Bible Code: Jesus is My name

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in the last session we started to examine the phenomenon of significant words spelled out in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament at equidistant letter skip sequences there's been a lot written about this so-called Bible code since the early 1990s and there's been a lot of sensationalism too but in the midst of it all one fact remains words are there you can check them for yourself we are looking only at the ones that are easy to verify the ones that are it short skip sequences we can count those manually ourselves doubtless there is much much more words phrases at skip sequences of hundreds and even thousands of skips they exist only in the Masoretic text of the Old Testament they're not in the apocryphal books large in the Talmud or in translations of for example Tolstoy's war and peace in modern hebrew they are God's watermark in the original writing they confirm that the Bible is unique and supernatural and they point to Jesus and to God's Way of righteousness by faith in Jesus everything we need to know about God is clearly stated in the Bible this is not new mystical meaning or revelation all it does is confirm what we read in the plain text you cannot use this phenomenon to foretell the future this is not numerology it has nothing to do with the occult practice of trying to divine the future in this session I'm drawing on the work of Yakov rensil a Jewish believer in Jesus who uncovered the words and phrases I'm about to show you he painstakingly counted the Hebrew letters without the use of a computer first let us say someone came to you and said that they had found the name of Jesus Yeshua in the tel-aviv telephone directory at a skip sequence of let us say every four thousand seven hundred and thirty letter what would you say you'd have every right to say so what a random result like that would not be significant but when a word like Yeshua the Hebrew name of Jesus occurs in a relevant passage of Scripture and when that is not just a word but the phrase Jesus is my name in Hebrew then it gets your attention Yeshua Shmi Jesus is my name is found at a skip sequence every xx letter in Isaiah chapter 53 but wait it's more interesting than that there are four passages in Isaiah that foretell the work in person of the Messiah the servant of the Lord the first is in Isaiah 42 the first eight verses which start saying behold my servant my chosen one I have put my spirit on him he will bring forth justice to the Gentiles in verse 6 God says I will appoint you as a covenant to the people as a light to the nation's the second passage is Isaiah 49 the first seven verses in verse 6 God says it is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel I will also make you a light to the nation's so that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth the third passage of the servant of the Lord is Isaiah chapter 50 from verse 4 to 10 here is where it starts to show that the servant of the Lord will bear suffering bearing the sin of the world in verse 6 it says I gave my back to those who strike me and then the fourth and the ultimate passage about the servant of the Lord the picture of the Messiah bearing the penalty for the sin of the world starts in Isaiah chapter 52 the last three verses and then all of chapter 53 in chapter 53 verses five and six say he was pierced through for our transgressions by his scourging we are healed the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him and then verses 8 to 10 say by oppression and judgment he was taken away and who can speak of his descendants for he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people he was stricken he was assigned a grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death though he had done no violence nor was any deceit in his mouth yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering he will see his offspring he will prolong his days and the will of the Lord will succeed in his hand in verse 10 in Hebrew this phrase eurasia meme which means he will prolong his days starting with the second you'd in yah Arif count back left to right 20 letters and the next letter is a shin another 20 letters and the letter is a volve another 20 letters and the next is ein it spells Yeshua 20 more letters a shin 20 more letters mm 20 more letters you'd me the phrase Yeshua Jesus Yeshua is my name it is pointing back to all that has gone before to the prophecies we have just read in part and it is say this is me Jesus Yeshua that is my name I am the one who fulfills the work and person of the suffering servant of the Lord I am the one who comes to bear your sin this skip sequence is interesting enough but Yaakov rensil has found many other names in this suffering servant chapter a apart from the name of Yeshua he has found Nazarene Messiah Passover Galilee Herod Caesar Caiaphas high priest and ass high priest Mary the disciples and the Hebrew names Peter John Andrew Thomas James of Jacob twice Simon Thaddeus Matthias and the phrases let him be crucified his cross lamp of the Lord and many others all embedded at varying skip sequences within this great messianic passage the other great messianic passage that prophesied Jesus suffering and death on the cross is Psalm 22 within the space of 18 verses we find the name of Jesus embedded three times and Messiah twice I'll read from Psalm 22 in English the Hebrew will appear on the screen what we consider a subheading is part of the original text in the Hebrew text it's treated as verse 1 so what we in English translations list as verse 1 is actually verse 2 in Hebrew for the choir director upon ayelet Hacha far a psalm of David my God my God why have you forsaken me far from my deliverance of the words of my groaning oh my god I cry by day but you do not answer and by night but have no rest yet you are holy o you who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel in you our fathers trusted they trusted and you delivered them to you they cried and were delivered in you they trusted and were not disappointed but I am a worm and not a man a reproach of men and despised by the people all who see me sneer at me they separate with the lip they wag the head saying commit to the Lord let him deliver him let him rescue him because he delights in him yet you are he who brought me forth from the womb you made me trust when upon my mother's breasts upon you I was cast from birth you have been my god from my mother's womb be not far from me because trouble is near because there is no one to help many Bulls have surrounded me strong Bulls of Bashan have encircled me there open wide their mouths at me as a ravening and roaring lion i am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it is melted within me my strength is dried up like a potsherd and my son Cleaves to my jaws and you lay me in the dust of death for dogs have surrounded me a band of evildoers has encompassed me they pierced my hands and my feet I can count all my bones they look they stare at me they divide my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots verse 7 in English we'd say I am a worm not a man in Hebrew there are no heed to a larval or ish starting with the last letter in the first word where under he every 11th letter from right to left spells Yeshua you'd Shin love ein you sure is the Hebrew name for Jesus in verse 12 the last phrase because there is no one to help in Hebrew key n or Zaire starting with the middle letter in n the you every 45th letter counting from left to right spells Yeshua masha 'the you'd shin VAR vine mem shin you defect yes sure Masha Jesus Messiah Jesus Christ in verse 15 I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it is melted within me in Hebrew Khomeini spotty vapor dulcolax Matai Holly beacon or not but off my I starting with the middle letter in hi-yah the you'd count every 26th letter right to left spells Yeshua your chin-hua vine Yeshua Jesus starting with the first letter in the last word no mess but off my eye this letter mem every ninth letter right to left spells Michelle mention you'd hit my chef Messiah The Anointed One Jesus died for you he loves you he loves you so much that he willingly died for you he bought you with his blood have you asked him into your heart you can do it now
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 84,210
Rating: 4.8686295 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical Hebrew, Bible Code, Torah, Isaiah 53, Messianic, Messiah, Yeshua, Yaacov Rambsel, ELSS
Id: oC5qf5I3sSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2015
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