Master your Mind - Dr. K. N. Jacob - Best tips on mind conditioning & flexing mental faculties

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[Music] Wow just look at any man tell them you're looking good yeah tell him or her master you made master you might when we see people who have achieved a lot they drove our puny efforts and make mockery of our achievements we are forced either to admire them or to repel them but either way you can't ignore them their greatness is nerve-wracking and threatening and sometimes can make us feel insecure when we look at people who are chipped a lot in life we think they are better than us they are much smarter than us they are more driven than we are we imagine how blessed they are how luckily oh how fortunate we are how favored they are and many of us think about these guys and think maybe we just flew along their purpose a fortress right nothing could be further from the truth you see when we look at people who achieved a lot or when we look at good achievement we expect complex answers to explain it and whenever we imagine that people who achieved a lot are more endowed than we are then since we are not as gifted as there we give up on grid goals and settle for something less than we were originally designed and the real problem is that we're not looking closely enough had we to look close enough we would realize that at the core of every great man at a coffee a great woman behind every great success story at the very heart of every successful event lies a series of simple daily decisions and actions if it's a stream that flows consistently cuts of Valley rather mix of Valley and each one of us listen it to me here tonight you can achieve your wildest aspirations by starting the very first Kadena step you adults see you made is a memory tank our made our subconscious made rather recognize patterns these patterns define us once they become repetitive they become hardwired in our subconscious system we are what we repeatedly do repetition is the mother of all longing for those of us perhaps of driven 15 20 years you remember in those days we didn't have a lot of automatic vehicles the transmission was manual at every tag motor too may be engaged the transmission gears used to be very careful while stepping on the clutch be very cautious not to confuse the big pedal with the accelerator pedal then weeks turned into months and they turned into years and whenever you drive unconsciously in other words you drive gears subconscious might so much so your mind is no longer on the steering wheel and maybe some of you listening to me here tonight you've been arrested a couple of times because I've been on the phone while still driving doesn't make sense you are preparing for a seminar you're thinking about the next agenda your mind is not on the driving wheel what is true for driving is true for swimming it is true for jogging is true for cooking it is true for cycling it is true for any other activity or not your subconscious mind doesn't decide what is good or bad for you your subconscious mate doesn't act in your best interest your subconscious made simply implements your conscious orders put it otherwise your conscious mate performs your sub your subconscious orders I did with the most liberating truth you'll ever hear or not the quality of your life is a reflection of the quality of your thoughts the life you're living right is a reflection of what goes on in your mind your thoughts your thoughts make you your life is another flow of your thoughts what's it do you so in your mind you see the land doesn't care what you saw you have a choice to make you can so poisonous seeds or valuable crops the lad doesn't care you get a harvest commensurate to the city planted and even if you choose to plant good crop how much of us you are going to reap depends on the extent to which you sow the crop you have a at liberty to sow sparingly or libery for example you may choose to interact with these kind of messages you're having tonight every once a year or you may choose to commit yourself to listen every month and then every single day you go to more than 200 of our videos they're available for you free of charge on YouTube but I believe with all my heart you can't expose yourself continually to what I teach here one year in a room and not just every month but every single day grow and digest and process draw or video draw articles which I share with you daily free of charge the available daily I share with you inspirational articles daily and remain the same and the testimonies overwhelming here and Elsa even people I met overseas from a distance where you are at an advantageous position because you interact in a live audience and is fundamentally different from listening to youtubes here's the question what does Albert Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King jr. or Nelson Mandela or Serena Williams or achievers like Madonna cheek only have in common different pursuits but deliberate thinking patterns what do recognize are the leading scientists of the last one century Albert Einstein himself says he doesn't think of himself as a genius or adversely gifted or smart but he's very curious in a lot he says I must myself in a certain my subject matter very deeply never before in the history of mankind have we seen such a large crop of preachers taking advantage of their parishioners these guys in themselves as propagating the gospel preachers who never tell us about straight mercy you are who despite protracted legal battles with as a public government at a time that the economy of that nation was that are free for the highest hyperinflation recorded in history heat up to fifty thousand percent despite all that he established Econet where LS the second largest company in xeam by capitalization and now has presence in Rhoda Baroody risotto and even he has now acquired a Eternity Rhea and his presence even in Botswana he is estimated net worth is 1.7 billion in US these preachers never tell us anything about Patrice Massa pay the fast and so far the only USD billionaire blood billionaire in South Africa a man who never started with wealth he never received anything from his forebears on the contrary he grew up in the slums of Soweto in difficult times in appertain South Africa this Lord graduate began his business by buying or producing good shots and now his company Africa Bible minerals has interesting copper and cobalt and nickel and platinum and gold his estimated net worth is 2.4 billion u.s. dollars these preachers will never mention to you that truth about Mike at the nuga who was a cab driver and a security guard in the u.s. to fight his own studies went back to his motherland in Nigeria where he began by selling lays and distributing coca-cola products then he established glow whereas the second largest wireless company in Nigeria is now the second richest man in Nigeria with an estimated net worth 5.3 billion u.s. yes these preachers who never mentioned about a Lakota got to borrow some money from his maternal uncle and began trading in sugar and flour rice cement before manufacturing the same products large-scale his estimated net worth is to 0.2 billion US dollars and he's regarded the richest black man on the face of the earth he for these preachers who never mention our very own Paul Kanodia who was just walking in the streets of Nairobi and one day he decided to manufacture the shampoos he was Hawking in a makeshift Factory downtown kirinyaga Street and then being the only salesman when he began his own company he went door-to-door from one British shop to another convincing the spawners that his and rudder shampoo was as equally good at the imported ones first word that was 1981 the year 2012 he saw one of his products Nathan lovely as two billion Kenya shillings to Laurel the largest cosmetic industry another interviewed Paul I recorded a story in one of my books you don't need a job I gave poor Kanodia story because it's very fascinating we are seized become tight with one another because I'm attracted by success I'm attracted by people who start stories and convert them to success and like many of you he didn't have a college degree but his one opportunity in an economy where many of you are complaining about it the Kenyan years I want to hear what our each years on to here so we resort to superstition and religious fallacies we work here in about an imaginary John who displayed lacking qualifications got a job and a promotion we like hearing about an imaginary mary who started a business overnight and green lips and bowels of Oceano business plan not business strategy simply because she tried to the man of God there seems to be a guard in Kenya and in Africa who blesses the first tent first ball to rush to the altar with an offering of ten thousand to keep it at the Apostles feet there seems to be a God who blessed for no other reason except giving some bucks to the preacher man to the preacher woman long ago it was only preacher man these days women have also must sadly heart if the Bible is to go by I'll tell it is very respectively and with a lot of humility have gone through every word in that holy book and