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all right in today's video I am going to be showing you guys how to build my ship the patina it has a car capacity of 8780 hole of 20 of 1274 fuel of 1300 so it's got a reactor that has 34 jump is 23 my shield is 600 I can have 12 crew members on here if I need to and then as you can see the value is 632,000 with a mass of 4713 so as you can see I have the cockpit here from the homestead area where it actually has steps instead of a ladder so if you build this correctly you can make it so there's not a single ladder in this ship between the first and second floor the only place I have a ladder is on the other side of my loading Bay to get up into those floors so as you can see I have a side bay for loading I have six engines here on the back and then I made it so that all of my fuel my reactor and my grab Drive are all on the top here and I try to make it so that it looks like the fuel and all that stuff is going through these radiators like how it possibly could be in real life to keep everything cool and then I added just little radiators here and there as like ax on the top with my shield in the middle and then as you can see from my cockpit in the middle here I have all vertical or horizontal but like straight back cross through path that brings me straight back in the ship from the cockpit to the back air where I will have my Captain's Quarters workbench and all these other things so I will go inside and give you a tour and show you exactly how the inside works and then after that I will do the quick build on the ship so you guys can see exactly what parts I use you guys can use your own Parts if you want to you don't have to follow everything exactly the way I did it obviously so whatever Interiors you like better than me you can do that there's still maybe a couple things even I myself would change about the interior here and there but for the most part I'm pretty happy with it the movement on it is very good so so let's uh go check out that inside as you see you enter in the side here go through the store then you come into this Companion Way which then brings you right into like a like an engineering Bay so you got all like the little parts for the engines radiators and all that stuff bu of components stuff that makes the ship kind of run I figured if I put that down low as an entrance it would fit pretty good I even added a little window here so you can see out when we're flying in space and then this is the only ladder in this ship so we can take this go up top and here we have a battle station I believe this is the Stout eckan but I will go over that when I'm doing how to build this ship exactly you can use any AB you want in here but this is what I have it's nice big and open I think it looks really good and then you can go right from here the ladder up into the cockpit and as you can see there are staircases on both sides so you can just take these right up you got your uh captain's chair and the two co-pilot seats over here is the captain's locker and then I have my armaly right there and then the cargo hold is right there so all three items are right here right on the wall and then as you can see I have a like a companion way basically tunnel that goes straight from the cockpit back into the top floor here which I have this nice little like allinone I believe birth some bad area where they can sleep and then if you go here to the right it'll bring you into my Armory which then brings me into the captain's corter where my wife Andrea is I like this one cuz it looks it's very dark I really like how that look is I believe this is the Hope Tech Captain's Quarters but it's got a nice little seating area here and I added this window here to you get a nice little view so when you're out in space you get an amazing view even when you land on some planets you can look off like if we're on like a cliff area or something you get a good view right from here the plan comes a little desk of course you always have to have a navigation console in therez it's the captain you should be able to check all that out right a that's very nice anyway you get these little mannequins here I still have to load up all this stuff with my weapons but I'm not going to do that until I'm 100% done cuz as you know if you adjust anything on your ship it'll actually go right back in your cargo hold anyway so it's pointless until you know for sure you're done but anyway so you come back up here and then if you go across from here yeah another door this is where I have the workbenches so I have the industrial one I have the weapons bench and then the spacit workbench right on side is infirmary which will have the research center and then you have the pharmaceutical lab here so you can make your amps and anything else that you need to do to help with health and stuff and then again I added another window so you can view out and then that's the other section of the ship that we'll be going to here in just a second so then you just come back again just no ladders all one single floor and then you can just run back down here come take these stairs and then right from the cockpit you go into the battle station and put a nice little window there so you can view out and then you come over here around the stairs this is the ship cruise like Armory so I added this one so it's more like feasible for people I can put the bunch of guns here for all of them mainly guns I don't think I didn't put any mannequins in this one cuz I don't think it's necessary for the crew to have their suits there and then come through this St again I have another tunnel that leads out that way horizontal tunnel and I'll show that area in a second but this is a living quarter for the crew and then if we come over here this right here are the basically the jail fig this be cool to have like I'm hoping in the future that they add practic use for this maybe with some Bounty missions or something you go arrest some guys put them in your jail and then bring them to wherever you need to but then I added another one of these vertical ways here which you take that and the reason I did this this way cuz I wanted this to be separate from the ship like its own little area so it's like secure but okay so we come in here this is kind of the mess hall area for the crew to sit down in here go have their little areas to eat they got their kitchen and everything sinks so they can come here relax everyone can eat and then right next to it through