No way this is how this movie ended!!

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what was the most bullcrap ending to a movie you've seen for the life of me i can't remember what the movie is called but it's a nick cage movie about the apocalypse and for the whole movie is pretty good up until right at the end where aliens save the world by taking some children seemingly randomly chosen by them from earth and bringing them to a new planet to breed and make a new civilization they chose only children and just drop them off on an empty planet just a really bizarre ending emo when skajo turns into a usb drive i laughed it was so dumb hancock the first two thirds was great flawed superhero tries to be better the third act was just awful threat level midnight agents gun ends up working for the president again even though it was previously established he was evil i'm legend completely changed the entire point of the original story shout out to pretty woman for changing the ending of that movie to the same effect since many people have asked pretty woman didn't end as a love story originally at the end of the original script richard's character threw my character out of the car threw the money on top of her and drove away and the credits rolled although there was one more scene after that where she is in a bus on the way to disney was originally quite a dark ending laura abiding citizen the morally ambiguous protagonist had a point i was disappointed at the end greece after a whole movie of staying true to herself at the end she compromises her stance on everything changes herself completely to be with him and then they ride off into the sky together in a flying car frick jurassic world okay so this freaking indominus rex or whoever the freaking bull crap has to be miles away from the coast where the tourists are but a mother freaking goddamn freaking t-rex is right in the center of the fricking store cluster not only that freaking bull crab but the methurefryka has a door exclusively made for the fricking thing that leads right out in the middle of the shopping district and not just that this freaking bish this freaking [ __ ] running in heels can outrun a freaking t-rex in heels when this mathurfrika this freaking almost caught a frickin jeep frick jurassic world lucy spoiler scarlett johansson turns into a goddamn usb stick how it ends crap movie to begin with even crappier ending should be called how it ends indiana jones kingdom of the crystal skull shia labeouf oh oh world war z now unlike most people who were fans of the book i didn't hate the movie for not following it at all i mean if anything having read the book you understand why it would be a nightmare to implement as a movie it's an anthology style story and those are kind of hit and miss when translated to cinema so i get what they were kind of trying to do with the movie they made their own story within that setting that if they had done it right cold fit snugly into the book with all the other stories the problem is they wanted their story to be the story and their story plotted to solve everything so they went and did that bullcrap ending where the trick is to inject yourself with all the diseases to make yourself invisible to zombies in the book the zombie problem was never really solved nor was a miracle cure found the human race just found a way to manage the threat and live with it how it ends on netflix spoiler it doesn't the happening goddamn that movie slash ending sucked my fair lady she just ends up with an emotional abusive boss and doesn't live her dream to own a flower shop like he promised any film that ends with and it was all in their head annoys me like where we follow the story from their view then realize we shouldn't have trusted their view because they were insane the whole time i can think of one exception which i won't name but i just feel it's overuse now luke dying randomly because he used the force too much at the end of last gd that one movie where blade lively is banging those two drug dealers awful ending unbelievable almost quarantine the actual ending scene was in the commercials i didn't read the books so i was completely blindsided by the crap ending to hunger games mockingjay part two from what i remember they spend the entire movie trekking to the capital prepping for this freaking rap battle then katniss gets knocked out misses the entire fight and wakes up to find that they won the battle and snow was captured lol what that's the equivalent of luke getting knocked out at the end of star wars and waking up three days later to find out the death star blew up and vader was captured off screen kung piow at the end they show a doper's trailer for a sequel and after seeing it in theaters and buying it on dvd in like 2002 i'm still waiting for that sequel 16 years later god damn it wonder woman after chris pine has this really good talk about how there isn't just one bad guy you can kill to make the world a better place airs shows up and reveals he was behind the war and there's blood and cgi and explosions and fighting in death and yelling and then when airs dies the war is over completely negating any meaningful lesson the main character might have learned jurassic world fallen kingdom hey let's save the dinosaurs by unleashing them to the world and killing the entire human race doc brown 2015 once you're back in 1985 destroy the time machine so it doesn't get into the wrong hands also don't mess with the timeline for personal gain doc brown 1955 oh no these time travel parts won't be invented for 30 years i can't build another one doc brown 1895 lol i just built another time machine with my kids the golden compass the movie ended about one chapter from the end of the book but the omission of that chapter took the story from omg what the actual frick dea happy disney ending i was pretty much on board with the movie until then remember me was a mediocre romance movie and then it ended with him walking into the wtc online over 11. transcendence the super intelligent ai which has control of the entire world developed new processes to function more efficient rewrote itself etc etc gets destroyed by a computer virus written by some dude in a day even