the God of the Bible says he blesses the work of our hands the autonomy 18:8 sorry 8:18 the better the Bible says a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands and positive strike here and scarcity like a nun vivre proverbs 16 either broader Bibles to go by Auto V's Jesus say the poor Lori's be with you how can Jesus make such a statement yet he said he came that we may have life and have it more abundantly the anticipate is pleasure to give unto us the kingdom how dare he say that they pull or spirit us because God is not party to your ignorance scripture says my people perish due to lack of knowledge or Sarah 4:6 the Lord Himself the moon the fact that the world understands how things work than the children of the light Luke 16 8 tell you anybody's words the God of the supernatural is the god of the natural let me explain the point Jesus fed 5,000 people or other men we don't know how many women boys and girls so in that meeting but if you look at the context they allow growth for a miracle they were far away from the city it was late it was duck the shops were closed they hadn't carried food they hadn't carried money and it was not their fault they had listened to Christ preached to late night the foreign money those who root for the same bread those were not harvested stuffed there was no girl for a miracle the foreign money because the God of the Bible says so long as the other Jew Adobe so in time and reap in time Genesis 822 and so the god of a supernatural will not interfere the natural laws and let his clear clouds for a miracle here's the deal all truth is parallel not root cancels the other truths you can't pick one truth and run with it giving it a truth given his biblical giving a scriptural or catches believed in giving all cultures if you go back to your culture you here you never visited anyone empty-hearted you never enter visit a child empty-handed so it is even with the Hebrew culture they never went to the synagogue empty-handed but giving alone does not exempt your human responsibility I believe in giving for those of you who are cents on one members I think you know next month 27th of June I'll be giving away some gifts to those who participated and those who are going to qualify and win the dr. Kennedy unionist because the world I'm giving away a cup I'm giving away laptops I'm giving her earphones I'm giving away a holiday to my lady I'm giving away a holiday to Dubai nobody can accuse me that I don't believe in giving and you have come for our meetings where you never pay the coin like a sec among other places these are not true and you can go there and fight Authority cause to hold a meeting there I believe in giving but here's the deal giving a loan will not be buried - because you can't pick one truth and run away with it all truth is power and that's order has to do this meeting tonight I want to take you through some five lessons lesson number one change your paradigms lesson number to be a student of life lesson number three flex your mental faculties lesson number four evict mites quarters lesson number five from the last one recondition your mind lesson number one change your paradigms we also want to right shift your paradigm one of the same thing throughout human history philosophers have had different views about our universe tales believed that the earth is flat and floated in water like a log and nadzam is believed the earth is flat but suspended in the air xenophanes believed the artist floods with the opposite touch in the air and the Loess a text a beam without limit the idea of a spherical earth was first proposed by Pythagoras approximately 500 BC a concept that was later shared by Plato and Aristotle the very first time that we got about the solar system and the planets it was proposed by Nicholas Copernicus who suggested that the planets go around the Sun but he held the view that both the Sun and the stars do not move at all in 1609 Johannes Kepler refined a Copernican system and designed or rather developed a scientific model that explained the orbital movement of the planets around [Music] the Sun the same year 1609 Galileo Galilei invented his telescope and with a magnification of nine James he was able to view phenomenal sights like the four moons of Jupiter the largest moons of Jupiter and even the tyranny of the moon including its mountains and valleys but well the idea of a spherical others gaining momentum the evidence was overwhelming the Denbighshire to the church refused anyone from advancing for the code heretical teaches about a phase spherical earth actually they persecuted Galileo and arrested him so that he does not advance his views about a spherical world you see we never see the world as it is we see the world as our instruments can allow we never see the universal city is we see the universe as our instruments can allow we see the universe as our lenses can allow and ask you the question how strong is the magnification of your lenses you don't see the water city is you see the world as you are you can be all around world and never see it you can be all about opportunities and never seen them and never sees them in fact you can get your dream life Patna take coffee with him aha and never realize it I know there are people who only notice Cassity and poverty because you see the world as you are I'm telling you this a nanny can be the child and 30 years later that nanny is employed by the same child she not they live in the same house but different worlds a security guard can open the gate of an infant when they are going home for their very first time from hospital and the same child employed the same security guard there in the same compound but different worlds you don't see the world as it is you see what is your lenses can allow you see conventions teachers if it looks like a dark swims like a duck quacks like a duck then probably it's a it's a duck you see this widget suggests you can identify an unknown subject by observing its habitual characteristics what if you observe in your subject using inferior instruments what if you observe it in judging me you seen inferior lenses well if you observing and judging me by your worldview your limited world view it's your worldview the only reality precious friends brothers and sisters I want to tell you tonight there's another reality that no eye has seen no ear has heard and no midas conceived that's why scripture says : to me and I'll show you hidden things that you think not you see the highest form of ignorance is fighting something that you do not fully understand an intelligent my dear entertain an idea even without accepting it and a way to shift your paradigms one word exposure that's why we travel to distant places we don't travel to escape life we travel to that life cannot escape us exposure brings the hidden to the surface if a child grows in the mother growing cabbage a small scale and the father taking those cabbages to the local market on a donkey cart then the dreams of that child are limited to either green cabbage a small skill or becoming a donkey operator cut operator I never forget one time we were to look so City a small town in Egypt no the young man approximately 15 years of age who ordered to help us board the boat with my dear friend Dennis and a couple of people here now look at the young man I didn't need any assistance to put the boat number to that boat did not need dr. it was a motorboat but because he was he grew there he was born there he never went to school the only activity or not he knows he's helping people get on the motorboat so that he can get some tips you see you're limited to what you've been exposed now the 17th century the King of Siam used to invite the ambassador of the Netherlands in the palace over the weekends and sometimes some of the evening's he wanted to hear stories about Europe one day the Dutch ambassador said how water sometimes in his country during winter previous to something like a solid so much that a man or even an elephant he ever existed in the Netherlands could literally walk on water the King of Siam which is modern-day Thailand could take it he felt taken for granted and they never saw eye-to-eye anymore he ordered his staff that I guess you never get either get anymore for taking the King for granted you see ladies and gentlemen the conformity of a testimony or other the credibility of our testimony it's limited with conformity to your direct experiences and given the Kings seventeenth-century experiences of a country in Southeast Asia he never formed in his wildest imagination the very concept of eyes he couldn't handle it you're limited to exposure I'll never forget Easter this year my massive is together with me here say something interesting lover boy you mean Facebook is not here to 0:04 Futaba surprised but master Dino Facebook was 3204 because they talk about it time and again so I know sometimes not everybody listens to me but what surprised me more is how our son Zig reacted but Facebook is so old to 0-0 you see the boy was born to seven his wall began to 3:07 anything before 2007 is too old I don't know that your children are like my children because the last 20 years