The Most WTF Things Seen At A Friend's House They Thought Was Normal (r/AskReddit Top Posts)

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what's the most WTF thing you saw at someone else's house that they thought was totally normal porn laying everywhere this was a married couple with grown kids I had dinner at a friend's house once when I was like seven eighths and they didn't allow any drinks at the dinner table I had to stand in the kitchen and drink my water when I asked for it a friend in high school had all the normal pictures in the hallway family in various places vacations etc but there was one of his dad on a pier with a fishing pole on closer inspection hanging at the end of the pole like a large fish he had just caught was his mother fully nude and hanging upside down just like a fish my friend refused to talk about the picture I went to have a sleepover with a friend when we were 10 I show up at her house and there is a dude hanging out in her house I knew her dad wasn't around so when I asked who he was she told me she did not know apparently her mom gets a new boyfriend every week and is constantly left alone with a strange new guy almost daily after I told my mother about it I was never allowed back at the house but my friend was always invited over when we learned that she only ate Lunchables for dinner she was also always invited for dinner they had a room where they would just let the dog crap on the floor it didn't look like it was cleaned often a friend's mother has a human skull sitting in her living room with a dollar bill stuffed between his teeth apparently she knew the guy father walked around naked friends said it's normal were family using a friend's bathroom ran out of toilet paper looked for a new role under the sink and was horrified to see that used tampons were put into a paper grocery bag and just left there had to have been years worth there are no words the dude had a self-portrait about two feet tall three feet long picture frame of himself laying naked on the couch with his dick tucked in imagine someone who looks closely like Kurt Cobain with a massive Bush this was hung up above the archway leading into the kitchen they kept the Christmas tree up all year with ornaments but stored it in a walk-in closet it was their only Christmas decoration so it only took a few minutes to decorate for Christmas it wouldn't feel like Christmas without the opportunity to argue with my spouse about how to get the lights on the tree why would they deprive themselves of that weirdos I'm a contractor who had a rich doctor as a customer I was working on a project outside on the last day of the job I knocked on the door to settle up with him and his maid answered the door and had me wait in the entrance as I waited inside his rather large entry I was looking around and it was hard not to see this huge statue of a horse's head that was coming out of the ground the horse was looking straight in the air I thought interesting then on the wall to my right I see a couple smaller paintings nude paintings that were not too out of the ordinary for the average nude painting until I realized they were nude paintings of little girls like five-year-old girls then I realized the horse's head was not a horse's head at all it was a six feet tall phallus pregnant very mom casually having a conversation with her husband and thirteen year-old son while the son and father were casually laying on the bed nothing sexual but the mom was completely nude super weird to my young eyes wall-to-wall playboys I never got any sleep at that house because I'd be up reading the comics and getting hypnotized by 70s Bush my husband's best friend used to just have a lump of wax that he took off of cheese little baby bell wrappers he just used to smoosh em all together and have them there in his room just chillin so my friend's family has a shrine for her grandma when I first saw I was like oh she probably passed and this is a way to commemorate her since we also have a little shrine for my grandma I was on Ft with her later on that night when I got home and asked about it and turns out that her grandma is very much alive and healthy she explained that she thinks her family is a cult with her grandma is the leader and I don't know every time I go to her house I freak out just a tiny bit she was getting tongue kissed by her adopted grandpa and she wondered why I didn't kiss her when I left excuse me what thee so this was my own house that made my friends go WTF apparently my mom would like to drink mostly screwdrivers so our house had a lot of frozen ready orange juice so my fridge would always have two pictures of orange juice one with vodka and the other without this also lead to many breakfast mornings of a small shot of vodka before I realized I grabbed the wrong picture of orange juice so one night I stayed at a friend's house on a school night I woke up in the morning got ready for school my friends family told me to get what I wanted to get it from the fridge to drink so I opened the fridge and without hesitation I asked is this orange juice safe to which my friend's parents responded what do you mean safe I humbly reply oh does it have vodka that's when I realized most households don't have two pictures of orange juice I've seen people that hang up used car wheels on the front wall of their house like a lot of them house armor had dinner at my cousin's house my one and only visit there they didn't have anything to drink with their meal didn't believe in it not even water they also had a pet raccoon chained to a tree my friend cooked tomato soup and the family doesn't add water that means that the soup they eat is pure chunky and it's not smooth I didn't mean to offend the perspectives of how others eat the soups and I thought it was strange cause my family usually cooks it differently compared to my friend a five-foot dildo at my mom's friends living room it wasn't hidden at all my grandparents have had a human-sized Mouse on the stairs for as long as I can remember it has a bonnet and an apron and wears a long floral dress naive honestly got no idea where they got it from and why were they were standing vacuum covers my best friend when I was about eight would get a container of warm water a razor a towel and shaving cream and sit on her dad's lap and shave him while he watched TV it freaked me out the first time I saw it but she and her sister who was a year older used to beg to be allowed to do it the youngest sister couldn't wait to be old enough to do it too not gonna lie it was weird too eight years old me I have shared this before they let the cat walk on the table during meals and eat off of people's plates when I gently nudged the cat away from my plate the mom went off on me for interfering with the free will of a sentient being I was terrified she was screaming and furious I was maybe ten at the time I adore my cats and do give them tiny tastes of safe people food they are well cared for and have free run of most of our house but they aren't allowed on the damn table which means they only do it when we aren't looking when I gently nudged the cat away from my plate the mom went off on me for interfering with the free will of a sentient being technically she was interfering with your free will I had an appointment for a