time before it begins to grow and to germinate we see a man by the name Jacob wrestling with God overnight he is a man with wasted his entire life in common shape and trickster and now he has an encounter with God he has a past year to deal with God and overnight God has come and he refuses to let the age of God leave and say I can't let you go until you bless me I'm not releasing you you've got to speak your blessings over me and they just did what's your name Jacob you shall no longer be called Jacob he blessed him you shall be called Israel that's when he received his blessings and that's what I'm telling you hold on until God blesses you we read the story of a man who began to pray and to fast for the first day there was no prayer answered he prayed and fasted the second day there were no results he prayed and fasted a day the fourth day the sixth day goodness not pre-answer 21 days in a row no prayer answered on the 24th day an angel comes and sees in chapter 10 of Daniel Oh Daniel man of Valor from the very first day I began to pray to see God God heard and answered your prayer but it's another dimension you don't understand spiritual dimension the Prince of Persia will help me up there in fact it took my core the age of four the AK ager of war to rescue me to bring your answer but here's the deal God had a dance at the very first day but Daniel kept on praying he kept on praying for a day two days for 21 days non-stop and ad appears on the 24th day let's cross over to the New Testament just check the life of Christ a woman is bleeding and Jesus is aware but until she speaks she's not healed touches his garment he says I feel an unction leave me but she has to speak to activate the Lord to act a plain month his entire life he stood by the church elder stop disturbing the master the same way they were telling the woman you unclean you can't come in the presence of the disciples remember the law of Moses you're not supposed even to be in public but she pressed through the crowds she ignored the naysayers and that's the same thing but Timaeus did they tell him to shut up he's disturbing the master but the more they told him to shut up the louder he shouted Jesus son of David have mercy on me and that moved the Messiah I'll give you two stories that move my heart a lot a Centurion came to Christ this was not a Jew this was not a man of the Hebrew faith if you want to read it in your devotional time the stories recorded in Matthew 8 from verse 5 and following for now please look at me my servant is unwell and he was discussing about the soldier and Jesus looking at a man of dignity a good manager society a respected dignified man he decided to give him some honor and he said sir I'll come to your house I'll come and hear a servant and they generally refused oh no I know who you are you don't need to come to my house Jesus I'm a general I give orders I just and things begin to happen I speak and so just act I speak and they go for war I speak and they begin to shoot I know who you are Lord you don't need to come to my house just say the word just say the word just say the word I know your authority the spiritual realms I know demons can hear you I know sicknesses can hear you I know situations can hear you Jesus you don't need the physical travel they can hear you from this point just say the word and Jesus said I've never seen such faith all over Israel in Luke 18 verse 1 and following Jesus give a very exciting story of a woman who went to a judge to a venture of her adversaries but he neither feared God no respected man but this woman kept on going the same same hour when this guy was asleep he know that the first day she not the foreign day he ignored her she knocked the daddy the fourth day he got disturbed with her nagging spirit he got this tub with her persistence and he reason to himself I don't respect this woman I've no respect for such poor people I don't know what she's looking for perhaps is the inheritance of her late husband but at least for the sake of my peace I have to listen to this woman I need to sleep then Jesus says he hold on just just see yet how much mashallah our Heavenly Father hearken unto the undercurrent him denied look at the contrast here the judge who has no respect for the woman here though I have any father who loves us he the judge who's avoiding this here's our Heavenly Father whose pleasure is to give us his kingdom here the judge who is wicked he is a righteous father he the judge who has no relationship with a woman he has a father who has a relationship with us he causes his own another comparison Jesus is saying if such a week a judge with no relationship with a woman with the wrong motive for listening to her can still answer her prayer in contrast how much shallower occurs father who loves us who has a relationship with us answer our prayers and Jesus said he'll answer last speedily but then he closes the story by asking a pertinent question nevertheless when the Son of Man comes back shall he find faith on the earth for Assisi the real measure of faith is ability to hang on the real measure of faith is the ability to hold on don't tell me your faith through speaking show me your faith your deeds says the Apostle James is one of the greatest tragedies in church most of us think the reason God doesn't answer our prayers is because of our sins I'm a government official damn corrupt we can't admit it in church but you know yourself I mean business that have been cutting corners in my pharmaceutical I get medicine the wrong places I mean import business that I've not been paying paying duty and these people are right here these are the Kenyans we are talking about they are listening to me right now [Music] and you feel god can't answer your prayers I want you to listen to me very carefully God never answered prayers on account of our righteousness there is not a single giant of faith who was perfect Jesus visited homes of men and women of unquestionable of questionable character he visited one tax man by the name Zacchaeus