there has been a phenomenal change in technology so mad at my own two children think I was born slights after the days of the dinosaur I see become young maybe cover was expiring but but if you look at what has happened the last 20 years the Lord has almost been the same for so long some development has happened and we live in different worlds with them let me tell you this all of us are biases some of them are universal for example whether you're conscious or not we tend to trust all people than shorter people it's not by the if you don't believe it just go to a stretch neighborhood go to a strange neighborhood and if you're lost a divot some boys playing football as they traditionally do in Kenya you like it to ask the tallest kid in the in the team the direction that way could be the dumbest kid in the team but the natural tendency is to have the tallest among them so the men here we are short remember this you've got work twice as hard not the truth we have a natural tendency or trust in attractive people much more an extremely exceptionally extraordinary attractive woman in the streets of Nairobi will easily con anyone by asking any man for directions very few men will escape if he's a crook I hope that the attractive women can use the same energy to do proper marketing maybe of proper products the average African has a natural tendency or trust in white men than are black people so if a white man here in Nairobi opened a restaurant or a boutique or an electronic shop or a restaurant industry the average African is ready to trust a shop then our fellow countrymen and women is that a fart I never forget much less this year much this year I was invited to speak in a conference for women in digital technology what surprised me a little bit was the fact that our the only black train in that conference or there are trainers of Caucasian origin I have no doubt in my mind that all the other trainers were very qualified however during tea break I interacted with a couple of women and three of them separatory asked me we hope you stayed the whole day because I was opening the conference was the keynote address speaker and one of them actually got so emotional she had to be taken away I had to talk to her on the side because she said hey Sami she connected with my speech this was a business which and some of the mistakes she had done she was able to connect with that and she will say look I wish you continued the only reason is this you can customize the message you are putting it in our local context and let me tell you this while we invite these people to do jobs right here they will never invite you to do jobs right there and that's why Africans we need to start celebrating our very own and it's time you start supporting our own restaurants and boutiques and supermarkets that's the reality and you'd only know this when you begin to travel when you start seeing the destitute and the homeless among the heights you know Africans thought that the white man cannot die until they went for world war two the biggest mistake the British made was to invite us for World War two and then they realized oh my god these fellows are human beings they came back add immediate reproter evolution all over Africa that led to independence we got independence because of exposure they had a different view of the same prosser you see we come in this world with no beliefs or convictions or perspectives or opinions our intended parents and teachers especially teachers of early childhood simply dr. aneta Dissidia set of beliefs and views and perspectives and convictions which readily formed our early frame of reference regrettably for most of us to date we have never said from there so if you are raised in a hotter environment you you struggle and in others if you never grew up with the cutter see words like please excuse me thank you you know the husband did wives who only call each other at home where where they never had anyone near them saying honey Darlene and those thought can't come from the ellipse especially guys from chuka you know what I'm saying sorry satellite mode and kissy and Marana yeah we need to congratulate our men from yawns our learners are not kissing answer kissy-kissy just like my room and and why are brothers from unions able to say darling because they had their father saying it and a great father it has been passed on from generation to generation it is time we begin to cherish our realities because your reality may not be the only reality I think the most basic reality we all know is the law of gravity we can't dispute with that and if there is anyone who is going to argue against that law immediately I'm through this message please clip at the top of Lillian towers jump at investigate and before you hit those vehicles there you will notice a lot pulling you called the law of gravity but is that the only reality if that what the only reality please explain to me how our five hundred seventy five ton fully loaded a380 is able to get airborne it is because this a higher reality the law of aerodynamics so unless you don't understand higher laws you always be a subject of lower laws and my assignment tonight is to help you see life from a higher dimension and this takes me to a second lesson tonight be a student of life guys guys we have just discovered some oil in catuey before anyone else comes to know about it guys I want to give you a secret all the guys who came for this meeting tonight are like I like all of you to be millionaires nice guys do not buy investment ideas like a people just come in with presentations and the next movement to become victims of pyramid schemes and so long as you don't start investments so long as you start chasing money you'll always be a victim of financial scars when you stop chasing the wrong things you begin to attract the right things if you have been listening to me for any amount of time you know I like emphasizing you are not designed to pursue money who are designed to pursue purpose and meaning and significance and when you start pursuing purpose success and money will follow you I know it I have seen it with my own eyes have not marketed myself direct marketing sister here to zero zero eight all you need to do is to concentrate on your broad unity now to the extent you can be in order and the market will always be looking for you it's all night girl who say it success is the progressive realization of what the ideal that sounds something similar to what we teach right here you know when you don't pursue meaning and significance you become a victim of fallacies the biggest we said perhaps the worst that has happened in Africa because of deception happened in a small town called canoe in Uganda when 235 members of the obscure movement of the restoration of the kingdom of God what convinced by their posture that the world is coming to an end in the year 2000 I doubt a lot of chanting and singing and screaming they set themselves ablaze the biggest Swiss had ever known due to religious convictions happened way back eighteen on November 1978 when pastor Jim Johnson American picture ladies parishioners to attend a town called Johnstown named after him no drunkenness of America and he gave 918 members of that church cyanide laced drink and those who refuse to a shot two dead nine eighteen of them perished in one day but even more recently 2014 and some of you may have read it in my articles and I joy in pastor by the name who do Cameroon convene the single ladies that he needs to kiss their buttocks for them to get the right husband desperate for husbands they all lined up along the beach as the man of God kissed their behinds one Oh God so long as you don't read the Bible you'll be subject to religious manipulation if you ever follow me never pay for a miracle jesus said Freda you have received freely give that does not mean you don't give me charge no let me make myself clear giving Church I'm only saying don't pay for a miracle but there doesn't just purr happily pastors educated professionals have misled people for a long time dr. betta mean spoke traveled all over the US convincing parents there's no Spanky they're too delicate PhD in children's ecology many listened including his own children on Christmas Day in 1983 his own great son by the name Peter committed suicide by jumping off the roof of Boston Children's Museum when he used to a competent basis when he was a student at Massachusetts University ironically Peters own father Michael used to be the director of the museum then I want to suggest to you tonight never unplug you might whether you in church or in inverted V at all don't take your brain for a break be a student of life don't be a follower take advice not others do not allow anyone to order your life make sure whatever you do is a product of your own ujin's be a master and masters such for new knowledge with childhood curiosity when they hear a new concept like Bitcoin when they hear a new concept like general D whatever concept here good or bad they don't make a judgement they begin to search for information and details with childhood curiosity their cup of knowledge never fails they never graduate from longing they