God's promises fulfilled in Christ: a proof by numbers

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God made promises to King David and his descendants. They are detailed in the book of 2 Samuel, chapter 7. There are exactly 117,442 Hebrew words in the original text of the Bible up to the end of 2 Samuel chapter seven. 117,442 is 26 times four thousand five hundred and seventeen. 26 is the numeric value of this word (spelled YUD HEH VAV HEH) in Hebrew. To Jews the word is unpronounceable. When reading, and they come to this word, they say "Ha'Shem" (the name), or they say "Adonai" (the LORD). They acknowledge that this is not the name of the LORD. It is a mystery. It represents the name of the LORD. It is a hint of the name of the LORD. The New Testament says that Jesus is the LORD. YUD HEH VAV HEH is a hint of the name of Jesus. 26 in the numeric breakdown of the number of words in the text, up to the Davidic Covenant, appears to be a sign that the promises will be fulfilled in the LORD, in Jesus Christ. 117,442 is 26 times 4,517. 4,517 is a number that is indivisible. It is a prime number. It is the 613th prime number. 613 is significant to Jews. 613 is the number of commandments in the Law of Moses. The Law requires that the people of Israel obey all 613 commandments without fail. None have done so, except Jesus. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Jesus obeyed all the Law. Everyone who has faith in Jesus is declared to be "in Him". And "in Him" the Law is fulfilled, and all who have faith in Him participate in the promises made to David. The result of 26 times the 613 prime number seems to be by design. The word count of 117,442 is according to the Westminster Leningrad Codex. It is the version maintained by the J Allen Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research. The text is set out on this website: LivingGreekNT.org. It is presented in a format where the word order and word count can be examined. The New Testament was written by Jews, men who had been with Jesus. They wrote in Greek, because Greek was the most widely spoken language in the world at that time. They announced the Gospel, the good news that Jesus died on the cross to pay for sin, and there is salvation for everyone who believes in His name, and in His death and resurrection. The New Testament is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. The original text of the New Testament has exactly one hundred and thirty seven thousand seven hundred and twenty Greek words. This is based on the text identified by Dr Alan Bunning of the Center for New Testament Restoration. The text is set out on the website LivingGreekNT.org. The promises to King David detailed in 2 Samuel chapter 7, find fulfillment in Jesus, and the New Testament is the revelation of Jesus. There are 117,442 words in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament, up to the end of 2 Samuel chapter 7. There are 137,720 words in the original Greek text of the New Testament. Add the numbers together and we get two hundred and fifty five thousand one hundred and sixty two, and this is a number divisible by 86. The first word in the Bible for God is "Elohim". This Hebrew word has a numeric value of 86. It is the third word in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Bereshit bara Elohim et ha'shamayim ve'et ha'aretz. And the New Testament says three times that Jesus is the Creator. 86 is a number associated with Jesus, in His deity. "Elohim" is an interesting word. It is plural in form, but here it is singular in meaning. The verb "bara" (created) dictates this in this sentence. However, there are many places in the Hebrew text where this word Elohim means "gods" plural with a small "g". The first occurrence of the word God in the Bible in this plural form is surely a hint of both the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and the promise that believers in Jesus are "in Him" and He is "in us" and that in Him, we receive His promises. The number of words in the Hebrew text up to the Davidic covenant is 117,442. Add this to the 137,720 (the number of Greek words in all the New Testament text), and we get a number divisible by 86. Embedded in the mathematical structure of the Bible appears to be a hint that this covenant will be fulfilled when God's people are all brought together in the Messiah. Then Jesus will hand over the Kingdom to the Father and we shall all be one in Him. The Davidic covenant is repeated in 1 Chronicles chapter 17. There are exactly 157,666 words in the original Hebrew text of the Bible, up to the end of 1 Chronicles chapter 17. Add this to the 137,720 words in the original Greek text of the New Testament and we get 295,386 and this is 3 times 7 times 26 times 541. 3, 7, 26 and 541. 541 is the 100th prime number, and 541 is the numeric value of "Yisra'el" (Israel in Hebrew). Why is this number here? It's a sign ... of what? the unconditional promises that God made to King David are that the LORD will build a house for the Seed of David. His throne and His kingdom will be forever. It's prophetic ... of Jesus. And the covenant also includes the promise that God will plant His people Israel in their own land, never to be removed. The coming Kingdom embraces a saved remnant of Israel, in the land of Israel, in their Messiah, Jesus. And the number 541 (the numeric value of the Hebrew word for Israel) highlights this promise. Now, we switch from the promises in the Davidic covenant to spiritual pictures in the Old Testament stories. It's valid to do so. For example, Israel came out of Egypt and passed through the Red Sea. It was a literal event, but the New Testament says it was also a spiritual picture of baptism. In the New Testament, we learn that Jesus is building a spiritual temple, "a house of living stones". In the Old Testament, the temple in Jerusalem was a literal building of prepared stones. It was a type and shadow of the spiritual temple. King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem. In 2 Chronicles chapter 7 we read that "... the glory of the LORD filled the temple." It was a literal event. It is also a hint of what is to come when the spiritual temple that Jesus is building is completed. There are exactly 164,223 Hebrew words in the original Bible text up to the end of 2 Chronicles chapter 7. Add this to the 137,720 Greek words in the original New Testament text, and we get 301,943. And this is the 26,159th prime number. And 26,159 is 7 times 37 times 101. And 101 is the 26th prime number. And 26 is the numeric value of YUD HEH VAV HEH (the LORD) ... Jesus. Another spiritual picture. David reigned for 40 years. Solomon reigned for 40 years. Solomon's reign is often seen as a spiritual picture of the church age. Solomon spent 7 years building the house of the LORD, 13 years building his own house and, in the last 20 years of his life, his wealth and fame reached a peak. 2 Chronicles chapter 9 tells how the Queen of Sheba came to see Solomon and she marveled at his glory. 2 Chronicles chapter 9 then completes the account of Solomon's reign. There are exactly 165,000 Hebrew words in the original text of the Bible up to the end of 2 Chronicles chapter 9. 165,000 is 50 times 50 times 66. The Bible shows that 50 is a number associated with being set free. 50 times 50 times 66. There are 66 books in the Bible, Old and New Testaments. They go together. The New completes the Old, and the Old is incomplete without the New. 66. All 66 books, and the Bible promises are completed. Add the 137,720 Greek words of the New Testament text to 165,000 and we get 302,720. And this is 40 times 86 times 88. 40 indicates a period of testing. 86 is the numeric value of the first word in the Bible for God (Elohim). And 8 is a number associated with new birth, new beginnings. Our purpose in highlighting the numbers is to demonstrate that significant results are revealed when the number 137,720 is added to the word totals revealed in these Old Testament passages. 137,720 is the number of Greek words in the original text of the New Testament. And the results satisfy us that 137,720 is the correct number of words in the original New Testament text in Greek. And that satisfies us that we have the correct text identified on the website LivingGreekNT.org
Channel: thelivingword
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Id: bIWu2bDn4m4
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Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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