Starfield - How To Get Epic Class C Ship UC VISTA II For Free

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welcome to another where I found my ship and today we've got something special finally been able to get my hands on a Vista 2 pretty reliably the best of ships are some of my favorite looking ships in the game don't know why but I just love them and I've been on the hunt to find vesters reliably ever since I post that first video of the Vista one but now I can give much more confidence in giving this information as I've been able to spawn the best tattoo not just once but three times within a two and a half hour testing period and what I'm hoping is that this is a sufficient amount of consistency that this could be possibly replicated for everyone because I haven't come across a place that has produced Vistas so frequently and I mean I've spent hours days even trying to recreate getting that list to one for whatever reason I could not get Vistas to spawn no matter how hard I tried but I've started a new game and there's a few other little tricks that I'm going to share with you and hopefully this will give you a much better chance to get the Vista 2 all free as well there's no bounties even in the situation where you have to kill the crew so we'll quickly get into what you're going to need to the perks you're going to need to be able to get the Vista too so you're going to need your piloting Rank 4 to Pilot class c ships the last perk you're going to need is your security rank 1 to open the hatch which will be locked under an advanced lock and since you're gonna have to unlock the main hatch you're gonna need a Digi pick so bring a couple with you it's always good to have these on you now another important step is I want you to put the difficulty on to very easy I haven't done exhaustive testing on this but at least in the last two hours I've been on very easy when switching to other difficulties I had a different result not 100 sure if it means or does anything but this is just what I've done seems counter-intuitive but maybe perhaps the algorithms are like ah this guy's on very easy let's not give them anything too hard so they just drop lots of UC ships not too sure just to gamble but this is what I did so what's this awesome location it should hopefully yield a Vista two for you well we're gonna head over to the serpentes system and in particular from my testing what's yield the best result is serpentus 5D I haven't checked all the planets or anything like this this is a new game again so it I haven't been to all of them and now what's really important to note none of these finds were using the save and reload trick you don't know what to save and reload trick is just when you land the game Auto saves if you get a ship Landing you don't like it you can just reload at auto save and a different ship should appear and people can Farm ships this way but for my testing seems to be very difficult to get blisters doing it this way so all the vistas I've found were on original spawns so I would land the first ship that's spawned was a Vista 2 in all three occasions so that means doing the save and reload trick what I've tested is not going to work for this ship seems to be on the first encounter only have I been able to generate it maybe other people have had much more luck or a different experience but for me at least that's what I'm going to base this off again important to note this is not a save and reload trick this is get the Vista 2 on your first landing now the other thing that's important to note is that all my findings were in craters see over here oh it says creators all the landings I was just Landing in craters I didn't do any testing on mountains or in the other regions to fly in the Vista too what I would do is I would start with trying to spawn this only in craters I wouldn't try Frozen Hills mountains so yeah stick to Craters that's probably your best bet uh looking at the resource locations because apparently the resource locations are going to be the same for everyone now I still don't know how much that's going to impact the random generation of the surroundings but at least this will give you a better idea very first bester I spawned was landed right here now do note that was the very first time I had touched down on the planet whatever reason the first time you visit a planet always seems to generate the best best chances of getting a good ship at least in my experience the second location I got a best of two was over here so you guys can clearly see and then the third one was down here or something or actually is more like in the middle this video is going to be longer than normal but I want to give you enough information and walk you through what my experience was just to give you as much information so hopefully it will help now what was interesting is that all three encounters with the visitors were all different so the first one on the very first time I landed on the planet Vista 2 landed at a fracking station but normally in instances like this you would get a crew outside and they're looking for ship parts or something but I didn't get any of that or I didn't really stop to check or see so I didn't really see the crew I just had to unlock in advance lock and then Waltz right in I also found two big bang guns so that was a nice score but it was a simple jump in the pilot seat and had no issues and that was my first fist to claim I tell you what I'm so stoked because I've been looking for this ship for such a long