train more so that they can bid less in blotto when you hear some advice even the ones I give you on this podium it doesn't matter who is talking to you process the information where it again is timeless values wait again is the unchanging Word of God if it is charities your lifestyle the information is so it makes you wonder it makes you think critically then change the behavior because the only way for you to go through personal growth and development is when you apply the knowledge that's what we call wisdom scripture says the letter kills but the Spirit gives life if you listen to what I'm saying and eventually don't apply you had in your heart then church abiding you here either extremist dangerous then delay the baby with the bathwater avoid paranoia and the way to avoid being paranoid over the information you hear has been very clear with the true north be very clear with your principles in other words develop a guiding philosophy that guides you that they read see that tells you the true north you can easily know that deviation from the true north why am i using the compass as an example because the planes when they're up in the air duck at night the Pelican sylheti who operates him is the compass in the high seas they can tell right or left they can tell anything it's not like driving the only way to get to their destination is reason campus and I'm saying used our campus whether it's duck or late whether he in Kenya or elsewhere that campus will always guide you see I'll never forget about three years ago a prominent Kenyan gave me a phone call he listens to my videos from time to time and he told me doc there's a very inspirational movie a chemicals I'd like to recommend you it's called the wolf of Wall Street maybe some of you have watched it then he went ahead and said just watch it is very inspirational just ignore the vulgar language right there and I told him thank you so much for letting me know in advance what I cannot watch because there are many other good movies so I don't have to endure or select what to listen flex your mental faculties the only thing that separates you from the rest in the animal kingdom is your mental faculties the only thing about you which is human is your mind everything else can be fought in a cat or a dog or a horse you are your mind your mental faculties are part in your subconscious system your subconscious mind your mental faculties are your creative faculties they create the image of the goal that you want to pursue whatever goal that may be informed the ideas and this ideas could either be constructive or disintegrating buddy on the power within you to reason with an idea when it comes to your mind either to entertain it or to reject it and that's what I want to suggest this when an idea that is not advancing you towards your goal come to mind rejected a sub don't entertain it for any longer minute see our society this education in terms of grades and decrees and none of this is an accurate measure or predictor of your true potential you are a pain of unlimited potential created in the image of God with a capacity to determine or to creat the world that you live in awareness of the divine powers that you possess is the truth that sets you free from a neuroscience perspective the average human being uses no more than five percent of his or her brain capacity your mind is only to lean within your disposal with which you can access infinite wisdom and attain ultimate success we live in an era where by it is the mentally strong who not only get along by but will be able to move ahead and become prosperous and they become for us because we are deliberate about the amento impose their thoughts we are cautious about the ideas entertained activity the engaging and the people the interval on to it you have six mental faculties and all of them are equally important and each of them in no particular order if properly applied can lead to a charmed life of imagination and creativity and happiness and progressive realization of prosperity and my job tonight is to try to help you think through these mental faculties forget about all those my training games on the internet they just consume your money and increase your sedentary screen type I like to show your Cherie or flexing your mental faculties a way that you can trust now if you miss out on what I'm going to say you're likely to be a victim of your reptilian brain and lose control of your thoughts but it's my hope and prayer that I can help you come to your mind reverse it six meter pocket is the first one reason reason reason is your mental faculty that helps you to choose what to think and what not to think you hone your mental Faculty of Reason through your mental inputs primarily through what you see and through what you hear the eye is the window of the soul whatever you subject your eyes to for a long time it deforms mental images in your mind and then you go to pursue those mental images if you expose yourself to explicit data material you eventually go into the real life to pursue the same you can consider to expose yourself to strip clubs porn magazines and behave in a manner that is different which is also true about news whatever watch your news if it's always violence and scarcity and corruption we know this corruption in Kenya and many countries in Africa I hate it with all my heart but you can pick the Nuggets rather than they getting the entire news about corruption you will fail to believe in something good about the country you see most of you here watch seven o'clock news nano-coat news in ewa no coke news and there is an exam tomorrow on news and it began to process very negative vibes I suggest this if you know an invalid someone recovering at home from cancer or the so called terminal disease Troy what I'm going to tell you your people who took my message in its raw form tried it and finally gave me a testimony cover all their mirrors with their pictures of their hair day let them not see themselves on the mirror anymore let them see their pictures when they were looking healthy gorgeous and grit and let them be exported up health self-image for six months as you continue to pray for them and believe me what causes healing is when your faith connects with God faith and that are to come without picture in your mind you know throughout the Ministry of Christ he said your faith has healed you you must have that picture in your mind for the reality to happen if you've been in a rental house for too long I dare you tonight look for an object get you how to be drone ask for one or two or three more copies to be held all over keep seeing it start entertaining that image it'll eventually become your reality even imagine that is not working try this look for the pictures when you're in honeymoon look for pictures when you are dating and make sure you get them in triplicate so that once you hung the fourth route and your spouse doesn't like it and burn them you have another all to hunger hunt them Oliver have about ten sets hip honeybells pictures and let la conga Evo this rocks we might even have the time he took you my fat out of mercy hour so lot I was able to go to the beach how many are able to take a golfer to the beach for the first time you know which I took massive it is one of the best beaches on earth that kinda I say to the level play but she stayed with me until you able to go to no bossa beaches the kinda that was our first beach at Wharf all of us a free beach so there are many no middest and those who ever listened to me never see that you have no money to go to the beach they see when another one in the whole park that was my first to go here's the deal we have many good pictures but I value those pictures of the kinda damn than all the other pictures we have taken overseas because the other lady who believed in me when even affording Amata to was very difficult that memory for me is more treasure able take your what you hear the ears are the gateway to your heart be careful who speaks into your life some poor out of their own bitterness some speak out of their own frustrations never forget that misery loves company if you are sick believe that you are listening to me if you are teaming up with other single girls who are always speaking against marriage please get out of that company is poison to your bones hook up with people who are saying hey let's go to this doctor Kenya Union a thing at the shaba starts connecting the positive mated people start spreading positive energy there is not a single what you hear that is neutral words are never innocent what are the capacity to bless or to cuss what will never leave you the same again you've got to jerec safeguard what you hear because that's what gets into your heart out of which issues of life are released so you hone your Reason through taking care of your mental inputs the second faculty we call it will WI ll will need the mental faculty that helps you to choose one idea over the others they may not necessarily bad idea there may be all good ideas but unless you're able to focus on one idea you spread yourself thin you have achieved much all great achievers learnt one thing to focus on one item until