What Animal Crossing Character Are You? Luke and Ellen Take the Tests!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi everyone hi everyone happy Friday happy Friday it's Luke it's Friday Andy right always happening and you better believe Friday's here can't believe it can't believe you know what that means it's Friday it's like that's what it means means there's only how many days left of the week Ellen one what well - really because most people unlike you don't start the week at Sunday no no no no what the way monday is the start of the working week sunday is the start of the calendar ooh but what other way is there to frame the the week end is called the weekend because it book ends the week that's called the weekend because the Wiis ends it's it's end of the week what now this is outrageous I can't believe what I'm hearing I have I have heard I have heard people say that some people say lots of things some calendars start with Sunday start the week with Sunday I think thankful hey man you sleek it must have been it must have been invented by some old uh no Lord's in olden days or something who-who didn't have didn't have the concept of work that's Mike Lee up Matt's my only theory there we go Ellen I see you've gone quite because you're googling it I'm here no no no I'm double-checking the chat and everyone saying that I'm right so yeah this is though some people saying no but a lot of people are saying Ellen is correct but what John is in the chat saying this is starting well what so ok in the song from far cry 3 when you burn the weed filled with Damian oh how do you take do you take your your calendar yes Amy and Skrillex you well it's more sources than you've cited Ellen Ellen you don't get to be that successful a musician without how they say good grows will end your week just like a Sunday and that Skrillex so he should alright okay I feel like this is I'm gonna argue with Damian jr. gong Marley don't think so oh hang on Ellen say something oh no oh my god her words were so untrue I got the internet refused to transmit I don't know if she's seen wave at her through the big wave of a big big gestures okay Ellen Ellen Ellen no she's here you oh cool maybe she can hear us she's back oh hello for some reason my regular good microphone has disconnected itself Oh what two seconds okay that's all right okay Andy that gives us just enough time to make a compelling case why the weekend should be Saturday and Sunday and then the week begins on Monday because that's just what it is I don't even literally never heard anything else like my worldview is being rocked right now yeah yeah yeah I feel like it's an old an old timey view I feel like the the introduction of the working week in the industrial revolution yeah sure sure sure more or less put pay to the to it but there you go absolutely calendars start with Sun it's also J with light and things like that that's what it's all based off of it's based off of oh yeah we all just thing it's based off of me London by Skrillex and right okay little rs lesson here right the original Sabbath was a Saturday I'm gonna put us on the technical because that's when Hale and did you see they've announced the remake of Kingdoms of Amalur oh yeah I have seen we'll get up to that oh and then the Sunday is now the Sabbath but I really thought about Sunday is only the supper that's like just I appreciate it it in terms I look forward to I look forward to all of the tweets over the next week telling me the Ellen is correct and that I should learn to calendar oh my god Ben Jones makes a compelling argument for Ellen's case the theme song for happy days starts Sunday Monday happy days thank you happy days knows what's up I don't if it would scan to go Friday happy days the weekends already started so let's have a party everyone wait look at this he's doing a spin just happy days think the weekend is some Sunday and Monday Monday the weekend or is it just Saturday do you say Wednesday Thursday Friday happy days though we can yeah cuz cuz it does go the weekend comes right yes ride a happy days and then the weekend comes suggesting right suggesting that in the happy days universe is only one day of weekend a few days cinematic unit but there's any one day we okay Charlie they also jumped over a shop that is true they did also jump over a chef okay right well look we're not here to we're not here to have fun talking about fun we're here to do animal crossing personality quizzes and you know what for the video on demand we're just gonna have to put like a timecode link to the actual yeah okay yes so which we're gonna do some personality quizzes to find out which animal crossing' villager we are deep down know if you would like to play along at home this quiz is on BuzzFeed we are playing it using BuzzFeed's quiz party nom browser software which is pretty neat so check in the description of the video you will find a link and you can play along at home and let us know which villager you are deep down hmm so yes this was written by sorry and ego um I was gonna say do you have any idea which villager you would like to be or that you see yourself as externally because they obviously this is scientific this is gonna be a scientific divorce from your feelings