this door is a living quarters for them too so a lot of them will live right next to this area so they can go there relax come in here work out sleep hang out too as well so should be pretty good and that should be it for here here this floor again no ladders all one floor just a couple of hallways that you can go through but yeah it is very nice having it all just one for it's very easy to navigate you don't get lost having everything kind of like one floor one floor you got ladders only one spot to go down and then you have the staircases right here so so I like this cockpit the most for that aspect if you're looking for that kind of ship with no ladders this is like the best way to go is with this cockpit and then using these stairs basically and just build it this way all right and as you enter this battle station I have one more thing I forgot you come right straight up here off the ladder there is a room right here which is the computer control room it will have extra seating for your crew members and I figured it's a good fit to put it right next to the battle station having all the controls right here and then as you come through this mess hall here go back by the kitchen there's one more room back here has a nice open area like another control area for the ship nice little window in the back corner here all right this is the ship again that from the outer view as you can see it's got top speed of 130 Mobility is 86 even with the mass of 4713 and a lot of that is because of these engines that I have back here I have six of them these are great see as you can see they have a max power of two so they make it so you can put a total of six a lot of them you can only put like three engines or four engines because they fill up that space for your power and you can't get enough of them in there and with these on here it makes it so much better for mobility and you can have higher weight and everything like this these engines here specifically though you have to do Walter shroud mission for him so you'll do the main story stuff there'll be a part where you do a talk to him and do a mission with him to get an artifact and and then after that he needs your help to build a ship basically for his company so you have to do and complete that and then these will become available to you at stoud Eckland it's uh Shipyard and stuff so these are probably my favorite engines that's how they look and the amount that you can have to get the speed there might be a higher version of these I'm not 100% sure I'm not at level 50 or 60 yet where I know things you get an extra boost of Parts but we'll just start over here so first we'll take the cockpit off this a Nova Galactic you can get this at Homestead I will show all locations on the map to get all these parts but Nova Galactic is at Homestead the only place you can get this is at that location I believe any or any other place that does Nova Galactic so if you want this cockpit you has to be a place that has Nova Galactic at it because you can't just build a base at one of your outposts and get this it's a bigger piece it's more specific higher piece so you have to have this so first we'll just take this pull it over here then as you can see I would start with this so this is from a stout eckan station anything you want to kind of start at the back side here of this cuz you got the stairs instead of the ladder so once you start here this helps make sure that you don't have any ladders in the ship so you start here you can use any Habs you want there's three slots here so if you want to have a 2X one two 2x one 3x two or whatever anything like whatever you want to put here is totally up to you I just went with the stoud eeking battle station 2x two and then after that next to that I did the Stroud Armory snap that in the place and right behind it over here I have the Hope Tech control system so you have to get get this from Hope Tech that is at I believe the Volo station again I will put all the stuff for all the locations at the end so there's that station 2x one and then right after that I have all of these Cargo hles in here but then the other side of that is a no novag Galactic living quds okay snap that in right there and then to fill this Gap here I had to put these here because my graph Drive originally was down here cuz it was a single stack like this but now to have a farther jump distance I had to put it up top there where I have some room so I to move some stuff around so there's different ways you can do this and then behind that I have the H tech computer Core 2 by two and then on the other side of that I have the novag galactic mes Hall all right and then on top here I'll start with this right here so we have the Hope Tech Hab spine and the these items here make it so that you automatically this is a door basically so as soon as you put these somewhere so if you want to space these out like you can make a same thing down low you have a 2x1 and a 2x1 here and you can put this down low and it will make an automatic door here so if you want to put a door in a certain spot these are automatically going to put that door there so you can do the same like I have this cross right here so if I put that there that's automatically going to be a door in that location from there so that's good then kind of try to remember if you want doors in specific spots and you're willing to space the ship out more you can use these passageways for that now I have two of them up here to be the same size as that Hab and then right behind that I have the Hope tech all-in one birth and right on the other side of that will be the Armory and the novag galactic one is the only Armory that I can think of that has those mannequins in it so if you want to have the suits in there use the novag galactic one again that is the novag galactic Armory 2x1 I want this one here for me personally cuz it's right next to my Captain's Quarters cuzz it's like my personal Armory and I'm going to put my special suits in that one so I can see them and then again we got the Hope Tech Captain's Quarter 2 by one and then the other side we'll have the novatic workshop and then right in front of that will be the infirmary so that way you have an allinone basically on the ship you can do everything research laab all your workbenches and everything that you need so you can basically do everything here all right and this is the galactic living quarters again they're right next to the mes Hall then we should have a passageway going