Psalm 126 - The LORD is to do "the great thing"

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one out of every five verses in the Bible predicts the future certain prophecies such as those which said that Israel would be scattered throughout the earth have been fulfilled other verses speak of events which have still to be fulfilled one such group of prophecies concerns the re gathering of Israel to the promised land according to the Bible an astonishing change is also going to take place in Jewish thinking and practice to appreciate how astonishing the prophecy is we need to know how much effort Jews make to remember the exodus from Egypt as Passover every year for three and a half thousand years Jews retell the story of the Exodus all senses are engaged to remind them of the miracles that took place when God brought them out of slavery in Egypt the story is told with singing and responses the foods they eat are symbolic children participate and are rewarded it's all done so they won't forget their deliverance out of Egypt however the Bible says a time is coming when God is going to do such an incredible miracle that they will ignore that Exodus the prophecy is found at Jeremiah chapter 16 verses 14 and 15 days are coming declares the Lord when men will no longer say as surely as the Lord lives who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt but they will say as surely as the Lord lives who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them for I will restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to emphasize the two verses are repeated almost word-for-word in Jeremiah chapter 23 verses 7 and 8 the emphasis of three and a half thousand years of tradition will change they won't recall the exodus out of Egypt instead they will tell the story of what has started in our day they will tell the story of Jews being re gathered to the promised land from the four corners of the earth today one out of every three Jews is back in the Land of Israel the Bible says that God will bring them all back and leave not one behind the Bible says that there in the promised land Israel will find salvation we are working our way through the Psalms of ascent we've come to Psalm 126 Psalm 126 is the seventh of 15 Psalms of ascent Psalm 126 is significant because Psalm 126 relates exactly what we have been saying some 126 tells us that what the Lord is doing is going to be widely recognized Psalm 126 tells us it's going to be the great thing an event that needs to be proclaimed the event that is going to lead to the salvation of all Jews here is some 126 a translation closely following the Hebrew text song of the ascents in the return the Lord's restoration of Zion we were like dreamers then he will fill our mouths with laughter and our tongues with jubilation then they will say in the nation's the or is to do the great thing with them the Lord is to do the great thing with us we were rejoices restore Lord our return like streams in the Negev the psoas in tears in jubilation they shall reap the wanderer he will walk and weep carrying the pouch of see he will come again in jubilation carrying his she's here it is in the Hebrew she Rama alert teshuva deny achieve at sea on Hanukkah Holman as he malesko Kenan who shone on arena Azam rava Guin he Gil Aaron Allah sought in LA he Dalaran allah assad amano hyenas Mahim Savarin i hv t no caffeine Venegas azure ended in ma Verena xro colloquial a Omaha no se measure Hazara boy evolved Erina no say aloo Matar some 126 is very much focused on what the Lord has done and he is going to do it's his work he promised to do it and he is going to complete it the fallen a Hebrew word you'd have of hay which we say as Adonai the Lord has a numeric value of 26 the word occurs four times in Psalm 126 in verse 1 verse 2 verse 3 and verse 4 Psalm 126 has exactly 208 Hebrew letters in the original text 208 is 26 times 8 that seems to be by design more significantly the phrase the Lord is to do the great thing occurs twice in Psalm 126 in Hebrew he deal a Delilah a sort the phrase occurs in verse 2 and in verse 3 the middle word in the three word phrase is spelled you'd have of hey it's the word that represents the name of the Lord the numeric value of you'd have of a is 26 the word to the right of the middle word is big deal the great thing the numeric value of big deal is 52 52 is 26 times to the word to the left of the middle word is la assort to do the numeric value of la assort is 806 806 is divisible by 26 of course that means the complete phrase the Lord is to do the great thing he deal Adonai Allah assort is divisible by 26 it cannot be that all this occurs by accident it's God's watermark the original text is supernaturally delivered it's from him verse 1 shear hammer alert song of the offense the shuva deny it Shiva Theon in the return the Lord's restoration of Zion verse 1 tells us that what follows is to do with Zion Zion means Mount Zion Mount Moriah in Jerusalem is where the temple stood Mount Zion