they become masters pick any name you know they have mastered one thing because they immerse themselves intensely if you try to call me today you have frustrated yourself my phone was off hi I was focusing on what I'm going to tell you today I was organizing my thoughts and here's the deal you whatever you focus on expands the more you keep training like I'm doing the more you become better in training whatever career you do once you focus on it the more you improve the skills one way to help you to learn how to focus is to use a tool there's a tool I use what you need to do is to come up with a tool for me I use so to code the organizer I write what I want to do every week the weekend before here's my message for you plan each day the night before plan each week the weekend before don't make the visions at the heat of emotion if you wake up tomorrow morning and you have not already decided what you're going to do tomorrow you are going to make decisions conveniently if you are marketed you can hear my voice and then you realize suddenly on Monday there is heavy traffic and you wanted to see a client in industry area you are going to change and see another client in the neighborhood conveniently and perhaps there is not the main customer what were to help you to focus write down what you want to do the night before anything that is not within your planner whatever plumber you use I use the organizer don't do it practice until this becomes your new norm and if you honestly believe it an opportunity front in itself I didn't want to lose it they work closely with an accountability partner so when an opportunity comes in the course of the day which was not in the daily planner then call the accountability pertinency there is this thing that has come along maybe what do you think because most of the things that you want to do secretary ed are becoming mistakes the the dad mentor faculty perception perception perception is the mental faculty that forms our point of view and it is shaped by our predispositions our predispositions are informed by our direct experiences and preference is what we've gone through believe me the only way to expand your perception is exposure you see unit judgments you judge people inform opinions about an individual or situations you have opinions about the leader or about a certain business idea based on your direct experiences and the only way to exploit that is to be exposed because you might be wrestling and fighting and conflicting with a get opportunity before you fight for exposure all of you listening to me here tonight there is one thing you have in common many things but one thing I want to mention tonight all of you listening to me here tonight believe in the value of education this is not anything I need to live about the audience have come for my meeting if you didn't believe in learning so the differential factor amongst your children will not be education because every parent here even those are not parents yet I know you take your child to school you will take your children to universities that is not negotiable to anyone who came here or to differentiate your child from the rest in the a generation is one word exposure that's what gave Mark Zuckerberg leverage of all the other kids in the u.s. where education until phone for his film compulsory the courage graded great talk all kids there and in the fat world all of them go to school it's compulsory but because this child was exposed to his area of interest when he was 12 they hire David Newman a computer programmer by the time he was 19 he was not playing computer games he was already coming up with programs Warren Buffett on vocations has been regarded by Forbes magazine as the richest man on earth he started investing the stock market at the age of 11 by 19 he was already a serious investor many of you listening to me he have no clue where the stock market in Kenya is I don't mean the physical sense I mean you've never been there you'd read it why it was introduced to you when you are old and you fear this to be another pyramid exposure the formant of akhaten memory memory it is interesting how people say I forget names I forget faces I forget appointments I forget phone numbers and a lot of people speak with a lot of pride as always a reward for forgetting without realising that the more you speak about it they know you empower something that you don't like by the way if you only do not know your ID number or feed you'll need to look for a clinic after this or even your bank account if what conference special sessions to me seriously and you can each one of you here has a good memory don't say we she had a better memory all of you here it's only that you don't flex your memory and muscles you first remember the muscles the same way you flex your physical muscles for example if you want to do jogging and you're not on it for long you run 200 meters then 300 meters then half a kilometer then a kilometer then one and a half eventually be able to do mini roads you does the same when you climb mountains Utrecht Lima BOGO which we require our members to go through for the sake of keeping you fit then one day you join us - moon - elephant hill and maybe one day you climb Mount Kenya like I did in February let me one day you join us not kill him above all but you can't start with not killing my Boko before you do the literal heroes don't tear it until the cream of all don't do Kilimanjaro before you do tell him above all that the same we flex your mental your memory you read a line put it in your fingertips internalize it expand it to a paragraph internalize it make a part of your blood system then read a page then another page one day you'll be able to have a thousand pages on your fingertips like I do okay doc but I'm not a trained amorous speaker what do I need to my memory let me tell you this if you go to a mechanic who listens to your car agent and immediately tells you we need to change say the gearbox you try that mechanic than the one we go to refer to - if you go to a doctor and at a glance from your symptoms they can tell this is what we need to investigate you trust them but if you go to a medical doctor who immediately goes to a scribe book to check these symptoms up or disease you are going to be very scared about this character correct if you go to buy spare parts of your car and the immediate shopkeeper who knows all the equipped all their spare parts of it and the prices and tells you this is for that you trust the advice but if you meet a very very fine what were you looking for okay let me check you're likely to doubt whether he knows what is doing correct that the reason irrespective of your career it is plated of your profession if you wanna win and impress your clients enhance your memory flex your memory muscles mental property number five we call it intuition now everyone should listen at this very carefully because the average human is doing far better than men in intuition men this is an area you need a miracle intuition is what many people call the sixth sense it's a message from the infinite a spiritual prompting a personal revelation it is what made a commit us to shout you work a can when he stepped into a bathtub and realized that the amount of water he displaced was equal to the volume of the part of the body that was the automatic was submerged in the water it is that epiphany that made dr. Barron chasm to secure three separate twins God joined in the head you hone your intuition faculty by listening and been attentive to your gut feelings listening to that in a voice that says this is the way walk in it when we are in UHN with our intuition we can predict outcomes make the right choices and connect with the mind of God intuition is what makes us to pick frequencies and vibrations and identify like my daddy dividuals even when you meet them for the very first time I see with a lot of humility my encryption is so high I can meet someone for two minutes for the very first time and tell you whether you can get into business or not and I don't want to scare you away from meeting me but I commute for two minutes and tell your level of intelligence please don't get scared don't care by vase but it is something you deliberately home you've got to be deliberate about this it is what makes you to read between the lines and not just listen to what people are verbalizing but listen to the body gestures but the movement facial expressions listen to the tone of the voice and you can tell a cook from someone who is telling you the truth by the way if you want to know how the intuition level is very low check whether you have been conned by a pyramid scheme check whether you have inverted the wrong place you need to work on you intuition if somebody with a presentation and suddenly you found yourself put in a million right there then don't get hurt we are here for an indefinite it tells you you need to enhance your antenna you need to connect with the divine much more mental piccata number six and the last own imagination imagination Thomas Edison never reached high school he employed scientists and engineers came up with many inventions God breaking innovations including