right here and then we'll grab the brig novag Galactic Brig and that will go right here in front and then again grab this other passageway and that'll go there so this is the main bulk of the ship for your floors and everything here so now we need to to have the loading Bay put that right there for now then we got the engineering Bay I'll go right here in the middle and then on the back side here got the companion way that'll be like that little small doorway here that goes from the loading Bay into there and then this is where we'll have our ladder the only ladder in the ship will come from down here and go up into the ship here and this is the main this is the ship basically so this is how you do all the Habs inside all the interior stuff everything else is mainly decoration so we'll grab all these engines here start with all those just move all of these over very easy to navigate you don't get lost having everything kind of like one floor one floor you got ladders only one spot go down and then you have the staircases right here so all right so now we got all the engines on the next is the other important parts so we'll grab this one fuel tank next to that we'll have our grab Drive the NG 340 from Nova Galactic max power is 12 so it fills up the whole bar and then a grab jump thrust of 45 and then 147 for health and five for hole and it's a Class C so you have to have Starship design rank three to at least get this we move that right over here next to the fuel tank then next we have the fuser DC 402 reactor by Deep core it's another class C 34 power repir rates of 5.09 I think there might be one that's a little better than this but it's got a good hole Health reactor crew capacity is three this will add an extra amount of people for your crew and that'll come right back over here and go next to our grab drive and then on the other side of that we'll have the fuel tank so we got both our fuel tanks and all our Essentials here so everything else is strictly up to you for the Cosmetics it's totally up to you like here you'll need a shield I have the Assurance sg1 1800 Shield generator by sex tent Shield system it's a Class C again 1,600 Max health so you'll need rank four or for sh ship design for this one so we'll just take that move that over here everything else here is landing gear is important you need to have all this landing gear but everything else is just basically cosmetics and guns so you can do whatever guns that you want on there if you're interested what these are though for the piping this is the Hope Tech pipe so again you'll have to go to Hope tech for that same with these are the mid pipes this is the Hope Tech radiator so a lot of this stuff is Hope Tech build I know some of is Homestead you can go to Homestead to get a lot of this the other stuff is at Hope Tech you can do a little bit of this in your base if you buil a base at one of your outposts and have the ship builder in there you can go there and do a lot of these little small pieces here and there the landing gear is another thing that you're going to need and a lot of this stoud Eckland because it's got a Lander thrust of two there's some bigger ones that you can use if you don't want to use these I liked how they looked and they fit with the underneath my ship but some of them have four so you just the landing gear is up to you however you want to do the landing gear you go ahead and do it I just did this cuz that's the way I liked it and that's how I wanted to have my uh landing gear look in the layout so my main ones on the outside are these hope Tech hope five landing gears they only have a Thrust of one so you need more landing gear you'll need to like fill your whole bottom up with these whereas I was able to mix and match to give it a little more uniform look so totally up to you I have cargo I have these they have 1480 for cargo capacity but the weight is 312 so you get enough of these on the weight is going to really climb up on your ship so I'm just going to throw the rest of this stuff on and then you can see the finished product again and then you guys can pick however you want to build this ship if you I mainly just wanted to show you guys how I have this section so this is the main part of the ship anything after this is totally up to you obviously you have to have a certain amount of landing gear so you can do that but that'll be the main thing for this hello love there is no one I would rather see right now yeah all right and there you have it that's the whole ship obviously like I was saying you can do it however you want but I have a bunch of different stuff on here like I have this com spot like I think uh yeah scam scan Jammer so you can have Contraband on your ship I think same as this too conduction grid yeah so I have a bunch of different stuff different accet pieces to cover up things like here I made it so that that cover piece still fits there but that's because see how this slopes here I made it so that it'll still fit because they'll clear each other so you got to kind of think about how you want to do certain things on the ship and as you can see with these pipes I made it so that they all look like they're running in from up down low into the engine as fuel here looks like they're coming in and splitting off to separate like to come out to here come in through coming back around so they're not 100% practical but I tried to make it look as cool and functional in a way as I could and I feel like I did a pretty good job and as you can tell by the name it is like a patina style paint job the front here is a little like beat up looking it's got that teal and like orangey Rusty coppery color to it and then these here are just engine bracers I just stuck them between to fill in the Gap and do the extra support for the engine and then these are also cargo holds these are the 12 70 ones but if you want you can have Windows here here you can put them wherever you want you can do the landing gear however you want this is just how I did it so that it is pretty uniform so I have the two back Corners this corner here and then I have these two front of the same and then the rest are all this style here and that way they're only underneath the middle of the ship so the outside is the bigger ones and then the inside is the ones that actually hold more weight and they're like straight down Thruster Jets and then I got our side loading Bay and our Docking Bay here little Docker slim Docker and remember this has to be able to stick