yes also gonna be hard scientific as long as we answer truthfully obviously I would like to get KK slider I mean it's not but I think he probably is gettable in this quiz seeing a subhead is fingers crossed for Isabel I think KK is in the same bracket all right so if you would have to you would have to conduct yourself so well to get one of those top-tier like actual big name household name residents I don't know I would like to be KK but I I'm being realistic I think he would answer questions in a very carefree way and I probably can't be as carefree as KK unfortunately so I'd I'd like to be like one of the cat ones because I feel much affinity with cats in general sure I know that there's gonna be different different like Madonna it's not not certain traits aren't unique to just an animal type they're they're very there's there's different traits for villagers and they are shared across all the animal species that are available so I can't guarantee that I will be a cat sadly none of us can Andy who do you want to be Gulliver cuz I spend a lot of time passed out on the beach all right well sure week should we crack on and see how we do yes which Animal Crossing villager are you deep down thanks to Katie and ER so a community contributor to BuzzFeed for coming up this quiz okay so you are looking at viewer at my screen so that's my little mouse moving a little circle but Andy and Eleanor are also answering this back home yes in yeah active in their respective rooms okay question one how would your friends describe you the options are energetic money-hungry clueless they say it's what's inside that counts saucy everyone's favorite calm and sweetheart no if only that one said clam is a clam my friends always say Luke is my favorite flavor of clam all right okay we saying what we're answering or are we keeping it secret I think we I think okay we should say yeah yeah well obviously I'm everyone's favorite say so you're going for everyone yep obviously yeah checks out Ellen what are you thinking um sauce and well that's when I'm crazy Traci very sweaty chopping trees out in the woods um I think I'm not very energetic I'm not massively clueless I'm not too saucy I'm not very calm a lot of time so gonna go sweetheart people are like are you a cute that's the one that I get a lot sweeter okay that's nice um I'll go for I don't know either you're quite energetic alright I'll go for energetic yeah like I see you bring you you bring up my energy when we work together it's good I get a lot of energy off of your energy thanks Ellen okay question two what's your aesthetic you will both also be able to see there is some sort of zebra pattern on the floor yes what looks like the inside of the red cabbage rose pain skies skies yet hmm clouds is a snake a snake and an old cinema a retro cinema a retro cinema Sumer some red-velvet what looked like some hyper optic fiber cables and a map covered in money now I really like the look of the map because it looks sort of exploratory it is pretty cool isn't it but the money makes it feel - I don't know commercial I'm not sure it I'm not sure it's my aesthetic well I'm going to the snakes I want the snakes the snakes is pretty cool Ellen what are you thinking I am gonna go for the purple gloopy paint stuff because the red cabbage yes I looked I do love red cabbage genuinely yeah I don't know if it makes it into the top five okay uh you know what I will go I'll go for the old-timey cinema then nice oh no okay all right now things are getting saucy pick the perfect first date options are McDonald's drive-through blind date brackets literally with blindfolds Marshalls lady a fella seeing the homeless anything easy I would say that quite a lot of these are easy the McDonald's drive-thru is don't even have to leave the car race car driving or picking flowers I'm gonna go with anything easy cuz you know you want to like a low low pressure you know everyone's just having a nice time you know taking it easy just do not worry that there's a risk that it will look like you've not put in an effort no but if you put in too much effort you don't want to you don't know you don't know say yeah you don't you just want everyone to be relaxed and comfortable you don't want people to think that you're gonna be making an effort all the time in the relationship no I mean you can make an effort on later days but the first one you just want non non intimidating just like relaxed yeah and cool yeah easy doesn't necessarily mean no effort having an easy day is you just go for a walk somewhere or you meet up for a coffee or something like that it's a low pressure situation all right um well so you two have gone for that yeah I'm gonna go for watching infomercials because I really enjoy watching infomercials so if the date doesn't go well it's not a total bust and also I feel like quite a lot of what we do professionally that people seem to like is is trying to prove is trying to provide a sort of amusing commentary on stuff that takes itself very seriously so I figure I might be able to watch infomercials and make and make and make some of my trademark fun quit trademark ryeom servation exactly a sideways look at the exact ladder I don't know take a sideways look at your extended