r/AmiTheA**Hole For Getting ENGAGED During My SISTER's WEDDING?!

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g'day there guys i like long walks along the beach and by the beach i mean my couch to the fridge it's marky here and welcome back to another episode of r slash am i the a-hole now if you love today's content i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie a like on the video and tell me what you think of all these stories in the comments posted by user am i the ahole proposal one two three titled am i the a-hole for accepting an engagement last week my 25 female sister 27 female got married i went with my boyfriend 25 male of five years the reception was going great everyone was having a good time and then i turned around and saw my boyfriend kneeling he pulled out a diamond ring and asked me to marry him i said yes because i love him and i want to marry him we got some congratulations and then the party continued it didn't seem like it disrupted very much and it was after the actual ceremony a week has passed and my sister is really mad at me for accepting the engagement at her party i know my boyfriend probably shouldn't have done it at the wedding but it didn't disrupt it that much he was dropping hints for the past few weeks so i assumed it was coming soon but i didn't know it would be at the wedding obviously or i would have told him to wait as i see it it's not my fault i wasn't the one who decided to propose but i do want to marry him and i had to say yes or no so for me it was a clear yes but my sister has blocked me and my family is texting me angrily so reddit am i the a-hole not my boyfriend i'm asking for me well um i think both of you suck sorry proposing at a wedding if you've not asked permission is completely a no-go and even if you're put on the spot i feel like you say no and you say we'll talk about this later as much as that breaks your husband's hearts it's honestly like a cardinal sin in my book you just do not do it you do not steal the thunder at someone else's wedding even if it is after the ceremony as much as it sucks as much as you don't want to do it i feel like you have to say no we'll do this proposal later you've made an embarrassment of the both of us and i'm sorry you do such a disservice to your family when you accept that proposal as as hard as that is i understand it's hard so you're the a-hole for this one op you're the a-hole yes you were put in an awkward position and your boyfriend is the real a-hole here but you're the a-hole for playing it down as though it was nothing when in fact it's not cool at all to get engaged at someone else's wedding reception one hundred percent this an apology could go a long way here op is technically right that she didn't propose but it's not the hill to die on boyfriend should apologize too you're the a-hole i was gonna say not the a-hole but you've agreed to marry a classless a-hole so it definitely calls your character into question and your dismissive attitude towards your sister just rubs me wrong i hope she announces her pregnancy at your wedding man i'd feel some kind of way about it if my husband used someone else's special occasion for his proposal it just seems so fudging lazy like you weren't even worth the efforts my thoughts exactly you're the a-hole op when you saw him kneeling there you should have said something to him then especially since it seems like you were expecting a proposal soon anyway instead of making it special for you he took the joy away from both you and your sister now this is the memory you'll both get to live with hope that it was worth it everyone sucks here your boyfriend is the huge rude insensitive a-hole you know it we all know it but instead of telling him to apologize to your sister and you apologizing as well you are acting dismissive of her anger towards the proposal as a whole yup plus op could have shut him down it's not hard to say don't do this here i mean at that point that would make a bigger scene i don't see how opie could have avoided it but her fiance needs to apologize right it's still a scene but walking away and pulling him out of the room is at least a don't ruin my sister's wedding scene which would make her not the a-hole especially with a big my boyfriend is a [ __ ] type apology instead op went with gosh this is not okay but yes followed by a what's the big deal apology posted by user doordeer3 titled am i the a-hole for ruining my wife's birthday trip by insisting either our son comes or no one goes long story but i'll keep this brief my wife's birthday was two weekends ago we had planned to go on a long camping trip of six days and everything was all set and paid for roughly three days before departing my wife got into a huge fight with our 12 year old son they have been getting into small arguments and butting heads more and more but nothing like this apparently he was playing minecraft on her laptop and downloaded something that crashed the computer nothing too terrible but my wife was worried her computer was permanently broken so there was a pretty easy solution to everything go to a repair shop but like always it devolved into a massive fight between them because our son was adamant he didn't do anything wrong and my wife was adamant he did it eventually got so bad my wife threatened to send him to stay with our neighbor by himself while we went on our trip if he doesn't confess he says fine leave without me so my wife