Non-Americans, What Are Your "Rednecks" Like?

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non-americans have read it what are the rednecks of your country like japan old purists who hate all foreigners and usually religions they usually live far away from cities and tiny prefectures which everyone forgot existed brazil is pretty big and diverse and we kind of have a different pejorative stereotype for the countryside of some 15 of our 26 states so we don't have a redneck specifically i guess the most direct and well-known equivalent would be the capers which when pejoratively applied means a poor dirt farmer in the remote region little village with a bunch of useless alcoholic bums optional with no education a funny accent a full dialect actually and a rude demeanor with an overly slow mind when used as a self-descript it is usually meaning a hard-working and extremely religious farmer living by his own means with a few generations of family to sustain a funny accent and some good honest hospitality if you manage to get through the initial distrust of strangers the term is mostly used to parts of the south west south and central brazil miners deray has an equivalent in the cape ayu literally grass cutters while the northeast region in general has the matuto my grandad was the typical redneck from the north east a good catholic hard-working man who loved his catches your description is extremely accurate i live in southern brazil now and the equivalent here would be a german guy from rural santa catarina i am from bc canada when i go to work oil industry my nickname is tree hugger when i go home people say i am a redneck i am confused there's a sort of redneck hippie hybrid in bc i know a lot of weed smoking left leaning nature lovers that also are four by four driving sled necks that like to shoot stuff a full albertan truck nuts enthusiast would consider them a pinko trudeau lover but if they did drive their lift to tacoma down vancouver's commercial drive they draw a lot of derisive looks and irons from the bearded germany doesn't have that strong of a backwoods subculture because population density is so high we do have proles which is derived from prolet which of course is derived from the proletariat tracksuits wife beaters that kind of stuff don't forget boson girls and free wild south africa the african bores farmers they drive trucks hunt a lot drink a frick ton and eat biltong like beef jerky but batter 24 stroke 7 but also some of the friendliest and nicest suckers you'll ever meet in poland either tracksuit or full patriotic outfit t-shirt with printed things like 1944 we remember and such not that i don't respect all the people that died or fought during the time my grandpa took part in warsaw uprising like 80 chance of a crappy tattoo on one of his carves or a tribal either a dandelike haircut or bald a football team and doesn't tolerate anything that comes from out of poland besides kebab and p probably wears a cross on his neck but doesn't go to church i guess that's it oh and loves any kind of alcohol that can make him aggressive in career i suppose it's the farmers not all farmers but one specific group i can't think of the right way to express the location of this group in english atm they have a pretty specific dialect i guess it's similar to how redneck would talk it can be hard to understand them if you don't know the dialect well they're seen as done by most people and i guess they kinda can be because they don't really focus on school as much because the men usually go on to be farmers too the girls are a bit different because they don't always stay a lot of times they'll leave and go off to college instead people kind of joke that the men they have to buy wives because all the women keep leaving that's basically true though that's why the mail order bride business is booming between korea and vietnam here in mexico we call them lost durancho and while most of them are nice people some of them are buttholes they drink all night on the street and leave a mess they tend to drive the biggest truck even though they live in the city and they listen to narcotics loudly all night they also go brag about being from the farm but they have never left the city but also they dress like cowboys luxembourg we call all rednecks farmers it's become unfairly kind of an insult towards people that are not well dressed or speak with a heavy accent well anyway most of them are actual farmers and live in some remote villages in the north or east 30 minutes drive to the capital is considered remote drink beer in their village pub vote conservative and curse like sailors they're pretty harmless and tend to take the p out of strangers what i like about them is that they keep many traditions alive talking about distances i once had a girlfriend that lived 20 minutes away i considered it a long distance relationship when you live in a country where a 20-minute drive can take you to three other countries you have a different perception of time distance at high school we would sometimes drive for lunch to france and drive back through belgium luxembourg i don't think remote means what you think it means belfast northern ireland millers female are partial to hoop earrings high ponytails swearing equating the act of applying fake tan with acquiring knowledge and the occasional teenage pregnancy spidest smokes male prefer a variety of sports clothing shaved heads with gelled fringes gold teeth and a poncho for daytime drinking in the city center the rednecks and syria are the ones living in villages near the shore they talk differently than others and they use terms only they understand they also dress like it's the middle ages and marry their cousins i didn't know syria had their own west virginia campers in the netherlands many folk are great just like people but some of them just xenophobic slow learners big loud ugly people involved in their own little community and frick the rest uk dirty chaps