He Is... Names of God (From Genesis to Revelation)

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[Music] he is God the Creator he is Ruach Elohim the wind and breath of God he is Adonai Elohim my lord master provider he is the Covenant maker he is the Avenger he is El Elyon God Most High he is your shield your great reward he is the living one who sees me he is el-shaddai Almighty God of heaven [Music] he is the judge he is the everlasting God he is a denier God will provide he is the interpreter [Music] God of dreams he is I am [Music] he is your mouthpiece he is your deliverer he is your Redeemer God of miracles he is in the midst of the earth he is the cloud by day and fire by night I'd and I will fight for you he is my strength and my song he is a warrior he is Jehovah Nissi he is a jealous God [Music] he is a consuming fire he is compassionate gracious slow to anger loving-kindness truth mercy forgiving and justice he is the glory in the tabernacle he is holy he is Adonai who has set you apart he is God of spirits [Music] he is add and I who goes before you [Music] he is the sovereign of all the earth he is a tonight's vote Lord of Hosts he is all-knowing he is the rule about an ie Spirit of the Lord he is a witness he is your king [Music] he is the giver of wisdom he is the promised keeper he is Adonai Elway know the Lord is our God [Music] he is Israel's holy one he is Emmanuel he is wonderful counselor mighty God my father of eternity Prince of Peace [Music] he is the spirit of wisdom and insight the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord [Music] he is Adonai who makes himself known he is the rock of ages' he is the upright one he is strong and mighty like a hailstorm he is a crown of glory he is a costly cornerstone [Music] he is our lawgiver he is the chosen one he is the first and the last he is our healer he is the righteous one he is your husband [Music] he is the high and exalted one he is ruach ha'qodesh holy spirit he is the Potter he is the ruler of the nation's [Music] he is your God dwelling in Zion he is slow to anger he is our refuge he is in your midst he is exceedingly zealous for Zion he is lowly he is Akkad one unified he is our Father he is the Anointed One he is the lifter of my head he is Adonai le on the Lord Most High he is the helper of the orphan he is the king of glory he is my light he is over mighty waters he is powerful and full of majesty he is the fountain of life he is a strong tower he is a stronghold he is the one enthroned of old [Music] he is god of wonders he is greatly feared in the counsel of the Holy Ones he is merciful from everlasting to everlasting he is wrapped in light he is triumphant he is the stone the builders rejected he is truth he is your keeper he is the god of gods he is great and greatly to be praised he is wisdom he is the giver of life [Music] he is teacher he is laughing at fear [Music] he is loved better than wine he is poured out like perfume [Music] he is a pouch of myrrh a spray of henna blossoms he is my lover he is altogether lovely my friend he is God of heaven he is the god of your father's he is Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ he has been Elohim Son of God he is the fulfillment of the law and prophets he is the bridegroom he is master he is freely given he is the son of man he is gentle and humble in heart he is Lord of the Sabbath he is the hope of the nation's [Music] he is a multiplier he's the god of the living he is the good news he is the bread and the wine He is risen from the dead he is with you always even to the end of the age he is the friend of sinners he is the commander of the wind and seas he is filling the hungry with good things he is a horn of salvation he is the sunrise from on high he is a light for revelation to the nation's he is about the things of the Father he is the word he is the Lamb of God he is living water he is the source of freedom he is the Good Shepherd he is the Gateway [Music] he is the True Vine he is the Advocate and helper [Applause] he is the unveiling he is poured out on all flesh [Music] he is making your enemies a footstool beneath your feet [Music] he is the author of life he is the sovereign Lord he is not one to show favoritism he is angered by sin and ungodliness he is always faithful he is our sacrifice of atonement the mercy seat he is the spirit of a resurrection [Music] he is God of peace he is God of harmony he is the last atom [Music] he is generous he is jealous for you he is not mocked he is the revealer of mysteries he is our peace [Music] he is over all through all and in all he is the one who came down and went up in order to fill all things he is humble becoming obedient to the point of death he is the name above every name by which every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord he is working in you he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation he is holding everything together he is the head of the body his community he is Christ in you the hope of glory he is the fullness of deity in bodily form he is our life he is trustworthy he is complete patience he is the mediator he is a ransom for all he is the radiance of God's glory and the imprint of his being he is upholding all things by his powerful word he is at the right hand of the Majesty on high he is crowned with glory and honor he is the emissary and Kohen Gadol High Priest [Music] he is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing through two separate soul and spirit able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart he is empathetic he is the high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek he is disciplining those he loves he is the same yesterday today and forever he is the father of heavenly lights he is the overseer of your souls he is your he is the Alpha and Omega he is the Almighty he is sparkling like crystal and glowing like a carnelian gemstone [Music] he is the one who was in throne and lives forever and ever he is the Lion of Judah he is faithful and true he is making everything new he is reigning forever he is the first and the last the beginning and the end he is the root and the offspring of David he is the bright morning star [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Life 101
Views: 937,989
Rating: 4.9294538 out of 5
Keywords: names of god, the bible, he is, god is, characteristics of god, christianity
Id: zl-hXiXa8QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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