is the high point of Mount Moriah Zion is another way of referring to Jerusalem it's also a way of referring to the Land of Israel the birth identifies that what follows relates to God's dealings with the Jewish people and those dealings revolve around them dwelling in the promised land God doesn't wink at sin and rebellion God disciplines he is a good father who wants the best outcome for his children God disciplines but he doesn't stay angry forever God disciplines but he restores God told Israel if you fail to obey all the law I will thrust you out of the land but every time he warned Israel he followed up with promises that in the end he would bring them back to the land Israel did disobey and Israel was thrust out of the land there were two occasions when Israel was exiled the first was in 586 BC Jerusalem was conquered and the Jews were taken captive to Babylon after 70 years a remnant some fifty thousand Jews returned to Zion the chuva deny it Shivaji on in the return the Lord's restoration of Zion it is the Lord's work he restores high anouk a whore mean we were like dreamers the phrase is in the past tense ie knew we were but that's not the end of the story Israel still fails to obey all the law Israel was thrust out of the land again in 135 ad God did discipline Israel again but God is restoring Israel exactly as he said he would multitudes of Jews are returning to Zion in our day it's the Lord's work verse 2 a him a less-hot pnew then he will fill our mouths with laughter who's shown a new arena and our tongues with tribulation if you have a Bible that shows this verse in the past tense then you need to know that it's not been correctly translated from the Hebrew ye male he will fill it is future tense the huge prefix on the verb indicates he will he that's the Lord will fill our mouths with laughter and our tongues with jubilation while the promise of Jews being restored to the land of Israel is being fulfilled in our day it is by no means complete as young ruler William then they will say in the nation's young rule they will say it is also future tense not past tense the root is Omer a verb indicating speech the you prefix together with the verb ending is the future tense of they will they will say in the nations of arguin Corinne can be translated as nations or as Gentiles Gentiles meaning non-jews non-jews will proclaim he killed a Delilah assualt m.l.a the Lord is to do the great thing with them MLA Gentiles proclaim that the Lord is to do something great with the Jewish people Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 10 says hear the word of the lord o nations and declare it in the coastlands afar off and say he who scattered Israel will gather him here is a responsibility placed on us non-jews we are to proclaim it in all the world the Lord scattered Israel and the Lord will regather them and here's a simple way you can proclaim it share this message he deal I don't I la I sought the Lord is to do the great thing if you have a Bible that shows this in the past tense then you need to know that it has not been correctly translated from the Hebrew la our sort is a verb in the infinitive there is only one form of the infinitive in Hebrew it always begins with loved' meaning to like the other verbs in verse 2 it indicates future tense something that is to be done not something that has been done verse 3 Gentiles have spoken now Jews also recognize what he's doing and they speak he deal I don't ila a sort Emmanuel the Lord is to do the great thing with us Iman hyena smithing we were rejoices now in verse 4 we see Jews appeal to the Lord verse 4 chuva are denied hvk know restore Lord our return do it Lord do it please restore us Kaka Kim Venegas like streams in the negative the negative is the desert in the southern part of the Land of Israel to find fresh water in the desert is to find life verse 4 confirms that what's shown in verses 2 & 3 is something that is to be done why would Israel appeal for something that has already been done verse 5 halves or e-buy damar the psoas in tears very not leaked soul in jubilation they shall reap it's not been easy to bring the truth of them aside to the Jewish people but a harvest is coming verse 6 Hollow Kia left over thought the wanderer he will walk and weep no say Misha Hazara carrying the pouch of seed verse 5 related to workers plural verse 6 is about an individual he has been away from his people he has had sorrow but boy evolved very now he will come again in jubilation yahwah he will come boy oh boy he will come again boy oh boy very not he will come again in jubilation no say aloo Matar carrying his sheaves Jesus is going to have a harvest you
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 26,365
Rating: 4.8654866 out of 5
Keywords: Psalms of Ascent, Psalm 126, Bible prophecy, Bible study, Israel, Old Testament, the Exodus, Passover, Jeremiah 16
Id: u6Tl082ZdyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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