three things maker chav hoodie adidas leggings earphones bonus points for being out at 11 playing rap music loudly carrying a knife matching hoodies don't forget the ankle tag northern india around delhi the juts speak a harsh sounding dialect of hindi usually farmers armemen or policemen big focus on physical strength love fuel guzzling suvs a little hot-headed nationalists with hostility for muslims brahmins and the lower castes the dialect may sound rude but it is an extremely casual speech even more casual than the casual hindi ps i am one of them but my parents took us to the city and i lost all my jah trays we've got rednecks in canada too it's quite strange really because they do the whole confederate flag the south will rise again thing i don't know if it's ironic or if they're such sectarian pieces of crap that they want to turn our country into a slave estate from the 1860s other than that they mostly drive loud annoyingly large trucks and shoot guns the south will rise again as extra battling for canada australia over here we call them bogans there's usually a couple of them in each town you can tell because of their appearance they wear ugg boots trackies and a hoodie also at least one of their clothing items is nike they are usually nice people if you know them but if you're a visitor in town and you just so happen to be caught glistening at them be prepared to be socially shunned by them yelling at you with a durian mouth and vb in other hand and they are quite hard to understand if you didn't grow up in australia and you get told off by a bogan you'd probably crap your pants because their accent is real thick are you serious mate you looking at my uggies you jealous of them mate get you and your fancy bmw and off if you don't understand the aussie slang just let me know austria they walk around in the traditional clothing of 100 years ago vote fpo dier assist and hate all minorities all majorities the neighbors and basically everything i think i can't understand them because they always speak dialect if you don't understand their dialect you're a dumb gay foreigner drinking beer all the day having six kids from different fathers being on facebook all the day having a tattoo with a sentence which could come from jaden smith eating mcdonald's every day but ordering coke light having an iphone even if you don't have the money for it being a football hooligan and every post on facebook starts with i am no nazi but and ends with something totally xenophobic germany romania here our rednecks smell like sweat and cheap cologne also the concept of headphones is completely unfamiliar to them which makes it very annoying on public transportation they are rude stupid and cat calling is one of their favorite techniques oh and they eat sunflower seeds all the time and spit the shells on the ground the concept of headphones is completely unfamiliar to them which makes it very annoying on public transportation interesting i think this is universal of the world's trash albania dumb cruel nationalist creatures who like you to be killed if you don't think the way they do they usually have not been to school and live with what they grow or steal [Music] south african here our redneck specific breed of blonde head blue eyed characters super into trance music hunting and motorcycles the guys have a highly gelled comb overfox hawk and the girls have white blonde hair with dark roots they usually say stuff like i don't hate the blacks but the government worked better during apartheid in russia those are simple-minded naive by city standards big-hearted people the youth is usually pretty shy when in cities themselves funny accent very informal speech with lots of swearing unless you're a guest or visibly from the city then you get some special treatment can go both ways though they love to talk to you because it's pretty boring in the villages and you're like from another world if you pee them off well they don't hold anything back or dance around they go straight to the business men are either hard-working or alcoholics if you got no job you have nothing better to do women gossip all day long teenagers can get pretty cruel with the fellows that are urbanizing jealousy and all i've never had bad experiences with rurals as you can see finally my time to shine although i am not a native born indian i'm as american as they get i always love explaining others how i am from the rednecks of india my parents are from north west india and are known as punjabis this is where the sikh religion was created and where a majority of sikhs live it is hard for my friends to understand how i am not a curry eating cow worshiping and telemarketing india in order to give them the gist of it i tell them that my type of indians are basically rednecks it's either we are extremely drunk or extremely religious we are basically poor butt farmers who are stubborn as all heck traditional to the bone with our own backwards form of saying stuff to others we also have songs bragging about our tractors and have guns all over the place almost forgot we also use swords for stuff still it is also extremely easy to spot us due to our attire turbans turbans everywhere men children even freaking women also i'm fairly certain there is a lot of marrying your cousins in the dirt poor parts of the region but that is basically all of india so that isn't much of a surprise tl doctor i have basically been waiting for this post my whole ridic life so i can rant about stupid similarities i made when explaining other americans wtf i am pretty much the same as american rednecks except the farther north you go the more rednecks you encounter not farther south cuban here fear called bolseros refs because they show absolutely no class or morals but they listen to regitan and only regitan even though it's the same beat in every song they wear clothes too tight for their bodies especially when they're overweight this goes for both gender the men shave their