The Oxboxtra Mario Golf Open FINALE! Mario Golf Tournament: Ellen vs Andy vs Luke vs Mike! ⛳👿

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ESPN style hot take: Mike would have had a good chance of winning it all if didn’t play such a carefree and chaotic play style. His recovery shots were unbelievable those kind of plays could have earned him a lot more birdies.

With that being said I loved Mikes play style over the past three streams. It was so entertaining along with the madness of the twisted balls.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Ice-Picker 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Somehow, after a whole 18 holes, Luke eeks a win by ONE STROKE

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/guitarhero666 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I did not expect such a tense ending! very entertaining. Definitely a couple of salty moments, haha

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sventington 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] hello hi that's right i know uh yeah we postponed it because last week uh was too hot unbearably too hot to do golf and we were genuinely worried about our hardware melting so um uh yeah we decided to postpone it but that means that today folks it's the finale 18 holes mike andy ellen how are you feeling good yeah it's been affected by the delay at all it's a more reasonable temperature it's just it's a good yep yep the wind is much like the olympians in tokyo we've been delayed slightly but we're now ready to bring the sporting excellence it's one of many things we have in common with the olympians i'm only 13 years old like those skateboarding oh my goodness yeah magical skateboarding children yeah oh they're amazing like watching the highlights last night i was just like they're amazing should we do a recap of the scores uh as we go into this you want to rub it in my face mike is also still all to play for i could technically get joined seconds or something nice i assume i haven't checked uh so mike uh andy you and i both have five points um uh ellen you have one point mike surged ahead to two points yes yep a majestic a majestic two points uh and we award three points for coming first two points per second one points for one point for third and no points for fourth so that's yeah that's a winner must be decided today it's the final 18 holes folks yeah it's exciting be excited everyone excited because it's exciting in fact if you are excited for this finale why not press the like button what we like to call a like spike the like the unearned variety register your excitement with the like button uh and and teammates andy mike ellen if you could register your excitement by pressing the ready button i i have already nice one uh okay so as before we're accepting star clubs but not superstar clubs all right let me change my clubs there there we go there we go cool there we go uh well we've got peach blasts away balls in her path we've got mike wants balls on impact we've got waluigi who ready to get your balls also blast away balls uh in his path and i think those are some haunted worlds right okay um well for the finale uh we did ridge rock lake we did barmy we didn't we didn't think it should be wild weather woods i think also wild weather woods has a thunder and lightning mechanic that is incredibly harsh and unfair which i think is just so fitting great i like this description which is like how would you describe wild weather woods well it's woodsy it's woodsy i would say it's a course it's a really woodsy course three holes uh what do you think we are amateurs yeah amateurs sounds full 18 18 wind normal i guess strong strongest normal whatever you like and there's no i mean it's going to be it's going to be pretty windy anyway this is a pretty weathery okay we ready it's woodsy and weathery it sounds like a detective duo hello to eric morgan who's watching and says his donation from my favorite youtubers alan and luke oh thank you thank you that's because i know why that is do you want to explain explain for that explain to the class explain for the well i i tweeted out and even you complaining about people on twitter again uh yeah people were like hey cover our game hi alan and luke we love your channel and i'm like well you clearly don't not what was that lightning yeah there's lightning yeah what's that um so we can i mean there's when you get lightning we're not getting it now but you'll get a portion of your shot meter which is sort of uh yellow and black like crisscross on it and if you hit the ball in that area you'll be struck by lightning lose a bunch of coins and not get a shot it makes things basically impossible i think are the are these kind of dark patches on the map uh does that represent a lightning storm i'm not actually chilling i don't know all right well you know what fortune favors the bold what we got i feel like this is deeply insensitive to all those people who've been struck by lightning on a golf course yeah where's their justice i guess oh i guess that makes sense because there's a cloud above it i guess yeah well let's see what happens because i'm landing in it uh but i rolled out no you roll down yeah rolled tastefully out tastefully all right let's you absolute renegade there it goes about right let us know folks how the uh how the audio levels are um if the if the game's too loud or if we're too quiet or too loud or whatever uh the quirk of the setup is that i can't hear it and you can't monitor the sounds there you go nice slammer very nice look at that the wind is carrying it perfectly to center lovely all right that's all right that's all right okay lovely slightly on the floor the shorts around the shoreline okay okay we're going to here comes andy's wet me glistening with moisture excuse me look look how wet he's looking tomorrow he's a little wet he's a bit damp he's a bit handy drenched in [Music] the important thing was to get out of the cloud yeah that's true that's true uh right right let's just uh let's send it nice bit of super backspin just put absolutely park it on the pin lovely or oh actually well that's a good job i had that backspin all right harry odinio who's watching so we're going to go a bit this way big birthday happy birthday carry it that way yeah but it's going to curve round just keep an eye on our socials quite significantly okay let's go for it interesting just the one backspin just the regular flavor of backspin just regular good it looks good very nice good wind gave it some carry that's good that's good uh all right what are we okay okay um i'll tell you what let's let's fire this one off in a conservative manner who's letting those those guys walk on the on the fairway while you're playing interesting interesting suppose it's quite a strong tail that's lovely oh lovely very nice lovely approach yeah a too spicy even mmm touched too much spice there she held off on the cayenne pepper all right all right all right a little bit the calculations oh yeah very nice coming back around yeah and the super back spin the super back gonna put the brakes on that beautiful look i've just parked it i parked it yeah now i have quite the putt to contend with yeah hello to you call this albright he is watching he's gonna be watching this after work later on oh very nice very nice oh it's just shy it's just shy oh well cruel it's downhill downhill but the winds against you i don't think the wind affects putts i'm just going to say it i'm just going to say i don't know the wind effects parts oh it's downhill that that was harsh well explain that then mike yeah it's a slow green because it's rainy that's why oh yeah you're right no oh no absolutely heartbreaking okay right mental note everything is wet everything needs extra everything needs extra spice not spice just sauce sauce yeah come on ellen yeah we stumbled so that you could walk there we go nice car but the specials are filling up the specialties are filling up hello t you're gonna vic who's getting their first vaccine this call well done congratulations good work and he says thank you for the company you're welcome thanks for joining us thank you very much she's standing over she's hovering over the hole she's yeah she's going to slip in and snap an ankle yeah it's asking for trouble peach has gone over on her ankle toads will just carry her round right in a sedan chair hole are the are those the ones that can support a human yes i think so they can also control a ball control support but we don't need them do we because we can smash it straight around the green the potential hole in one here potential oh interesting but but it was still still need to go a little bit further than i did i think yeah oh i've put too much is it too connected to conservatives that could even be going in the rough damn oh no that's real bad didn't even make it onto the green to eric who's watching thank you very much very much looking forward to seeing yeah so much power on that shot interesting bit too much so much power that the internet couldn't handle it yeah yep clogged up the internet pipe right okay now with my fouled shot if andy if andy can get the hole in one here sure sure sure yeah an immediate advantage hmm you going for the 3-wood no no i don't know i don't believe i shall i don't think i will oh that's right on the line to um i'm gonna putt it is it too early to break out some special shots deep rough yeah is it too early to break out the special shots wild are we getting that predicted that's really why it's a special shot but from the deep roof apart from the deep rough it it's already slowed you down on wet green i mean if this is going to give us a simulation it shouldn't be it should be possible i'll tell you what in the interest of science should we find out if this is a proper golf simulation sure you have to really give it some welly though to get it kind of everything full bar full bar oh no oh no oh my god what have i done okay right okay okay it's such a such a good gossip the results the results are inconclusive you should try it again i didn't have enough power oh my god all right i'm off to a genuinely horrible start uh need to sort this out big style no that's no that's bad again one point three minutes that that looks basically correct highlighted 180. very glad you had a good assessment well done come on go in oh slow green slow greens the support you