Should Mark 16:9-20 be in the Bible?

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scholars ask whether mark 16 verses 9 to 20 should be in the Bible most English translations of the Bible include these last twelve verses of mark but with a footnote saying that the passage is not found in the earliest known Greek manuscripts we believe that mark 16 verses 9 to 20 should be in the Bible the Greek text of the books of Matthew and Mark has exactly twenty nine thousand five hundred and eighty-four words this total is found only when mark 16 verses 9 to 20 is included in other words up to the end of Mark the first two books of the New Testament in the original writing there are twenty nine thousand five hundred and eighty four words and this is 86 times eighty six times two times two why is 86 times 86 times 2 times 2 significant what's special about 86 every letter of the Greek alphabet has a numeric value the New Testament was written in Greek every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numeric value the Old Testament was written in Hebrew this means that every word in the original text of the Bible has a numeric value first verse of the Bible is Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth in Hebrew Bereshit bara Elohim at Asham I'm Vera Aris the third word in the sentence is the word for God Elohim it has a numeric value of 86 the first verse in the New Testament is Matthew chapter 1 verse 1 the book of the genealogy of Jesus the Christ the Son of David the son of Abraham in Greek boobless Canisius ESO Cristo vo David vo Avram the third word in the sentence is the word for Jesus yes ooh it's a little odd that it's in this form in this first verse because the main form in the New Testament is es soos which is obviously from where we get the translation into English as Jesus one one the third word Elohim God numeric value 86 Matthew 1:1 the third word iesous Jesus numeric value 688 and 688 is eighty six times eight now the New Testament says that Jesus was the creator then the first verse of the book of mark the beginning of the gospel of Jesus the Christ the Son of God in Greek our he to evangelio yes or crystal vo Theo once again the word for Jesus is in the form yes OOP the first word in the Bible for God is Elohim value 86 the first word for Jesus in the New Testament is Ieyasu value 86 times 8 and the first word for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark is Ieyasu value 86 times 8 and the number of Greek words in Matthew and Mark combined works out to be eighty six times eighty six times two times two chance of all that occurring by accident is way beyond calculation it tells us that we almost certainly have the correct Greek text of Matthew and Mark and it tells us that that text must include the closing passage of mark chapter 16 verses 9 to 20 so why would the passage be missing from the most ancient manuscripts that we have found perhaps those closing words were written by someone other than mark would that be a problem it's accepted that Moses wrote down the first five books of the Bible Genesis to Deuteronomy but the last chapter of Deuteronomy details the death of Moses Moses couldn't have written that someone added that maybe Joshua so maybe someone other than Marc wrote the closing 12 verses of that gospel and it certainly seems like a positive ending is needed read mark chapter 16 up to the end of verse 8 the last words were then be they fled from the tomb trembling afraid what a way to end a book of good news now read the words that have been added they are full of hope and new life Jesus rose on the first day of the week that's a Sunday an eighth day by Jewish reckoning and Jesus said in my name in the name of Jesus believers will cast out demons they will speak in new tongues they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover and when we read the book of Acts that is exactly what happened people who had been bound by the rituals of the law Jews and a second group Gentiles people who had been without God and without hope in the world came to saving faith in Jesus the Christ the Messiah and they went out and impacted the world and it's hardly strange that God would seal the written message of this good news by placing his watermark of design in the original writing
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 10,391
Rating: 4.4184399 out of 5
Keywords: Mark 16:9-20, New Testament Greek, Bible numerics, New Testament manuscripts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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