past whatever your lowest part is so when the landing gear is up and you're in space this stalker since it extends a little bit is lower than everything being on the bottom now if I put it on the top it would not work because of these here they're too tall so if I wanted to put it to come in up here I could not do that because it's not going to go taller than these items here and you have to have it taller than that so if you want the top of your ship to be like this you cannot put the docker up there you'll have to go on the bottom I prefer it down here for my style of how my ship is I know some people might want it up top so they can go in here and go straight down to the cockpit totally up to you you can change the layout of the ship however you want but this is how I did it like you can put these technically right here if you want you can move some things out of the way drop them down and give yourself a little bit of space here so it's totally up to you you can change things around put the landing gear how you want you can add a landing gear below here I didn't want that so I didn't but again totally up to you so for a hope Tech you're going to come just up from alpha centuri to Volo and then when you come to Volo you'll come over here to povo and right here is where Hope Town is so you got the civilian Outpost science Outpost and then over here on this side is Hope Town so you can come here there a ship Builder right outside you can talk to him all right so when you get down here to Hope Tech you just run over this guy right here in front of the ship talking area talk to him and he'll be able to help you modify for all your hope Tech stuff that you want and then the next location so if you're out here you can go to the Naran Outpost area go in there and then right over here right by tiala is a stoud ekan [Music] stard and when you get here you'll see this just come here basically all right once you're inside the Starship space station you just come straight down through here normally he's right here some of these specs you got talk to somebody he's usually around here somewhere sometimes he'll be like standing here in this corner being all weird but let's see it's this guy right herea stoutland may be new but it has allowed us to learn from the others yep once you're done talking to him you can go modify and view ships and view all the parts for St all right and the next location we're going to do is going to be neon so it's just to the right and down of alpha centuy you got to go to the volley system then you come right over here to the volley Alpha and land right here at kn neon all right and then once you land on neon just take a left and run over to this building right here you'll see the ship Services you just talk to this guy right here anything I can help you with and he'll be able to take help you modify your ship and do all stuff here and here you can get a lot of good parts like here also has St eklan Toyo so let's see so if you want some of the too yeah Toyo Parts see here so you have the straan PS and teao abs so both of these if you're looking to get both of these Habs or parts for strin and ta neon is the best place for those so if you like other Interiors better than what I have this is like the perfect place to come for both of those if you want the more rounded look like all this here is Tao so I came here to do all of this so the first location we're going to go to is going to be the soul system so you're going to want to go there then you got to search for when you get to the soul system go to Saturn you'll find Titan you go to Titan you see on the one side it'll be new Homestead so once you get here this will be the planet we need to go to to get the cockpit of the ship so the first place I would recommend going would be new Homestead so that we can get there get that cockpit out of the way and then you can build off of that cockpit basically so you can grab whatever ship you need to grab to get the cockpit or find a ship that already has that cockpit and then you don't even have to come here necessarily unless you want Nova parts but once you get here you just talk to this guy need some work done come in modify ship okay no problem then cockpits I did the cabit C4 Bridge you'll have to have Starship design rank two for this one but they have PL PL of other designs as you can see but they sell mainly Nova Galactic stuff here so you can do whatever type of Hab that you want like this one here you can put it right down there behind it get a cargo hold mes Hall whatever you want to have right downstairs in that first area like I was saying you don't have to match mine specifically but if you like how Nova Galactic is this is the perfect place to come come here get whatever reactor you want and actually while I was here I just found this fuser dc43 reactor which has more four more than when the one I just had so I just upgraded that and again this is the ship you can paint each little section individually just got to select what you want build it however you want I just was showing you the layout if you want to copy it exactly go for it feel free it's going to cost a lot of money obviously there probably 5 600k to build this thing completely out with all the engines if you just fully erase a ship you'll get some money back so it won't cost as much but each one of these engines is like 50k I have six of them so it's like 300K just in engines and then my reactor is like 50 grab drives 50 so there's 400k right there and then all the extra parts so it's got quite a hefty price to build it's more of an endgame ship in a way put whatever guns you want on it and everything but if you like this video leave a like down below leave me a comment if you have some opinions about way I built the ship or if you have any ideas of how I can improve it what you did to improve it if you built it and if there's anything that you guys would like to see in the future let me know subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys in a later video hope you guys have a good one
Views: 4,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield ship building, starfield, starfield best ship, starfield best ship build, starfield gameplay, starfield review, starfield ship, starfield ship building designs, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship design, starfield ships, starfield tips
Id: iB6O0shSVVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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