made up her mind to actually leave him with the neighbor for six days while we go on our trip i tried to mediate but it's the night before and my wife is still set on dropping him off at the neighbors he's also upset and has packed his stuff in preparation at this point i basically put my foot down and said there's no way in hell we're actually doing this this is insane we're a family and if we can't go together we shouldn't go at all long story and lots of drama short the trip was cancelled my wife refused to let our son come along and i refused to leave him behind as a result she's accused me of ruining the one week this year she's been excited for i don't know if i did the right thing in the end edits to everyone asking about how the laptop broke it's a really old computer and my wife accidentally spilled orange juice over it roughly a year ago when the problem started the computer honestly crashes all the time and i've got no doubt my son's games over taxed it and crashed it again but i don't think his games were to blame for the problem starting edit 2 my son did have permission to play games and download specific mods related to the game limited to a site that we trust without our knowing so he didn't really break any rules by playing the game or downloading but the laptop was in incredibly poor shape and what used to be fine no longer was my wife just seemed to forget about all the other times the laptop crashed and pinned every problem on this one instance um i want to say everyone sucks here in this situation because this husband has done nothing to calm this wife down it seems like he's been sitting on the sidelines this entire time he would not be the a-hole if he mediated this from the start instead of waiting it out and seeing if the problem fixes itself i feel like you've got to have more self-awareness in these situations and be like you know what maybe the worst thing could happen in this situation and i should preemptively put the fire out i should tell the wife hey you you've messed up this computer you've spilled orange juice on it he's a kid he's 12 years old he likes to play games computers crash all the time yours has been crashing all the time you can't give soul blame to this kid he's young wait they all make mistakes especially 12 year olds it's not fair that you attack him like this your wife is a huge a-hole for doing what she did and i don't know that's a really strange relationship and i hope you do fix it so everyone sucks here because of that everyone sucks here going to a repair shop may be an easy solution to the problem of the broken computer but it doesn't resolve the issue of your son downloading something he shouldn't have and edit potentially lying about it i think excluding him from the trip was an overreaction but i also think you failed to have your wife's back in what was partly a disciplinary issue you say like always it devolved into a massive fight if this is the norm your family needs therapy i don't mean that flippantly you need to find better ways to resolve problems if your son's now 12 it's not going to get any easier as he enters the teen years opie says to be clear i absolutely did have her back in the beginning i agreed that his games did crash the computer but she took it to another level and wanted him to confess to breaking it permanently the point i stopped backing her was when she wanted our son to confess to breaking the computer with his games because that's just not the case i told him to stop playing minecraft on her laptop but she wanted him to take responsibility for it going to crap in the first place that's why the fight got so bad and why i stopped defending her quickly after that i think you needed to defend your son yes your wife is your partner and you should parent from a united front however she overreacted when she took the camping trip away she went too far then she doubled down with you saying your son stays or no one goes that's all kinds of unreasonable she puts you in the judge jury and executioner position a punishment or some corrective action was due to the sun no computers for a month take his cell mow the lawn every day etc but not allowing him to go on a family trip would have set such a negative dynamic in motion within your family that you would be years coming back from it if ever not the a-hole op but some family counselling is in order and that's all kinds of unreasonable especially due to his age he's obviously not an extremely young child so he's at an age where he's got to be taking responsibility for his actions but still deliberately excluding someone who's not hit his 10 years from a family holiday seems extreme and quite immature and counterproductive excluding him in that way is hardly going to improve the family dynamic going for a couple's weekend to get away from the responsibilities of parenthood is one thing and probably needed for most families to relax for a bit but parenthood is still a commitment and you can't just cut out your kids when they annoy you posted by user like lysi titled am i the a-hole for walking out of an intervention quote-unquote i might be a little righteous but i hate cheaters i just lose all respect once i know someone had an affair my father-in-law left mother-in-law for his 20-something year younger mistress four years ago and as a result he has limited time with his kids i want to raise good people and i just don't trust his judgment my mother-in-law and i