ladder definitely not on the first date well Andy you've just talked yourself out of it so glad what a high-pressure situation yeah well yeah I'm going for watching infomercials what's your favorite song from this list is the next question I only read book I'm so smart that I only read only if M if music came on the radio I would volt across the room to kick that radio against the wall and see ashes some things never change from frozen to yeah yeah that's frozen too I was like that's not from frozen truth hurts send your Rita money money money dance monkey I'm number one or say something hmm I'm gonna go with I'm number one because it's for a Muppets Most Wanted and that is a good movie nice I'm gonna go for money money money by ABBA but you just turned down the map because it had money on it and you said it sounded too it must be funny in a rich man's world they're singing about them not having money and talking about other people who do have money it's true and even like much of a pers back-catalogue it is ionizing our sick capitalist society will leave you you be explaining this to your date as you watch infomercials yeah I'll be like let me just mute the TV for the infomercial so yeah so what what Benny and Bjorn were actually doing with this song goes over a lot of people's heads you know a lot of people think like dancing queen but listen to enough of the bar and yeah pick up on what they're laying down yeah precisely mm-hmm you've listened to Abba gold well okay let me let me put on some we put on a few deeper cuts yeah good as new okay all right yep pretty pretty yeah okay so how's the date going alright what are you going for Ellen which of these songs um well I do I do love me some frozen music like if both films have got some absolute crackers of films songs even and but the one that I get karaoke truth hurts by Liz oh no great till they're gonna be great face good good yeah cool alright good a strong answer what's your favorite movie from this list we've got some real crackers by the look of it oh boy we've got the movie 5 feet apart we've got Fast & Furious one one we've got I'm a mod from Club Penguin if you pick that a you a penguin character yeah that's the way to get rolled yeah if you we've got the Mighty Ducks with Emilio Estevez mm-hmm we've got Slumdog Millionaire we've got a Cinderella story okay Once Upon a Time can happen anytime sure got boobs apart and we've got grease book-smart was really good book spotlight right seem book smart yet you really sad you down for I'm mod from Club Penguin Ellen no I'm gonna go with The Mighty Ducks because is it's a Mighty Ducks is good I'm gonna go with book-smart cuz I think it actually is my favorite movie on this list I do like the Mighty Ducks I'd greasers know I've never really I've never really fallen for Greece even though I love musicals Greece is a movie I've never seen but I feel like I have because I've seen so many like three-minute clips on the internet or on other TV shows I feel like I've see I have seen the movie piecemeal over the years just not in order no I don't understand why if john travolta and olivia newton-john she go she'd like changes her clothes it's a story about how a woman changes for a man and everyone's happy about it into space yeah like magic is real after the credits their heads explode yeah okay their eyes just freeze right well yeah okay so we've all picked up we've all picked our - yeah going for some dog millionaire that's a very very good film eyes very good and finally pick a word here are your words mustache six mustard whose body ie balls cash lightning and peaceful okay well I'm gonna pick mustache because I miss my mustache okay okay I miss miss that - miss - um I'm gonna go for peaceful pretty good peaceful um I think I'm gonna go for [Music] lightning I think ya gonna go for lightning it was lightning your eyeballs I'm really into eyeballs because I'm short-sighted and I get a bit obsessed about prescriptions and knowing everyone's descriptions but lightning is cooler so you have the lightning okay so now what now now BuzzFeed appears to have broken because it's CSS on my stream that um that I've answered none Ellen's answered none and andis answered one what should we all refresh let's just car answers and do it again yeah yeah let's just refresh how did that happen no idea alright alright well just real quick we can do it yes do it with the link that we have okay all right let me get the link that we have I know okay snake easy is it what is it done it for und it has I have found out who I am everyone okay okay you just put in your answers on a new oh no I just opened it and each happened did it alright okay what did I say energetic old cinema come on in for those girls it's not doing it for me money money money company leave my results I'm static more Andy I am rolls that fat penguin yea-ah rolled is one of the great really good ones it says our rolls you're a bit crazy and a bit kooky in the best way and yet everybody wants to be your friend you're pretty clueless to the joy you bring to everyone's lives but that's okay and then there's this slight fat penguin with an orange on his head just so staring the description again Andy I want to hear if it really fits you you're it