The mountains of Jerusalem

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The Bible starts with the verse "In the beginning  God created the heavens and the earth." God is   eternal. He has always existed, and He always will  exist. So what is this beginning? It wasn't the   beginning of eternity. It was the beginning of a  plan that God has to bring a people to Himself to   be with Him forever. God is going to share His  glory with a people who want what He offers. So   God created a stage, a place, where the plan could  be enacted. God is Spirit, but He created a world   that we can see and feel. A physical world. One  challenge for us is to look beyond this physical   realm, to live this life with eternity in mind.  On day two of creation God created an expanse to   separate the waters below from the waters above.  The waters below are the seas. We can't drink   salt water. We need fresh water for life. Water  from above. In physical terms, the waters above   means the blanket of water vapor that covers the  earth. The waters may form clouds, but when it's   hot and dry we might forget that there are waters  above. At other times clouds form and rain falls.   Mountains attract rain and water runs in rivers  to the sea. God set every mountain and every river   valley in place, exactly where they needed to be.  God created a stage for the drama of redemption.   4000 years ago the LORD called Abraham out of the  city of Ur, and told him to go to a land He would   show him. Abraham obeyed. He didn't know where he  would be going but he chose to believe the LORD.   The Bible says that the LORD credited Abraham's  faith to him as righteousness. The LORD promised   Abraham, "All the land that you see, I will  give to you and your offspring forever." Later,   the LORD appeared to Abraham's son, Isaac, but not  to Ishmael, and said "To you and your descendants   I will give all these lands." And later, the LORD  appeared to Isaac's son Jacob, but not to Esau,   and said, "The land I gave to Abraham and Isaac  I also give to you and to your descendants after   you. God renamed Jacob 'Israel'. "You will  no longer be called Jacob. Your name will be   Israel." Jacob had 12 sons ... the 12 tribes of  Israel. The land is promised to them. Abraham,   Isaac and Jacob didn't receive what was promised  while they were on earth. They were waiting for   us. In the New Testament, we learn that "apart  from us they would not be made perfect”. Their   descendants are going to inherit a physical  land. We are going to inherit a spiritual   land. The descendants of Abraham Isaac and  Jacob will come into their full inheritance,   as we believers in Jesus come into ours. The  destiny of Israel is linked to the full number   of Gentiles coming to faith, and the destiny of  believers in Jesus as a mature body is linked   to the future of Israel. The promised land sits at  the junction of three continents: Africa, Asia and   Europe. To the west is the Mediterranean Sea. To  the east are mountains and desert. To the south,   in the high mountains of Africa,is the source  of the River Nile.The permanent water of the   River Nile gave rise to the Empire of Egypt. To  the north, in mountains in Asia, is thesource of   the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The permanent  water of those rivers gave rise to the empires   of Assyria and Babylon. Assured water gave the  empires assured harvests and they grew rich and   powerful. The empires traded and raided along  a route known as the Fertile Crescent. Israel   was a nation living on a highway. If you live  on a highway, you are likely to get run over.   But Israel has a protector; the God of Abraham  Isaac and Jacob. "He will not slumber and He   will not sleep. He is the guardian of Israel."  The descendants of Israel, for their part,   have struggled to find the faith to trust the  LORD. He has allowed them to suffer defeat time   and again, so that in the end they will learn  to trust Him, and it will go well with them.   When we read the Bible, we must accept first  and foremost the plain meaning of what is said.   Actual events are described. The Bible is unique  because about one quarter of everything written   is prophetic. The writings foretell what is going  to happen. God can foretell the future, and when   prophecies are made, they can be checked. When  things happen that God saidare going to happen,   then we have proof of the existence of God.  Hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament   were fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. Other events  have been fulfilled too. God warned Israel that,   if they disobeyed Him, He would scatter  them all over the world. Israel did disobey,   and the Jews were scattered. But whenever God  warned Israel, He followed it up with prophetic   words that one day He would bring them back to  the promised land. Those prophecies are being   fulfilled before our eyes. When we read the Bible,  we also learn that there are events and physical   thingsthat are symbolic. The Bible interprets the  Bible. The Bible unveils what might otherwise be   a mystery. For example, the Bible describes water,  fresh water, as being symbolic of the Word of God.   