chests and legs and arms and wear tight polos or deep v-necks and wear strong cologne men also wear excessive jewelry im talking fat rings big watches and chains enough to make the outfit look goofy fear all about hyper masculinity to the point where it's honestly cringe feel out blatantly hate gays and black people but everything they say is in good joke even though it's offensive as heck fear the worst of the island australia bogans arguably around 20 30 percent of the population heavy focus on alcohol particularly beer an example being vb boxed wine goon and drunken knights in bali in indonesia and moonlight parties in thailand such events are the lowest point of civilization and the average iq of attendance hovers around 75 often seen wearing tank tops whiffer beaters and tracky dax trackies track suit pants for men and women as well as fake tans and bleached hair for the latter often smoke and some do a mice enjoy the main sport of their state afl for victoria and nsw rugby for queensland have a very distinct occur accent that is mostly the stereotypical outback accent combined with the slack jaw and slurring of a drunk deaf person often ignorant with sectarian conservative tendencies and high rates of xenophobia are often liberal national voters bogans are not strictly limited to rural or outer suburban areas you will see them every day even in the cultivated parts of the main cities and the cosmopolitan left-wing hipster suburbs some variants include cashed up bogans rich bogans usually business people that have somehow usually through family and community connections in the mining industry managed to make a career and hipster bogans of which include some freak boys and lads young men with behavior associated with the uneducated lower class why would anyone in australia ever need a fake tan and cancer you can go outside and get a real tan and cancer unlike any other living being west virginia mountain people are they really american they're really their own species in scotland we have ned's they're similar to the rest of the uk's chads but talk their own high-pitched slang and dialect that the rest of us here can't even understand most of the time they also base 90 of their actions on sectarian football violence nine times out of ten they're also addicted to at least two different drugs don't forget their love of breakfast although these days perhaps they drink more md20 stroke 20. i'm from a small town in alberta canada the rednecks i grew up with all typically work as laborers in the oil field rip around pyeid in trucks screaming yee and berta absolutely love anything outdoors but give zero fricks about the environment only because the left-leaning parties care about it and they'd rather put skewers through their eyes than vote ndp or liberal love racial slurs and jokes but become super uncomfortable or scared when face to face with an actual minority my god can they drink i live on the east coast of canada which is referred to as the maritimes watch trailer park boys on netflix if you would like to know what our rednecks are like mexican american here i always heard the term chum tarot often shortened to tuned sometimes nako used to describe certain mexicans from mexico who were rural and uneducated like cowboy boots and cowboy hat and giant belt buckle listening to bonder circus music with the tubers and accordions and crap can't speak english at all we're talking about north of the border raising chickens and goats right smack in the middle of a city of millions and not in the cute hipster way painting their houses fluorescent green etc etc i've heard more bougie mexican-americans to use an african-american term use the term ranch mexicans norway well northern norway anyway snow scooters driving around aimlessly in cars with teenage girls and thai jeans tribal tattoos or chinese symbol tattoos are prevalent moonshine binge drinking very traditional masculine community with the nagging wives at home duct tape fix-its and stuff like fancy electronics are status symbols half the guys are mechanics most of the girls got pregnant right out of school scully's all the media term chav the males are broadly jobless added us climb a cool dress slaps that spend their time roaming the streets drinking cans of carlsberg or energy drinks still conquering well into their 20s and playing exclusively happy hardcore on their phones preferably on public transport 90 owner mountain bike 30 owner moped 10 owner motorbike one percent owner quad bike all of these are stolen the police make no effort to prosecute them arguments usually happen in the street and if at all possible at night with either some ragged rotten wench in bleached jeans or surprisingly a very attractive well turned out woman who is fighting for his affections for some unexplained reason usual stomping ground is their own front or their uncles who has an old ship van parked in his driveway or the roughest pub in the area where they stand outside nursing the racing post smoking and drinking amongst all the mobility scooters usually seen hanging around mcdonald's on a saturday and sometimes seen carrying fishing rods down to the river the industrious few have fashioned trailers for their bikes so they can earn an extra crust collecting and selling scrap metal if the sun comes out it stops off so we can appreciate their milk white bodies and regrettable tattoos [Music] for slovenia i would say that we have three very different rednecks skinheads probably known in most parts of the world they usually think in a nazi way and they want only slovenes to live in slovenia so slavic people and nazi thinking safurgy second and third generation of migrants from bosnia serbia and albania mostly albania they just behave in a strange way and dislike slovenian language system wannabe fergie usually sixteen twenty-two years old folks that wants to behave like saferg they dress like them but are usually native slovenes in newfoundland canada we have people