crazy in a bit kooky in the best way and yet everybody wants to be your friend your prison clueless to the joy you bring to everyone's lives but that's okay ah as an orange on your head okay okay static whoo if you look at the stream I'm looking at it now and you will see is a purple squirrel your wild you enjoy adrenaline and excitement throughout your life and you're not afraid to show it we can often find you thriving in scary situations or feeling antsy while completing menial tasks I do often feel antsy while completing menial tasks so that's true yeah I mean this BuzzFeed quiz knows you better than you know yourself it does yeah who were who am I to argue with the BuzzFeed quiz really what did you get Ellen um if mine hasn't loaded still oh no okay it's I'm still getting the the circle of death my gosh I thought maybe there is no soulmates right maybe so many people are playing along at home that we've crashed the bus feeds yes okay well I've got I've got the actual quiz itself on its own so I went I'm not in your party but I'm just doing it here oh yeah that's what we've been doing we've just won a new separate ones it's Luke how do you feel about about being staticky youth ecstatic I am oh what'd you get I got Molly little dark one you're sweet your kids and everyone wants to be friends with you your soft personality attracts many people to you in fact many people want to hang out with you or have you at the neighbor oh that's sweet I think we might have lost Luke's audio but let me just gesture to him like this I think and maybe he will confirm or deny no he's not looking at us hello sorry I'm there I'm there cool I lost you boys for a second that Ellen who did you get Molly Molly rang on read me the discovery one step I will reread read it just for me I make this is just me yeah you're sweet you're cute and everyone wants to be friends with you your soft personality attracts many people to you in fact yeah be soft when it comes bit yeah but it's usually kind of like Oh believe me I'd suppose in fact many people want to hang out with you or have you as a neighbor ah okay should we do should we do another quiz yes okay so the next one we've got is another quiz party situation which we are all in so we could see if this one works a little better okay yeah we'll know quite quickly I think because it's you know it should it should be showing along the top how great as we've done and this one is and you can play along at home here as well folks believe it or not everyone has an animal crossing character that matches their personality choose your favorite foods and we'll reveal yours and this is from community contributor BuzzFeed quiz er underscore oh and also basically when we look at all of these I think it'd be quite fine because someone saying in the chat now we find out how popular they are so maybe we take another look at that popularity list with we've gone I got I got Molly okay okay all right I am on it Molly yeah okay what's Molly a cat by the way I see well he's a duck duck right Joey Molly is a duck she's this very small duck duck Molly is in tier two good for you yeah at number three in tier two down from number two so on the downward trends they're still pretty good static is Tier four oh no rules yeah one baby yeah Tier one foot Andy penguin yeah you were pretty unhappy though Andy when you got rolled well he was just late or wall-eyed and I love that ball I'd look yeah cool all right so the one that we're doing now is we have to choose foods we have made foods yeah that's right they reveal our secrets yeah and all those things they tell us our animal crossing card exactly so these should theoretically be the same character because yeah these were almost yeah this is just to verify yeah this is scientific robbery yeah yeah exactly that is part the scientific process you really have to do a couple of tests yeah but I think we all know what the results are gonna be wide spread of data points exam exactly Andy soem right okay so use a smoothing right so of these smoothies you've got this one that's the smoothie it's a bit more a bit more ornate smoothie this one that's two smoothies so you get to same as smoothie is number one but in plastic so it's laning carrie catt a mason jar and his messenger and this one is like a sort of like fancy brunch very dark very antioxidant so much oh yeah you know that one is good real gift for you absolutely I'm gonna give my first one I really like raspberries and bananas and blueberries and that's in a glass so it's better for the environment yeah good good good choice I'm gonna go for this one because when we can't see what you're pointing on the three apples jars on chopping board I like it because it looks like it's in little test tubes and it looks like it's not gonna be too bitter and I like I like the straw I think I'm gonna go for the second one there's a little bit of citrus in there with the lemon and looks like you don't actually get much smoothie for your money though with that one it looks like it's sort of so full up of roots and garnish yeah but I want like lots of fruits well then that's well then this is a smoothie PU Hey all right great great okay okay it looks like we are filling up this oh yes yes okay choose a