need flowing greens didn't give enough power okay they're unbelievable not to sort of get down on things too early but if if unless andy fouls this one up fairly spectacularly like i reckon he'll carry the day very nice 30. it's only hi it's the whole two of 18. there's a whole lot of golf yet to go luke okay thank you to private spoon who says go allen and tall allen brendan o'leary says best of luck everyone especially luke and alan and angel beat says good luck on the golf course hashtag keep your balls unhaunted sound advice good luck with that good luck with that right says any plans to play olympic games 2020 together um when we have in fact played on the channel before uh i believe it was luke and andy went and played oh yeah and that's preview event and then luke and i did a uh fun christmas event so that was fun we did it for our christmas challenge ellen is storming ahead hey two birdies storming stormic literally because it's the storm level yep storming ahead in every sense of the word and coming up on hole three well at least this time i get to watch everyone else take their shots first all right all right all right [Music] um kind of wanna just yeah do i wanna do that yeah i think they're gonna okay how's this the super backspin and a bit of up oh ellen's trying to just park it so neat i'm gonna land directly on that tiny bit of fair that was oh i'll tell you what though that was pretty good pretty neat neat and tidy because there's just a storm cloud like directly ahead yeah there's a storm cloud on the nice bit of fairway [Music] let's just ellen can you do me a favor yeah and uh watching the stream for a few seconds i've seen some things in the chat that we're out of sync or that i'm out of sync if it's not very bad no changing it oh no well hang on oh oh there we go oh game's lagging a bit mine you're under the tree i'm under the tree which is fine under the trees which is not the best place to be well again is this an accurate golf simulation if so you should be struck by lightning and killed right um excuse me two seconds i don't really know what i'm doing here but it's bold i'll give you that it is i'll tell you what sort of going for a kind of as the crow flies strategy right i'll be looking to improve on everyone else's performance i'm going to try and park it right where ellen parked her ball should be should be doable my might be all right i mean it'll be it'll be all right i wish i'd i wish i'd not put that super back spin on but yeah i'm gonna park in the rough yeah mind you a slightly higher elevation so andy's within sight of the you know pretty close uh yeah the pin actually there is a slight audio out of sync is it me or is it uh everybody i do not know winds if it's not too bad ellen then it would take ages to correct it that's all right wind carried it something good that's tidy right this has got to be good got to be good uh right strong wind but coming off of odd terrain so let's try here and just park it oh okay okay okay okay okay okay oh that's not too okay okay that's all right okay okay luke's audio is about a second behind or oh maybe i can fix something thanks well chat as we try and fix things live let me know if that changed anything okay it's gonna get a little bit off that way anyway because of what i didn't mean to do yeah if that's any better yes oh yes the back to the beverly hmm very nice right uh there's been a bit of wind but not a lot of wind so let's just send it this way see what happens see what happens yes yeah yeah it's curving that's right sorry sorry a bit too much power probably i would say yes some would say something too close to the sun right here we go clapping for the audience they can tell me if i'm in sync yes yes where were the slow greens that time they sped up sped up those jerk greens fine it's powerful as long as they make par i'll be happy no the wind wasn't strong enough i don't think wind affects the pucks though i think it's just a gradient i'm sure it's just a gradient for pots like if a crisp packet is on the floor and it oh you saw it then it blows away doesn't it yeah but it's the christmas is really lighter than a golf ball and a chris packet would definitely be more affected if it was higher in the stratosphere right yeah all right i'm just gonna have to i mean it looks like this is just a straight part doesn't it but we'll see get in the hole one of those lies they have these days all right birdie pup looks like a straight approach uh i'm gonna get some welly but yeah give it a little bit more than you would ordinarily would just in case lovely nice lovely wow all right clawed back one point get in the hole wait are lucan uh andy equal now and ellen's no andy's still ahead and he's still ahead by one i think but no one's doing as well as ellen yeah ellen currently in the lead with a stonking minus two we're tied for third luke absolute bottom feeders [Laughter] well okay weather's cleared up hold for the weather's cleared up so now oh what do i have to go first again out outrageous i'm really enjoying the music on this level it's very like scottish country dancing nice it's good there was some discussion uh there was some discussion offline wasn't it that it had a kind of shipping up to boston dropkick murphy's kind of vibe that's what i think ah why why can i not get my timing right today never mind oh don't don't don't don't go in there don't just don't do it just don't do it by royal decree you said unbelievable and it disobeyed you did i at least fix being out of sync or did i make it worse that said i made it worse so i changed all the numbers to make it go the other way so now it's worse than that now that it's a perfect amount of power [Music] guys it really does pull it really wanged it like it just that little really strong pull there oh a little bit more even a little bit more even okay nice shot lovely lovely beautiful lovely stuff now lou very nice that'll do you beautiful all right i'm just going to do what andy did just going to copy him copy him [Music] blam [Laughter] right right interesting now see see that tree in the distance can i see it because i've certainly seen it send it down the middle and then swaziland i'm not worried i'm gonna send it between these trees and just give it a little twist on the last at the last moment the tenderest kiss give it the tenderest kiss yeah uh bear in mind you're operating with a four meter per second wind directly to the left i will not bear that in no i bet i thought that in my mind don't worry i've run the numbers i've run the numbers and we did well here we go yep there it is and then it comes round just before it hits the tree yeah it really does oh wow nice i mean that is the shot quite the shot amazing wow wow stop now though okay hmm right let's go for this nice okay no aftertouch very nice not not necessary just straight straight through i had a better angle stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh that's annoying i reckon you can put it from there but obviously you know your record doesn't exactly speak to yourself when it comes to those decisions yeah that's true that's true i want it to roll probably not okay um i'm really sorry to people who've been sending in super chats but i've gone back to the review activity and it's now not showing me all of them so i was going through reading them all and i refreshed to make sure that to check the the actual stream and it got rid of them all so sorry youtube has done that thing it does yes it's great it's super fun oh i can read it to everyone if you've still got some that would be great let's see oh no i don't know okay well i've got harry gt making luke out of sync so he has two things on his mind those are the oh my two things i got myself all mixed up oh and i'm in the deep rough behind a tree behind a tree that's fine watch this what does mike know think think about all right hold on i'll do a nice curve on it yeah i do yeah and matthew neve says woo mario golf stream while i work cheers here it is here it is but with soup yes my q legend i got it around the tree okay well well now what i mean you've got your super bar filled i do yeah but the only ball you could twist would be mine seems unfair at this point doesn't it uh all right fine very much so i've really really messed this up uh okay uh absolutely robbed that was that was the best chip i think we've seen in all tournaments yeah chip of the tournament that well i don't know andy and i both got chips in wait it's a par five so i'm actually still gonna get par that's good that's excellent at this point now what now andy's running the calculations here the putting things really struggling with that giant bridge interesting gave her the pitch are we hello to matthew don't forget you can also set the power on the meters on the way down oh power stinger my completely gonna do this i can't believe he's doing it he's doing it wow there it is absolutely buried it absolutely buried it for an eagle very nice incredible andy this is oh my god strategic play that puts andy on minus three maybe i should try and do the exact same thing so don't pick a driver [Music] here with a sandwich which is the person who has to look after these greens put a bit of salt i put maybe a bit too much sauce on it there no straight in bam for the eagle straight for the eagle oh thank god how about you ellen are you going to do it did you get to do it yeah what does that so i'm assuming it means that like nothing affects it oh no it can if it hits the it can ping off the flag it can go wrong i mean like the wind and stuff hmm i don't think it's [ __ ] the wind right we've in all the time we've been playing this we've never really grasped exactly what the super powers yeah do we don't really my understanding is anything my understanding i know that mine in theory just makes it go sort of flat along the ground it blew my ball away oh the twister becomes the twisty oh this is so well well okay oh that was a tapping sorry all right he did so well with the putt the point three i was gonna get my now mike twist the voice hey at least you tried get in there okay good i've got my par at least at least on the way you disadvantaged mine yeah oh no it's great it's great i was in the lead and now i'm not so i mean i don't know what to tell you ellen it could be worse to be in fourth place ready okay right here we go hole five everything you have your principles