Secret of the Hebrew Letter Yud

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The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Yud. The numeric value of Yud is 10. The pictogram or symbol behind the shape of the letter Yud is a hand. The name of the letter is Yud, spelled Yud Vav Dalet. Yud sounds like the Hebrew word for "a hand" (Yad), spelled Yud Dalet. The next letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Kaf. Kaf means the open palm of a hand. So, there are two hands on view. Two hands stretched out apart. Yud is the right hand. "The right hand of God" is a phrase found frequently in the Old Testament. The first reference occurs in chapter 15 of Exodus. "Your right hand O LORD is majestic in power. Your right hand O LORD shatters the enemy." In Hebrew, "Yamin'cha Adonai ne'dari be'co'ach. Yamin'cha Adonai tiratz o'yev." There are eight words in the verse. The total numeric value of all the words, all the letters, is 1386, which is 3 times 7 times 3 times 22. If you've been following these video sessions, then you know that these numbers are significant. They are God's "seal" or "watermark". The right hand of God symbolizes strength and control and responsibility. At the right hand of God is where sovereign power resides. By His right hand, God is able to take charge and subdue everything and everyone who stands in His way. Man has a free will. Man can decide to do certain things. Man has the power to do certain things. The problem is that man has the potential to do things that are not in line with the plan and purposes of God. The first reference to a hand in the Bible, is in Genesis chapter 3. Adam and Eve had disobeyed God. They did what God told them not to do. God pronounced consequences on them, and then God clothed them. God covered their sin and shame. God extended grace to them. The following verse, in Genesis chapter 3, verse 22, has statements by God that have deep theological implications that we won't go into now because they're not relevant to this particular study, but God says in the midst of it that man might "stretch out his hand" and do something. "Hand" in Hebrew "yad". In other words, man might exercise his free will and take action that would not be beneficial to him, or for God's purposes. The Bible shows that people are able to make decisions, make choices, and take action, independent of God. We are not puppets on a string. God knows that our independent actions, driven by our selfish, self-interested, fallen nature, will end in disaster for us. So God, in mercy, puts restraints in place, so that we cannot easily destroy ourselves. And God, having made the way for us to come back into right standing with Him, through faith in Jesus, is now in the process of bringing everything into subjection to Jesus. Jesus rescued us, out of the world and out of darkness. God has sent the Holy Spirit to direct us and guide us. The Holy Spirit comes in Jesus' name. God has given all power and control to Jesus, and it is Jesus who is seated at the right hand of God ... the position that has the full authority of God. The numeric value of Yud is 10. In Jewish rabbinical thought, 10 equals the "full manifestation" of something. For example, five is the number for the grace of God. Fifty, which is five times ten, is the number of a Jubilee (when slaves were to be set free). If God is one, then ten is the full manifestation of God. And that is what the Bible says about Jesus. In Colossians chapter two, "In Him (that is in Jesus), all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in bodily form." And, as recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 14, Jesus says, "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. From now on you know Him, and have seen Him." To see Jesus is to see the Father. Regarding salvation, in 1 John chapter 2 we are told "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also." Yud is the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet. That surely speaks to us of how Jesus, "although He existed in the form of God, "did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself taking on the form of a slave, found in the likeness of a man, He humbled Himself unto death on a cross." "Yud" is the only letter of the Hebrew alphabet that is suspended in midair, we might say. The letter doesn't touch the lower line as do all the other letters. Jesus rose from the grave and He both dwells in the hearts of all who have faith in Him, and He is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Scripture foretold this. In Psalm 110 we see what King David wrote, "The LORD says to my Lord sit at My right hand." Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees that this verse could not be referring to one of King David's children, because David himself calls Him "Lord". In other words, the verse is prophetic. It refers to the Messiah, and Jesus was indicating that the Messiah was Himself, and the One who would be seated at the right hand of God was Jesus Himself, and that is where He is now. Jesus was raised from the dead, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father in the heavenlies, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion. Everything is in subjection under His feet. He is our King. He is our LORD. And by His power and authority and control over everyone and every event, He is able to do for us everything that we are not able to do for ourselves. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. In Him, by faith in Him, "everything is possible".
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 28,130
Rating: 4.8925619 out of 5
Keywords: Hebrew Alphabet (Language Writing System), Hebrew Language (Human Language), Biblical Hebrew, Old Testament, Bible study, New Testament, Gematria, Bible numerics
Id: Ibih2s0rLsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2015
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