party snack we got Doritos popcorn Cheetos chips and salsa potato chips okay how will you choose between Cheetos potato chips well I mean I'm not a huge fan of Doritos Cheetos I like but flamin hot cheetos and clearly these aren't flaming hot this looks like very much regular they're not what's it's yeah what's it's not big fan of popcorn chips and sound sir I like potato chips are like not a big fan of pretzels so it's between chips and salsa and potato chips I'm probably just gonna go potato chips for this party you know yeah cool doesn't say what flavor they are but potato chips are always good Ellen what do you that you know what these is there's potato chips but when you hover over it it says fried banana chips what so I think this is actually a fried banana chips oh I've said already now I can't you're locked in afraid Andy locks into my choice it was my instincts and if if it's an a scientifically accurate test it's just food in Bowl I love to eat cooked food from a bowl in yellow plastic pack on white table is the Cheetos mr. Tex steel fist I don't not I don't not like popcorn I'm just ambivalent about popcorn it's not a party snack it's a film snack okay well so what are you going for Ellen I'm also torn between chips and salsa and potato chips tricky I think chips and salsa would have got it immediately if guacamole was guaranteed that's galaxies brain I think I think I'm gonna go with potato grits chips of otherwise known as crisps here yeah I like thanks translation yeah yeah justjust just for the Brits but I I am a big fan of like cheese flavored ones a nice mature cheddar cheese and onion something like that so I'm gonna go yeah I'm gonna refer crisps all right powerful choice I am gonna go for popcorn because I absolutely adore popcorn I love popcorn but I don't really have that I love it in every setting that you get popcorn I love having it in the cinema my god sorry you finish I love having it in the home I love in a restaurant when it's the thing that they bring you in a little Bowl like isn't it little like preset Iser yeah oh I love popcorn TGI Fridays Luke when you use bouche it this little bistro Oh actually no I just remembered you can get popcorn that's like cheese flavored yeah so I'm sure I'm changing it's popcorn I thought you'd locked in no okay you can like in um in Chicago it's like a big thing to have sort of mixed flavors of popcorn you got like cheddar and maple syrup yeah I had like maple syrup and bacon ones they were amazing uh uh Luke when you were at Disneyland in Tokyo did he have the curry popcorn they sell from the carts there I don't think I did um really good wow sounds like I massively played myself there I really should have had some the the galaxy's edge popcorn [Music] that was good I do like popcorn I'm just I prefer potato chips that's fine that's fine okay the next question is choose something to grill your options are corn on the cob steak sausages burgers chicken skewers fish 'we get it real this is a heart ram feel it being a vegetarian as you are well I am pescetarian good go for the fish there's two options for you here yeah you know what I'm gonna go I'm gonna go for corn on the cob interesting and just feel sad about it which is Terry in life that's fair yeah I'm go for corn on the cob um will you go you guys going for I am torn between sausages fish and steak oh yeah good i I always I think like chicken the best form of chicken is fried chicken as opposed to grilled chicken even though grilled chicken is a lot of healthy mmm I think I'm gonna see sausages because sausages are delicious that's my ah yep let's see what the mess of Texas on these ones person holding fork and knife okay that's not the most important thing about this photo person holding fork and knife grilled meat and vegetable on the table meat 400 yet grilled fish selective focus photography of grilled meat okay come on Ella what's it gonna be steak fine alright cool choose a dairy product now oh well well okay we got oh we got all the heavy hitters we got all your favorites folks you're here we got three meats we got ice cream BAM we got milk comes from cows we got yogurt you better believe it you better believe it's yogurt we got cheese we've got stacks and stacks of cheese and we've got whipped cream well I'm going with cheese because cheese is awesome okay say cheese I only going with butter because if possible I would add butter to absolutely everything I love butter we'd like those big salt crystals that just load and make you choke with how salty they are [Music] I am torn between cheese and ice cream is good though the other day I had a vegan ice cream which was amazing and vegan ice cream is better than vegan cheese so if the others all disappeared I could still at least get good ice cream that's true are you gonna go for cheese because you love a good cheese okay so you've both gone for cheese I'll go for butter BAM hmm pick a salad salad okay oh well we got pasta salad is it a salad we got Caesar salad that's a classic salad Caesar loved to eat those salads yeah we got fruit salad mmm we've got garden salad we've got the old favorite the cobb salad and we've got Mary and goat cheese salad I remember um III one year we went out for dinner and Jane was