right now no i don't that's the word mike unfortunately gave up his principles um right the wind is real strong i'm going to send this down here and i'm actually going to aim it at the water what and hope but but i hope that the wind fixes that for me okay and also hope that i just carry past the thunderstorm oh oh no that's not what i wanted come on come on the wind is going to save people yeah yeah the wind's alright yeah you're all right you're all right just just because yeah that is a painful yeah the wind is pretty wind is rambunctious pretty bad lego man two one eight luke just sabotaged ellen again yeah uh nabil corrigan thank you for watching um and hope that your final semester went well um and uh keep an eye on the channel sounds like what i should have written on my like golf t-shirt or something yes keep an eye on my channel actually it says miami heat which is my favorite golfing team miami heat the miami heat can you not see the golf ball oh yeah going into the hole yeah it's the hole yeah the miami heat golfing gophers yeah exactly those are the ones very nice nice oh and a bit of up at the as well oh the ellen you have a real knack for just timing your power right at the top of the bar nearly showing great technique oh thank you thank you um but sandal donates and says it's fine watch this are the most famous last words ever oh there we go mike's also gone for that little bit of up he went up for a lot right let's see now andy's in the posies we're going to turn a bit i'm going to turn a bit there that wind is ridiculous oh that's good and then the carry oh yeah oh very nice that's the character the samantha and the charlotte placed it that was beautiful right uh well the wind is one thing but the terrain i'm coming off is another so maybe if i just kind of plonk it here ankit long kit just i'm just going to bloody blanket there's going to be a plonkening a lady paper rip who uh sadly lost their job silver lining not being at work means i get to catch my first live stream so we're glad to be your silver lining for the day oh well welcome along what are you thinking ellen it's not that just plonk it and be a legend my character on ellen's crotch you haunted haunted waluigi's groin a little bit too much backspin i underestimated the the power of the wind this way i should have overestimated my shot oh no you know i knew it i knew it how could he do it this chip twister you better hope it goes from the hole i deserve this one the terrible mischief twister boom no explosion everyone's missed you everyone so twisted that really looked like it was going right for a second they just vanished over the right um okay all right all right all right here's how you compensate for a ball twister [Laughter] is okay mike we're trying to get through this live stream in under two hours you could really that's it i'm having a digestive oh i was very lillian you were robbed there hang on no digestive out of your mouth uh okay right i mean what even is terrain oh the slow greens they're slow green concert yeah uphill slow green too conservative iffy mark says and now to simply chip it in oh my god the greens are so slow aren't they rubbish it's a good pup oh oh oh man are we still doing this whole ball haunting thing yeah you're gonna go past it if andy if andy can fix this then he deserves to win he's going to be clear clear away running away with the lead now but i don't want to go too far stay in the right zone bogey that's good news for you andy the ball testing's working out for you well it's a path that puts andy took two points two points ahead again he does reclaimed his lead but it's only the fifth hole yes half a boo you did all that and you only got a park yeah so many bridges several people's day they really did look what it's done to the scores really threw the boo among the pigeons and uh antianna gill says just got my first vaccine jab and wanted to thank you all for being a source of great times during this year hello to new member caleb spear connie this is hole in one territory isn't it yeah it is it is here comes andy's holding one yeah it's just going straight in oh it looks good folks it looks good um it's too far a little bit too far way too far way too far we didn't we we failed again we failed to compensate for um heights also wind is behind the earth [Music] is that too short is that too short no i don't think so yeah oh i should let it run on shouldn't i should i run on nevermind pretty pretty tidy pretty tidy okay good yeah oh right in the hole oh um that looks good a little bit of action with the backspin yeah is this the hole in one we're all looking for windscreen it went it whiffed it to the right you know that random that random thing look it lift it to the right oh nice on ellen thank you okay so this is gonna go pretty straight the wind's pulling it back you can pop from there look at the pup from there yeah you can you can definitely but i also did kind of want to see that go in because that was rad af that would have been very cool right go on luke oh no oh no there's been a terrible mistake someone contacted golf the physics uh oh dear oh dear oh no that shouldn't have happened um what should we do uh should we restart the game um it could totally be fair oh i was literally just on a slope that way really if you're along a perfect slope and you hit it along sideways it should go in a straight line [Laughter] i can see where it is now though very nice very very tidy finish there waluigi powerful waluigi solid path okay it's going a little yeah nice good pile tasty okay uh no way he's missing this no chance beautiful keep each part keep peach power get in the hole oh well lush looks like the puzzle around our gang are in town the quadruple powering it up all right well here's the scores as they stand it's it's close it is hole seven everything to play for ready hello to lauren uh who graduated last thursday congrats i'm also saying thank you for keeping her sane um and laughing throughout the last few years and in the future masters that she's planning oh amazing sending positive golf energy our way thank you congratulations let's go in this water so james marston said mischief happened mischief did happen balls were twisted gonna go a little short okay i absolutely do not want to go in the water you don't want to be in the drink you don't want to be in the juice howard's diet a thousand deaths all right mike you're you're more than welcome a couple of different perspectives there you are more than welcome to hit it into the river mike let's see it there we go [Laughter] top spin oh my god he's done it he's only bloody done in mine oh it has gone in the water like i said i told you i warned you andy don't act like you didn't you you go you go did that out of mike with practiced ease unbelievable okay right what the hell okay well i'm gonna try and do what andy did and not not what mike did thank you to jordan river as we go towards this river um who's just got a new job well done that's lovely actually congratulations i probably should have done that yeah but your blood was up because andy yeah it's true um i can't see properly on my little map because there's three little heads bobbing up and down [Music] hey hello hit your ball right here join the heads up [Music] yeah might be the trickiest eye is the one we tell ourselves if we're any good at golf yeah basically no idea what's going to happen here so let's just hang it and be a legend i i think you've that looks like you perfectly stay away from my ball you little weirdos nice very nice okay well nothing too dissimilar from uh old peach this is a little move i call the peachy keen and dandy oh no it's gone very wrong no that's good okay that's lovely yeah your little bring pulled you right back on the line should have put a double backspin on it but that's okay yes now now now the question we have to ask ourselves is a simple one what is the hitbox on this bridge oh it's going all over oh my word mike oh mike it's off what a recovery i mean i'm still down one shot because i went in the water but that was amazing okay now i wonder what ellen's thinking here she's maybe she's rebounded off the wood of the she's thinking to take the ricochet ping yeah oh it's going very high up and very far down it's right now golf weirdo he's going to touch it [Music] they're touching it with their little feet black black black crack crack pause [Laughter] why have you killed why have you killed jason charlie jason my wife now you are the new blip flop [Laughter] hail the new blip flop commence the parade distracting brilliant i don't know what that coin means but i got a coin like john wick it's like um there's probably yeah you can use i need to get another one and then i can cross like the river yeah they'll put them on your eyes when you die yeah nice some wonderful shots at the moment i'm really and then there's affected me so much but i've got par so i'm very pleased very nice apparently and you did it with all of this monster although i think that i think actually that helps i think it i think it cancels out all other distractions yeah well they were already going on the screen so yeah that's true yeah yeah great still i made a tactical error on this hole oh bogey it's all right all right mike i'm a sad ghost i've got unfinished business on this earth for once stuart says if you'd kept the original scoring you'd have started today on oh started today on luke miner 16 andy minus 14 ellen zero mike zero really yeah which means that andy and i would now be tied i guess but that it wouldn't be a very interesting stream so we've got a few options here smash it thanks for the input so notice so that's one yeah you have to you have to agree andy that's what is one that is one that's just one of the options um i'm very excited to see the map view of this uh well i mean what i'm interested to see if is if mike tries to play it onto the lily pads yeah yeah so i wasn't able to make it now now don't let's not and do you have a higher default hit because i don't know i've got no no i mean yeah but i've got the lowest drive distance there yeah but look how many segments you've got for uh for twisting i never use twisting and it's for cowards well yeah well yeah but you could use it that's that's the point right am i gonna use my superhero i reckon it could get me on to that final bit but hello to govango um hope work it improves