The name of God

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in the book of Acts we read that after the day of Pentecost the Apostles preached powerfully and effectively in the name of Jesus Jesus was proclaimed to be the Messiah the one who was crucified and rose from the dead Peter said there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved there is only one way to be saved to believe in Jesus that he died and rose again and to proclaim his name the only name the clearest statement in the Bible for salvation is in Romans chapter 10 if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved that is a promise meet the condition receive the promise the condition confessed Jesus as the one who died and rose again this is the gospel in the book of Acts we read how the kingdom of God was proclaimed they didn't go around trying to fix up the world they simply went around telling people about Jesus the proclamation of this good news released the power of God there is only one name that should be on the lips of believers Jesus God gave Jesus the name which is above every other name there are many words for God and many titles for God but there is only one name of God and that name is Jesus we can speak in general terms about God the Lord the Almighty we can use titles like the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Messiah the Christ and many others but the name we are to proclaim to english-speakers is Jesus but wait English wasn't spoken at the time of Jesus English is a relatively modern language we're using a name for Jesus the Messiah a name that didn't exist when he was on earth is that a problem for you it shouldn't be the gospel is simple it's a simple message that could be told to anyone and can be understood by anyone we get slight variations in Jesus name only because there are slight variations in the alphabet of different languages Jesus was a Jew he spoke Hebrew Jesus first disciples were Jews they spoke Hebrew Jesus named two Hebrew speakers was and is Yeshua God gave him this name because he will save his people from their sins Yeshua in Hebrew means salvation when the gospel went out to the Gentile world it was written in Greek because that was the most widely spoken language in the world at that time Yeshua became esos in Greek that's how it's recorded in the original writings of the New Testament it's proclaiming the same person the one who died and rose again the only Savior it's not a different name it's a slight variation on the way of saying the same name because of slight variations in the language you're sure if you speak Hebrew yes as if you speak Greek Jesus if you speak English the knowledge that salvation is only in the name of Jesus came after his death and resurrection the Old Testament had many hints that the Messiah would have to die and rise again but the gospel wasn't clearly stated after the Holy Spirit was poured out Peter was able to say that salvation is in the name of Jesus and there is no other name by which we must be saved before this there was only a hint of the name that would bring salvation in the Old Testament there are many words for Gard many titles for God but only one word that represents the name of God that name is spelled UDA love hair in hebrew it appears more than 6,800 times in the old testament but it wasn't a name that was spoken jews before jesus wouldn't say this as a name jews today won't say this as a name when they come to these four hebrew letters in the Bible they say Hashem the name or they say I don't I Lord when the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek in the years before Jesus the Jewish translators didn't attempt to come up with a Greek version of this name they used the Greek for lord kurios and when Jesus read from the Book of Isaiah and said the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me the word in Hebrew is you'd have of hay but the record of this incident in the New Testament Greek uses the word Tyrael there is nowhere in the New Testament where any attempt whatsoever is made to come up with a Greek version of you'd have of hay wherever this four-letter word appears in the Hebrew text and the New Testament quotes the Old Testament the word that is used is the Greek for Lord it has only been in the past 400 years that Christians have applied English alphabet letters changing you'd have our hair 2jh VH or YH WH and then adding some completely made-up vowel sounds and coming up with artificial names like Jehovah or Yahweh the problem with any focus on such artificial names is that they detract from the name of Jesus from the only name by which we must be saved how can anyone imagine that Jews themselves were incapable of adding vowel sounds and turning those four Hebrew letters into a pronounceable name if that was all it took to have the name a name through which people could find salvation actually God promised that a time would come when his people will know his name implying of course that they didn't know and couldn't know a specific name before that the revelation had to come through the Holy Spirit and after the good news of Jesus death and resurrection was declared it's not as if YHVH is the name of the Father and therefore in some way superior to the name of Jesus firstly the New Testament says that the name of Jesus is above every other name secondly the New Testament leads us to believe that the name of the Father is in fact Jesus before he went to the cross Jesus prayed Father keep them in your name the language you have given me and while I was with them I was keeping them in your name which you have given me what could be clearer than that the father has given this name his name to the son I'll make two more points and I'm done in the Gospel of John it's recorded that Thomas was not with the others when Jesus appeared after his resurrection when the disciples said that they had seen the Lord Thomas said unless I see in his hands the imprint of the nails I will not believe eight days later Jesus appeared again and said reach here with your finger and see my hands and Thomas said my Lord and my god the letters you'd have of hair from the point of view of Hebrew pictograms represent and revealed nail revealed finally I'd make the point that this word you'd have of hay is a compound of Hebrew words for past present and future the Hebrew word for was is hiya the Hebrew for is present tense is hava and the Hebrew for will be is yeiiow so we see in these three words how the word you'd have of her is compounded from the Hebrew words for was is and will be and then we read in the book of Revelation Jesus saying I am the Alpha and Omega who is and who was and who is to come the Almighty you
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 26,204
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical Hebrew, Messiah, Torah, Names Of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2015
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