It says in the New Testament we are cleansed  with water through the Word of God. It's not   a physical washing. It's a spiritual washing.  The word is the written Word. The Scriptures.   And the word is the Living Word, Jesus. Water is  a symbol of the way Jesus cleanses us. Of course,   you have to come to Jesus to be cleansed. Now  let's understand God's dealings with Israel.   About 4,000 years ago Abraham entered  the promised land. Because of a famine,   Jacob's family went down to Egypt. They were  there for 400 years and they became slaves to   the Egyptians. The LORD sent Moses to rescue  them. Moses led millions of Israelites out of   Egypt. God did amazing miracles and the Israelites  saw the miracles. In one of the many miracles each   Israelite family had to take a lamb and place  the blood on the doorpost and lintel of their   homes. All the family had to stay inside the house  and the angel of death passed over, and nothing   harmful happened to the families who were under  the blood of the sacrifice. But the Egyptians,   who had no protection under the blood, suffered  the death of the firstborn of every family. It   was an actual event, but it was also symbolic  of the salvation that is available to anyone   who believes in Jesus. Jesus shed His blood on  the cross to pay for the sins of everyone who   trusts in Him. Jesus is our perfect sacrifice of  atonement. When Israel left Egypt, God did another   miracle. Pharaoh pursued the Israelites and would  have destroyed them, but God parted the waters   of the Red Sea and Israel passed over to the  other side and escaped. It was an actual event,   but it was also symbolic. Israel was baptized,  we are told in the New Testament. However,   even though they experienced the power of God,  most Israelites didn't trust God, and they showed   their unbelief. They complained ... about the  enemy ... about the lack of water ...about the   lack of food. They complained against Moses. They  "put God to the test" we are told in the Psalms.   They did not believe in God and they did not  trust in His salvation. So, at Mount Sinai,   God imposed the Law on Israel. Mount Sinai is a  mountain in the wilderness. Mount Sinai is not in   the promised land. Like all mountains, Mount Sinai  sits solidly on the earth, and reaches up to the   heavens and to the waters above. The mists and dew  of heaven do settle on Mount Sinai, but not enough   to produce life. No rivers run from Mount Sinai.  The Law was given at Mount Sinai. The Law was   a conditional covenant. God said, "If you obey  all the Law, I will bless you. If you disobey,   I will bring curses on you." The Law was added,  we are told in the Bible, because of unbelief.   The Law was imposed on Israel, and the people of  Israel said they would obey. The Law is not just   Ten Commandments. The Law has 613 commandments  which had to be obeyed completely. All the people   of Israel said, "All that the LORD has spoken, we  will do." 40 years later, Moses summed up the Law,   before Israel crossed into the promised  land. He said, "It will be our righteousness,   if we are careful to obey all the commandment."  Israel did not obey the Law. They failed. Israel   failed to obey all the Law because it's impossible  for fallen man to meet the perfect standard of the   Law. The Law is perfect, but man is not. God gave  the Law to show that His standard is perfection;   to show that nobody measures up; to make sin  obvious; to show that man is unable to achieve   righteousness by his own efforts. We need a Savior  and that Savior has come. Jesus. Christ is the end   of the Law for everyone who believes. God gave  the Law to lead people to Jesus, so that we may   be justified by faith in Him. Jesus has done for  everyone who believes in Him what we could never   do for ourselves. Jesus obeyed the Law ... the  letter and the spiritof the Law. Righteousness   is by faith in Him, and God wants all people  everywhere ...very much including all the   Jewish people turn to Him in Christ Jesus.  After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness,   Israel entered the promised land. A generation  had died in the desert. The second generation   came into the land. God stopped the waters of the  Jordan River and Israel passed over. They entered   the land at Gilgal ...the lowest place on earth.  Through the times of the judges and of the kings,   Israel either thrived or suffered, depending  on their obedience to the LORD. And it was   never complete obedience. It was a matter of  whether they looked to God in their weakness   or whether they trusted themselves. Mostly they  failed to trust God. The Assyrians conquered the   northern tribes and took them into exile. The  Babylonians conquered Judah and took them into   exile. The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.  70 years later, in fulfillment of prophecy,   a remnant of some thousands of Jews returned to  the land. They rebuilt the temple, but they were   subjected to the Greeks and then to the Romans.  