and glad that uh our videos are helping and hello to burrito who hopes that we're all well and they love our videos thank you very much thanks very much i love burritos finally gives back thank you oh didn't didn't account for those trees wow that's right angel beet says failed to account for the ancient leopard fell to account with the ancient trees yeah okay okay there's a lot of women now i think waluigi's got a few extra meters of uh of drive i think waluigi has yeah the highest drive distance so theoretically if ellen's timing is spot on further over than i wanted to right let's go for these lily pads then hey do it mike it's the only way i can regain my dignity here comes the dignity the dignity shot oh it's good though oh yeah oh no wait there's stop stop win stop dignity dignity dignity you landed it though you landed it i did i did yeah you'd officially hit the lily pad oh boy right thank you to jerry gonzalez hello to valeria uh trisoda who is a new member if i've said your surname welcome hello to andrea martinez who says they finally got vaccinated last sunday fully vaccinated well done congrats andy's going for the special andy's power move is coming up full power this might be a mistake oh no i don't know what wow oh that threaded through so many yeah it really did looks good is it coming around a little windy a little windy well i was also on a curve anyway i tried to account but the wind was too much uh right i can't tell if i'm i think i'm on slightly slightly wonky terrain but not very alright how about this i think this should go in the hole let's see i mean it looks good i love the confidence it looks really good it should go in the hole yeah it should be right hmm it's good though weird wait something went wrong did you put backspin on it i did yeah my mistake just a little bit yeah fatal error that was a beautiful shot a little bit for the wind and then cheeky topspin now the game sent that quite quite far left but it doesn't doesn't look like it's gonna be stopping you oh i know too much substance the top spin is so much more effective yeah um probably something to do with this being the world's most accurate goal simulation obi-con says love how andy has his avatar set as his hero loving yourself is the start of a lifelong love affair i imagine that's probably meant to be a sick word i wouldn't think so i think it's a pure like self-care and like yay it's okay am i gonna have another digestive i would if i had digestives available to me now i've been doing quite well since i started eating them well like you can't stop now oh the pin shot there it is you can maybe chip from here get off this is putting central mate that's right this yeah just apart from the t now this this you really can pop from because the grass is so short see look at that yeah beauty anchors oh what come on give me some luck here oh man this is a long ass putt absolute disaster six on a four sort of need this birdie though don't i yeah [Music] no no [Music] damn a lot of gradient there i think the gradient works against you it's a good part from ellen though it's just it's just a it's just a good part it's just a great part thank you oh what no tapping unbelievable very good i've got to stop saying unbelievable so much people keep mentioning it in the chat i gotta tap in just so you know is that believable or not luke that's probably that's that that is believable sound soundbaggage says listening to this is an audio podcast because i'm at work simultaneously confusing and extremely entertaining all right kids well well that that hole has really thrown the cat among the pigeons the golf cat among the girls just one bad shot can really ruin your game it's the worst thing about golf well let me tell you multiple bad shots can extra well well uh see the thing is if i try and plant it here i've got to contend with all these trees but if i stick it here then i'm quite far away from the the thingy that i want the hole that's it but but maybe if i use my super maybe now's the time try not to hit that tree right in the middle i can't yeah i can't really tell where the trees are no no no i'm not doing it i'm not doing it the the this game is so punishing of risk sorry if you wanted an exciting live stream that's not sorry i'll do it michael michael did michael do the weird bad idea that you want that you want to see thank you to miscellaneous donated and the grant player asks luke did you stick with f1 up to the british gp yeah yeah i did we were we were joking nice we were the british gp was uh extremely well i don't need to tell uh you folks i'm not sure i even the discourse is so heated i'm not sure i even dare to venture an opinion on the hamilton verstappen incident i watched it too everyone i'm sorry i only watched the last race i'm not i'm not as nerdy as the other you work on a video game youtube channel ellen you're not as bad as them no i'm a different guy i'm not a car nerd or something i don't drive so i can't be enough of a car ned uh right okay it's more about yugioh yeah yeah because you won't stop talking i was always more of a beyblade kind of man okay all right that looks like it worked out just fine so let's absolutely smash this [Music] a little bit off at the end why not just to give it a little very nice bit of extra pep ended up just to cheer it up oh oh that's good okay there's some pep nice very nice technique okay charlie pierce says for mike that is the bridge over the river why [Laughter] it's true it's true oh my goodness literally next question i get to adam parker says just want to thank you for inspiring me to pick up d again also i wanted to ask mike what he thinks about the whole hamilton first step well i mean what is there to say that hasn't already been said let's leave that yeah let's let's leave it there but adam it was your birthday last week happy birthday i'll just say it was a racing incident right yeah that's the way to uh to be nominated i think that i think that i think that counts as taking your side i don't suppose it does yeah i think uh i think hamilton did try and get out of the move uh but maybe didn't get out the move early enough um but i also have seen i don't think it was an overly aggressive move i think it was just racing and if you want to see racing you can't be whinging about that stuff every week i don't have you seen the state of what i'm looking at yeah yeah yeah yeah you really just up in every segment luke just yeah get a driver send it around every segment wang it up up up up just do it try and drift it around this way yeah yeah hit do if you want why not yeah i think you should oh but then look at that little tree there all right here we go oh can you can you no no no it's not so that's a bad idea just get it i'm going to try it pop it up over those trees maybe i should try and send it down like down force it down well down force it and go around force it through that gap and then curve it round in the last all right it's exciting no that's not going to work because it's going to hit this tree here there's no there's no good outcome here unless i go very boringly here but maybe i can go slightly spicily here and try and put a bit of curve on it at the end all right give it a go actually you know what let's let's do that let's do that yeah yeah yeah little bit little little bit of spice not too much yeah i've got a good good good good feeling about this one fellas oh he's committed everybo everybody golf he's committed interesting yes interesting oh that was awful that was such a long time to spend yeah awful shot right we're gonna institute a shot clock from now on yeah like in my favorite sport golf skit ball yeah chess boxing chess boxing yeah there is a tree there but i think you can get around it yeah i'm and hope that yeah smash it straight in the hole yeah oh there it is fact the trick yeah yeah it's just a big tree it's just like a red one very good allen that that is gorgeous lovely shot andy i've got a bit more foliage in the way but i think i'll clear it you can't tell really can you oh yeah i think it'll go high enough yeah get get a bit of height on the first bit um fran fry says blip blop flip-flop yes same i feel that oh it's in the trees i know you need disastrous disastrous disastrous mike shut up disastrous oh man well now mike yes mike having learned from andy's mistakes yes okay we'll be ready to say learned [Laughter] i thought it was going down mine was disastrous mike what was that spectacular but for all the wrong reasons all right here we go let's get it's fine because this is going in the hole just you watch just you watch straight in the hole well it's super bad yeah i know maybe i put too much i think you had [Music] catch you later folks they're having to go off but just remember hi sandy don't swaz it when you walk to donkey yeah yeah that's good advice that's just great advice right now this ought to separate the uh uh right well what i'm counting on is being incredibly lucky um which is what i've counted on my whole life and it's generally worked fine so not too worried as i do this yep looks all right it's all right to me could have could have done without the back yeah that's all right it's all right well this is a heck of a putt but you know what i'm equal to it so equal to it yeah oh this is okay now this is a tricky one because the distance is quite far maybe i'll try the old super shot trick give it a go just try and drop it straight into the hole i think i think that's too strong what would you say luke yes why did he remind him of special shots you weren't if i'm the only one who got twisted my ball is twisted right now oh ball is twisted right now man all right mike i'm laughing mike no it's inflammation here we go now you've got to give it loads of power andy there is nothing you can do to make this shot go in the in the hole i'm sorry it's just impossible i did it once with a twisted one maybe [Laughter] oh my god foggy's all round right now let me show you how you let me show you how you account for a twisted ball just keep it in right you ship it yeah keep it in and be a legend because it's not affected as much that's what i should have done i mean yeah i guess i don't know how it works there's no logic to it is there oh come on uh i mean what a mess stroke fight this is this could be park it's not too bad obviously whoever designed this course thought a ghost is going to twist everyone's