the light bulbs we have tonight air condenser line among others he once said imagination is more powerful than education I can't rush a man you know we took our kids to Disney Land last December in California and I can tell you this by the time we were living there the kind of idea they were sharing with me I know there are ten years ahead of Shannon but what touch me the most is a man by the name Walt Disney who dreamt of doing what today has become a phenomenal out of creation way back way back 1919 you know this world is ruled by people who imagine this world is ruled by idea people idea people rule the world idea people the highest-paid people it's not the technical people the most killed you are the more you remain at a technical level the higher you imagine the more you are me the more your blood grows everything you see including this meeting was once an idea in someone's made very piece of creation you have that watch that phone was once an idea in someone's made men and women who dare to dream and then they pursue those dreams with singleness of heart how do you own your imagination go for what please allow your mind to run wild remember the ability to imagine is limited to exposure it's limited to your inputs remember what I told you if all the things you have seen his coffee she coffee she yaimai division cannot go yet coffee she oh this takes me to our fourth lesson tonight evict mites quarters am i square as someone who illegally occupies an abandoned or an unoccupied piece of land or building if you leave your maid unoccupied most quarters will occupy they will invade if you abandon your wife might squatters will entertain her if you are pad on your husband most quarters will steal him if you abandon your health my squatters will attack your health Jesus taught about these mites quarters Matthew 12:43 blue 45 he said what an evil spirit lives a manatee goes to a desert place and if he doesn't get some rest that he comes back to its former home if it really that home is unoccupied no one is sitting on the throne of that mind the evil spirit goes back to the desert place and comes back with seven more wicked spirits and the condition of that man woman is worser than the original state allow me to single out some format quotas they minimize quotas but let me just pick for them the first mate squat I wanna mention tonight is the inner critic the inner critic this is your constant abuser for some of you here tonight if you spoke to your friends the way you speak to yourself you'll never have anything anymore if you just listen to what you say about yourself I'm a loser I can make it I can close that sale I can't make that deal I can be that manager like I don't deserve that kind of a life partner I don't need such a decade of a car I can't live in Killiney sure you can ever get along with others until then as you learn how to get along with yourself in other words if you are struggling to get along with others you are struggling to attract meaningful relationships in your life the odds are high you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself here's the deal if you constantly critique yourself you will be irritated by those who celebrate themselves like me you all be annoyed by those who celebrate their lives you will either be offended by others especially those who were themselves in high regard and high esteem let me ask you please look at me you are writing for once look at me right now what do you have against you talk to me what do you have against yourself whatever it may be to you can you lend up it and forgive yourself if God can forgive you the sins you've done against him and against others I wouldn't you be the person to forgive yourself do you realize you're always with you you are your company this whole company you will never leave not in this life not in the life to come your own company so you'd rather begin to celebrate yourself become your lead cheerleader then we'd father to celebrate you celebrate yourself first the second mates quota we've got to a big tonight I will call him the warrior the warrior I know you did right what I said I did say warrior from the World War II I mean from the World War I'm saying worried from the one worried please just make a correction I'm not talking about war here from the World War II are you with me the warrior lives in a world of hurt Yves he's a captive of a Russian of fear fear the bad things that happened in the past are going to recover go to happen again in the future to evict the warrior leaving the present most of the things we worry about never happen it in a case Warren doesn't fix your situation it makes them worse it doesn't arrive in your situations forward McHugh does Olivia the same tomato situations was and most of the things we worry about never happened to ever come by area attacked her duties today what you don't do today you spare tomato war in about every time you neglect your duties you can drink overnight once you sober up you meet the problems right there so attack to your duties cut off excesses in your life your professions and responsibilities on you fulfillment in life does not come as a result of extraordinary abilities or wealth fulfillment comes as a result of pursuing significance and meaning and purpose analyze what is important get rid of the rest you are in a personal risk don't worry about other people's races and places focus on your race finish your race and finish strong the dad's quota we need to evict tonight I call him the reactor the reactor this is a very funny fellow he has no real motivation he is impulsive emotionally unstable those things out of proportion and exert of control you know ladies and gentlemen life is not linear there are many things you cannot predict about life I hear us talk about from time and again about untimely deaths please tell me when is it timely to lose your child when is it timely to be hospitalized 20 they tell me to have an accident when is it timely to be heartbroken and lose your marriage where is it about timely to lose your job when is it timely for a country to go into flames well notice how uncertain it is Wednesday the 29th of November last year we were headed for the US with my family but we made a mistake an embarrassing mistake how many of you are like me sometimes you are very embarrassing moments anyone I'll give a bundle embarrassing moments for quite a long time this is one of my most embarrassing moments really just smiling and as we traditionally do because I am the do me at home I was pushing the luggage and muscles holding the tickets and she goes to present them to this guy and he sees what's wrong with you guys it was 1:00 p.m. we knew the flight is leaving at 5:00 p.m. we knew we had three hours ahead or should you very obedient people we wanted to be there three hours ahead of time it's 1 p.m. and off like this five o'clock and the guys say the flight was 5 a-m that's Wednesday and that Friday I was speaking in a conference in California we have a choice to make one is to hit the ceiling and hit the floor and make fun of ourselves and give a media another side of the public speaker we are a choice to make to call these guys Turkish airline names of all domestic animals we have a choice to make so we analyzed the situation very fast we didn't know what to do already it was very difficult to get a fright during that hour that rush hour that season when back home that particular day president who was been inaugurated the streets were a little bit unsafe if you remember the circumstances last year reached home we couldn't sleep we took the kids to sleep mastered I had to become the watchman watching in prayer do you think so Leviton you look for the best inspirational speakers other than Kenyan jewy then we went back the airport at 1:00 a.m. the guy looked at us and said if you guys are you alright it is not 5:00 a.m. today it was 5:00 p.m. yesterday I said I know just in case another family made the same mistake and sure enough another family made the same mistake have you got a chance now you know it's easier to get flight for one person but for four people and you're connecting you know we don't have their efforts I think we will be having them from November so I know you have to connect if you live in Kenya cross the Atlantic the God's grace we got a flight but this God works in mysterious ways initially we were to land at a Cuban DC Washington and then Boston and then San Francisco by God's grace we got a direct flight from Turkey all the way to San Francisco believe it or not we need three hours ahead of the original clip God works in mysterious ways but I'll tell you this with all honesty with all integrity we never blamed each other yes the ticket was not indicated in a 24-hour way and the neighbor ETM OPM we naturally but it was 5:00 p.m. but we took responsibility we never blamed each other and I'm telling this with a lot of integrity what we decided to do is to focus on African change because it doesn't matter who did what the flight has already left what's my method for you about during the reaction because many families break because someone reacts this method for you focus on what you can