trying to be healthy in order to Cobb salad Oh side of bacon in there yes like a half a chicken well is probably the most calorific thing on the money well that Andy is exactly the reason that I'm going for a Caesar salad because it's only salad that you can guarantee will be delicious and bad for you yeah I'm going for a Caesar as well cuz I do really enjoy a Caesar cell I love a Caesar salad yeah which you like yeah oh yeah salty little buggers little heads off yeah I'm Tom Petri Caesar and actually the Burien goat cheese that I've had what because there's like looks like they've got chunks of watermelon in there cuz I think Dec yeah watermelon oh that's oh you were rushing that's gonna be refreshing yeah I think got a good for Caesar salad cuz she got like that parmesan in there shaving a parmesan no dressing the crouton we haven't even talked about oh wow welcome to the crouton zone yeah yeah it's gotta be these I think is that a clear set the first clean I think yeah sorry about it pasta salad garden salad fruit salad salad and berry and goat cheese salad you're all absolute garbage Caesar salad is the Emperor loot salad but I think I think fruit salad and pasta salad are kind of pushing it in terms of what a salad is I think fruit is you're sort of allowed because it is actually vegetation but pasta salad is just a pasta dish that has gone cold yeah Luke would plant nutrition boy Ethan Caesar salad what nutrition boy as we've covered so many times and they would eat a salad if he wanted but could also if he didn't have the money or time could just like grab a houseplant from yeah from the from the front of house for example and he would enjoy it just as much yeah and it would taste delicious and he would get nutrition from it okay the next one is choose a sweet treat I will we've got macarons and the obviously you and I fed each other macarons in viewers will remember I tempt don't remember feeding them to each other okay so either I've made it up because I like the sound of it or you've repressed it because you didn't like it you linked arms so it feels like you're feeding each other but you're actually feeding yourself mmm yeah we link arms and then century yeah and they just push a macaron into Andy's mouth just fastball macaron down the length of the Eurostar exactly perhaps a bloody exactly right so we've got macarons we got mint chocolate cupcake Mandie Soviet cup cream everywhere we finish our mint chocolate cupcakes yeah I think yeah obviously yeah was it Vienna where we am Vienna was the lemon meringue pie the lemon meringue pie where we figured we're we baked a big one the size of a bath and just jumped in it yeah yeah but remember that um yeah when we were walking the streets of Hamburg and we came across the little cart selling the chocolate hazelnut toughs oh it was New Year's Eve yeah with each other the fireworks going off and that's just the most adorable little chocolate hazelnut tart card it was just yeah the man who operated the cart just pulled an accordion from nowhere yeah playing Le'Veon Ruth I thought it was strange for Germany but didn't play very well yeah well don't forget the time we were running down the Spanish Steps in Rome and the gelato oh yeah yeah we were the day that you surprised me with a trip to Cheltenham races and and we brought a berry crumble with us in the car it's just yeah and it got all hot so we decided and there was nowhere to park and you go across oh yeah I got really upset because I couldn't find a bathroom yeah and I said we should have stopped at the Little Chef so you could use the bathroom there do you like no no no we need to make good time and you brake too hard and the berry crumble flew out the bowl and it went into the little slats where the air con comes out of and then you were really mad because the whole cast stank of berry and all the air con smelled of berries yeah yeah so which is your favorite one it's the macarons okay good choice gelato is calling to me but you know what mint chocolate so rarely gets represented and I loved my favorite things I love mint chocolate oh yeah very nice nice touch little sprig of mint huh yeah what are you tempted by Ellen many things well uh yeah I'm tempted between that the mint chocolate cupcake and gelato and seeing as I've given up ice cream I'm gonna I'm gonna go for the gelato like a proper stracciatella or like the salted caramel that'd be good Wow very fine I'll go for the mint chocolate cupcake then yes represent the mint chocolate okay Lee choose a route for your Island folks we've got we got apples sure we've got coconuts uh-huh we've got pears we've got peaches we've got cherries we've got oranges um so it's all the animal crossing ones basically um no I think that's it no there's and then you have the yeah that's all of them okay well on my actual island I did get oranges same I guess you've got pears yeah yeah um okay I mean peaches are the best fruit okay little juicy for might for my tastes well may are you more of a nectarine person I'm Oliver don't eat any of the fruit kind of person if they go so good in a G&T or a mister when I look at the orange I just I just I you know I I can see it absorbing clear alcohol and it's making me very thirsty so it's oranges for