have a complicated relationship but i do let her see the kids whenever she wants she's a great grandma though i've been avoiding her since she sued us my mother-in-law texted the other day that she wanted to go to lunch and talk i was open to it because honestly she was in the right and we did owe her money i wish she didn't take us to court but it is what it is when i got there father-in-law and his wife were there mother-in-law started berating for me for being righteous and tearing the family apart and depriving father-in-law of his son and grandchildren she said i have no idea what happened or that she cheated first and broke his heart then she kissed his wife on the lips it was non-sexual but still what the hell and said see i accept her so you should too father-in-law started demanding for me to admit that they were right and i didn't know what to say so i just walked out dear husband says i should have at least explained myself and had an open conversation i kind of had to read back over that and understand just what the hell is going on why is the mother-in-law kissing the father-in-law's wife on the lips how is it non-sexual i what what is going on okay that's just a whole bunch of information that was opened up there i guess it makes this in everyone's sexiest situation but only in this moment i'd say not the a-hole beforehand because they didn't have this knowledge seemingly or we didn't know that they had this knowledge so if they were cool with it the whole time yeah there's no reason to be keeping the kids from the father-in-law but at the same time they're not entitled to see the kids you're not entitled to see them and opie doesn't trust your judgment they don't trust you as a person they shouldn't have to and they shouldn't have to be pressured by you the mother-in-law is a terrible person if she cheated on the father-in-law first it doesn't excuse cheating on the father-in-law uh as a result of that and why the hell is mother-in-law taking rop to court who the hell knows i don't have an answer for this one i'm very confused this story had too many twists and turns everyone sucks here there's a dumpster fire going on while opi is trying to defend their kid and they don't know what to do and it turned out they sucked here but i i want to say not the a-hole but i feel like i'm wrong if i say that so everyone sucks hero p everyone sucks here if someone ambushes you you owe them nothing mother-in-law should have written you a letter or email explaining the circumstances not that she owed you any but if she wanted to advocate for your father-in-law so she could see his grandkids that was the way to go and why is cheating worse than refusing to pay money back both are bad but you are depriving your father-in-law time with his grandkids as punishment but you don't see taking money and not paying back as a similarly bad thing you seem very judgmental for someone who is to be sued into doing the right thing as long as your father-in-law has treated your kids well in the past you should let him see his grandkids ropi is entitled to limiting her children's contact with bad role models she herself is a bad role model and a hypocrite op sounds like she also feels entitled to telling a story with very limited details i've read this three times and i still feel like i have no idea what's going on right i read it once and i'm not even going to bother there's no facts here there's just a story i wouldn't be surprised if something was made up the last two paragraphs didn't even make much sense to me posted by user tours titled am i the a-hole for cutting my daughter off because i think she ruined her own career my daughter 26 female was a phd student at a university she got a stipend but i still helped her pay rent so she could get a better apartment and buy better clothes however in july she starts telling her father and die that her advisor keeps saying that he really likes her her father and i both know our daughter is the type to get rather neurotically distressed when there's disturbance of any sort in her life so we tell her that if he's just relaying his feelings she should focus on her work and that it's better than her advisor hating her then comes august and she's complaining that he keeps setting meeting times late after hours and that after she filed a complaint her life there has been a living hell she then said she was done and wanted to leave the university her dad and i are furious because she essentially encountered feelings from a co-worker which might happen in every professional environment and instead of dealing with it person to person like a grown-up she goes straight to administrative figures now all the effort we invested in her graduate education is down the drain and she is saying that her advice will probably bad mouth her to potential employers since her employment opportunities are in the research fields and it's a shame because previously she had been doing better than her peers and getting ahead but then she goes and decides to shake things up with her advisor as a result we told her that since she made the decision to torpedo her reputation and career what she does here on out is up to her my husband and i will no longer be sending her money for her rent or any other expense am i the a-hole she essentially antagonized a guy who could have helped her advance in her career and obviously university administration agrees since they didn't take any action