worse the ai knew about it when uploading it and didn't do anything to prevent the damage i really liked the story of the movie but the outcome was stupid the final twilight movie and the book i remember reading the final book and it's all leading up to this final showdown with the evil vampires i'm thinking okay this might be pretty epic maybe we'll see some people die then the bad guys finally show up and are like your baby is dangerous and we gotta kill it but the good guys are like actually the baby is harmless and the bad guys are like oh okay have a nice day and then leave the movie had to add a whole hypothetical dream sequences just to add some sort of action to that story when the entire movie turns into a head and shoulder shampoo advert specter i hated how bond and bloffled were brothers i think it would have been way better if lee sedalics was actually blottled before the movie came out i was actually hoping she was but it wouldn't make sense since they had christoph walls a cure for wellness the whole movie they created an intense atmosphere and it felt like one of those movies which leave you behind confused odor heavily thinking for instance shutter island donnie darko etc but the end to this movie is just pure bullcrap i don't know who came up with the idea of a 300 year old person randomly appearing and fighting against the main character the movie really has some potential but descending fed it up completely prometheus make a complete film even if it's setting up another film it was good until the non-ending final countdown the asana myths from 1980 goes back in time to pearl harbor and is about to royally freak up the japanese fleet in the coolest fight scene ever when boop everybody's back in the future the jets land and that's it kids hope you had fun you destroyed my city my mother's name is martha too oh the devil inside was a horror movie that ends with a link to a website titanic i mean come on no way that ships gonna sink the most recent movie i've watched that comes in mind is sierra burgess is a loser it honestly is such a horrible movie with a horrible ending not a movie but i hated the end of how i met your mother the woman in black spoilers kills off the main character and his son which is what i think happens in the book i think i remember the stage show ending similarly too but and i can only assume this was to get the age rating down so the kiddies would go to see the harry potter actor it immediately cuts to them in heaven reuniting with wife slash mother that's your mummy he says to the kid absolute cringe the original id movie built up suspense and was quite good suddenly terrible cgi thing being taken out stupidly mama great movie i loved almost every minute of it until the end you have a deranged demon mother legit she's a demon desperate to keep the children she's been raising from being taken back to the real world one daughter is old enough to understand this isn't right and she wants to be with her family and legit fears mama while the younger sister wants to stay bc mama is all she knows so the trade-off little sister goes with mama and they fall off a cliff and burst into butterflies and the older sister and her uncle and his first i don't want kids but now i love these girls girlfriend josh kinda get up brush off and head home daffook marilyn the bbc show that ending was just absolute dog crap spoiler it sucked we never got to see other and melon interacts after rather found out about his powers knowing amazing build-up and suspense turns out so disappointing let us pray the female lead who's past sexual trauma and general uncomfortableness with sexual matters because of it is firmly established in the movie ends up making out with a guy who is the reason everyone else is dead after he made a salacious comment about her and basically told her that he knew all about her sexual trauma and that he was the reason she escaped super creepy came out of nowhere and completely against established characterization for the lead room 1408 what i thought was the ending had me pretty mad off but people have seen it will understand how great that payoff is ready play one he just resurrects and wins like wtf cold been a bit more exciting limitless everything just works out all hunky-dory for brad cooper's character any message theme or moral of that movie was completely left to die by a plot decision that allowed the main character to be huawei better off than when he started all because he figured out how to dose the limitless drug he went through some crap and now he's a politician i mean what the frick haven't seen the movie since theaters so i could be off on a few things but i still remember the sheer anger i had from the opposite of a well-deserved payoff fireworks in star wars episode 6 not a movie but you all saw dexter right 28 days later the bright happy ending with the cabin and them being discovered by the plane was not a horrible ending in and of itself but it becomes way worse when you watch the deleted ending the ending already has a pretty jar internal shift what starts as a dark gritty zombie horror film ends with the main characters in a picturesque gog cabin next to a lake in the sunshine the final shot is them waving at a passing airplane presumably being rescued not the worst ending of all time but weirdly feel good and feels like it was tacked on at the end it feels like a focus group ending the deleted ending has the main character being carried into the basement of an abandoned hospital wounded and bleeding out the two girls with him feud tightly try to save him but he dies on a dirty table they look at each other walk through a double door and fade to black it's a way more depressing ending but it is way more tonally consistent downsizing it went from mildly interesting to absolute garbage pretty quick the death note netflix movie the whole movie was bullcrap but the ending was an even bullcraptia bullcrap light's plan was to write on the death note that my dice while the page with his name burn he survived the fall from the ferris wheel another person finds the death note and uses it in order to throw the police off almost all of that breaks the rules that the movie established at the beginning