me I think what about you Andy I've every animal crossing game I played and I've played almost all of them I've my owners had pears just coincidentally okay so loyal I feel an affinity to pears but every time I'm wishing for cherries because these are amazing so I don't know how I don't know how to answer if I should say loyal to my pears or if I should give in to the illicit through the cherries so you in a bind to bind them in alright I'm choosing cherries I think I literally or forbidden fruit yeah see I love I love cherries I think they are absolutely like wheat because where I used to live we used to live like near a market so we'd get like fresh produce from a stall you know it was great and you get these huge bags of cherries because Jerry seems to be more expensive nowadays but back when we were young it was a little bit more affordable and so like a whole bag yeah exactly cheers please thank you'd still have changed to ride the tram memories that I was reading something the other day and I saw a caption of an alt I mean newspaper boy shouting the word wax tree like w uu x t ry and i was like why have they spelt it like that and apparently that was an accepted alternative spelling of extra for newspaper boys they would say what street sorry I just thought I would interject with that like The Strangers Newsies and all what a film and it wasn't mentioned in Newsies anywhere are you sure are you sure they weren't just shouting what story and you just heard Exeter's Newsies again with subtitles on you didn't need to comb frame by cream shouting wax tree and you you wouldn't know to find the mention okay where's all right oh sorry it hit my mic again so it's oranges for me and I think that's that's all of us chosen right yeah yeah I think we're we're done yeah okay there we go now it's time for the results okay Ellen have you chosen I've chosen waiting for the other players to finish here we go here we go oh my okay I don't see a great lady look mine didn't work tell me I can see mine says that Ellen hasn't finished because okay well we got a second because mine said yours hasn't finished okay give it a second and then the page should like explode come on and then you'll get that I should explode Express that's all yes all right explode into results come on hooked wait oh it's happening it's happening [Applause] Oh John Ghanim is playing oh yes oh my gosh let's read everyone's small print starting at me just like cake a slider I'm just gonna screenshot that you're calm cool and collected you don't let the small things get to you because you're not interested in things you cannot change everyone you meet finds you incredibly charming well I mean that is like unfortunately that is the opposite of my personality but I would I would desperately like it to be the case so I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna say yes I'm accepting it a lot of people want us to change the channel name to outside work Street first thing at the start of next week on Monday so Andy hmm you're just like Tom Nook yes you get a bad rap tell me who and I'll evict them but the truth is you're a real one I have a real one that's what I've been saying what does that mean I'm a real one I'm real I keep it real right you work hard so you can play harder doesn't play harder you don't see what he does he never leaves his office definitely in the 24 are you are you in there 24 hours a day no he's out there I live in it okay he's living crazy he's living crazier than anyone he's just kiteboarding crazier than anyone's ever lived is that if you're always out of your peripheral vision and he's been lower it's okay agree you're going to take over the world with your skills one thing Ellen correct yeah Nations you're just like Mabel's yay now tell me whether you think this describes you you're not someone who opens up to others easily but the people who are close to you know that you would do anything for them second one is Chu I suppose that yeah I'm fairly open with people but I don't open up to everyone very quickly right I think I think as most people though don't just tell everything you know like [Laughter] you work hard and always push yourself to do better you were a real treat Wow there we go and John also got Tom Nook yeah it's a bad rap but the truth is he's a real one time John does get a bad rap doesn't he all that stuff does he does oh man okay well I'm surprised actually that John got that hmm yeah wouldn't have pegged him as a Tom Nook type no well that was awesome yeah as a belt maybe yeah it's a Jonas Jonasson Isabel just cheery and happy and always keen to help out helpful I think it's doing John a disservice to put him as Tom Nook oh yeah me no way John also likes to share like fun interesting stories of things that he's seen on TV like oh like oh like I say all by the way I talked to my parents on skype it was great rattling on about her personal TV habits yeah exactly saying about those chat show hosts talking more than the guests I'm secretly hoping so for red the cool secret pirate I'll be well I look every single day I'm secretly hoping for red but he's never bloody there twice ever I've had red yeah that's right maybe three times oh man okay so more times I had no idea that that