the Lord's business was not to the righteous he said he didn't come for the hole he came for the sick the people who received answers from Christ who are not righteous prison of Tantus they stood have given you about the Centurion or bottom ayahs or the woman was bleeding there is no indication in the Bible that they were righteous are you with me [Music] even the Giants of heidrick Abraham the Bible is very cutted in their weaknesses David the man of God I don't need to remind you you know that very well the Bible tells you about his weaknesses yet these are the Giants of faith that's why Jesus said speak to this mountain God doesn't answer prayers on account of your righteousness he answers prayers on account of the righteousness of Jesus on their account of the holiness of Jesus not your holiness you can't go to God based on your righteous deed you go to God based on the finished work of Christ on the cross that's what James 1:6 is a double minded man receives nothing from God with a double minded man do I look for a job do I start a business I want to do business so do a start general supplies or do I start the oil industry I conclude I'm going to run a school do I start it in thicker or enero be a double major person receives nothing from God when you go to God clarify your thoughts speak with certainty speak with absoluteness go in specific prayers this is the mountain before me Lord this is the answer I need I need my charge to go to Cambridge University that the prayer making a table made a person suppose they don't make it maybe in high school they need to do metal metal walk or walk in case they feel they cannot be during welding a double made a person receives nothing from God so I added today appropriate your faith we in different social classes right here for some of you all you need is to start confessing your car for some of you all you need is to confess your house you don't have your own for some of you all you need is to confess a certain business you want to start for some of you you want to be the greatest interpreter in East Africa for the sake of the kingdom of God for some of us all we need is promotion in our jobs appropriate when I was in class one she filled in many subjects but one of them she filled exceptionally well kiswahili she got zero zero out of 50 which was translated as zero percent because zero doesn't matter what you multiply with and I was busy motivating other people or the country can you imagine me having the density to motivate others and my daughter's as zero percent in Kiswahili we have the talk with Massey and we decided we are going to look for the solution we are not going to be problem conscious we were to blame none of us is good in Kiswahili she never had it spoken in our house we took responsibility and it's so funny to hire a tutor for a class one child but we did that we had a tutor and the lady was so gracious she came about two days a week for two good terms but we kept on telling I be one of these days you'd be the top child in Kiswahili and in your class not we were not trying to induce competition in our made we are trying to induce hope but it worked miracles in class six I view of the top child in her class tooth dream school including the top child in Kiswahili that's the power of appropriate in your faith I know it I've seen it I've experienced it in front she's in electron so Gauri year nine equivalent of home to in eight four four system to date she see the top child in her mathematics in her ICT in her social studies and in physics several years ago must say died when you got married we wrote a lot of items we had a journal or prayer journal we wrote funny things what Alice may not know our auntie when we got married we didn't have a freed you didn't have a microwave we had nothing in fact sure sure from narubu and they give us some food and told us to keep in a fridge we went laughing because there's no fridge so we distributed to our neighbors so for us we began writing those things down because we waited one year after college who in the same investing Jake watt so we wrote a lot of items funny items including plates we wrote things that may sound funny to you but we also wrote slightly bigger items I prayed for a product reefer ahh --mess it is a treat for our my own house we pray for different things I prayed or be having a PhD I had one degree that time we wrote a lot of items let me tell you this not for pride but for you to know God answers prayers in less than 10 years every item there God had answered every single item including the fact that I was the first PhD in the country in project management I got my first house before I was Dottie and I am now in my second house in restaurants I can tell you every single item we wrote there goddess on it and now we tried the prayer journal funnily enough we promised our kids went away young to take them to Disneyland we forgot that but we wrote the prayer item and kept it somewhere it took several years a last year we took them to Disneyland every single tria goddess on it and that's what I'm saying appropriate your faith what are not min leanness every positive word you speak activate the edge Eric runs into action the Commission's a just to work every negative what you speak commercials the demonic runs to action if somebody 3 tells you that they will kill you leave that house I don't know club coats and so on one night club we have over 2,000 members of register by now [Music] one lady a story that was in the newspapers last year her husband kept on said interest they had been exceptional anywhere in business very well the husband kept on threatening that is going to kill he was suffering from depression they have two boys or rather the head and last year the husband retired killed a four-year-old boy maybe some of you search in the newspapers he's now in prison and literally they began to remember the water spoken because she has had me many times I can tell you this if somebody says they will kill you do literally kill you why the devil