things have to be physically possible in order for the death note to make them happen so how could he survive that fall you can't make people do stuff that they have no knowledge of so how could that random guy find the death note without knowing where it is how did light know there was gonna be a fire nearby for his page to fall in if there wasn't a fire the page wouldn't have been able to burn and he would died then as the cherry on top of the turd pile the movie ends with riot laughing while saying humans are so interesting while light looks at him all confused super random and abrupt way to end the movie but i guess there was no good way to end that crap show and ryuk is one of the best things about that movie click when adam sandler wakes up and it's all a dream b movie what the frick is even going on you can't have gay relationships in children's programs but you can have a woman fall in love with a freaking bee how long do you need to go without getting laid until a b becomes a viable love interest no question it is signs okay so in the end they realize that the aliens are vulnerable to water and you can literally kill them with a super soaker the reason they discover this is because the alien spaceships never land near water so you're telling me these aliens have technology advanced enough for intergalactic travel but not rain ponchos horror movie i believe french called high tension turns out the woman who saw her friends killed and being chased by the killer was in fact the killer that little twist wouldn't be too bad if she didn't have a car chase with the killer herself cloverfield lane or w the second cloverfield movie is called we have this cool human drama slash suspense movie for like 90 of the run time then at the end boom aliens yo cold done with something more subtle in robin hood with russell crowe there's some bullcrap about how he helped write the manna carter or some tenuous lame crab there's a meaningless battle scene on a beach too total nonsense i'm sorry but interstellar it's a pretty good and accurate cfe movie until they added freaking transcendental love into the goddamn physics equation had to let it go the one where purple man snaps his fingers and kill everyone the last exorcism spoilers so the whole film is a commentary on how people can be tricked into believing something that isn't necessarily real and that the human mind is an amazing thing cut to the last 10 minutes of the film where a girl gives birth to a tiny demon which is thrown in a fire and summons a huge 20-foot demon like right up to the end it was a great film kind of poking fun at exorcisms and how people can be brainwashed and bam a demon in the main legend of the guardians at the end the owl parents seemed to completely forget that their other son had just died the village it's been years since i watched it but i'll try to summarize it's set a couple hundred years ago or some crap and it's this secluded village that nobody can leave because there are monsters that kill people or something somebody gets injured or something i like so the village decide to send the one-lined person in the entire freaking village out alone to go get medical supplies she encounters one of the monsters plot twist it's a freaking guy in a costume she kills it continues walking reaches a road plot twisted set in modern day it's virtually a movie about nothing a blind woman from a secluded amish village walks through the woods to get supplies and pushes someone into a pit on her way there that's the entire movie the wizard or oz only i enjoyed it so much as a kid it never really bothered me back then first after glenda sends dorothy on a wild goose chase she later tells her you had the powers to go home all along by just clapping your ruby slippers together wyatt secondly she then wakes up and she realizes that it was all just a dream what other movie could normally get away with that plot twist signs the freaking aliens invade a planet made up of water but water kills them jim a freaking break now you see me bullcrap twist there's no slight suggestion or foreshadowing and bam big twist it completely destroys the entire backbone of the movie till that point unrelated completely missed opportunity to call now you see me too now you don't passion of the christ was bullcrap they killed that one homie with a cross not a movie but i think the ending of death note belongs here after l is dead everything just starts to get boring the wolverine the second movie in the hijackment trilogy it was actually a pretty good movie up until halfway through the last act turned into a boring cgi fest fight that made the previous wolverines movie so bad everything everything she didn't even have the disease it was just her mother protecting her whoa truth or dare i thought it was dumb at first then the plot thickened when you find out the reason why the truth or dare game started and i started liking it but became absolutely crap by the end with how they resolve the problem wasted my time watching the movie zero tenths the birds they just drive away at the end wtf men in black second will smith's love interest climbs into a reg shaped spaceship and flies away tomorrowland jesus that movie sucked monty python and the knights of the holy grail the ending was a real cop out i'm going to go a little old school with this one but monster a go go suddenly there was no monster it was 9 over 11 all along at the end of the breakfast club when mr tough guy and quiet strange girl get together after he's been announced the whole movie it makes no sense interstellar just die in the black hole matthew whatever you do please do something better than fifth dimension of love inferno ron holward totally destroys the book with his stupid freaking ending the lovely bones icicle give me a freaking break that entire movie slash book is just nightmare fuel for worried mothers hitchcock's the birds always gets me it's good in a way i guess but it's not what i expected [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Views: 20,932
Rating: 4.8819671 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: rhVfpeD_ySQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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