time it's been very annoying to try to get this to spawn okay so what did I do after I got my first Vista well I made it my home ship and I traveled to another planet in serpentis which was serpentus 5B and then I wanted to reset this morning what do I do I travel to the closest system nearby which is naira stopped in at naira just whatever Planet it was and then talk to this Mrs whitemore that was hell annoying she spoke for ages and then what I did I just actually jumped straight back to serpentis I went straight to serpentus 5D orbit again and then I just landed over to the left here I landed exited the ship and then looked up to the skies the heavens and I could not believe it there was a second Avista now what was unique about this one is that this one had a crew but I'll just show you a little bit of me running over just so you know it's legit you always tell it's a Vista because it's just massive so as I approached the second Vista couldn't see any crew that had landed the door didn't need to be unlocked either so you could walk straight onto it and this actually had a crew so it turned out to be one of those classic Smuggler captains so spoke to the captain and perhaps there's a better choice here but I just said yeah I'd like took the goods and then ended up just murdering the whole crew which did rack up bounties but in the end it didn't actually give me one at all because I still don't have a bounty for this ship so once I'd killed all the crew members I went to try and enter the ship and I could not for the life of me get access to the ship I even triple checked the whole ship couldn't find anyone I didn't even get cannot access I got no messages nothing I just couldn't even get anything or any kind of reading from the captain's seat so I don't know what happened with this one but I was not able to claim this Vista so if you do have that happen I'm sorry I don't know what happened here if anyone knows why I couldn't enter this ship please let me know in the comments so what did I do after the second best that I ran into so I ended up trying to jump around between systems coming back trying to repeat that initial process I then was trying different moons I tried to save and reload process get it to trigger a third time I was really looking for that third time to give that more consistency offer this up to you guys but I wasn't having any luck I kept getting different ships what didn't seem to be working so what I did is I went back to Nera saved the game exited the game completely opened the game up again and then I went straight back to a new location on serpentis 5D and would you believe it a third Vista so between getting the second and third Vista I did spend a lot of time trying to jump from system and I couldn't get it but I did get it after exiting and then loading back into the game don't know if that makes a difference but it did for me it seems to reset it a bit better and then the bester in this case which landed very close to my other Vista this one had the crew come out they were probably looking for parts or something or selling something so all you got to do is kill them but now looking back you don't actually have to kill them I think you can just jump straight into the ship I can't remember off the top of my head but let me know if you remember in the comments I did have to use a Digi pick and open a advanced security door and then this one I could just jump straight into the captain's chair and had no issues so two out of three is not bad and within two and a half hours I nearly had three visits which is huge because I haven't had that kind of success at all now do note I'm level 90 in this I'm on the NG plus 10 I have spaceship design level four and that's all I can really think that might influence your prospects of getting the Vista too now I'm still struggling to find the exact answer on how much level impact ship spawns from my testing I was trying to get some class c ships and I was level 20 and I wasn't having much luck on these other planets so there might be something to that it may be level locked then I hear plenty of comments of people getting class c ships and they're under 20 under 30 under 40 levels so it's a real mix bag I'm not sure if I can give you at a definite answer on that just yet and lastly if you do want to register the Vista it's sort of fluctuated between I think it was like I don't know 55 000 to say 65 000 just registering it in my own inventory so yeah you're looking about 55 to 65k to register the Vista if you want to modify it otherwise it's completely free if you just want to fly it around and with all that said that should land you a Vista to I'm looking for a Vista three if you find one anywhere please let me know in the comments you did get anything out of this please consider liking subscribing supporting the channel donating whatever and really enjoying chatting with you all and dropping things in the comments it's awesome and uh yeah thanks very much and I hope you got something out of this if you have any questions Chuck them in the comments and peace till next time
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 191,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, Starfield How to, Vista ship, Vista II ship, How to get Vista II ship starfield, How to get vista 2 in starfield, how get the vista ship, Vista III ship starfield, best ships in starfield
Id: zQDRc5exC3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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