balls right near the end go on andy oh it's not fair that wasn't fair we're never gonna finish this one mike's gonna have his super shot backfired oh it's me again it's in very nice beautifully done andy great spooky oh it's good oh that's that's very very very good that was beautiful right okay golf is it then golf it will be oh man this is the hole that will not end why won't you die that's partly my fault partly your fault you must accept a hundred percent of the blame are you serious no oh my god oh i'm so sorry that was not fair concepts of love are alien to me now triple oh no triple bogey look what you've done that puts me two points behind andy is ellen and ellen ellen's back in first back in contention keeping things interesting aren't you glad you invited the ghost along no yeah it's the worst all right hole 10. declan kemp in the in the chat it says alan yeah alan yeah come on ellen you're six uh all right we spent like 20 minutes on that last hole so we need to pick up the pace here yeah okay right i'm not gonna risk we are we are roughly on we 10 minutes ago and then we did the last hole so nice bit of downforce at the end i should have done backstabbing because i'm going to go off i'm going to go off where am i no bridge fringe right second car yeah right why is no one just firing it straight though oh there's a lake though what you just witnessed there folks is personal growth now in its purest form oh very easy no it's going into the tree that's fine this one that's oh wait whoa wait a branch that's currently see-through because we're inside the tree well i think that's entirely there's a lot of wind so like you can wang it that way but you have to really i'm still close to the hole and i'm brilliant at playing out of the rough as well you know because i've got a lot of experience i think i think mike's just abiding his time letting everyone get up close to the hole so we can recharge that super shortly twisty [ __ ] [Music] damn him in his wily ways it's looking all that's looking all right the back's been yeah plant planted beautifully planted uh well i'm gonna try and uh i'm gonna try and repeat the trick that's what i'm gonna try and do mike's trick of hitting all the branches yeah that one well luke in the uh chat can affect asks luke i don't know if you read for fun but you should check out these safeholds for series by david webber it has battles with sailing ships well that's my whole thing uh yeah cool i'll check it out thank you for the recommendation um now this is this tree gonna get all up in my golf business almost certainly bastian gutierrez i spent my birthday last saturday visiting family and watching oxboxtra videos thanks for all your work social distance hugs for everyone thank you lovely thanks for watching thank you all right i'll just gently curb it in the last third oh my goodness new member jedi jesus oh wow amazing i always say obi-wan kenobi isn't it [Laughter] it just started raining here finally in yorkshire nice well that's a bit too much spin huh no no that's good that's all right lovely so lovely the shot beautifully i have to do the same uh right now just in that last gosh sector oh nice nice oh yeah just right in the last quarter oh there you go [Music] spiffy mark says i feel like i missed a video where alan originated it was this video spiffy martial it was this video don't worry you um you need to follow uh ellen on twitter special shot about sting some balls there we go don't sting the balls oh oh are you serious what the hell i'm so sorry wow the heel turn not that sorry the heel turn i didn't realize it was gonna be i was trying to be like straight in but can you believe the backstab this is how the golf goes i mean i should know you get it you get a scent of the the leading position and and the bloodlust suddenly winning becomes more important winning becomes that's all right i can i can still make the shot from where i am it's fine becomes more than the most important thing it becomes the only thing the super powers the troopers are there to be used and he's using a pro controller those things stand everything those things are used to chocolate they've been put through all the stress tests of various biscuits we've rubbed a bourbon all over them they've been stress tested up to 10 000 chocolates that's a digestive right here we go bam in the hole please thank you no problem problem oh problem nearly slight problem just the wind just the wind caught you but that was the where it bounced perfect like just the wind caught yeah gorgeous stuff um just checking the chat see if well see if they're sympathetic with me what a pot oh there's no such thing as miss time digestive steve robinson overshot oh my gosh you should see the gradient going on here yeah the gradient's ridiculous uh julian borum says heroes swaz legends plonk here is the swaz good advice get it monsters all right fine fine i see how it is par is it again come on i wish there was a mode i wish there was a mode where everyone's balls had like physics i mean i know i mean like while other people are taking shots so like so i could hit my ball into like other people's balls do you know what i mean people and stuff my balls don't have physics but they do have chemistry and maths later uh all right um tapping city over here isn't it oh although i think we both deserve to go in that's what i mean i don't want to take anything away from you luke that sounded that sounded that sounded like salty and i didn't mean it to be already taken so much from me my perfect fairway positioning never mind well again another spicy round [Music] where the scores stay tight chris ashworth says finished my accounting course this week i've got an interview coming up thanks for helping me get through all the revisions the past year yes now mike only a true hero would be able to get it through through that hole i mean that's if you you know skim it across mechanic in this game you can skim balls across the water if you hit them you can i think i think you can you can i mean like it only like bounces once but yeah sure whatever wow oh such cowardice from mike i didn't expect it sorry i probably still end up in the water i think we're good oh it's taken quite the bounce oh my god awful bit close wasn't it thought the roll was going to take it there now yeah it's probably better to go this way isn't it okay everyone choosing to take this right most path yeah i did consider the left but i thought it would leave me in a worse position hmm for the approach this yeah this this tree that you can sort of see moving but then it's not it's not gonna be that much of a problem is it i wouldn't have thought i'm happy with that i mean there's no trees this way i guess that's the appeal but yeah i think you should probably try and skim it through the middle of the tree luke yeah i think so i disagree it's hard to disagree with you andy yeah i've got your best interests nice full power oh with a big left-hand curve though big wang on the end yeah yes [Laughter] we're already talking about balls let's not start talking about [Laughter] uh the man not the bear says just thank you tip finish my doctorate in neural engineering and you all gave me much needed relief and entertainment right that sounds complex sounds complicated i don't understand how we could possibly have helped anyone who is uh well congrats but well done tell tell tell people okay right i'm thinking i'm gonna go here with spin plenty of spin doing interesting as long as i don't end up in the rough should be all right yeah yeah yeah i think you'll clear it it's gonna bounce right i didn't think i had the power to get that far down the fairway it's a little bit more complicated now isn't it with all this stuff nah yes i mean you're super low you're not gonna hit any of those only if you overthink it's true and also just hit it and be a legend also the wind's helping me out here as well so let's go full power here comes golf nice nice nice nice it's actually the top spin is a bit too much probably it's going to be just a little just a little oh man deep rough goku did me tired um yeah all right indeed corey colvin is a new member and also says i haven't any milestones to celebrate nor strategy tragedies to commiserate i just love you guys keep peach path thank you thanks very much yourself keeping it part exactly which is good let's all keep it part par the milestone sporting event djg watching very nice livestream for the first time welcome welcome very nice very nice thanks for hanging out great andy finds the green how do you find it andy i find it fine most agreeable all right let's send this up let the wind take it it's in god's hands now yeah oh sensible was the backspin i think because the wind is pretty spicy lovely lovely it's okay yeah you learned some mistakes great solid approach work now ellen's got a different angle looks like she's opting for the three wedge three wood three three three three wood three words yet the wedges are all at the bottom yeah and then there's the irons what's the h for hybrid hybrid hybrid of course that makes sense beautifully shaped look at that and some backspin perfect well bringing it round to andy town [Music] no no ball twisting for mikey then i guess no um don't need to sound so sad yeah but you can't ruin everyone's game [Music] though very nice chip [Music] this could be this being this could be done yeah it looks like kind of slightly even terrain somewhat both ways i'd say there's more full power it's powerful come on come on very good oh she looked frozen there like she couldn't quite believe it had happened yeah well okay normally when peach does that well she has to pay a toad to pull a pull a magnet under the course like in space jam no oh i'm lucky i've got that pin cam though yeah you've got to tap it just to rub it in though no it's pulling it's gone yeah yeah it's a tricky shot it's a tricky shot that's what i was trying failed and andy stays too beautiful [Laughter] you know what like all of our scores are pretty good i think we i think you know we don't have any sort of like plus 10 plus that's true you know yeah but we're only in hole 12 there's a lot yeah no one's had like an absolute nightmare okay look at these oh yeah there's a thunderstorm here and trees oh that's rough and and a lot of wind going on as well a lot of wind what's going on in the chat ellen um question for link from stuart