Message for Israel hidden in Pi

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the celebrated scientist Carl Sagan speculated that God might have hidden messages in the numbers of Pi to calculate pi measure the circumference of a circle and divide by its diameter the number is 3.14159 and so on now in the computer age the number has been calculated to more than ten trillion places and there's no end in sight could there be signs in the string of numbers there are websites where you can enter the numbers of your choosing and see where they show up in pi and what comes before and what comes after here is one such website we'll use it to check things the first sentence in the Bible reads in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the original text was written in Hebrew Bereshit bara Elohim etosha mine verrat Haaretz every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numeric value apply the numeric value of each letter and we come up with a value for each word note the value of these two words is 999 the value of these three words is also 999 the value of these three words is 888 the value of these three words is 777 that's remarkable isn't it 777 age 8 8 and 9 9 9 twice let's use the PI tracker to find these numbers first 9 9 9 amazingly 999 occurs for the very first time in PI followed by 999 999 twice just like the two sets of words in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in Hebrew before we look for the other numbers 8 8 8 and 777 let's examine a small mystery in the Hebrew Bible starting in Genesis and occurring more than 6,800 times in the Hebrew Scriptures there is a four-letter word that represents the name of the Lord it is spelled UDA Vevey Jewish people make no attempt to pronounce this word when reading they say the Hebrew word for Lord Adonai the word is a hint of the name of the Lord about 2200 years ago Jewish scholars translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek the first occurrence of the four-letter word that represents the name of the Lord is in Genesis chapter 2 this is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven in Hebrew beome assualt adonai elohim at its Vashem I'm the Lord God I don't I Elohim this word you would have RA is spoken as Adonai when the Jewish scholars translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek they wrote he married issei curiosa thurston or anon ketene ging the fall in a word that represents the name of the Lord was transcribed as Kyrios Kyrios is the Greek word for Lord and so they continued throughout what is called the Septuagint translation you'd have ave in the Hebrew Scriptures was always transcribed as Kyrios lured into the Greek the New Testament was written by Jews they wrote in Greek because Greek was the most widely spoken language in the world at that time the New Testament quotes the Old Testament hundreds of times whenever they quoted from the Old Testament and the Hebrew word you'd have Ave was in the text they never attempted to use Greek letters or to make up a Greek version of the four-letter word that represents the name of God it's a modern-day mistake for English speakers to substitute letters like j hv h oo y h wh and come up with made-up words like Jehovah or Yahweh in the original Greek text of the New Testament the Greek word for Lord is used Kyrios in Greek just like Hebrew every letter of the alphabet has a numeric value the numeric value of Kyrios is 800 remember that number eight zero zero the message of the New Testament was that the Messiah had come his name was Yeshua in Hebrew Yeshua was translated into Greek as yeses apply the numeric value of each letter of the Greek alphabet and we come up with a value for e Essos 888 do you remember that number from Genesis chapter one verse one seven seven seven eight eight eight and nine nine nine the very first occurrence of 888 in Pi is followed by eight zero zero eight hundred is the numeric value of Kyrios Lord yes Jesus as we would say in English is the Lord this is either a huge coincidence or it is in PI through the foreknowledge of God that was the message of the Apostles this name you only know as a hint this name of the Lord is Jesus it's the only name by which you may be saved now for 777 it's in the string of numbers in part of course but there doesn't seem to be anything significant about it's very first occurrence in PI however we are going to see 777 and in an interesting way this is the Hebrew year 5-7 7-6 5 776 can be expressed as 8 times 19 times 19 times two if we enter these numbers 8 1 9 1 9 2 into the pie tracker the first string shows up in pi followed by seven seven seven seven seven five five five seven five times and then five five five very unusual is that saying something about the days we live in this string eight times 19 times 19 is interesting age is a number that represents new life new beginnings Mount Zion in Hebrew is hard see on the numeric value of Hearts Eon is 361 which is 19 times 19 Mount Zion is in Jerusalem Jesus died in Jerusalem at Passover 50 days later was the Feast of Shabbat also called Pentecost the followers of Jesus were together on Mount Zion and the Holy Spirit came on them with power they were dramatically changed the Bible reports and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit in the Greek ke pleased the son pontus / nev mut was odd young apply the numeric value of each letter of the Greek alphabet to each word of the Greek of this text and we get a total of two thousand eight hundred and eighty eight and two eight eight eight is eight times 19 times 19 19 by the way is the eighth prime number in a way we could also see this as 8 times the eighth times the eighth a hint of eight eight eight and a hint of Jesus now this is the Hebrew year 5-7 7-6 and five seven seven six is eight times 19 times 19 twice repeated occurring again God had 2,000 years of dealings with Israel then the Messiah came he was a Jew he came to the people of Israel the first to believe in him were Jews his name in Hebrew was Yeshua in Greek he Essos the numeric value of ESO si in Greek 888 2000 plus AJ date now God has had two thousand years of dealings with the Gentiles Jesus said he is going to return this same yes two thousand plus eight eight eight two eight eight eight plus 288 is five seven seven six and here we are now in the Hebrew year 5-7 7-6 will we see a spiritual outpouring in Jerusalem is this a truly significant time in the redemptive history of Israel
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 39,203
Rating: 4.8081803 out of 5
Keywords: Pi, Carl Sagan, gematria, Torah, Torah Code, Bible numerics, New Testament, Old Testament, Biblical Greek, name of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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