against said advisor my other daughter 23 also had a guy at work take a liking to her and instead of trying to get him fired he was actually able to help her get ahead i don't like the reasoning that the parents are taking for this one if it was me i'd take it up to the administration as well i see absolutely nothing wrong with doing what she's doing these uh parents just have uh a scrotum lodged into their brain it looks like this is some next level barbaric thinking to really be blaming this on the daughter oh you know it's your fault that you got kicked out you could have just done this person to person obviously the parents don't know what this guy was like maybe he's a dangerous type that was you know destroying every opportunity that she had her life has become hell since she reported him does that not raise red flags about the kind of person that this guy is talk about putting your daughter in a disgusting spot all by yourself i feel like these two have failed as parents and they are definitely the a-hole in this situation you're the a-hole your daughter is the victim of sexual harassment and you're mad at her for not using it to her professional advantage if you know anything about the way hr works at institutions with these kind of complaints you should know that no action by administrators doesn't mean that nothing happened just that there wasn't enough evidence you should be supporting your daughter through an incredibly tough time right now rather than cutting her off financially i hope this is fake and you are not this terrible of a parent also if it's her advisor it's not she essentially encountered feelings from a co-worker as you so charmingly put it as a phd student her advisor is far more than that and has significant power over her education and career you are a horrible person and parent for this you're angry that she didn't what leverage the sexual harassment from her boss and mentor into more opportunity you sound like the time to think that a man following her at night is just a compliment that she should use to get something i hope she takes the cue from you cutting her off financially and decides to go no contact with you both completely she essentially antagonized a guy who could have helped her advance in her career you might as well have followed your thought to its logical conclusion and we're really disappointed she opted not to prostitute herself in service of her career to you and your spouse you're the a-hole your daughter's advisor is not a colleague but someone in authority over her who has the ability to ruin her career with all the attending implications that her failure to receive his advances might threaten her future the adviser's actions are textbook harassment your daughter has the right to report and not tolerate his behavior supervisors have horrifying amounts of power over graduate students they have to sign off on funding job prospects ability to go to conferences access to lab resources even your ability to get a degree on time them just not liking you can make it impossible to progress in your fields the moment he made the relationship unprofessional she was completely screwed if she hadn't reported it and just quietly tried to ignore it he'd likely have started sabotaging her in a way that was completely deniable this my supervisor literally decided if i was going to graduate or not i was walking on eggshells and completely miserable because of how i was treated i can't even imagine how much worse it would be if i was being sexually harassed you're the a-hole all right guys that's where i'm gonna end today's video i really do hope you enjoyed it and maybe even learned something that you didn't know before if you haven't already please do feel free to click that like button as it really does help me in the youtube algorithm and if you haven't already and you love today's video please feel free to subscribe i would love it a lot also big big big shout out to all my patreon members and channel subscribers you guys are all up in the screen right now i love you i love your faces also i love seeing you guys all chatting down below in the comments it brightens my day to see the stories that you guys share and just the kind words you guys always have for my videos as well as everyone else in the videos i love you too but honestly your ongoing support means the world to me and i just love it so much that you guys are able to support a career for myself that i invest so much time into and you guys honestly motivate me to work harder each and every day to put more love into the videos for you guys if you guys have watched this far in the video and you haven't already subscribed on patreon or become a channel member that's cool you don't have to but there are links down below uh you can donate any amount of money pledge that any month cancel whenever i'm completely cool with it it's just there for you to support me if you'd like to go the extra mile and i'll go the extra mile for you guys by putting out new amazing content every single day with that said guys i really hope you have a good day night sleep bath time at work whatever you're up to today this has been marky i'll see you in the next amazing video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 19,304
Rating: 4.9269233 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: xCKciQ53nrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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