glenn close says question uh question blue in the next season of blades in the dark will there be a plot line where the wonderful mechanical man comes back for revenge why would the wonderful mechanical man want revenge the wonderful mechanical man um achieved everything they set out to do wonderful mechanical man has had it too good for too long [Laughter] oh man andy absolutely what andy did was looked at the wind and thought if i hit it directly at that tree that's the one place it can't possibly hit and that's very sensible strategizing as well right well i'm gonna try and repeat the trick just try and send it as far as possible but just with a little bit of up at the last and the last third all right so let's see how that goes oh i didn't mean to put on that much sauce but maybe it would be necessary yeah yeah carries it yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good great shot cheeky little bit of up at the end very nice just keep it in the air we're all repeating the trick hello yes yeah very nice [Music] look at that little extra bit of power means don't even need the up the up spin nice very nice look at that look at that grouping [Music] okay now this is a little bit dangerous i don't want anything because there's basically this this boy right here large lad yeah yeah absolute unit perhaps this absolute unit right okay well there's let's little bit of okay well let's try okay oh i mean it's not off the fairway hmm that's true but now andy will want to yeah i want to avoid that similar that foliage similar bit of foliage pretty sure it's foliage foilage [Laughter] okay we're gonna put some yeah we'll put some sauce on the end uh it's kind of hard imagine a hot dog with only ketchup on the end it's not going to work because that's what happens that's what andy's serving up for us now yeah all right let's just do and be a legendary um sorry charlie pierce says twisted ball is the blue shell of mario golf uh no because twisted ball requires some skill whereas the blue shell requires no skills all right i think i'm clear of the tree which is a really yeah your angle looks a lot better actually yeah so i'm gonna have to see just just for the wind just take advantage of that and sink it in one yep because andy has andy is in just a couple of shots come up very very close to the ball um henry viii fake says shots super balls twisted hotel trafalgar uh monkeys are bananas but travago says visited the loading bar in brighton yesterday thanks to your recommendation and it was awesome really wish i lived in brighton so i could visit more it's very nice yeah we were there last week yeah um welcome to new members ivan uh it's good looking at that angle uh fidencio and oh oh oh hello right next to me welcome along new members welcome welcome welcome right almost same elevation wind that way a little bit turned that way anyway not enough backspin oh no you didn't go into the rough yeah right now i'm pretty far from the whole however kind of need to uh get this because andy is real close and so this is an important one what i'm saying so let's just be legends oh very nice lovely that is lovely beautiful stuff just to stay in the game man cool okay okay it's against those bloody 18 months sober yesterday congratulations hey congrats on the milestone we're going uphill oh you son of a oh i would say 30 centimeters that's that's a standard ruler folks oh i did exactly the same thing nothing i thought i'd given it more two standard rulers nice um gentleman drill says the hole that would not end sounds like the next movie the guys that made the brain that would not die i loved that halloween movie with you guys oh yeah that's great burrito thank you for donation uh oh josh purity uh says you guys are so close to 900k followers got any fun plans when you make it to that number so glad it's been safe enough for you to see each other in person finally hopefully it can stay that way much love uh yeah it's been brilliant something cool we don't have anything planned no yet not yet save it save it for a million hmm yeah well that's the thing you don't want to use too good an idea yeah we'll do something small for 900. now this is a tricky one because we are going uphill so uh uncle brat says golf is a cut throat and deadly game yeah agreed really i'll be playing it wrong little furnace uh talking about the digestive tract earlier oh lovely that is delightful that should have should have put some back spin on it but um well that was pretty pretty nice yeah little furnace says uh there absolutely is such a thing as a bad time for a digestive and that's any time you're in bed crumb levers will be shot [Laughter] that's harsh but fair yes uh thank you to gabrielle or gabriel apologies if i've said that one here we go but what about the ending the ending angle oh not quite the weirdos the golf weirdos the weirdos have got it the weirdos have claimed it made it their king i'm surrounded by golf weirdos that's gonna work probably not but yeah i know what you're gonna do give me that little bit of angle contact oh you took a ricochet off the golf wear though when you were murdering him i know but is there now one fewer golf weirdo for ellen to contend with there is yeah indeed and the others will be mourning his death yeah they'll be weeping onto the green making it slower and saturated mourning the death of their sodding witches you absolutely hate to see it no why have you gone that way no no ah that's fine am i gonna hit golf where i don't know okay that's all right oh well well oh here we are again oh spaghettios i don't think anyone's in the range of it though are they i know we all are yeah we are no no we all are everybody oh so far from the thing what you don't like your balls twisted no mike i'm shocked you have to ask but look at that oh wow oh lovely the chip is the the chip is the cure chip is secure long old way so i could go for the [ __ ] why don't you or the ball twisting with a special of your own is that a bad idea it's a great idea it's fine i'm gonna just not look i'm just not gonna look oh it's not i can't i can't if i sink it in the hole i don't they want if i sink it in the hole it won't affect anyone else thank you to j-man who gives a wonderful sticker and a very generous pin into the thing nice straight up um that one's already been and no one and no one else took damage i will have to do the same of course mr no name oh four so it's recently got a raise at work so figured i'd share some of my favorites no where are you going have you guys seen the community you have created thank you thank you very much it's very kind that's annoying that that was very annoying and also i think it's really unfair that the um the walkie the golf widows keep walking during the wait cut one of them was one of them killed again was it yet another golf weirdo killed oh maybe that's why the ball cause i can only see two down there were definitely four to start with and i killed one someone else must have killed one well this is basically lost me the game thanks mike this is this is carnage this is carnage what's carnage in marvel is it like the red venom yeah i think yeah it's sort of like a venom type thing isn't it um yeah i think there's too many venoms thank you to jensen oh it gives us a little shiba inu uh sticky thank you okay it's going downhill but i've got a little bit that way i find aiming downhill quite a lot harder because when it's uphill you just know like yeah put loads of power on all right i always underestimate the amount of power i need on it so i found that and hit down it was a little bit easier for me get in the hole it's always nice beautiful beautiful believe it beautifully done beautifully done all right we've got another maybe five holes before mike's ball twister is recharged but look what it's done to the score the scores are the ones who've really been twisted uh that that power birdie shot at the end has um has really helped me out um asking us what we think of stream decks they're cool they're good they're very useful and andy is very good at utilizing some of the fun little extra features that they do they're also like they do so much more now than just streaming stuff i believe gavin free of rusty stoma guys fame uh uses his for editing he's like tied photoshop no the premiere stuff to it yeah you can do premiere shortcuts with it yeah that's amazing it's just the wind is real severe folks it does look severe yeah but also look at look how much thunder and lightning there is hanging around a lot wow you can't really legislate for that can you at all well [Laughter] but i don't think you have been struck by lightning no but he'll have a hard time next shot next year oh okay but it's fine because i'm an expert golfer and am i writing bit and thinking it's like the the lightning effect stays with you all whole no i think it just shocks you no you don't get the shot the slim stinger could push me into the water but why would that no the advantage is always at the end i'm gonna if i'm doing it for that reason right okay so i'm gonna do this no that's too much i'm going to go into the water i'm going into the water oh straight in the middle [Laughter] all right what's andy got cooking in his kitchen that's my competition but i'll give i'll keep going i'll keep going oh no it's not the final half it's actually nice i can redeem myself somewhat yeah i don't mind i'm one with the wind and sky [Laughter] okay actually this isn't the worst i've got a penalty but this isn't okay yeah you've got a penalty but a really as long as this drops straight in yeah a really nice open oh no oh you're okay you're okay i don't think i don't think any of us saw that second bit of water did we yikes [Music] lots of wind going on but then a big tree going on on the other side so we're all waiting to see if mike is going to be lightning struck very nice wind compensation oh that's lovely really good shot that's special beautiful lovely shot i think that's probably one of the shots of the game i think i think so that is that is lovely stuff it's just very pleasant to see yeah uh right i'm fighting severe wind and terrain do you need a moment i needed it sorry [Laughter] uh it's gone i've got no excuses here because that has sent that has gone where i sent it should have put the super right what's this lightning everyone's okay so you see the bits of the bar at the top that's yellow and black