change not what happened not what might have been not what you can't change focus on progress not perfection life is not linear it will never be perfect so how country focus on progress because it will never be perfect don't we are doesn't matter whether your house comes down because of a bulldozer in the name of expanding roads whether you lose a don't lose your life don't lose your head whether you lose a partner is it possible your life requires more independence and that's why they had to walk out on you did you know this always a silver lining in every cloud and if we focus on the bright side of life you know you see it might squatter number four sleep-deprived ER the leading cause of insomnia is lifestyle I don't need to convince you tonight that your eating and drinking habits have a bearing on your sleep if you take caffeine or nicotine late night or eight heavy meals late night they have a homey majority of people it will compromise your sleep alcohol is a sedative to make you fall asleep instantly but maybe structure sleep let alone but what still is that alcohol is a lifestyle that has compromised many people's health families and careers Zig Ziglar used to ask Aveda million-dollar thoroughbred a resource would you give him booze all night in the cold if not why give it to a billion dollar body sporadic routines especially people who like NASA's security people and guess what made sheets sporadic routines can affect us a Cardian rhythm I want diana patterns have a baron or nocturnal patterns in fact our bodies are like an internal clock and your daytime routine has a bearing on Eureka now your sleep time add even your metabolic function so what we do to enhance our sleep because I read somewhere that he gives them to those he loves here is the deal first do your duties because when you don't attend to your duties it will disturb you at night because you know you're going to be fired you have no job security if you're not performing let me make it clear let me repeat that point again performance precedes job security most employees want to be given job security and then they perform as you a minute a job is there permanently and then I'll perform it doesn't work like that you first perform and then you assured or security is assembling chewed on you tell you mama please I know I D perform well don't skin me alive please please PLEASE next time Marlene just just written II don't write the D you don't know how my mom you don't want my mom smokes just wait on Emily next time I'm going to our car it doesn't look like that your first walk card and then you give you an upgrade so do your duties if you don't do it doesn't matter how much you could these scriptures believe me you will not sleep Adam still give sleep to those he loves to her sleep exercise make it a daily habit if you don't have time to go jogging please come up with something like skipping at home but exercise the mix you're better to get tired and you might to relax releases endorphins the good feel hormone and you sleep with less baggage then avoid squeeze let our we affect your ability to sleep read books like this one reposition yourself don't we love though you are ready for an exam players are very good in relief for an example to say one book out no this book has not a chapters you can choose just to do one chapter every day for the next 30 days and for most of you if you have worked hard during the day you have exercised you take and dinner early enough and then you begin to read a book usually before you know correct in my house what we do every single day we have a habit of reading a chapter in the Bible if the chapter is too brief we make it two or three before we put together we read scriptures together we don't read them from tablet not from phones from the scriptures it's nobody there are a thing we do before you speak but it works netted us work now look at your neighbor I'd ask him on my behalf which mates gota does he/she need to serve an eviction notice tonight lesson number five and the last one recondition your mind precondition you made make condition is an automatic response a reflex by the subconscious made that does not need a prompting or the intervention of the conscious mind it is what makes us to tame wild animals fellows fellows like lions an animal we three each closed that opens its mouth wider than your head is long who is just crushed the boy whose pain yet most immersive this beast movies it is easier to turn them when their cup so the wisdom in captivity the most inhumane make conditioning that was ever done on a human being was done on little Albert when was just nine months old such a young infant his tomatoes for lack of better word in the name of researchers the bubbly animals to this little infant a hot rod a rabbit and a monkey that did move him what started him however is when those struck a still by using a hammer behind his head the sudden loud noise will make the body to scream and burst into tears and they did this for two good months in a row until he was 11 months old when was 11 then they would bring a hot rod and every time we presented to him a hot rod they would hit the steel bar with a hammer and a boy began to associate the hot rod with a loud noise they did that every day seven times a day for seven weeks eventually every time the boy saw the white rot even before the steel ball was hit he bought into tears and attempt to call away he had been conditioned to believe the noise had something to do with the white rot amazingly enough he was never scared by their narrative Geronimo's the rabbit and the monkey we see this from time to time sometimes when a child if you have ever taken a chirp immunization and the very first child is injected if the immunization required that the needle passes through their tiny body and they begin to scream all the other kids down the line begin to scream even else in the needle that is so there are some subjects you hated you had an opinion about some certain subjects when you in high school could you hate to date and if you did the history clearly it has nothing to do the subject is because the teach ie the punished you are embarrassed in public and you never recover from it does that make sense now the question tonight is it possible that you could be having a condition albeit and away as you see it's not a problem to be born poor it is a problem to live and die poor it is not your fault to have been raised up in a dysfunctional family it is your fault to be in a dysfunctional relationship tonight doc what did you say that is about my partner no it's about you you see if I come to a partner he/she will tell miss you they'll blame you is there not a fact so we have to blame the devil partially true but the larger part is viewers and need to deal in a relationship you have gotten into as an adult you've got to take responsibility until you come to that fact that you take responsibility for all your relationships you will never change them you see the first step towards going somewhere is deciding you're not going to stay where you are unless you identify the problem the average person recently to me here tonight who is not really a spouse when they have the table announced about a marriage seminar next week Friday they are water in God how can my spouse come and you know how she is difficult and you know how he is difficult I can see some men here who are faithful members ourselves on one I can see them and they wonder how God can touch their wives but I can also see some women here who what how God can touch their husbands go to touch your husband through your hands go try your hands God uses your hands to touch your spouse that's how he's gonna touch them don't take them for a Prius you have the prayer you know the worst disease known to mankind is known as learned helplessness in 1965 Martin Seligman did a series of experiments on classical conditioning he was using dogs what do you do is he picked a dog and then he introduced a light shock to the dog after ringing the bell every time you drew the bill should electrify the dog but a light electric shock eventually the dog identified the bell with a shock then he took the game father he brought a large crate and partitioned it by half you seen as low-lying fence so mad that the dog could jump the other side of the gate if need be so he electrified one side of the crate but he did not put the shock the electric shock on the other side of the crate and then he decided to put the dog on the side that was electrified he not only expected the dog which could see the other side of the small fence to jump over to safety but unfortunately the job just lay down there waiting for his death he repeated experiment with several dogs and got the same results he coded learned helplessness this is exactly what makes some women and men go to the streets to beg we call them Street families people can wash clothes and unfamiliar day because there was a guy who was driving by and give him some 50 Bob without realizing you destroyed that person he/she is not a you are encouraging that behavior learned helplessness but we're thinking about street families could you be a victim of learned