was lucky the first time I had him on my island to actually buy something as well I wanted to buy a fake and it was like it was the day after he'd first appeared on people's Island so I was like great I'm gonna get a fake so I've got that look miles thing and also I want a funny fake painting of the Mona Lisa and then you like didn't come back for two weeks I got a fake as I will never mind try again tomorrow yep well I bought I bought a fake I bought a fake but on purpose because I wanted a Venus de Milo for my twin peaks' Red Room yes yeah and was it worth it oh it's totally worth it yeah you know it you know well okay so we now know deep down who we are in Animal Crossing I think what I raised the results of the first test I think that was just a warm-up well I think the first ones are like just visited like villages who can come to liver your Island rather than shopkeepers and other NPCs like that characters got about six minutes before we wrap up here that's when Eurogamer will be starting their fundraising livestream they can be playing ring fit adventure it's gonna be yeah gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna be heading over there in about five minutes time but we can see what people are saying in the chat before we wrap things up only people watching the Eurogamer stream you're gonna have that ring fit music in your head forever good it's good though it's really good here on outside one story what are they saying in the chat Ellen give us some catch us up goofy dragon says I got my last fossil today no look miles award for it though I know I thought I was gonna be an award for finishing Burgess but I say to that nonsense says hey I'm playing ring fit now yeah right now are you're watching the stream that's that's the real like what's the word dedicate asking mmm Zev Ozma Cuusoo says join is Isabel now so it's official it's camp yeah it's been so I can't I can and everyone yes David DT says can we have more Luke and Andy fanfiction in the last 100 each star 0 1 10 says what's the word to say in the year a game of stream so what should people say when we send them over oh say remember Paris Georgia 5 T 7 7 says it's my birthday my best friend is next to me my favorite streamers - Jana my Quran and later today I will make a Halfmoon thief named scramble shanks a start to a good day even still lockdown yeah that's cool yes we'll shake that are you ok with them taking scribble shanks your canonical yes I'm totally fine with that yeah no it's not my canonical love name no I think pretty sure I remember that so rune factory says I think Luke should have gotten Blue Bear in first quiz well well yeah I mean I do aspire to that pop star lifestyle and I do have fleas so um default says hi guys take it we've covered how excited ellen is about the Kingdoms of Amalur remaster we haven't because she wanted to talk about the weekdays yeah yeah I'm super excited I'm a bit blurry now that's how excited I by Twitter yesterday was ridiculous my mentions were just like came out I had THQ Nordic mentioned me personally like a so that was fun at this grad kirkhope we're all like yeah the absolute worst case scenario F in the chat for me no it'll be great because it just means that just more kingdoms about alert it's time for work boys it's time I regret ibly admit it's time for work boys ah da XLR says I haven't laughed like this in a long time thank you very much and Bryce Shona says I cannot love this enough I think there was when they donated when you guys were sharing your wonderful stories your wonderful stories about desserts hmm oh yeah well don't forget the time we yeah don't forget the time we ate those ice cream mochi in that onsen do you remember the one just outside Hokkaido oh yes yes it's yes it was a cherry blossom festival of course yeah yeah yeah yeah one of the cherry blossoms fell in my food and I got upset yeah but I was like it's okay you can you can just take that out in actual actual fact you could eat cherry blossom they care they have it as a delicacy yeah as well so you know just and that's why once a year we feed each other cherry blossoms yeah you get the edible kinds that you put in food yeah and wait did the edible kind yes I do remember we went to that charming little Hospital and they had the doctor was so polite yeah and they they have they thought they had those noodles for specially made and the broth mm-hmm it was so salty you remember all night going to get glasses of water yeah memories anyway it's dry hmm I think we lost Luke again oh no no thanks back we've got it back is it I said I'm gonna get out the old the old hard drive and look at those holiday photos yeah oh they'll be nice yeah nice will order something from that Thai place yeah oh yeah all right well we should wrap up everywhere you go and watch your a game is stream here Eurogamer has just started so head over there teller moxtra cent year and hmm remember Paris remember Paris so much for watching everyone [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 74,311
Rating: 4.9504037 out of 5
Id: ukxdxHM7nBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 54sec (3834 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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