who eat nothing but fish and chips fries and speak with a newfoundland accent mainly consists of beoice water you're at you're as stunned as myassai says while riding dirt bikes on public roads philippines i'm going to guess this is equivalent to that old man who hangs around all day with his massive be a gut out but his shirtless most days he wears cargo shorts and drinks red horse at night they drink out near the street corner with imperator or some other cheap brandy in germany it depends on where you live but a common word is hartsa in germany if you don't have a job you get heart iv from the government to help you out but lots of them are like no i don't need a job i'm too good for that i don't want to work as a pizza boy or a cleaner crap like that and they always complain about everything but utter dump to change their live by themself most of them are in their mid-40ies or got pregnant at 16 and don't know who the father is but that depends on your region too we have bavarians in germany you all know oktoberfest aka beerfest etc those guys not all germans have those traditions okay like go to disneyland and in the german district everyone is wearing those short leather pants lederhosen and the woman are wearing that particular dress durndle but this is the traditional wear of one subsection of one subsection of the german people in the south of germany to the east bavaria resides we make jokes about them like inbreeding is a real problem in those remote mountain villages right the kind of remoteness we talk about in germany are laughable to americans but still but they like beer have a funny accent even to germans to the point where we don't even understand them and like to go hunting cuckoo clocks renowned for their germanness pretty much only come out of that region traditional conservative values are particularly associated with bavaria this is proven again and again during voting season plus they are predominantly catholic the whole conservative catholic backwater setting gives rise to a lot of prejudice and presumptions that bavarians are sectarian i simply don't know whether that's true full disclosure i have relatives there who are the sweetest down to earth people wholesome it's like lawn gnomes had become people all right comrades like lawn gnomes had become people that's legitimately the most fitting description of bavaria i have ever seen in my life it depends what is meant by redneck people sometimes use the word interchangeably with white trash in israel i guess the closest thing is either arsenal or kibbutzikim but the two groups are not very similar asim are closer to jersey shore trash who most people don't like as they are loud and uncouth kibbutz nikim are more like country bumpkins who are a little weird but overall nice canada they look almost identical to american rednecks but they are less apt to shoot you do they drive pickup trucks and wear dirty baseball caps they will always find a reason to start power tools at 7am on a saturday morning they burn giant fires with nine foot flames and small 60-foot lots in small towns they park like doucher bags they launch commercial grade fireworks from that same small town property i have them living in a radius around me and i hate them let me explain the delicate creature native to the australian culture the bogan known for injusting large amounts of goon cost wine for the readers at home they often find themselves in sticky situations a constant can i pinch a dairy bra can be heard along with the term nay inmate can usually be found wearing branded shoes usually but not always funded by centralink natural habitat is known as a mish which is a shortened term for housing commission overall dangerous bunch best to avoid at any and all costs canadian here i live in alberta which is redneck central of canada and feel i am an authority to answer this question ours are basically envious of the american rednecks and try to be like them in a lot of ways it seems they listen to country music have a cowboy identity which is bigger the further south you go think of themselves as working class more so the more north you go towards the oil sands drive pick up trucks with a bunch of accessories worth at least half of the truck's value vote for conservative parties though edmonton is starting to go liberal big into outdoors stuff drink beer old milwaukee pilsner bush anything cheap molson is too commercial for them and labat is the fosters of canada and that nobody here drinks that dog pee and shoot guns contrary to what american politicians tell you it's not really that hard to get firearms in canada oh and a lot of them live in small towns within commuting driving distance from big cities which they work shop in india we have got radical hindus who would rather value a cow's life and will building shelters for them and at the same time lynch people of other religions and scoff at women's rights aka the government do non-americans think rednecks in the us is only used for people in the south every state and the us will have people they refer to as rednecks canada mostly just rednecks around my area they've grown up as boys and never gotten out of that stage rude ignorant have a passion for hunting and the outdoors and sometimes we'll let you bum some jerky off of them obligatory sorry in the netherlands people living in trailer parks free from all taxes so goes the rumor fences around the places they own gold necklaces big bellies women with huge blonde puffy haircuts and of course it's the netherlands they all deal in drugs if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 44,377
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Keywords: non american, non american rednecks, rednecker than you, redneck crazy, redneck paradise, rednecks, rednex, redneck in europe, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: CEbEjRPvgr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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