picks those words and exonerate them and check the range show us that those words are fulfilled every negative what what precede action there is no action that takes place before you speak this is how it works it is touching the might then your words then the action affairs don't start on the bed they start in the mind then somebody flutters and then the action gets complete and that's exactly what happens your thoughts they only become active when you express this what not so I caught you watch listen that's why you must never speak negative confessions about your family your business your country Hawaii the can't read your mind he's not omniscient he gets hints and clues when you speak the devil doesn't know your thoughts he doesn't have that power he picks clues when you speak if you want to frustrate the devil after this service leave here saying I'm blessed I'm rich I'm whole I'm doing well you frustrate him because he takes you seriously take yourself seriously the Lord doesn't answer any prayer that is not consistent with his word the Bible teaches in first John 5 14 and 15 this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything in his name in accordance to his will he hears us God is not going to give you money for red district explorations just like he can't you don't give you a child ten lollipops that can destroy deity then cost the king what is not going to give you things that are going to terminate your life some of the reason why most of us here don't get blessings is because want to be blessed to Brok want to be blessed so that we can destroy ourselves remember the giftings of God are without repentance and those these can kill you that they killed Samson of old every and every prayer God answers must be in accordance with Israel his real is known in his word his word is settled in heaven he has lifted up his word even above his name there is not a single prayer that God answer that contradicts his word how do we know his will we know God's will is for us to be whole we know his will is for us to be prosperous jesus said that they may have life and have it more abundantly we read the scripture alone today John 10:10 that is Israel and that is his rule for you and for everyone listen it to us here today I'll conclude by reminding you where I began it is any among instance here who has ever suspected as a generation of cars hanging over your life over your family over your business over your career I want to tell you this you're living in deception Ezekiel 18 verse 20 concerning the New Testament the Bible says God shall not hold you accountable on account of the sins of your father's that's the new covenant the soul that sins shall surely die in a new covenant everyone carries his own burden you don't carry the burdens of your lineage the biggest challenge in Christianity many of us are not able to detect the Scriptures and see where they fit and I can repeat to you you don't carry anyone's burden God has not got children he reads with you as a child and that's how you must introduce your children to Christ he doesn't live with them as grandchildren he raised with you as a person and his own child I'd like to pray for you before I give you a chance to ask me questions and I'll be praying for three categories of people the first category I want to pray for our people have spoken casting words over themselves you've complained you've murmured about your marriage about your curry about your health you see if you continue sin about my sickness even the devil requests the most not to take it away from you you possess it as your own possession he will even give you proprietary protection intellectual property rights for that sickness Hugo tangu oh the devil can't touch it this one is yours you own it [Music] you know there many of us who keep confessing about our back piece about migrants about headaches it's your father that's your luck with day in day out then the enemy and show us this thing does not depart from you if you spoken against your health your finances your marriage you're the first person I want to pray for the second category I want to pray for our people spoken cuss in words to their children I'll never forget in August this year I was preaching in a Sunday service in West London then I I said I'm going to pray for people the same way upstate and some guys came forward in particular the ozone man he was white and he was in tears he's very rare to see many tears so I decided rather than praying for these people wholesale let me talk with this guy I rented a huge truck to him was the deal then he told me he kept on telling the son he will be in jail and now the son is serving a seven-year jail term so when I began speaking about the prisoners remember her to really alone he began written his own story when I'm speaking all through the service since I said the statements he was emotional or through then he began realizing he had cast his own son and you could be here and your son is in drugs or in prison well your doctor could even be having children out of wedlock because of what you spoke care is free now I'm here to tell you this we've got to break those curses this morning the language of the Bible is this is the day of salvation this is the hour of salvation don't wait for another time this is the moment go drug which is not the language of tomorrow the third category of people pray for those people who think or sense someone spoke cuss in words while you're growing up especially what of a significant person to you like a father or a mother especially the watts of a father the father said your amount to nothing and you sense those who words and tunngle you the Hidde your progress they beset you I like you to join with me and we're gonna speak to this mountain once and for all and never speak about it again
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Id: w3VQfDtvsxE
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Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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