And then the Messiah came ... Jesus of Nazareth.   Knowing He had only a few weeks left on earth,  Jesus took His disciples to Caesarea Philippi,   a town at the base of Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon  is the highest mountain in Israel. Mount Hermon is   predominantly limestone. It absorbs water. Rain  and snow-melt filterinto the mountain and the   water flows from the mountain ... from a cave at  the base of the mountain. These are the headwaters   of the Jordan River. Jesus took the disciples to  this place to ask the question: "Who do you say I   am?" Peter declared, "You are the Christ. "Christ  is a translation into English of the Greek word   CHRISTOS meaning "Anointed One". In Hebrew the  word for "Anointed One" is "Mashiach". In English,   we'd say Messiah. The Old Testament foretold the  coming of a Savior to rescue the Jewish people.   He would be anointed. The high priest and kings  were anointed with oil. It was symbolic. Jesus   was anointed with the Holy Spirit. "You are the  Messiah," Peter declared."You are the long-awaited   Anointed One." Jesus answered, "Flesh and blood  did not reveal this to you, but My father in   heaven. "And then Jesus said "Upon this rock I  will build My church." On this good news that   Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus Himself will build  His church. The Greek word that is translated   'church'is 'ECCLESIA'. It means 'the called out  ones'. Believers in Jesus, called out of the world   and into His kingdom. Called into a community  where Jesus is LORD. This truth was proclaimed   at the base of Mount Hermon; at the headwaters of  the Jordan River. It's symbolic. The declaration   is likethe release of a river of living water. Six  days later, Jesus took Peter and James and John   and went up to the top of Mount Hermon. Jesus was  transfigured. His face shone like the sun and His   clothes became whiter than white. Moses and Elijah  appeared and talked to Jesus. Peter interrupted.   He wanted to make three tabernacles for them.  A cloud formed overhead and a voice came from   heaven, "This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him."  Let's examine the symbolism. Moses and Elijah   represent the Law and the Prophets; a very Jewish  way of referring to all the Hebrew Scriptures.   Jesus radiated light. The Hebrew Scriptures point  to Him. Peter wanted to add his efforts and give   them a home on top of the mountain, but the Father  rebuked him. "All I want you to do ... all that   the Scripture is saying, is listen to Jesus, obey  Jesus. The Law came to the people of Israel at the   summit of Mount Sinai. The revelation that all  the Old Testament ... the Law and the writings   of the prophets ... pointed to Jesus, came to the  people of Israel at the summit of Mount Hermon.   The spiritof the written word is revealed in the  Living Word. The simple message that was to flow   from the receipt of that revelation was (and is)  Jesus is the Messiah. Believe that ... believe in   Him ...and you will be saved. The first believers  in Jesus were Jews, but most of the sons of Israel   rejected Him as Messiah, and the good news  of salvation by faith in Jesus went out to   the nations. In 70 AD, the Jews rebelled and the  Romans destroyed the second temple in Jerusalem.   Over the next 65 years all Jews were thrust out of  the land. They would be in exile for nearly 1800   years, and then the return to Zion began. The most  remarkable fulfillmentof Bible prophecy of our   time was the establishment of the State of Israel  in 1948. Today, one in every three Jews in the   world is back in the land of Israel. God says He  will bring them all back, and He won't leave even   one behind. God has promised that there, in the  land of Israel, they will recognize their Messiah,   and there, in the promised land, they will  become the foremost nation in the world.   God's map of the world has Jerusalem at the  center. "This is Jerusalem. I have set her in   the midst of the nations with lands round about  her. "It's an unlikely location. It must be God's   choice and not the choice of man. Jerusalem is  not on an ocean and it's not on a river. The   trade route is on the coast, and Jerusalem is away  in the mountains. Visit Jerusalem, and two things   impact you. One: there are mountains all around  exactly as it says in Psalm 125, and two: Mount   Moriah, which is where the Temple Mount and Old  City sit, is lower than the surrounding mountains.   Even Mount Zion, which is the high point of Mount  Moriah, is lower than the surrounding mountains.   The Hinnom Valley and the Kidron Valley separate  Mount Moriah and Mount Zion from the Mount of   Olives and the other high points on three sides.  God told Israel that He would choose the place   where they should go with the sacrifice two  thousand years before Jesus. God sent Abraham   to Mount Moriah to sacrifice his son, Isaac.  