helplessness your playful job once twice 10 and now you're convinced in Kenya you've got to know someone to get a job is it possible you apply for a visa you wanted to trouble overseas the first time you are denied the second time under that time and you threw in the towel is it possible you bid for a job perhaps in the public sector or in a poorest ATO or a corporate organization you didn't go through you tried the second time a dozen time now you're convinced corruption statue of your success is it possible you even vie for a public office for one time infraorder the second time you did not go through under your family voted for you the dad time you did not even vote for yourself if it was a very funny to me here tonight are in sales and marketing you knocked the first house maybe you're saying maybe insurance maybe multi-level marketing maybe fast food fast products maybe post doesn't matter but you know this fast house had your turn down on the second one and the third one you didn't close the sale and that tenth one had avowed never again that possible you have gone for a date with someone and he did commit a year later you saw someone else who didn't commit two years later you say yet at that party who did not commit and now you've given up on marriage the possibility is probably the weight and despite doing whatever you knew how you didn't lose the weight and now you fight solace in blaming your generation of genes if any other conditions I described describes you add you a temper with them then tonight please understand you have acquired what I'm calling learned helplessness you have never designed to be stranded by your circumstances you are designed to be a creature of circumstances how do you become learned helplessness in the last half of the last century when most mas of Wildcats because they didn't attend matron Clyde Betty staged their truck shows and displays magnificent performances displaying the mastery of man / beast how did he survive playing the tigers and lions and cougars that are not tamed from childhood can't better used to pick a seat actually if you like a four-legged chair like this this is your take home tonight you pick apolog a chair and go into the ring and present that chair right on the face of the lion cats have a single focus when it presented with a four legged chair the attention gets divided into four there aren't freezes unsure what to do for those of you who like animal movies my best movies are animal movies you realize when the identify our prey if it's a cheetah the zero into that one antelope if anybody tries to get him back into the heart they ignore all other antelopes and zero in on this one animal with a singular focus now the design of cuts so n is presented before options it's confused and what the lion prefers is there to sit down watching the attacker it doesn't want to attack fast it is confused it's not sure what move to take and all to explain about that concept or single focus let me let me pick three scenarios here say you're not Achilles heavy and your desired weight is 60 kilograms stop focusing on the NATO kilo body and put your eyes on the 60 kilo for the difference 1964 the difference the purpose I want to take say six months to conquer these kilos if I divide the dirty kilos by 180 days it's roughly a hundred sixty six grams focus on the 166 grams or maybe 137 if you rolled up 167 grams that's what I need to get down today and I can achieve it by surely identic burgers I can reduce sugars as touch and I may not be able to run for ten kilometers but I can run for half a kilometre at work for three my focus is only today forget about the six months just today but I ensure a common comfort shame that 167 grunts must be coded on a daily basis you never overcome this through exercise summary it has to be diet and exercise I definitely three to my voice or you'll ever listen to this video record it and you've been taking pills to deal with your weight you will only do it momentarily you didn't get the weight by taking pills you never become your weight problem permanently by taking pills you're waiting you saw just pop us and forget about the nature killers for cutting the 167 grams and believe me in six months there will be a difference if it doesn't work please come and say I'm a liar I dare to ask if you are a marketer and you can hear my voice this is my method for you if you are going for a month I'd have not closed a sale and you're listening to my voice just treaded you're frustrated you're about to take jobs because you are doing say insurance now you want to go to Bitcoin I want to change it back to general do however it is you try to separate is not working you're trying to sell homes it's not working I'll tell you the reason you have a divided focus trust me try or I'm going to tell you tonight zero in on this customer are going to the only customer on the face of the earth please stop right it just just let it sink in your spirit now Dena's customer are though you the only customer on the the earth prepare for him how the name cuts right and your presentation right organize your those prayer out that presentation run it in your my 10 times make a presentation so Matsu if you don't close the sale Europe in the relationship worst-case scenario you have tested your skills in marketing believe me if you know in such a single focus you're going to close that sale then you can repeat the success pattern with the second customer under that customer open the not we miss critical opportunities because we live in posterity we miss on current opportunities because we focus on future opportunities it must yourself deeply with this customer make an impression until you have to look for you again this is the same secret I'll tell any public speaker listening to me and this is exactly what I do yesterday I was speaking at Old Mutual they had this huge event I was invited by their own MD Peter monkey how do I get these meetings because I've made a single focus I was not thinking about you to yesterday I'm not thinking about master you might I'll speaking to them about fresh start every part of my being every single DNA my whole brain wasn't got one message and if you ever do that they look for you for the second one and the data on when you are speaking to students and the only ten of them what is the church poor yourself other tomorrow you're dying if your pasta listening to me preach as their Judgment Day is tomorrow with a single focus the simpler day the simplemente no Mideast if you go for a date going the single focus we don't know this guy enjoy the day forget about the future I don't single women you are going for your fast data you're just I wish you can propose what's wrong with you enjoy the day today so that even if he doesn't propose you have live the day don't confirm the date you are preparing the data you are not going to be late to propose to you enjoy the date and when you are preoccupied with a possibility of marriage you are tensed you're nervous but if you purpose to enjoy this coffee date you bring out your best self because you're not trying to work for him you're not trying to he's not taking your do you live in your life if he proposes that's ok but I enjoy the day based date forget about the future dates I wish it cost me for another dish do you know what happens you start to art you're no longer yourself just focus on this state and enjoy it isn't it believe me all the meetings you come here I've given you the lineup for dinner three months but my whole billion is on this one message what you're going to take home I tell you this the next moment this wall presents to you our four legged chair if you wait for an interview you're looking for a job believe me look at that job as though this is the only job on the face of the earth forget about whether you're going to go through or not let them wonder whether you are these clips for the interview let them rather will give you leakage have all the fun you can have in that interview give it your all the next moment they saw presents you the phone again share before your eyes stop guessing at this chair debate in which leg is most important kick the chair behind you it is a place you want to go go the rest of the world will follow you have get out of your way whether you're conscious or not you are on a final performance in the stage of your life it is something you want to do to it you will not do too much that is something need to do tonight there is a step you need to take tonight take it with singleness of heart take that step with a singular focus your destiny is something worth fighting for master your might master your life thank you and God bless you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 69,706
Rating: 4.7816377 out of 5
Keywords: mind control, mind mastery, mind games, best inspirational video, most watched video, best motivational speaker, how to master your mind, mastering your mind, how to control your mind, how to flex your mental faculties
Id: PjrdF7Bz3mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 9sec (5469 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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