okay if you if your swing goes into that you'll get struck by lighting so yeah use a club and means your swing itself is going to be harder it's going to be like juddery and on the way up what's the problem oh i hit that three three and the golf windows now you're wind as well downhill but wet ground so and lots of gradient mate a lot of uh gradients r says just want to express that we do share these moments for us to feel connected to someone else while dealing with with stressful solitary events thanks for helping put yourself down that's all right i'm gonna create a nice calming fun space for everybody uh you're very welcome lovely thank you very much thank you lovely lovely lovely car and now andy with the bird and he's stolen a point on this hole with that perfect on excellent sorry ellen you were reading a comment um right hang on all right yep um so ellen sanders um it says still a couple of months away any thoughts on doing another role tv free movie watch long for halloween or xmas i think it's i hope it's more than a couple of months away because of halloween just like three months away oh god that's not that's that's too close to a couple isn't it yeah yeah um um i'm sure we'll find another we'll try and have a look around yeah root around that was fun what's the plan what's strat if i send it this way i should clear those trees right you think yeah give it a bit inside the map give it a bit of our early doors to get it to make sure it clears it yeah it should be doable she could and it says ahoy hi mike andy luke and alan planning to re-watch this stream again with my hubby this afternoon if possible please shout out to mikey q hey mike thank you thank you thanks for tuning in oh andy that it's not bad it was that was lush good stuff uh right so yeah looking to replicate that success for sure um i don't think i'm gonna put anything too fancy on in fact i might even try and put some extra roll on it on the end interesting oh yeah right on the right on the line okay well it worked for everyone else so it's definitely going to work for me yeah go for it there's the top spin lovely oh yeah roll power right down the middle full now ellen you've got your super i'm just saying now's not the time to use that and there's a tree oh no i was thinking send it in our direction but you could uh you could send a few of us flying potentially but it still goes nice he's he's planning something ellen he's setting you up for a fall don't fall for it oh it took a slight wang yeah yeah see it's in the little tiny arrow right okay okay there was a slight twisty plot look at that twisty plank exactly yeah a beautiful direct tailwind yeah pilots would kill for that kind of tailwind probably oh yeah look at it look at it where it yeah that's annoying and the rough you've got to take the rough with the smooth as golfers say you're so pleased with yourself i with a standard roll or a topspin okay it could have been something really special kerminator says hey gang just want to say thank you to all of you luke specifically um it's your song literally everyone else in the world that inspired me to compo compose my own piano music your talent and creativity is a great inspiration oh i met well that's very kind of you and i'm i'm glad to hear that you're working on the piano music though i would note that uh literally everyone literally everyone else in the world was a group effort not um well but you didn't write that right yeah but like you know the performance and the and andy wrote a bunch of the music instrument parts and stuff so yeah but um but thank you very much and yeah uh keep on smashing out that keep on tracking sweet keep up keep keep on trucking keep rocking in the free world you know what just yeah just the classic luke sign off keep on rocking in the freeway keep on rocking in the free world you know oh i seem to have misread something from earlier it wasn't about the steam deck it was about the stream deck which oh sorry it wasn't about the stream deck it was about the steam deck which i think is really bad branding yeah it looks cool um it looks cool uh i think a bunch of us listen to the besties podcast right no it's a video game podcast and did you hear on there they were talking about how it's it's surprisingly heavy oh no i didn't hear that actually which which oh ellen rob which weirdly actually has kind of slightly dampened my enthusiasm um but if you could do like uh ps remote play on it yeah i mean steam does have like built-in game streaming and stuff that's gone really badly i know i know but specifically i want my ps5 oh we have a problem with heavy handhelds really i mean like how heavy can they be they're not gonna be like 10 kilograms on it yeah so you can you will be able to if you can install it on pc which you can with ps now right you can you you can use it on there oh everyone's getting robbed in this round everyone it's horrible apart from man and he's gonna gonna sneak another point laughing his way to the bank oh man pull it pulling us back to equal better get some twisted pretty quickly [Laughter] we knew we knew i think the steam deck looks good i think it's cool that it runs pc stuff like you can install windows on it if if you so wish um yeah yeah and yeah i think it's going to be a cool picture i think they should have called it something other than this steam deck because that's extremely confusing look at this look at this drama even with three holes to go oh now we've got now we've got piranha oh my what in the mix there's piranhas in the mix call the groundskeeper this seems illegal to me call the groundskeeper there's piranhas yeah and they're in the mix apparently in the bloody mix all right fine whatever standard spin straight down the line straight back farron nice nice resting waiting yeah yeah perfect perfect perfect lovely stuff you can't you can't ask me more than that can you i assume if i get it in the piranha's mouth it poops out into the hole is that how it works yep yeah that's exactly it mike you should go for it you got it you got it in one he takes the shots we're too afraid to take oh no that's not where i wanted the ball to go come on wind help me out go on me out help me out wind help me out so unfair when it does no you're okay you're okay you're good you're good we're okay we're all right well help me win [Music] that with the top with the top spin as well beautiful beautiful [Music] well all that remains now is foreign to put it all together yep to take the learnings to stand on the shoulders of giants oh just put some up on it yeah lovely bit of up over there oh and that's nice because it's just gonna it's just gonna drop it down drop into the pocket gently oh yeah and nestled snugly next and that's the furthest that's the best shot thank you i often say that the best shot in golf is just the furthest one [Laughter] and it should clear the tree right i should clear it give it give it up just in case um hello to hot shotgun he says here's the money towards the get andy a drink to help combat the ball twisting fund uh you guys and gals are all amazing thanks for all the wonderful and hilarious content well thank you it's very kind of you to say say what you like about the ball twisting but it has brought the scores together in such a perfect way yeah all right mike whatever you're a real hero yeah i am if you're a lover of drama if you want drama you can't ask you can't say fairer than mike's ball twisting can't say fair way than that right i'm just going to send it no up spin i think we can get over the tree oh but now you're good you're good you're okay oh scary that was awesome generous hit box on the old tree that seemed to seem to work quite well for you so i don't see why it wouldn't work equally well for me there are no other factors or variables god damn it oh no we're kind of nearer and lower down okay okay but that was a good you still got a good hit on it i know yeah yeah say oh bit of a sending it up oh and a bit of down into the piranha plants lair get out will it get out perfect perfect perfect beautifully out of the layer right and now all i need to do is just give it a cheeky cheeky chip straight in the hole two holes after this one just straight in the hole i'm just trying to said straight i said what the hell was that come on physics be real yeah be real physics okay you want to give it a bit of a see this is the thing like the margins are so narrow like i reckon the la the last two shots like like i think i had a really good shot and andy had a difficult one but as long as he makes it onto the fairway thanks to constance [Music] got a great approach shot uh oh slim stinger here it comes is it going in oh oh close it's tell you what that's close tell you what though pretty tidy wait did that send andy off the i know andy was already awesome all right mike got him i was just checking i was just checking that you would rub it in not on the green he's not he's not handy don't worry it's not i see what i see how it is uh skid shot lovely shot lovely shot um karosky uh says took a study break from uni this year due to code and mental health type stuff everything you all have done has made this weird oh andy beautiful very unbelievable very good all right let's keep reading that comment yeah everything you've all done has that i saw i saw that as i was like um has made this weird time really special for me and you never fail to make me smile thanks for all the super fresh meds thank you happy to help yeah happy to have helped yeah thank you very much well luke better pressure that was we're just really considering it there i think but look at that andy's pulled equal with that um incredible yeah incredible shot uh luckily mike's ball twister is charged yeah so just in time for the final two holes no no yes chaos is a ladder well we're all gonna have to be accounting for that as we go into the penultimate hole of the final of the first by hardly is the hole under a cloud oh it is oh dear oh dear dear all right well the wind is i've got to go first have i i see how it is all right okay should get over but let's just nice very nice is that going straight in yeah right that wind really helped it didn't it yeah too much okay well you cut the tension with a knife such an advantage not going first got to clear the tree though [Music] got to make that putt lightning and almost certainly ball twisted as well andy may andy may be the