How symbolic. One thousand years before Jesus,   King David bought a threshing floor on the top of  Mount Moriah and David's son King Solomon built   the first temple there on Mount Moriah. Jesus  was crucified in Jerusalem. Jesus rose from the   grave in Jerusalem. Jesus ascended to heaven  from the Mount of Olives on the east side of   Jerusalem. Jesus is going to return to Jerusalem  ... to the Mount of Olives. The Apostle Paul   related Jerusalem to Mount Sinai because most Jews  rejected Jesus, and that means they remain under   the Law. They are still under the Law today. It's  the Jerusalem that is above that is free, but that   doesn't mean that the LORD wants Jerusalem and  the Jewish people to remain under the Law. The   LORD wants them to be free too. It's His intention  that they also will receive the righteousness of   Jesus. He has promised salvation for the remnant  of Israel. Now consider ... there are mountains   to the south in Africa that give rise to the Nile  River. There are mountains in Asia that give rise   to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There is a  mountain in Israel that gives rise to the Jordan   River. The Jordan River is like a stream, compared  with the Nile and Tigris and Euphrates. The Jordan   River flows a relatively short distance, and  ends in the Dead Sea ... the lowest place on   earth. There are mountains in Jerusalem, but by  comparison with the mountains of Asia and Africa,   they are not impressive. We might not be impacted  by the symbolism of the mountains and rivers until   we see what the Bible says is going to happen. A  time will come when the Nile River will dry up,   and the Egyptians will suffer a war among  themselves. A time will come when the Tigris   and Euphrates rivers will dry up. And the land of  the former Babylonian Empire will become desolate   and uninhabited. They have been empires.  They have been symbols of power and wealth.   They received rivers of blessing from heaven. But  they didn't acknowledge the source. They typified   self-confident people. A state religion serves  well to unify and control people. Many empires   have embraced religion. The Egyptians and  Babylonians created many gods out of their   imagination. They were gods to serve the people;  not gods at all. Empires, many empires, have   looked impressive. They all come to nothing. One  day, even the symbols, the mighty rivers and all   the mountains, will disappear. But the mountain  of the LORD's temple will be raised as the chief   of the mountains. Mount Moriah will be raised  above the hills and all the nations will stream   to it. The LORD alone will be exalted in that  day. People may not be impressed now,but one day   they will be. God humbles and God exalts. Humble  yourself or God will humble you. And God humbles,   so that in the end it will go well with us. His  purposes are redemptive. But those who trust in   their own strength and cleverness ... who never  learn to trust the LORD ... will suffer loss.   While the weak and despised ... those who have  come to an end of themselves ... will inherit   the blessings of heaven. Now this is what the LORD  is going to do. The dew of heaven falls on Mount   Hermon. The river flows from the mountain and ends  at Gilgal. As God's purposes are accomplished,   that same dew of heaven is going to bring life to  Mount Zion. "Behold how good and how pleasant it   is when brethren dwell together in unity. It  is like the dew of Hermon coming down on the   mountains of Zion. For there the LORD commanded  the blessing, life forevermore." Scripture is   hinting. The dew of heaven came down on Mount  Hermon. It was symbolic. A river of life flowed   from the mountain, to give life to people who  would believe, and to take them to a place where   the old self-life was exhausted. The Word of God  has brought us to an end of ourselves. We must   draw from the river and carry what we need as  we ascend, guided by the Psalms of ascent. We   see the goal ahead. Psalm 133 is the second  to lastof the Psalms of ascent. It gives us   the key to victory ... unity. Unity in Christ  Jesus. God's people Israel in faith in Jesus,   united with Gentiles of faith in Jesus. One.  Denominational walls broken down. Diversity   of thought, but united in the Spirit. One. And  then the LORD will play His part. The dew of   heaven will come down on themountains of Zion.  Power will be released. The mountain of the   LORD's house will be raised above the hills  and will become the chief of all mountains,   and a river will flow from that place. And this  path that we are climbing will be replaced by   a river that will bring life to the Dead Sea.  "Water flowed from the temple toward the east,   and it became a river that could  not be forded. And the waters of   the Dead Sea became fresh.״ A circle will be  completed. God will complete what He began.
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 23,202
Rating: 4.8650603 out of 5
Keywords: Jerusalem, Moriah, Mt Zion, Mt Sinai, Bible study, Israel, Babylon, River Jordan, River Nile, Mt Hermon, Euphrates, Jesus, Psalm 133, Psalms of Ascent
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2017
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