dishwasher installation I'm a handyman out in a place called Capac a real backwards redneck wonderland no offense to my 4x4 brothers they were on what they called a free farm I think all the animals ran free and some even had access to the inside of the house there was everywhere like literal animal it covered so much of the driveway I had to tiptoe and it was all over the house I walked past five piles of animal droppings attempting to hike my way to the kitchen they openly apologized for the crap citing their disabilities is the reason they had not disposed of the primary animals running free with geese and ducks there were lots of pigs dogs cats and other animals too I didn't do the job and never went back my friend's mom walked around the house in just her underwear no shirt no bra just her underwear I am doing part-time freelance nursing atm one of the cases I attended was a rather large house in the middle of nowhere for an elderly man when I was let in by his caretaker I saw the old man lying in a box which was disguised as a bed I was told it was because the family knew he was on his last legs and eventually he will pass on so the box was his pre coffin for the Undertaker to take to the parlor and it's enorm to do this creepy but that wasn't even the worst part while I was waiting for the antibiotic drip to complete I looked out the window and saw the backyard of the house all the coffins of deceased family members were all above ground and you could open the window to see them in the coffins preserved from the day they died they were only lowered into the grave once the decomposition begun despite the preservatives apparently it was part of the beliefs and family traditions my uncle is 50 years old he is retired and a millionaire he never had a girlfriend he spends his time with video games and prostitutes his house is filthy the smell is unbearable in that beautiful house of his he has over 700 Devils plush Devils plastic Devils glass Devils big Devils small Devils you name it he has it it's all over the place on tables shelves and on the floor he loves them I've seen some in people's houses when I was doing community nursing but my memory is so shite so I'll go with the life-sized Dalek in the living room the house where the ceiling in every room was covered in wind chimes and I mean there wasn't a bit of space that didn't have a wind chime dangling from it one of my exes collected her finger toenails in little glass bottles she put them on display over her bed my next door neighbor's entire decor awesome to me but it's not every day you walk in and the shelves aligned with decorative skulls spiders various witchcraft items from ceiling to floor she has a huge weirdly shaped jar filled with a hundred or so little plastic skulls in glass cabinets filled with potion bottles and such at one point one whole wall was covered with the flags of the four Hogwarts houses because she threw her kid a Harry Potter themed birthday party and didn't want to take them back down never been in the bedroom but she's enthusiastically talked at length about her and her husband's BDSM collection that fills an entire closet a pot plant inside a birdcage with two small pythons inside as well that sounds like a dope picture my friend's house featured a life-sized cutout of his sister who was away at college that was moved into a different place every time I was over those people sound hilarious I'm going to say medium rare chicken had dinner at my friend's house when I was 10 they said the blood made it delicious I tried to politely ask if I could microwave it a little longer which offended him and resulted in a lecture of how they ate people during World War 2 in Romania and how lucky I was to have medium rare chicken a friend's family eats the dessert from the same plate as the main course even if the main course involved saucy foods their living room had eight sofas in it the room wasn't that big and there was no other furniture it was like a maze was told it was for the Bible study they hosted at their home we looked at a house where the current owners had small stone statues of angels next to every door and window you had to move the statue to get through the door they said we are Christian people we didn't ask more of an attitude I remember waving the cigarette smoke away from my face and her dad saying not to because it was rude I was probe 8 or 9 at the time and I grew up in a smoke-free home so someone blowing smoke in my direction wasn't at all normal to me and worse somehow I was the rude one the skull of the beloved dead family cat was sitting on a bookshelf oh that's our cat Felix once walked into my buddy's house and found out his parents were nudists he never told me a framed hole in the wall my friend had a mental breakdown once and punched a hole in their living room wall their mother framed it adolescents by kyle 2011 while in elementary school we lived in a four-story apartment complex had a new neighbors move in just below us and they had four kids I think I had been invited over by the daughter that was my age while getting the tour of her room and whatnot I noticed streaks on the floor in several of the rooms in the nod smell we get to her room and I move the door and this human in the corner of the door at the wall one of her little brothers is running around with diapers on and she explains to me that he's being potty-trained but it explains it as if it's normal that there's dried behind every door because he's learning never went back to that house cutting pizza with scissors actually quite clever but I had never seen it before and I've never seen it since this is in almost every one of my Italian relatives households always two sets of scissors and the ones designated for pizza were way longer I was always confused when I saw people struggling to cut pizza any other way my friend had ants in her bed they were crawling all over the headboard pillows sheets blanket just everywhere she got offended when I started to kill some of them remind you we were having a sleepover never again my brother about six at the time came home from a friend's house upset and confused and my mom figured out that the kid's parents had been watching porn openly in front of the kids needless to say he wasn't allowed back so up they had a moose head with a large set of antlers mounted on the wall above the mantel the strange part as I once described was that they had installed electric light bulbs behind the Moose's amber glass eyes at night when the moose was turned on it looked as though the Beast was angry and ready to charge right off the wall she had half a mannequin on her kitchen table that she dressed up just the head and torso no arms and legs said it was because she liked some movie and this woman in a box that had no arms and legs the same girl had a man blow-up doll that she dressed in clothes and buckled in her passenger seat in case someone wanted to carjack her we called him band and the rubber man she brought him in work so he wouldn't melt in the car she was weird a very detailed in sculpted wooden dildo the hell are you doing in my house
Channel: Reddit Master
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Id: WIXm3F6ls3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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