hiding in the bunker for really smart play well it's happening this hole or the next hole that's very nice lovely that's just that's just good golf that's just great golf uh says ellen's playthrough of dark souls inspired me to try and beat it and praise the sun i did and i killed the capri demon in one go hey nice nice well done that's a notoriously tricky one right well you're not in danger of getting lightning because it's true i mean your sandwich shot is is well below that part of the the bar when does the actual it chip it in see this is a bit of a problem isn't it it's a downhill roller coaster yeah you just stopped just before it or just far off the ball twister and don't even worry about it uh no it's fine i'll go for the uh go for the conservative parts and see what let gravity beautiful birdie right every shot counts now doesn't it oh my god look at this oh oh how horrible it doesn't help that is the world's worst like putting green as well so much gradient going on no but that was mostly downhill so um now my instinct is to give this plenty of power so that's what i'm gonna do oh no too much too much power no one peach should have all that power lovely huh okay so it's going slightly this way it'll be a nice sand save for andy if this goes in well done lovely tidy power just to tap in tap in for peach which means that andy and i are tied decided by the final hole we decided by the ball by the balls twisting hole you knew it away that's good because it means it's not going to be decided by skill or anything wait is this disabled what are you talking about it looks pretty much identical to when we did a couple of holes again yeah the ball twisting randomness is uh this is what we're dealing with it's a par 4 so it's not it's not that long what happens if i hit one of the weird things i don't know probably maybe yeah try not to probably all right i'll sling it over here then naka says it's all to play for certainly is oh revolver rock says the genuine thunder outside my house really heightens the experience wait i'm about to beat that thing on the head hmm oh that is a difficult shot yeah the wind really like messed me up yeah but for andy and i that could be a real blessing because it might make it maybe mike won't be able to get to it now with you there is some wind um four meters all right let's give it just a little bit penalty area this is massive huge this is not well that can't happen i must not let that happen oh my goodness why did you why did i go before you we scored the same on the last hole this is an outrage see i could use i could clear it distance wise using my special shot but i don't think um [Music] i don't think it goes up enough i think it would just hit the first obstacle in a bad way so i'm not going to do that uh i'm just going to i'm just going to lie it conservatively here and just sort of hope that oh i tell you this this is this is a nasty hole isn't it it's a mean spirit it's mean spirited yeah i'll tell you what this this feels like a good yeah i think that no because then that then that then that tree beyond it is just any time you like sorry sorry sorry sorry yeah okay here we go here we go here we go all right that's what i wanted to happen power wise so let's see if it was a good idea uh yes it's yeah it seems basically fine should be all right i've parked my right in front of his stupid face see i didn't i didn't think i could make that distance ellen but maybe ellen does have a slightly longer drive distance watch out for the window yeah i'll tell you what sensor tell you what that is that's lovely that is the best shot that you've got a dream approach there really beautiful okay wind blush very nice yeah that is looking absolutely beautiful dang well that's just that's just good golf stop stop stop stop stop thank you now you can clear that at least i think i can clear it but like i'm looking at i'm looking at getting on i'm trying i'm trying to like account for the the um the ball twisting basically what i'm thinking about right okay i mean if i can't get it around this stupid plant thing i'm not gonna be twisting anyone's balls am i so yeah maybe i'll get lucky and it won't be in it which won't even be an issue uh all right all right all right all right here you go nice quite spicy no come down come down come down come down come down down please man he'll be right here that could be worse right look at this right what if i just did your special shot go no i'm not even gonna say anything i don't want to prejudice the jury i really i'm in big trouble here aren't i basically what if i'm not gonna putt it obviously but what if i use a pitching wedge where's that going to get me not very far at all it's very hard to judge that forward yeah uh stripey line isn't it you know oh yeah that is what if i just give it a load of power and a load of right hello to spin see what happens well i think you'll get out the way of oh it hit the trigger oh didn't it that yeah that's taken all the way off here uh it was good it was gonna come around but nevermind oh well there's only one thing to be done from here well yeah that's going to go straight into it now sorry i just you're well it's just there's everything but i think yeah yeah hit it with a nine iron from here you'd hope it's so hard to judge that line though isn't it when you can't like walk around the other side of it it's better to play a conservative shot i think because you don't want to hit the penalty thing again and end up with another stroke yeah right i'll pitch it i mean i can't win at this point anyway don't discount the ball twisting yeah exactly he's got a clear run for ball twists nice shot yep yeah beautiful beautiful tell you what there's nothing wrong with that at all lovely it's delightful that is absolutely gorgeous bloody paranoid i'll tell you what i tell you what you're not in my head right now exactly it would be remiss of me not to twist some balls damn it maybe it'll just go in yeah i mean that would be lovely as well but it seems unlikely doesn't it was out and that did actually knock me onto the green so i mean it's not a weird about it's like a minus two and a plus oh andy that's a pure hail mary yeah and i'm just trying to andy andy andy thanks wow wow if that if that had gone in there's no way i'm making the next shot now i think that would have that would have quite a long putt you've got there no but i still feel better with that yeah [Music] so just chip it in is that what you're saying just chip it in at the end i can't believe how tense this ending yeah we've got like look at my twisted ball there look at my ruins ball just sat on the ground oh lovely one meter to the hole lovely all right luke if you can make this there are there are some moments in your life you're gonna go for the special shot is that what you're saying that sounded like a special shot speech yeah but look look it like on my screen and i've got a big old one we're looking at about a centimeter will it go in there it goes yeah it's in very very good it's in it's in for a for a minus five incredible go on andy yes yeah that's a lovely beautiful beautiful rescue path say to save power on that on that uh on this hole is really something oh more more beautiful shots thank you luke trying to be super magnanimous here all right mike bring it home there we go bogey well there you have that that is i'll do it that's golf well matthew needs and it says kudos on the admirable sports sportsman like conduct uh lady and gents well except for the trusty balls and the blip block and ellen locking for luke around well there was conduct it was conduct we all we all we all acquitted ourselves extremely poorly full stop complaint with the international golf commission okay so that's a new outrage well let's add up the final scores um i was on five that takes me to six seven eight uh in first hooray and that was andy in second with five six seven just one point behind now between mike and ellen what happened there uh i came last i assume you did yourself zero zero okay so ellen gets one point to add to her one right so ellen comes in on two mike gets no points to add to [Music] which means we have a tie for third i shouldn't be rewarded for anything i did on that golf tournament but i'm just hearing that pending a stewards inquiry it looks as if like it looks as if mike is going to be deducted one point the flag's gone up yeah the safety car is out well that was thanks so much everyone for joining that was great well thanks to you um lizzy walker says congrats guys she was very pleased to see the end wow i was pleased to see the end of this year aren't we all aren't we all okay well she was here for the moment don't twist people's words like you twist people's balls [Laughter] all right well let's have a like spike uh oh yeah for the end of that please um played very well i think yeah that was i i i think we've all improved at this game week on week i think i've gotten worse this game he learned a lesson then forgot the lesson [Laughter] it was like redemption and then just redemption again yeah it was a defeat snatched from the jaws of victory for mike's redemption arc uh all right well there we go thank you very much everyone for joining this is great uh check back next time for the second uh oxboxtra uh maybe in a year or maybe never maybe if they had some dlc courses get on it nintendo i mean sure they've got like the offering of this game is quite slight like let's be real so surely there's some dlc surely sure you know nintendo always putting out good dlc you know nintendo always giving you the rich full game yeah yeah yes um you know like how animal crossing has just been served by incredible update after incredible update each one richer and fuller of content than the last yeah so i imagine it'll be the same for mario though all right thank you very much everyone for joining us thanks for sticking with this um hashtag keep each part see you tomorrow for um some jack box um patently stupid yes luke will be joining us link is pinned in the chat if you want to set a reminder to come along and which one are we playing against playing patently stupid where will we coming up see you then thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 96,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 30sec (8130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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